Ecological dates calendar. International Day for Combating Natural Disasters and Disasters International Day for Combating Natural Disasters Presentation


How the special squad "Barguzin" fought the fish mafia on Lake Baikal

This December ends the Year of Ecology and the Year of Specially Protected Natural Areas announced in Russia. It was similar in 2013 (the Year of Environmental Protection), but this time everything was carried out on a much larger scale. It was initially planned to spend over 350 billion rubles for the implementation of more than 600 measures. The results of the year of nature protection will be announced later. Today we can only talk about the first steps towards solving the most acute environmental problems: the elimination of landfills, the creation of infrastructure for the processing and disposal of waste, the reduction of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, the rehabilitation of water bodies. The transition to a "green concept" for the country's development affects almost all regions.

About real changes, about whether the Year of Ecology has become a turning point in the minds of people, whether the country's population has joined the environmental agenda - our conversation with a man of unusual fate, a real conservationist, a fighter against the fish mafia on Lake Baikal, Artur Murzakhanov.

The special group "Barguzin" is always in a fighting mood


Arthur, at the beginning of this year I met you, then the head of the Barguzin inspection group of the Zapovednoe Podlemorye Federal State Budgetary Institution - at Lake Baikal and the Monakhovo taiga cordon. And now you are already in Moscow and have taken the chair of an official of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of Russia. Position - Deputy Director for Protection and Supervision of the newly created Information and Analytical Center for Wildlife Support. Honestly, who owes such a rapid career takeoff - a matchmaker, son-in-law or influential parents?

Lately, everyone has been asking me this question. Some with caustic overtones, they say, someone made a dear little man happy. He received a new appointment due to the totality of his "sinful" activities on Lake Baikal. The new structure, most likely, needed people, as they say, from the land, in my case - from Baikal. For me personally, the Year of Ecology began with the strengthening of anti-poaching measures, which were announced at the very top. In the spring, the head of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources, Sergei Donskoy, held a meeting at which he demanded to establish close cooperation between the inspection groups and the law enforcement agencies, primarily with the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, in the fight against organized groups of poachers. At the same time, the minister instructed the relevant departments to work out the issue of extending the experience of our Barguzin inspection group to other regions of the country.

- And what is this experience?

Three years ago, a new entry appeared in my work book - the senior state inspector of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Zapovednoe Podlemorie". The status of a specially protected natural area did not relieve these wonderful places from environmental troubles and problems. It was organized poachers who were especially unrestrained on Lake Baikal. On our sea (The local population calls Baikal the sea. - Ed.) many unique places. For example, Chivyrkuisky Bay. For almost eight months a year, with short breaks, valuable fish species - grayling, omul, whitefish - spawn here. This is where there was freedom for free hunters! Our "patients", as I call them, have felt themselves masters of life for many years. Particularly enterprising "businessmen", thanks to the criminal industry, which became almost industrial, received considerable profits. The task was set - to restore order in the "Reserved Podlemorie". A declaration of war on poachers of all stripes was the creation of a "reserved special forces". This is how our task force was later christened by your brother journalist.

Out of 30 candidates for my group, I selected four former special forces. At the same time, the main criterion for applicants was not so much strength training as real, and not ostentatious love for nature. You see, it's like loving a woman. If you love your woman, you will always protect her. It's the same with nature.

Poachers caught red-handed


You can write a separate book about chases, ambushes and night raids of your special forces. It is said that in the beginning the "fishing camorra" was betting on how soon you would start taking bribes.

There was a case. When they failed to bribe my inspectors, specific threats were launched. There was everything - raids by brothers, saber rattling, rammed boats, attacks on the cordon. But they failed to tame the Barguzin task force. Then our wards "heroes" began to act more sophisticated. On behalf of the alleged public, letters were poured in the media, complaints to the prosecutor's office. The apotheosis of the war between poachers and operatives was a village gathering organized by a handful of our especially active "patients". People who spoke on paper demanded that our group be disbanded. And this is during the spawning of omul. Basically, I said to the locals like this: “Guys, I was born in a remote taiga village. The inhabitants there still observe the unwritten laws of nature. Even during the spawning of trash fish, no one goes out into the water. Are you really ready to ruin the wealth of Lake Baikal with your own hands, to destroy your own future ?! " Then the local people for the most part heeded this call. But the war with well-equipped criminal groups continued. They were also able to put things in order in the "Reserved Podlemorie" thanks to the close interaction of our group with local law enforcement officers. Honestly, in the first year of work, we did not make a special friendship with the fish protection, the police. But the employees of the prosecutor's office supported us from the first days of work. We are very grateful to them. Gradually, we established contact with the police and with other allies. As a result of the work of the "Barguzin" group for 2.5 years 32 criminal cases were initiated, 146 administrative protocols and 105 determinations were drawn up, 102 kilometers of nets, more than 6 tons of fish were seized. I am especially glad that today understanding comes from below and to the upper levels of power: only together, as they say, the whole world can put things in order in our common house.

Your favorite words are in war as in war. Does this mean that you only have to speak the language of power with poachers?

Yes, during the arrest, you have to use both hand-to-hand fighting techniques and special equipment. But here's the catch: the current fish mafia is by no means hungry people who go to sea to feed their families. These are well-organized groups, legally savvy people with connections in power structures. Therefore, the main thing in our business is not brute physical strength, but the use of the language of the law. Inspectors on the ground do not always take this into account, and therefore serious flaws occur in their work. The need to eliminate legal illiteracy is another reason for the appearance of a new subdivision in the structure of the Ministry of Natural Resources. Now we are preparing a training seminar for inspectors of protected parks and territories. The experience of all our colleagues will be considered. This is the first step, but there are also far-reaching plans - the creation of a training center for the training and retraining of state inspectors. This is a long overdue question. An untrained novice inspector, and even with a weapon, let his colleagues not be offended, is a monkey with a grenade. Unlike us, foreign colleagues undergo three months of training together with police officers, the FBI, and all this is centralized.

Another major problem is environmental education of the population. Recently I conducted a sociological mini-survey on Lake Baikal. Vacationers come to us, and, can you imagine, more than half of the respondents do not know that this year has been declared the Year of the Environment. And no one knows about the Year of Specially Protected Natural Areas. I ask, which national park are you in? Units answer. What is the first nature reserve in Russia? Roughly the same. Meanwhile, it was here, on Baikal, 100 years ago that the country's first Barguzinsky Nature Reserve was created, which became the starting point for the development of a system of specially protected areas in Russia.

Arthur, you know, I made a discovery myself recently. Came across a calendar of environmental dates on the Internet. Every month in the country and the world something is celebrated or celebrated. There are more than 50 significant and memorable days a year: wetlands, actions against dams, the fight against natural disasters and cataclysms, environmental knowledge, the Day of the Deer and even the Day of Action against Fishing ... How smooth it is on paper. Meanwhile, at a meeting of the State Council on Russia's environmental development, President Vladimir Putin said: Up to eight million people die annually as a result of ambient air and indoor air pollution in the world. What is happening to us and to nature?

“We call the earth mother, mother, wet nurse,” said the writer Vasily Belov, “we sing hymns to her and praise her. This is only in words. In fact, we treat her immorally and cruelly, we have long forgotten that she is alive. " We can avoid the universal misfortune only on one condition: in relation to nature, it is necessary to change the consciousness of each individual person and society as a whole. The ecology of the spirit should prevail in the world.

Photo from the personal archive of Artur Murzakhanov

Arthur Murzakhanov was born in the remote taiga village of Ashevany, Omsk region. A simple Tatar family, but with a loud princely surname. Murza in translation from Turkic is a prince, and a khan is a ruler. Arthur's mother was in charge of the feldsher-obstetric station. Rakhimzhan, the father of an "aristocratic" family, knew need from an early age. Having lost a leg in childhood, all his life he proved to himself and to people his need and usefulness. He was a hunter-fisherman, worked as a high-altitude installer, a diver, learned to be a radio operator ... In short, for Arthur - an example to follow. Since childhood, Arthur has learned the alphabet of his native places. The footprints of animals, nests of birds, the work of water and wind aroused his genuine interest. He learned to read the living book of forests and rivers, admired their unique beauty. And he was also upset to tears to meet in this wise book of life pages soiled by a man: cut down trees, garbage dumps, crippled animals.

Artur Murzakhanov has always been skeptical about shamans. He laughed at the spells of people with tambourines, who tried to cause rain during the strong forest fires in Buryatia. But once on the shore of Lake Baikal he met shamans from Mongolia. People ended up with higher education, with medical diplomas obtained in our country. And they told, to Arthur's surprise, a lot of unknown details from his personal life. And at the end they added: do not be afraid of anything, you are a white person, you are protecting nature. And nature will intercede for you. You will always emerge victorious from the most difficult situations and rise higher and higher. You will teach people, often visit Moscow, and then you will start working there. And that's what happened. Yet another prediction of them has not come true: "You will communicate with the president of your country."


December 29 - January 7 - Christmas bird counts.
January 11 - Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks.
January 29 - International Day of Mobilization Against the Threat of Nuclear War.
February 2 - World Wetlands Day.
19 February - World International Day for the Protection of Marine Mammals.
March 14 - Day of Action Against Dams. Day of action to protect rivers, water and life.
March 20 - June 05 - All-Russian days of protection from environmental hazards.
March 21 - World Earth Day.
March 22 - World Water Day.
March 23 - World Meteorological Day.
March 29 - World Earth Day.
April 1 - International Bird Day.
April 7 - World Health Day.
April 15 - Day of Environmental Knowledge.
April 15 - June 5 - All-Russian days of protection from environmental hazards.
April 19-24 - March of the Parks.
April 24 - World Day for the Protection of Laboratory Animals.
April 26 - Day of Remembrance of those killed in radiation accidents and disasters.
April 28 - Chemical Hazard Day.
May 24 - European Parks Day.
June 5 - World Environment Day.
June 6 - Day of the Ecologist.
June 8 - World Oceans Day.
June 17 - World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought.
June 27 - World Fishing Day.
4th July - International Day of Captive Dolphins.
July 11 - Anti-Fishing Day.
August 2 - Deer Day (in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug).
6 August - World Day of Action for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.
August 16 - International Day of homeless animals.
August 27 - Baikal Day.
Week in September - Global Action “Cleanse the Planet of Garbage”.
September 15 - Peace Day. Birthday of Greenpeace.
September 15 - October 15 - Month of Nature Conservation.
September 16 - International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer.
September 16 - Day of forest workers.
September 22 - World Car Free Day.
September 21-27 - We clean the world week.
September 27 - World Tourism Day.
September 29 - World Seas Day.
3-4 October - World Bird Watching Day.
October 4 - World Day for the Protection of Animals.
October 6 - World Habitat Day.
October 8 - International Day for Combating Natural Disasters and Cataclysms.
The second Wednesday of October is International Day for Prevention of Natural Disasters.
October 12 - International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction.
October 14 - Day of workers of state nature reserves.
October 28 - European Environment Day.
November 29 - Day of the formation of the World Society for the Conservation of Nature.
December 3 is International Pesticide Day.
December 10 - International Day of Action for the adoption of the declaration of animal rights.
December 29 - International Day for the Conservation of Biodiversity.

Almost 400 natural disasters, due to which 238 thousand people died, occurred from the beginning of 2009 to the middle of 2010, all over the planet. In total, more than 200 million were affected by earthquakes, floods, hurricanes and other natural disasters during this time. Human. In addition to the huge number of deaths, the economy suffered nearly $ 80 billion in damage.

These data cause concern, therefore UN members are taking all possible measures to reduce and prevent natural disasters. A natural disaster is a natural phenomenon of an extraordinary nature and leading to disruption of the normal activities of the population, loss of life, destruction and destruction of material values.

This information is taken from the UN report "Implementation of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction". The report was presented by the Assistant Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction, Margareta Walström. The document says that over the past year, the death toll from natural disasters has increased more than 14 times. The largest number of victims is associated with the earthquake in Haiti on January 12, 2010, as well as the subsequent tsunami. This disaster claimed the lives of 222,570 people.

This earthquake was the worst in the number of victims since the 1900 earthquake. The authors also noted that the Chilean earthquake on February 27 was more powerful than that in Haiti, but that it killed 562 people. This difference in the number of victims is due to the fact that the Chilean government was prepared for such a natural disaster and took all possible measures to reduce the number of destruction and casualties.

2010 marks the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction, as well as the midpoint of the implementation of the Hyogo Framework 2005-2015.

The Hyogo Framework for Action has proven to be a very important guideline for implementing measures to build resilience in the face of natural disasters. In this regard, the General Assembly decided to hold a special thematic meeting in February 2011 on disaster risk reduction.

The UN has established the International Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction as a global framework for action to ensure the resilience of all societies to the impact of natural hazards and associated technological and environmental disasters in order to reduce human, economic and social losses.

Within the framework of this strategy, the main focus should no longer be on measures to eliminate the consequences of the disaster, but on the inclusion of measures to reduce hazards. Implementation of the Strategy involves building partnerships between governments, civil society organizations, United Nations agencies, academia, the media, and disaster risk reduction stakeholders.

The objectives of the strategy are as follows:

1) raising people's awareness of disaster risk reduction measures
2) ensuring the readiness of state bodies to deal with these issues
3) facilitating the creation of interdisciplinary and intersectoral partnerships
4) as well as improving scientific knowledge about the causes of natural disasters and the consequences of the impact of natural hazards.

The UN General Assembly also set two other objectives that are of direct relevance to disaster risk reduction: to continue international cooperation to reduce the impact of El Niño and La Niña events, and to build disaster risk reduction capacity through early warning measures.

"Environmental Holidays" - To apply for a guide, you need a medical and social examination. Russia.- 2004.- No. 3.- P. 92 - 109). September 27 - International Rabbit Day. January 11 - Day of Nature Reserves and National Parks. February 11 - World Day for Humane Education. You can't sing a lullaby ... But our share of evil is immeasurable.

"Holidays at school" - Family Day. School traditions and holidays. Let the gardens bloom in the area, Let our city be beautiful. Your team is always ahead! Holiday on May 9. We have chosen the path of learning. School birthday. Walk the ladder of knowledge boldly! You come to the grave of the unknown soldier on holidays and weekdays. To be old - believe me - does not mean to live.

Celebration Events - Prepare small gifts for all participants. Holidays. Training. Objectives - specific, measurable achievements of the event. Holidays in retail outlets. Sports. Calendar dates. Prepare conclusions, photo report of the event. Conclusion. The goal is what the organizer wants to achieve as a result of the event.

"Scenarios of events" - Preparation for the event. Content: Develop and execute a project. Scenario of the event. Choice of equipment and decorations. Musical performance. Selection of actors and assistants. Creative project Scenario of the competition and entertainment program. The process of the event. To replenish knowledge and skills in directing.

"Congratulations on your anniversary" - Do not doubt me, I will be faithful to you. Your anniversary has come! Your little readers. And smile more often, Remembering me. Light, good fun, Happy birthday! And I wish, I wish you Here are friends like me! Happy anniversary! Meow meow meow! I hug you ... meow! Congratulations ... meow! Years do not age you, Though again the anniversary.

"German Holidays" - Christmas is a big family holiday. Celebrate Christmas on December 25-26. Living customs. Weihnachten. Walpurgisfeier - Walpurgis Night; coven. Celebrated 40 days after Wednesday in the first week of Lent. Christmas is the biggest holiday for Germans. Deutsche Feiertage. Easter is the main Christian holiday.

There are 18 presentations in total

In 1971, a small group of activists, inspired by the dream of a clean world without war and violence, set sail on a small fishing boat from Vancouver, Canada. The organizers of the action have chosen a concise but capacious name for their team - Green + Peace = Greenpeace. There was not enough space on board, and therefore the name was written in one piece. On September 15, 1971, the group arrived in the area of ​​Amchitka Island (Aleutian Islands). This day is considered the date of the founding of Greenpeace.
Greenpeace (eng. Greenpeace- green world) is an independent international public organization aimed at preventing environmental degradation. Speaks out against nuclear tests and radiation threats, industrial waste pollution, in defense of the animal world, etc.

It has been observed since 1994. The ozone content in the atmosphere has been regularly monitored since the mid-1920s. XX century “We are fully aware of the danger posed by ozone depletion,” said Klaus Topfer, Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP). Today, this international organization is calling on governments, industrial companies and the citizens of the world themselves to fulfill their commitments to restore the ozone layer by 2050.

Forests are the lungs of the planet. They give us oxygen, which is sometimes not enough. Forests are important for soil strengthening, wood production. The predatory destruction of forests is a disaster for the Earth.

In European countries, it is better known as Pedestrian Day, during which people are encouraged to abandon their car for one day and move by public transport and on foot.

World Maritime Day has been celebrated since 1978 by the decision of the X session of the Assembly of the Intergovernmental Maritime Organization (IMO), held in November 1977. This is one of the international days celebrated in the UN system. The purpose of this holiday all over the world is to attract the attention of the public, public and private structures to the problem of preserving the seas and their biological resources. The two most important tasks are improving maritime safety and preventing pollution of the marine environment, in particular oil.

World Tourism Day was established at the III session of the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization (WTO), held in 1979 in Manila. It has been celebrated since 1980. It is carried out with the aim of promoting tourism, highlighting its contribution to the development of cultural ties, and ensuring mutual understanding between peoples. Tourism is one of the most widespread types of active healthy recreation. It is believed that World Tourism Day will help maintain the health of the population of many countries. This day is solemnly celebrated in most countries of the world.

On this day in 1226, St. Francis of Assisi died, the founder of the monastic order, the patron and patron of "our smaller brothers" - animals and birds. A reverent attitude towards any manifestation of life, towards all living beings, the ability to sympathize and feel their pain sharper than his own made him a saint, revered throughout the world. The St. Francis Prize recognizes outstanding service in the conservation of nature. The decision to celebrate the World Day for the Protection of Animals was taken in 1931 in Florence at the International Congress of Supporters of the Nature Movement. In our country, this day has been widely celebrated since 2000. This is a day for joining efforts in protecting animals, in helping our wordless friends.

Since 1993, it has been annually held by the BirdLife International to draw public attention to the problems of protecting birds and their habitats. These are a kind of days of solidarity between people who love nature and are concerned about its fate. The observations are attended by adults and children, professional bird watchers and nature lovers, people of various professions who are united by an interest in birds.

The number of natural disasters occurring on Earth is rapidly increasing. Over the past 50 years, their number has almost tripled. This trend is typical not only for Russia, but also for the whole world. The twentieth century was marked by a number of global challenges. One of them is the rapid growth of natural, man-made and ecological disasters.

On October 30, 1916 (November 12, new style), the first in Russia Law on Reserves "On the Establishment of Rules for Hunting Reserves" was adopted. On the basis of this Law, the Minister of Agriculture was given the right to form reserves "for the preservation and reproduction of hunting and game animals and birds." Two months later, the first in Russia Barguzinsky Nature Reserve was established.

    The International Day for Natural Disaster Reduction was celebrated for the first time, according to the resolution of the UN General Assembly of December 22, 1989, in the framework of the International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction (1990-1999). The number of people affected by earthquakes, cyclones, floods and droughts is growing rapidly. On average, natural disasters kill 184 people a day. Due to the urbanization of the world, the number of victims will grow. Millions of lives could be saved if governments did more to prevent and reduce the risks of natural disasters. Protection of the population from all kinds of disasters and catastrophes is one of the most priority areas of activity in many countries of the world. Emergencies that arise show that natural disasters have no boundaries and do not choose the people. Especially in recent years, the challenge of natural disasters, accompanied by climatic changes, floods, mudflows, earthquakes, droughts and fires, is increasing. For this purpose, Russia has a Unified State System for the Prevention and Response of Emergency Situations.

October 14 - Day of workers of state nature reserves

    Today in the Russian Federation there are 100 state nature reserves and 35 national parks, which employ over 8 thousand full-time workers and 67 federal-level wildlife reserves, as well as many specially protected natural areas (SPNA) at the regional and local levels. More than 12% of the territory of our country is protected by workers of the reserve system and those who work for protected areas, helping to study and preserve the natural and cultural heritage of Russia. Only here is the "state", that is, officially recognized, holiday for the protected community - alas! - not yet. Metallurgists, miners, geologists, signalmen, journalists have their holidays, but the workers of reserves do not! In 1999, representatives of the reserves “stirred up”. From 11 to 14 October 1999 in Vladivostok the All-Russian seminar-meeting of directors of state natural reserves "The role and place of state natural reserves in the regions of Russia" was held. It was during this forum that the question was raised of how to establish your own reserved holiday. And, since the resolution of the seminar-conference was adopted on October 14, then, without further ado, the audience decided to consider this very day a reserved holiday. And congratulate everyone who works in the reserves on this day. The holiday did not manage to become official. The holiday is also necessary so that as many Russian citizens as possible begin to realize that our protected system is a national treasure.

October 16 - World Food Day

    World Food Day was proclaimed in 1979 by the Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Celebrated on the founding day of FAO - October 16, 1945. The goal of World Food Day is to raise public awareness of the global food problem and build solidarity in the fight against hunger, malnutrition and poverty. Hunger and malnutrition have been found to undermine the gene pool of entire continents. Children in third world countries are born and grow up frail, mentally lagging behind. They are unable to concentrate on the lessons at school. World Food Day provides an occasion to reflect on what has been done and what remains to be done to meet the global challenge of saving humankind from hunger.

October 18 - International Day of the Beaver

    V The folklore of Siberian aborigines and American Indians has the same motive: beavers are former people. In the Trans-Urals in the old days, the Mansi and Khanty were sure that beavers understood human speech. In medieval books, beavers were endowed with human qualities. They wrote that they walk on two legs. In a beaver society, there are slaves who are entrusted with the most difficult work, and there are outcasts, incorrigible lazy people. It was also believed that wearing a castor hat had a good effect on the mental capacity of its wearer, and that a necklace made of beaver teeth accelerated the teething of babies. In the 17th - 19th centuries, just at the time when beavers in the Old World were turning from game animals into rare ones, in America, to the south, east and west of the great lakes, the dramatic "Beaver Fever. In Europe, furs turned to gold" broke out. ... Beavers influenced the fate of thousands of people - hunters, hired soldiers, vagabonds, missionaries ... Beaver lands became the cause of the Anglo-French War for the possession of Canada (1756-1763). Two subspecies of beaver are protected in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation: West Siberian river beaver and Tuvan river beaver. They are endangered, distributed in limited areas.