As a child goes to the garden. Going to kindergarten - what do you need? How is enrollment in a preschool institution

Reading time: 5 minutes

We advise you not to hesitate and start solving this issue in advance. In recent years, the country's authorities have opened new educational institutions, while the procedure for enrolling children in them has changed. Smart parents are looking for possible options so that the child can get to kindergarten without waiting in line. The information provided below will help in solving this issue.

How to identify a child in kindergarten

Every citizen has the right to place his or her child in a preschool institution. There is a certain system. To get a referral to kindergarten, you need to join a special electronic queue. This should be done after the baby was born and his birth is confirmed by registration with the registry office. The lengthy procedure was caused by an increase in the birth rate, the closure of a number of departmental kindergartens, a shortage of places in preschool institutions and the need for many mothers to go to work ahead of schedule.

In most regions, it is possible to be listed in several kindergartens at the same time, sometimes the number of options can be limited or reduced to one. Distribution takes place automatically using special programs, parents will be able to choose the preferred option if the baby goes to several kindergartens at once. Those who joined the list later than usual and the preschool age of the child, for example, 4 years old, have more chances. Many are already attending preschool institutions, do not take a place in the queue, or the work of someone's parents does not allow them to pick up their children on time, someone abandoned kindergarten for another reason and they are recruited into groups.

There is a certain category of citizens who have the right to send their children to kindergarten without waiting in line. Each region independently establishes the category of persons who can be given the status of "beneficiary". If one or both parents have this status, the baby must go to the municipal kindergarten without waiting in line, but in the order of the queue among the children of beneficiaries applying for a place in an institution in the competence of which is education before school. When registering, it is important not only to indicate what kind of benefit you have, but also to certify its availability within a period not exceeding 2 weeks. To do this, you must provide the appropriate documents to the kindergarten.

Benefits for large families

Parents whose children have the right to enter any kindergarten without waiting in line should apply with a written request to the preschool education department (supervised by the district administration) to have documented benefits and necessary certificates.

If the family belongs to the category of large families, children, in accordance with the law, must go to kindergarten without waiting in line. Documentary confirmation of the large status is required. Among other rights of such families, the right to payment for staying in a preschool institution on preferential terms (70% discount) is also distinguished. The discount should apply to such additional services as circles, which are sometimes imposed on parents, but they are not informed about the availability of the discount.

For single mothers

The child of a woman belonging to the category of single mothers has the right to a place in kindergarten. But there is a nuance in determining the baby to a preschool child care institution. The situation is as follows: the number of single mothers has increased in the country, their children are forced to “share” their right to get to kindergarten without waiting in line. This reason became fundamental for the introduction of the so-called preferential queue. The law determined that single mothers are entitled to a 50% discount when paying for kindergarten.

What other legal options are there

In addition to the above options that give the right to get into the garden without waiting in line, there are a number of legal ways to be on the list of "lucky ones":

  • A child with a disability or whose parents are such has the right to a place in a preschool institution out of turn. The law provides for the requirements: you must write a statement and attach a document certifying the disability of the baby or parent.
  • An orphan living with a guardian or foster parents has every right to get into the garden if there are necessary documents confirming this fact.
  • In the event that one parent or both were participants in the liquidation of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, received radiation, their children have the right to a voucher to a preschool institution out of turn. It is necessary to confirm the fact of participation in the elimination of malfunctions at the Chernobyl NPP.
  • A prosecutor, an investigator, a police officer, a soldier, a judge, an employee of the control bodies for narcotic and psychotropic substances and preparations, a participant in hostilities - this is a list of officials who have the right to receive a "pass" for their children to a preschool without waiting in line.

What documents need to be provided

After receiving a referral to the kindergarten, you must provide the following documents, which will be reported by the head of the kindergarten or the teacher, whose group will become a group for your kid (for more detailed information, visit the educational Internet portal of your city):

  • application addressed to the manager;
  • passport of one of the parents, scanned copy of the main pages;
  • birth certificate, citizenship stamp, their copy;
  • documents in which it is necessary to register the presence of an admission benefit (if any).

Any additional document may be required. The nurse writes out a referral for an appointment with the district pediatrician, since a medical examination of the baby is required. The date of the first visit to the preschool will be announced additionally.

How is enrollment in a preschool institution

In the regions, children can be enrolled in kindergarten at different times. From the moment when the parents received a response in the form of a message to the email address about sending their baby to a specific preschool institution, a month is given to collect and provide the necessary documents. If parents are not satisfied with the proposed kindergarten (the wrong area, for example), they can contact the municipal department of preschool education with a request for other options, they should write a refusal (it must be accepted and registered) from the previously proposed place. This decision is reasonable in a situation if a place is found in another kindergarten.

It seems that only yesterday he was so small and helpless. Everything that surrounded him was in one word "mother". But your baby is no longer so small, he is already 3 years old and it's time to send him to the big world. And he will get the first acquaintance with him in kindergarten.

For girls, the optimal age when a child goes to kindergarten is 2.8-3 years, and for boys - 3.5-4 years, which is associated with later physiological and psychological development. In this case, the baby must be in good health.

Before sending a child to kindergarten, it is desirable that he be able to serve himself: wash his hands, wash himself, dry himself with a towel, eat and dress himself, ask to go to the toilet. The teacher, of course, will always help the baby, but for both it will be better if the baby is more independent.

At home, you should also teach your child to the garden diet - eat all three dishes, eat porridge for breakfast, which parents usually do not eat at home. Teach your child to the correct daily routine: go to bed and get up at a certain time, sleep during the day, eat at the same time.

It is also necessary to prepare the baby for the kindergarten psychologically. Do not talk about the kindergarten as a correctional and educational regime facility. Otherwise, as a result of such intimidation, the child will protest going to the garden, and every morning it will be like a punishment. Therefore, the child should imagine the garden as a place where there are many children, toys with which to play with other children.

However, not only the baby, but also the mother must undergo psychological preparation before the child goes to the garden. She must be ready to release her child into a new life for both of them, which is different from the previous three years. Mom should give her child to the garden with a light heart. And there is no need to stand under the window and cry. If the parents are very worried about this, then the child will feel uneasy, cry. After all, the baby is still emotionally attached to his mother and feels her mood.

It often happens that the child begins to get sick more often. This is due to the fact that children adapt to each other, to a new microflora with their own bacteria. When the body learns to cope with new microbes, health will only improve.

However, there is also a psychological factor in illness. When a child is sick, his mother says to him: "We will not go to kindergarten today, because you have a cough." The kid begins to see the connection between the disease and the opportunity to stay at home with his mother. And psychologically adjusts himself to the disease. Therefore, do not focus his attention on the fact that he stays at home because of a cough or a runny nose.

Some parents are in no hurry to let their child go on their own, thinking that classes at home or with personal teachers can replace the garden. But this is not a complete alternative. Studying at home, playing on the playground under the supervision of a grandmother, a child cannot learn to be independent. He will not be able to stand up for himself, because if something happens, he knows that his grandmother will protect him.

As a result, when a child goes to kindergarten or school after a home environment, he has a lot of stress, because someone will definitely push him or call him names. He turns out to be psychologically unprepared for this. Therefore, the garden is an invaluable experience of communication with peers, social adaptation, where a child receives lessons in survival - an invaluable life experience.

Are we going to the kindergarten or not?
The baby is already one and a half to two years old, and parents are beginning to think about the issue of entering a kindergarten for their baby. Of course, the kindergarten itself, the availability of places in it, comes to the fore, but besides this, in order for the baby to be taken to kindergarten, he must be healthy and have a special card filled in according to all the rules.
The child's medical card for educational institutions was approved in 2000. by order of the Ministry of Health of Russia. The card must be filled out correctly by medical specialists, if it is not filled out or is not there, then the kindergarten management may refuse to accept your child. In addition, you may be temporarily denied admission to the baby for so-called epidemiological indications, when there is an outbreak of a disease in the group or in the garden from which the baby is not vaccinated, but this refusal is temporary, when the situation returns to normal, you must be taken.

Draw your attention. That for the residents of the Russian Federation (in other countries the rules are different) - the absence of all or some part of the vaccinations is not a restriction on the admission of children. If you are denied admission to kindergarten just because your child is not vaccinated or they do not sign a card forcing them to get vaccinated, it is illegal. Whether or not to vaccinate is your own business, no one should point you or blackmail you with kindergarten.

In what cases will the kid not be taken to the kindergarten?
It is necessary to prepare a baby for admission to kindergarten long before that, ideally from birth. If the parents clearly know at what age and when the kids will go to the garden, you need to know in what cases they may be refused admission (except for those listed above).

Refusal for admission to the kindergarten can be, first of all, acute diseases of an infectious and non-infectious nature. If the baby has infectious diseases of the eyes, skin, head lice, this limitation is also temporary. And it will not be removed until the baby is fully recovered and recovers after the illness. In the event that the baby has chronic diseases, and recently there have been exacerbations, or measles, whooping cough, chickenpox have recently been transferred, the baby will not be taken to the kindergarten until the quarantine and isolation periods are over. These terms are regulated and each disease has its own.

In addition, they may be denied admission to the kindergarten if, in a laboratory study of feces, swabs from the throat, nose, they reveal the carriage of dangerous microorganisms that are causative agents of intestinal or respiratory infections. Refusal can also be given in the case of cancer, circulatory disorders, tuberculosis, epilepsy with frequent seizures, endocrine disorders and severe allergies, which require a special diet. All other health defects are not an obstacle to going to the garden.

We draw up the card.
To make a trip to the kindergarten less problematic, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination not only by a pediatrician, but also by narrow specialist doctors. They must be passed no earlier than two months from the expected date of admission. In the event that you passed the commission last year and did not get into the kindergarten, the card is considered invalid and everything must be passed again. The first specialist you need to visit is, of course, a pediatrician; after visiting him, you will need to consult other specialists, referrals to which will be given by the district or family doctor.

Orthopedist. This specialist will assess the condition of the skeleton, examine the baby and exclude or confirm postural disorders, flat feet. If any pathologies are identified, he will give his recommendations for the prevention of diseases.
Consultation with a surgeon is necessary to exclude hernias, phimosis in boys, as well as testicular problems or any other diseases that may require surgery.
When examining ENT organs, it is initially necessary to exclude foci of chronic infection on the tonsils, whether the baby has an allergic rhinitis, adenoid growths and other diseases.
In addition, it is necessary to determine visual acuity at the ophthalmologist, and to exclude strabismus in the crumbs. The neurologist will check reflexes, muscle tone. He will assess whether the baby is consistent with his development, and exclude neuroses, possible sleep disturbances.
To establish problems with adaptation in the crumbs, an appointment with a psychologist is necessary.
To exclude infectious diseases of the skin, hair, it is necessary to consult a dermatologist, who, among other things, will exclude or establish allergies.

If the baby has had problems with the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, or had infectious diseases in the past, it will be necessary to get an appointment with the appropriate specialists. In addition, it is necessary to go to a dentist who will assess the state of the oral cavity, identify foci of chronic infection - carious teeth. If the baby enters the kindergarten after 3 years, a speech therapist consultation is imperative. After the examination, each doctor can prescribe additional research methods, if necessary. If not, then the doctor leaves his conclusion about the child's health in the appropriate column, securing it with a signature and seal.

Let's check the tests and vaccinations.
At his appointment, the pediatrician will give a referral for 4 standard analyzes, in some cases more of them are required. This is a general analysis of blood, urine, feces for the presence of helminth eggs, and for the intestinal group. If the baby is vaccinated, the doctor must check for all the necessary vaccinations and revaccinations, and if there are no vaccinations, then they must be completed at least 2-3 months before entering the garden, especially if it is a polio vaccination. If it so happens that the timing of vaccinations does not work, it is better to postpone them and do after the baby has adapted to the kindergarten. At the end, the pediatrician finally fills out the card, analyzes the recommendations, sets up the baby's health group (we will talk about them in a separate material), and gives recommendations for the nurse of the kindergarten institution.

We determine the readiness of the baby for kindergarten.
The determination of readiness is mainly carried out by pediatricians, relying on the opinion of specialists and on the basis of the testing carried out. The doctor evaluates primarily the biological maturity of the baby, psychophysical criteria and the level of development.

Biological maturity is determined by the dental formula, that is, at the time of a given age, how many milk teeth the baby has in stock, based on the data, it is concluded whether the baby corresponds to his passport age, is ahead or lags behind. In addition, other tests are used, and you should not panic if the baby does not pass any test, all babies are individual.

When will the time come?
A kindergarten is a group of children, there will be at least 8-10 of them in a group, if it is a private or family-type kindergarten. And in ordinary kindergartens, there are up to 20-25 children.
In general, according to the norms of the “Model Regulations on preschool educational institutions” - groups for children of different ages are clearly prescribed and their number cannot be violated - this threatens with disease. Children who attend a nursery from one to three years old go to a group where there should be a maximum of 12-15 children, and from three summers it is permissible to increase the group to 20 children. This allows each child to have ample personal space. And the teacher and his assistant have time to keep an eye on all the children - wash them in time, change their clothes and collect them for a walk. If possible, take your time with admission to kindergarten until at least three years old, then the immune system will get stronger, and the child will still get less sick.

Choose a kindergarten, where, if possible, the norms for admission to the group are observed (this applies to state gardeners, private traders do not take many children, it is important for them that children go, diseases of children bring losses). If you decide to send your child to the kindergarten early - at 1-2 years old, take care in advance to teach the child how to live in society - there he will not be your only bloodstone, but one of a dozen. To create less stress and problems for the baby, take care of teaching him to use the pot (or at least ask for it), at least minimal dressing skills and the ability to use cutlery - a fork and a spoon. The educators, of course, will look after your baby - they will help you eat, dress and change wet tights, but he is not alone and it will be impossible to constantly monitor only your baby.

To make it easier for the little one to rebuild - go to the kindergarten in advance (ideally six months or a year in advance) and ask for a photocopy of the garden menu and its schedule. I am more than 100% sure that your regimen will not coincide with the regimen in the garden - and the restructuring of the regimen itself is stress, which leads to a decrease in resistance and disease. Begin daily to shift the daily routine by 5-10 minutes towards the kindergarten, thus, without causing a breakdown in adaptation and it is convenient for the baby, you will adjust it to the preschool education regime. In addition, in order to avoid problems with eating in the garden and refusal to eat garden food, adjust your menu at home to the menu of the garden - teach your child to eat at the same time intervals, and approximate the composition of the dishes according to the composition of what is given in the garden.

In addition, it is important to systematically harden, this, of course, will not completely save you from diseases, but it can actually reduce their number several times. But hardening is an effective thing only if you use it day after day, month after month, without making weekends and holidays. It is not necessary to throw the baby into the ice hole every day - hardening is walking barefoot, contrast showers, dousing your feet, air baths, walks and jogging in the fresh air.

We will talk about the problems of adaptation in the garden, we will discuss all the main issues.

Memo for parents when a child enters a kindergarten.

1. First of all, make sure you are confident that your family needs a kindergarten right now. The child feels great when parents doubt the advisability of gardening. Children whose parents have no alternative to kindergarten get used to it easier and faster.

2. It is necessary to create a calm atmosphere in the house, with understanding to relate to emotional stress, active movements, etc ... You should put your baby to sleep early after a warm bath. Communication with the child during this period should be especially affectionate.

3. Parents need to tell the child in advance what a kindergarten is, why children go there, why parents want the kid to attend kindergarten. It is advisable to have conversations with the child: “A kindergarten is such a beautiful big house where mothers and fathers bring their children. We would really like you to get to know and make friends with other children and adults. Everything in kindergarten is adapted for children. There are small tables and chairs, cots, small sinks for washing, small cabinets, many beautiful toys. It will be very interesting and fun for you in the garden ... ”.

4. As you pass the kindergarten, be happy to remind your child of how lucky he is - he will soon be able to go there. In the presence of the baby, tell your relatives and friends about the great luck - he was admitted to kindergarten.

5. Teach the kid to get acquainted with other children, refer to them by name; ask, not take away toys. And also show attention and sympathy to peers (share toys, give in); respond to the request of a peer, help him; call the group educators by name and patronymic, know your name, take good care of things and toys. In the game, treat companions kindly and sympathetically, play with other children, and use toys with other children.

6. Teach your child to the regime. It is very important to improve your child's health. For 1-2 months. pass honey. examination, pass the necessary tests. Try to let the child spend as much time as possible in the fresh air (at least 4 hours in winter and all daylight hours in summer). Constantly carry out massage, gymnastics, hardening procedures. If your baby has a poor appetite, do not force feed him. Try to bring your home diet closer to that of kindergarten. Eliminate mashed food from your child's diet.

7. When going to kindergarten, it is necessary to get acquainted with the teacher of the group where the child entered in advance. Tell him what affectionate word (name) the child's home is called, tell him about his habits, behavior patterns and other details of home life.

It is also necessary on weekends, when the child is at home, to adhere to the daily routine adopted in children. garden. Abrupt changes in the regime, even over several days, knock the child out of the usual rhythm and cause excessive nervousness.

8. If by the time of admission to kindergarten, the child still has the habit of motion sickness or nipple sucking, it is necessary to wean it gradually: first at home, then in kindergarten, by agreement with the teacher.

The kid can bring to the group favorite toys, books or other trifles with which he does not part. This will help the child get used to the preschool educational institution more easily and painlessly.

9. Develop with your child a simple system of farewell signs of attention - it will be easier for him to let you go.

10. Remember that it may take up to six months for a child to get used to in kindergarten. It is better if during this period the family will have the opportunity to adapt to the peculiarities of the baby's adaptation.

11. The child will get used to it the faster, the more he builds relationships with a large number of children and adults. Help your child with this. Get to know other parents and their children. Call other children by name in front of your child. Ask your kid at home about Lena, Tolya, etc. Encourage your child to seek help and support from others in your presence.

12. In the presence of the child, avoid criticizing the kindergarten and its staff. Never scare your child with kindergarten.

13. During the adaptation period, support your baby emotionally. Now you spend less time with him - compensate for this with the quality of communication: hug the child more often, take an interest in his successes and failures, note any changes in his mood.

14. Teach your child to handle clothes on their own. Make sure that all things are as simple and comfortable as possible, without unnecessary fasteners or buttons, Velcro boots. It is better to replace the hat and scarf with a hat-helmet - and the neck does not blow, and it is easier to put on. Prepare turtlenecks instead of shirts, sweaters instead of sweaters. In general, the main thing is that the child quickly gets ready for a walk and is neat and tidy.

To make it easy for your child to put away their things, take care of the loops on the clothes that are comfortable for the child. Label your clothing. It is advisable to indicate not only the first and last name, but also a conventional symbol (flower, butterfly, etc.), introduce the baby to him so that he can easily recognize his clothes. At home, organize a hanger for the child's outerwear so that it is accessible to the baby, and so that he can independently hang his clothes there after a walk. Do not do this for the child, but watch, guide him, help him, remind him, praise him for putting his things into place without being reminded.

Place a highchair next to the bed before going to bed. Teach him to take off his clothes on his own and fold them on the chair, and in the morning put on the clean clothes that you have prepared. Try to ensure that the child knows the name of the garment and correctly points to it. When the child is dressing and undressing, be with him, encourage him using play techniques. If necessary, help your child with advice in a calm tone. Don't rush your child, stay calm: Self-care skill takes effort, patience, and repetition. Provide your child with the opportunity to master the necessary skills, including cultural and hygiene.

15. Teach the child to greet and say goodbye to adults, peers, using words expressing a request, gratitude (thank you, please); follow the elementary rules of cultural behavior on the street and indoors; not trample on green spaces, throw garbage in designated areas, use the toilet carefully, do not leave the table without finishing your meal, say "thank you", etc. It must be remembered that parents are a model for behavior - what parents do, so do children!

Prepare a "child's dowry".

To make the child feel comfortable at first, he can take a toy with him from home to kindergarten, which he will show where his crib, table, what toys are in the group, and introduce the children.

In addition, you need to prepare the following for kindergarten:

Changeable shoes (slippers or high heels with a comfortable fastener);

2 handkerchiefs;


Two sets of underwear;

Change of clothes in case the child accidentally gets dirty;

A bag for soiled clothes;

Extra clothes are in a bag on a hanger in the child's locker.

Summer is coming soon. For some, it will be the last one held with parents, because the first team is ahead - a kindergarten. And although the kids themselves will have many pleasant days, new acquaintances, fun games and the first affections, mothers' souls are out of place. How easily does the child adapt to kindergarten, will he not be bored at home? And most importantly, is it possible to help him in advance by preparing him for the upcoming changes?

Ideal age for a garden

Someone thinks that a toddler (1.5 - 2 years old) adapts much faster and easier. The baby quickly gets used to the teacher, considering her a second mother, and adult experiences and bitterness from parting with his parents due to age do not threaten him yet. Others are sure that it is better to wait until 3 years - after all, it is at this age that children not only know how to play joint games, but also get great pleasure from friendship. Parents can no longer provide them with the necessary level of communication, and the need for new acquaintances and general games with peers is greatly increasing.

Required skills

The times when each parent was given a list - a list of necessary skills - are slowly receding into the past. If earlier requirements such as:

  • refusal of diapers;
  • the ability to ask to go to the toilet;
  • independent food intake;
  • self dressing and undressing

were necessary, now the conditions are changing. In most establishments, employees undertake to teach the child to self-service in a short time. Another important condition is to establish a daily routine that matches the kindergarten schedule. If the parents manage to prepare the baby in advance, this is great, but if the process is going slowly, you should not worry. Children who are not confident in these skills, in a team, master them much faster, and the regime quickly enters the norm. Psychological preparation is much more important.

How to prepare your child for kindergarten?

The character and psychological characteristics of each child are much more important than the skills of self-care and even the age of the future kindergartener. Whether the child will be comfortable in the new team, whether it is easy for him to part with his mother and how quickly he adapts depends only on the degree of his readiness for life in the team.

  • Parting. A kid who instantly forgets about everything in the world, seeing a company of other children on the playground and staying with relatives for a long time, causes less anxiety than a little tail that begins to worry as soon as the mother moves further than a meter. The preparation of such a child will have to be dealt with in advance, starting to leave home for short, and then for longer periods.
  • Hardening. Everyone knows that one endless illness begins in the garden, passing from a cold to chickenpox and then back to a cold. Don't give up prematurely in front of the inevitable. Summer is a great period for hardening and raising immunity. Warm months spent in the country or on the seashore will help to fight off diseases, the main thing is to forget about greenhouse conditions. Allow your little one to run around barefoot, swim in the ponds and eat fresh fruit. The total ban on cold drinking and drafts will have to be mitigated, otherwise, these factors can cause frequent illnesses.
  • Communication. Not all children are able to quickly find a common language with their peers. Toddlers, like us, can be shy, and of course, not all are born leaders who know how to gather other children around them. Teach your child to be the first to make an acquaintance, introduce themselves and offer to join the game. But it is not worth letting the existing difficulties in communication take its course - the team in the kindergarten is too large, and there is a risk that the baby simply will not be able to show enough courage and independence to join in communication.
  • Openness. It is important to have time to teach the child to trust his elders and reveal to them all his grievances and secrets. The kid should know that, if necessary, he can turn to the elder - the educator for help. It is also necessary to trust the parents, which means that even before entering the kindergarten, it is required to teach the child every evening to share with mom or dad all the experiences of the day - grievances, joys, fears and sorrows.

Are there children for whom kindergarten is contraindicated?

The "Nesad" child is, of course, not a myth. Such children do exist. Their temperature rises every time they visit preschool, they withdraw into themselves and suffer quietly until the very arrival of their parents, get up hard in the morning and lose their appetite. The adaptation usual for peers, lasting no more than three months, is delayed for them - the child does not so much get used to new conditions as endures them. In this case, the garden will have to be postponed until next year, and in the preparation of the baby include a visit to a psychologist and also work with the parents. Indeed, it is often the mother's anxiety and fears that the child absorbs.

Text: Vera Guler