How to choose a suitcase: practical tips and tricks. How to choose a suitcase: practical advice

are already thinking about the list of things needed for the trip. Someone likes to travel light, with a backpack on their shoulders. And someone needs an impressive suitcase to pack their wardrobe. We will tell you about the intricacies of choosing the latter today.

Types of suitcases

These very necessary items differ in different categories. First of all, according to the material from which the product is made:

  • Aluminum alloy suitcases are particularly durable. They are suitable for countries with hot tropical climates and for trips to the cold northern regions. Such a suitcase is not afraid of blows and falls.
  • Textile suitcases. The material used to make the suitcase is necessarily synthetic with water-repellent properties. Most often, nylon or polyester is used for such suitcases.
  • Plastic suitcase. The material for such a suitcase must withstand impacts well, not crack and retain its shape.

Suitcases are divided into the following categories by size:

  • Up to 55 cm - these small suitcases are suitable for carry-on luggage. They fit the necessary amount of things for one person. It is convenient to take them with you on business trips and short trips.
  • Suitcases up to 60 cm are no longer suitable for carry-on luggage. They should be chosen on a week-long trip in order to fold, in addition to clothes and toiletries, also shoes.
  • A suitcase up to 68 cm in size will fit absolutely any item.
  • For choose suitcases over 71 cm.In them you can put things for the whole family. However, a fully filled suitcase can be difficult to move. In addition, be aware of the airline's baggage restrictions.

How to choose a suitcase on wheels

According to the number of wheels, suitcases are 2-wheeled and 4-wheeled. Of course, such a suitcase is very convenient - you don't have to carry it in your hands all the time, you can just roll it along. The wheels of such suitcases can be large or small. with experience prefer models with large wheels. In this case, it is worth choosing models where the wheels are significantly recessed into the body. Such wheels will not break during travel and will not get clogged. The large size of the wheel will protect the bottom of the suitcase from damage from the road surface.

Suitcase wheels are made of rubber, plastic or silicone. Silicone wheels roll smoothly and gently, but under heavy load or bad road they can break. Plastic wheels can also break quickly and are noisy. The best option is rubber wheels. They are both reliable and quiet.

How to choose a suitcase for an airplane

The safest thing for air travel is a small suitcase that fits the size of hand luggage. You will be able to take it to the salon and you will not worry about the safety of things and the suitcase itself. However, it won't fit a lot of things.

If you need a larger suitcase, then first of all pay attention to the case. It must be made of durable material. The polypropylene suitcase is ideal for air travel. It withstands bumps and falls perfectly. Such suitcases are often made not with a zipper, but with latches, which significantly increases the tightness. In a suitcase made of polypropylene, you can safely transport fragile things.

Another popular material is polycarbonate. These suitcases are also durable, but their body flexes and bounces, which helps to avoid breakage if dropped or hit. But it is dangerous to transport fragile things in such a suitcase. It is best to place them in the middle of a suitcase and pack well.

Textile and leather suitcases are the least suitable for air travel. They can be easily damaged or deliberately opened, despite the presence of locks. In addition, such a suitcase will very soon become unusable.

Choose models with bright and memorable colors. Such a suitcase is easy to recognize when receiving your luggage.

Pay attention to the handles and locks of the suitcase. Give preference to models with a telescopic handle and two regular ones. Regular handles should be well secured, and the telescopic handles should be completely hidden in the body. Locks can be coded or with a key. The combination lock is safer, you will have to select a combination to open it. But at the same time, there is a possibility of forgetting the combination of numbers yourself. This does not happen with an ordinary lock, but it is very easy to open them with a master key.


What material to choose for a suitcase?
The suitcase must have high durability, especially in relation to damage and moisture. The best suitcase cover contains polyester or nylon with a water repellent effect. Often in stores you can see suitcases with plastic coating and metal chips. Of course, they look very attractive and expensive, but they are easily scratched, although they are highly durable. Exactly the same properties of the leather cover.

At what price to buy a suitcase?
If you have a lot of money, buy a quality suitcase from a famous manufacturer. But if you decide to save money, you can buy an analogue of expensive suitcases, and with a very durable coating. The cost of the analogue is much lower, and the quality is practically the same. Never buy a suitcase that is too cheap, as its quality is too low, and it can let you down at the most important moment.

How to choose a durable suitcase?
Due to the fact that luggage is loaded very carelessly, your suitcase can be badly damaged, and its outer cover will quickly wear out. That is why you need to choose a suitcase with a reliable frame around the perimeter. It should be noted that the corners of the suitcase should have reinforcing rubberized pads. They are necessary if you carry fragile items such as wine bottles or dishes. Although now it is impossible to transport alcohol in any case. If you will be transporting something very important, for example, Chinese porcelain vases, which are already a hundred years old, you should buy a model with a propylene coating containing titanium shavings.

How to choose a suitcase on wheels?

The most important thing is the location of the wheels. Do not buy a suitcase with wheels on the same axis. The best models have four casters. Also remember that the best suitcases have casters that can rotate in any direction. To reduce the noise from the suitcase ride, you need to buy a model with metal bearings installed inside the case. If a retainer is provided, the likelihood of rolling is reduced. The casters are available in silicone and plastic. But it is better to give preference to silicone ones, since they are much stronger and more reliable.

How to choose a handle for a travel suitcase?
A truly high-quality suitcase has three handles at once: a retractable handle and two plastic or woven handles. You need to check the comfort of holding the suitcase, as you will have to carry it often. Check the operation of the handle lock so that it is free to hold in the locked position, both folded and unfolded.

How to choose the right zipper?
All suitcases contain lightning, and a lot depends on its quality. Buy a model with a massive, self-healing plastic zipper. They will not deform due to temperature changes, and even if the zipper breaks, it will still work correctly. The best fastener width is 10 centimeters. There are two locks in a high-quality suitcase: a combination one and a regular one.

What volume and weight should the suitcase be?
The volume is measured in liters, but manufacturers do not always indicate this information. When choosing, you need to consider the following: buy a suitcase with a volume of 30 liters if you are flying alone, and buy 2 suitcases of 100 liters each if you are flying with your family. Of course, everything is very individual, but it is better to play it safe and take a large volume.
Now airlines have changed their rules, each passenger can only check in luggage for free, the weight of which does not exceed 23 kilograms. Even if you are flying together and you have one suitcase with a weight of 26 kilograms, you will have to pay extra for 3 kilograms, since the weight cannot be summed up. Remember to keep this in mind if you are buying a large suitcase with wheels.
Also pay attention to the function of increasing the volume by changing the thickness. Do not forget that the sum of all sides must be less than 115 centimeters if you are taking your suitcase on the plane. Most airlines indicate the characteristics, you can familiarize yourself with them either on the company's website, or by checking with a consultant.

What color is more practical for a suitcase?
A lot depends on the color, you can fly to the airport and not notice your suitcase among the rest. Therefore, you need to buy a suitcase of a bright and non-standard color with patterns and drawings, of course, the main thing here is not to overdo it. Whichever original suitcase you buy - check the tag so as not to accidentally carry away someone else's luggage.

We wish you a happy shopping, dear friends!

Vacation - how many pleasant emotions and expectations are in this one word! When preparing for a trip, we carefully choose a resort and a specific hotel, after which we begin to pack our things for the trip. Where are we going to put clothes and other trifles necessary for the trip? Especially for you, a selection of the best tips on good quality.

Volume and size

Before heading to the store for a new suitcase, try to determine the basic purchase requirements. What mode of transport do you use most often, how many things are you used to taking with you and how fragile are they? Airlines are the most strict about baggage. Today, each aircraft passenger can take on board one suitcase weighing no more than 23 kg. In this case, the sum of measurements of the outer sides of the baggage should not exceed 115 cm.

For an airplane, if most manufacturers indicate the internal volume (in liters) as the main characteristic? If the outside dimensions are not listed on the label, ask the store consultant to measure the travel bag you like. Or rely on the experience of other travelers: it is believed that about 25-30 liters is enough for one person. Summer clothes take up very little space. For holidays in hot countries, you can safely take a small or medium suitcase. The situation is much more complicated with warm clothes. Jackets, coats, suits for winter sports take up a lot of space. If you often take such things on trips, take a closer look at large suitcases.

What is your suitcase made of?

The most popular materials for the production of modern suitcases are plastic and fabric. Textile travel bags are lightweight. These suitcases are made of special wear-resistant fabrics. The main disadvantage of textile travel bags is the inability to protect the contents from impacts.

Which suitcase is better: fabric or plastic? Textile travel bags are affordable. Their walls can be sealed, but even then there is a high risk of damage to the contents. Plastic suitcases protect their contents better thanks to a rigid frame. However, these trunks are heavier than cloth bags. Still, this is a good solution for those who regularly transport a significant amount of fragile items.

Compartments and pockets

It is very convenient when the suitcase has several internal compartments. In this case, you can easily separate things of different types inside. A big plus is the presence of internal pockets for small items. How to choose a good quality suitcase on wheels, does it need small external compartments? Outside pockets are useful for passengers who do not drop off their luggage in the cargo hold. If you are traveling by train or car, the more compartments in your suitcase, the better. Fill the outside pockets with travel essentials so you don't have to bring extra bags and bags. Please note: some suitcases are adjustable in size and this is definitely a useful feature.

How many wheels does a suitcase need?

Carrying your own luggage in your hands is a dubious pleasure. For travel and long trips, it makes sense to purchase a suitcase on wheels. Two modifications are most popular today: carts and spinners. In the first case, the suitcase has two wheels and is transported in a semi-tilted position. Spinners are distinguished by the presence of four wheels located at the corners of the bottom. Each wheel rotates freely around its axis. A good suitcase on wheels with a similar fastening system ideally moves on the smooth asphalt or flooring of public buildings. The advantage of spinners is the minimum effort to move. It is these suitcases that are recommended for the elderly and children. However, be careful: spinner wheels can break after long travel on a bad road. If you often cover considerable distances on foot with your luggage, it makes sense to choose a trolley suitcase.

What is the perfect pen?

When choosing a suitcase, you need to think about how you will transport it. Most modern travel bags have a retractable handle. It can be made of metal or plastic. Pay attention to what the part of it is made of, for which you will carry the suitcase. It's good if the handle is rubberized or has a fabric overlay at the top. A useful feature is the ability to fasten in several positions in height. This is especially true if several people of different heights will use the suitcase.

Before buying, be sure to try to carry your suitcase around the store. This simple test will help you figure out if the height is right for you. How to choose a suitcase on wheels of good quality and convenient? Note the presence of side carry handles. It is advisable that there are two of them - in this case, you can easily carry a suitcase with someone else, and it will not be difficult to put it on a shelf or in the trunk. These handles should also have rubber or fabric grips.

Suitcase clasp

Plastic suitcases are closed with special latches. Their quality, quantity and strength completely depend on the cost of the product. Cloth suitcases usually have a zipper. It's good if it's plastic and wide. Please note: some suitcases have zippers more than 1 cm wide. And this is not a design move, but a practical solution - such a fastener will last longer than a narrow one. Try to carefully close an overfilled suitcase, and then it will serve you for a very long time.

Your things are under lock and key!

Plastic suitcases have built-in locks. This is quite convenient, but remember: if the mechanism breaks down, you will have to break open the case with your own hands. How to choose a travel suitcase that will protect your belongings? Zippers usually have special shackles for a padlock. The very same protective device can be purchased at a store that sells travel bags. can be coded or conventional mechanical (with a key). In the first case, you need to remember a combination of numbers, and in the second, you must always have a key with you. The most reliable are considered

How to choose a suitcase for travel and how to extend its service life?

What color to choose a suitcase? Today, in any store you can find travel accessories in classic colors and bright, original ones. Which suitcase should you choose? An unusual design or a bright print is something that will always help you easily recognize your own luggage. But be careful, even if you have a very original suitcase - don't forget to read the tags. Before buying, check the functionality of the fittings and casters. If something sticks a little or is in doubt, this suitcase is not worth buying. Remember that large travel bags and trunks are virtually irreparable. A breakage of one zipper or a wheel almost always means the death of the entire product.

It is not enough to know how to choose a good quality suitcase on wheels, it is important to ensure that the purchase is properly cared for. Lubricate the wheels regularly with silicone grease. At the airport, it is advisable to wrap the suitcase with foil, this will protect it from mechanical damage and dirt. Try not to overfill your suitcase. But if you need to transport a lot of bulky items, use special vacuum bags. We wish you a pleasant journey and hope that you will be able to choose a suitcase that will make them even more comfortable!

Two distinct advantages fabric suitcases- a lower price and the presence of external pockets, in which you can put small things you need during the trip, and souvenirs bought at the last moment before departure.

Plastic suitcases usually more durable than fabric, they do not get wet and are easy to clean: just wipe it with a cloth. Thanks to the solid body in a plastic suitcase, you can safely transport fragile items.

2. Choosing the right size

  • Small suitcase(height up to 59 cm) is suitable for a short trip of several days.
  • Medium suitcase(height up to 70 cm) - ideal for a trip of one person for 2 weeks or two, but for 7 days.
  • Large suitcase(height 70–80 cm) - the choice for long trips for two or even three with a small child.
  • Extra large suitcase(height over 80 cm) - family travel companion. However, with such a suitcase, you can only move on water or land.

Life hack: Luggage scales will help you find out the exact weight of the suitcase during packing and correctly distribute things if necessary.

3. Correct wheels are very important

Suitcases are two-wheeled and four-wheeled. When you roll a suitcase on two wheels, a quarter of its weight falls on your hand. A bulky suitcase will be hard to carry.

Suitcases on four wheels are light and maneuverable: each wheel is fixed on a separate axle and can rotate 360 ​​degrees. But he will be able to drive only on a relatively flat surface: on uneven areas he will have to be lifted. By the way, remember that you cannot lift a loaded suitcase by the retractable handle.