When to massage a baby. We massage the newborn. Useful video about baby massage

Every mommy should know when and how to massage a newborn to help the baby develop.

In the life of any baby, the first year is the most responsible, because during this period he has to learn a lot: first to crawl, then to sit, and some manage to take the first steps. Therefore, from the very birth, you should strengthen the muscles of the child, preparing him for such "feats". Massage for newborns at home helps this especially.

If you know how to properly massage a newborn, then with its help you can even relieve pain from his tummy and thereby calm him down.

When to start massage for a newborn?

Many young mothers are worried about the question at what age they give a massage to a newborn? In the absence of contraindications, the massage carried out in the children's clinic is not performed earlier than after two to three months from the birth of the baby. At home, massage for a newborn can be started from three weeks of age, after the umbilical wound has healed.

It is known when it is best to start massage for a newborn - when he is awake and in a good mood. If, by the beginning of the session, the child continues to be capricious, then it is better to postpone the massage to a more appropriate moment. It is advisable to adhere to a certain schedule - both the mother will be more comfortable and the baby will be more familiar.

Usually physical exercise, including massage, is done in the morning or afternoon. After class, some children are active, but most fall asleep quickly. Due to the unpredictable response to massage, massage should not be performed before bedtime, especially if your child does not sleep well at night.

As for when to start a massage for a newborn, it should be borne in mind that it should not be started before feeding, and also not earlier than an hour after it, since a well-fed child will not be able to relax, and a hungry one will protest, demanding food.

Basic massage techniques for newborns

Even without knowing how to massage a newborn, mothers should not be afraid of this, because they do not need medical education, massage babies should be done gently and with love. For this, a young mother should master only a few basic techniques used during the procedure.

Before the session, it is better to lightly grease your hands with baby massage oil so that smooth movements are obtained.

  • Stroking... For infants, this is the main method of relaxing massage and is the first option from which massage can be given to a newborn. At the same time, the mother's hand should gently slide along the chest, tummy, back and limbs of the baby, without collecting the skin in folds. Even though the intensity of the effect during stroking is minimal, the healing effect is achieved anyway: blood circulation is activated, which better supplies the internal organs and tissues, the nervous system calms down and muscles relax. Typically, a massage session begins with stroking, preceding other manipulations.
  • Trituration... Here the impact is more intense and profound. Rubbing relaxes the muscles, and the nervous system becomes less excitable. A similar home massage is done to the baby with the whole palm or only with the fingertips towards the center from the periphery in a clockwise direction (for example, from the hand to the shoulder). In this case, the hands should not slide on the skin, but move it, and the movements here are more energetic than when stroking. This technique can affect the deeper layers of the skin.

  • Kneading... This is an even more intense technique, therefore, its therapeutic effect will be stronger. With three fingers, you need to simultaneously make circular and translational movements, kneading the muscles of the child. Movements should be energetic, but gentle and soft at the same time. To stretch the baby's buttocks and neck, pinch movements are performed: the skin is displaced, being held by the thumb, index and middle fingers of the hand. Felting of the baby's legs is done with both hands: one palm is located on the front side of the lower leg, and the other on the back, they simultaneously move the skin from the foot to the thigh in a clockwise direction.
  • Shaking... This massage for newborns is for their breasts. On the lower part of the chest, you need to lay your palms, as if covering it. Then the thumbs are connected and light rhythmic indentations are carried out. This technique is also used for massage and gymnastics for the arms and legs of babies.
  • Pat... Mom does this technique with one or two hands, moving along or across the body, as well as in a zigzag or spiral pattern. Since the backs of slightly spread fingers act on the skin, the procedure for the baby will be painless.

Video of performing massage for a newborn baby

If you look at the video on how to massage a newborn, then pay attention to what he does with a pleasant smile and gentle words. According to child psychologists, in this way you can perfectly stimulate the development of speech and communication in general.

Features of massage for newborns of different ages

It is important not only to know massage techniques, but also what massages are done to newborns at different ages. This information is especially important for mothers who decide not to go to the clinic, but to massage the child on their own.

  • Massage for a newborn at 1 month... For this age, stroking is mainly applicable. By doing it correctly, you can speed up the circulation of interstitial fluid and lymph. The procedure begins with a massage of the feet and hands. Then the child turns over on his tummy, and his back is gently stroked from bottom to top with the back of the hand, and in the opposite direction - with his palm. Next, you need to move on to massage the abdomen of the crumbs, for which she again turns over on her back. With your right hand, you need to stroke the tummy in a clockwise circular motion. Such massage of a newborn baby at 1 month facilitates the evacuation of gases, and then the baby has a stomach ache, which is a common problem in children of this age.
  • Massage for a newborn at 2 months... Soon the child will learn to hold the head, so it is especially important to massage his cervical vertebrae. During this period, stroking remains the main method of massage, but it is gradually complemented by rubbing. Since this technique is carried out in different directions, then with it there is a tighter and more uniform contact with the baby's skin. Rubbing improves blood circulation in the superficial veins. Also during this period, rubbing of the limbs in circular movements in the direction from the periphery to the armpits and inguinal cavities is used. The session begins with stroking and then proceeds to rubbing, and ends with stroking again.
  • Massage for newborns at 3 months... It is useful for babies of this age to combine massage with the simplest gymnastic exercises. First, the child's limbs need to be warmed up by stroking. After the handle, the baby needs to be crossed on the chest and parted to the sides 5-8 times. Then they again go to massage - now the tummy is stroked clockwise, rubbed, and then the lateral muscles are stroked. This is followed by exercises for the legs. They are first together, and then alternately bend and unbend 4 times. Then the baby turns over on his stomach and first strokes the back, and then the neck.

  • Massage at 4 months... He basically repeats the same procedures, but with each week the share of passive movements should decrease, and the number of active techniques, on the contrary, should increase. Exercises for the legs and trunk should be alternated with the above massage techniques.

During the session, the presence of bright beautiful toys is desirable, which the baby must learn to grab with both hands and feet.

  • Massage at 5 months... It is best done during the second wakefulness. Massage and exercise techniques should still be alternated, and fingertip tapping should be added to rubbing and stroking. Gymnastics continues, but it is complemented by the sitting down of the baby lying on the back with support by the handles set aside, as well as crawling on all fours, elbows and knees.
  • Massage at 6 months... For half-year-old babies, the proportion of massage gradually decreases, and its place is taken by physical exercises, which become more diverse: flexion and extension of the arms appear in a sitting position, the body rises from a supine position, the baby crawls on his knees to the toy with arms straightened at the elbows. The load increases, and the training time lengthens.

Each new exercise is mastered gradually (2-3 weeks), and only then it is repeated more than two times. It is better to save the most difficult exercises in the middle of classes, and they should begin and end with massage and simple exercises.

What kind of massage do you give your child? Share your experience in

The first months of our babies' lives are especially important moments for every parent. During this period, many changes occur, both physically and emotionally. We love our babies, they love us, we spend all their time with them, we tirelessly take care of their health. This is the main aspect on which the general condition of infants depends, and its content includes not only the ability to restrict the child from viruses and various diseases, but also the maintenance of his muscular system in norm.

The secret of the baby's health is the daily comprehensive care of the parents about him.

What are the benefits of massage for babies?

Crossing the two-month line, the baby begins to urgently need to strengthen the work of the muscles, which should be prepared for "motor exploits" from the very first days. The most effective remedy at all times is massage, thanks to its complex effect on the entire body, it relieves it of tension, relaxes and, in general, helps to counteract many negative phenomena.

Relaxing to the fullest!

General massage is prescribed by many specialists at the age of 2 months. Since it is the second month of a child's life that requires additional outside help for full development, especially the motor system.

The full course will have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body.

I note right away that the appointment of a special massage course can only be on special indications of a pediatrician or other pediatric specialist (neurologist, orthopedist). One should not succumb to the modern stereotype that dictates the practice of calling a private massage therapist at home. Firstly, it is not a cheap pleasure, which does not guarantee the arrival of a highly qualified specialist; secondly, you can independently engage in physical education with your child, if you follow all the recommendations of knowledgeable and experienced people.

Believe me, many kids do not need professional loads of a specialized course at all, and only some exercises that mom or dad are able to perform are sufficient. Of course, you can't do without a couple of lessons and practical advice, and in a few days the technique will be mastered with a bang!

Children's doctors distinguish several basic massage movements, of which the entire course must necessarily consist:

  • A general strengthening massage is carried out during the period of active wakefulness - after waking up and performing morning hygiene procedures. And relaxation experts recommend doing, on the contrary, before bedtime before feeding and bathing. Since it mainly has a beneficial effect on the baby's nervous system.

A deep sleep filled with vivid dreams is guaranteed after a relaxing massage.

  • The room should be prepared in advance before the massage: in the cold season - ventilate, in the warm season, the windows can generally be kept open.
  • With hypertonia, massage therapy is carried out more intensively and with breaks for rest up to 2 days. If the procedure is in the usual mode, then the weekend for the baby is not required.

Some breaks between massage are necessary for hypertonicity in the baby.

  • Massage movements are always performed in accordance with the chain: "stroking - rubbing - stroking - kneading - stroking - vibration - stroking". The main thing to remember is that the massage begins and ends with light stroking of the whole body.
  • For convenience, many experts use various oils or powders - this is an undesirable action. Thus, they clog the pores of delicate baby skin, and the effect of the procedure will be minimal.
  • An infant is quite difficult to endure the initial exercises, after which the muscles from habit can bother the baby, especially in the first 2-3 days. Therefore, as an anesthetic to the muscular system and providing a relaxing effect, it is useful to take the child to a bath.

It is advisable to take a steam bath after massage procedures.

  • Constantly monitor the child's mood and well-being, talk to him, turn on nice music. In fact, everything takes place individually, and it is not necessary to follow a clear plan, the main thing is that the massage gives pleasure to each participant in the action.

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Massage technique, its basic techniques

Each of us knows our baby better, therefore, only we can identify gaps in his physical development and eliminate them. Below I have given the main massage techniques and the sphere of influence on the child's body, which will help each one compose his own course of therapy according to individual characteristics.

How to massage a baby?

First, the procedure should be started by stroking the legs and arms, while they should be slightly bent. Secondly, it is important to remember the following points:

Contraindications for massage:

In any case, if you see that the baby is not in tune with the procedure, and is opposing, it is better to postpone the massage. You should not subject the baby to massage against his will, in the worst case, the effect will be minimal, and the emotional state is disturbed.

In the first days of life, the newborn is the most vulnerable, requires vigilant attention and control. Quite a common disease among babies -. It needs to be diagnosed early in order to avoid serious consequences.

Newborn babies from the first days of life can show their feelings and emotions. When the baby is good and comfortable, he smiles. But what if the expectation of the first smile is delayed? Read how to train your baby's senses.

Not all mothers can decipher the results of a general urine test of their baby. Click here and you will know what the analysis says about your child's health.

Every experienced pediatrician and neurologist will tell you that a small child needs a massage. It is the method of its implementation that will be discussed in the article. You will learn to babies. Also find out which tools are best for this.

Newborn baby

When a child is born, he is not yet fully prepared for adulthood. Every second baby has an increased or decreased muscle tone. All this is a consequence of a long stay in the mother's stomach and the feeling of a feeling of weightlessness.

Many newborn babies are afraid of their body movements. They get scared at the sharp appearance of handles in front of the face. In order to relieve the tone and teach the baby not to be afraid of his own movements, doctors recommend doing a relaxing massage for babies. Many polyclinics have special rooms that offer such services. However, be aware that there are a lot of people who want to, and there is a certain queue.

for babies at home

If you do not want to wait for the moment when it’s time for a massage in a specialized institution, then you can start the course yourself. In this case, you always need to comply with certain conditions:

  • the child should not be sick (measure the temperature and carefully examine the baby);
  • the crumb must be full (it is better to feed the baby twenty to forty minutes before the manipulations);
  • the child should be vigorous (if a massage is done to a tired baby, then he will not like this procedure);
  • in case of a negative reaction of the crumbs, you need to stop the massage of the baby and try again after a few days.

Remember that all your movements should be gentle and accurate. The baby still has very fragile bones that look more like cartilages. It is quite easy to damage the baby's handle or leg. What can we say about the neck and abdomen, where there are still no strong muscles.

How to do massage?

Massage the baby at home should be done with the help of special means. You can take any cream or oily cream. Your goal in this case is to make it easier to slide your fingers over your body. Also, these formulations somewhat warm up the child's body during the procedure. All of this improves blood flow and relieves stress.

If the baby has an allergic reaction to the chosen remedy, then it should be changed for a while. In this case, it is better to choose a fragrance-free powder. Remember that all items must be made specifically for the child.

What surface to exercise on?

Baby massage is best done on a hard surface. However, you need to create the most comfortable conditions for the baby. In specialized offices, they are used with a soft cover.

If you have this device at home, it will be much easier. If not, use the most ordinary kitchen table. However, cover it with a blanket, folded several times.

Where to begin?

Massage for babies (6 months or less) should begin with thorough cleansing and warming of the hands. Use antibacterial or baby soap. After that, hold your palms under a stream of warm water. Next, apply cream or any other selected product on them and rub quickly.

Undress your baby completely. Make sure it does not freeze. The optimum temperature in the room for massage is 23-26 degrees.

Kneading legs

Baby massage always begins with a warm-up of the feet. Take one leg of the crumbs in your hand. Use your free fingers to run over each finger. Make rotational movements with them. After that, go down to the area of ​​the forefinger pad and knead it.

Special attention should be paid to the foot. Massage for babies with hypertonicity (when the foot is in tension all the time) is done by drawing an eight or an infinity sign on the leg. Repeat this movement several times. Next, you need to lightly press on the heel and run your finger along the foot. You will see how the baby spreads its fingers. Then press down on the pad area between the third and fourth fingers. The baby will intensely squeeze the foot. Repeat the manipulation several times.

After warming up the feet, you can move to the hips. Remember that baby massage involves treating only the outer surface of the leg. On the inner side of the thigh are very important arteries and veins. You cannot touch them. Pat your foot gently. Make a few from the bottom to the top. After that, massage the second leg in the same way.

Tummy massage

How to massage babies in the abdomen? Remember that this area is not yet protected by dense muscles and fatty layer, as in adults. You can not press hard on the stomach and make sudden movements.

Pat your skin up and down. After that, massage in a circular motion in a clockwise direction. Always avoid the liver area. Treat the umbilical ring with light pinching movements. Next, perform collecting massage actions from the edges of the abdomen to its center.

Take one leg and, bending it at the knee, pull it to the navel. After that, do the same manipulation with the second leg.

Warm up the handles

Begin gentle stroking movements from the shoulders to the elbows. In this case, only the outer zone of the hands should be massaged. Pay special attention to each finger and palm. Bend and straighten the knuckles. When doing this, always be careful. Remember that all bones are still very fragile.

Take the baby by the wrists and bring its handles together. After that, lower them along the body. The next step is to raise your palms up above your head. Repeat these manipulations several times.

If your baby is more than four months old and he is confidently holding his head, then the following actions can be included in the warm-up part of this part. Place your thumbs in your baby's palms. Wait until the crumb grabs them tightly. After that, pull your hands towards you and allow the baby to rise on its own. This exercise not only trains the muscles of the peritoneum, but also prepares the child for the first attempts to sit on his own.

Do I need to stretch my neck?

Massage is carried out in specialized clinics and offices. If you do not have experience and medical education, then it is better not to touch this area at all. Otherwise, instead of benefiting, you may harm the child even more.

You can only knead the neck with gentle stroking movements. At the same time, you should never put pressure on this place and make sharp jerks.

Back massage

After you have completed the work with the front of the body, you need to turn the crumb over. Place the baby on the tummy. If the child is already three months old, give him the opportunity to roll on his own.

Lubricate the back area with a massage product. Pat the shoulder blades gently. At the same time, you can stretch and bend the handles at the joints. The collar area can be treated with light pinches. Remember not to overdo it. From the lower back, apply a few light pressure upward movements. In doing so, you will notice how the baby is trying to stretch out.

Massage of the hip joints in infants at home is carried out exclusively when there is no pathology. Take one leg by the knee area and rotate it so that you get the frog pose. Do the same with the other limb. Toddlers are very flexible, the child should easily take the position you have chosen.


When the massage is over, you need to do some light gymnastics. Take the crumb by the armpit area and lift it up. Let his feet lightly touch the support. Give your child a few steps to take. At the same time, push it forward, as if the baby itself is walking.

Fitball lessons

At the end of the massage, you should practice a little on a large ball. Place the baby on your tummy and hold it on your thigh with one hand. Place the other palm on the baby's back and make swaying movements back and forth.

Turn the baby over and repeat the procedure on the back. Watch the baby's reactions closely. On the first day, he may not like the idea. In this case, it is better to pause the exercises and continue after a few days.


If you complete the massage of the baby with water treatments, then this will be ideal. Fill the bathtub with warm water - 33-35 degrees. Place the child in it. Remember that your hands, like your baby's body, can be slippery. That is why you need to do everything very carefully.

Move your baby forward and then backward in the water. The bathing process should not take too long. Surely your baby is already tired after the massage. Bathe your baby for no more than five to ten minutes, then wrap it in a warm towel and feed. Most likely, in the process of eating, the child will fall asleep in a sweet dream.

Summing up and a little conclusion

The effect of the massage can be noticeable after the first day of training. The child becomes calmer and more attentive. His hands begin to make more conscious, rather than chaotic movements. Sleep becomes deep and deep. The child's appetite improves, and digestion is improving.

After a course of training, many children begin to show increased activity: raise their heads, try to sit down and crawl. Remember that massage is a very important stage in the development of every baby. Exercise strengthens the immune system, improves mood and brings muscle tone back to normal. Massage the baby with a course of ten days, then you will need a break for about two months.

Massage for babies is of undoubted benefit for the development and growth of the child. It has a beneficial effect on health, calms, relaxes and relieves overexcitation. The massage will become a faithful helper for the mother when the baby sleeps badly, cries and is capricious.

Preventive massage is an important element in baby care. Research has proven that touching and simple stroking is invaluable for babies, especially premature babies. About 47% of these children gain weight better.

Useful properties of massage

The benefits of massage for a baby up to one year old is that touching and stroking movements can strengthen muscles and joints, correct hypertonicity and possible orthopedic or nervous disorders. Massages perform a number of important functions in a child's development:

  • Normalizes muscle tone, relieves muscle tension and strengthens muscles;
  • Improves sleep and soothes, after the massage the baby falls asleep faster and sleeps better;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Develops motor skills and attentiveness;
  • Prevents the occurrence of a hernia;
  • Tummy massage relieves colic in newborns, reduces bloating and gas formation;
  • Relaxes and removes anxiety;
  • Improves blood circulation;
  • Establishes contact between the child and the mother, improves the psychological state of the baby.

Let's take a closer look at when to start and how often to massage. What massage movements a mother should use and when the massage is dangerous for the child.

Contraindications to massage

  • Temperature;
  • Cold, infection and viral illness;
  • Skin rashes, dermatitis;
  • Poisoning and stool disturbance;
  • Brittle bones;
  • Heart disease;
  • Injuries and burns;
  • Large hernia;
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis, etc.);
  • In infants, massage should not be performed in the area of ​​the liver and kidneys;
  • In children under one year old, knee and elbow, shoulder and hip joints are not massaged.

Massage rules for babies

Pediatricians recommend massage for newborns 4-5 weeks after birth. Massage the tummy begins two months later, when the umbilical wound is completely healed. The first month, the procedure should not mince more than 5-10 minutes. Then the time can be gradually increased up to 20 minutes. Many breastfeeding mothers are interested in how often to massage. Doctors recommend carrying out the procedure every day, but it is important not to harm the baby. To do this, you need to adhere to the recommendations.

Prepare your changing table in advance. You can use baby oil and special products. However, consult a doctor before use, as some formulations cause allergies in babies. Conventional aromatic oils and powders are not suitable for baby massage, as they clog pores and interfere with skin respiration.

A kid freezes faster than an adult. Therefore, choose a warm room for the procedure and prepare a warm diaper to wrap up the baby after the massage. Before the procedure, warm your hands, remove bracelets and rings so as not to accidentally scratch the baby's delicate skin. At the same time, the nails should be short.

Massage is done in the afternoon before feeding or before bedtime. In the second case, the movements should be smooth and relaxing, so as not to overexcite the child. Doctors advise to knead the baby before water procedures. You can read more about swimming for babies in the bathroom and pool at the link /;

During the procedure, talk to your baby, tell stories and smile. This will help to establish emotional contact with the mother and have a beneficial effect on the mental development of the child. Remember that massage should only be enjoyable. If you notice that the movements do not like the baby or bring discomfort, change the exercise. Skip the massage if the child is not in the mood.

Begin and end the baby massage with light strokes. For the procedure, you need to master a few light movements that the pediatrician can show. In addition to stroking, these movements include kneading and rubbing. We offer several easy massage exercises for babies.

Massage exercises

  • The child lies on his back. Grasp the foot of your left leg with one hand and tap the fist of your other hand from top to bottom on the outside of the leg. Repeat the movements with the right leg;
  • Take the baby's handle with one hand, and grab the shoulder with the other. Shake your muscles from your shoulder to your wrist. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times and move to the second handle;
  • Use the palm of your hand to stroke the baby's tummy in a clockwise direction for about five minutes. This exercise is great for children with bowel problems. What else will help with colic, read;
  • Support the child's foot with one hand, with the other grasp the leg from below. Shake your muscles from your hip to your heel.
  • When the baby is lying on his stomach, slightly knead the buttocks and back with your fists;
  • Stroke the baby's back with your palms from back to tailbone and herringbone toward the spine.
  • The final stage will be exercises on a special soft large ball. Place the child on the ball and gently swing to the sides. Do the exercise twice a day, and your baby will soon learn to hold his head and lean on his hands.

Exercises for different parts of the body

Body parts Benefit Exercises
Head Soothes and relaxes, strengthens sleep and improves blood circulation in the brain, stimulates hair growth and brain activity Use your fingertips to lightly massage the child's face and neck from the back of the head to the chin; with gentle movements stroking the ears, nose and eyebrow lines from the bridge of the nose to the temples
Belly and chest Improves digestion and relieves colic, strengthens chest muscles The abdomen is massaged with stroking movements in a clockwise direction, the chest - without pressure from the center to the sides
Hands and hands Develops and improves muscles, stabilizes muscle tone First, the brushes are massaged with rotations with light pressure, then each finger separately from the base to the tip; the handles are lifted and stroked in turn from the hand to the shoulder.
Legs, feet and hips Strengthens the muscles of the legs and the nervous system, will help the baby to take the first firm and confident steps, prevention of flat feet and dysplasia The leg is lifted by the foot and the legs and thighs are massaged from the outside towards the foot; lightly massage the toes and heels, knead the ankles; spread and shift the legs
Back Strengthens the spine and forms the correct posture, The child is turned over on his stomach and the back is massaged in a circular motion from the neck to the tailbone, a “herringbone” is made to the spine

Which means for baby massage to choose

At first, massage is done with dry hands without the use of special products. In the future, you can apply a cream or oil, which will be recommended by the masseur and pediatrician. The cream is usually used for therapeutic massage, oil - for prophylactic.

Mineral oils are characterized by a too liquid consistency, which forms an unpleasant thin film on the baby's body. With prolonged use, these products cause dry skin. There are olive oil based massage oils for children. They are well absorbed and are characterized by a denser structure.

The most suitable option would be base oils that include natural substances. This is an almond or peach mixture, oil with avocado or grape seed. Such a composition can be prepared at home.

To make massage oil for babies at home, mix 100 ml of almond oil and two drops of lavender or chamomile. This composition will soothe and relieve colic. Be careful, however, as some ingredients contain an allergen. The safest for babies are tea tree, chamomile and lavender. If the baby has spots and rashes, itching and redness after the massage, stop the procedure and consult a doctor! Most likely, the oil is not suitable for the baby.

Baby massage creams are sold at the pharmacy. There are different types of creams depending on the purpose. These are anti-inflammatory, pain relievers, blood flow enhancing, relaxing and other remedies. Cream for babies should be selected by a specialist!

Note that a special therapeutic massage is prescribed for children with various ailments and diseases. A special course helps with muscle hypertonicity and rickets, disorders in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and hernia, with neurological disorders. This procedure can only be performed by a professional massage therapist with a higher medical education and experience in working with babies!

Massage for newborns is an important moment in the life of a baby. Its holding is not only desirable, but obligatory. That is why, when visiting a children's clinic in the room of a healthy child, nurses show the mother how to do massage and its elements suitable for a particular age. In this article, I would like to dwell in more detail on the types of massage, the principles of conducting and its importance for the development of the child.

Why is it important to massage a baby?

Massage is a universal way of influencing the baby's body as a whole. A newborn child has underdeveloped various systems of the body, but skin analyzers are quite ready for work. Therefore, massage sessions bring maximum benefit. They help physical and speech development, improve coordination of movements and help establish a deeper emotional connection between mother and child. Naturally, provided that she independently gives the baby a relaxing massage, and does not use the services of a masseur.

Children's massage is divided into two types

  • General strengthening or general;
  • Healing.

Mom can do a general strengthening massage on her own at home. To do this, she needs to learn massage movements, properly prepare the room and table, and also purchase all the necessary tools for massage in advance. Therapeutic massage is prescribed by a pediatrician - an orthopedist, surgeon or neurologist. It is better to entrust its implementation to specialists, although after training and observing several procedures, the mother can master the rules and movements herself.

The principles of a general strengthening massage:

  • When to start a massage? From 2-3 weeks of life.
  • The movements are carried out along the massage lines - from the periphery to the center.
  • The speed of movement of the hands - 2 cm per second - should coincide with the speed of the lymph flow.
  • Avoid the spine, lymph nodes, liver, and heart.
  • Gently work on the neck.
  • Stroking the tummy is done only clockwise.
  • All movements should be light, you should not make excessive pressure.
  • Massage for babies with classical music or your own singing. You can also tell rhymes and nursery rhymes.

At what age to start massage?

You can practice restorative massage sessions when the child reaches the age of a crescent. Until the baby reaches 1.5 months, stroking should be the only movement. Gentle touches massage the legs and arms of the child, tummy and back, fingers. Later (after 3-4 months) rubbing, patting, kneading and gymnastics elements can be introduced.

Massage movements to help cope with problems

A general strengthening massage for babies is carried out if they are healthy and develop normally. If the baby has problems, then special massage exercises or even their complexes will help to cope with them.

A general tummy massage is good for your baby as it improves digestion. And if the child is tormented by intestinal colic, a special massage will help for colic. You need to alternately lower your left and right hand along the baby's ribs. Next, you should grab the baby's legs with your right hand, and gently massage the tummy with your left, and then press the legs bent at the knees to the tummy.

With hypertonia, fitball exercises help. A fitball is a great exercise ball. Place the baby on the surface of the ball with his tummy and gently sway from side to side. Also, this exercise promotes the passage of gases.

Dacryocystitis is a disease in which the lacrimal sac and the lacrimal system become inflamed. For children, a very effective solution to the problem is a special massage. Massage for dacryocystitis is performed as follows. It is necessary to press on the point located at the outer corner of the eye, and move towards the bridge of the nose, making pressing movements. The effective implementation of this procedure in combination with anti-inflammatory drops can replace surgery.

Constipation can also help. However, this measure should be resorted to as directed by a doctor. He will choose the appropriate technique, and a professional massage therapist will provide the necessary pressure.

With a small umbilical hernia, the following treatment methods are practiced: general massage, physiotherapy exercises, laying on the stomach, massage of the anterior abdominal wall. The first two methods are carried out by a massage therapist and an exercise therapy doctor, and the last two, a mother may well practice on her own. It involves stroking the abdomen in a clockwise direction. It is recommended to lay the baby on his stomach for 5-10 minutes before each feeding.

Neck massage can be prescribed by a neurologist if the child has torticollis. The complex consists of exercises that gradually bring the neck back to normal. It is better to entrust it to a specialist.

For infants, the attention of the mother and physical contact with her is important. The massage will allow the baby to feel the gentle mother's hands, her touch, which gives care and health, relieves from health problems.

Complex massage from a practicing pediatrician that can be performed at home

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