How to attract what you want with the power of thought. The power of thought draws into life what we think about

The expression that human thoughts are material is known to many, but few people actually use it in practice to achieve certain goals. Psychologists assure that correct thinking helps to get rid of negativity and tune in to a positive wave.

Power of thought - what do we know about it?

Psychics, psychologists and people working with energies claim that a person can control his life with the help of thoughts. Many are built on their strength, for example, affirmations are popular - short phrases that carry a positive charge. The laws of the Universe, the power of thought and the energy of attraction are connected with each other, so it is believed that correct thinking can change the fate of a person. By imagining your life as successful and happy, you can program yourself to realize your desires.

The power of thought - psychology

Scientists have been interested in this area for more than a dozen years, wanting to prove that human thinking is important in life. Numerous studies have helped to learn how to take photographs of thoughts and auras, thereby proving the reality of the existence of matter. Knowing what the power of thought is capable of, you need to learn how to use it correctly in order to create a positive energy field around you. There are some simple tips to keep in mind.

  1. Use positive thinking in imagining everything you want to achieve in life.
  2. Fill yourself and the surrounding space with the positive energy of love, as it gives you a chance to achieve harmony.
  3. Stop considering yourself unworthy to have something, as this is a serious obstacle to your dream.

How does the power of thought work?

A person who changes his thinking triggers certain positive reactions that contribute to obtaining the desired result. Regularly recurring thoughts as a result become beliefs that evoke internal images. The power of thought is the power of attraction that has an impact on a person's feelings and emotions. As a result, a person gets some patterns of habits and behavior that affect the outside world, creating life experience. So, once using thinking, you can change your own life for the better.

Power of thought - is it real or not?

People who ask such a question, in order to get an answer to it, should simply use existing advice and evaluate the result. To begin with, it is worth stopping, reacting negatively to external stimuli and remembering the troubles of the past. So that the power of thought and energy does not have a negative charge, you cannot talk and think about yourself in a bad way.

It is forbidden to discuss and condemn the people around you, and it is also important to overcome fears. Of great importance in a happy life is the goal towards which you need to move. Appreciate yourself and your time, wasting it only on things that bring pleasure. You can't start anything without believing in success. Remind yourself regularly that everything will be fine and that life is great. Often .

What can you do with the power of thought?

Many people do not even suspect what correct thinking is capable of. Knowing some techniques and rules for using your own consciousness, you can work wonders. For example, you can improve your financial situation by attracting cash flow to yourself. The power of a person's thought helps to lose weight and get rid of external unattractiveness. With its help, you can attract a person to you and return your beloved. Correct thinking helps to improve health. Summing up, we can say that the power of thought helps to achieve any goal in life.

How to change your appearance with the power of thought?

There are many different techniques you can use to change your appearance. It is important to say that you should not count on quick results, so they can be seen in about 45 days. If someone doubts whether it is possible to change the appearance with the power of thought, it is recommended to use a simple technique. Before falling asleep, you need to imagine yourself with an ideal appearance. You cannot use the image of a specific person, but it is better to come up with something of your own or improve yourself.

Imagine how the ideal approaches, goes towards and merges with the real appearance. To get the result, it is important, even looking in the mirror, to see yourself in a new image and not associate yourself with an appearance that you do not like. The power of thought will work more effectively if you use the presented technique on a daily basis. The result will be received step by step.

How to attract money with the power of thought?

Material problems arise periodically for many, but with the help of positive thinking, things can be changed. Studies have shown that rich people have different thoughts from poor people, so it is important to analyze everything and change their lives. The power of thought, and the law of attraction implies the rejection of phrases that repel monetary energy, for example, there is no money or I do not have enough funds for this.

In addition, it is recommended to visualize your own desires. It is important to present images as vividly and clearly as possible. The most productive times to visualize are before falling asleep and after waking up. Imagine yourself as a rich man who has everything he wants. The power of thought involves the use of affirmations for money and success, most importantly, speaking words in real time. Be sure to thank the Universe for your successes.

The power of thought - how to attract a person?

You can also use your own thinking to get the attention of the person you like. There are some simple tips to help you get what you want. First, you need to set a precise goal, which should eventually become a reality. The power of thought or the magnetism of a person depends on a positive attitude, that is, you need to be sure of the result. Visual perception is no less important, so it is better to have a photo of a person. Use affirmations and eliminate negative ideas. Try to visualize yourself with the desired object as often as possible.

How to fall in love with a person with the power of thought?

Many psychologists are studying the influence of positive thinking on human life, which became the basis for the appearance of many books. The work of H. Amarga "Seduction by the Power of Thought" is popular. The essence of the concept proposed by the author is that it is necessary to visualize the scenario of sex with the object of adoration. It is important to start seduction with the power of thought by using practices to open energy channels. In addition, it is worth periodically meeting with the object of adoration in order to exert a non-verbal influence on him.

The power of thought is the fulfillment of desires

It is difficult to meet a person who does not have a dream, and many remain unfulfilled and often wrong thinking is to blame. There are some simple tips on how to fulfill desires with the power of thought, and for starters, it is important to clearly articulate your dream and focus on it. It is important that the goal is realistic. To make the desire real, it is necessary to regularly conduct visualization sessions and the most popular option is to create a wish map. Another tip is to concentrate your energy, so you shouldn't tell anyone about your own desires.

Self-healing by the power of thought

It is generally accepted that everything in the world has vibrations that are capable of influencing a person. The body is a definite bundle of energy, which is inherent in vibration. When fluctuations in the body damp down, then various diseases begin to arise and a person grows old. The power of thought and health are two interrelated concepts, since the first can create vibrations, affecting a person, and it can get to the most motionless tissues, affecting stagnation.

It is believed that the energy of thought is able to heal the body from diseases. It creates certain nerve impulses that create movement within organs and tissues. The easiest and most affordable option for every person is to create a ripple. Exercise daily to get results. There are simple instructions for creating ripple:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position and take a close look at your index finger on your right hand. Examine your skin, nail and stop at the end of your finger.
  2. Place your finger on your knee and already concentrate on the sensations at the point of touch.
  3. Breathe calmly and imagine how a small fire lights up at the tip of your finger, which sends impulses to the brain.
  4. When the sensation of pulsation is bright, you can turn your gaze from your finger to any other object.

Perhaps the first time you will not be able to feel the movement, but the effort expended will certainly give a result. Through regular exercise, it will be possible to make not only your finger, but also any organ to pulsate, which will make it cleanse and renew itself. Vibration helps to activate the intercellular fluid, improve blood circulation and repair processes in cells.

How to develop the power of thought?

To get results and see progress, you need to learn to control your own thoughts. Do not forget that they are not only beneficial, but can also be harmful. Many people suffer from chaotic movement of thoughts, which makes it impossible to concentrate energy on a specific goal, so training thought power includes developing the ability to suppress and reject unnecessary information in your head. There are a couple of exercises that will help you achieve good results.

  1. Sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes and relax as much as possible. For a few minutes, observe your own consciousness, as if from the side. Be sure to assess the thoughts without losing their flow. It is important to learn how to regulate your ideas. Repeat the exercise daily.
  2. For the next exercise, you need to try to keep only one thought in your head. This should be done as long as possible. You can not be distracted by anything. A good result is holding one idea for 10 minutes.

In our universe, there is still a huge part of the unknown and that we cannot understand with our minds. However, many scientists around the world prove in practice that there are so-called laws of positive attraction, which can be successfully used by the human mind.

Having understood the theoretical structure of laws, you can resort to them in everyday life in practice, thus, ensuring yourself the inevitable fulfillment of desires.

Positive psychology is pretty easy to use, its essence lies in the search, comprehension and application of circumstances, which directly affect the harmonious existence in society and the prosperous development of the individual. Scientists who study the factors of positive psychology believe that thought is invisible, but the material essence of things. And its strength has such capabilities that it can physically affect both the organism of its owner and the people around it. Therefore, it turns out that everything that happens in the life of a particular individual is created and attracted to him by his mind. That is, all that is required for this is to seriously want and the embodiment of the desired will happen thanks to the power of thought.

But we must not forget that exactly the same action occurs with negative thoughts. That is, to fill life with joyful and happy moments surrounded by people whom you want to attract to yourself, it is worth comprehending the law of positive attraction, starting from good intentions.

The Law of Positive Human Attraction in Step-by-Step Preparation

  1. Determination of desires. This is the main rule on which the subsequent effect depends, because the exact representation of the goal must be real for implementation. You need to define your desires and present a clear picture of what you want to achieve in the end. If a desire is a certain person whom you want to attract into your life, you should not imagine in your imagination that he will come on a golden horse or in a crystal carriage and bring with him unprecedented gifts from heaven.
  2. Thinking must be positive. Before the time it is wrong to tune in to the unsuccessful outcome of what was conceived. It is better then not even to start this activity, all the same, the efforts will be wasted. Only confidence and a correct, positive attitude will help attract a similar energy and successfully achieve what you want.
  3. Spatial perception. Through eye contact with the outside world, a person receives most of the information. Therefore, your desire must be perfectly represented in the form of a picture. For example, a photo of the person you want to attract into your life. If such a person does not exist and you just want to see a sensual and kind person next to you, you can depict him on a piece of paper, absorbing the positive vibrations of your thoughts into it, and for this you do not need to have artistic skills. Through visualization, the picture will be imprinted in the mind, saturating the power of thought.
  4. Prioritization. Decide on the most important things - this will help make the power of thought subservient to you. A little free time spent on putting order in the head and positive energy will be much easier to connect with the outside world.
  5. Confirmation factor. It can be a short phrase, placed on a sticker near the computer or on the bathroom mirror, containing a verbal formula for the embodiment of the desired, which, with daily repetition, is confirmed in the subconscious and helps to stimulate a positive influence on life changes. The main thing in this factor is not to carry out the repetition mechanically, the essence of the effect depends on the bright emotional color and real desire.
  6. Cross out the negative. The mental attraction of a person will begin to act in your best interest at full capacity only when you cross out all the negativity that has accumulated during your life. It is impossible to immediately get rid of everything bad and be completely positive. You will have to work hard on yourself and on your thoughts in order to achieve complete balance over the thought processes. But having achieved the result and ridding your head of bad thoughts, you will not let them back in.

How to attract a person in practice

It's always difficult at first, nothing works, but the main rule is having difficulty you can't give up... It is quite logical that ridding the mind of negative factors is not easy, because their roots are stuck deep in consciousness. For this, there are trainings that will help you relax and gradually free yourself from negativity.

When you wake up in the morning on a day off, focus on the person you want to attract into your life. Then take a comfortable position, whether it be a chair or a sofa or you prefer to lie on the floor, close your eyes, relax, feel your body, listen to its work. Then focus on the person you want and look at yourself from the outside.

Gradually, you will learn to relax, and if you do this exercise every day, first you will feel good and calm, your mood will improve, thereby stimulating the development of the power of thought. But do not turn these activities into a cult, move forward confidently, but without fanaticism. Patience and complete control over your thoughts and feelings.

This may seem implausible, because it is difficult to explain, but success in mastering your thoughts is due only to your belief in yourself. If you are unsure, you are overcome by doubts, you are constantly hesitating - you will not be able to achieve results. But if you firmly decided that you can manage your life according to your written script with the people you want to see next to you, your power of thought will get stronger, as every day a child who has just got into our world is getting stronger.

At first glance, it may seem that the power of thought and the attraction of the desired person to oneself is just an unrealistic invention or a fairy tale for stupid people. And the simplicity of performing the training cannot lead to any results at all. However, the fact of the action of the power of thought has been scientifically proven. Just try not to let negative thoughts take over, try to develop a sense of confidence, expectation of success and a positive vision of the world, turn your whole past life upside down and you will succeed.

If you turn on your imagination and try to imagine how thoughts and their forces are able to attract what you want, you could observe the following picture: a person is standing, he holds flowers in both hands - these are thoughts, forces emanate from all thoughts in the form of vibrations, they are all different, there is a sickly look, there are dark and crooked, but there are also light, beautiful, mesmerizing specimens that seem to breathe, confidence and happiness. People are constantly passing by a person with flowers, they walk quickly, as life goes on.

Sometimes a person with flowers sees the person with whom he so wants to communicate, maybe it's even people, but they all pass by as if not noticing him. This is because a man with flowers stands at a great distance from passing people, and there are so few good thoughts in his hands that the vibrations they exude are drowned out by dark, bad waves. There is not enough strength for them to reach the desired person passing by. So a person lives with his bad thoughts, but as soon as he unclenches his hands a little and half-wilted bad flowers will fall to the ground and people will be drawn to the person.

According to psychologists and esotericists, a person can be influenced not only verbally, but also with the help of the power of thought. Thanks to the simplest techniques, you will learn how to do this.

Experts say that there are many ways through which you can learn to influence people with just the power of thought. As it turned out, this can be done even at a distance. Psychologists argue that there is nothing supernatural in these methods: for this you need to know only the basics of human psychology. By following simple rules, you can win over any person and force those around you to do whatever you want.

As it turned out, influencing a person with the power of thought alone is not so easy. To do this, you need to have certain qualities, and most importantly, to concentrate. Only in this case the result of psychological influence will bring a positive result.

First of all, the object of influence should be in a relaxed state. Therefore, it is best to do this when a person is asleep or in a state of light alcoholic intoxication, since at such moments the subconscious of a person is not able to work at full strength.

The most important thing is belief in a positive outcome. If you are skeptical and anticipate failure, chances are you will. Do not doubt your capabilities, and soon you will learn how to control the subconsciousness of people.

Do not lose faith if at first you did not succeed. In order for these techniques to bring results, constant training is required, and preferably on different people.

At the moment of transmission of the impulse, imagine that it passes from the forehead to the corresponding part of the body of the target. At this point, be sure to watch your breathing: it is important that it is even.

At the time of performing the technique, not only the addressee, but also you must be in a relaxed state. You should not influence a person in a bad mood, otherwise you risk harming him.

It doesn't matter if the person is at a distance or near. At the moment of exposure, you must be abstracted from the crowd. Excessive noise and fuss can distract your attention, which means that it will be very difficult to get the desired result.

Do not perform techniques in an overly lit place. If you are doing this at home, dim the lights, or rather turn them off altogether.

To influence a person with the power of thought, you need to concentrate. The noise and conversations of others can be distracting, but calm music and incense sticks can help you relax.

If you are working on a person to heal or support him, this is the moment you should be smiling. Thus, you instill happiness and joy in the subconscious of the object, which means that his physical and mental state will soon improve.

To learn how to influence people with the power of thought, you need to have a rich imagination. You must be able to visualize, imagine what you want in all colors and even experience certain emotions. Then soon you will be able to use the techniques at any time and without additional training.

How to influence a person with the power of thought

Once you know how and in what conditions the techniques should be performed, you can start taking action. There are several popular ways to influence people.

By photo. This technique is one of the most common. It is perfect for those who want to influence a person at a distance, or for beginners. To complete it, you only need a photograph of the object. Place it in front of you and for a few minutes imagine that the person in the photo is now next to you. Then slowly say what you want from that person and repeat it over and over. When you are sure that the addressee has heard you, complete the technique.

At a short distance. If the person next to you wants to learn the technique of exposure, this method is perfect for the two of you. Disperse to different rooms, close your eyes and mentally picture each other. Only one of you should send the message, the other's task is to receive it. Repeat the technique for twenty minutes, and then open your eyes and see the result. If you fail, don't be upset. Perhaps you just need to get some experience.

Human treatment. With just the power of thought, you can heal both the physical and mental state of the patient. In the same way, you can provide moral support to someone who needs it. Sometimes close people use this technique unconsciously. As it turned out, a loving heart and excitement for a loved one are really capable of working miracles. To heal the addressee, imagine that you have a ball of healing energy in your hands. Now mentally pass it on to the other person. Imagine how he inhales this ball, and his body is filled with positive energy. His mood changes for the better, he begins to smile, rejoice and forgets about the obsessive ailment. It is very important that at this moment you feel the patient's condition, otherwise there will be no result.

On human action. Thanks to a simple technique, you can not only make a person perform a certain action, but even fall in love with yourself. To do this, you need to sit comfortably, take three deep breaths, close your eyes and formulate a short message. Imagine that the addressee is next to you, try to even smell him, and then speak your order. Start visualizing it in action. For example, if you want a person to write you a message or call, imagine how he picks up the phone and begins to write to you what you want to receive from him. If you want it very much, then soon the object will let you know about itself. To master telehypnosis, you need to devote 20-25 minutes to this every day.

Message to man. Sometimes there is a need to urgently contact a person, but it is impossible to do this here and now. In this case, this technique will help you. To do this, formulate an accurate message, and then take a deep breath in and out, during which your message is sent to the addressee.

By studying the above techniques, you will be able to influence people even at the moment when they do not know about it. However, the possibilities of our subconscious do not end there. With the power of thought, you can not only make the reflectors do what you want, but also fulfill your cherished desires. Soon you will be able to make sure of this. We wish you happiness and good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and


What can be done with the power of thought?

People ask whether it is possible to do this or that by the power of thought, I will tell you, without even knowing the subject of the question, that, most likely, yes, something can be done.

But it is important, probably, not so much to know whether it is possible to do something with the power of thought, but to understand exactly how to do it. I asked this question for a very long time and created this blog precisely for such purposes: to collect in one place information on how you can perform various "miracles" with the help of the power of thought.

So, now I will make a small list of what can be done with the power of thought. And then I will try to find a material where you can read detailed instructions on how to do this.

List of what you can do in this world with the power of thought

You can attract money with the power of thought

You can lose weight with the power of thought

You can return a loved one with the power of thought

You can even fall in love with a person with the power of thought

The power of thought can be cured

You can attract work

You can pull the journey

You can, in principle, attract a specific person

And you can also change your appearance with the power of thought.

Our power of thought is capable of such miracles. Of course, all skills will come to you with experience, and self-study can take several years. But it's worth starting today. Do you agree that the game is worth the candle?

Then now I will tell you in more detail what and most importantly how you can do it with the power of thought.

You can attract money with the power of thought

Certainly and unequivocally that money can be attracted by the power of thought. I have done this more than once and am going to talk in detail about my successes in my book about money. But this book has not been finished yet, so if this topic is really interesting to you, subscribe to my blog, leave your e-mail address and in the mailing list I will definitely announce the release of the book.

In the meantime, on this blog, I advise you to read the incredible story of the famous actor Jim Carrey. Jim was poor, but he was able to fix it with the power of thought and proved to all future generations that you can attract money with the power of thought.

Is it possible to lose weight by the power of thought?

Definitely yes! Georgy Sytin even wrote a separate book on how to lose weight with the help of the power of thought, it is called "Thoughts that create a slender figure." I even added this book to my top 100 "" because I think it is worthy.

Is it possible to return a loved one with the power of thought?


And people have long been returning to their husbands, wives, girls and boys with the help of the power of thought. I described in detail my experience of how to return a loved one by the power of thought in the article.

For more details, see the video.

Is it possible to fall in love with a person with the power of thought?

The answer is also yes. If you seriously want to fall in love with a person with the power of thought, I would advise you to read Amarga Keeler's book "Seduction by the Power of Thought."

Do not be confused by the title of the book, it will help you fall in love with a person not only on a physical level ๐Ÿ˜‰

What else is possible with the power of thought?

You can be cured by the power of thought!

Nowadays, more and more doctors say that all diseases are out of the head. Joe Dispenza, neurophysiologist, doctor, has been studying this topic for quite some time. Several years ago, he published the book You Are a Placebo, in which he talks about moments of healing and gives clear instructions on how to heal with the power of thought.

Also in my blog there is an interesting section about Healing.

In this video, the real story of the cancer cure

The power of thought can attract work and travel

Read about it briefly in articles and.

Is it possible to attract a specific person with the power of thought?

I believe you can - experiment with the Silva method. There is a whole section on this method in my blog.

Well, you can start with my article.

So, friends, I briefly told you what can be done with the power of thought.

Oh no, I forgot something else!

But that's not all!

You can find out how I fulfilled my desires, from the smallest to the largest, on mine.

P.S. Imagine, you can EVEN win the lottery with the power of thought! And Klaus Joule will tell you about this in this article.

ยป Berthold Brecht

What are we capable of

Each of us is the creator of our own life, our own happiness and unhappiness, unfortunately, too. The power of thought is a mechanism that really works, exists.

How does this happen? What are we really capable of? How to force your life to build according to your own scenario by the power of thought? What do we know about this?

After all, with our ideas about ourselves and other people, we create our life, we bring what we started to the end, we achieve success. Before any action in your life takes place, it takes on a thought form, that is, it appears in your head.

It depends on what this thought-form will be and what the attitude towards life will be: positive or full of gray and black tones. Our future depends on the quality of these ideas. What are you thinking at the moment? How to buy a new home? Find the one and only? Or how to pay off the debt faster?

The power of thought is so obvious and strong that it can both destroy your dream and help you achieve everything you want in life. We'll talk about the law of attraction later. Now I will only say that according to this law, what you dream of and what you want most of all will be attracted.

This can be explained simply. If this is what you want most, then you are doing the most to achieve the result. You focus on a problem, on personal failure, and this thought begins to weigh on your life.

What is thought? This is what determines your mood and state. Again, everything is bad and attracts negative and negative. Around kind and nice people - take a closer look - kind and sympathetic people! The Law of Attraction in Action.

Positive thinking and positive mental images

What is thought, and how do you learn to control it? Some are born with the ability to control their thinking and correctly place accents, while others are able to learn all this by reading special literature and using practices in life.

Consider some exercises to help you develop your abilities:

  1. It is necessary to visualize everything, that is, mentally imagine how and what will happen. Naturally, it is better to take something pleasant and inspiring for visualization. The power of thought is able to transport you to a desert island with the object of your love. Try to create a positive story for yourself every day about what you want. Imagine what and how will happen in the smallest detail. This is called visualization of thoughts.
  2. Always switch from a bad thought to a good one. Learn this first. Many people visualize negative mental images. About illness or accident. This leads them to panic or despair. Remember: nothing bad will happen and should not. Try to switch immediately to something positive and see the point above.
  3. Create your own, for a year or five years. Practice visualizing your desires as often as possible according to this card. Imagine the points from it as already implemented and get positive emotions from this.
  4. Try to keep your head occupied with something useful and important. How? A book, a movie, an exhibition of contemporary artists, literature on what the power of thought is, for example. As soon as emptiness reigns in my head, sad thoughts immediately come, or, even worse, sad thoughts about myself. We calmly switch to the thoughts of other people, preferably smart ones: Tolstoy, Bulgakov, Chekhov.
  5. Clear your mind of negativity. As the little prince at Exupery started every day with tidying up his planet, so every morning you put your thoughts and feelings in order.
  6. Learn to let go of your desires. We made a map, we go to the intended goals. On the way, there is an obstacle or simply, the desire no longer seems to us important and relevant. Don't bang your head against the wall, let go of your desire. Without the slightest regret. Find a new direction. By the power of thought and word, it is impossible to come to a dream that was no longer needed.

Fulfillment of desires through thought

Many of us are unaware of the forces that the power of their thought is fraught with. Without going deep into the analysis of the influence of thoughts on each individual person in any case, I will say that successful people think positively about life and always generate positive and optimistic thoughts.

This is the use of a person's mental power to bring the desired result to life. It's like creating a movie in your mind out of your dreams and desires.

To see what is mentally desired means to materialize it in reality. This is precisely where this power lies. This control of your own life through the power of thought and word is called visualization.

Visualization has several positive properties, namely: it contributes to the emergence of good and. We obtain the greatest amount of information about the world through visual information.

That is, looking at an object, we perceive it mainly with our eyes. Visually, mentally presenting a picture of a successful and happy life, each of us is able to significantly speed up this process and create a successful scenario for our life.

Scientists have proven that thought has a material component and has physical parameters - it can be measured with instruments. When you think about something, you radiate subtle streams of energy that can influence your life as a whole, to achieve desires.

The Law of Attraction by Thought: How It Works

Many books have been written on attracting money, millionaires, country villas and carefree life. Of course, you should be skeptical about such things-works.

What is thought? Of course, this is our desire, embodied in different shells.

It is impossible, having correctly tuned in to money and success, but doing nothing, to achieve something. Those who say the opposite are lying, cheating, or simply making money selling books.

The law of attraction only says that the power of thought can help attract good or bad into your life. But this good cannot come without work on the embodiment of their desires and aspirations.

In an old children's cartoon about Homa and the Gopher, Homa scares the Gopher before sending him home by telling scary stories. The gopher all the way home repeated the same phrase: "The gopher walked, walked - and did not meet anyone." And all the Gopher did not care. He was not afraid, did not fantasize. But Khoma could not fall asleep, so he was scared of his own stories! This is what the power of word and thought does. Thinking that nothing would happen, the Gopher imagined absolutely nothing and no predatory animals were afraid of him.

The force of attraction of thought appears in a more effective light if the thought is spoken verbally. Transform it into a thought-form. Even any fabulous desire was verbalized.

A word is not only a grammatical and lexical structure, but also a form with which we think. So psychologists say that if you constantly repeat a verbal formula, then it will be fixed not only in consciousness, but also in our subconscious.

For the law of attraction to work, you need to learn to appreciate what surrounds you and what you have. Anyone who does not appreciate even the little that he has will never be happy. Learn to appreciate what you create, and you will become happier, you will want to create even more.

Reality of thought

Some people have an amazing gift to heal or predict the future, look into the past, or communicate with people long gone.

There are not many such people, but they exist. And we always follow with interest what they say or reveal to this world.

Unfortunately, there are now a huge number of scammers trying to make money on someone else's grief or desire. And such people will always be. This should not make you doubt the power of thought.

The gift of such people, first of all, depends on their strong energy and the immutability of what they are trying to communicate. They work not with matter, but with energy. Maps, mirrors, coffee grounds, whatever - it's all secondary. Such people are able not only to convince any person of something, but to reshape another life.

Another example of the power of thought is the recovery of people with cancer or other serious illness. In the last stages of inoperable cancers, only a few survive. One person in a thousand others who surrendered.

And it's not about the pills or the doctors. They are the same for all sick people. And the point is the desire to live, to defeat the disease. Recovery in such people occurs first mentally, and then it turns into a thought form: โ€œI want to live!โ€. There is nothing stronger than such a desire. The power of thought makes the most severe cancers recede.

Recent studies by scientists have shown that no disease lives in an emotionally and physically healthy body, it dies and recedes in front of the immune system of our body.

The power of thought is the kind of immunity that should be developed in oneself. The effect of thought power on health is that happy and optimistic thoughts have positive results for cellular biochemistry: through endless renewal and regeneration of cells, the body drives out and expels disease.

The task of the doctors is to help in this, and our task is to expel all negative thoughts from our heads. No matter how scary and no matter how much you want to succumb to panic, you should control your emotions and believe that the disease will recede.

Take control of your life

Scientists have found that if a person keeps the same thoughts in his head every day, certain substances begin to be produced in the body, requiring more and more such thoughts. And their power, as it were, makes us concentrate on our own feelings and experiences.

Roger Sperry, a world renowned neuropsychologist, received the Nobel Prize for his proof of the materiality of thought.

It returns to a person, contributing to an increase in his vital energy and forming only a good field and charge for life. The power of thought and word is able to ward off illness and quarrels, poverty and other troubles.

You can move the world only by an effort of will and reason. Thought is a great and powerful force. It can be passed from person to person, conveyed to many people. Today, with the help of social networks, your thought can fly around the world.

Our thoughts are our destiny. But some of the ideas that come to our minds are not the fruit of our reflections, but turn out to be the opinion of our friends and acquaintances, imposed by parents or the collective.

Thus, our life, which we think we choose, is not our own choice and does not align with our ideals and hopes.

Determine what you really want from life, get rid of everything that they are trying to impose on you against your will. Think positively and strive for what will make you a happy and self-sufficient person with your own inner guidelines.