Treatment with magnetism. Therapeutic and magnetic force. What does healing magnetism give

Fundamentals of the Worldview of Indian Yogis Atkinson William Walker

Magnetic healing

Magnetic healing

Magnetic healing is a form of pranic treatment in which either the patient himself or another person, the "healer", sends an increased supply of prana to the affected parts of the body. Pranic treatment is included as an integral part of all other forms of treatment, although many of those who resort to occult methods of treatment are not aware of this. In what is called magnetic treatment, the operator runs his hands over the body of a sick person and, with an effort of will or strong desire, sends a strong supply of prana from himself to his patient. This prana acts in the same way as if it went to a sore spot in the patient's body. It strengthens and revitalizes the affected parts of the body and makes them function normally. In magnetic treatment, the hands are usually passed over the body.

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Remote treatment If the person you want to help is far away from you and there is a need for treatment, you can retreat in the room and send prana in the direction of his location. Assign the patient a time for a healing session.

The undoubted advantages of physiotherapy as a method of treatment are a wide range of therapeutic effects and a minimum number of contraindications. Unlike pharmacotherapy, this method does not adversely affect the internal organs and is excellent for the treatment of chronic diseases.

Magnetotherapy - treatment with magnets, one of the most effective and popular methods of physical influence. It has proven its worth and is widely represented in stationary settings. However, it is not very convenient to visit a medical institution for procedures, so many are interested in: "Is it possible to carry out magnetotherapy at home?"

It is very important to understand the physical and healing effects of this treatment. So you can logically imagine the indications and contraindications of the technique.

Modern medicine uses for its own purposes the sources of the magnetic field, which are created with the help of electricity. A part of the patient's body is placed in these magnetic fields in which therapeutic changes take place.

There are several options for magnetic fields:

  • Constant - the force of impact and its direction do not change over time.
  • Variable - The effects of this field change over time.
  • Impulse - the direction remains unchanged, and the magnitude of the impact can change over time.
  • Pulse treadmill is a special kind of field used in medicine. It moves relative to a part of the patient's body and its impact strength changes over time. The activity and value of this field is maximum.

Our body is constantly influenced by various magnetic fields created by electronic devices. However, they have a rather negative effect.

A field becomes useful if it has several characteristics:

  • Direction. The impact should be directed directly to the damaged tissue.
  • Induction is the flux density of the magnetic field. The therapeutically significant induction value is from 1 mT.
  • Frequency. Since a pulsed field is used for treatment, it is important to understand at what frequency the pulses should arrive. Healing numbers are considered from 8 to 15 hertz.

These characteristics should be remembered even by an ordinary patient, if he has to independently select a device for his treatment.

Beneficial Effects

It is also important to know for what purpose the magnet is used. To determine the indications for the use of magnetotherapy, you need to understand what therapeutic effects it has.

The mechanism of action of the field on the human body is rather complex, but one can try to identify some well-known regularities:

  1. Protein molecules of our body, falling into a magnetic field, acquire a charge. This effect affects the state of cell membranes and the regulation of biochemical processes.
  2. Under the influence of magnetotherapy, the walls of the vessels become more passable. As a result, microcirculation improves at the site of field exposure. Local blood flow is accelerated, which promotes the outflow of venous and lymphatic fluid. This effect has a beneficial effect on the course of inflammatory processes.
  3. In the nerve tissue, the magnet is able to enhance the processes of inhibition of nerve cells. It can be helpful for improving sleep, relieving tension and stress, and many other conditions.
  4. Thanks to the combined effect on the nervous and vascular system, magnets are able to lower blood pressure.
  5. The effect of this method of treatment is also felt at the level of the endocrine glands. The function of the adrenal glands, as well as the thyroid and gonads, is enhanced when treated with magnets.
  6. Under the influence of magnets, the state of the blood changes significantly. After 15 minutes of finding the vessel under the influence of a magnetic field, the blood in it dilutes, and the platelets stop sticking together. This effect is worth remembering in patients with increased bleeding.

Knowing these effects, we can assume an approximate range of indications and contraindications for the use of magnetotherapy.


What does a magnet heal? It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting any physiotherapy treatment. The specialist always has the last word in the choice of a particular technique.

  1. Chronic sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis. Magnets are used in the acute period as well as in the remission phase.
  2. Diseases of the cardiovascular system - arterial thrombosis, hypertension, symptomatic arterial hypertension in diseases of the endocrine glands.
  3. Injuries to the central and peripheral nervous system. Degenerative diseases of nerve fibers, multiple sclerosis.
  4. Regular exposure to stress, nervousness, depression, sleep disturbance in various diseases of the nervous system.
  5. Injuries, bruises and sprains. Chronic diseases of the joints and muscles. Rheumatologic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, reactive arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus and scleroderma. Osteoarthritis of the joints.

  6. Diseases of the respiratory system. Among them are chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma.
  7. Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in remission.
  8. Diseases of the eyes, oral cavity, pathology of the genitourinary system.
  9. Skin manifestations of allergic diseases. Edema of the subcutaneous tissue caused by allergies.
  10. Various skin lesions in the form of chronic ulcers, burns, bedsores, frostbites, scars.
  11. Immune system pathology and frequent colds.

Magnets are often used in obstetric pathology for impaired milk production, postpartum infections, for the treatment of cracks in the nipples of a nursing woman. The therapy can be useful for mastitis and venous diseases of the lower extremities.


Magnets can also harm the human body if there are contraindications for their use. All restrictions by specialists are divided into absolute and relative.

Absolute must be excluded by specialists in the treatment of each patient. Among them:

  • All pathological conditions, accompanied by increased bleeding.

  • Leukemias and lymphomas, as well as other systemic blood diseases.
  • Thrombosis. Under the influence of magnets, a thrombus can detach from the site of pathology and cause embolic complications.
  • Aneurysm of the heart and aorta.
  • Insufficiency of the heart muscle of the 2nd and 3rd stages.
  • Severe arrhythmias and blockages.
  • Myocardial infarction in the acute period.
  • The presence of a pacemaker in the heart.
  • Mental illness with agitation.
  • Active tuberculosis.
  • Any oncological processes.
  • Cachexia, general depletion of the body.
  • Chronic foci of infection.
  • High body temperature.
  • Gangrene of the extremities.

In these conditions, the home magnet is more likely to aggravate the condition and cause serious complications.

Relative restrictions:

  • Uncontrolled blood pressure with a tendency to hypotension.
  • Pregnancy. The effect of the method on a pregnant woman is not fully understood.
  • Children up to age 18 months. During this period, treatment can be carried out in a hospital setting, but not at home.

A rather wide range of limitations prevents the widespread use of the technique among patients with concomitant pathology.

Apparatus for home use

Various devices can create a magnetic field with a healing effect. They have different sizes, cost and severity of impact. Therefore, some are used only in the hospital (Polyus, Cascade, Aurora).

Others can be purchased by patients for home treatment. The most popular among them:

  1. Almag.
  2. Magophon.
  3. Magniter.

Compare the devices with each other for the correct selection of the medicinal device.

Do not buy these devices from unverified sellers, agents with dubious quality goods.


One of the most popular devices for magnetotherapy treatment is produced under the Almag brand. These products are used in stationary and home environments.

There are several modifications of the device, indicated by the number (01, 02 and so on).

Features of the device:

  • It is used for local treatment with a running and pulsed field.
  • It can be used independently, has clear instructions.
  • Clinically tested.
  • The exposure parameters are already programmed in the device and do not require adjustment.
  • The weight and dimensions of the device are small, which makes it convenient to use the product at home.
  • Has a great penetration depth of the magnetic field.
  • Wide range induction.
  • Pulse frequency from 1 to 100 hertz.

Almag is sold in some pharmacies and in numerous online stores. Prices are seriously different and range from 7 to 20 thousand rubles.


Perhaps one of the most portable and compact devices for magnetotherapy is Magofon. Treatment magnets under this brand have the following features:

  • In addition to the magnetic field, it acts on the body with acoustic vibrations.
  • Ideal for the treatment of ENT pathology.
  • Activates regeneration processes.
  • Accelerates the absorption of drugs when used topically.
  • Allowed for children from 1 year old.
  • The effect of the treatment is detected from the first session due to the symptomatic effect.

The average price for a device is from 6 to 8 thousand rubles.


Another portable device is the Magniter apparatus. This device has the following characteristics:

  • With the help of convenient switches, you can adjust the mode and intensity of the field.
  • Sinusoidal (indicated for acute pain) and pulsating (used to treat chronic pathology) modes of operation.
  • The frequency of exposure reaches up to 50 hertz.
  • Two induction options - 10 and 30 mT.
  • It is used from the age of children from 3 years old.

The big advantage is the low price of the device. It starts from 4 thousand rubles.


Each of the devices is used according to the instructions. The duration of one treatment procedure is up to 20 minutes. Treatment can be carried out at a rate of 2-3 times a day, depending on the severity of the symptoms of the disease.

Some treatment rules:

  • The procedures cannot be performed on an empty stomach.
  • During the treatment course, the intake of alcoholic beverages is completely excluded.
  • Regardless of the frequency of the procedures, the treatment time should be the same every day. This creates a useful biological rhythm.
  • If you feel worse, the procedure is not performed. See your doctor if your body temperature rises during treatment or if your blood pressure drops.

Magnetic products should be considered as an adjunct to all treatments. Research on magnetic therapy began in the 1700s and is now considered effective in all areas of disease. It is recommended by physiotherapists, kinesiologists, acupuncturists, naturopaths, massage therapists, homeopaths, plastic surgeons and chiropractors.

Magnets can penetrate the skin, adipose tissue and bones, thus, magnetic flux maintains human health and provides energy by reducing disturbances in the body.

It stimulates the functions of the circulatory, nervous, respiratory, digestive and urinary systems.

The magnetic field is the basis of life on this planet. All body systems are electromagnetic in nature.

Magnetotherapy stimulates blood circulation and increases cellular activity, which in turn increases the rate of regeneration. This method of treatment increases the rate of wound healing, relieves muscle spasms and the symptoms of many diseases.

Magnetic therapy can help you recover from trauma faster. It creates the conditions for healing, encouraging the body to heal itself. This is achieved by increasing ion separation, vascular dilatation, partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood, and also accelerating the restoration of the balance of sodium and potassium. Vascular dilation improves oxygen supply to tissues and helps remove toxins.

The most important motive for using magnetic therapy is the presence of pain in diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It prevents the further development of tissue destruction.

The principle of operation of magnetotherapy:

This method of treatment increases a person's stamina and performance.

Magnets for home treatment of joints

Healing magnets are available at medical supply stores.

There are two types of this method of treatment: continuous and impulse.

There are also several types of healing magnets:

You can buy magnets in various shapes, sizes and capacities in medical equipment stores.

Types: bracelets, rugs, rings, discs, stars, beads, foil, clothes, blocks, powerful spacers, necklaces, belts.

For home treatment, you can buy a special device. Doctors recommend using ALMAG, MAG, MAGOFON, MAGNITER.

Neodymium magnet treatment

The use of magnets in treatment is considered safe and non-invasive. Neodymium magnets are used for a variety of purposes. They are used to treat internal organs and reduce scars. Recently, neodymium magnets have expanded their range of uses. Due to their unique characteristics, they began to be used in microsurgery and cardiology, dentistry, and oncology.

Neodymium magnets are produced in the form of rings, headbands, and earrings. To buy it, a prescription from a doctor is not required, so many people are treated on their own. But they can still cause irreparable harm, so you should consult your doctor before buying.

Treatment with this type of magnet relieves pain, promotes better absorption of incoming nutrients, accelerates tissue regeneration and restores blood circulation. Special magnetic bandages are put on the eyes and head. They also create knee pads and neck applicators.

Some athletes use a magnetic mattress pad to improve sleep, while others use it to restore professional performance. However, you cannot sleep on such a mattress topper for more than 10 hours a day. In addition, if a neodymium magnet is used to solve digestive problems, food should not be taken until an hour before using it, as digestion will slow down.

Indications for home treatment

People use magnetic therapy for a wide variety of health problems. It is carried out both in a hospital setting and at home. The main thing is to follow the doctor's recommendations exactly. The table below lists the diseases for which magnetic therapy can be used.

Direction Disease
Neurology Diseases of the spinal cord (myelopathy, spinal stroke), Alzheimer's disease, intracranial hypertension, neuralgia, neuropathy, seizures, multiple sclerosis, encephalopathy, stroke, dizziness, ischemia, epilepsy, spondylosis, neuroses.
Orthopedics Ankylosis, arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis, hemarthrosis, pseudoarthrosis, meniscus rupture, sprains, dislocations and fractures, scoliosis, rheumatism.
Bioenergy Normalization of human biorhythms
Dermatology Diseases of the skin appendages, pustular pathologies, dermatitis, fungal and viral diseases, lichens, neurodermatosis, alopecia, ichthyosis, eczema, etc.
Urology Adenoma, renal adenocarcinoma, vesiculitis, dropsy of the testicle, erectile dysfunction, impotence, cystitis, urolithiasis, nephroptosis.
ENT diseases Furuncles, otosclerosis, acute and chronic rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, otitis media, rhinosinusitis.
Cosmetology Rejuvenation, weight loss, cellulite removal.
Endocrinology Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus, diseases of the ovaries and adrenal glands.
Gynecology Amenorrhea, ovarian apoplexy, infertility, algomenorrhea, climacteric syndrome.
Gastroenterology Reflux disease, gastritis, duodenal ulcer, cholecystitis.
Surgery Fat, fractures, damage to soft tissues and tendons, dislocations, bruises.
Cardiology Angina pectoris, hypertension and ischemic disease, carditis, tachycardia, incomplete heart block, etc.
Vascular disease Aneurysm, spasm, vascular dystonia, narrowing, atherosclerosis.
Narcology Drug addiction, substance abuse, withdrawal symptoms, alcoholism, alcoholic delirium, smoking, alcoholic hepatitis.

In addition, magnetic therapy can be used for bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchial asthma.

If you suffer from one of the problems outlined in the table, and want to resort to using a magnetic method of treatment, be sure to consult your doctor before using magnets.

Magnetotherapy works very well on the joints and the spine. The combination of analgesic and vasodilating frequencies improves blood microcirculation with oxygen and nutrients. The procedure heals the joints. For sore joints, the goal of magnetic therapy is to suppress inflammation, reduce pain and improve joint mobility.

This treatment slows down further joint damage and has a healing effect.

The magnetotherapy procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day at low pulse frequencies. If a bruise forms on the joint after a bruise, then you need to rub it with a magnet.


Most often, arthritis affects the large joints, including the knee joint. In addition to treatment with medications, anti-inflammatory drugs, analgesics and chondroprotectors, doctors recommend magnetotherapy. However, physical therapy and occupational therapy cannot be neglected.

As part of the rehabilitation therapy for knee joint diseases, low-frequency pulsed magnetic therapy is used. It has no side effects, does not cause stress, and can be used at home. Thanks to this, it is easier for patients with chronic diseases of the knee joints to be treated.

In this case, magnetotherapy acts as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent. It relieves puffiness and improves range of motion.

For knee arthritis, special knee pads made of neodymium magnets are used.

Initially, a frequency of 4-6 Hz is used. The procedure is carried out daily until the soreness begins to pass. Once relief is achieved, treatment should be combined with 25-50 Hz regenerative programs.

Heel spur

A heel spur, or plantar fasciitis, is a common condition with severe and painful symptoms. Heel spur treatment occurs on an outpatient basis or at home. The procedure is performed every day. The magnetic effect on the heel spur is 20 minutes.

According to the doctor's prescription, the procedure can be performed 2 times a day, the interval between which is 8 hours.

The technique of magnetic therapy at home: in case of pain in both heels, the device is placed on the lumbar spine and on both heel areas. The first procedure should take 5-7 minutes. Each time the time increases. The course of treatment for a heel spur lasts 10-15 procedures.

If the victim has one heel hurting, then it is necessary to act on 2 fields - the lumbar spine and the sore heel area.

Doctors talk about home magnetotherapy, watch the video:


Despite the enormous benefits for humanity, magnetic therapy has some contraindications.

Limitations of this method:

  • Persons equipped with pacemakers, defibrillators, or other electromedical devices;
  • small children and pregnant women should not use magnetic field treatment, since the safety of such therapy has not been proven;
  • in the presence of purulent infections;
  • if there is a tendency to bleeding;
  • in the presence of malignant tumors.

In addition, this procedure is prohibited if the victim is mentally ill.

Magnetic therapy has no negative side effects or complications when combined with other treatments.

The healing effect of magnetotherapy comes quickly enough. The main advantages are price, availability and versatility.

It is possible to increase the effectiveness of the apparatus if the disease is treated in a complex manner. That is, taking medication, going to a physical therapist and being treated with herbs.


  1. Magnetic therapy is now widespread. Traditional medicine has used this method of treatment many times in a variety of situations;
  2. The victims note the effectiveness of the treatment with magnets at home;
  3. This method of therapy is combined with herbal medicine (infusions, decoctions, compresses, etc.);
  4. Magnetotherapy is still not recognized as an official method of treatment.

In contact with

Magnetism is the effect on the life force of a person. Often, human illness occurs either from a lack of vitality or from its improper circulation (vibration). For example, an excessive accumulation can form in the body, in another way - inflammation, or a deficiency, that is, the so-called atonic process. That is why the influence of magnetism has a twofold character of manifestation. So, the magnetizer can transfer to the patient some part of his own life force. And it can regulate the vibration and circulation of the patient's life force.

Vitality is transmitted through the passes with the hands, or rather, the fingertips. Moreover, there is no need to fear that the magnetizer, when transferring his power to the patient, will be left without it. However, taking too long a session may well tire him out. But after a while, the power will return to the magnetizer. Therefore, if he skillfully uses it, he will be able not only to restore, but also to increase its intensity and quantity. After all, the more a magnetizer gives his neighbor his strength, the more he eventually gets it. This is explained by the fact that good and harmony act as the basis of life, and therefore altruism contributes to the development of vitality, and egoism contributes to its decrease.

In order to regulate the circulation of the patient's life force, two types of passes are used in magnetism: collecting and dissipating. In this case, the magnetizer applies the laws of polarization. Thus, the back and left sides of a person contain negative magnetism, and the front and right sides contain a positive charge.

The laws of ordinary magnetism are similar to the laws of the human body, that is, the same poles repel, and opposite ones, on the contrary, attract. Then, in the first case, the excitement of the vital force is noted, and in the second, its calming is observed. Therefore, the actions of the magnetizer in inflammatory processes should be of the "opposite" character, and in atonic processes - "of the same name".

Also, the positive result of the treatment directly depends on the correct circulation of the power of the magnetizer itself, therefore it is important that he be healthy both in body and soul. Thus, anxiety, excitement, anger or fear can affect the physiological state, thereby disrupting the correct circulation of the life force.

Due to the fact that objects can also be saturated with magnetism, healing can be carried out even from a distance. To do this, it is enough to magnetize, for example, water and transfer it to the patient.

But still, we must not forget that miraculous healings will not happen if you do not believe in them. Skepticism, suspicion and disbelief lead to disharmony in the spiritual world, which is subsequently transferred to the material world. This means that the life force of those who do not believe in miracles will not be able to vibrate (circulate) in parallel with the magnetizer and, accordingly, will not feel any healing.

Everyone decides for himself whether it is true that magnetism really heals. Nevertheless, every year there are more and more followers of this type of treatment.

This unique exercise course will help you develop healing magnetism and restore health to people!

What does healing magnetism give?

In the third week of practice, a person begins to feel the energy of others and may well practice energy healing¹.

Development of magnetism. First week assignment

Every morning on an empty stomach you need to sit down and sit quietly for 5 minutes, during this time you need to tune in to practice, calm your mind. Then you need to perform this simple technique.

1. Sitting in a chair in a relaxed state, you need to take a deep breath for 8 seconds, then hold your breath for 8 seconds, and then exhale for 8 seconds.

2. Breathe in this way for at least 8 minutes.

The exercise must be performed at the same time, in the same position and for the same amount of time.

The development of healing magnetism. Second week assignment

To the exercises performed in the first week, it is necessary to add a certain movement of the palms.

1. During breathing, you need to connect your palms and rotate them clockwise and counterclockwise. At this time, one should mentally drive the energy from the right hand to the left.

2. Do this exercise for 7 minutes. By the end of the seventh minute, it is necessary to slowly spread your arms to the sides, feeling a ball of energy and warmth with them.

3. During the presentation and sensation of the energy ball, you need to concentrate all your forces on this action and gradually try to increase the diameter of the ball without losing its sensation.

You need to do this exercise for a week. It allows you to develop the sensitivity of your hands and teaches you to feel energies.

Week 3 Challenge

During the third week, it is necessary to do all the exercises of the previous days, increasing your magnetism, and also begin to practice in the treatment of people.

Based on materials from the book "Confessions of a Sorcerer" by Yuri Longo

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Healing or alternative medicine is a collective name for methods that claim to be able to treat (or prevent) diseases (