How to dry your sneakers after washing. How to dry shoes quickly: old-fashioned ways, an overview of dryers and whether to put sneakers in the microwave

How do I dry my shoes quickly?

How to quickly dry my shoes after washing?

Shoes, boots and boots made of suede, natural leather and nubuck must not be washed and dried quickly, as they are most susceptible to deformation. Shoes made of other materials are washed in an automatic machine in a special mode.

  • After washing, shoes must not be dried on a radiator or in an oven.
  • The high temperature negatively affects the material, and the heat is unevenly distributed on the battery, which leads to the drying out of the shoes.

To dry boots, shoes and sneakers after washing, use:

  • paper;
  • Washer;
  • fan.

To keep the shoes in shape, after washing, crumpled paper or newspaper is placed inside each shoe. Then the shoes are completely wrapped in paper. The newspaper should not be used if the material from which the shoes are made has a light shade, since the ink from the newspaper can leave black streaks on it. Old paper balls are replaced by new ones as they get wet.

After the shoes have been washed, they can be dried in the drum of the washing machine. To do this, fasten the laces of shoes or sneakers with the door of the machine, after placing several towels in the drum. Then select the "Drying" mode on the device panel.

  • To dry your shoes with a fan, you need 2 metal wires.
  • Small hooks are created from them, shaped like the English S.
  • One end of the wire clings to the fan grill, and a boot is attached to the other.
  • In this position, the shoes dry for 40-60 minutes.

How to quickly dry the inside of a shoe?

Fan heaters and hair dryers are not suitable for drying shoes, as hot air deforms the material from which they are made. You can dry wet shoes or boots from the inside using:

  • silica gel;
  • salt;
  • rice;
  • vacuum cleaner with blowing function.

Before you start drying your shoes, you need to unlace them and remove the insoles from them. Bags with silica gel are placed inside the shoe, which after 1-2 hours will absorb all the moisture.

The salt is preheated in a frying pan or baking sheet, then poured into a tight sock or wrapped in a scarf. The cloth with salt is placed in the unlaced boot. If the salt has cooled down and the inside of the shoes is still wet, then the procedure is repeated.

Drying shoes with rice takes longer than previous methods.

  1. Rice is poured into the box, then shoes are laid out on the rump with the soles up.
  2. The box is tightly covered with a lid.
  3. You can take out the shoes after 2-3 hours.

A blow-out vacuum cleaner helps you dry wet shoes quickly without damaging the finish.

  • A hose is placed under the tongue of each pair, then the vacuum cleaner is turned on.
  • Drying takes 20-30 minutes.

Before drying, the shoes must be thoroughly wiped, and then a protective agent must be applied to its coating. Suede and nubuck shoes are cleaned only after they are completely dry.

Each of us faced the need to quickly dry wet shoes. A big mistake in this case will be to put wet sneakers or boots on the battery, or use other electrical appliances that are not intended for this. Usually such experiments end with a spoiled pair, but there is a high risk of fire, so it is best to learn other, successfully proven methods of how to quickly dry sneakers after washing or rain.

In order not to ruin your sneakers, you need to know some of the nuances of proper drying. First of all, you cannot use an oven, microwave oven, convector or heating radiator for these purposes. This poses a fire hazard and is also very damaging to shoes. When exposed to high temperatures, adhesives and rubber (polyurethane) inserts dry out, leading to deformation of the shoe and premature wear. This can be avoided only by taking into account the basic nuances of proper drying.

The subtleties of drying shoes:

  • Sneakers soaked in the rain must first be cleaned of dirt (washed if necessary), and only then proceed to drying.
  • Leather shoes should not be placed near a heat source, because this will ruin the thing completely. Also, take off your leather sneakers as quickly as possible to avoid uneven surface stretching.
  • The laces must be pulled out, if possible, the insoles must be removed. It is advisable to dry all this separately, after having washed it for hygienic purposes.
  • Suede sneakers must not be cleaned before drying, let alone washed, otherwise there is a high risk of leaving unpleasant and very difficult to remove stains on the surface. After final drying, dirt and dust can be easily removed with a special brush.

To facilitate the care of shoes made of various materials, there are special impregnations. They will not only facilitate easy cleaning, but will also extend the life of your shoes.

How to prepare sneakers for drying

Popular ways

The best option is to purchase a special shoe dryer. This irreplaceable assistant does not take up much space, is inexpensive and, most importantly, does not harm your shoes. There are models of different capacities with additional features. The most "advanced" are presented with the function of bactericidal treatment, which is simply necessary for sports shoes.

You can dry sneakers with improvised means at home without special drying. For this, some electrical appliances are also used, which were not originally intended for these purposes. Let's leave the aforementioned oven and microwave aside, because there is a good, and most importantly, much safer alternative.

Running shoes without insoles will dry faster

Quick ways to dry your sneakers:

  • Applying a hair dryer. This device works great, fabric sneakers can be dried in 1 hour or less. To do this, the shoes are freed from laces and insoles, and the air stream from the hair dryer is directed inward. The shoe is changed periodically to ensure it dries evenly. Using hot air in this way is undesirable. It is good if the device is able to regulate the temperature of the air supply, then the hair dryer is used in the "cold" mode
  • In a similar way, sneakers are dried using a fan. The main difficulty is to secure the shoes with the inner side to the blades. Usually, bent wire, ropes and fastening to nearby objects are used for this. A fan is directed to the inside of the shoe and takes up to two hours to dry.
  • If your vacuum cleaner is equipped with a return air function, it will also help you dry your sneakers after washing. The principle of use is the same as that of a hair dryer. By the way, this is a great option if only one sneaker gets wet.
  • A tumble dryer or washing machine with this function is also quite suitable for this purpose. To prevent the shoes from damaging the drum of the device, the laces are fixed in the hatch of the car, and the sneakers themselves are unfolded with the sole against the glass. Drying is carried out in the mode provided by the manufacturer of the product. Despite the speed and convenience of using such equipment, this method does not always have a beneficial effect on the condition of the shoes. If necessary, it is better to use more gentle methods.

How to dry sneakers using the tools at hand

A proven method to properly dry your sneakers is to use paper, particularly newspapers. To do this, you need to roll up small balls, which are distributed inside the sneakers. The paper needs to be changed periodically to dry.

Important: To prevent the fabric from absorbing the printing ink, it is advisable to wrap the newspaper balls on the outside with white paper (as an option, toilet paper or paper towels). This should be done even for sneakers with a dark inner core. The soaked ink can subsequently stain light-colored socks and even leave marks on the skin.

Another way to dry your sneakers after washing is to use coarse salt. First, it must be heated by any convenient method (in a pan or battery). After that, you need to pour salt into the sock, distributing it over the sole. The salt is periodically heated and changed. The procedure is repeated until the shoes are completely dry.


If there are no benefits of civilization at hand, available means will help out. It will take longer to dry wet shoes, but as a result, the thing will not be damaged.

Absorbents that perfectly absorb moisture

Alternative drying options for your sneakers:

  1. The use of rice groats. The process takes a lot of time - from six hours or more. To do this, pour a thick layer of raw rice into a container of a suitable size. Sneakers are installed directly above the croup, with the sole upside down. First, you need to unlace the sneakers, and take the tongue of the shoe as far as possible. The box of rice is placed in a warm and well-ventilated room, it cannot be covered, and the cereals can be periodically stirred or replaced if necessary.
  2. Silica gel application. Packages with balls of this substance are placed inside the shoes even at the stage of product packaging. They perfectly absorb moisture and foreign odors. If you have enough of these packages in your arsenal, you can use them to dry your sneakers. To do this, you also need to unlace the shoes, put silica gel inside and wait for the moisture to completely absorb. After use, do not throw away the bags, it is enough to dry them on the battery, after which they can be used again.
  3. Cat litter is an excellent substitute for silica gel. It is made of a similar substance and is also able to absorb moisture and all unpleasant odors. An important point: we are talking about a gel filler, not a wood or mineral filler. By the way, such varieties can also be used for drying shoes, you just have to put them inside a dense rag bag (option - two socks) so that small particles of filler do not remain inside the shoes.

Methods for drying shoes in this way are very effective and, importantly, do not spoil the shoes. It is most likely that you will not be able to dry your washed shoes quickly using these methods. However, it is better than waiting for it to dry naturally.

How to dry white sneakers

Special attention is paid to white sneakers when washing and drying. To preserve the whiteness of your shoes longer, you need to know the basic secrets of care.

How to dry white sneakers

How to care for your white sneakers:

  • Never dry white sneakers with hot air or place them near heating appliances. As a result, the surface will be covered with dirty stains.
  • Washing of such products is carried out with special means intended for white fabrics.
  • How to dry white or light-colored sneakers quickly after washing? If the "newspaper" method is used, then only using white paper.
  • Natural drying of white sneakers should be carried out in a room with a normal temperature of 18-20 degrees and good air circulation. In winter, it can be a corridor, the rest of the time a glazed loggia or balcony will do.

Sneakers are comfortable and lightweight shoes. In it you can not only play sports, but also go to work, walk to the store, take long walks.

But what if it happened that the shoes got wet, and how to quickly dry the sneakers?

The quality of the boots does not affect drying in any way. If you dry your shoes incorrectly, this can lead to damage to the material, and it does not matter who the manufacturer was: China or an expensive brand.

If in the near future a person is not going to purchase new shoes, then several rules should be followed:

  1. Do not place shoes in direct heat. Many people think the battery will dry out wet boots quickly. But doing this is strictly prohibited. Failure to follow this advice will not only lead to uneven drying, but also dry out and cracking of the glue. Against this background, the shoes are deformed, the color will be lost and finally deteriorate.
  2. Do not tumble dry or ruin your sneakers.
  3. If a person gets their feet wet during heavy rain or walking in puddles, then you need to immediately take off your sneakers. This rule applies more to the owners of leather goods. Wet skin stretches severely, leading to uneven stretching.
  4. Before carrying out the procedure, you need to take out the insoles and unlace the shoes. Additional accessories can be dried by placing them on the battery.
  5. If the sneakers have not been washed, but got wet while wearing, they must be cleaned of dirt upon arrival home. And only then dry.
  6. If they walk on the street in shoes, then it is worth purchasing special water and dirt-repellent impregnations. The range of such products is very large. And the plus is that they increase the lifespan of the boots.
  7. If sneakers are made of suede, then, on the contrary, it must first be dried, and only then cleaned from dirt. Special soft brushes are sold for them.

The described rules are not at all difficult to follow. Moreover, they are suitable not only for sports boots, but also for other types of footwear.

Drying sneakers after washing with the help of available tools

Many people wash their athletic shoes. It is convenient and time-consuming. Hence the question arises: "How to quickly dry the sneakers after washing?".

There are various ways to help you dry any shoe properly.

Use of newspapers

This technique has been known since Soviet times, when there was a shortage of electrical devices.

There are always newspapers in every home. Their advantage is that they perfectly absorb moisture. Although the days of scarcity are over, this method has not lost its popularity.

How to dry my sneakers after washing with newspapers?

The scheme is as follows:

  1. You need to take some newspapers and make balls. Each of them should be wrapped in white toilet paper, this will protect the wrong side of the shoe from newspaper ink prints. You can use kitchen paper towels instead of newspaper if finances permit.
  2. Fill the boot tightly with newspaper balls. But you do not need to stuff too much, as this will lead to stretching of the material.
  3. The outside must also be wrapped in white paper. And fix everything with rubber bands.
  4. Place shoes with the soles down in a well-ventilated area.
  5. The first time the newspapers are completely wet. Therefore, they will need to be replaced in about 30 minutes.

Even if the seamy side has a black tint, it is still necessary to wrap the newspaper with white toilet paper. The thing is that the paint will be absorbed into the inner layer, and then it will appear on light-colored socks.

Salt application

Common rock salt is considered a less popular method. It is best used in those situations when a person is on a hike and far from home.

How to properly dry sneakers with salt?

The drying scheme is based on the following tips:

  1. Heat the salt in a skillet. You don't need to take a lot of salt. One layer will be enough.
  2. Fill a nylon sock with a hot mixture, tie it well, and put on a cotton sock on top.
  3. Place the resulting ball in a sneaker, and then distribute the salt evenly inside.
  4. Once the salt has cooled, you can reheat it and repeat the procedure.

It is better not to use finely ground salt, as it seeps through the fabrics and penetrates into the inner surface of the insole. Causes itching and irritation on the skin of the foot when worn.

Using silica gel

Many have noticed that when buying a new pair of shoes, there are several small bags with balls in the box. They are put together with the shoes and effectively absorb moisture, thereby protecting the goods from damage. When using silica gel, they must be placed on the battery and dried. And then apply further.

If all the boxes of bags have been thrown away, then it’s not a problem. Cat litter is an excellent substitute.

Drying boots with electrical appliances

At the present time in stores there is a wide range of various electrical appliances that help dry any shoe.

Using a hair dryer

How to dry your sneakers at home with a hair dryer? As strange as it sounds, a hairdryer can be used not only for drying hair. The procedure is to blow cold air into the inside of the shoe. It is necessary to dry the shoes in this way from all sides.

Fan application

Some people use a fan to dry their sneakers after rain if they don't have a hair dryer.

The procedure consists in observing the following rules:

  1. The fan should only stand on the floor. The base of the towel is laid on it, which is designed to absorb the dripping water droplets.
  2. The boots are fully unlaced and unfold. The insoles are pulled out.
  3. They must be hung by the heel area on the protective grill of the device. For this purpose, it is better to use curved thick wire.
  4. It is necessary to ensure that the sneakers do not come into contact with each other, and also do not interfere with the rotation of the blades.
  5. Connect the fan and adjust the speed.
  6. Drying shoes using this technique should be within two hours.

Electric dryers

An electric dryer is considered the best, most reliable and efficient device. It will dry any wet shoes without removing the insoles and unlacing them.

They are divided into three types:

  1. Electrical devices. They consist of two heating elements, which are interconnected with a cord and plug. The heating element is placed in the shoe and connected to the power supply. The advantage of this device is that it does not dry out or deform the inside of the boots.
  2. Blower. This model consists of plastic. It dries the products using the air blown out and heated to the required temperature. The shoes will dry within three hours.
  3. A device with a germicidal ultraviolet lamp. This model is considered the most modern. It not only dries the product inside, but also kills any pathogenic bacteria and fungi. The appliance is equipped with a special deodorizing plate.

The advantage of electrical devices is that they do not dry out the material, do not deform the fabric from the outside and inside, they are considered economical, while they are not very expensive.

Wet shoes are one of the troubles that haunt adults and children at any time of the year. There are various methods you can use to dry your sneakers quickly. And which one is better, everyone decides for himself.

It is better to wash sneakers in a washing machine in special mesh bags or in an old pillowcase. Choose a special mode for sports shoes, if you have one, or hand or delicate wash at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees. This will prevent the sneakers from deforming and discoloration. Remember to turn off the spin and tumble dry option.

Before putting your sneakers in the car, be sure to wash the outsole and remove any small debris that might get stuck in the treads. Otherwise, the washing machine could be damaged.

Another very important rule: do not forget to remove the sensors from the sneakers before washing, if any.

To keep your sneakers from banging on the drum as little as possible, place a few towels or old clothes with them. This will protect your shoes from unnecessary damage, and you do not have to listen to the knocking.

Don't add too much detergent, no matter how dirty your sneakers are. Excess powder may not rub off and stain. This is especially noticeable on.

How to hand wash sneakers

If the shoes are new and expensive enough and you are afraid to ruin them, hand washing is your option. This is done in warm soapy water with a soft brush. Take out insoles and laces and wash separately.

Examine the information on the label. It should indicate what fabric your sneakers are made of and if they can be washed.

It is not recommended to wash leather and suede sneakers. To clean them of dirt, use an old toothbrush, a damp cloth, or special cleaning products available from shoe stores.

How to disinfect shoes

To disinfect your sneakers, add a few drops of pine, fir, tea tree, eucalyptus, thyme, juniper, or sage essential oil to the water when washing. All of these oils have antibacterial properties. Well, sneakers will smell nicer with them.

How to dry your sneakers

Running shoes can deform in the dryer. And due to high temperatures, the glue on which the sole rests can melt, so you cannot dry shoes on a radiator or next to a heater.

Ideally, you should leave your sneakers outdoors, but you don't always have time for that. To dry your sneakers quickly, use several proven methods. Just remember to take out the insoles first: they are dried separately.

1. Fan

Take an ordinary fan with a net, make two small hooks from the available tools (wire or large paper clips will do) and hang the sneakers on the net by these hooks. Dry for 1-2 hours on medium to high speed.

Simply placing wet sneakers in front of the fan will take longer to dry.

2. Air conditioner

Place your sneakers under an air conditioner to allow the exhaust air to flow through them. This will also help the shoe dry faster.

3. Vacuum cleaner

It will not dry out completely, but it will help draw out moisture from the inside. Put your shoes in a bucket, basin or other convenient container, remove the attachment, insert the tube into the sneaker and turn on the vacuum cleaner. Dry each shoe for 15-20 minutes.

4. Hair dryer

You need to be careful with a hairdryer. Do not dry with hot air: this may melt the fabric inside. It is better to choose a cold mode and dry your shoes by placing them on the floor. Never leave a hair dryer inside the sneaker.

5. Newspaper

The good old way with the newspaper has not been canceled, only this will be the longest option. Take a few newspapers, crumple and stuff them. After an hour, check the paper: if it is completely wet, replace it with dry one.

6. Silica gel

It works the same way as newspapers: it absorbs moisture. Simply place bags of silica gel beads in your wet sneakers and let sit for a couple of hours. Then do not forget to dry the balls on the battery to reuse.

If in doubt about a method, try it out on old shoes first. And let us know in the comments how you wash and dry your sneakers.

It is better to wash sneakers in a washing machine in special mesh bags or in an old pillowcase. Choose a special mode for sports shoes, if you have one, or hand or delicate wash at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees. This will prevent the sneakers from deforming and discoloration. Remember to turn off the spin and tumble dry option.

Before putting your sneakers in the car, be sure to wash the outsole and remove any small debris that might get stuck in the treads. Otherwise, the washing machine could be damaged.

Another very important rule: do not forget to remove the sensors from the sneakers before washing, if any.

To keep your sneakers from banging on the drum as little as possible, place a few towels or old clothes with them. This will protect your shoes from unnecessary damage, and you do not have to listen to the knocking.

Don't add too much detergent, no matter how dirty your sneakers are. Excess powder may not rub off and stain. This is especially noticeable on.

How to hand wash sneakers

If the shoes are new and expensive enough and you are afraid to ruin them, hand washing is your option. This is done in warm soapy water with a soft brush. Take out insoles and laces and wash separately.

Examine the information on the label. It should indicate what fabric your sneakers are made of and if they can be washed.

It is not recommended to wash leather and suede sneakers. To clean them of dirt, use an old toothbrush, a damp cloth, or special cleaning products available from shoe stores.

How to disinfect shoes

To disinfect your sneakers, add a few drops of pine, fir, tea tree, eucalyptus, thyme, juniper, or sage essential oil to the water when washing. All of these oils have antibacterial properties. Well, sneakers will smell nicer with them.

How to dry your sneakers

Running shoes can deform in the dryer. And due to high temperatures, the glue on which the sole rests can melt, so you cannot dry shoes on a radiator or next to a heater.

Ideally, you should leave your sneakers outdoors, but you don't always have time for that. To dry your sneakers quickly, use several proven methods. Just remember to take out the insoles first: they are dried separately.

1. Fan

Take an ordinary fan with a net, make two small hooks from the available tools (wire or large paper clips will do) and hang the sneakers on the net by these hooks. Dry for 1-2 hours on medium to high speed.

Simply placing wet sneakers in front of the fan will take longer to dry.

2. Air conditioner

Place your sneakers under an air conditioner to allow the exhaust air to flow through them. This will also help the shoe dry faster.

3. Vacuum cleaner

It will not dry out completely, but it will help draw out moisture from the inside. Put your shoes in a bucket, basin or other convenient container, remove the attachment, insert the tube into the sneaker and turn on the vacuum cleaner. Dry each shoe for 15-20 minutes.

4. Hair dryer

You need to be careful with a hairdryer. Do not dry with hot air: this may melt the fabric inside. It is better to choose a cold mode and dry your shoes by placing them on the floor. Never leave a hair dryer inside the sneaker.

5. Newspaper

The good old way with the newspaper has not been canceled, only this will be the longest option. Take a few newspapers, crumple and stuff them. After an hour, check the paper: if it is completely wet, replace it with dry one.

6. Silica gel

It works the same way as newspapers: it absorbs moisture. Simply place bags of silica gel beads in your wet sneakers and let sit for a couple of hours. Then do not forget to dry the balls on the battery to reuse.

If in doubt about a method, try it out on old shoes first. And let us know in the comments how you wash and dry your sneakers.