How to make a peacock from discs on the wall. ideas for the unusual use of old CD-disks. Frame for a mirror or photograph

Compact discs were very popular as storage media, but due to their quick deterioration and inconvenient size they became obsolete. Many still have a large number of unnecessary discs, but instead of throwing them away, you can make amazing crafts. Old discs are used for crafts or decoration of various objects. Here the real is where to swing!

Photo frames-magnets

  • Necessary materials:
  • Multiple discs
  • Photos suitable for size
  • Glue, or double-sided tape
  • Thick cardboard
  • Small magnets

Cut out circles of the required size from cardboard and glue them on both sides to the disc, glue a photograph on one side, and a magnet on the other. To make your frames last longer, you can laminate your photo and use a glue gun or superglue.

You can decorate an old photo frame with small pieces of discs, completely renewing its appearance.

Coasters for glasses and cups

The easiest way to make a craft from a CD. We take a disc, decorate with any materials from which it will turn out to create a flat surface. You can cover it with colored fabric, glue cardboard with beautiful patterns, use felt appliques, etc.



  • Disks
  • Glue gun
  • Any decorations
  • Candles

A candle is placed on the shiny side in the middle, tea candles in an aluminum sleeve look beautiful. Various materials are used for decoration, it can be cones, shells, beautiful beads, we glue everything with a gun.

For use as a hot plate, we cut out circles from the foam rubber that correspond to the diameter of the discs. We glue the foam rubber and the disc together, wrap it on top with a thick cloth.

Needle cushions

Materials used:

  • Textile
  • Sintepon
  • Threads and needles
  • Plastic cup (you can use a yogurt or fermented baked milk cup)

From a padding polyester we cut a circle to the size of a CD (thickness from 1 to 2 cm) and a circle one and a half times smaller in diameter than a disc (thickness from 5 cm). The synthetic winterizer, corresponding to the size of the disc, is applied to it and covered with a cloth.

Cut off the bottom of the plastic cup, insert the synthetic winterizer, cut off the excess part and wrap it with a cloth. We sew together to make a hat, decorate with ribbons if desired.


For manufacturing, we cut the discs into small pieces, make holes with an awl and connect everything with threads or ribbons.

Crafts from discs for children

Old disks are indispensable for creativity with children, they are suitable for creating simple crafts with preschool children, as well as for older children and more complex crafts.

With the help of multi-colored dense fabric, or felt, disks can be turned into funny animals, birds, charming ladybirds.

dream Catcher

If your baby often has bad dreams, you can make a dreamcatcher out of an old disc, and this is also a great option for decorating a child's room. Using a heated awl, make holes along the entire diameter of the disc, then the children will be able to decorate it on their own. For decoration, use multi-colored threads and beads, you can also additionally paint the disc with paints.

Magnets and panels

We decorate the disc with paints, beads or threads, fabric or cardboard, if necessary, attach the magnet on the back. You can cut various figures from the disc and stick decorations on them.

Christmas decorations

Necessary materials:

  • Disks
  • Christmas balls

We cut the discs into small pieces of any shape, glue them to the balls. Bright garlands are beautifully reflected on the shiny surface of the disc.

You can use old Christmas balls, or buy the cheapest ones. Disco balls are made in a similar way; in addition, only a ball that will fit in size will be needed.

Crib mobiles


  • Disks
  • Colored cardboard
  • Satin or nylon ribbons

We glue colored cardboard to the non-shiny side of the disk, cut out various figures, for example, the moon and stars. We make holes in the figures, thread in ribbons and fasten them over the crib.

DIY crafts from disks are a huge niche for creativity. With their help, you can decorate mirrors and pieces of furniture, create unique figures and toys.

The resulting crafts can last more than one year, and if the plan does not work out, it will not be a pity to throw it away. This is a fun activity for people of all ages. A large number of photos with crafts from disks and other detailed master classes can be found on the Internet.

Photo of crafts from disks

Over time, a lot of unnecessary things that take up unnecessary space accumulate in the house. But not all of them need to be thrown away in a hurry during the next general cleaning. For example, old CDs, DVDs and even cotton pads can find new life and turn into a stylish interior element. We have collected the best ideas for crafts from this material: simple for children and more difficult for adults.

Crafts options for the New Year

With the long-awaited holiday approaching, children and adults strive to decorate the house with cozy hand-made crafts. Computer disks can be found in any home, and many interesting, beautiful New Year's decorations can be made of them.

Christmas toys

You will need:

  • Old CDs.
  • Alcohol.
  • Cardboard.
  • Gouache white, blue or any other light color.
  • Paper napkin with a New Year's pattern (herringbone, Santa Claus, snowflakes).
  • PVA glue.
  • Glue gun.
  • Organza or satin ribbon 2-4 centimeters wide.
  • Lace or thin ribbon 0.5 cm wide.

Alternatively, instead of napkins, you can print any New Year's pattern on plain paper, but I recommend napkins, they fit better on the work surface.

  • First, degrease the surface of the CD with alcohol or cologne. After drying, apply several layers of gouache until it stops showing through. We glue a cardboard circle into the central part, which should be slightly larger than the hole in the disk.

  • Cut out a pattern, drawing, or a circle slightly smaller than a disk from a napkin. We cover it with PVA glue, glue on a napkin. To level the surface, apply a towel or soft cloth to the surface, smooth out the formed folds.

  • After drying, we open everything with varnish.

  • We repeat all the above actions with the surface on the reverse side.

  • We make a bow from the ribbon. We twist the lace into a loop, glue it with a glue gun along with a bow to the top of the craft.

Transformation of the old ball

This is a quick and easy way to update your old Christmas balls. For crafts you will need:

  • Old New Year's toys.
  • Glue gun.
  • Computer disks.
  • Scissors.

We cut the discs with scissors into small fragments, triangular and diamond-shaped. We glue the cut objects to the surface of the New Year's toy with a glue gun. The craft is ready.

For cutting discs, you need to use only large strong scissors, small ones can break, quickly become dull.


This is an easy, quick way to make a candlestick.

You will need:

  • CD-ROM.
  • 5-6 spruce cones.
  • Glitter glue or nail polish.
  • Aluminum candle holder.
  • Candle, up to 3-4 centimeters in diameter.
  • Rhinestones, decorative stones.
  • Rubber glue.

Before making the craft, you need to immediately prepare the cones, cover their upper branches with silver or shiny varnish, sparkles that will imitate snow. If desired, you can also glue small pieces of cotton wool, New Year's rain.

In the center of the product, glue the aluminum pallet under the candle with rubber glue. We attach spruce cones dried from varnish to it in a circle with glue. We decorate the free surface of the craft with rhinestones, sparkles, decorative stones. The candlestick is ready, you can safely put a candle in it.

Underwater world from CDs

Children love to be creative, they can make many simple crafts from discs, decorate a children's room with them. They can make souvenirs on their own or with the help of their parents.


You will need:

  • Glue gun.
  • CDs.
  • Colored paper.
  • Gold leaf
  • Scissors.

Cut out eyes for future fish from colored paper: a slightly smaller black circle for the pupil, a larger white circle, which will become the main part of the eye. We glue them together. Cut out lips of arbitrary shape from red paper. We will also deal with the fins and the tail, we will make them from gold foil of any shape.

Now you can proceed to the final stage.... We begin to glue all the previously made parts. First, we glue the eyes and lips, the fins above and below, and the tail to the back.

The goldfish is ready, it remains only to attach a lace or thread to it, if you wish, you can cover its surface with nail polish with gold sparkles.

Sea turtle

You will need:

  • Plastic bottle.
  • A simple pencil.
  • CD-ROM.
  • Stained glass paints and contour.
  • Glue gun.
  • Rhinestones, flat stones.

In addition, you will need comfortable small scissors for work.

  • Cut out a piece of plastic from the bottle. On it we draw with a pencil the outline of the head of the future turtle, its legs and tail. Carefully cut out the selection.
  • Let's take a disk - this is the future tortoise shell. To begin with, we outline the shell using a decorative outline in a circle. Then, we draw a contour of stained glass fragments along the entire circumference of the shell.
  • After the contour has dried, fill the selected fragments with stained glass paint. We apply paint in several layers. Try to use different colors, it is much more beautiful, more colorful.
  • We glue the shell, head, legs and tail of the turtle with glue with a gun. We decorate the shell with rhinestones, small stones, sequins, securing them with glue. We glue two pebbles to the head as eyes. The turtle is ready.

Sea bottom

It will take a minimum of time and materials to make the craft:

  • Paints.
  • Shells are of different colors, sizes and shapes.
  • Colored beads (preferably transparent).
  • Old disc.
  • Rubber glue.
  • Transparent nail polish.

We paint the shells with paint, each in a different color. We leave them to dry, cover the surface with transparent nail polish. Grind the remaining shells into small crumbs. We glue the shells to the disk, sprinkle it with shell chips, imitating the surface of the seabed. Additionally, we decorate the product with transparent stones and beads.

  • A simple pencil.
  • Before starting work, you need to measure the size of the desired photo for which the frame will be made. You can simply circle the photo on cardboard, and around it you can already create the outline of the future frame.

    • Cut out a frame from cardboard for photos of the desired size. We paint it with gouache (you can use different colors) on both sides. We apply paint in several layers so that the cardboard does not shine through.
    • We cut the discs with scissors into fragments of different shapes and sizes. We glue them to the frame, after attaching them to the surface and estimating how they will look. If desired, with a thin brush, we pass through the cracks, cracks between the fragments, painting them with white gouache.
    • Leave the frame for 30 minutes until it dries completely. Cut out the stand from the cardboard and glue it to the back of the frame.

    Flower pot sparkling in the sun

    Turning an ordinary flower pot into a magical one is as easy as shelling pears. It takes old CDs, scissors, a glue gun, and some imagination.

    First, we rinse the pot, if there are particles of earth left on it, wipe it dry. We cut the discs with scissors into small fragments of different shapes. We glue them to the pot with a glue gun. The craft is ready.

    It will be interesting to you:

    The invention of the CD was a breakthrough in the music industry. They made it possible to preserve sound in a revolutionary new quality. Therefore, every music lover considered it his duty to collect an impressive collection of records. But technologies do not stand still, and today more convenient media are available to us. However, do not send discs to junk - they can be used in unexpected ways.

    Make coasters for glasses

    To prevent the glass of juice or water from leaving wet spots on the table, you can put it on a napkin. Better to make decorative coasters using your favorite discs. To do this, paint the top of the disc with acrylic paint or make an applique. Use textile glue and any fabric with a non-frayed edge.

    Lay out the mirror mosaic

    Cut the discs into small pieces. This is most conveniently done with garden shears. If they are not there, you can try to break them. Pick any surface you want to decorate and cover it with glue. Tile adhesive works well. After the mosaic has dried, fill in the spaces between the shards with a tile joint. The mosaic is perfect for decorating tables, side tables or creating panels.

    Use a mirrored disk surface as a frame

    Place baby photos and drawings in a mirror frame. Decorate your baby's workplace with this decor. Now the room will become brighter and more interesting, and the child's creative experiments will not be lost in a pile of rubbish.

    Option for advanced

    If you are confident in your skill, have temporary resources and a large supply of disks - feel free to start creating animals in 3D technology. Use drywall and foam as a base. Such animals will be an excellent decoration for the garden and will scare away uninvited birds.

    Glue the needle bar to the disc

    Needles and pins are very easy to lose. And they are sometimes found by accident, and not always in a safe way. An ordinary needle bed, due to its small size, can be lost. Increase its area by gluing a bright, noticeable detail. You can use a simple pompom as a pillow. Now everything sharp and dangerous will be in its place.

    Build an incredible clock

    Most inexpensive watches can work without their own dial. Remove all unnecessary things, leaving only the mechanism, arrows and batteries. And make the dial from a large number of old discs attached to a sheet of plywood or thick cardboard. The numbers can be painted with acrylic paint or glued ready-made (use children's counting material). Add any decor, such as glass hemispheres from the creative store. This watch will become a landmark of your home.

    Make a jewelry box

    It doesn't matter what exactly you consider your treasure - jewelry or a collection of homemade jewelry, the most expensive one needs a decent frame. Make a shiny box by gluing the most ordinary cardboard box with pieces of discs.

    Replace tiles with discs

    By the same principle by which you can decorate a table or a curbstone, you can paste over an entire wall. A great option for a kitchen, bathroom or balcony. You only have to spend money on tile adhesive and joint. And discs for the project can be asked for free from all your friends.

    Make decorations for your Christmas tree

    Sleighs are prepared in summer, and new Christmas tree decorations can be made at any time of the year. Cover foam balls, glass balls, or toys with peeled paint with shards of discs. The tree will now shine without compromising your budget.

    Decorate your clothes

    Large necklaces - collars have been relevant for several seasons. Complement the finished inexpensive product with fragments of CDs, and it will sparkle with new colors. You can do without a necklace and decorate the collar or cuffs with mirrored pieces. In this case, cut the disc into smaller pieces.

    Build a big lamp

    The mirrored surface of the disc reflects light perfectly. For this project, choose discs without unnecessary drawing with a transparent center. Such a lamp will create beautiful shadows on the walls. A great option for decorating a room for a music lover or teenager.

    Make curtain tiebacks

    Classic curtains can be secured with a disc decorated with textiles or satin ribbon. Decorate with artificial flowers or interesting brooches. The curtains are easily fixed with wooden hair sticks. Choose contrasting shades if you want to add color, or monochromatic for a discreet interior.

    Construct a candlestick from glass hemispheres

    The glass hemispheres from the art store look great in any room. If you love these beautiful little things, but do not know how to apply them in your art, you will love this idea. Use the disc as a base for the candlestick by gluing well-shaped hemispheres to it. When you place a candle in such a candlestick, the flame will reflect off different surfaces, creating a stunning decorative effect.

    Reading time ≈ 6 minutes

    Many houses accumulate a large number of old and unusable things, from which you can make original crafts, for example, do-it-yourself products from CDs for the garden and vegetable garden. They will become a real decoration of the courtyard of the cottage and the highlight of any landscape. Shiny circles and mirror details can diversify the interior and cheer up households.

    The disk sun is a great craft for decorating a vegetable garden and garden

    CDs as decor

    Previously, CDs were considered carriers of digital information, but now they can be used to make original decor for or a vegetable garden in the country. They decorate the courtyard space, decorate structures and lay out whole drawings.

    Why is it worth using discs as decoration material:

    By creating fancy crafts for the garden and garden, you can not only bring unprecedented beauty to the site, but also significantly save finances on materials and tools.

    Creative ideas

    Interesting ideas embodied in beautiful DIY crafts will help make life brighter. Not everyone knows that in an old box with unnecessary CDs you can find materials for unique masterpieces.

    Most daring ideas:

    • A glossy mirror bird from 65,000 CDs by artist Sean Avery sparkles beautifully in the sun, as seen in the photo;
    • A figurine for the yard in the shape of a panda bear made of scraps of light and dark CDs. This will require a shaped base, scissors, glue and a little imagination;
    • Disc fish with scales can decorate not only a vegetable garden or garden, but also a garage or a gazebo, as in the photo;
    • Coasters for hot dishes for a summer kitchen or veranda. The number of discs is chosen according to your desire, but you can decorate them in different ways: with prints and patterns according to a pattern, paints, pebbles, beads, colored sand, beautifully laid out threads or laces, as well as coffee beans;
    • Mosaic for a flower pot. An old pot can be renewed by gluing the CD pieces over its surface in the desired order. You can even lay out a drawing or an inscription, it all depends on your imagination and wishes;
    • Mini scarecrow for in the form of an owl. It can be placed in a vegetable garden or simply hung on a tree as a decoration. To make such a craft, you will need several old discs, foil, glue, 4 lids from under cans of different sizes and wire;
    • A spinner for the wind. To make such a fun craft, you need to take several discs, bottle caps, metal pins, a rod and a rotating blade mechanism, as in the photo;
    • Arbor decoration. The disc is pasted over with beads, shells and pebbles, laces with decorative weights are attached to it, which develop nicely in the wind;
    • An owl with eyes made from laser discs. Can be used as a scarecrow for the garden or just a fancy figurine to decorate the garden;
    • A peacock with a luxurious tail in the yard will become a real art object of the site. To make it, you need a mesh and a few unnecessary glossy discs;
    • ... It is comfortable and pleasant to relax or sunbathe on it in the summer. Garden furniture made of tightly glued CDs can serve for a long time and please the eyes of households;
    • Decoration for a playground or playground. To create such a funny product, you need discs, multi-colored plasticine, cardboard and tape. You can tinker with your child;
    • Mesh or fence decoration. You can specially select CDs of different shades and overflows, or paint the discs yourself in the desired color, as in the photo;
    • Organizer for seeds and small parts. It is convenient to store seeds for the planting season, as well as sort them by type and sowing time. In this case, the disks are pasted over with cardboard or cloth;
    • Disco ball for the summer veranda. Will create a perky mood, shines beautifully in the sun, is often used as a decor during a party;
    • Disc roof. This design is able to protect against rain and wind during bad weather. You can lay out CDs on the surface of the roof of a gazebo, shed, sandbox, swing or well;
    • Panel on the coffee table in the courtyard. A great idea to decorate any countertop. Disc fragments can have different shapes and shades, as in the photo;
    • Flowerpots. Small pieces of discs of different shapes and sizes are glued to the surface of flowerpots and pots. You can fix the result with transparent varnish, and fill the voids with beads or pebbles;
    • Lighting in the garden. For this, solid discs are used, which are fastened to each other in such a way as to form a shape for mini-lamps;
    • Scarecrow from large birds. Such a product will protect against annoying birds, do everything right and install it in the garden. Crafting requires tight rope, shiny discs, an old rake, or a shovel holder. All elements should sway freely in the wind and ring a little, as in the photo.

    Today you can find many really worthwhile ideas for decorating a summer cottage with shiny crafts from glossy discs. In the video master class, you can get acquainted with this process and learn the secrets of craftsmanship from experienced summer residents.

    Master class on creating a Green caterpillar for a fence from discs

    If the territory of the cottage is surrounded by a metal mesh, it can be decorated with cute figurines of various animals, berries and flowers from CDs or their fragments. To independently make such a product in the form of a caterpillar, you will need:

    • Old laser blanks - at least 5 pieces;
    • Thin plywood sheets for feet;
    • Colored paper;
    • Felt pen and pencil;
    • Acrylic paints;
    • Woolen threads;
    • Scotch;
    • Glue.

    First, you need to degrease the surface of the discs by treating them with an alcohol solution, and then glue the voids in the middle with tape. Paws are cut out of plywood and brightly painted. The blanks should also be painted green, on one of them they paint eyes, a nose and a mouth (you can stick colored paper) - this is the future head. Beautifully knitted threads are used for hairstyles: you can make two ponytails or pigtails. The parts are connected to each other with self-tapping screws, the hairstyle is fixed with super-glue. The caterpillar is ready!

    Green CD caterpillar in the garden

    You can make unique gizmos and decor yourself, the main thing is not to be afraid to be creative. Show your imagination and decorate the dacha with hand-made crafts from disks for the garden and vegetable garden, because beauty can be found even in the simplest things! The video master class shows a step-by-step process for creating such products.

    If you have already tried all the previous options, then it's time to make an unusual craft from old CDs. Surely you have a dozen unnecessary disks lying around, which are a pity to throw away, and there is no longer any need to use them. Their finest hour has come! Turn on your imagination, take note of our master classes and go ahead to create new masterpieces!

    Let's start with the simplest thing - the decor of the old disc with ordinary stained glass paint. In terms of manufacturing, such a craft is quite simple, but outwardly you can't tell. You will need stained glass paints and imagination. You can draw both abstract ornaments or mandalas, and real story pictures. By the way, if there are no stained glass paints, a regular marker is fine. You can download templates for drawing mandalas at the link below.

    A little more complicated will be a New Year's craft from disks, decorated with applications. The easiest option is colored paper applique.

    If your children love the animated film "Smeshariki", then it's time to use their old CDs to make their favorite characters. All you need is to find out from the child which character he likes best, cut out Smesharik templates from paper and glue them on a disk. Smeshariki's New Year's craft is ready! You can draw applique patterns yourself, or you can download them for all the cartoon characters from us.

    # 4 Christmas tree decoration from old CDs: DIY Christmas crafts from CD

    From an ordinary disk, you can make a rather unusual Christmas tree toy, which looks like a ball, but this ball is flat. To make such a craft, you will need: an old disc, dark acrylic paint (if not, gouache will do), a pencil and a fountain pen, or a flat screwdriver.

    If there are a lot of disks, then you may well think about creating a New Year's garland. With the right lighting, the garland will shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, resembling snow glistening in the sun. By the way, from such a garland it becomes warm and sunny in the house!

    There are not enough CDs for a New Year's garland, but did you like the idea? See more ideas:

    Perfectly round shape is perfect for snowmen. The technique for making snowmen from discs can be different, but you should be satisfied with the result. By the way, such a craft is quite suitable for a competition for a school or kindergarten.

    Would you like to make your own disco ball for decoration? Then you will need a blank for the ball (plastic, glass, foam), an old disc, scissors and glue.

    Want more Christmas ball ideas? Then see:

    You will need: old CD, cones, glue, aluminum candle holder, beads, glitter or varnish for decoration.

    On a regular disc, you can recreate New Year's landscapes using the decoupage technique. The process of decoupage discs is standard, the result is amazing!

    If, in addition to old disks, pieces of felt are lying around in the house, then you can make such cool snowmen. Well, will any of the guests guess that it is based on an ordinary unnecessary disk?

    See more ideas for felt Christmas decorations:

    Decorating an ordinary mirror or photo frame will be a great idea for a New Year's craft from old discs. The disc needs to be cut into pieces, and then decorate the surface with these pieces. You can keep it for yourself, or you can make an original gift to someone close to you.

    If you were once a big fan of CDs, and everyone had such a time, now is the time to give them a second life. What's the use of disks that just gather dust on the shelf? You can now find the desired song or movie on the Internet. But you can make an unusual Christmas tree only once a year!

    Still thinking about what to give your friend for the New Year? The best gift is one that is made by hand. Present your loved one with a handmade bracelet, which she will definitely appreciate! Well, if a gift for your friend has already been chosen, you can keep such a decoration for yourself!

    If you want to shine the most dazzling at the New Year's party, then it's time to think about a New Year's outfit. You can decorate an ordinary collar with pieces of an unnecessary disk. Looks very cool!

    An owl will be a great idea for crafts for the new year from old CDs. To create a night guard, you can use pieces of felt, colored paper, several discs, and other scrap materials. Turn on your imagination and start creating.

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