Nasal drops for pregnant women: permitted and prohibited drugs. What vasoconstrictor drops can pregnant women to relieve a cold

Unfortunately, the happy time of waiting for the baby can be overshadowed by the ailments of the expectant mother. It rarely happens that all nine months of pregnancy go "without a hitch." Even such a trifle as an ordinary runny nose can significantly ruin life, because during pregnancy it is allowed to use not all nasal drops.

The period of bearing a child is characterized by a decrease in immunity.

During pregnancy, all the forces of the female body go to the full formation of the fetus. As a result, the immunity of the expectant mother decreases, and she becomes more vulnerable to various viruses.

The appearance of a runny nose may be the first sign of the onset of infection.

In this case, it is necessary take appropriate action as soon as possible , otherwise viruses can cause serious harm to the child: when infected with any infection, the central nervous system of the fetus, as well as internal organs and the placenta, first of all suffer.

Rhinitis and pregnancy

Often, rhinitis in pregnant women is not the result of a cold, but a change in hormonal levels.

Cases when rhinitis appears as a result of hormonal changes in a woman's body are very common and does not require special treatment.

However, persistent nasal congestion forces the expectant mother to breathe through her mouth. And it is also very dangerous for a baby who may suffer from oxygen deprivation.

Nasal drops during pregnancy: harm or benefit?

Girls in an interesting position should be wary of special drops from the common cold.

To date, the most effective remedy for the common cold are vasoconstrictor drops. Just a couple of injections, and after a few minutes you can breathe calmly through your nose, while the effect can last up to twelve hours.

It would seem that what could be simpler and more effective? However, this remedy must be used with great care during pregnancy..

The fact is that the vasoconstrictor effect of such drugs can spread not only in the nasopharynx area, but throughout the body, especially if you overdo it with the dosage.

As a result, small vessels, including those that supply the placenta oxygen and nutrients can be affected by such exposure.

How to determine the rate of the medication?

It is very difficult to determine the optimal dosage of medication for pregnant women.

It is very difficult to determine the optimal allowable rate. In addition, if vasoconstrictor drops are used for more than three days, the nose stops responding “correctly” to the drug, and the dosage has to be increased to achieve the result. During this time, the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx is depleted, thereby causing problems with the olfactory nerve endings.

Such drugs will be especially harmful to expectant mothers who have a tendency to high blood pressure.

Varieties of drops allowed during pregnancy

Rhinitis should by no means be ignored during pregnancy, however, for its treatment, you should choose the drops that are most harmless to the baby's health. But even they should be used in dosage, with great care.

  • Saline solutions - some of the most popular and safe drugs for expectant mothers. Their composition is extremely simple and contains ionized solutions of salt or sea water. However, such drugs are not able to cure the cause of rhinitis; they are designed to moisturize the mucous membrane and mechanically eliminate the accumulated secretion with the pathogenic flora. At any pharmacy you can buy Aquamaris(based on the sea waters of the Adriatic), Aqualor(purified sea water of the Atlantic Ocean), Saline(ionized salt water). All drugs are equally effective in helping to relieve nasal breathing with a runny nose, moisturize the mucous membrane, and have a mild decongestant effect.

    Saline solutions Aqua Maris are very popular both among expectant mothers and mature parents.

  • Herbal preparations - soft, natural nasal drops enriched with essential oils. They are practically harmless to the health of expectant mothers and their babies, however, they are prohibited in case of bacterial infections. The most popular drug in this series is Pinosol, which contains essential oils of mint, pine and eucalyptus.

    Very often, doctors prescribe herbal preparations for pregnant women, for example, Pinosol.

  • Vasoconstrictor nasal drops - used if it was not possible to cope with the common cold by other means. Drops are considered the least dangerous for pregnant women. Vibrocil, Tizin, Sanorin, Farial.

    Vibrocil is a vasoconstrictor drug.

  • Local antibiotics - unfortunately, the disease can take on such a serious form that it is impossible to do without the use of antibiotics. To protect the fetus as much as possible from the harmful effects of antibacterial agents, topical preparations are prescribed, which "work" exclusively in the spray area - the nasopharynx. They can only be taken under the supervision of a supervising physician, with the recommended dosage and frequency of use. These drugs include Bioporox, Polydex, Funetin.

Waiting for a meeting with a baby is a time filled not only with happiness, joy, but also anxiety for a new life.
Runny nose during pregnancy: what to do if it appears, why does this condition haunt a huge percentage of expectant mothers and can it harm a child developing in the womb?

Determining the exact cause of a runny nose in a pregnant woman determines the tactics of treatment.

Runny nose during pregnancy - the effect of hormones

While waiting for the birth of a new life, the hormone progesterone reigns in the body of the future mother. It is thanks to him that the pregnancy is preserved. The same hormone helps to increase the volume of fluid accumulated by some tissues, including those located in the nasal cavity. Because of this, edema occurs.

The sex hormone estrogen, in addition to promoting the active development of the fetus and placenta, also increases the thickness of the nasal mucosa. All this results in a runny nose during pregnancy, called "rhinitis of pregnancy." This condition is always accompanied by shortness of breath. Optional symptoms include the discharge of clear liquid mucus from the nasal cavity, a feeling of dryness in the nose, itching, and sneezing.
Rhinitis of pregnancy most often appears at 13 weeks of gestation or more and disappears after delivery.

Runny nose during pregnancy - increased susceptibility to disease

Without exception, all expectant mothers have reduced immunity. This measure is necessary to preserve the pregnancy, since the host's body considers the embryo as a foreign body. But due to a decrease in immunity, the body becomes more vulnerable to infections of various origins.
Fever, bothersome runny nose and throat during pregnancy are typical symptoms of acute respiratory infections.

Runny nose during pregnancy - an allergic reaction

Profuse, watery, colorless nasal discharge may well be caused by allergies. Allergic rhinitis is usually accompanied by sneezing, watery eyes, itching, and burning in the nasal cavity. Often seasonal.
Expectant mothers owe a tendency to allergies to hormonal changes. It is because of her that the body can react unpredictably even to familiar foods and phenomena.

It is noteworthy that the condition of women who suffered from allergies even before conception usually improves during gestation due to the production of the hormone cortisol, which suppresses the negative reactions of the body.

Runny nose during pregnancy - the appearance / presence of problems with the nasal cavity

Curvature of the nasal septum, the presence of tumors, polyps contributes to the appearance of a cold.

Severe runny nose during pregnancy: harm

  • Infectious processes, a symptom of which is often rhinitis, can adversely affect the course of pregnancy.
  • A runny nose and nasal congestion during pregnancy reduces the amount of oxygen supplied to the mother and fetus.
  • Medications used to treat the common cold may not be safe for the fetus.

How to cure a runny nose during pregnancy

When dealing with any type of rhinitis, it is important that the air is humidified, wet cleaning is carried out daily. The expectant mother suffering from rhinitis will sleep more comfortably on a high pillow.

Sprays / drops from a cold during pregnancy

Vasoconstrictor drugs:

  • Most nasal drops and sprays have a vasoconstrictor effect that relieves swelling of the mucous membrane and restores nasal breathing. But it is very undesirable for expectant mothers to use the funds of this group, and some are completely prohibited. The reason is that with abundant use, the vasoconstrictor effect spreads to the body as a whole. This includes narrowing of the blood vessels connecting the mother and the unborn baby. And this is fraught with the development of hypoxia. Therefore, vasoconstrictor agents are used only in cases where the rest of the treatment has not yielded results.
  • During pregnancy, medications based on xylometazoline are prohibited from use: Otrivin, Galazolin, Evkazolin Aqua, Farmazolin, Rinorus, Dlyanos and others.
  • In extreme cases, drugs based on oxymetazoline are allowed: Nazivin, Afrin, Nazol, Nesopin. It is better to give preference to the child's dosage: it will be much more difficult to overdo it with it. Frequency of use: 1-2 times a day. Doctors advise using vasoconstrictors for no longer than 3-7 days.

Saline solutions:

  • Saline solutions are hypertonic, isotonic, hypotonic.
  • The concentration of sodium chloride in hypertonic solutions is more than 1% ("Humer Hypertonic").
  • Isotonic solutions of sodium chloride 0.9% (saline, "Aquamaris") are called. Their Ph is close to natural for humans.
  • Hypotonic - solutions, the concentration of sodium in which is less than 0.85% ("No-Salt", "Salin").
  • For the manufacture of these solutions, both sea and table salt can be used. The saline solution can be prepared with your own hands: for this, a teaspoon of salt must be diluted in a liter of water.
  • Saline solutions moisturize mucous membranes, thin nasal mucus, promote healing of injuries in the nasal passages, and have an antiseptic effect. A runny nose in early pregnancy is best treated with saline solutions. They are guaranteed not to harm the unborn baby, they are not addictive.

Antiallergic drugs:

  • The range of antihistamines allowed for expectant mothers is small, since many medicines in this group negatively affect the fetus. It is important to identify the allergen for the choice of treatment tactics for allergic rhinitis.
  • Often, the allergen enters the body through the nasal cavity. In such cases, it is especially important to carry out wet cleaning of the room every day, to humidify the air and the nasal cavity; saline solutions do an excellent job with the latter. It is advisable to wear a gauze bandage during the flowering period.
  • "Nazaval" and "Prevalin Alerji" - sprays for the common cold during pregnancy. They are safe, since they do not contain active ingredients, their purpose is to cover the inner mucous surface with a thin film impervious to allergens.

  • Conditionally safe antiallergic drugs include locally acting hormonal agents based on mometasone (Nasonex, Nosefrin).
  • Preparations based on cromoglycic acid ("KromoGEXAL", "Kromoglin") can be used with caution to treat a runny nose during pregnancy from the 2nd trimester.
  • The negative effect on the fetus of medications based on azelastine ("Allergodil") has been proven, therefore their use for the treatment of a cold during pregnancy and in the 3rd trimester is contraindicated.

"Miramistin" from a cold during pregnancy

  • Miramistin is a multifunctional antiseptic with antimicrobial action. It is used in surgery, traumatology, obstetrics and gynecology (only douching is not allowed during gestation), combustiology, dermatology, ophthalmology, dentistry and otolaryngology.
  • Animal studies have shown no negative effect of the drug on the offspring. It is safe to treat runny nose with Miramistin during pregnancy in the 1st trimester.
  • "Miramistin" can be dripped 1-2 drops into each nostril up to 8 times a day. The course of such treatment lasts up to 7-10 days.
  • You can rinse your nose with it 2-3 times a day, for this it is better to purchase the drug in the form of a spray.
  • In the presence of a nebulizer, inhalation can be carried out during pregnancy from a cold: a single dosage of the drug is 4 ml, the frequency of procedures is up to 4 times a day.

Homeopathy for a common cold during pregnancy

  • Homeopathy has no proven effect. Scientists put its effectiveness on a par with the placebo effect. This is due to the scanty content, and sometimes even the absence of the active substance, failed clinical studies. However, all this does not prevent homeopathy from being popular with a huge number of people.
  • A strong argument in favor of homeopathic remedies for rhinitis is safety. Homeopathic medicines "Delufen", "Euphorbium Compositum", "Cinnabsin" - what can be used to treat a cold during pregnancy at any time.

Herbal medicine for the common cold during pregnancy


  • A popular drug for rhinitis, sinusitis, a component of the complex treatment of sinusitis is Sinupret - a combined herbal medicine.
  • During pregnancy, preference is given to the tablet form.
  • "Sinupret" liquefies mucus, promotes its discharge, has anti-inflammatory, antiviral, immunomodulatory effects.
  • The pills are allowed at any gestational age. The drug, in general, is well tolerated, but due to the abundance of herbal components of the composition, it can cause allergies. If you feel worse, the treatment is stopped immediately.


"Golden Star":

  • The famous "asterisk" during pregnancy from a cold is often advised. It is a natural multifunctional product. However, expectant mothers should use it with caution.
  • Menthol, camphor, peppermint, clove, eucalyptus and cinnamon essential oils contained in the asterisk are contraindicated for use by pregnant women.
  • The abundance of essential oils, beeswax can trigger an allergy attack.
  • Before using the balm, it is worth conducting an allergy test. To do this, apply a little balm to the back of the hand, chest or leg with rubbing movements. If, after a day, no red spots appear at the place of use, then the risk of having a negative reaction when using the ointment is minimal.
  • "Asterisk" can not be taken orally, applied to mucous membranes.
  • To make breathing easier, you can apply a tiny amount to the wings of the nose or the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle.

Folk remedies for the common cold during pregnancy

Traditional medicine abounds in remedies for the common cold, while not all can be used during pregnancy. So, recipes using black radish, aloe can tone the uterus.

Chamomile infusion for a cold during pregnancy

  • It is good for nasal rinsing and nasal instillation.
  • To prepare the infusion, 1 tablespoon of dried flowers of the plant is poured with 125 ml of boiling water and insisted for half an hour, it is best to use a thermos. The resulting infusion is filtered and, after cooling to a comfortable temperature, is ready for use.
  • For instillation, 4-6 drops of infusion are poured into each nasal passage, this can be done up to 6 times a day.
  • The shelf life of the funds is 24 hours.

Steam inhalation for a cold during pregnancy

  • For steam inhalation, calendula or chamomile flowers, eucalyptus leaves, thyme, plantain leaves, coltsfoot are used (1-2 tablespoons of raw materials per glass of boiling water).
  • You can use regular potatoes for inhalation. Boil the unpeeled potatoes, then remove the pan from the heat, cool the contents just a little and breathe in the resulting steam for 5 minutes. The procedure can be carried out several times a day.
  • To improve the effect, cover with a thick towel.
  • Such inhalations are prohibited at elevated body temperature or purulent processes of the respiratory system.
  • Within half an hour after inhalation, you need to be in a warm room. Going outside or into a well-ventilated room is strictly prohibited, eating, drinking, talking is not recommended.

Beetroot nasal drops for a cold during pregnancy

  • Beetroot nasal drops are good for thick mucus. 1-2 drops of juice squeezed from a raw vegetable are instilled into the nose several times a day.
  • You can also make a medicine from boiled beets; for this, dilute the squeezed juice with water in a 1: 2 ratio. Instill no more than 4 times a day, 3-5 drops in each nasal passage.

Carrot oil drops for a cold during pregnancy

  • Drops made from equal parts of carrot juice and olive oil do a good job with a cold. A single dose of the drug is equal to 4 drops in each nostril, you can instill it up to 6 times a day.


There are general recommendations in the treatment of a cold during pregnancy, but it is extremely important to find out the cause of its occurrence.

The range of drugs prescribed to expectant mothers for the treatment of rhinitis is significantly narrowed. It is important to know what you can get from a cold during pregnancy, because even among the seemingly safe recipes for traditional medicine to get rid of an ailment, there are remedies that are strictly forbidden to expectant mothers.