Karmic marriage by date of birth of partners. Karmic relationships: how to calculate by dates of birth

Each person has his own task, what is destined for us by karma is our cross, and possibly a guiding star. We will teach you how to define this task, knowing the date of birth of the querent. Firstly, a small digression, the more the date of birth of various and non-repeating numbers, the more harmoniously the personality is developed, you may ask how there can be more or less of them, because the date always has a certain format. But a person born on October 29, 1967 (10/29/1967) has 7 different numbers in the date of birth, and a person born on November 11, 1999 (11/11/1999) has only 2 different numbers. And the point is the following, the code of your karmic task corresponds to the last digit of the birthday, that is, for a person born on November 15, the code will be 5. Next, you need to parse the entire date. We will have to determine which of the digits are missing in the sequence from 0 to 9, all the numbers that will not be presented must be written in reverse order from 9 to 0. That is, a person born on 5.6.2013 will have no digits 9, 8, 7, 4 In addition, the number 5 does not count as 05 and only 5 takes part in the analysis, zero in this case is not taken into account. All the missing karmic numbers we have identified will speak of qualities that are either completely inaccessible to the querent, or very underdeveloped and they need to be developed and paid attention to them in every possible way to harmonize life. All of the above looks very confusing and perhaps not entirely clear, in order not to delve into the jungle, you can calculate the karmic problem using our resource, for which enter the date of birth of the person you are interested in and click on the "Result" button, the system will automatically analyze and will display the results on the screen.

Karmic task by date of birth.

Select your date of birth.

Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Year 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1919 1918 1917 1916 1915

Numerology is a science that allows you to calculate karmic relationships based on the dates of birth of partners.

Moreover, you can make these calculations yourself using simple mathematical calculations or for free on the Internet online. Let's figure out what is the methodology for such calculations and how reliable they are, - they transmit " "with a link to mirror-venus.ru

Method for calculating karmic numbers

To calculate the karmic date of fate, you need to know your date of birth and the date of birth of your partner. Next, you need to write all the numbers in a line, skipping the number zero, and calculate the amount. We will carry out an example of the calculation below. Let's take two dates as an example: a girl on 09/11/1986 and a man on 04/30/1975. Then add the components: 1 1 9 1 9 8 6 3 4 1 9 7 5 = 64.

Further, the same magic number 22 must be subtracted from the result obtained. This must be done so many times until the result is less than 22. It is this number that will be the same karmic number that will describe the compatibility of the pair.

Let's continue the calculations with our example. From 64 we subtract 22, we get 42, respectively, we subtract again, the result is the number 20. Next, we look at the meaning of each number in the decoding.

The value of numbers from 1 to 9

Number 1. This number suggests that karmic relationships will never be easy and smooth. There will always be a note of rivalry between partners, as both will strive to take a leadership position. It is important to keep the middle ground, not letting anyone feel unnecessary.

Number 2. These karmic relationships can be called the most touching and tender of all possible. Man and woman in this union are one, like yin and yang. Such a union lasts for decades and often lives up to the golden wedding.

Number 3. Such karmic relationships are characterized as romantic. Often more than one child is born in such a tandem. The whales that support the marriage are:

  • Mutual respect
  • Confidence
  • Romance

However, it is important not to allow outsiders into such a union, since they can destroy the karmic relationships built brick by brick to smithereens.

Number 4. There is pure patriarchy here. And from the outside, such a relationship is similar to the everyday life of an Italian family. There simply cannot be a single day without a showdown and passionate reconciliation. The primary problem the couple faces is excessive jealousy.

Number 5. These karmic relationships may not be so long, but they will play a vivid role in your life. This will most likely be an unequal union:

  • Union with an older man
  • A marriage where the woman is older

Your partner will be a teacher, mentor, someone who will show you the right path in life and turn your world upside down.

Number 6. One of the strongest couples. Harmony, mutual understanding and respect reign here. But, unfortunately, love very quickly develops into a habit under the influence of everyday problems. It is worth saying that this outcome of relations suits many, so the tandem can be called quite successful.

Number 7. A man and a woman in this combination will be constantly in motion, they will not have to sit still. Both halves of the union strive for development, love to travel and discover more and more new facets of the world.

Number 8. It is impossible to call such a union 100% successful, since there is no love, like friendship, in it. However, there is a complete understanding that is so necessary in the work. Such people can be excellent business partners, since each of them can fully trust their partner.

Number 9. This marriage is called ambiguous, since a man and a woman continue to live their own separate lives, which is unacceptable in a loving karmic relationship. Each side will feel lonely and inferior. Therefore, with a high probability, such a union will not exist for a long time and the couple will soon disintegrate.

Digit values ​​from 10 to 15

Number 10. The future of this couple is cloudless and, for the most part, prosperous. However, one should be wary of the influence of the evil eye, which can ruin karmic relationships. Numerologists do not exclude the possibility that such a marriage can be built on financial relations, that is, money will dominate.

Number 11. Two units mean that each partner will tend to pull the blanket in his direction. Finding compromises and giving in to a friend is extremely difficult for them. This can be the reason for the breakup. Parents can often interfere with the relationship of such a couple. How long such a relationship will last will largely depend on their opinion.

Number 12. There is love in this relationship, it is indisputable. But in order to keep the spark and not let the flame go out, you need to endure a lot and make sacrifices for the sake of the relationship. You need to be prepared for the fact that a man's partner can cheat and only you can decide whether to put up with it or not.

Number 13. The most fragile tandem. In many ways, this is due to the fact that the karmic number is unfavorable, since many negative magical prejudices are associated with the number 13. If we trace in more detail the development of such relations, it will be clear that their roads will never cross for a long period.

Number 14. Pure patriarchy is observed here. And from the outside, such a relationship is similar to the everyday life of an Italian family. There simply cannot be a single day without a showdown and passionate reconciliation. The paramount problem facing a couple is work, which could be the top priority on a man's list of priorities.

Number 15. The most insincere relationship. There is always room for deception, blackmail and betrayal. This may be due to a banal mismatch of characters or outside influence. Often magic intervenes in such an alliance, leaving its indelible mark. If the relationship is not worth it at the very beginning, it is better to abandon their further development.

Value from 16 to 22

Number 16. Such a union cannot be called long, most likely it is a fleeting affair. Both partners will experience tremendous passion and sexual attraction. However, it is unlikely that they will be able to build a family. Even if Mendelssohn's march sounds, and wedding rings shine on your fingers, sooner or later the idyll will lead to divorce. The fact is that a man and a woman do not suit each other at the level of space.

Number 17. This marriage is called ambiguous, since a man and a woman continue to live their own separate lives, which is unacceptable in a love relationship. Each side will feel lonely and inferior. Therefore, with a high probability, such a union will not exist for a long time and the couple will soon disintegrate.

Number 18. Such relationships only live as long as the woman wants it. While she is ready to put up with all the shortcomings of her partner and forgive his behavior. It often happens that a man in a relationship plays a role that he invents for himself. And his real face is not visible to anyone, so it is difficult for a partner to understand who the man really is.

Number 19. A man and a woman in this combination will be constantly in motion, they will not have to sit still. Both halves of the union strive for development, love to travel and discover more and more new facets of the world.

Number 20. Couples whose karmic number is twenty are very tender relationships. In such a union, many children are born, often more than two. It is about this marriage that words can be said - both in sorrow and in joy, and in health and during illness, and so on.

Number 21. Difficulties can arise only at the stage of the inception of a relationship. However, in the future there is complete mutual understanding, which is so necessary to build a strong union. In order for such a relationship to continue, it is important to go through the initial stage, to show maximum patience and respect for each other. If this fails, then at least you will remain good friends for centuries.

Number 22. Is in such a relationship as living on a powder keg. You never know what to expect from a partner, the reaction can be so unpredictable. You must be ready not only for quarrels and frequent showdowns, but also for violent reconciliation and passionate sex. In order for a relationship to be long-lasting, you need to try hard and make every effort.

Let's summarize that the most favorable karmic numbers for relationships, based on the date of birth, are: 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 14, 17, 19 and 21. The numbers that should be avoided are 9, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18 and 22

In the world we are surrounded by numbers. It was not for nothing that ancient philosophers noticed that numbers can be used to add the key to the secrets of the Universe. The science of numerology helps us to penetrate the characters of people, to look into their souls, to understand the reasons for actions. For a couple, there is a great way to find out about the future fate of the relationship - to calculate the number of union.

Two separate people with different views, hobbies, abilities. They meet and everything changes. Sometimes, in a moment, their life changes, because now the numerological cards are intertwined. It is very interesting and, most importantly, simple. Anyone can carry out such a calculation, it will not take much time. The values ​​are already known, read what the stars promise you. The Soul Number will tell you what to expect from your significant other. The stars will show the way to happiness, it remains only to correctly recognize it.

The most mystical science

In ancient times, numerology was one of the secret, forbidden sciences. Along with alchemy, it was equated with a mortal sin. Many talented researchers have gone to the fire of the Inquisition because of their experiments with numbers. On the one hand, what could be dangerous? Addition, subtraction, series of numbers. But, numerology revealed such secrets to people that any skeptic would doubt it. Numerology is closely associated with astrology, astrology with alchemy, and the latter in general with mysticism, demons and the wiles of the devil. Of course, in the Middle Ages, it was banned.

Of course, learned men secretly studied it, rereading the works of Pythagoras, Agrippa, Egyptian priests and Indian prophets. All of them stated one thing - the numbers have the truth, the numbers are the key to the secrets of the universe. In fact, working with a numerological map is not difficult. There are a number of concepts to remember. One of them is the soul index or soul number. Anyone who knows how to count can get it. This is not magic, where a calling is needed. All you need is attentiveness and date of birth. There are several approaches to calculating this number, but most often it is used classically (Pythagoras numerology).

The most difficult thing here is to correctly calculate your number, or your partner, friend ... Everything else has already been done. Over the years of work and systematization, a universal key of codes has been obtained. After calculations, a single-digit number from 1 to 9 is obtained. Each corresponds to a value. Received a number - read the prediction of numbers.

How to find the number of destiny

Before calculating the fate of partners, it is necessary to calculate for each of them the number of fate, the index of the soul - there are many names. The main thing is that all numerologists agree on how to calculate it. First, let's figure out where this number comes from. The man was born. His umbilical cord was cut, now he is completely independent. At this moment, we already know his day, month and year of birth. But, most importantly, at the Cosmic level, his birth is marked by the release of a special energy - the zodiacal. There is a direct connection between numerology and astrology. Astrology determines the position of the Plan and the Stars, celestial bodies, as well as the charge of that very energy. Numerology gives a starting point - the moment when it happened.

In order for the results to be accurate, you need to know the full date, not only the day, but the hour, minute, second of birth. Unfortunately, this information is very vague. No one defines it for sure, doctors write down the approximate time. Of course, if the exact time is known, then you are lucky! Your forecast will be very accurate. If not, numerologists agreed to simply use three numbers - day, month, year. For example, on 07/12/1986, the girl Catherine was born. Now she wants to find out her birth number and understand how her life with a new lover will be built. She adds up the date:

1 + 2 + 0 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 6 = 34. This two-digit number can be simplified like this: 3 + 4 = 7.

Birth number - 7. Using it, you can learn a lot about a person, his talents and characteristics. It has a hidden character. This meaning has many names precisely because it gives a broad characterization of the personality.

Simple pair index calculation

Now the girl Catherine knows her number. It remains in the same way to calculate the number of her fiancé Nicholas, who was born on 03/01/1980. We get 22 or 4. By this number, we can also conclude what kind of person Nikolai is. But, now we are interested in the compatibility of partners, and not their hidden qualities. We can say that all numbers have their own destiny. There are a lot of options for their interweaving. Remember an important rule: when evaluating the index of a pair, you are looking at the pair, and not at two separate people. Therefore, looking at the decryption, you do not need to think who is right and who is to blame for the problems, or who is "well done." This is how steam works. Change people and everything will change. Not necessarily for the best.


This is how the numerology of compatibility in marriage is calculated, but even if we are not talking about a marriage union yet, you can find out your compatibility. Why not? This will help many to make a decision, and whether it is worth associating their life with a specific person, or wait for a more suitable one. Just add both results:

Of course, you shouldn't turn everything upside down. You can calculate the ideal combination for yourself, and then look for a person with that number of souls. But think for yourself, this is something from the realm of fantasy. For example, you need a G8 man for a perfect marriage. Where and how will you look for it? His Majesty Chance plays an important role here. Or not a case, but Stars?

So, if you already have a result for a pair, then read the transcript of the result:


Already at the beginning of this relationship, it is clear that everything is going extremely well. Partners suit each other, they have many similarities and in many ways they agree. Common hobbies appear, you can easily interest your partner in your hobby. Even if he does not want to do it seriously, he will always treat it with respect. Peace reigns in a pair, and in the world of numbers, one is considered one of the most positive values. The beginning of the Universe is concentrated in it. This is a strong charge that gives birth to something new. The couple will have many years of love and harmony.

Chances are, you immediately want to tie the knot. There is nothing strange here, in this combination it is unnecessary to be afraid of failure - everything will work out. You will have a happy life even if you get married just 1-2 months after you met. This is the kind of love that is told in books or films. The partners do not even have thoughts about betrayal or parting - they have found their halves.


Two is the number of reflections. People face a choice every day, but this choice is very important, because your life is being decided. There are doubts, perhaps, about the advisability of continuing the relationship. If the number two falls to you by fate, then these doubts will certainly be there, possibly always. You will either have to come to terms with them, or find a reason to break up. Moreover, this feeling comes in waves - something happened, you start to look skeptical at your partner. Then it goes away, a feeling of harmony comes. Something happens again, and everything goes in a circle. This is the life of a pair of two. But, over time, people even get used to their thoughts. This does not mean that everything is bad for you, just that you are always not completely sure. Usually, years pass from acquaintance to wedding.


If your index is a triple, then you should think about whether you really need it. In a relationship, not everything is smooth. One is in the clouds, the other has to rake the routine of reality. The couple have little in common, and the future together seems hazy. Such a relationship is best suited for the option - a fun weekend, a joint trip to the sea, an easy romance. For a while, you have a lot of fun together, good, easy. Then each of the partners seeks to return to their lives, but the joint one does not go well. As long as there are no obligations and responsibilities, everything will be fine. Therefore, if the number of your pair is 3, then hold off on serious statements. Very soon, life will show you the true face of your beloved. You probably know each other quite recently, have not yet had time to taste life together. And its taste for your couple will be bitter.


The four says that two materialists have met. You both look at life from a position: you work, you earn, you save. You won't be very broke on a trip or a trip. The four has many advantages - it is a pair that has a well-coordinated mechanism of work. Both of you will work for the good of the family, plan everything, deal with finances together. The downside is the complete lack of spirituality. Your common interest is to build, create, have children, teach them. It's hard after 10-20 years together. Satiety sets in. There is nothing to talk about, but I want to. It seems like a dear person, but you do not know anything about his inner world. Take time for your couple, and also build a spiritual world around you. Of all the numbers, the four is one of the most mysterious.


Five is the middle. You have a relationship for the soul. As long as both are satisfied, everything will be fine. As soon as this is over, then you need to part. This will inevitably come if you do not pay attention to the couple. The woman stops looking after herself, the man stares at others. A man pays little attention to the house, a woman looks to the side of those who can hammer in a nail, and even provide for her. You have to work on the relationship, because theoretically everything is in order. Keep yourself and your couple in good shape. Then there will be no problems, betrayals, quarrels and partings. Such a couple can be very harmonious.


The most harmonious of alliances. Everything is balanced here - black stripes are replaced by white ones, together you are able to overcome any obstacles. A couple of hikes on another, with an index of 1. Only here everything develops very gradually. Acquaintance, long conversations, walks, after a while - a timid kiss. Everything goes on as usual for you, without haste. Relatives are proud of you, because in our dashing time there are still such simple, honest and chaste couples. Six is ​​the number of harmony. It shows that everyone has had enough time to make a choice, to think it over, to fully embrace it. This is good, because you need to enter into any relationship, throwing away doubts. You are in luck, such a union is based on reason and feeling in equal measure.


Ease. Here's how you can characterize a pair with an index of 7. This is the number of the gamble. You are having a lot of fun together, you are ready for risky actions, but you are not ready for a serious relationship. Perhaps one of the couple takes their relationship too seriously, while the other simply does not need a relationship now, connections, something serious. Redefine your roles as a couple. This is a road that leads nowhere. Both of you can never renounce freedom if you are together. There will be betrayals, partings. Such people are together for a very long time. They do not live together, but only spend the night periodically in each other's houses. Sometimes they come together, and then again - each in his own corner. Running around gets boring, especially if you want a measured life. There can be a lot of passion, sex, feelings in a couple, but never enough meaning.


This number teaches us that in addition to the spiritual world, there is also a material one. The complete opposite of result 4. There people are fixated on material, money, property, work. Here, the couple knows how to feel very subtly. Together they always have something to talk about, there are dreams that lead to unknown paths. But, they are completely out of touch with reality. Earn Money? Build your own home? No, these subtle natures do not even want to think about such things. Together they lose their sense of reality, even if individually they are quite active, independent people. This is not a bad thing, you just need to pay attention to other things besides thinking. If they manage to find a balance, there is no price for such a relationship. This is a very harmonious couple, but subject to a compromise of mind and feelings.


Two people met. Together they reveal themselves from such sides that their relatives could not have imagined. There are no prohibitions on talking, experimenting in sex or life. Together they are simply "blown away" by the possibilities, because they energetically feed each other. It's amazing how a 9 pair can change people. Up to a complete change of image, career, occupation and hobbies. Everything that they dreamed about, but were afraid to do suddenly becomes available. This is inspiring freedom together. Okay, only it can be dangerous. And the rest is a great opportunity to show your true face to the world. Love changes people, everyone already knows that.

You should not treat the result, number, index as a sentence. Rather, it is a tip or a warning. Do not be alarmed if the advice is bad, do not flatter yourself if everything is cloudless according to the prediction of a numerologist. Better approach this valuable knowledge wisely. You get the meaning, the numerology of compatibility gives an accurate description of your relationship in a couple, marriage. Usually, the cons are obvious. Correct them. Think about what exactly needs to be changed, how the situation can be corrected. You will need to do this together, because you did the calculation for both partners. Each of you is a unique person. You added up your soul numbers to calculate. It may be worth reading the numerological chart of each of you.

The two make up a single whole. Sometimes, it’s a puzzle that fits perfectly, you don’t see the seam. Sometimes it is a complex construction. Over a long life together, you will adopt the habits and attitudes of your spouse - this is normal. What used to seem like a problem now only brings a smile. You received advice, try to fix the situation, and not part. Some people have a very one-sided attitude to the results of the calculation - a bad result is given, so nothing will work out. Need to part. Stop. Think about what your heart wants.

If you really can easily part after a bad forecast, then the numbers or stars or Tarot cards are absolutely right. Such a pair cannot exist. If there is love, then you will fight for it. Many different numbers can ruin the mood, but you are together and are ready to go through this together despite everything. Not the easiest, not the most direct, but your own. Numerology for a couple plays on the side of partners - you have a chance to smooth things over and correct mistakes.

Hello dear readers and blog guests. Throughout our lives, we get to know a lot of people: some disappear quickly and without a trace, others cause passion and love at first sight, and still others torment and do not leave alone. If you have ever felt a strong, unfounded attachment to a person, despite all their flaws, or experienced burning hatred, it is likely that fate itself intervened. To understand this, it is enough to calculate what the karmic connection will be by the date of birth. The resulting number will show whether your souls have met in past lives, tell you how to break invisible bonds and avoid mistakes of the past.

12 signs

Karmic relationships between a man and a woman can be of two types. The healing bond is extremely rare. They are two kindred spirits who have been together for many lifetimes. They help and support each other, know how to trust, forgive and love selflessly.

Karmic connection between a man and a woman

A destructive connection is built on reproaches, conflicts, overcoming difficulties. This relationship is very difficult to break. Their essence is that two souls can correct the mistakes of past lives and with dignity accept the punishment for all wrongdoings and atrocities.

Interesting. If in a past life you were not distinguished by devotion, get ready for the fact that in your current incarnation you will suffer from betrayal and betrayal.

To understand whether you have a karmic relationship, you should pay attention to 12 main signs:

  1. Feeling of old acquaintance. It is as if you have known a person for 100 years, although you have recently met him.
  2. You are very attached to each other, but at the same time you are completely different. You have different social and financial status, religion, hobbies, worldview, goals, aspirations.
  3. Uncontrolled physical attraction.
  4. Rapid and too rapid development of relations.
  5. With the advent of a partner, your habitat changes dramatically. You can move to another city or country, stop communicating with relatives and friends, or completely isolate yourself from any social contacts.
  6. Serious trials after several years of a prosperous and joyful life together.
  7. Inability to have children.
  8. Constant struggle and conflicts with a partner. Relationships are devastating and exhausting, but there is no strength to part.
  9. Feeling of déjà vu.
  10. Even if you broke up, your partner continues to appear in your dreams.
  11. After breaking up, you constantly see signs that remind you of your once loved one: you hear his favorite songs, change the channel and find that his favorite movie is on, and so on.
  12. In a relationship, you have lost part of yourself and are no longer able to make decisions or control your own life without your partner's approval.

There can be a karmic connection with the mother. The soul itself chooses parents based on the main tasks that need to be completed in the current incarnation in order to step over to the next stage of development. Know that personal karma is always associated with the karma of the clan and your soul takes over your mother's baton.

Looking at the closest person, analyzing his life and actions, you can understand what mistakes were made and try to build your life in a completely different way.

Karmic connection by date of birth: signs of the zodiac

In astrology, there are 4 types of karma that correspond to the elements:

  • Earth signs carry the usual karma. This means that in this life they will absolutely not be able to fix anything and will make the same mistakes again;
  • the weight of dying (last) karma presses on Air signs. It is determined by the actions that Aquarius, Gemini and Libra performed on their deathbed. Fate gives them a chance to become a completely different person;
  • residual karma is possessed by the signs of Water. Thanks to the calmness and ability to control one's actions, the past life did not affect the present one. They have practically no sins, so there is nothing to work out;
  • weighty karma governs the fate of the Fire signs. In past incarnations, they were too active, and their actions were reflected in the world around them. In this life, it is necessary to clearly understand that any action bears serious, and not always positive, consequences.

People of habitual karma greatly influence the life of residual karma. But astrologers advise them to connect fate with a person of last karma.

Fact. It is easy for dying karma to go through life with a person of residual or habitual karma.

Significant karma affects all people, but receives much less return. It is almost impossible to influence it.

Working out karmic connections

Now let's move on to one of the main questions: how to work off bad karma. At the same time, it is important to determine how to restore peace to the soul and allow it to move to a higher level.

In the relationship between partners, there are two ways that will help break the karmic connection:

  1. Patiently work off the debt by joint efforts, accept all the shortcomings of a loved one, fulfill obligations.
  2. Forgive, no matter how hard it is.

To work off karma faster, try not to deceive a loved one and help people in need. Realize your mistakes, correct your flaws, respect the decision of your other half and accept it as it is. Stop lecturing, pointing, prodding. It is better to show care and support in the most difficult situations.

Important. The karmic connection will be nullified if there are no conflicts, quarrels, abuse, revenge, envy, jealousy in your relationship.

How to know that the karmic connection is broken? You can easily part with your once loved one and he, in turn, will let you go freely. You will learn a painful, difficult but important lesson and never repeat the same mistakes.

Or you can stay together. Only now the relationship will be full of peace, harmony, love, mutual respect and support.

How to calculate the number of karmic relationships

If you want to know if your relationship is karmic, you can calculate compatibility. Add up all the numbers in your date of birth and your partner's birthday.

For example:

Marina 12/20/1985: 2 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 = 28

Stanislav 12.24.1982: 2 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 2 = 29

Now subtract 22: 57-22 = 35

Subtract until the difference is less than 22: 35-22 = 13

The resulting figure determines your karmic relationship. It remains to study the interpretation:

  • 1 - a complex relationship in which partners are fighting for leadership. If a girl shows wisdom and gentleness, tries to accept the point of view of her man, the union will be successful and very interesting;
  • 2 - a very harmonious couple with the same characters, worldview, ideals. They are the whole universe for each other;
  • 3 - strong and stable relationship, in which everything will be - from love and mutual understanding, to material well-being. The main thing is to protect your family from the interference of friends and close relatives, especially mom;
  • 4 - a passionate connection filled with strong, sometimes uncontrollable, feelings. It is important not to believe in gossip and to pacify jealousy;
  • 5 - a relationship with a person will play a huge role in your destiny. He will become a teacher and mentor. Having received the necessary lessons, you will part, because of the difference in views, interests or social status;
  • 6 - you are two halves of a single whole who will love and support each other throughout life. Try to steadfastly endure all the difficulties at the very beginning of the relationship in order to build a strong family;
  • 7 - there is a high probability that the connection will not be long-term. However, the short time that you will spend next to you will be filled with a lot of travel, drastic changes and pleasant emotions;
  • 8 is the number of karma. Most likely, in past lives you have done something wrong with each other. It's time to answer for your wrongdoings and correct your mistakes. Don't try to change your partner. Look for a compromise, improve yourself, get rid of vices and change for the better;
  • 9 - the union of two people who do not hear or listen to their partner. The constant feeling of loneliness, the inability to rely on a loved one and receive support from him, will ultimately lead to separation;
  • 10 - you were connected in heaven. First, the union can be built on material gain. But over time, feelings will be overwhelmed by a wave, and a happy family life will last for many years;
  • 11 - excellent compatibility in the intimate sphere. Everyday life will be filled with discord and struggle for supremacy. There is a possibility of treason. It is important to learn to make concessions and find a compromise. Otherwise, the relationship will fall apart;
  • 12 - the number of karmic relationships. Betrayal, misunderstandings, grievances, mutual accusations are possible. Such a connection will certainly leave a deep imprint on life. But remember that you can overcome any troubles thanks to love;
  • 13 is a karmic relationship, but, alas, there will not be a happy ending in this life. The connection is complex, short-lived, in some way even dangerous;
  • 14 is one of the best compatibility options for building a strong family. Partners know how to find a common language, they have the same goals and aspirations;
  • 15 - you shouldn't even start such a connection. It will be built on a strong intimate dependence of one of the partners and constant manipulation;
  • 16 - you do not match each other on a spiritual level. Relationships will sooner or later end in parting. The connection will devastate, take all the strength, but will have a strong impact on future life;
    17 - a wonderful future awaits a couple, filled with harmony, love, happiness and joint creativity;
  • 18 - an incomprehensible and strange relationship in which both partners cannot consider the very essence of a loved one. There is a high probability of betrayal and immoral lifestyle;
  • 19 - harmonious, strong union, built on mutual respect and love;
  • 20 - good compatibility. However, partners will have to adjust to each other. Then they will be bound not only by love, but also by strong friendship;
  • 21 - partners are ideal at the energy level. There is every chance to build a happy family;
  • 22 - extremely unstable, karmic relationship in which one of the partners strives for freedom. Passionate quarrels and stormy reconciliation, complete ignorance and violent jealousy. Great efforts will have to be made to achieve stability. There is a risk of divorce.

You can also karmic relationships with your former partners to see patterns and understand your own mistakes.

Now you know everything about the karmic connection by date of birth. Open up to your destiny and do not be afraid to learn its lessons in order to reach a new level of spiritual development.

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The science of karmology, which studies the causes of key events in a person's life through his past incarnation, is closely related to astrology and numerology.

So, for example, it is quite easy to find out if there is karmic love between two people by the date of birth of both partners. Let's figure out how to do this correctly, and find out what the cherished numbers of the day on which we were born speak.

What is karmic love

The relationship of two people, whose meeting took place due to karma or, as they say, was predetermined by fate, are divided into two types: creative or positive and destructive or negative.

A creative karmic connection

Two people who connected through positive karma, in a past life, and possibly in several incarnations in a row, were a happy couple. They loved each other sincerely and strongly, led a righteous, calm and harmonious life, did not change or betray their loved ones.

Each of them was a very good person in himself, and their energies, when combined, represented a huge creative force. Their love helped people, she was for them an excellent example of what a real relationship should be between two loving hearts.

Since both partners did not accumulate karmic debts, they deserved another happy life together, and therefore their meeting was predetermined by fate in advance. It doesn't matter at what age they met, whether they had other relationships or marriages behind them, the point is in one thing: that the couple was destined to meet each other and experience true happiness.

Negative karmic connection

Such a connection is usually characterized by a quick "recognition" of their soul mate, when people, having barely met, suddenly feel an irresistible attraction to each other and feel as if they have known each other all their lives.

However, behind the first idyll lies a series of disappointments. Family life brings a lot of pain to one or both partners, they are haunted by difficulties, misunderstandings, constant quarrels, scandals, betrayal, deception, and sometimes bad habits, leading one or both spouses along the path of self-destruction.

Also, such a couple has difficulties with childbirth, even if both partners sincerely want to have children. And sometimes it happens that a child is still born, but has health problems, congenital pathology, or even dies at an early age.

As a rule, the negative karmic attachment of people to each other can be described as mutual torment, when both partners simultaneously love and hate each other. When they are together - it is hard for them, as soon as they disperse - they are pulled back again, and after the reunion, quarrels and troubles in family life continue with renewed vigor.

Such a karmic relationship means that in a previous incarnation these people have already met, and may even have been in a love relationship, but at the same time they could not fulfill their tasks. And now they will have to meet again in order to go through a series of obstacles together and learn some lesson from these life events, as well as redeem their karmic debts to each other.

Until the karmic task is completed, they will not see a harmonious and happy life together, but fate will not allow them to go their separate ways.

They will be with each other until they solve the problems stretching from the previous joint incarnation.

How to determine karmic love by date of birth?

To determine the presence of a karmic connection, you can use astrological calculation, the symbolism of Tarot cards or special matrices of fate. But for a person who is not fond of these areas of esotericism and does not have special knowledge, such techniques will seem complicated.

There is also an easy way to determine love karma by date of birth. To do this, you just need to know the full dates on which both spouses were born, write them down and carry out a simple mathematical calculation.

Let's take, for example, two people, one of whom was born on July 4, 1983, and the other on May 13, 1985. Let's record their full dates of birth in digital form in the line: 07/04/1983 and 05/13/1985.

Now you need to add all the numbers in each of the dates separately.



As you can see, as a result we got the same number - 32, which means that the meeting of these people did not happen by chance, and their connection is definitely karmic.

Now let's look at another example. Two people met and between them there was love at first sight. One of them was born on November 25, 1980, and the second on October 10, 1987.

In this case, the calculation will be slightly different, since in the karmic formula the number 10 is added exactly as 10, and not as 1 + 0. So, as a result of the calculation, we get the following lines:

2 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 0 = 27 for the first partner

10 + 10 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 7 = 45 for another partner

At first glance, it may seem that there is no karmic connection, since the final figures are different. But there is one more rule that applies to love karma by date of birth. Karmic numbers are those that have a common multiple.

As you remember from mathematics, this is the name of a number by which the indicated digit is divided entirely without a remainder. If we look at the resulting dates of the birth numbers of partners from the example above, we will see that they have a common multiple - and 27 and 45 can be divided without a remainder by 9. This means that their meeting was also karmic.

By the way, karmic love by date of birth can be determined without numerology.

For example, it is believed that marriages in which the age difference between partners is a multiple of five is also karmic. Therefore, the relationship between people who are 25 and 30 years old, 30 and 55, and so on, are also tied for a reason. And the happiest union is a marriage in which the age difference between the spouses is 15 years.