Kirgizov Igor Vitalievich. Children's surgeon Igor Kirgizov: "For me, every patient is like my own child"

At the Central Clinical Hospital, I underwent two operations: knee arthroplasty. The first operation took place in August 2015, the second in April 2016. I recovered quickly and can already walk normally without a cane. I am very grateful to the attending doctor, Alexei Nikolaevich Korneev, that I now walk as before without pain, which I have suffered for more than 10 years. I would like to thank the entire team of the trauma department for the good service. Thank you all very much. Respectfully yours, Nina Yakovlevna Svintsova, 72 years old, Moscow.

Circumstances so developed that over the past six months I had to visit various medical institutions and I can say with confidence that there is no better staff and service anywhere! Many, having learned that I was going to Moscow for an operation, sympathized, said that there "you have to pay for everything and no one will pay attention to you!" But what was my surprise when I found myself in an absolutely homely atmosphere of warmth and care! Smiling faces and good mood among all the staff, from the cleaning ladies to the head of the department! All professionals in their field, wonderful, kind, sympathetic people. Thanks to their well-coordinated work and golden hands, I underwent a difficult operation without fear and pain! I want to wish all the staff of cardiac surgery, including Molochkov A. V., Alekseev I. A., Velichko E. S., Bugrimova M. S. health, happiness, decent wages and more positive moments in life! Low bow to you for your professionalism and sensitive attitude!

In June 2016, I underwent knee arthroplasty in the trauma department of the Central Clinical Hospital. The operation was carried out successfully, on the 3rd day after the operation I walked with a cane. Many thanks to the traumatologist Alexei Nikolaevich Korneev. I am also grateful to the entire team of medical workers of the trauma department. Thanks to them, patients recover faster. Respectfully yours, E. A. Tolkunova

In February of this year, my husband was examined at the endocrinology department of the Central Clinical Hospital for diabetes mellitus. Fortunately, the diagnosis has not been confirmed and the increase in blood sugar can be controlled by diet. We are very grateful to the doctors who returned our hope for health! However, from the very first day of her husband's admission to the hospital, doctor Pankova Irina Anatolyevna began to practically persecute him, imposing leech treatment on him! Despite his refusals and explanations that he went to bed for 4 days, that he did not even have a diagnosis, that is, it was not clear what to treat for, she still forced him to carry out the procedure with leeches. And in the gym, on a dirty couch! She didn't even wash her hands! And all the time she urged him to continue the treatment after being discharged from the hospital in private. The next day, my husband was discharged. The fact is that before hospitalization, my husband suffered from acute respiratory infections and was taking aspirin. And in this case, leeches should not be placed in any case! We learned this in another clinic where we turned.

Vladivostok, February 27 - OTV... Only a few seconds remain before the start of the operation. The medical staff prepares the ward and sterile instruments for work. The esophagus of a seven-year-old patient will be operated on. The whole process is supervised by the chief pediatric surgeon of Roszdravnadzor - Igor Kirgizov. He flew to Vladivostok specifically to teach master classes to Primorsky doctors. Kirgizov devoted more than 28 years of his life to pediatric surgery. He says that the main thing for today's surgeons is to be able to quickly learn on modern equipment.

Igor Kirgizov, chief pediatric surgeon of Roszdravnadzor:

All modern equipment works with patient feedback. Patients can be both adults and children, it is clear that the approaches must be different, and the equipment must be different, but this is impossible. As a rule, the equipment is standard, and you need to set it up yourself for the child.

Igor Kirgizov gives instructions clearly, clearly and understandably. For Primorsky doctors, such master classes by the luminaries of pediatric surgery are an opportunity to learn on the spot, using their own equipment.

Nadezhda Arsenyeva, correspondent:

The operation on the esophagus is carried out on a seven-year-old boy for half an hour already. According to the surgeons, this is a unique opportunity for them to learn how to use modern equipment at full capacity. And for a small patient, this is an opportunity to quickly adapt after surgery.

While some are filming the operation and listening to the advice of Igor Kirgizov; others are watching the action in the operating room via an online broadcast. Thus, a greater number of pediatric surgeons in Primorye can be trained.

Sophia Lelchuk, pediatric surgeon, State Healthcare Institution KKTsSVMP Maternity and Childhood:

Medicine is a science that never stands still. New teachings, new discoveries that occur almost every year, those operations that were done twenty years ago with some pathology and the operations that are being done now - with the same pathology - they are completely different.

Andrey Melnikov, Deputy Chief Physician for Surgery, Regional Children's Clinical Hospital No. 1:

Igor Vitalievich is a high-class specialist, a master of his craft. You, as a non-professional, may not see it, but those who understand enough in pediatric surgery, laparoscopic surgery see and admire his movements, his skill.

Such master classes for pediatric surgeons will be held regularly, according to the Primorye Department of Health. Doctors who are trained in modern methods of laparoscopy will be able to apply it in practice. This means that families from the seaside will not have to fly to other cities for treatment.

Kirgizov Igor Vitalievich - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation, Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery at the Moscow Medical Academy. Sechenova, head of the surgical department of the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, chief expert of Roszdravnadzor in pediatric surgery, one of the leading specialists in the field of pediatric surgery in Russia.

He has developed and introduced high-tech operations on the organs of the chest and abdominal cavity in children into the work of children's surgical clinics. Led by Professor I.V. Kirgizov the surgical department is a leader in performing repeated reconstructive plastic surgeries in patients after previous surgeries. Under his leadership, a scientific school for the development of new surgical technologies is being formed. He published 320 scientific papers (55 of them in foreign press), published 5 monographs, received 20 patents and 5 positive decisions for patents of the Russian Federation, 4 priority certificates for patents of the Russian Federation, more than 100 certificates for rationalization proposals.

Igor Vitalievich, what is your impression of Krasnoyarsk medicine, now you have something to compare the level with?

The impression from the Krasnoyarsk doctors is extremely favorable, because I know everyone - I worked with them, these are those who taught me, whom I taught. This is a conglomerate of people with whom I talked, it's nice to meet them, communicate, work. It's nice to return to where they are waiting for you, where you are welcome. This is my homeland. I try to help as much as possible. I have a lot of extremely serious patients whom I take from Krasnoyarsk to my Center, we operate on them there and restore them. I consult in absentia, through telemedicine, quite a lot of colleagues from Krasnoyarsk studied at our base at the Center, six people defended their Ph.D. thesis, one doctoral dissertation.

On this visit to Krasnoyarsk, we held master classes, this is one of the most progressive teaching methods. A team of surgeons arrives, for our arrival the doctors prepare the most difficult patients so that they can see how it is possible to operate using modern methods. As a rule, I carry out the operation, and my Krasnoyarsk colleagues help me.

-You brought equipment with you, performed operations, showed it all, left and the equipment was taken away ...

We show this equipment not only to doctors, we show the heads of healthcare - how it works, why it is necessary. Not because we are lobbying for some specific equipment, of a specific manufacturer, but because this equipment allows us to perform the operation that we are carrying out. It is with such equipment that a high-tech operation can be performed on a child.

- Tell us about high-tech medical care in pediatric surgery.

Pediatric surgery, like adult surgery, tends to be minimally invasive - to reduce access, incision, trauma, and blood loss. If earlier we performed an operation through an incision of 30-40 centimeters, for a child this is an injury and a pronounced cosmetic defect, and then the child may have conflicts with peers, complexes ... And now it is possible to carry out the operation through punctures rather than incisions, and the diameter of the puncture - five millimeters. The reason for the surgical intervention is eliminated, and the child only has almost imperceptible puncture marks. And now instruments with a diameter of three millimeters are already being used, we have already mastered the one-port technique, this is when an incision is made in the navel area, a port is inserted through which special instruments are inserted, when the operation is completed, there is practically no damage to the abdominal cavity. There is no surgical injury, the child recovers faster.

Have you managed to convince the Krasnoyarsk healthcare leaders of the need to purchase equipment for low-traumatic operations for children, to introduce such technologies?

I think yes. I know that in the coming months, 8 racks with high-tech equipment, such as we brought, will be purchased. We potentiated not only doctors to perform such operations, but also potentiated officials. You yourself understand that this equipment can work quickly, well, correctly and get a pronounced clinical effect. Those. or a child after a major operation will be in a hospital bed for 21 days, or he will leave on the fifth day with his own feet.

-And one shouldn't forget that we are talking about a little man ...

Of course! If being in a surgical hospital for an adult is a severe psychological trauma, then for a child it is doubly difficult. After all, a child and a hospital are, by and large, incompatible things.

-Igor Vitalievich, how do you differ from an adult surgeon?

How to explain this ... In general, every patient is like your child and this radically changes the approach itself. I understand you can be a cynic, but a child, this is a child ... With each little patient you are reborn anew. Children's surgeon is a vocation, even a destiny. I became a pediatric surgeon because I myself was sick a lot as a child, but now, despite the enormous responsibility, I will not exchange this profession for anything. Entering the operating room, I understand that there is a child in front of me, and I must make sure that he is alive and well, and, which is important, that he is a full-fledged member of society. Now it is necessary not only to carry out the operation, but to carry it out so that there are no consequences left, so that the child will go out to his peers and be on an equal footing with them, he should not be flawed in something, complex ...

-Is this what motivates you to do science as well?

Undoubtedly! We develop minimally invasive techniques, develop a direction for the rehabilitation of sick children.

If we consider the structure of diseases, what pathologies requiring surgical intervention have increased?

The bulk of diseases are congenital defects. Maternal pathology affects the child, unfortunately, sick children are born from sick parents. The number of births has increased, the number of absolutely healthy parents has decreased, nursing of premature babies with extremely low body weight, in vitro fertilization - all this together increases the number of congenital pathologies in a child - various defects, defects. Therefore, we must correct and eliminate the problem in time. For example, a local form of atresia of the gastrointestinal tract is an extremely severe fetal malformation, earlier, if it was determined intrauterinely, the woman was offered to terminate the pregnancy, and now we are successfully treating this pathology. We eliminate other complex pathologies, do plastic surgery, and give society a healthy member.

You worked in the 20th city hospital of Krasnoyarsk, and there is a hot front-line for pediatric surgery - injuries, appendicitis, all children are taken there ...

Yes, there I went through a good school of pediatric surgeon. I received a basic base, a foundation, and when I arrived in Moscow, I was ready to master new technologies.

-You are now at the peak of your career

No, this is not the peak yet, there is still a lot of things I would like to do. We have a suitcase full of ideas. Now a new surgical building of the Scientific Center of Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences is being built, with 200 beds, which will be equipped with all the equipment that will be the best at the time of commissioning.

-And to what extent is this high-tech help in your capital center accessible to children from other regions of Russia?

We are absolutely accessible and open to anyone who needs our help. Type my name on the Internet, read, call, write, we take on any difficult cases. Sometimes we even take children for whom a quota has not yet been issued. If the child's condition requires urgent intervention, we perform an operation and then issue a quota. Our director, the chief pediatrician of Russia, Alexander Alexandrovich Baranov, says: "The question is not in the quota, the question is in the patient."

-This approach is very rare in our economic world, and from this it is especially valuable and important ...

I’ll tell you more, we have children from low-income families, parents cannot come to Moscow, because there is no money for tickets, for this case we have our own fund, for the money of which we bring sick children with their parents to the Center, transport we operate as necessary.

Will you continue to conduct master classes in Krasnoyarsk, help pediatric surgeons introduce modern technologies and methods of surgery?

This is my cross that I will carry. We are responsible for those we have taught.

The invention relates to medicine and can be applied for transanal resection of the rectum in Hirschsprung's disease in children. Provisional sutures are applied to the anorectal region along the entire circumference, capturing the rectal wall 1.5-2.0 cm above the scallop line and the skin of the perianal region 2 cm from the edge of the anus into the suture; and perianal skin. The mobilized intestine is cut off with an ultrasonic scalpel. Formation of rectoanal or coloanal anastomosis is performed. Provisional seams are cut off. The method allows to reduce trauma, to reduce the risk of developing hypertonicity of the internal sphincter in the postoperative period. 2 ill.

Drawings for RF patent 2410046

The invention relates to medicine, more specifically to pediatric surgery, and can be used in the surgical treatment of rectal and rectosigmoid forms of Hirschsprung's disease in children.

Hirschsprung's disease is an anomaly in the development of the colon, which is based on a violation of the innervation of certain parts of the colon, which leads to a decrease (up to the absence) of the peristalsis of the affected segment. As a result, intestinal contents accumulate in the overlying sections, and the most striking manifestation of Hirschsprung's disease in older children is persistent constipation.

Radical treatment of the disease is only operative, consisting in resection of the aganglionic zone of the colon

Known methods of surgical treatment, consisting in abdominal-perineal resection of the rectosigmoid section according to Svenson-Hiatt-Isakov, according to Duhamel-Bairov, according to Soave-Lyonyushkin (Lyonyushkin A.I. Surgical coloproctology of childhood: A guide for doctors. - Medicine, 1999. - Pp. 128-161).

These methods have several disadvantages:

All of them are traumatic, require a laparotomy, which significantly lengthens both the operation itself and the course of the postoperative period, the period of the child's stay in the hospital;

With low rectal forms, during these operations, the entire rectum with the rectosigmoid section is inevitably resected, the upper sections of which are healthy with a normal intramural neuromuscular apparatus;

After the above operations, visible postoperative scars remain on the abdomen.

The closest in technical essence to the proposed method is a method of one-stage transanal endorectal resection of the rectosigmoid section with bringing down the overlying sections (R. Puri, M. E. Holwarth. Pediatric Surgery. // Springer Surgery Atlas Series. - 2004. - P.275-288 ). The operation is performed by perineal lithotomy access. The patient's legs are spread and placed on special retractable supports. A Foley urethral catheter is inserted into the bladder. For the purpose of stretching the anus and perianal skin, an anal retractor or Denis-Browne retractor (Denis-Browne) is installed, which is a metal or plastic ring that is fixed to the perineum, to which hooks are fixed in the tension position, stretching the perianal skin. After stretching the skin 5 mm above the dentate line, using the threads of the holders, the mucosa is circularly dissected using a monopolar electrocoagulator. The traction of the proximal mucosa is carried out by the strings of the holder, thus, demucosation is carried out to the ampullar section of the rectum, then the discharge goes outward, behind the muscular membrane, with the release of the rectal vessels and the vessels of the sigmoid colon, which makes it possible to sufficiently mobilize and bring down through the anus the affected rectosigmoid section, which further resected with the imposition of a coloanal anastomosis between the distal mucosa and the wall of the reduced sigmoid colon.

This intervention has good clinical results and allows you to switch to enteral feeding early in the postoperative period, shorten the duration of inpatient treatment, and also has good cosmetic results, characterized by the absence of visible scars on the patient's body.

The disadvantage of this method is that the use of a special annular anal retractor Denis-Brown leads to trauma to the smooth muscle fibers and elements of the Auerbach nerve plexus of the internal sphincter, which in the long-term postoperative period leads to such negative consequences as fecal and gas incontinence, and in the early postoperative period - to significant hypertonicity of the internal sphincter.

The objective of the invention is to develop a low-traumatic method of rectal resection with minimal damaging effects on the internal sphincter of the rectum in children.

The problem is solved by the fact that provisional sutures are applied to the anorectal region, circularly, along the entire circumference of the intestine, when tying them, an effective retraction is created, which makes it possible not to use additional equipment. In addition, an additional mucocutaneous duplicator of the anal canal is created, which protects both the upper and lower boundaries of the internal sphincter from various physical influences.

The method is carried out as follows. Under intubation anesthesia, the patient's legs are bred and placed on special retractable supports, and a Foley urethral catheter is installed in the bladder. A digital devulsion of the anus is performed, after which provisional sutures are applied with a lavsan thread using a 2/0 round atraumatic needle, capturing the rectal wall 1.5 cm above the scallop line and the skin of the perianal region 2 cm from the edge of the anus into the suture. When tying such a suture, an additional fold is formed, consisting on top of the wall of the mobile lower ampullar section of the colon, and on the bottom - of the perianal skin (Fig. 1). Such sutures are applied circularly along the entire circumference of the intestine in an amount of up to 7-10 sutures. After tying the above sutures, a good longitudinal and transverse retraction is created, allowing free carrying out of further stages of the operation. Immediately above this line of sutures, 2 cm above the scallop line, a holder is sutured on the mucous membrane, circularly along the entire circumference of the intestinal lumen. Between provisional sutures and sutures with holders circularly, using a monopolar coagulator, it cuts the mucous membrane to the submucosal layer. After that, demucosation begins upward. At the level of the middle of the ampullar part of the rectum, further isolation of the rectum occurs more laterally, along the outer border of the longitudinal muscle layer to the transitional fold of the peritoneum, the latter can be crossed or not, depending on the height of the aganglionic zone (Fig. 2). The level of resection is determined by the border of the transition of the expanded part to the normal one. The colon is cut off with an ultrasonic scalpel, which allows this procedure to be performed almost bloodlessly. After resection, a rectoanal anastomosis is formed, a coloanal anastomosis is applied by suturing the mucosa in the area of ​​the scallop line to the wall of the reduced sigmoid colon. Then the provisional sutures are cut, which immediately leads to the immersion of the anastomosis zone into the intestinal lumen. After that, a tampon with Vinilin ointment is placed in the intestinal lumen, which is removed the next day.

Clinical example of the implementation of the method.

Child K., 2.5 years old, and / b No. 987/09, was admitted to the surgical department of the Research Institute of Pediatrics, SCCH RAMS with complaints of constant stool retention. Emptying is possible only with the help of siphon enemas, which my mother performed daily. Despite this, the child had an enlarged abdomen, peristalsis visible to the eye, and a lag in physical development. The child underwent irrigography, which showed a narrowing of the rectosigmoid section with an overlying expansion of the sigmoid colon. The child was diagnosed with Hirschsprung's disease, rectosigmoid form. The child was operated on as planned. Transanal endorectal resection of the rectosigmoid region with protection of the internal sphincter was performed. The tampon with Vinilin ointment was removed the next day. Parenteral nutrition was carried out for 48 hours, after which transfer to enteral nutrition with Nutrilon Pepti STC mixture. Peristalsis appeared the next day after the operation, independent stool on the 3rd day. The child was activated after 48 hours. Antibiotic therapy within 7 days from the date of surgery. Control digital examination on the 10th day, the anastomotic zone is freely passable, there are no mucosal defects. The child was discharged in satisfactory condition on the 10th day. Stool is independent, regular, mushy up to 3 times a day. Sphincter hypertonicity, there are no symptoms of kalomazaniya, the urge to defecate is preserved.

The application of this method was carried out on 5 children aged 1 to 5 years, who had rectal and rectosigmoid forms of Hirschsprung's disease. No complications were observed in the early and late postoperative periods.

The proposed method allows you to perform resection of the pathologically altered part of the rectum and sigmoid colon with minimal damage to the internal sphincter, without additional stretching devices, such as an anal retractor.


The method of transanal resection of the rectum in Hirschsprung's disease in children by means of a one-stage transanal endorectal resection of the intestine with the determination of the level of resection along the border of the transition of the expanded part to the normal one with bringing down the overlying sections, characterized in that provisional sutures are applied to the anorectal region along the entire circumference, capturing the wall into the seam the rectum is 1.5-2.0 cm above the scallop line and the skin of the perianal region is 2 cm from the edge of the anus, when tying sutures, a duplicate is created from the wall of the lower ampullar rectum and perianal skin, and the mobilized intestine is cut off with an ultrasonic scalpel, after which the formation of a rectoanal or coloanal anastomosis is carried out and the provisional sutures are cut off.

Dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Krasnoyarsk Territory ...

An invaluable contribution to the creation of innovative developments and their use is made by the inventors and innovators of the region, many of whom have been awarded the honorary title of Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation and Honored Innovator of the Russian Federation.

In their honor, a portrait gallery was created, consisting of 38 portraits, which organically fit into the interior of the House of Science and Technology. Not every inventor can receive such a title. According to the Regulations on the honorary title, approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 24, 2012 No. 1436, the Honorary title of Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation is awarded to the authors of inventions of great national importance and introduced into production, which have made a major contribution to technological progress, for many years of fruitful inventive activity.

In 2016, enterprises of the Krasnoyarsk Territory used 598 inventions and utility models. This is the best indicator in recent years. Among the territories and regions of the Siberian Federal District, the Krasnoyarsk Territory is the leader in this direction.

Over the past eight years, 17 inventors and innovators have been awarded this honorary title. The state deservedly appreciated the significant contribution to scientific and technological progress, having awarded the honorary title of Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation to the following employees of universities, research institutes, academic institutes and enterprises in Krasnoyarsk and the Krasnoyarsk Territory:

Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, Academician of the International Academy of Sciences of the Higher School, Honorary Member of the RAASN, Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head. Department of Structural Mechanics and Structural Management, Krasnoyarsk State Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering.

Abovskiy Naum Petrovich, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Russia for 41 years, the permanent head of the Department of Structural Mechanics of the Krasnoyarsk State Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering (KrasGASA). The area of ​​his current active scientific interests covers the development of the following problems:

  • new spatial compositional structures,
  • problems of applied neuroinformatics, including in problems of mechanics and trainable neuro-controlled structures as a type of intelligent systems, the creation of neuro-traffic lights,
  • philosophical problems of creativity in engineering, scientific and pedagogical activities,
  • active methods of teaching engineering creativity,
  • systems approach, laws of technology development, decision-making methods, engineering psychology,
  • creation of building structures capable of working in conditions of weak, subsiding, heaving soils and in seismic zones,
  • is working on creating managed constructs.

Structural management is aimed at improving operational parameters based on a systematic approach to mechanical, energy and functional resources and properties of an object. This makes it possible to achieve qualitatively new characteristics, namely, to more efficiently and more fully use the resources of structures in various fields of technology (in construction, radio engineering devices, aircraft, robotics, mechanical engineering, etc.), especially where traditional design methods become ineffective or technically unrealizable; prevent emergencies (destruction of structures); manage the structure in places inaccessible to humans. At the same time, among the highly promising areas, one should especially note the use of neural networks for automatic control of structures and the developed digital controller with a neuroprogram, which has a number of advantages. These joint studies in this direction were carried out under the program of research work of a joint scientific team from the staff of the Institute of Biophysics SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk State Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering and Krasnoyarsk State Technical University.

As a result of the creative activity of Professor N.P. Abovskiy. more than 380 works have been published, incl. monographs, books, textbooks, articles, more than 49 inventions and utility models have been created, of which almost all are used in the educational process and research work of students and teachers at KrasGASA and other universities of the country. Nine inventions at the level of acting models are included in the current class "Managed constructs". The training course "Controlled structures" was first introduced into the curriculum for training civil engineers at KrasGASA in 1994, and in no other university in Russia (and the world) such a course has not yet been taught, based, among other things, on his inventions.

The most significant for the national economy of the region used invention "The neural network method of interdistrict coordinated traffic management" (patent No. in the field of new building structures, when used, they increase the reliability, efficiency of structures, reduce the construction time, and save more than 25% of concrete.

In work with students, Professor N.P. Abovskiy. instilled in them a creative approach in the study of technical disciplines, contributed to the development of their creative personality traits. He was in constant creative search and created new inventions and wrote new books about the problems of technical creativity. Passed away in December 2012.

Belyaev Boris Afanasevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Electrodynamics and Microwave Electronics of the Institute of Physics named after L.V. Kirensky SB RAS during the years of his inventive activity created about 40 inventions protected by copyright certificates and patents of the Russian Federation, of which 23 inventions are used in the national economy of the region and the country with an economic effect of more than 300 thousand rubles. He has published over 250 scientific papers.

Belyaev B.A. works on the most important topics of the defense complex, which is aimed at miniaturizing frequency-selective devices for communication and radar systems while improving their electrical characteristics. Many developments of B.A. Belyaev. They are widely used in KB Era and the Research Institute of Precision Instruments (Moscow), in the Research Institute Polet (Chelyabinsk), in the Research Institute Saturn (Kiev), and at other enterprises in the country.

Microstrip filters developed by B.A. Belyaev and the staff of his laboratory are protected by many patents of the Russian Federation and are devices that can select a useful radio signal against the background of interference and are the most important elements of communication systems, radar and radio navigation. Often, it is the filters that determine the dimensions and reliability of the radio equipment. For the computer-aided design of microstrip filters in the laboratory of B.A. Belyaev. an expert system was developed, and together with SKTB Nauka SB RAS, an automated installation was created for making patterns of strip conductors of filters by engraving on varnish. This allows in a short time to develop and manufacture devices with the required characteristics for various radio equipment. Such filters in microstrip design are produced only in Russia, at the Institute of Physics in Krasnoyarsk and are used in airborne radar installed on military aircraft and in communication satellite systems.

For example, in 2004, by order of NPP Radiy (Moscow), filters were developed for the onboard multifunctional radar system BARS, which is installed on SU-30 aircraft. The BARS system allows you to map the terrain, detect and track targets, and control the aircraft's armament.

In addition, B.A. Belyaev a promising installation has been developed - a device for measuring the content of fat and protein in milk using a new method - microwave dielectometry (patents of the Russian Federation No. 2222024, 2134425), which allows you to quickly (in a few seconds) measure the fat content in milk. Ultrasonic sensors currently mass-produced for these purposes are inconvenient in operation, because the measurement takes a long time and is not accurate enough. In farms and milk processing organizations, this device would be very necessary and in great demand. The issue of using the device has not yet been resolved due to lack of funding.

A device has also been developed using the same method, which determines with high accuracy the moisture content of oil products and the content of salts in them, which can be used at oil refineries.

Great attention Belyaev B.A. devotes to work with young laboratory staff, students and graduate students. He heads the branch of the Department of Radiophysics of the Krasnoyarsk State Technical University. Under the leadership of B.A. Belyaev seven young applicants have already defended their Ph.D. theses.

Volkova Genrietta Vsevolodovna, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Krasnoyarsk State University, is a renowned specialist in the field of analytical chemistry of platinum metals, gold and silver. She has published more than 200 scientific works, received 59 copyright certificates and patents for inventions, more than 20 certificates for rationalization proposals, widely used in research, production and teaching. Currently, 20 inventions have been introduced, of which 12 are in the production sector with savings of more than 360 thousand rubles and 8 in the field of educational activities.

The developments of Volkova G.V., unfortunately still have a closed character (i.e. restrictive stamp), allow to improve the methods of separation of noble metals, extraction and purification. The importance of this issue can hardly be overestimated, since The Krasnoyarsk Territory is unique in terms of reserves, mining and production of precious metals. Complex and diverse products and materials containing these metals are transported to our region from all over the country for processing, which requires constant improvement of methods for the analysis of noble metals and their separation.

Until now, the invention is widely used in production at the Krasnoyarsk Plant of Non-Ferrous Metals: Method for dissolving concentrates, Inventor's Certificate No. 30726 and invention under Inventor's Certificate No. 33603 with a total economic effect of 148.6 thousand rubles.

Long-term active scientific and pedagogical activity Volkova G.V. is distinguished by creativity and the search for an answer to the most acute and urgent problems of analytical chemistry, theory and practice and effective forms of the educational process, as well as the ability to convey modern chemical trends to student youth.

Grechka Viktor Vasilievich, head of the laboratory of mechanization of the Krasnoyarsk Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, is engaged in inventions in the field of mechanization of agricultural work. He is the author of 19 inventions protected by copyright certificates and patents, he has published 80 publications. Inventive activity Grechka V.V. is aimed at reducing the specific metal consumption, fuel consumption, increasing the productivity of machines, ensuring operational reliability, reducing labor costs for technological processes in crop production. The total annual economic effect from the use of inventions attributable to V.V. is 97 million rubles in 1997-1999 prices.

The staff of the laboratory of mechanization together with V.V. Grechka. unique technologies and machines have been developed and implemented, which in their parameters correspond to the world level:

  • roll-free technology for harvesting leguminous crops and grass seed plants using the PZhK-4 reaper-mower, which achieves a reduction in grain losses by 25-28% (protected by 3 copyright certificates, JSC Nazarovskiy Zavod Selmash has produced an experimental batch of 50 PZhK-4 reapers for the farms of the Krasnoyarsk Territory );
  • an unconventional technology for harvesting grain crops by stripping with the help of OKD-4 adapters (patent No. 2029476) (50 units of OKD-4 were produced jointly with the Krasnoyarsk Combine Plant OJSC, the implementation area is 10 thousand hectares) allows to reduce operating costs by 2 times compared with traditional ones, it is most effective when harvesting lodged, undersized cereals;
  • new technology and technical means for harvesting seeds of easily loose crops (RF patent No. 2097958 and a new method of separating grain into seed and fodder fractions during combine harvesting (RF patents No. 2058706, 2102858) allow, when introduced in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, annually to additionally receive about 300 thousand tons of grain , to reduce the consumption of seeds by 600 thousand tons;
  • a new low-cut header ZhNS-5 with a floating cutting device (RF patent No. 2122779) allows to obtain an economic effect on the harvesting of soybeans, peas, barley 970 rubles, 600 rubles and 4320 rubles per hectare, respectively.

Everyone can be proud of the scientific and technical achievements of these inventors. Together with other honored inventors of the Russian Federation and simply inventors, they constitute the intellectual potential of our region.

But many inventions are losing their relevance due to the fact that they are not in demand by enterprises. The regional economy would benefit in many ways if the enterprises of our region were more receptive to the use of innovative developments, but for this it is necessary to create the necessary conditions.

Elistratov Yuri Petrovich - the leading designer of the FSUE "Siberian Research Institute of Construction and Road Engineering" over the years of his creative activity created more than 30 inventions protected by copyright certificates of the USSR and patents of the Russian Federation, of which 15 were introduced into the production of various areas of the national economy in many regions of our country from Sakhalin to Mordovia.

His inventions are aimed at increasing labor productivity, production efficiency, product quality, mechanization of manual labor in the forest industry and other areas. So the delimbing machine, which gives an annual savings of 65 thousand rubles and is protected by six copyright certificates of the USSR (No. 655533, 738880, 812250, 821147, 844306, 1448786), as well as a stacker logger (a.s. 541788, 1281505) allow you to mechanize a heavy manual labor in the forestry industry.

Being in constant creative search, Yu.P. Elistratov actively cooperates in the field of invention with medical institutions of the region: developed by him in collaboration with Prakhin E.I., Kasparov E.V. and other disposable medical instruments (spatula, expander for organs and tissues, container-sterilizer), protected by several patents of the Russian Federation (No. 2135069, 2147827, 2159085) meets the requirements of our time and has social significance, no less important than disposable syringes. The production of serial products with the use of these inventions is expected at FSUE “Krasmashzavod” (Krasnoyarsk) in 2006 with the financial support of the regional administration.

In 1980, Yu.P. Elistratov was awarded the badge “Inventor of the USSR” for the first invention introduced by the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Inventions and Discoveries. Y.P. Elistratov conducts extensive public work to promote technical creativity, is a member of the presidium and deputy chairman of the regional council of the Krasnoyarsk public organization of the All-Russian Society of Inventors and Rationalizers (VOIR). He pays great attention to young people, passing on his rich inventive experience to her, at the same time being a reviewer of diploma projects of the Forest Engineering Faculty and the Department of Machines and Tools of the Siberian State Technological University - the oldest university in our region.

In addition, two personalities are surprisingly harmoniously combined in him: an innovator in technology and a wonderful poet-lyricist. More than a dozen songs to his verses by local composer V.V. Zarubina. entered the repertoire of the folk choir "Angarsk tunes" (v. Boguchany).

Bolshakov Igor Nikolaevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, working at the Krasnoyarsk State Medical Academy since 1977, has gone from assistant to the department to professor. He has published 150 scientific papers on experimental and clinical surgery, cellular immunology, synthesis, he is the author of a scientific discovery in the field of natural biopolymers (priority dated November 10, 2004).

His first invention was created in 1986 (and.with. No. 1259328). Over the years of inventive activity, he received 4 copyright certificates for inventions and 20 patents, which are all used in medical practice with an economic effect of about 1 million rubles and are of an applied nature and are aimed at the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory, degenerative and dysplastic diseases, tissue reconstruction in animals and humans. Over the past 5 years, he received 25 patents.

The most significant developments of Professor Bolshakov I.N. (RF patents No. 2254145, 2252787, 2005) are aimed at obtaining modern biodegradable and non-toxic wound dressings based on collagen-chitosan structures, which are widely used in clinical practice and have a significant social effect. The study of these medical devices in the form of solutions, gels, sponges or films showed the possibilities of active cultivation of embryonic cells on these polymers, skin reconstruction in case of extensive wound defects, episcleral space in progressive severe eye diseases.

New technical solutions Bolshakova I.N. in dentistry are aimed at the cost-effective treatment of acute and chronic periodontal diseases (RF patent No. 2229858, 2004), in the field of obstetrics and gynecology - at the prevention of intrauterine infections in children, at the treatment of chronic infections in pregnant women (RF patent No. 2239442, 2004 g.), prevention and treatment of purulent-inflammatory diseases of the female genital area, obtaining feminine hygiene products of therapeutic and prophylactic properties.

Over the past 5 years, Bolshakov I.N. prepared for publication practical guidelines on several sections of surgery approved by the Russian Ministry of Health. For the period from 1999 to 2004, he prepared 15 teaching aids and manuals.

In work with students, Professor Bolshakov I.N. tries to convey modern medical trends, develops effective forms of the educational process. So, for the transfer exam in operative surgery with topographic anatomy, he co-authored with the staff of KrasSMA and medical universities in St. Petersburg and Moscow published test tasks approved by the UMO Roszdrav and recommended for implementation in medical universities in Russia.

At present, Professor Bolshakov I.N. He is the head of the department of commercialization of scientific developments of Krasnoyarsk State Medical Academy, curator of the council of young scientists, a member of the problem commission on morphology, founder of the Professors' Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and serves as the scientific secretary of this public organization.

Developments of professor Bolshakov I.N. in 2006 we took part in prestigious Russian competitions. This is a competition held by the Foundation for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere (Bortnik Foundation), where his project is ranked 1st in the Siberian Federal District with a grant of 4.5 million rubles for scientific research, as well as a competition for Russian innovations held by the magazine "Expert" (13th place out of 600 participants). According to the results of two large exhibition-forums "Medicine of Russia" and "Health of the nation - the basis for prosperity of Russia" (Moscow, 2006), developed by IN Bolshakov. were awarded diplomas of exhibitions and during them contacts were established with the administration of the President of Russia.

Professor Bolshakov I.N. is in constant creative search, creating new inventions, while directing great efforts to deploy large-scale production of its projects for use in healthcare practice.

Akchurin Vladimir Petrovich is a leading design engineer of the FSUE "Scientific and Production Association of Applied Mechanics named after Academician M.F. FSUE NPO PM im. M.F. Reshetnev. V.P. Akchurin's developments, many of which, unfortunately, still have a closed character (i.e. restrictive stamp), are aimed at creating new highly efficient designs, manufacturing technologies and testing methods for spacecraft of various types, including ... telecommunication satellites, as well as one of the main satellite systems - thermal control systems. These are the satellites "Hals", "Express", "Express - A", "Sesat", "Express - AM" and others.

V.P. Akchurin's inventions, having an important state defense and national economic importance, allow improving the main output characteristics of spacecraft, maintaining the optimal operating temperatures of devices and functional equipment of satellites, and thereby ensuring high-quality and highly reliable operation of satellites in the harsh conditions of outer space.

V.P. Akchurin's inventions have been repeatedly shown at world exhibitions. So, in 2003, at the World Salon of Inventions, Scientific Research and Industrial Innovation "Brussels - Eureka - 2003", the international jury and the Organizing Committee of the Salon awarded the Gold Medal and Diploma to the invention "Satellite of communication, television broadcasting and information relaying" (RF patent No. 2227108), and at the World Salon "Geneva - 2004" - a bronze medal and a diploma. A new-generation satellite with the lowest possible mass, increased reliability and a long active life (from 10 to 15 years) has been created. In 1988, he was awarded the "Best Inventor of the Ministry" badge for high performance in inventive activity.

Kirgizov Igor Vitalevich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, graduated from the Krasnoyarsk State Medical Academy in 1985 and worked there until 2006, published 250 scientific papers, 32 of them in the foreign press. He received about 20 patents of the Russian Federation and copyright certificates of the USSR, 120 certificates for rationalization proposals, which are widely used in medical institutions in Krasnoyarsk and in the Scientific Center of Children's Health of the Research Institute of Pediatrics of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, which he currently heads. His original patented developments were introduced into the practice of surgical interventions and postoperative rehabilitation of patients with liver diseases and malformations of the biliary tract, malformations of the gastrointestinal tract, chronic constipation and Hirschsprung's disease.

Kirgizov I.V. has 20 years of medical and teaching experience in pediatric surgery, is the author of 2 monographs and 2 textbooks in the specialty "Pediatric Surgery".

A doctor of the highest category, he performed more than 3000 operations, mainly in the direction of pediatric coloproctology. Among his inventions, the most significant: "Method for determining the level of removal of the altered colon in Hirschsprung's disease" (RF patent No. 2179820), "Method for the treatment of chronic constipation" (RF patent No. 2200500), "Method for the treatment of dystrophic changes in cystic liver lesions" (patent RF No. 2268674), "Universal profilometer" (RF patent No. 2216271), etc.

Kirgizov I.V. is a full member of the Russian, European and Asian Association of Pediatric Surgeons, constantly participates in the All-Russian conferences and congresses on pediatric surgery. He took part in the work of international congresses in Graz (Austria), Singapore, Budapest (Hungary), Kaunas (Lithuania), Zagreb (Croatia), Hong Kong (China).

In 2003, Kirgizov I.V. was included in the encyclopedia "Who's Who in the World of Medicine", published in the United States.

Eresko Sergei Pavlovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department "Design and Operation of Road Construction and Transport-Technological Machines of the Polytechnic Institute of the Siberian Federal University" has gone from assistant to professor of this institute. 100 6828) "Stand for measuring contact pressure" SP Eresko received in 1983.

The first industrial implementation of the invention "Device for testing the wear of seals" (AS No. 1229644) was carried out in the test building of FSUE "SibNIIstroydormash" in 1986 with an economic effect of 17 thousand rubles. Currently, 38 inventions have been introduced with an economic effect of over 750 thousand rubles, incl. 7 inventions were introduced into the educational process.

Over the years of inventive activity Eresko S.P. received 80 copyright certificates and patents of the Russian Federation for inventions, 39 certificates of Rospatent on registration of computer software, published 400 scientific works, incl. 4 monographs and a textbook with the stamp of the Ministry of Education were published.

Research and inventive activity Eresko S.P. has a broad focus and is dedicated to the performance of work that contributes to an increase in labor productivity, production efficiency, the quality of sealing units and hydraulic units, the reliability of hydraulic construction machines operating mainly in the harsh climatic conditions of Siberia and the Far North, in the oil industry, utilities, industrial and civil construction.

So, for example, the invention "Working body for the development of frozen soil" can significantly reduce the energy consumption of the drilling process due to the implementation of the effect of a large chip (and.with. No. 1507946). The use of a series of devices for drilling wells, as well as methods of drilling in frozen soil (inventor's certificate No. 1786237, RF patents No. 1788197, No. 2175041) made it possible to increase the productivity of the drilling process by 2.5 times in comparison with the technology used.

Eresko S.P. conducts extensive social, scientific and pedagogical work. He, as a scientific advisor and consultant, has prepared four candidates and three doctors of science. At the present time, he is responsible for scientific supervision of six postgraduate students, four applicants and two doctoral students; performs the functions of a responsible executor and scientific supervisor of contractual and state budgetary topics; constantly takes part in competitions of scientific and technical programs of the Ministry of Education, is the winner of a grant from the Ministry of Atomic Energy in 2004. Eresko S.P. conducts active editorial and publishing activities at the international level, being the editor-in-chief of the collection of scientific papers with international participation "Transport vehicles of Siberia", participates in and heads dissertation councils for the defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations at the Siberian Federal University.

Inventions of S.P. Eresko demonstrated at world exhibitions. So, in 2007, at the international innovation salon (Geneva, Switzerland), he received a diploma and a bronze medal for the presented developments protected by patents of the Russian Federation.

Eresko S.P. awarded the following badges: "Silver Badge of the Central Committee of the Komsomol (1984)," Inventor of the USSR "(1988) and" Silver Medal of the Exhibition of Economic Achievements "(1988), is a laureate of the Prize of the President of Russia in the field of education (2002), certificates of honor and prizes ...

By the Decree of the President of Russia No. 835 dated June 30, 2007. Eresko Sergei Pavlovich was awarded the honorary title "Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation".

Ovechkin Gennady Ivanovich - Leading Engineer of JSC "Information Satellite Systems named after Academician MF Reshetnev" (Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory) began to engage in inventions since 1976, having created 77 inventions protected by RF patents and USSR copyright certificates, of which 21 inventions used in the manufacture of spacecraft. The inventions of G.I. Ovechkin, many of which are of a closed nature (i.e., a restrictive stamp) are of important state defense and national economic importance and allow:

  • improve the main output characteristics of systems and main units of the thermal control system for spacecraft for various purposes;
  • to ensure an increase in the service life of satellite thermal control systems from 1 year to 10-15 years and to increase reliability up to 0.97;
  • to provide high-quality and without hidden defects manufacturing of satellites and their thermal control systems;
  • to increase the competitiveness of the units of the thermal control system and the spacecraft as a whole;
  • to ensure high-quality operation of large-sized ground parabolic antennas for space communications.

Some of his inventions make it possible to achieve significant results in the field of household refrigeration equipment, anti-icing of ground antennas and medicine.

Five inventions of G.I. Ovechkin awarded with diplomas and awarded gold and silver medals at international exhibitions in Brussels and Geneva. In particular, at the World Salon of Inventions, Scientific Research and Industrial Innovation "Brussels-Eureka-2003", a working prototype of a thermal pile was awarded a gold medal under the patent of the Russian Federation No. 2250302. Inventions under patents of the Russian Federation No. 2231871, 2207668 were awarded respectively gold and silver medals at the World Salon of Inventions, Industrial Innovations and New Technology "Geneva-2005".

Ovechkin G.I. for high performance in inventive activity in 1976 he was awarded the sign "Inventor of the USSR", and in 1988 by the Ministry of General Machine Building of the USSR he was awarded the badge "Best Inventor of the Ministry".

By the Decree of the President of Russia No. 572 of 24.04.2008. Ovechkin Gennady Ivanovich was awarded the honorary title "Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation".

Novitskiy Ivan Aleksandrovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Leading Researcher, State Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Krasnoyarsk), since 1985. published 120 scientific works devoted to the problems of vaccine prevention, immunology, pediatrics, he received 21 patents for inventions (including 16 patents over the past 5 years), of which 20 have been used in healthcare practice. In 2002-2007 Novitsky I.A. published 3 scientific monographs on the topic of vaccine prevention.

All patented technical solutions of I.A. are of an applied nature and are devoted to the prevention and diagnosis of controllable infectious diseases. His first invention was obtained in 1994, RF patent No. 2016581 "Method of measles vaccine prophylaxis".

The most significant development is aimed at using modern methods of revaccination of poliomyelitis with the live Seibin vaccine, in which it is recommended to take into account the adaptation period when leaving and arriving to the Far North (RF patent No. 2185853, 2002). This development is widely used in clinical practice and has a significant social effect.

The use of the method of vaccination of diphtheria and tetanus in the Far North, in which it is also recommended to take into account the period of adaptation of children to the climatic conditions of the Far North, made it possible to increase the effectiveness of vaccination of this infection (RF patent No. 2185852, 2002).

New immunological methods have been developed for determining susceptible persons among the adult population of the Far North, vaccinated against diphtheria (RF patent No. 2248575, 2005).

New methods of vaccination and revaccination against rubella have been proposed, in which it is recommended to take into account the period of adaptation of children to the conditions of the Far North and to vaccinate in certain seasons of the year (RF patents No. 2251434, 2005; 2274474; 2271830, 2006).

The use of the method of vaccination of the adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus vaccine with a reduced dose of antigen (ADS-M-toxoid) in the Far North made it possible to increase the effectiveness of vaccinations against diphtheria and tetanus among the adult population living in the Far North (RF patent No. 2265452, 2005).

All proposed by I.A. The methods of vaccine prophylaxis of vaccine-preventable infections have made it possible to significantly increase the effectiveness of vaccinations, which will further reduce the incidence of these infections in the population.

I.A. Novitsky's inventions have sectoral and inter-sectoral significance, since can be used for specific tasks not only by medical specialists, but also by biological ones - when vaccinating animals in the Far North.

Novitsky I.A. He is the head of the scientific direction "Nosocomial infections and their prevention" at the institute, in addition, he is a member of the Academic Council of the institute, a member of the board of the professors' Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

For participation in scientific research, technical creativity and significant contribution to the development of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Novitsky I.A. in 2006 he was awarded the Certificate of Honor of the Agency for Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Provision of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Administration.

By the Decree of the President of Russia No. 502 dated 04.16.2008 Novitsky Ivan Alexandrovich was awarded the honorary title "Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation".

Korotkikh Viktor Vladimirovich, head of the sector of the department of onboard power supply systems of JSC Information Satellite Systems (Zheleznogorsk), over the years of his inventive activity, he created 93 inventions protected by patents of the Russian Federation and USSR copyright certificates, of which 49 inventions are used with an economic effect of about 5.5 million rubles in the production of communication space vehicles developed by JSC Information Satellite Systems (over the past 5 years - 17 inventions).

The inventions of V.V. Korotkikh, many of which are of a closed nature, are aimed at the creation and efficient operation of one of the main systems of spacecraft - the power supply system, which determines the resource and functional capabilities of spacecraft and allows:

  • improve the main output characteristics of communication spacecraft, providing high resource and energy capabilities of the power supply system, which creates conditions for efficient and long-term operation of spacecraft for their intended purpose;
  • to ensure an increase in the service life of the power supply system for spacecraft from 1 year to 10-15 years;
  • increase the competitiveness of satellites;
  • get a significant economic effect.

V. V. Korotkikh's inventions are incorporated in the manufactured and created spacecraft of a new generation with the lowest possible mass, increased reliability and a long period of active existence, in particular, spacecraft of the GLONASS system.

V.V. Korotkikh for high rates in inventive activity he was repeatedly recognized as the Best Inventor of Zheleznogorsk (1983, 1984, 1985, 1987), in 1988 he was awarded the honorary title of "Innovator 100-thousanders", and in 1986. The Ministry of General Machine Building of the USSR awarded the title "Best Inventor of the Ministry".

By the Decree of the President of Russia No. 619 dated 03.06.2009. Viktor Korotkikh was awarded the honorary title "Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation".

Zalevsky Anatoly Antonovich, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Surgeon of the highest qualification category, Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Professor V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky "Ministry of Health and Social Development. He published 93 scientific works, 2 monographs devoted to the problems of surgical treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease, treatment of patients with lung abscesses, posterior purulent mediastinitis, received 14 RF patents for inventions and useful models (including 13 patents over the last 5 years) , of which all 14 are used in the health care practice of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and other regions of Russia.

The first invention by A.A. Zalevsky was created in 1996, RF patent No. 2137425 "Method for drainage of the posterior mediastinum with anterior supraphrenic extrapleural access".

Since 1989, working on the problems of surgical treatment of the most common among the population of civilized countries - gastroesophageal reflux disease and having studied this pathology, A.A. Zalevsky. put forward his concept of its pathogenesis and surgical treatment.

The operations proposed by him are associated with minimal surgical trauma, exclude the violation of the act of swallowing in the postoperative period and relapse of the disease in the long term.

Children and adults operated on according to his method begin to walk from 2-3 days after the operation, swallow food freely and, in comparison with patients traditionally operated according to the Nissen method, recover twice as fast and return to a full life.

For 9 years of dispensary observation of these patients, not a single case of relapse of the disease has been identified. The priority of these methods of treatment is protected by 8 patents of the Russian Federation (No. 2183101, No. 2190971, No. 2179411, No. 2196517, No. 2198603, No. 2198604, 2199280, No. 2199959).

Proposed by A.A. Zalevsky in 1998 surgical access to the proximal stomach for its resection (RF patents No. 2200474, No. 2167614) allows to operate on patients with adhesions in the abdominal cavity, pulmonary heart disease and obesity, without opening the abdominal and pleural cavities. Previously, most of these patients were refused surgery, and of those operated on, 17% died of complications.

Zalevsky A.A. conducts extensive pedagogical and scientific work. The lectures he gave are distinguished by the novelty of the material presented. Long-term pedagogical activity is permeated with creativity with the use of computer and digital photo and video equipment, the ability to convey to students the tendencies of domestic and foreign surgery.

Scientific activity of A.A. Zalevsky is aimed at the development and application of new operational approaches to human organs and operational techniques that reduce the level of surgical trauma and increase the efficiency of operations. Under his leadership, 2 employees of the university, where A.A. Zalevsky works, are preparing to defend their candidate dissertations.

By the Decree of the President of Russia No. 1008 dated 03.09.2009. Zalevsky Anatoly Antonovich was awarded the honorary title "Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation".

Yusupov Alexander Ivanovich, a leading engineer of OJSC Krasnoyarsk Machine-Building Plant, over the years of his rationalization activity, created 67 rationalization proposals, of which 60 were introduced into production with a total economic effect of more than 59 million rubles. These proposals are mainly aimed at increasing labor productivity, improving product quality, working conditions and safety measures, reducing material consumption and saving energy resources and are used at such large factories in our region and neighboring countries as OJSC Divnogorsk plant of low-voltage automata, OJSC Krasnoyarsk machine-building plant ", OJSC" Krasnoyarsk combine plant ", as well as at the" Izmeritel "plant (Novopolotsk, Republic" Belarus "). So, for example, rationalization proposal No. 791/85 "Implementation of the technology of pulse processing of parts from thin sheet steel" was used in the manufacture of sensor equipment for space technology on small parts from thin sheet material and is widely implemented in the space industry.

Currently, Yusupov A.I., working as a leading engineer in the department of patent information support and new technology of OJSC "Krasnoyarsk Machine-Building Plant", is engaged in patent research, participates in research and development work on the implementation of government contracts, as well as on the implementation activities included in the plant's technical development plan.

For his rationalization activity, A. I. Yusupov was awarded an honorary diploma of the regional council of the VOIR (1979), honorary diplomas in connection with the award of the title of "The best rationalizer of the plant" (1976-1978). For active rationalization and production activities in 1975, he was photographed at the Victory Banner in Moscow.

By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 439 dated April 11, 2010, Alexander Ivanovich Yusupov was awarded the honorary title "Honored Innovator of the Russian Federation".

Sidelnikov Sergei Borisovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Metallurgical Engineering of the Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals and Materials Science, Siberian Federal University, began to invent in 1984, having created 77 inventions and computer programs protected by RF patents and USSR copyright certificates, of which 16 inventions are used at enterprises of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and beyond with an economic effect of 300.6 million rubles.

Sidelnikov S.B.'s inventions relate to the field of metallurgy, more specifically, to the processing of metals by pressure and are aimed at increasing the productivity of pressing equipment, reducing labor and energy consumption and the cost of producing long aluminum press products and jewelry made of precious metals and alloys, as well as expanding the range extruded profiles.

So, for example, the installation of combined rolling and pressing of metals created by Sidelnikov S. B., introduced at the foundry and press plant of LLC SEGAL (Krasnoyarsk) and at the Irkutsk aluminum plant of RUSAL (Irkutsk), allows the production of long products , for example, such as electrical wire rod, made of high-strength aluminum alloys with high mechanical properties for the enterprises of space engineering and the defense industry.

New alloys of gold, silver and palladium (RF patents Nos. 2367553, 2392339, 2391425, etc.) and technologies for their production, developed by S.B. Sidelnikov, are used at the Krasnoyarsk Non-Ferrous Metals Plant OJSC in the manufacture of jewelry, while allowing reduce the cost and increase the efficiency of their production technology.

For merits in the field of education and long-term scientific and pedagogical activity Sidelnikov S.B. awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education (1999); awarded the title "Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation (2004)", "Honored Worker of Science and Education of RAE (2015); “Laureate of the Prize of the Mayor of Krasnoyarsk in the field of science and education” (2016); awarded with the Diplomas of the Head of the city of Krasnoyarsk for active work (2011, 2012).

By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 15.02.2016 No. 59 Sidelnikov Sergey Borisovich was awarded the honorary title "Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation".

Dubrovsky Vitaly Alekseevich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Thermal Power Plants of the Polytechnic Institute of the Siberian Federal University (since 1967), over the years of his inventive activity, he created 102 inventions protected by copyright certificates of the USSR and patents of the Russian Federation, of which 24 inventions were used in educational process and in production at heat power plants of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, such as the Krasnoyarsk CHPP-2 JSC TGK-13 and Krasnoyarskaya GRES-2 - a branch of JSC OGK-6.

These inventions made it possible to create a fundamentally new technology of coal combustion using environmentally friendly energy-efficient burners with preliminary thermal treatment of coals from the Kansk-Achinsk basin (RF patents No. 91140, 91142, 93939, 94313, 95072, 108555, 109528, 114356). The use of such universal burners with a small investment can significantly increase the efficiency of coal-fired power units of thermal power plants (TPP), namely: completely abandon the use of expensive liquid fuel oil; to reduce by 2-2.5 times the emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, such as nitrogen oxides; and also to increase the utilization factor of the installed capacity of the TPP to the nominal values ​​for the light reduction of slagging of the heating surfaces of the boiler.

This technology has a certificate of conformity, high commercial efficiency and attractiveness for potential investors due to a comprehensive solution to environmental and energy conservation issues at modern TPPs in Russia and abroad.

At the same time, V. A. Dubrovsky directs his creative activity to solving problems in other areas. For example, he developed a stationary installation for melting snow "Snegotayalka" (RF patent No. 96874, 96875, 114328), intended for municipal services when cleaning streets from snow. Until now, unfortunately, the issue with the manufacture and use of this installation has not been resolved due to the lack of interest and funding from the administration of Krasnoyarsk, despite the fact that such similar installations for melting snow are widely used in Moscow.

The results of VA Dubrovsky's work were repeatedly presented at the All-Russian and international scientific-practical conferences and forums (Dresden, Harbin). V. Dubrovsky became a laureate of the Interregional Competition for Energy and Resource Saving (Novosibirsk, 2010), the All-Russian Competition of Energy Efficient Practices "Energy-2012" (Moscow, 2012), is the winner of the competition "Best Inventor Krasnoyarsk "(2010).

Under the leadership of VA Dubrovsky, 6 Ph.D. theses were defended, courses of lectures and textbooks for students in the specialty "Heat Power Engineering" were developed using RF patents No. 2223446, 2248501, 2294484; which allows developing and improving the ecological thinking of future energy specialists.

For his great contribution to the development of science and technology, VA Dubrovsky was awarded the award sign of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation "Honorary Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation" (2006).

By the decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 142 of March 31, 2016, Vitaly Alekseevich Dubrovsky was awarded the honorary title "Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation".

Pingin Vitaly Valerievich, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Director of the Engineering and Technology Directorate of Aluminum Production of LLC United Company RUSAL Engineering and Technology Center, over the years of his inventive activity (since 1987) created 64 inventions and utility models protected by RF patents, from of which 43 are used in the production of aluminum at the enterprises of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and beyond. He is the author of two monographs and more than 100 domestic and foreign publications.

V.V.'s inventions Pingin belong to the field of metallurgy and are aimed at improving the technical and economic indicators of the operation of aluminum electrolysers, environmental ecology by reducing emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, increasing the competitiveness of the products obtained and achieving a significant economic effect.

On the basis of V.V. Pingin's inventions (RF patents No. 2237752, 2276700, 2285755, etc.), our own domestic line of high-current technologies for producing aluminum at 300 kA (RA-300), 400 kA (RA-400) and 500 kA (RA -500). On the basis of ecological technology RA-300 was built and put into operation in 2006-2007. Khakasskiy aluminum smelter, construction of the Boguchanskiy aluminum smelter continues, the first stage of which was commissioned in 2015. Emissions of pollutants are less than 0.3 kg of fluorine per 1 ton of aluminum, which corresponds to the best world indicators. The developed technologies ensure the technological independence of RUSAL and the competitiveness of its products.

As a result of the modernization of existing technologies with baked anodes (S-175 and S-255) at the enterprise JSC RUSAL-Sayanogorsk (RF patents No. 2385972, 2535438, etc.) use of lining materials up to 50% (recycling) and reduction of labor costs by 30%.

Economically justified, resource-saving and environmentally acceptable technologies with a self-baking anode (S-8BME, S-8BE, RA-180E) implemented at JSC RUSAL-Krasnoyarsk during the modernization of the existing electrolysis production made it possible to achieve a reduction in emissions of harmful substances by 30%, to reduce energy consumption by 5%, and also significantly reduce the share of manual labor.

Significant scientific achievements were obtained by V.V. Pingin within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Research and Development in Priority Areas of Development of the Scientific and Technological Complex of Russia for 2014-2020." jointly with the Siberian Federal University. An innovative technology for producing ecological pitch was developed (RF patents No. 2582441, 2586135, etc.), in which the emissions of benzo (a) pyrene are reduced by 10 times and an increase in the service life of electrolyzers is achieved.

Within the framework of the same federal program, together with the Institute of High-Temperature Electrochemistry (Yekaterinburg), a method was developed for producing an aluminum-scandium ligature (RF patent No. 2593246), which is used in aviation, rocketry, and the military-industrial complex. This innovative combined technology for producing an aluminum - scandium ligature (metallothermy combined with electrolysis) eliminates the loss of expensive scandium and reduces power consumption by 30%.

V. V. Pingin was awarded numerous certificates and awards. So, for a significant contribution to the development of the aluminum industry of the Russian Federation, he was awarded the title of "Honorary Metallurgist of the Ministry of Industry and Energy" (2006); for active inventive activity, he was awarded the diploma of the head of the city of Krasnoyarsk (2012); and in 2015 - a Certificate of Merit from RUSAL for achieving high labor results and a significant contribution to the development of the company.

By the decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 315 of 12.07.2017 Vitaly Valerievich Pingin was awarded the honorary title "Honored Inventor of the Russian Federation".