How to choose your talisman or amulet made of stones? How to choose a stone by date of birth? - suitable talismans

Since those immemorial times, when a person acquired the ability to perceive the harmony and beauty of the world around him, his attention was riveted to himself by the magical play of color, transparency and perfection of form and crystals, precious stones and gems. Lacking, apart from observation, other tools for learning about nature, people for many millennia have accumulated and sorted the signs and properties of stones, discarding random and retaining in memory steadily repeating connections.

Already in ancient times, people associated their hopes for safety, prosperity and success with the stone, seeing magical powers in it. Magicians, prophets and astrologers proceeded from the belief of those years that man is a part of nature and everything else in nature is also alive.

Therefore, they believed that the stone has strange, inexplicable, inherent in living, wonderful properties: planetary attraction, dignity and the ability to influence the environment, events, fate, character and health of a person, zodiacal correspondence to the seasons.

Why are precious minerals able to influence humans? Inside natural crystals, just like on the surface of the Earth, there are energy nodes with positive and negative charges. Every "living" stone with a crystalline structure (amorphous substances are dead!) Reacts to signals coming from distant planets and constellations.

Stones are always associated with the forces of the astral plane and with the person onto whom these forces are projected. From time immemorial, astrologers have been using stones to communicate with the astral world in order to obtain information about a person's past or future through them.

The astral qualities of a stone, its strength are determined not by hardness, not by size, and certainly not by cost, but by transparency, color and purity of color. Stones with a strong shine and play of light - deantoids - are especially appreciated, and the presence of an asterisk or a harmonious inclusion enhances the positive properties of a gemstone. Defects, bubbles, areas of opacity enhance the negative properties of the stone. The true cosmic color of a stone is determined through a prism: if, for example, a diamond appears transparent to the naked eye, then under the prism it reveals a dark blue glow - classic indigo. The glassy white “moonstone” has the same property.

Stones are divided into male and female., i.e. - yang and yin:
- all transparent and translucent stones with warm tones and shades? - male, YAN,? - fire and air;
- opaque stones, with cold tones and shades, and also capable of changing their color (opal)? - female, YIN,? - water and earth.
It was noticed that it is impossible to wear jewelry with 2, 4, 8, 13 stones at the same time: they brought misfortune to their owners. But if you are strong and able to withstand the load from such a combination of the number of stones, to cope with the proposed tests, you have nothing to fear from so many stones in the decoration.

It is recommended to wear jewelry with 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 stones: they bring good luck. Only gifted or inherited gemstones are most effective and powerful; stolen? - bring misfortune, up to death; purchased? - take effect only after a few years (for example, BRILLIANT - after 7 years).

Stone selection Is a real creative act. First, you must decide for yourself what the precious stone should be for you: a talisman or an amulet? What are the differences? The talisman supports and enhances the positive properties of the character of its owner, attracting certain influences from the outside - in resonance with the corresponding natural rhythms (Earth and Space). The amulet is designed to protect the wearer from unwanted influences, to smooth out the disharmony between external and internal rhythms, thereby protecting from misfortunes, ailments, the "evil eye" (causing disharmony).
The talisman, increasing the protective properties of its owner, can also act as an amulet. The amulet is not capable of being a talisman: it only protects, not enhances.

Psychologists in ancient times noticed that a person who believes in a talisman (or amulet) resists adversity better and more easily achieves its goal. The healing properties of precious stones were noticed and widely used by ancient doctors, the founders of medicine, and some stones were widely used in the treatment of many diseases.

The meaning of talisman stones.

Many talisman stones have their own, only inherent mysterious properties and possess one or another miraculous power. Therefore, everyone should know which talismans-stones are better to have with them.

Black agate with white veins warns of the dangers that a person wearing this stone will face, helps to defeat enemies, as well as be successful in the game.

Amethyst pale pink color protects its owner from drunken revelry, from thieves. If a lion is engraved on this stone, then the person will have extraordinary courage.

Cornelian has the ability to stop bleeding if inserted into a platinum frame. Carnelian brings happiness to the one who wears it, only it should be worn secretly so that no one can see it.

Rose quartz often worn in a precious frame, although it is not valuable itself. Moreover, it tends to age in the light and acquire a gray color. However, he is loved, as he is a symbol of complete health. The mystics claim that it arose in the initial period of the animal's development of the Earth and is, as it were, saturated with young blood. We also mention transparent varieties of quartz with opaque inclusions: the so-called "hairs". If they are needle-shaped? - they are called "arrows? - Cupid", if fibrous? - "Hair of Venus." They are considered talismans that provide happiness in love. What distinguishes green "mushrooms" from them? - talismans of peace of mind and health.

Chalcedony protects from strife and litigation, protects against misfortunes while traveling. Engraving a rider with a spear on this stone will help defeat your enemies.

Smoky crystal has dark cloud formations from dark gray to smoky gray, black crystal crystals are called morion. These types of crystal are younger than other gems and are inherently related to sapphire, only the forces acting in this noble stone act in smoky crystal and morion much more rough and not so harmonious. The properties of smoky crystal? - to excite imagination, distort the foresight of the future and ideas about the physical world, it is a stone of dreamers, visionaries, drug addicts, and he heals the latter.

Coral. On this stone you need to engrave a woman and a young warrior with a sword, sitting on a dragon. Anyone who wears coral with such an engraving will have courage and will not be intimidated by either people or animals.

Chrysolite green, inserted into a frame of pure gold, protects its owner from gout and other similar diseases.

Diamond black water is useful for women from infertility.

Emerald. An image of a bird, for example, a nightingale or a starling, is engraved on the stone, and this prolongs the life of a person. If you put it in a platinum ring, you will have prophetic dreams. The emerald is also a symbol of chastity.

Topaz the color of pure gold has a special property: set in gold, it makes its owner successful in business, ensures success in society, and especially among women.

Garnet has a wonderful property to keep a person healthy. Those who wear this stone are usually hardworking and energetic, and also happy in their married life.

Yakhont(hyacinth) saffron color protects against many diseases, and also protects on the way from misfortunes, animals, enemies, brings success in trade and helps to make capital.

Aquamarine(beryl) the color of sea water with a lizard or a toad engraved on it tends to teach people to work. In other words, even a naturally lazy person, having such a stone, becomes hardworking. If you give someone a drink of spring water, into which the talisman-beryl has been dipped, then this person will feel special sympathy for you.

Onyx the color of a raven wing arouses in its owner a passion for enrichment, makes him energetic and adventurous.

Sardonyx bloody color with a falcon or eagle engraved on it makes its owner happier, more successful in love: the loyalty of women to the owner of this stone borders on slavish affection. A woman wearing this stone set in gold is very happy in marriage.
A sapphire of light blue color, on which a sheep or a young ram is engraved, keeps the owner of this stone from a dissolute life, makes a person restrained, modest, balanced; in all enterprises it is promoted by success. A woman is made more serious and sane, her life is happy, children will be born healthy and reasonable. Girls who wear sapphire in earrings are favored by fate itself.

Jasper green color protects against the bite of snakes and other poisonous animals. You need to wear it in a ring on the ring finger of your left hand.

Ruby gives its owner a lot of willpower when traveling, helps to endure all sorts of hardships, denotes success in many enterprises. A ruby ​​brings happiness to a woman if she wears it in a ring worn on the little finger of her left hand.

Selenite the color of young grass with a swallow or a lark engraved on it brings success to the owners in all enterprises, contributes to the maintenance of good relations with business people. It is good to wear this stone for merchants, as well as for those who are engaged in any craft.

Pearls - chastity symbol; girls who wear it in necklaces are very meek and happy, in marriage they are good housewives and mothers.

Beryl green with a dragon engraved on it gives extraordinary courage to the warriors. But it does little in love. It brings prosperity to women in family life if they wear it in earrings or around their neck in the form of a medallion.

Almandine strengthens faith in the success of the undertaken business, gives courage in risky matters, patronizes commerce, crafts and other activities that benefit a person.

Tourmaline black women are worn by blonde women to maintain friendship with the right people, with girlfriends. Tourmaline with a chamomile flower engraved on it protects its owner from misfortunes and various accidents. Girls who wear it in the form of a medallion are healthy, hardworking and prone to family life.

protects its owners from misfortunes. Women wear it in earrings for success in business, and men - for success among women. This stone has the property of making the owner fall in love with it, even if he is a very ugly person.

Spinel It portends a good fate for women wearing it, gives courage to travelers, success in the game to players, portends failure for hunters and fishermen, ensures success for artisans in business, and profit for traders.

Chrysoprase with a lion engraved on it gives warriors strength and fearlessness, travelers - prosperity and success, hunters - good luck, women who wear it in a gold frame - happiness in family life. It energizes young people, and portends a good fate for girls.

Heliotrope with a dove engraved on it, it makes a cruel person soft-hearted, a sick person healthy, an unhappy person happy. It portends a happy marriage for girls, and ensures respect from children for parents.

Lapis lazuli brings happiness only to brunettes and brunettes, and to everyone else - misfortune, red-haired portends a good fate.

Zodiac. According to one of them, Aries should choose sardonyx, Taurus - agate, or carnelian; Gemini - topaz, Cancer - chalcedony or turquoise, Leo - jasper. Astrologers advise Virgo to take aventurine and pomegranate, Libra - beryl, Scorpios - amethyst, Sagittarius - hyacinth, Capricorns - chrysoprase, Aquarius - rock crystal, and Pisces - sapphire. You can choose for your own and according to the decade in which you were born.

Another interesting option is the selection of a mascot stone by blood type, which is the famous naturopath James Adamo. According to his research, stones of a certain color are suitable for people with the same blood group. For those who have blood group I, he recommends stones ranging in color from yellow-orange to red and purple. For owners of groups II and IV, who are energetically similar to each other, he recommends choosing stones of blue and green tones. More complex recommendations were received by those who have group III - to stimulate physiological and mental activity, stones of red and orange tones are suitable for them, in order to tune in to memories and reflections - purple stones, and the products of their blue and green stones will calm their nerves.

You can pick up stones according to the properties that people think they have. So, according to legends, chrysoprase, topaz, amethyst and carnelian are brought to their owner; opal and amethyst - beauty; rhinestone -; heliotrope, carnelian and agate - longevity, jasper -.

By choosing stone, forget everything that you read and know about them, tune in to your inner feelings. Look around the whole showcase, look at all the stones displayed on it, take the one that attracted you, just hold it in your hand. If there is a feeling of warmth in the chest and in the hand, then this is your stone.


  • Selection of a stone by the sign of the zodiac
  • how to choose a stone for yourself

Advice 2: Is it necessary to choose a stone for yourself according to the horoscope

Each stone is unique in its origin and is endowed with magical properties. Traditionally, it is believed that the gem has a greater impact on people born under one or another horoscope, but this is not always the case. For example, astrologers recommend pearls for signs of the water element, but they are worn not only by Cancers, Pisces and Scorpions, but also by people born under different constellations.


Each stone enhances certain aspects of character in a person, so choose a gem based on its properties. So, jade makes its owner wiser, astrologers recommend wearing it to Virgo and Libra, but there are no contraindications for other horoscopes. Therefore, you can safely wear an amulet with jade if you want to acquire knowledge, have honesty and justice.

Many quartz give cheerfulness and cheerful mood, therefore they are recommended for young people, regardless of the horoscope. Rose quartz is suitable for sophisticated natures - it makes the wearer resistant to stressful situations. Another representative of quartz, amethyst, is considered a symbol of purity and fragility. If you are young, then you can safely wear these stones.

You can wear talismans from the chalcedony group when you reach adulthood and regardless of the horoscope. For example, agate is a symbol of longevity and prosperity, protects you from the intrigues of enemies and takes care of your health. Onyx will help you gain self-confidence and teach you how to defend your interests. According to the Aztec legend, the ring with onyx protects the owner from sudden death.

Gems, which are yellow-brown in color, are considered the most healing stones. For example, carnelian fights infectious diseases and prevents blood poisoning. Recently, the effect of carnelian therapy on various human organs has been studied. If you have a reduced immunity, then you can safely wear jewelry with natural carnelian.

Amber has a healing effect on the thyroid, so you can wear it to treat endemic goiter and not worry about which sign it suits best. Keep in mind that amber inspires creativity and helps you gain optimism.

Anyone is able to pick up a stone that suits him perfectly. Sometimes your talisman is felt immediately after touching. This method does not always work, so you should turn to the magic of numbers.

A precious or semi-precious stone manifests its magical properties to the maximum when they believe in its power. It is important to select stones responsibly. There are many ways to find a talisman, but the surest is to determine by date of birth. Amulets selected by this method will be able to:

  1. Protect from negativity.
  2. Improve health.
  3. Bring success in life and career.
  4. Reward with strength and energy.
  5. Help in your personal life.

The main thing is not only a competent choice, but careful care of the mineral. If used improperly, it loses its strength and cracks. The easiest way is to energize the amulet with the energy of the earth. To do this, you need to put it in a flower pot for a couple of days.

Date of Birth

Numbers play an important role in human life, so people are dependent on them. This feature concerns the question of how to choose a talisman stone.

Numerologists say that a birthday carries important information. Long-term studies have shown that it is possible to recognize certain character traits by it. The data can help in the formation of personality traits.

The stone by date of birth is chosen based on certain calculations, during which the essence of the number is revealed. It can be calculated as follows:

  1. Date of birth November 29, 1991. The month on the calendar is 11 in a row. It turns out 11/29/1991.
  2. The sum of the components is calculated: 2 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 1 = 33.
  3. You need to get a result in the range from 1 to 9, so additionally add 3 + 3 = 6.
  4. According to calculations, it is clear that the essence is the number 6. You need to find it in the memo and, in accordance with it, choose your talisman.


  • The number 1. rewards with energy and determination. Obsidian is a talisman in love affairs.
  • Number 2. Sapphire and citrine will clear your mind and direct you in the right direction on any path in life.
  • Number 3. Coral and obsidian will restore mental balance and maintain good health.
  • The number 4. will protect you from the evil eye and create powerful protection from bad thoughts from outside.
  • Number 5. Turquoise will soften the harsh character and help to establish harmonious relationships with others.
  • Number 6. contributes to the disclosure of creativity and implementation in the professional field.
  • The number 7. will attract good luck that will accompany you everywhere.
  • Number 8. will help you build successful friendships and professional relationships.
  • The number 9. will clear the mind of unnecessary thoughts and tune in to solving current problems.
RepresentativedateAmuletDangerous talismans
AriesMarch 21 - April 20TopazLibra sign
TaurusApril 21 - May 21Beryl, onyx, turquoiseScorpio sign
TwinsMay 22 - June 21JasperSagittarius sign
CancerJune 22 - July 22Emerald, tourmalineCapricorn sign
a lionJuly 23 - August 23Chrysoprase, onyxAquarius sign
VirgoAugust 24 - September 23TurquoisePisces
scalesSeptember 24 - October 23Obsidian, sapphireAries sign
ScorpionOctober 24 - November 22Chalcedony, carnelianTaurus sign
SagittariusNovember 23 - December 21Diamond, opalGemini
CapricornDecember 22 - January 20Amber, topazCancer sign
AquariusJanuary 21 - February 18Citrine, sapphireLeo sign
FishesFebruary 19 - March 20Coral, bloodstoneVirgo

Day of week

The day of the week on which a person was born also carries a special meaning. If the previous methods did not help determine your talisman, you can consider this option by choosing your stone by day from the table.

Today, a fairly popular way to select a gemstone is to match the mineral with the zodiac sign under which the person was born. The idea that the influence of gems on human destiny and purpose is determined by the signs of the Zodiacal circle, or rather the position of the planets, appeared in ancient times. It was the scientists who studied the arrangement of the planets who revealed the fact of the influence of minerals associated with the date of birth of a person and his name.

Talismans and amulets made from natural stones, selected in accordance with your Zodiac, are designed to endow their owners with special magical properties and powers aimed at developing positive and eradicating negative qualities. Gems will help protect their owner from a large number of negative influences, such as the evil eye, damage, conspiracies, curses. An amulet with the right mineral will bring good luck, success, happiness, prudence, financial security and love. No less significant is the presence of healing properties in precious amulets.

Knowing how to choose a stone amulet by the sign of the Zodiac, you will provide yourself not only with the presence of strong magical properties, but also contribute to your own development of the qualities hidden within your subconscious mind.

You can pick up a stone online on the website. Here you will find all the information you need, discover the magical world of stones, choose a suitable talisman stone in accordance with your sign.

How to choose a stone by name?

You can also pick up charms made of natural stones by name. The name given to a person at birth, as well as the sign under which he was born, is of great importance. The name carries the strongest energy information and significantly influences its owner.

Each mineral is known to be the carrier of certain magic, magical properties and energetic forces. All of this has an incredible effect on all human aspects of life: health, relationships, work, character, well-being, success. By choosing the right mineral in the form of jewelry or jewelry, you can enhance your natural potential and positive qualities, develop natural talents. However, an accessory you have chosen incorrectly with precious gems that are not suitable for you can harm its owner, increasing the impact of negative qualities, exposing a person to dark forces.

Online store Mineral Market - here you can buy products with natural precious and semi-precious stones. Learn all about the power of stones. Find the perfect talisman for you in the form of a ring, earrings, bracelet, druze or pendant.

Other products made from this stone:

Amulets are designed to protect their owners from negative influences, as well as attract good luck and fulfill cherished desires. This article will help you choose a stone amulet.

Choosing a talisman stone is a serious step. Each person needs his own, personal talisman, but when choosing it, you can be guided by the Signs of the Zodiac. To determine the exact stone that suits you, familiarize yourself with the Stones-talismans "> their main characteristics and choose for yourself the amulet that can become your assistant and powerful protection.

The choice of the amulet can be made taking into account your name or date of birth. There are also stones-talismans by profession, which will attract good luck in your career and reveal your professional abilities.

It so happens that a stone finds its owner and helps him in life. A regular ring with a mineral can ward off the evil eye, attract good luck and cleanse the negative energy accumulated during the day. If you notice that the days on which you wear the jewelry go well, unpleasant situations are resolved in your favor and you are in every possible way with good luck, then thank the stone and wear it as a talisman.

Charm for protection from the evil eye and damage

Charms should be chosen from agate, cat's eye, tiger's eye, malachite, moonstone, chrysocolla. These minerals keep you out of trouble and change color if negatively affected. The cat's eye, for example, is an effective remedy for warding off spoilage from women and acts as the keeper of the hearth. Malachite protects against diseases and helps in a speedy recovery, purifying a person's energy.

Before using the stone as a talisman, you need to prepare it. To do this, use salt. Place the stone in a saline solution (sea salt is best) and soak in it for several hours, then rinse with cold running water. Warm the stone in your palms. So you will allow the energy of the amulet to interact with your energy, and thereby activate the amulet.

Stones attracting luck and money

Chrysolite, rhodonite, citrine, carnelian, agate, alexandrite have a beneficial effect. They give you the confidence to make good deals. Agate, for example, develops eloquence, creates inner harmony and protects from negative energy. Alexandrite protects against bad deals, and also protects finances from investing in dubious projects.

Personal amulet becomes with constant contact with the owner. For the first week, it is best to wear it on the body - in the form of a pendant or a ring. In order for the mineral to attract financial well-being, carry it in your wallet, and put it on paper money or precious stones and metals at night.

Minerals that attract love

Give preference to pomegranate, emerald, ruby, sapphire, topaz, turquoise, amber, quartz. They have the properties to make up for those qualities of a person that he lacks: understanding, sympathy, forgiveness, humility, responsibility. Inspire true love, romance and sincere feelings.

To attract the love of a particular person, a stone amulet is placed on his image (photograph) and left overnight. To find new love, the mineral is tied with a red thread and asked to open the energy flows that attract love. For people who want to improve family relationships, it is best to wear a charm stone under the heart and leave it on a family photo at night.

In order to understand whether the chosen stone is right for you, use the method that our great-grandmothers used. Tie the future amulet to the wrist of your left hand and go to bed. If your dreams are bright, filled with happiness and joy, then the stone will certainly suit you. If the dreams are disturbing, after waking up you do not feel sleepy, then it is better to put the stone aside. A good night without dreams suggests that the stone does not enter into an energetic connection with you and can only be used as a decoration.

Not only stones, but also everyday things can serve as amulets if they are used correctly. It is human nature to ask for help in difficult situations. Remember that not only amulets, but also your personal attitude and sanity can get you out of problems, set you up for victory in various areas of life. We wish you all the best, and do not forget to press the buttons and

17.11.2016 03:21

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