How to tell your husband about pregnancy in an original way? How to inform your husband about pregnancy in an original way: an overview of ways, interesting ideas and recommendations

The fatal mistake of a pregnant woman is that she notifies first not her spouse, who is directly related to the conception of a child, but her parents or friends. Such an oversight can cause a real resentment to the other half. And the point is not that it was conceived - it was just that the newly-minted mother was so overwhelmed with rosy feelings that she could not restrain herself, and revealed her secret to the first one who got in her way - a friend who accidentally called her on the way from the clinic, or her mother who ended up at home after coming from the doctor. The fact remains, and the husband will be sincerely upset, especially if he hears about a happy event from his parents, especially from friends.

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So you need to hold back violent emotions and wait for your loved one. Just wait, because they don't talk about such important things on the phone. This situation does not happen every day and there is absolutely nothing ordinary about it. Therefore, any methods are suitable, but not banal ones, such as "Grisha, soon you will become a dad!".

Important! A pregnant woman owes nothing to anyone. Therefore, she herself decides when and to whom to tell about her situation.

And if it's no joke, there are plenty of ways to familiarize the faithful with the sensational news:

  1. Ribbon on the belly. You can tell your spouse that there is a surprise for him and show him on his belly, decorated with an elegant ribbon like a gift;
  2. The inscription on the belly. Write “Hello Daddy” on your tummy. Or depict the word "PREGNANCY", and below "loaded 1%" and further free cells, simulating the subsequent "load" of pregnancy up to 100%. A good option for a future dad - a programmer.
  3. Either present him T-shirt or T-shirt with the inscription "I am the best dad";
  4. The message can be sent in the form telegrams and contain the following text “See you in October. Your son.";
  5. Set of children's things, toys, clothes or hygiene items can lead the husband to the correct answer if all items are placed in the room before he comes home from work;
  6. Morning coffee. In addition, you can do this in the morning by serving your spouse coffee or tea along with a pregnancy test tied with a shiny ribbon or packed in a beautiful box;
  7. In the same form, you can give him an image Ultrasound or booties, other children's accessories.
  8. Romantic dinner. Many women, for whom this is a real holiday, want the same festive mood for their beloved man. And when else can you report that a long-awaited baby will appear very soon, if not at a festive table in a romantic, intimate setting with candles?
  9. Cabbage. Spread the cabbage heads throughout the apartment. To the husband's puzzling question "what does this mean?" calmly inform that the doctor said that we will have a child, let's look for him together.
  10. Paired T-shirts. Order T-shirts with the words “I will be a mom” and “I will be a dad”. Put on your own, and solemnly hand the second one to the future dad.
  11. Surprise cake. Order a custom-made cake and ask to "place" your family on it - you, your husband and the unborn child. Serve a cake for tea and wait for the husband's question about what this means.
  12. Older brother. If your family already has a baby, then prepare a T-shirt in advance with the inscription older brother (older sister) and ask the child to put on a T-shirt before dad arrives.
  13. Music. Find a playlist of songs that include the words "baby", "baby", etc. and when you and your husband are at home, play the songs louder and watch your husband when he guesses everything.
  14. Poetry. You can inform that your beloved will soon become a dad in poetry (send by letter, e-mail, sms ...). This option is suitable if your husband is away and you will not see each other soon in order to convey the good news in person. It will turn out original and unusual. If you do not know how to write poetry, it does not matter, below we will publish a selection of poems with which you can tell the future dad the good news.

  15. Cubes with letters. From the cubes, lay out the inscription "Darling, you will soon be a dad."
  16. Balloons. Inflate a lot of balloons and write "Congratulations, you will soon be a daddy" on them.
  17. Beanbag. Give your husband a rattle packed in a box with a bow.
  18. Uzi. Get your baby's first ultrasound scan and discreetly put it in your husband's pocket or bag.
  19. Breakfast. Prepare breakfast for your husband and write the inscription "future dad" on the plate with food
  20. Chalk drawing. Write under the window in chalk "Andrey, you will soon become a dad!"
  21. Biscuits. Bake fortune cookies and place it with a note "The best dad in the world, I will come to you in 8 months."
  22. Kinder Surprise. Give your husband a kinder surprise, and put a note "I will be leaving in 8 months" inside.
  23. Predictions. Calculate the approximate due date and ask your husband « Do you know what will happen on December 19, 2018? » , he will remember the alleged events for a long time and finally give up. And you tell him: « On this day, we will become the parents of a beautiful baby. "

Important! An expectant mother needs to be ready for her husband's reaction and often it differs from the one that a pregnant girl expects.

A mom-to-be can be very disappointed in a man's reaction. And she will not be at all what the spouse expects. A man, before the meaning of what has been said reaches him, will have to be taken aback, maybe even speechless for a while. For a woman to know and not be offended once again, we can say that this is a normal reaction. This is later, when he realizes his position as a future father, there will be kisses, hugs, picking up in his arms, but not at the first moment after the fateful message. And a woman needs to be ready for this. Do not rush hubby - let him slow down, think, a little later the woman will receive a double portion of love and gratitude.

However, there are times when you shouldn't start this conversation:

  1. If a woman is angry or offended, you should not inform the man about pregnancy, it is better to wait a little and calm down. There is no need to spoil such a wonderful moment, neither for yourself, nor for him.
  2. If a man is driving a car, such news can cause an accident;
  3. Moreover, one cannot talk about such an important matter when the husband is passionate about something or busy, this can always be done a little later.

The rest of the time, you can choose any way to inform your husband about pregnancy in an original way. And there is no need to wait for the instant desired reaction.

How to inform parents about pregnancy in an original way

It is also important to please parents who will soon become grandparents. A similar approach is needed here. Dad and mom should learn about the imminent appearance of the baby from their daughter, or from both spouses. If their son-in-law gives them the news, it may seem offensive to them. Then how to inform parents about pregnancy in an original way?

Most suitable options:

  1. For this, it is better to collect festive lunch or dinner, prepare delicious cookies, put a pre-set delicacy in a plate for father and mother, inside which there will be notes with the text "The best grandfather (or grandmother)";
  2. An unexpected gift. On the eve of the birthday of one of the parents, you can write a congratulation with the signature "Future grandmother (grandfather)" or by giving a gift, promise another one - in 9 months;
  3. Table "waiting for the baby"... You can hint at your pregnancy by laying a table set in accordance with the child's theme. Let the cake depict a stork with a roll in its beak, a baby peeking out of a cabbage, angels or children's toys, rattles, a stroller. Surely, such an abundance of children's items will interest the parents, and they will understand the position of their daughter.
  4. Happy photo. Get together with the whole family - you, husband, parents, and offer to take a common family photo. When everyone is ready, say instead of "smile" - "A name pregnant. "
  5. Envelope with ultrasound. Come to visit your parents and present an envelope, tell them to open it, and you can film it. Put the baby's ultrasound images in the envelope.
  6. Letter. Write a nice letter to your parents about your interesting situation and give it to them when you meet. Ask to read it out loud in front of you.
  7. Cake. Come visit with a cake with the inscription "Congratulations, you will soon become a grandparent."
  8. Pregnancy tests... Wrap your positive tests in beautiful packaging and present to your parents.
  9. Booties. Give your parents little gifts with booties inside.
  10. A cafe. Invite your parents to a cafe or dinner and raise a toast to future grandparents.
  11. Video call... If the parents live in another city and there is no way to come, contact by video call and show the picture on the ultrasound screen.
  12. T-shirt. Come to visit your parents in a T-shirt with the inscription "The baby lives here."
  13. The game. Play the truth or dare game and tell the truth about your situation.

But it can also happen that the mother or father themselves already guess about the state of the daughter. It may not be a surprise, but the news presented with love and humor will still become the most joyful in their lives. The most important thing is that the atmosphere is warm and welcoming.

The husband's parents should also be sure to find out the exciting news. If the relationship with them is not particularly warm, the spouse can take on this mission, but, ideally, it is advisable to talk about pregnancy together.

If your relationship with your parents leaves a lot to be desired

It is known that not all marriages are approved by the parents of the wife or husband. But, be that as it may, the spouses must inform about the heir in any case.

In this regard, you can use the advice of experienced psychologists so that the meeting goes smoothly, and the negative is minimized:

  • It is very important to choose the right time, then it will be easier to come to a mutual opinion;
  • If one of the parents was against the birth of a child, it is better to immediately prepare counterarguments and logical explanations - representatives of the older generation should understand that the intentions of the young spouses are serious and categorical;
  • There is no place for fear in such a conversation, the husband and wife should tune themselves to positivity and confidence in their convictions - the sooner the parents are imbued with the same confidence, realizing that they will no longer be able to dissuade the young from taking a responsible step;
  • If the father and mother began to give advice, they need to be listened to with respect without interrupting;
  • You should not raise your voice even when the conversation is heating up - only equanimity and reasonable calm will help to avoid mutual reproaches and insults;
  • If the wife does not have supporters in someone else's family, she can pay a visit with one of her relatives, who fully supports her point of view.
  • This is especially true if a young, inexperienced girl is pregnant - an adult will help her not to deviate from her beliefs and not get confused under the pressure of her husband's parents.

When it comes to your own parents, we must not forget that even the most strict dad and mom, no matter how angry they are with their child, still love him, and anger is just a reaction that betrays their worries for his future fate.

In the experience of many pregnant girls, the initial anger and even unpredictable actions of upset parents very soon pass, giving way to sincere anxiety and even tears, and then the children have to calm them down. In fact, they dream no less of a grandson or granddaughter than a girl dreams of a son or daughter. Over time, the situation will normalize, and the previously irreconcilable father and mother will become wonderful grandparents.

With a vivid imagination and a well-developed imagination, it will not be difficult to find a way to inform your husband and parents about pregnancy in an original way. But you can always use the recommendations of those who have already managed to please their relatives with unforgettable news. The worries and passions have subsided long ago, but there is a bright memory of a happy moment that forever united dear hearts.

Why you need and how you can hide your pregnancy: video

-Dear, let's call it Ksyusha if the girl is born, and if the boy is Vlad?
-Oh ... I forgot! I bought a pregnancy test yesterday ...

What other SURPRISES?
In my first pregnancy, I did not even think about the question "How to inform my husband about pregnancy?" And in general, the fact that pregnancy can be reported in some interesting way and even make a surprise. Somehow it was not up to that. Even though we were planning a child, I was still so shocked by the positive test that I immediately told my husband: “Igor! Pregnancy test! There are 2 stripes! I don’t know, I’m not sure what it all means. We still need to check, probably ... ”. True, my husband shed some tears anyway.

During my second pregnancy, I wanted to make a surprise. And I started to invent it a few days before the test showed two cherished strips. The truth, it turns out, they say that you can know about pregnancy in advance. I knew this time too. I don't know how, I just knew ...

How to inform your husband about the SECOND pregnancy

Father's Day was on the way. I also timed a surprise for him: I made a photo-presentation (slide show) entitled "Dad Can". I inserted photographs into the presentation, where only my husband and son were in the frame. And, of course, I chose the most "cruel" pictures:

Well, in the last frame, a happy son, a positive pregnancy test, my frightened face and the inscription "Shall we repeat?" Dad, by the way, was happy to repeat.

20 ways to tell your husband about pregnancy
I now have 26 weeks of second pregnancy and my husband, of course, has long known about her. As well as my loved ones. And yours? If you yourself just found out that you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy and are thinking how to please your spouse, here are some ways. I didn’t come up with the idea, I came up with the Internet. I just chose the most interesting ones, in my opinion. Well, here and there I added something. I hope you enjoy them too.

1. Presentation. Since I started the article with her. You can use a photo or video presentation. There are a lot of variations. It all depends on your skills and desires.

2. Puzzle with your own image or inscription. If you already have a child, you can put together this puzzle with him and your dad.

3. Mug chameleon , on which the image changes / appears when heated. I would write shortly and clearly: “Daddy”. You can immediately order yourself with the inscription "Mom". And drink tea together.

4. Just inform in between times. Here are some examples:

5. Table for three.
Call your husband to a restaurant and say that a guest will be with you. And who is it - a surprise. The table is set for 3 persons. Who are you waiting for, don't say. Half an hour later, a waitress comes up (by prior arrangement) and hands her husband a note with the words "Your guest is late and asked me to tell you this." The note reads: “I apologize for being late, there are traffic jams in the sky. I'll be there in 9 months. Stork." You can write an inscription on an envelope, and put a pregnancy test in it.

6. Photo session. Arrange a romantic photo session and at some point give your husband an appropriate gift or just say that you are pregnant. The main thing is that his reaction will be immediately captured by a knowledgeable professional photographer. There is a popular video on the Internet where a young couple entered the booth with an instant photo, and when they started taking pictures, the girl put a piece of paper with the inscription BABY in the foreground, and the guy's reaction was immediately captured in the photo;).

7. Throw a dummy into your jacket pocket. Simple, fast, understandable and unexpected.

8. Gift by courier. The option of a gift with a body, booties or a pregnancy test is very popular now. Or all together. They are simply beautifully put into a gift box. I think this option will be more original if it is brought by a courier.

9. Set for a real man. I really liked this set. Take one big beautiful box and put a note "Set of a real man" in it and 3 smaller boxes. With numbers 1, 2, 3 and put in them:

10. "Dad, buy vitamins!" Put on the shelf in the refrigerator a jar of pickled cucumbers, several packs of white chalk and a note: “Dad, buy mom, finally, vitamins for pregnant women! I don’t want to eat cucumbers and chalk for 9 months ”.

11. Morning greeting.
Morning. The husband wakes up. And above it "We will have a child", "You will become a daddy" or ... for which the imagination is enough and strength in the night. The main thing is not to crush your husband while jumping on the bed.

12. On the asphalt. Write with crayons on the asphalt under the window. For example: Plato, you will soon become a dad! " Quite a risky way. Especially if there are a lot of Platonov in the entrance.)) You can ask your husband to look out the window and immediately confess, or you can say nothing, and then write an SMS: “Have you read my message under the window? What do you say?". The main thing is to make sure that he sees this inscription.

13. Cake with the inscription.
A great option for those with a sweet tooth.

14. Kinder surprise. Take a kinder surprise, print it out neatly, take out the toy, and instead put a pregnancy note and glue it back neatly. " If you already have a child, you can give him a kinder surprise with your dad. To open everything together. But then it is better to leave the toy. 15. Free shelf. You can defiantly and emotionally begin to empty the shelf in the closet with your spouse. When a man asks why such permutations come from, tell him that your baby's things will be stored in this box.

16. Dad, make room. Another variation of the previous method. You can just leave a note on Dad's shelf in the closet “Daddy, make space for my things! I'll be there in 9 months. ”For persuasiveness, you can put a couple of booties or socks.

17. Advent calendar for the husband.
If you find out about pregnancy on the eve of the New Year or your husband's birthday, or any other holiday, you can make a kind of Advent calendar. A lot has been written on the Internet about what an Advent calendar is and how to make it. Its essence is as follows: for example, you give your husband a week before his birthday a "Calendar" in the form of multi-colored bags with surprises (see the photo below). Each bag has a date when it needs to be opened. Each bag contains a surprise. Every day is different. You can dilute the gifts with some kind of task for every day (as is done in the real New Year's Advent calendar for children). Of course, you shouldn't force your husband to make an applique made of colored paper, and kiss your wife - why not. Immediately, warn that the birthday present itself is in the last bag with the date of his Birth. Well, instead of a gift or with it, put a pregnancy test, booties or just a note "You will soon become a dad!" There are a lot of Advent Calendar options and surprises for it, just choose and make the option you like the most. The most difficult thing here is to endure this week and not let it slip.

18. Phone book. While your beloved is in the shower or is busy watching your favorite show, take his mobile and change your name to "Stork" in the contact list. When your husband goes to work, send him an SMS with the inscription: "I will be there soon, wait."

19. T-shirt with a slogan. A fairly popular way is to give your dad a T-shirt with the inscription "The best dad in the world." This option, in my opinion, will be more interesting if you donate a T-shirt not to your dad, but to your relatives: “The best aunt in the world” or “The best grandmother in the world”.

20. Fortune cookies. You can order cookies with an individual inscription. In each write "You will soon become a dad." You can do a few things with "You will soon become a mom." Not the same husband has this cookie))).

The main thing is the content
In conclusion, I want to give a few clarifications:

1. If you decide to invest a pregnancy test as a gift, you must be sure that your husband knows how he looks and will not be puzzled to twist an incomprehensible thing in his hands.

2. Do not tell your husband about pregnancy on a responsible day for him (negotiations, interview, meeting, exams, etc.). This will deprive him of the opportunity to truly rejoice and risk not seeing the reaction that you expect.

3. All people are different. One will like it if the news is presented with humor, while the other prefers a more serious approach. I am sure that you know your husband best of all and will be able to choose the most suitable method for him.

And most importantly, remember that no matter what circumstances you tell your husband about your pregnancy (at home, in a restaurant, by surprise, just in words, or have taken a test together), believe me, your husband will never forget this day! The main thing here is not the presentation, but the content.

More pleasant events and surprises for you!

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Seeing for the first time two stripes on the test in the case of a desired and, especially, long-awaited pregnancy, girls forget about everything that is possible with happiness, and fly, as if on wings, to tell their beloved the good news. However, this moment can be made more romantic and memorable - just use a little fantasy.

Like many others, I told my husband about my first pregnancy in the most banal way. In the second, I wanted to be original. And in the third - I tried thoroughly. So, the first thing to do is to calm down and try not to give out your feelings, so that the surprise is really unexpected. And then you can resort to one of the methods I have described.

30 ways to report pregnancy:

1) After learning about pregnancy, I calculated how long I was in weeks and looked into the diary of pregnancy development. And at exactly 5 weeks she asked: "Dear, do you know what day it is?" He, of course, frantically begins to sort out all the dates in his memory: when did you meet, when you got married, when is your birthday ... And when his "search engine" returns the line: "Nothing was found for your query," you smile slyly and say : "Today our baby's heart beat!"

2) At 10 weeks, I took an ultrasound picture of the baby. After calculating the PDR (Approximate Date of Birth), I tell my relatives: “What do you think will happen on May 9, 2012? Not guessing! " I hand them a picture: "There will be one more person in our family!" For dads, you can give a picture from the 6th week of pregnancy, saying: “I didn't guess right! On this day we will become the mom and dad of this little pea! "

3) In the third pregnancy, I specifically prepared! Having photographed the very first positive test (to wait until the second strip becomes brighter, alas, there was no patience), I made a collage in Photoshop. I placed the postcard on my computer desktop. She hid the camera nearby. When my husband came home from work and sat down at the computer, I photographed his reaction. And then on the first page of the baby's photo album I made a comic about how dad found out about pregnancy.

4) For relatives, I corrected the postcard by photographing the test with already bold stripes near the dummy, and adding romantic photos of families with three children. I printed the card in large format and put it in a large white envelope. They handed them over with the words: "You have a letter!"

5) Another option with a postcard: send it by mail or MMS to your phone, or send it as a message on a social network. But it is important to be near at the time of receiving the postcard to see the reaction.

6) In a special program (this can be found on the Internet) online, combine your photos with your husband and print the resulting portrait of the unborn child. Paste in Photoshop to your joint photo, print and put in an envelope labeled "Letter from the Future." And toss it into your mailbox. And then ask my husband to look at the mail after work. Or insert a photo into a frame and put it in the evening at his cell phone or alarm clock so that he can see it in the morning. Or stick it to the bathroom mirror in the evening and write with lipstick: this is us in 1.5 years! If you are not friends with photo editors, you can resort to the help of specialists in a photo studio.

7) Put a huge head of cabbage in the refrigerator on the most prominent shelf in the evening with a pasted inscription: "Take me out of here in 8 months." You can also put a positive test in cabbage leaves.

8) A slightly different option with a refrigerator: put cabbage, a can of pickled cucumbers, several packs of white chalk and a note on the shelf: “Dad, finally buy your mom vitamins for pregnant women! I don’t want to eat cucumbers and chalk for 8 months ”.

9) “Dear, I have 2 news for you - good and bad. Bad - you will no longer see me in the morning…. A good one: I will be in the toilet at this time! " The information will go into his head and will diligently search for brains, but it's worth it!

10) Honey, I have 2 news for you: good and bad. Bad - soon there will be no wedding ring on my finger ... (he starts to panic) Good - I will have to take it off. pregnant women have swollen fingers! "

11) Put the ultrasound from 5-6 weeks in a package of cabbage seeds. Give it to her husband with the words: "Well, my gardener, let's go grow cabbage?" With surprised eyes, he takes a package of seeds and looks inside. You: “And here is our seed! Harvest in 8 months! " Or: “And here is the one we will find in the cabbage! Harvesting in 8 months "

12) Make a video of photos about your acquaintance, wedding with gentle music, with text comments from you that pop up. At the end of the video the inscription "... And soon there will be more of us!" with a photo of the baby or your ultrasound and test. It won't take long to make such a video in the usual standard Windows Life Film Studio program.

So, these methods for you were from me. And here are the ways other moms suggest:

13) Put the test in a gift box with flowers, a pacifier and booties.

14) Present a box with the junior sergeant's shoulder straps (with two stripes) and children's buttons sewn to them.

15) Play 12 little notes with him. Each note tells you where to look for the next one. And in the last note, news or "treasure" (paragraph 13, 14)

16) Rename your number in his phone to the name “Stork” and send him an SMS: “I'm already flying! I will be there in 8 months. "

17) Arrange the cabbage heads around the room in the most prominent places.

18) write on the stomach: daddy, I will come out to you in 8 months.

19) Present a chameleon mug. When heated, news will appear on it in the form of text or a photo.

20) Attach a note to the surprise kinder.

21) Order a T-shirt with the inscription "Best Dad!" and bring to the mirror

22) Order a cake with dough, storks, pacifiers.

23) Bake the cake itself and put a note inside.

24) Glue the stork on the ceiling above its head. He will wake up and see.

25) Put in a row in the corridor: his pair of shoes, yours and small booties.

26) Order dinner at a restaurant for three. The guest is late, and the waitress brings a letter from him: “Sorry for being late, there are traffic jams in the sky. I'll be there in 8 months. Stork"

27) Take a camera, gather the whole family, and instead of "CHIZ!" shout "I'm pregnant!"

29) Write with crayons on the asphalt under the window

30) And the last thing I can advise is to do a sex determination test (there have been such ones since 8 weeks) and give it to my husband: “Congratulations! You will become the daughter's dad! "

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How to proceed in such a way as to inform your husband about pregnancy as quickly and in an original way as possible, while not giving yourself away with lengthy preparations?

Rules for preparing a surprise for your beloved husband

In order for the event to be remembered forever as bright and joyful, it is recommended that the future mother take into account several nuances:

  • If you decide to beat a pregnancy test with a positive result in a message, then you must be sure that your husband knows what it is and what the 2 strips on it say.
  • Your event should not coincide with important and exciting moments in your husband's life. You should not please him on the day of important meetings, negotiations, conferences, competitions or reports. He will be all absorbed in performing a responsible task and will not be able to sincerely, with interest, give himself up to such a significant event for the two of you.
  • Before choosing a way to inform your husband about pregnancy, look at him carefully through the eyes of a stranger. This will help to objectively assess which form of information presentation will really please him. Humor or gentle romance, a phrase in between times or an announcement in a circle of loved ones - what will be an unforgettable surprise for a loved one?

16 best ways to inform your husband about pregnancy in an unusual way

1. Make a collage from your own joint favorite photos and magazine pictures. Pictures will help to depict the near future of your couple - a stork or a baby in a cabbage - as you like. A collage can be done in 1-2 pm, while your loved one is at work. When your love story in pictures is ready, place it on the wall of the room in which you plan to tell your loved one the good news.

2. Create an electronic presentation. With the help of your favorite video frames, you can make a story of your acquaintance, iconic moments that led you to a wonderful result - expecting a baby. The final shot is recommended to put a photo of the test with two cherished stripes and the caption: “Congratulations! You will soon become a DADDY! " If you are an advanced user of special programs, you can accompany your presentation with your favorite tunes. Choose a place for viewing the presentation according to the format of your relationship. Perhaps you will be inspired by the idea of ​​sending it to your loved one by e-mail or transferring it on electronic disk when he is at work? By this time, you can also secretly be present in the office and ask your colleagues to film the moment your husband is watching your work. At the moment of the final shots, you will appear in front of your husband with the words "This is not a stork yet, but his messenger!"

3. Buy a couple of chameleon mugs. When heated, the inscriptions "Dad" and "Mom" will appear on them. At home drinking with their help, you will reveal a secret to your beloved.

4. To my sweet-tooth husband order a cake with a creative decoration and the inscription "For the future dad" or "Congratulations! You will soon become a dad! " Present at a casual party of friends, supposedly gathered spontaneously. The moment of delivery of the cake should be filmed.

5. For lovers of board games, make puzzle with phrase: "In 9 months there will be THREE of us !!!" You can put the puzzle together or with the usual company.

6. Buy a T-shirt with an inscription"Very soon you will become a DADDY!" and in the morning invite him to put it on as if by chance.

7. In the company of family and friends, prepare for Photo... Instead of the word "Chiiiz", it's fun to say "I'm pregnant!" or hand over a plate with this inscription.

8. If you have already been assigned an approximate due date, then you can play this scene... In a calm voice tell your unsuspecting husband: “Dear, mark on your calendar ... (due date). On this day you will be very busy "-" What will I be doing? " - “You will meet our baby in this world! I am pregnant!"

9. If the topic draws is close to you, then this option is yours. Tell your husband in a calm voice: “Dear, I have 2 news - good and bad. I'll start with the bad one. I will soon stop wearing my wedding ring ... ”The husband begins to panic quietly. "But it will happen because my fingers are swollen, because I am pregnant!" Of course, there must be intriguing theatrical pauses between the sentences of this phrase.

10 . Ultrasound picture attach to a street thermometer and ask your husband to look at the temperature outside. When he asks you in bewilderment "What is this?" answer: “Oh! Our thermometer already knows that we will have a baby! Now you know it too! Congratulations!"

11. Suggest to husband romantic dinner in a restaurant... Agree in advance with the waiter so that instead of dessert he served booties, a pacifier, a postcard "Congratulations!" (Prepare gifts in advance, give them to the waiter before dinner). Agree with the restaurant administrator so that he would shoot the unexpected moment by the husband.

12. Buy packet of cabbage seeds... Open the package and put the ultrasound scan into it. Offer the man to open the bag and say at the same time: “Darling! We urgently need to grow cabbage. "

13. Into the beautiful gift box put a positive pregnancy test pink and blue baby socks. After congratulations, invite him to tell fortunes on the sex of the child. Let him close his eyes and choose socks. Pink - a girl will be born, blue - a boy.

14. For a guy who loves computer games, suggest to find it on the Internet "Dictionary of female and male names"... When asked why this is necessary, announce that it is time to choose a name for your son or daughter, you will soon become parents.

15. Make the house small quest with hint notes... In the last note, write: "You have passed all the tests and can become the best DAD in the world!"

16. Do baby sex test(from the 9th week can be determined). Hand over to your beloved husband with the words: “Hey, guy! In 7 months you will become a daddy of a daughter / father of a son. "

Choose the scenario you like. Remember that in a couple of years you may have a chance to have the same family celebration again.

Let your family history have many such creative, unforgettable, warm and sincere family holidays!

When a woman hears the overwhelming news that she will soon have a baby, she experiences a huge amount of conflicting feelings. The joy that this miracle happened, and at the same time the fear of how her loved one will react to it. What will happen next? How to tell a man about pregnancy so that it does not lead him to a heart attack?

There are a large number of options for how to inform the future dad about your interesting position. 10 ways, which will be described below, will help a pregnant girl choose the right option for herself.

Method number 1. Trivial option

You can call your beloved on the phone or write a message, but then the girl will not be able to see with her own eyes the reaction of the future dad. Therefore, this option is acceptable only if the beloved is very far away and there is no way to see him in person. This method can include a situation when a woman meets her husband at home from work and immediately tells everything as it is. In this case, it is best to prepare the man a little. Of great importance on his reaction will be influenced by the relationship between him and his wife (girlfriend) at the moment. If the girl herself is happy about the future appearance of the baby, then this joy will be transmitted at the energy level to the interlocutor. Then the conversation will take place in one breath.

Method number 2. Romantic evening

Pregnancy is a great occasion for a festive dinner. You can organize it in a restaurant or cook it yourself at home. Pleasant attributes: candles, intimate twilight, calm music and exquisite dishes. All this will be an amazing gift for the chosen one, but the main surprise, it is better to leave it at the end of the evening.

Method number 3. Surprise cake

It is very difficult for a girl to inform her boyfriend about pregnancy. How do you tell him not to get scared by this news? All women know that before starting an important conversation with a man, he must be fed. So the opportunity presented itself to pamper your beloved man with homemade cakes, and inside the cake you need to put a note about the future baby. The main thing is that he does not choke on this note.

Method number 4. Unexpected gift

If the moment of some holiday is approaching in the family, you can use this occasion for your own purposes. When packing a gift for your husband (or boyfriend), you can put a positive pregnancy test and its instructions there. As a supplement, you can put a book for future parents. This gift, he will never forget!

Method number 5. Cautious approach

If a girl does not fully know what the reaction of her man will be, you should carefully approach this issue. For this, it is necessary to prepare a young man for several days. You can casually start talking about children. For example, when you see a mother with a stroller, pay attention to what a charming baby is there and how great it is to be parents. After that, you can complain about nausea and feeling unwell. Let the man make the correct conclusion on his own.

In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman may be disturbed by nausea, vomiting, dizziness, lower abdominal pain and general weakness. Also, frequent mood swings are a characteristic sign of pregnancy. The final result can be confirmed with a test or a visit to the gynecologist.

Method number 6. Original version

If a girl and her lover are romantic natures, then the question: how to tell a loved one about pregnancy will not be particularly difficult. You can write on the asphalt under the window that soon the best man in the world will become a dad. Buy him a T-shirt or order a billboard with the same inscription. One of the best original ways is a figurine of a stork, which will hold in its beak a beautiful postcard with an interesting message for the best daddy.

Method number 7. Unusual letter

Nowadays, postmen rarely deliver mail directly to your hands. Therefore, you can send your beloved a registered letter with magical content on behalf of the future baby. The main thing is that it should be decorated in a festive and unusual way. One can only imagine the surprise of her husband. For his more shocked situation, it is necessary that this letter in an official form be handed to him by law enforcement officers.

Method number 8. Extreme option

One pregnancy message is already extreme. Therefore, if a man has weak nerves, then you should not go too far with this. But if the couple are people who like to take risks, we can say that this news of pregnancy at the most unexpected moment. While driving a car or walking on a jet ski. You just need to take into account the danger of this action. There is a more loyal, but no less extreme way: for example, to persuade the traffic police inspector and ask him to stop her husband's car, first scold him for something, and then congratulate him on the new title of the future dad. It is better to record the husband's reaction on a video camera, then there will be something to remember.

Method number 9. Funny option

During the gala dinner, relatives should be gathered and asked to take a family photo. At this point, the photographer must say that she is pregnant and, after a few seconds, capture this shot. The reaction of close people will remain in the photo and will remind you of this touching moment in life. This method can be used only when the woman is firmly confident in the positive reaction of her chosen one.

Method number 10. Flight of fantasy

In fact, there are so many different ways to talk about pregnancy, but every girl wants her version of this moment to be special. To do this, you need to give free rein to your own imagination and imagine in the smallest detail how this should happen. It remains only to make your dreams come true.

Pregnancy is the process by which an egg develops in a woman's body, over time it forms into a fetus that is capable of intrauterine development and existence. Pregnancy begins 7-10 days after the first day of menstruation and ends with childbirth.

Having shared the good news about her pregnancy with her beloved man, a woman should be ready for any reaction. The fact is that a man cannot immediately realize the beauty of what is happening. Therefore, there are times when a man needs time to reflect on this situation. The main thing is to wait patiently, it is necessary to understand that for him this news is a decisive step into a new position of a caring father.