Collective project in kindergarten. Preparatory group. Rainbow - the theme of a bright summer birthday (preparation)

Marina Kaprova
Summer entertainment "Colorful day, or Rainbow Day"

Theme: Colorful day or rainbow day.

(The holiday is held on a plot of the garden, in summer period... Children of all groups participate)


1. Enrichment of the child's spiritual world with musical impressions

2. Development creativity in the process of various types of musical activity

3. Development children by means of music, poetry, art.

Preliminary work: learning poetry, songs, dances, riddles.

Working with parents: bring balls of all colors rainbows; dress up a child in holiday day, in clothes of flowers rainbows.

Materials and equipment: easel, paints (gouache)- two sets, brushes - 14 pieces, water, balls multicolored, orange handkerchiefs, 2 hoops, 2 baskets, umbrellas, yellow crayons, items - toys different colors, red flags, green balls, eggplant plates - 2 sets, two chairs, a sweet surprise.

Holiday progress:

Leading: Hello guys! You are all so smart today multicolored! Let's call our holiday « Rainbow» ... Can you guess why?

Children: Because rainbow multicolored!

Dance " Rainbow"

Leading: The rain has passed - and the bridge has grown in the purity of seven colors,

The gates have risen - beauty to the whole world!

Guess what it is?

Children: Rainbow!

Leading: Do you know how much rainbow colors?

Children: Seven!

Leading: Do you know how they are located? There is even a hint - every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting. Now let's play.

Attraction "Draw rainbow»

(children are built in two teams, seven people each, the first run and draw a red arc on the easel, then other children run and draw an orange arc, etc. Whose team will draw faster rainbow)

Leading: The first color is red. Sveta, tell us a poem about the color red.

Child: In the field there is a red carnation, red clover, look - ka!

And the wild rose is sprinkled with red in summer.

Apparently people do not call summer red in vain.

Game for toddlers "Collect flowers from the flower bed

(in flower beds - hoops, "Grow" flowers different colors, you need to run to "Flower beds" and collect all the red flowers)

Game for seniors "Take the flag"

(On the ground there are flags spread out in a circle 3-4 fewer than the number of children. Children walk in a circle to the music, with the music stopping, you need to raise the flag from the ground. Whoever did not get the flag is out of the game. 3-4 more flags are removed, game continues)

Leading: Guys, what color follows red? That's right, orange! Seryozha, tell a poem about the color orange.

Child: Orange color - bright color, it will liven up the fire, it is hot.

And a cheerful orange from exotic valleys.

And of course the flowers, under the name.

Children: Marigolds!

Exercise for toddlers "Wash handkerchiefs"

Game-attraction for seniors "Move the ball on a spoon"

Child: A dandelion has grown in the field, a golden-yellow boy,

He was friends with this color, and he looked like the sun.

Leading: The sun is shining bright, let's go for a walk!

Game for toddlers "The sun and the rain"

Attraction for seniors "Draw the sun with your eyes closed"

Leading: We got to green, what can you tell about it?

Child: The color is green at the leaf, under the green moss is a hummock,

And green needles grow on the tree for a whole year.

Attraction for seniors "Who quickly"

(Children are built in two teams, the leaders have green balls in their hands. You need to pass the ball back over your head, and then return it to the leader)

Leading: Let's talk about blue and light blue colors. These colors are very similar, but how are they different?

Children: Blue - more saturated and dark, blue - delicate, light.

Child: The sky is blue

In hot high summer day,

The sky laughed merrily

The sky was bathed in the sea.

Child: In a wheat field, in the morning dew

Cornflowers are shining rejoice at me ...

I will collect flowers for a festive bouquet,

Blue is my favorite color!

The game is an attraction for seniors "Pick and bring blue and blue items"

Leading: We got to the last color rainbows what is it called?

Child: Heavy purple clouds

The rain fell on the meadows and fields.

He passed, and suddenly cheerful violets,

It lit up like violets on the ground!

it rainbow sent us hello,

Your seventh, your purple bouquet!

Game - attraction for toddlers "Bring the eggplant"

Leading: The holiday was a success!

And the guys for fun.

Now guys

Receive gifts from me!

Children are given a sweet prize - « Rainbow»

Photo for memory

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"How children saved the rainbow"

Summer holiday for children 4-6 years old

Target: the formation of emotionally positive relationships in the children's team.


Develop the communication skills of children;

Foster a sense of empathy in children;

Promote the rallying of the children's team.

The holiday takes place on the street. The playground and each site are decorated with colorful balls, each site has a specific color.

Children of all age groups gather on the main site of the kindergarten. Music sounds. Veselushka comes out.

Cheerful. That's great! How many children have come to visit me. Hi guys! familiar, I am Veselushka, you can play with me, have fun. Guys, imagine that we are in the mountains where there is an echo. Let's play echo.


Get ready, kids! ... ra, ra!

The game begins! ... ra, ra!

Don't spare your hands! ... lei, lei!

Clap your hands more fun! ... lei, lei!

What time is it! … Hour, hour!

How much will it be in an hour! … Hour, hour!

And not true, there will be two! ... two, two!

Think, think head! ... wah, wah!

How the rooster sings in the village! ... wow, wow!

Yes, not an owl, but a rooster! ... wow, wow!

Are you sure so? … so-so!

And in fact, how? … how how!

How much is twice two? ... two or two!

The head is spinning! ... wah, wah!

Are you always good? … Yes Yes!

Or just sometimes! …Yes Yes!

Are you tired of answering? ... fuck, fuck!

Allow me to shut up!

Cheerful. That's great, well done, friends!

On a holiday of cheerful love and kindness

We want to invite all our friends to visit!

It's time to celebrate the summer for everyone!

There is a golden summer along the path, wading across the river

Whistling like a bird somewhere. Walks-wanders through the dew, through the colored meadow,

Wears a rainbow in a tight braid.

Music sounds, Summer appears.

Summer: How much joy, fun, how much laughter and ideas,

I prepare bright colors of mood for children!

I came to you, children, it's time to sing and dance!

Cheerful: And now we will sing a funny song in the summer!


Summer: You sang a good song, friends,

Now I invite you to dance!


At the end of the dance, a parrot flies out.

Parrot: Guard! You are dancing here and you don't know anything! Guard! And I saw everything and know everything! Guard!

Summer: Kesha, Kesha don't shout! What happened, tell me!

Parrot: I shout: "Help!" The holiday is canceled - the Rainbow is gone! And without her there will be no happiness or joy! Guard!

Summer: And where did she disappear to?

Parrot: Guard! Save my feathers! She's been captured by pirates, she's on a pirate island! Said everything!

Summer: What can we do, how can we save her? After all, without her, there will be no happiness or joy.

Cheerful: I know what to do! We will now go to the island to the pirates and free the rainbow. A parrot will show us the way to the island. He will fly according to the signposts, and we will follow him.

Children with educators follow the direction signs, overcoming obstacles.

Summer: Guys, it seems we are in place.Looking around. The pirates appear.

Pirates: We are dangerous pirates, we are terrible pirates

Everyone around is shivering.

Well, if we are pirates, no way you, never you

You can't get away from the pirates! Yo-ho-ho! Ahaha!

Hide your guts!

Flint: One Eyed Joe! What's new on the island? Is the rainbow safely hidden?

Joe: Reporting! The situation, frankly speaking, is ugly. Children on the island are visible and invisible! How they got here and the crocodiles didn't get in the mouth, I can't imagine!

Flint: Smash me with thunder! Lose my crutch! I know whose wings it is! Oh, you plucked chicken! Showed the way to the island.

Joe: I swear by the shark belly! They can't get the rainbow! Captain! I figured it out!

Flint: Spread it out!

Joe: I scattered rainbow colors on nearby islands. And to free the rainbow, you need to bring all the colors together and say the spell: "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting!" Ha ha ha!

Flint: As long as we have the rainbow, only we will be happy and joyful, and no one else.

Summer: In this case, we are ready to collect all the colors of the rainbow and release it.

Flint: Well, it really hurts to check how smart and brave you are, but first, let's break with you.


Children pronounce the words "That's it!" and show movements in accordance with the text.

How are you? Like this! (show thumb)

How are you sailing? Like this! (imitate swimming)

How are you going? Like this! (walking in place)

Looking into the distance! Like this! (put palm to forehead)

You wave after. Like this! (waving hand)

How are you naughty? Like this! (they hit their puffed cheeks with their fists)

Held 2 times

Joe: Here are our assignments.

Pirates distribute route sheets to each group, children walk around the islands, completing tasks, after each task they receive a corresponding colored ball. Children perform the last task on the main playground. The pirates appear.

Flint: Well! The children completed all the tasks!

Joe: We will not be happy and joyful now.

Summer: What are you! Do you want us to reveal to you the secret of joy and happiness! And you will definitely be happy!

Pirates: We want! We want!

Children come out and speak the words in turn.

1 reb: Joy is a simple secret if a friend is always with you.

2 reb: It is not easier to become happy! It's not a secret at all!

3 reb: Open your heart for love and take your friends with you!

4 reb: Only together you will be happy, if you don’t forget your friends!

Pirates: We will fix it. We release the rainbow. Let's all say the spell together.

Children: Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting!

To the song "Rainbow-arc" comes Rainbow. Children dance with Rainbow.

Rainbow: Finally I came to you, I found a way!

Are you glad to see me?

Children: Yes!

Rainbow: Ok my friends! May joy be forever with you

You don't need to look for her, she always lives with friends,

You just need to realize it!

Summer: We are very glad to see you, Rainbow! Children know the rainbow song and they will sing it to you now.


Rainbow: I will love everyone very much, I will give you happiness!

I will give gifts to you, my little friends!

A rainbow with heroes distributes soap bubbles to cheerful music.

Missions of the Pirates

    Red Island: "Hit the Target"

Children shoot at targets with water pistols. They line up in two teams one after the other. At a distance, a target is set - a balloon (attached to the rack), the child shoots from a pistol, and if the ball wobbles, then the target is hit. The child passes the ball to the next one. Upon completion of the task, children receive a red ball.

    Orange Island Turtle Run

Children line up in two teams one after the other. The first players in the team hold an inverted plastic basin in front of them with both hands, run to the landmark, return to their team, pass the basin to the next player. Children receive an orange ball.

    Yellow Island: "Collect Fruits"

Children are divided into two teams. The first players have plastic buckets, on the side there is a basket, into which the team will bring fruit. In the distance, there is a basket with colored plastic balls of different colors. The yellow ones are bananas, the green ones are pineapples. One team chooses only yellow balls, the other only green ones and brings them to their team. Children receive a yellow ball.

    Green Island Pass the Hat.

Each team is given two gymnastic sticks and one hat. The gymnastic stick is given to the first in command and to the second. A hat is put on the first gymnastic stick. The first participant runs to the landmark and back and passes the hat to the next participant, and the wand to the third participant. And so on until the very end. The first team to finish the relay wins. For children of the younger group, the task is simplified. Children should put a hat on their head, run to the landmark and back and pass the hat to the next participant. Children receive a green ball.

    Blue Island "Summer Riddles"

    The smallest bug, a barrel in black specks. (Ladybug.)

    Very light as a blade of grass, itself green as a blade of grass,

In the meadows, in the forests, near the rivers in the grasses hides ... (Grasshopper.)

    Who washed away the litter and dirt from the path, gave water to the sheets, blades of grass,

The hedgehog guessed the riddle, he snorts: ... Spilled ... (Rain.)

    Sisters stand in the field, a yellow peephole, white eyelashes. (Chamomile.)

    Hey, bells, blue, with a tongue, but I don’t ring. (Bell)

    Housewife, flew over the lawn,

Will bother over the flower, And share the honey! (Bee.)

    As soon as the sun disappears in the clouds, and the rain drifts,

How in a hurry he is to reveal himself and to cover us with himself! (Rain)

    A squadron sat down on a large colored carpet,

It will open, then close the painted wings. (Butterfly)

Riddles for children of the younger group

    Different girlfriends are tall, but they look like each other

They all sit in each other, but only one toy. (Matryoshka)

    Eyes, mustache, tail, washes all cleaner. (Cat)

    Scarlet hat, non-woven vest, pockmarked caftan

"Ko-ko-ko" sings, leads the chickens. (Hen)

    He jumps dexterously, loves carrots. (Hare)

    Who sings so loudly that the sun is rising. (Rooster)

    The tail is fluffy, the fur is golden, lives in the forest

He steals chickens in the village. (Fox)

    He is friends with the owner, guards the house,

Lives under the porch, tail in a ringlet. (Dog)

    Who, forgetting their worries, sleeps in a den in winter. (Bear)

Children receive a blue ball.

    Blue Island: "Walk Through the Swamp"

The task of children is to go through the "swamp" along the "bumps". In the clearing are laid out "bumps" - hoops (diameter - 30 cm). Children, jumping over them, pass the "swamp". Children receive a blue ball.

    Purple Island: "Sun, Earth, Wind"

Children stand in a circle, the teacher gives a command: for example, "the sun" - children raise their hands up, "earth" - lower their hands down, "wind" - shake their hands. The teacher confuses the guys - he says one thing, and shows another. The rate of speech is also accelerating. Children receive a purple balloon.

Rainbow day already automatically winds us bright and warm thoughts. Indeed, as a rule, immediately after a gloomy rain, the clouds disperse and a multi-colored stripe appears in the sky. She gives people hope and happiness. It is also considered a kind of symbolism. Why not? After all, rainbow colors have always been associated with something good, and never with something bad.

Rainbow Facts

It is quite rare that you see a rainbow at noon. Most often, it appears in the evening or morning. For a rainbow to form, sunlight must hit the raindrop at an angle of about 42 degrees. When darkness falls, you can see a rainbow here too. This phenomenon is called the lunar rainbow. Immediately, the rays of light are refracted when reflected from the moon, and not from the sun itself.

Scientists have noted that two people cannot see the same rainbow. Light that bounces off certain raindrops bounces off other raindrops from a completely different angle for each person. Thanks to this, we see a different image of the beauty.

As for the colors of the rainbow, even as a child, parents used to tell a little count that helped to remember all 7 colors of the rainbow. Only, in fact, the rainbow consists of more than a million shades, including colors that the human eye cannot see. Although, maybe some are unique and see.

How to make a rainbow

It turns out that a rainbow can be created at home in a variety of ways. For example, fill a glass with water and place it on the table in front of the window. The day must be sunny. Place a piece of white paper on the floor. Dampen the window with hot water and adjust the glass of paper until you see a rainbow.

Another way. Place the mirror inside a glass of water. In this case, the room should be dark, and the walls are white. Shine your flashlights into the water by moving it. Do until the heavenly body is formed.

Preliminary work: the lawn, watered with a hose.

Characters: Summer, Rain, Koschey Colorless, Rainbow.

Venue: summer playground.

Attributes: skipping rope, two cloaks, two umbrellas, two hats, two chairs, multi-colored cards corresponding to the colors of the rainbow.

PROGRESS of the holiday.

Children sit on the summer playground. Summer enters.

Hello guys!

I am woven from the heat

I carry warmth with me

I warm the river

"Swim!" - I invite you.

And love for it

You are all me. I AM…

Of course, I am Summer! And we have a holiday with you today. And which one - you yourself will guess now. You see, the rain has passed, and after the rain, what always happens?

Yes, guys, we have a holiday today - Rainbow Day! And she will definitely come to visit us.

Rain comes in.

Help kind people! Help out!

Hello rain! Calm down, say hello to the guys and explain to us - what's the matter?

Hello guys!

The sun was burning hot

The sultry land was melting.

At night a cloud came

They waited for the rain of the field.

Glad, glad all the blades of grass

And ears and flowers

What funny rains

Soundly pouring from a height.

The rain is noisy and cool,

A song full of miracles!

At dawn breathes greedily

Moisture-filled forest!

I'm a Rain! I like traveling very much. Today I watered your flower beds and lawns so that flowers and herbs grow beautiful and bright. But without my friend Rainbow, this is impossible. She was kidnapped by Koschey Colorless. And he gave me assignments. Until I fulfill them, he will not return my friend Rainbow to me. Help me please!

Can we help you guys?

Yes! We will help you!

Rain: The first task of Koschei Colorless - you need to list all the colors of the rainbow.

Children list. It turns out Koschey Colorless. He is holding seven multi-colored cards corresponding to the colors of the rainbow.

Koschey colorless:

Yeah, you know the colors! Then here are the tasks for each color! The first color is red. And the task is - guess my riddles! Or maybe you are so small and stupid that you shouldn't mess with you!

What is dawning in the sky

And warms everyone with warmth?

Ran along the path

Legs of silvery threads.

Lightning flashes in the sky

Thunder rumbles through the thunder

The vine is leaning to the ground

Begins ...

Across the river - jump on a gallop -

The footbridge has spread.

Made friends the coast

Seven-color arc.

How smart you are! Okay, here's the next one for you - the "orange" assignment.

The rainbow loves to jump over the rope, and the rope in the air looks like a rainbow. The task will be as follows - you need to make as many jumps as possible, jumping: on two legs, on one leg. Or maybe some of you know how forward or backward?

Children come out, compete.

Koschey Colorless:

Oh, what clever friends Rain and Rainbow have! The next task will be more difficult. Here is your "yellow" assignment: I have many fairy tales kept in my dungeon. Do you want to release them free?

Koschey Colorless:

Then answer my questions and fairy tales will be released.

How the phrase ends: “Soon the fairy tale will tell, but not soon ...

1.the deed is done,

2.the soup is cooked,

3. the book is being written.

Who left your grandparents?

1. Pinocchio,

2. Gingerbread man,

Who did brother Ivanushka become after he drank water from a hoof? a teddy bear, a baby elephant,

3. into a kid.

What did Emelya ride from the fairy tale "By the Pike's Command"?

1.on the stove,

2. on a sleigh,

3. by car.

Who helped Grandfather to pull out the turnip?


3. mumps.

What happened to the Snow Maiden?

1. ran away,

2. married,

3. has melted.

Yes, you are not only smart, but also true connoisseurs of fairy tales! I'll have to release them.

Here is the next task for you - "green". I want to see how smart you are, but smart! Wow! It's raining!

You, Koschey, look, the sun is shining, there is no rain!

Koschey Colorless:

This is my so-called task - "It's raining!"

The terms of the assignment are as follows: you need to split into two teams. Look - at the finish line, there are props on the chairs. At my command, the first participants run to the finish line, put on raincoats and hats, open umbrellas and loudly say: "It's raining!" Then they carefully remove their raincoats, hats, close their umbrellas and return to the start line, passing the baton to the other team members. The winner is the team whose members completed the task faster and correctly.

Well done, you are dexterous and nimble!

The next task is "blue": let's see how attentive you are! I will name different parts of the body and show on myself. You must repeat after me. I will confuse you on purpose!

Attention! Ear! (lists body parts).

How attentive you are! Okay, there is another task for you - "blue". I want to check how literate you are! Do you all know the letters of the alphabet?

Koschey Colorless:

Tell me many - many words with the letter "A".

Children are called.

And now on the letter "R":

Children are called.

Well done! You upset me with your knowledge! I'll probably have to give you the Rainbow! Well, okay, here's the last task for you - guess where I hid Rainbow:

Dad puts on a cap

And out of the hut.

On the right, he plants a turnip.

On the left are beets and beans.

There are rows of beds everywhere,

The harvest will be in order!

Rather, rather, let's go help out the Rainbow!

They go to the garden to look for Rainbow.

Hello Rain! Hello guys! How glad I am to meet you! I invite you to the Rainbow Party! Let's Dance! I invite you to the Rainbow Dance!

All together repeat the dance moves beyond the Rainbow. Then Rainbow and Rain distributes treats to the children.

Following the rainbow

Main goals:

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the main colors of the spectrum, the ability to highlight color in the subject environment, to select objects by color;

To consolidate visual skills;

Develop creativity, imagination, aesthetic perception.

Playable character: a teacher in the image of an artist (you can have rainbow-arcs, a seven-color flower, etc.).

Surprise moment

The teacher tells the children that when she came to the group in the morning, she saw that the whole group had become some kind of colored. Together with the children, he finds a drawn rainbow on the wall, a seven-color flower on the table, colored ribbons on the shelf, wreaths of flowers of different colors in the corner of the dressing, and in the basket there are balloons of different colors. She tells the children that they must have ended up in a multi-colored fairytale state.

Didactic exercise "Balloons")