Lighter than easy? Nutrition for children with a lack of weight. Normal weight of a child: why are deviations dangerous?

If indicators such as weight, weight gain or height (body length) of the baby are outside the norm, then the reasons most often lie on the surface and are obvious to the doctor. The most significant factors are:

  • feeding baby(natural or artificial, feeding intensity),
  • feeding problems(not enough milk, formula allergy, baby refuses breast or formula),
  • during pregnancy and childbirth(prematurity of the baby, smoking during pregnancy, alcohol),
  • heredity(one or both parents had similar indicators in childhood),
  • disease(any of those that affect weight or height),
  • ecology(harmful environmental factors, smoking mother).

Regardless of whether the reasons are obvious or not, with a significant deviation, it is strongly recommended to seek quality medical care, and to exclude dangerous diseases that may remain invisible for a long time even for a doctor, but pose a real threat to the child's life.

Is it dangerous to differ from the norm

The degree of danger of deviations from the norms is assessed individually by an experienced doctor who observes all indicators in dynamics, i.e. compares the results of past and current measurements using a special technique. In addition, the doctor looks for signs of common diseases, evaluates the test results, and directs them to narrow specialists.

Most often, moderately overweight or underweight baby is not dangerous in itself, but can provoke or intensify the course of diseases that could be more easily overcome with a normal weight. In particular, ordinary diarrhea in an underweight child can quickly lead to dangerous wasting. And overweight in a baby predisposed to diabetes can provoke this disease.

A strong deviation in weight from the norm, undoubtedly, deserves the close attention of an experienced specialist. According to the International Health Organization, half cases of infant mortality at an early age is associated with a strong deviation of weight from the norm.

The most useful is the assessment of the dynamics of weight (gain). So, if a baby has stopped gaining or began to lose weight, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, with a simple nutritional correction not enough... It is urgent to find out the real reason, be sure to pass general tests. Unreasonable weight loss is usually caused by dehydration, which is often the only visible manifestation of a sluggish or difficult-to-diagnose disease that needs to be treated urgently. For this reason, it is recommended to monitor the weight of infants weekly for at least 6 months.

Also, a deviation in the growth (body length) of the baby can pose a danger. A significant deviation from the growth rate may in the future provoke diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system. It is also known that the growth of 3% of healthy children does not fit into the norm, and, nevertheless, they remain completely healthy. However, without special diagnostics, it is not always possible to understand that the baby belongs to these three percent, because the consequences can appear only after a dozen years. Therefore, a deviation in growth should not be left without the proper attention of a doctor. In case of a dangerous deviation in body length, the specialist must find the cause (disease, heredity) and prescribe treatment - this will help preserve the child's health in the distant future.

What to do with an overweight or underweight child

Usually, parents can adjust the baby's weight through feeding (more or less often, breast milk - mixture - porridge). But this must be done without fanaticism: so that the baby does not starve and overeat, otherwise, it will only get worse. The goal of correction should be the health and well-being of the child, not just compliance. Therefore, coordinate any radical actions with a good pediatrician (neonatologist).

What to do with a large or small baby

Parents do not have a reliable tool that can strongly influence a child's growth. Nevertheless, there are some patterns. A baby who is fed primarily with breast milk grows faster than a bottle-fed baby. A child living under the influence of harmful environmental factors grows more slowly than if he lived in favorable environmental conditions. In case of critical deviations in growth, the doctor (endocrinologist) must diagnose, identify the cause of the deviation and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Factors contributing to normal growth:

- breast milk of a healthy mother,
- regular feeding,
- taking vitamins and special preparations,
- Fresh air,
- special physical exercises (for older children).

Factors impairing growth:

Bad ecology,
- improper child care (the baby is starving, does not take vitamins, is not observed by the pediatrician, the mother smokes),
- completely artificial feeding,
- almost any disease.

Why comply with the norm

A child who meets the norms of weight and height is more likely to grow up to be a healthy, intelligent, beautiful and successful person.

Surprisingly, but true: every adult understands that you need to monitor your weight and physical fitness. Of course, not everyone succeeds in doing this, but this is not the issue now. When it comes to their own children, most parents do not pay any attention to the fact that the child's weight is over or under the norm. Meanwhile, the normal weight of a child is a very important indicator of his health, pediatricians say. What can threaten an increase or decrease in this rate and how to find out how much weight a baby should have at a given age?

Normal weight of a child per year

In the first year of a baby's life, control over its weight and growth is carried out by doctors at each scheduled examination. The rates of increase are calculated individually, based on the indicators of weight and height at birth. The normal weight of a newborn is 2.8-3.9 kg. In the first few days after birth, the baby loses insignificantly in weight - about 6-7% of the body weight, but quickly makes up for lost time.

At 6 months, the baby's weight doubles, and by the year the baby will weigh about three times more than at birth. There will no longer be such a leap in development in his life.

The normal weight of a child per year depends on a number of factors:

  • How long the baby was breastfed;
  • When complementary foods were introduced;
  • How mobile and active the child is;
  • Did he suffer serious illnesses during the first year of his life?

The correlation with breastfeeding is the most direct: babies who breastfeed for a long time have good immunity, are less likely to get sick and usually weigh more than their peers who began to be supplemented with formula earlier. In addition, children who start crawling and walking early may weigh a little less, as they consume a lot of energy.

The average weight per year is 8.9 kg for girls and 9.5 kg for boys. The final figure may differ in one direction or another with the correct body mass index. The normal height and weight of a child per year should fit into the average norms, however, a large baby can add less, and a small baby, on the contrary, can grow noticeably.

Baby's weight and height after a year

As we said, the growth rate of the child will now be less. At 2 years old, the weight of the crumbs will increase by only 2-3 kg, the same as at 3 years. The average value for this age is 13.9 - 14.3 kg. At this age, most children go to kindergarten for the first time, and parents will have the opportunity to compare the parameters of their child with others. It is worth considering if the child is much fatter than his peers.

The norm for a child's weight at 5 years old, according to the WHO table, is 18.2 kg for girls and 18.3 kg for boys. A weight of 21 kg is estimated for this age as above average, and the highest figures are 27-29 kg. This is no longer the norm, as well as too little weight.

The normal weight of a child at 6 years old is a little more than 20 kg. At the age of 5-6, recruitment begins in most children's sports sections, and kids can start playing sports and physical education. After 4 years, even a large and well-fed child usually gets rid of baby dimples and swellings and becomes more fit. If the child's weight norm at 5 years old is much higher than the average, he will have a hard time in sports. Therefore, it is better if parents monitor the parameters of their child from the moment of birth.

By the age of 7, the normal weight of a child is 22.4-22.9 kg, but to a large extent it depends on the growth and constitution of the baby. Therefore, among the first graders, you can see both tall and thin children and short sturdy ones.

If the normal height and weight of the child changes

Sometimes it also happens that the child develops correctly, but, for example, if the child's weight norm at 6 years old corresponds to the average values, then at 7 years old it suddenly lags behind or exceeds them. In this case, you need to focus on the body mass index and check its value. Weight change can be directly related to the child's appetite - children who went to school or kindergarten experience so-called age crises due to increased stress on the nervous system. This can lead to increased appetite or, conversely, to its suppression. As a rule, a child's normal weight is still quickly restored if the right diet is organized.

Constant fluctuations in weight, excessive excess or lagging behind the norm can be the first signal of a child's health problems. In obese children, the load on the cardiovascular system is increased, and overweight can also cause diabetes. In addition, children have not yet formed the skeletal system, and excess weight is an additional load on the fragile spine and joints. What can we say about psychological problems - overweight children often become the object of ridicule by their peers, which becomes the cause of neuroses. If the child's normal weight can be achieved by adjusting his nutrition, this must be done without waiting for the child to "outgrow" his fullness. Unfortunately, many children prefer computer games instead of active walks in the air, which are accompanied by hamburgers, fries and cola. Parents are calmer when the baby is under supervision. Needless to say, after a short time, the weight of the child can greatly increase? 5 out of 5 (22 votes)

At the pediatrician's appointment, each baby under one year old is monthly weighed and measured. Why is it so important for doctors to know how a child is growing and how much weight is he gaining? What do these parameters indicate, and what are the anthropometric norms for children of different ages?

Where did the weight and height indicators for children come from and why are they needed?

The anthropometric data of a child are one of the main indicators of the physical development and health status of children. Significant deviations from the normal values ​​of height and weight in a child almost always indicate the development or presence of certain diseases. So, if a child under one year old with sufficient nutrition gains weight poorly, then this may be one of the symptoms of rickets, anemia, immunodeficiency states, diseases of the endocrine or central nervous systems.

A significant lag in growth may indicate a lack of growth hormone somatotropin in the body, and a clear excess weight with normal growth and proper nutrition may indicate disruptions in the work of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, and even the development of a brain tumor.

In order to detect and begin to treat such formidable diseases in time, doctors carefully monitor the anthropometric indicators of children from birth. The development standards are drawn up by the World Health Organization based on many years of research. In addition to the average normative indicator for each age, the boundaries of the norms are also calculated. Weight and height above this limit is considered high, and below it is considered low. It is for such children that doctors begin to observe especially closely.

WHO table of height and weight for girls under 1 year old

According to the norms, a healthy full-term girl is born with a height of 49.2 cm and weighs 3,200 grams. This is the average. The lower limit of the norm for a newborn is a height of 47.3 cm and a weight of 2.800 grams, and the upper limit is located at values ​​of 51 cm and 3.700 grams, respectively. Values ​​outside the lower and upper limits of the norm are marked as very low or too high. Doctors will observe such a newborn and, possibly, additionally examine.

In the first month, the newborn should grow 4.5 cm and gain a kilogram. The lower limits of the norm for a month-old girl will be 51.7 (height in cm) //3.600 (weight in grams), and the upper frames - 55.6 // 4.800.

Normal indicators for a two-month-old baby: 57, 1 cm and 5.100 gr. The lower limit of the norm: 55 // 4.500, and the upper one - 59.1 // 5.800.

By the age of three months, girls grow up to 59.8 cm and weigh 5.900 grams. Indicators less than 57.7 // 5.200 are considered low for a three-month crumb, and indicators more than 61.9 // 6.600 are considered high.

Average height and weight for a four-month-old girl: 62.1 cm and 6.400 gr. The lower limits of the norm are 59.9 // 5.700, the upper frames are 64.3 // 7.300.

By the age of five months, girls should grow up to 64 cm and weigh 6.900 grams. Low indicators - parameters less than 61.8 // 6.100. Indicators 66.3 //7.800 are the upper limits of the norm for a five-month-old girl.

Age 6 months is considered an important milestone in a child's development. A six month old girl should grow up to 65.7 cm and weigh 7.300 g. The lower limit is 63.5 // 6.500, and the upper limit is 68 // 8.300.

A seven-month-old baby grows up to 67.3 cm and weighs 7.600 grams. Indicators less than 65 // 6.800 are considered low, and indicators exceeding 69.6 //8.600 are considered high.

At eight months, the norms are: height - 68.83 cm, and 8 kg - weight. The lower limits of the norm: 66.4 // 7000, and the upper ones - 71.1 // 9000.

By nine months, the growth should be 70.1 cm, and the baby should weigh 8.200 grams. Low indicators at this age are values ​​less than 67.7 // 7.300, and high indicators are more than 72.6 // 9.300.

According to the norms, a ten-month-old baby should be 71.5 cm tall and weigh 8.500 grams. The lower limits of the norm for ten months are 69 // 7.500, and the upper limits: 74 // 9.600.

By the time she is eleven months old, the girl normally grows to 72.8 cm and weighs 8.700 grams. Indicators less than 70.3 // 7.700 are considered low. Indicators exceeding 75.3 // 9.900 will be high.

By the age of one year, according to the norms, girls should grow up to 74 cm and weigh 9.000 grams. The lower limit of the norm is considered to be the parameters 71.4 //7.900, and the upper one: 76.6 // 10.100.

WHO table height and weightfor boys under 1 year old

Guidelines for boys differ from those for girls, as boys are usually born slightly larger. So, a healthy full-term newborn boy is usually born with a weight of 3.300 grams and a height of 49.9 cm. These indicators are considered the norm. The lower limit of the norm for a newborn is a height of 48 cm and a weight of 2.900 grams, and the upper limit is at values ​​of 51.75 cm and 3.900 grams, respectively.

For the first month, the baby should grow by 4.8 cm, and gain 1200 grams. The lower limits of the norm for a month-old boy will be 52.8 (height in cm) // 3.900 (weight in grams), and the upper frames - 56.7 // 5.100.

Normal indicators for a two-month-old toddler: 58, 4 cm and 5.600 gr. The lower limit of the norm: 56.4 // 4.900, and the upper one - 60.4 // 6.300.

By the age of three months, boys grow up to 61.4 cm and weigh 6.400 grams. Low indicators will be parameters below 59.4 // 5.700, and high indicators will be indicators above 63.5 // 7.200.

Average height and weight for a four-month-old boy: 63.9 cm and 7000 gr. The lower frames of the norm are 61.8 // 6.300, the upper frames are 66 // 7.800.

By the age of five months, the boy should grow to 65.9 cm and weigh 6.900 grams. Low indicators - parameters less than 63.8 // 6.100. Indicators 68 //7.800 are the upper limits of the norm for a five-month-old baby.

By six months, the baby should grow to 67.6 cm and weigh 7.900 grams. The lower limit is the indicators 65.5 // 7.100, and the upper limit is 69.8 // 8.900.

A seven-month-old boy grows to 69.2 cm and weighs 8,300 grams. Indicators less than 67 // 7.400 will be considered low, and indicators exceeding 71.3 //9.300 will be considered high.

At eight months, the average for a boy is: height - 70.65 cm, and 8.600 grams - weight. The lower limits of the norm: 68.45 // 7.700, and the upper -72.85 // 9.600.

By nine months, the baby's height should be 72 cm, and he should weigh 8.900 grams. Low indicators will be less than 69.65 // 8.000, and high - more than 74.3 // 9.900.

A ten-month-old boy should normally be 73.3 cm tall and weigh 9.200 grams. The lower limits of the norm at this age are 71 // 8.200, and the upper limits: 76 // 10.200.

By eleven months, the baby normally grows to 74.5 cm and weighs 9.400 grams. Indicators less than 72.2 // 8.400 are considered low. Indicators exceeding 76.8 // 10.500 will be high.

In a year, according to the norms, boys should grow up to 75.8 cm and weigh 9.700 grams. The lower limit of the norm is the parameters 73.5 //8.700, and the upper one: 78 // 10.800.

Height and weight chart for girls from 1 to 10 years old

The growth of children begins to slow down as soon as the babies turn one year old, therefore, for children from one year to three, the norms are no longer determined monthly, but every three months. For children from 3 to 7 years old - once every six months, and for children aged seven to ten years old - the norms change once a year.

By one year and three months, a girl should normally grow to 77.5 cm and weigh 9.600 grams. Lower limits of the norm: 74.83 (height in centimeters) and 8.500 (weight in grams), upper frames: 80.3 // 10.900.

The next benchmark is for one year and six months. Norm: 80.65 // 10.200. Lower limit: 77.7 // 9.100. Upper: 83.5 // 11.600.

In a year and nine months, the norms for girls are 83.65 // 10.900. The lower limit of the norm: 80.6 // 9.600. Upper bound: 86.7 // 12.300.

By the age of two, girls normally grow up to 86.4 cm and weigh 11.500 grams. The lower limit of the norm: 83.2 // 10.200. Upper limit: 89.6 // 13.000.

Average height and weight for babies at the age of 2 years 3 months: 88.3 / 12.100. Lower border: 84.8 // 10.700. Upper limit: 91.7 // 13.700.

Girls at 2.5 years old should grow to 90.7 cm and weigh 12.700 grams. The lower limit of the norm: 86.9 // 11.200. Upper frames: 94.3 // weight 14.400.

At 2.9 years, the average values ​​are as follows: 92.9 // 13.300. Lower boundaries: 89.3 // 11.700, upper: 96.6 // weight 15.100.

Three-year-olds should be 95 cm tall and weigh 13.900 grams. Data less than 91.3 // 12.200 are assessed as low, and indicators above 98.8 // 15.800 - as high.

At 3.5 years old, the standards for a girl: 99 // 15.000. The lower boundary is 95 // 13.100, and the upper one is 103.1 // 17.200.

Average height and weight for a four-year-old girl: 102.6 // 16.100. The lower limits of the norm: 98.4 // 14.000, and the upper height and weight: 107.1 // 18.500.

At 4.5 years old, the standards for a girl: 106.2 // 17.200. The lower boundaries are: 101.6 // 14.900, and the upper ones: 110.7 // 19.900.

Average height and weight for a five-year-old girl: 109.4 // 18.200. The lower limits of the norm: 104.7 // 15.800, and the upper ones: 114.2 // 21.200.

At 5.5 years old, girls should grow to 112.2 cm and weigh 19,000 grams. Parameters less than 107.2 // 16.600 are considered low, and indicators over 117.1 // 22.200 are considered high.

Standards for six-year-olds: 115.1 // 20.200. Lower bounds: 110 // 17.500. Upper - 120.2 // 23.500.

By the age of 6.5, girls grow up to 118 cm and weigh 21.200 grams. The lower frames at 6.5 years are indicators 112.7 // 18.300, and the upper ones - 123.3 // weight 24.900.

Average height and weight for seven-year-old girls: 120.8 and 23,000. Lower bounds: 115.3 // 21.300, upper bounds: 126.3 // 26.300.

In children over the age of seven, anthropometric indicators are monitored once a year. The standards for eight-year-old girls are 126.6 // 25.000. The lower limit for eight-year-olds will be 120.8 and 21.400. The upper limit is 132.4 // 30.000.

Norms for nine-year-olds: 132.45 // 28.200. Lower boundaries: 132.5 and 27.900, upper - 138.6 // weight 34.000.

A ten-year-old girl should, on average, be 138.55 cm tall and weigh 31.900 grams. Data less than 132.2 // 27.100 are assessed as low, and indicators above 145 // 38.200 are assessed as high.

Height and weight chart for boys from 1 to 10 years old

Boys at 1.3 years old should reach parameters 80 // 10.400. Lower normal value: 76.55 (height in centimeters) and 9.200 (weight in grams), upper frames: 82 // 11.500.

The next milestone is at one year and six months. The standard for a year and six is ​​82.3 // 10.900. From the border: 79.6 // 9.800. Before: 85 // 12.200.

At 1.9 years old, the standards for boys are 85.2 // 11.500. From the border: 82.4 // 10.300. Before: 88 // 12.900.

By the age of two, normally, the toddlers reach 88 // 12.200. From the border: 84.4 // 10.800. Up to 90.5 // 13.600.

The standard for a baby at 2.3 years old: 89.6 // 12.700. From: 86.5 // 11.300, to: 92.8 // 14.300.

By the age of 2.5 years, the toddler should grow to 91.9 cm and weigh 13.300 grams. The lower frames for this age: 88.5 // 11.800. Upper frames: 95.4 // 15.000.

At the age of 2.9 years, the standards are 94.1 / 13.800. The lower boundaries are 91 // 12.300, the upper boundaries are 97.6 // 15.600.

The height of boys at 3 years old should be 96.1 cm, weight - 14.300 grams. Results less than 92.4 // 12.700 will be assessed as low, and indicators above 100 // 16.200 - as high.

At 3.5 years old, the norms for boys are: 99.9 // 15.300. From the border: 95.9 // 13.600, to: 103.8 // 17.400.

Average height and weight for a four-year-old boy: 103.3 // 16.300. From the border: 99.1 // 14.400, to: 107.5 // 18.600.

At 4.5 years old, the boy's height reaches 107 cm, and the normal weight should be 17.300 grams. The lower bar of the norm: 102.25 // 15.200, and the upper one: 111.1 // 19.900.

Standards for boys at 5 years old: 110 // 18.300. From the bar in: 105.3 // 16.000 cm, to: 114.6 and 21.000.

By the age of 5.5, the standards for boys are -113 // 19.400. Low for 5.5 years are considered indicators less than 108.2 // 17.000, and more than 117.7 // 22.200 - high.

Average height and weight for 6 year olds: 116 / 20.500. Lower bar: 111 // 18.000. Upper: 120.9 // 23.500.

By the age of 6.5, boys reach parameters 119 // 21.700. The lower frames for this age are 113.8 // 19.000, and the upper ones - 124 // 24.900.

Norms for seven-year-old boys: 121.8 // 22.900. From the bar in: 116.4 // 20.000 cm, to: 127 // 26.400 cm.

By the age of eight, the guys grow up to 127.3 cm and weigh 25.400 grams. The lower bar of the norm for eight-year-olds will be 121.5 // 22.100. Upper - 132.8 // 29.500.

Average height and weight for 9 year olds: 132.6 / 28.100. Lower boundaries: 126.6 // 2.300, upper - 138.6 // 33.000.

At 10 years old, boys should normally reach the parameters 137.8 // 31.200. Figures less than 131.4 and 26.700 are assessed as low, and indicators above 144.2 // 37.000 are assessed as high.

Height and weight chart for teenage girls

In adolescents, anthropometric data are monitored once a year. For an eleven-year-old girl, the average is 144.5 (height in centimeters) // 34.4 (weight in kilograms). Parameters less than 136.2 // 27.8 are considered the lower normative framework, and parameters more than 153.2 // 44.6 are considered the upper ones.

Average height and weight for twelve-year-olds: 150 // 40.7. The lower limit of the norm: 142.2 // 31.8, upper: 162.2 // 51.8.

A thirteen-year-old girl normally has indicators: 155.8 // 44.3. Lower data bar: 148.3 // 38.7, upper: 163.7 // 59.

At the age of 14, the average data for a girl is 159.5 // 53.1. Lower limits of the norm: 152.6 // 43.8, upper: 167.2 // 64.

By the age of fifteen, the average height of girls reaches 161.6 cm, and the average weight is 55.5 kg. Lower data line: 154.4 // 46.8, upper: 169.2 // 66.5.

Average height and weight for sixteen-year-old girls: 162.4 // 56.5. The lower limit: 155.2 // 48.4, the upper one - 170.2 // 67.6.

For girls at the age of 17, the standard is 163.9 // 61. Lower border: 155.8 // 52.8, upper: 170.5 // 68.

Height and weight chart for teenage boys

Boys between the ages of 10 and 14 are slightly behind girls in height, this is a normal phenomenon, since hormonal changes in children begin a little later than in girls. But after fourteen years, guys begin to grow more intensively than girls, and by the age of 15 they overtake them in terms of growth.

In adolescence, anthropometric indicators significantly depend on genetic predisposition, therefore, when monitoring the physical development of adolescents, it is recommended to focus not so much on the average indicator, but on the normal limits indicated for each age and on the child's heredity. So, if the father of a young man has a height of 190 cm, then a height of 182 cm of a teenager himself at 15 years old can be considered the norm in this case.

For an 11-year-old boy, the average indicators are: 143.5 (height in centimeters) // 35.5 (weight in kilograms). Parameters less than 134.5 // 28 are the lower frames of the norm, and parameters exceeding 153 // 44.9 are the upper frames.

Average height and weight for a twelve-year-old teenager: 149 // 39.8. From the border: 140 // 30.7, to: 159.6 // 50.6.

A thirteen-year-old teenager normally has indicators: 155.5 // 44.3. From the border: 145.7 // 33.9, to: 166 // 59.

At the age of 14, the average indicators are 161.9 // 49.7. From the border: 152.3 // 38, to: 172 // 63.4.

By the age of fifteen, the average height of the guys is 168 cm, and the weight is 55.5 kg. From the border: 158.6 // 43, to: 177.6 // 70.

Average height and weight for sixteen-year-old boys: 172.3 // 66.9. From the border: 163.2 // 48.4, to 182 // 76.5.

At seventeen, the average height and weight are 176.6 // 66.9. From the border: 166.7 // 54.6, to: 186 // 80.1.

Video "The height and weight of the child, Dr. Komarovsky"

If a child is not gaining weight well, then his parents immediately start to panic, sound the alarm, run to the doctors and say that their child has some kind of deviation. Is it correct? We will try to find answers to these questions.

Question and answer

- My daughter is currently 9.5 months old and it seems to me that she is gaining weight very badly. I gave birth to her rather large, as the doctors told me - 3.5 kg and a height of 55 cm. But, from the moment of birth, her total weight gain is on average about 300 grams. What should I do, I don’t know?

According to the measurements of our district pediatrician, up to about 6 months, the child gained weight well, but at 9 months (at the last scheduled weighing) the daughter's weight was 8.7 kg (although I looked at the norms - it should weigh 9.5 kg). It seems to me that the child is something more, but outwardly she is absolutely normal, what then is the reason?

Specialist's answer

Those parents who believe that their child is underweight for some reason are wrong from the very beginning. Why? Because a child cannot be someone and owes something, all the more so - to gain weight just because mom or dad wants it so much.

Who makes up the norms of how much a person should weigh at a given age? If your child is outwardly quite healthy and you are happy with it, then in no case need to heal and complete treatment for anyone.

It is much easier for a child, and an adult, too, if the weight is not 2-3 kg more, but on the contrary - less. Moreover, it is quite natural that a child, upon reaching 6 months, begins to spend much more energy, because he crawls, tries to recognize the world around him, etc. At this age, babies grow muscles, not fat, therefore, once again we emphasize that from about 6 months, weight gain in children should slow down. And don't look for a problem where it can't be.

Child up to a year

Absolutely all parents have always and at all times compared their children with the children of relatives, acquaintances or passers-by. Yes, this is not correct and normal, but this is our mentality, which cannot be avoided.

Each parent will familiarize with the fact that in pediatrics there are certain norms for the weight, age and body weight of the child. And, if for some reason the indicators deviate from the norm, then in this case the doctor will literally force you to take certain measures.

When should you sound the alarm?

Below are the weight indicators of the child, at which you still need to consult a pediatrician and consult about the child's health.

We can talk about deviations in the weight indicator if:

  • Normally, a child in the first 4 months of life should gain about 600 to 900 grams every month. This will be an indicator of the norm, if the deviation from the norm is insignificant, then you should not worry again. For example, 500-550 grams of weight gain per month is not a pathological indicator.
  • When a child is six months old, it will be normal to gain weight from 400 to 600 grams.
  • If the child is between six months and up to 9 months old, then the rate of weight gain will be from 300 grams to 500 grams.
  • From 9 months to a year, it is considered normal if the child gains from 100 grams to 300.

Pediatricians recommend focusing on these indicators. If they differ slightly from the real weight of your child (by 100 grams, for example), then you should not think that your child is sick with something, on the contrary - he is absolutely healthy.

Skin and movement

If a child under one year old does not have a single fat fold on his body (as is usually the case in children), if the skin is visually similar not to children's skin, but to haggard, mature, dried out; if the baby's skin is not very smooth and elastic to the touch, then in this case it is necessary to consult a pediatrician for advice. These signs are not the norm for a small child, but rather a deviation. Again, some features of the skin may occur in your child and you should not panic / worry about this.

Now let's talk about the norms of physical activity in children under one year old. Pathological signs will be discussed:

  • Increased irritability of the baby;
  • Constant and frequent;
  • Complete or partial refusal to eat;
  • Insomnia in a child.

If a child from 0 to 12 months gains weight very poorly and at the same time he has the symptoms listed above, then in this case it is necessary to consult a doctor.


If your child is cheerful, healthy, eats well, pleases mom and dad with his successes, but at the same time his weight is below normal, then you should not raise a panic. This means that your child has such a constitution.


Your child is not yet a year old and at the same time he is underweight, in which case the reason should be sought in:

  • Not enough. Sometimes young mothers can really have problems with lactation, but, again, everything can be fixed if you see a doctor in time.

Did you know that some babies have a poorly formed sucking reflex? This means that the baby will eat little, even if it is often applied to the breast. Therefore, it is important and necessary for a young mother to monitor lactation.

Lack of milk is determined as follows: you need to calculate how much the baby is approximately applied to the breast (once a day) and how much it eats. These results are recorded for several days in a row and then shown to the pediatrician. If there is not enough milk, the doctor will prescribe special medications to enhance lactation.

No, I'll feed you!

Is your baby bottle-fed and not gaining weight? Perhaps the baby does not like the taste of the mixture, or the mixture of this particular company is categorically not suitable. Try changing the formula to a different one and observe the baby's weight.

If you have already entered for your baby, and he refuses it, then again - do not panic. After mother's very sweet and tasty milk, it is very difficult for a child to reorganize to cabbage, squash puree. Therefore, patience and only patience!

The body of young children is characterized by high rates of growth and development, but at the same time it has low reserve capacities. Therefore, the problem of low weight in babies under 3 years old occurs more often than in other age groups. Of course, low birth weight babies need special nutrition.

Malnutrition is said when a child has a body weight deficit of 10% or more of the individual norm. Recall that healthy baby in the first month of life, he adds an average of 600 g. Then, up to six months of age, boys add an average of 800 g, and girls - 700 g per month. In the second half of life, the increase in body weight should be 400 g per month. By 1 year, the weight of the "average" child is 10-10.5 kg. In the second year of life, the baby should gain 3 kg. The approximate body weight of children aged 2-11 years can be calculated using the formula 10.5 + 2n, where n is the child's age up to 11 years (years), 10.5 is the average weight of a one-year-old baby. If, during an approximate calculation, a baby is underweight, the problem must be considered in more detail and necessarily - with the participation of a pediatrician who observes the child.

Why is there a deficiency in body weight?

There are several options for assessing the condition of a child who is underweight. Let's briefly consider each separately.

Hypotrophy is a chronic nutritional disorder characterized by the development of exhaustion, metabolic disorders and a decrease in the body's resistance. In case of malnutrition, as a rule, the growth of the baby corresponds to the age norms, but there is a decrease in the condition of the child. The causes of malnutrition can be an unfavorable course of pregnancy in the mother, congenital malformations of the gastrointestinal tract, hereditary metabolic anomalies, immunodeficiency states, endocrine diseases, previous infections, etc. :

  1. Quantitative underfeeding. This situation is possible with insufficient amount of breast milk in the mother; in case of difficulty in feeding, if there is a flat, retracted nipple, "tight" mammary gland, especially if the duration of feedings is limited and when trying to feed the baby strictly according to the regimen, observing 3-hour intervals between feedings in children of the first months of life. Feeding difficulties can also arise if the baby has a short frenum of the tongue, a small lower jaw. Frequent and abundant, which are the result of neurological disorders, are also the reason that the child's body does not receive sufficient milk.
  2. High-quality underfeeding. Its causes are feeding with formulas that do not correspond to age; too late introduction of complementary foods; poor nutrition, in which there is a deficiency of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins or microelements.

The higher the degree of malnutrition, the more pronounced metabolic disorders in the child's body and the lower the ability to assimilate nutrients, especially proteins, in the intestine. Lack of nutrients, vitamins and trace elements negatively affects the work of internal organs. The condition of the baby's skin deteriorates quite quickly. If healthy children have clean, pink and velvety skin, patients with hypotrophy have dryness and peeling of the skin, a decrease in its elasticity, in severe cases, the skin becomes flabby and has a grayish tint. Children with malnutrition are more likely and more severely ill with infectious diseases. If untreated, the baby's mental and physical development may be delayed.

Hypostatura is a chronic eating disorder with a more or less even lag in the child's body weight and height. In this case, the nutritional status of the baby can be quite satisfactory. It is characteristic of hypostatura that the child lags behind his peers in terms of his physical and psychomotor development. Hypostaturation, as a rule, is typical for children with congenital, severe encephalopathy (lesions of the central nervous system, the occurrence of which is associated with unfavorable conditions for the fetus during its intrauterine development and during childbirth), endocrine disorders, and some hereditary diseases. After eliminating the cause of hypostature, if possible, children catch up with their peers in terms of physical development.

A growth retardation of a constitutional nature is diagnosed by a doctor in cases where, in addition to a lag in growth and weight indicators, other deviations and any diseases have not been identified in the child. These children are most often born to short, skinny parents.

Although such a child differs from peers in low stature and low body weight, he is proportionally complex, has a normal thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer, is practically healthy and develops normally in physical and mental terms. Sometimes such children begin to grow rapidly during puberty and catch up with their peers in weight and height. Usually, children with hereditary "thinness" eat less than their age. This fact often worries parents. However, the practice of force feeding can lead to an even greater decrease in appetite or even to digestive disorders, and then a true malnutrition may occur, and malnutrition may develop. Therefore, the diet in this case must correspond to the level of the child's physical development (his height and body weight). The baby's food should not be overloaded with either proteins, fats or carbohydrates. All nutrients must be in a balanced ratio for a given age.

If the child has a body weight deficit, the attending physician prescribes a comprehensive examination and treatment, which includes:

  • identification of the causes of this condition, their complete elimination or correction;
  • organization of a rational regimen, care, education, massage and gymnastics;
  • in the identification and timely treatment of foci of infection in the body (for example, a chronic inflammatory process in the nasopharynx, carious teeth, etc.), anemia;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • stimulating and symptomatic treatment.

In the absence of serious diseases or malformations of the child's body, diet therapy is the basis of rational treatment.

Criteria for the effectiveness of dietary treatment:

  • improvement of emotional status (the baby becomes more active, he is in a good mood, he is cheerful and inquisitive);
  • normalization of appetite;
  • improvement in skin condition (assessed by a doctor);
  • acquisition of new skills in psychomotor development;
  • daily weight gain;
  • improved digestion of food (according to the coprogram).
If signs of decreased food tolerance appear, the amount of food is temporarily reduced. It should be noted that each child needs an individual approach to diet and the rate of its expansion.

General principles of nutrition

Important points of diet therapy for malnutrition are as follows:

  1. at the initial stage of treatment, the child is given only easily digestible food (for children under 1 year old - breast milk or adapted formulas). Low-lactose adapted mixtures are used more often, since they are easier to digest and better absorbed);
  2. the frequency of feedings increases (for a child of the first half of the year who is bottle-fed, with a body weight deficit of 11 to 20%, food should be seven meals a day, with a deficit of 21-30% - eight times a day, if the body weight deficit is more than 30%, the child is fed 10 times per day in small volumes, when breastfeeding, you should adhere to the "on demand" feeding regimen, if the child has retained appetite. If the baby is breastfeeding, control weighing is necessary to determine the amount of milk sucked out per day.
  3. systematic monitoring of nutrition is carried out - keeping a diary, which notes the amount of food eaten at each feeding, the volume of liquid drunk, the frequency and nature of stools, the number of urinations per day. These data will be needed by the attending physician to correctly calculate the food load and assess the degree of absorption of food.

Subject to the rules of medical nutrition and the doctor's prescriptions, the removal of a child from mild malnutrition occurs within 1 month, moderate - within 2-3 months, severe - up to 4-5 months.

Since children with a body weight deficit of more than 20% (hypotrophy of II and III degrees) are usually sent to a hospital for examination and treatment, we will consider the principles of treatment with a weight deficit of no more than 20%.

Hypotrophy and improper child care

It should be noted that among the reasons contributing to the development of malnutrition, defects in infant care are also of great importance: lack of attention and affection, psychogenic stimulation (such stimulation includes emotionally colored speech, lullabies, reading fairy tales, poetry, etc.), lack of daily walks in the fresh air, water procedures, etc.

From birth to 6 months

For infants who are not receiving complementary foods, breastfeeding is optimal. It is necessary to eliminate the factors that impede the normal sucking of milk from the breast: with a "tight breast" - massage the gland and a warm shower before feeding the baby, with a flat, inverted nipple - the use of special pads during feeding. If the baby, due to his state of health, cannot suck out the amount of milk he needs, it is necessary to supplement him with expressed milk, preferably from a spoon.

A baby who is breastfed should be provided with a mode of feeding on demand, including at night and in the early morning hours, to exclude the limitation of staying at the breast in time.

It is recommended to carry out control weighing of the baby during breastfeeding in order to determine the exact amount of milk sucked out. The method of control weighing implies the determination of the child's body weight before and after each breastfeeding during the day. Determine how much milk the baby sucked from the breast for each feeding, then add these data and get the daily amount of food. The result obtained is compared with the one that corresponds to the normal in this case (the amount of food is calculated not only based on age norms, but also depending on the birth weight and the weight of the baby at the time of examination). Please note that a single weighing before and after feeding does not provide objective data, since the amount of milk received by a child during feedings can vary significantly throughout the day.

If the mother has hypogalactia (insufficient production of breast milk), the pediatrician prescribes supplementary feeding in the form of an adapted milk formula. For children who are bottle-fed, with the participation of a pediatrician, an adapted milk formula is selected that corresponds to the age and characteristics of the baby's body, does not cause allergies and signs of intolerance (regurgitation, bloating and colic, stool disturbances).

At the initial stage of dietary treatment, which, with mild malnutrition, lasts 1-2 days, the pediatrician prescribes to the child a volume of formula or breast milk equal to 2/3 of that volume, which corresponds to the actual body weight of the child. The missing part of the volume of food must be replenished with a liquid in the form of a physiological solution, Rehydron, Oralit, etc. (which solution and in what volume to use is decided by the doctor). These solutions are also called "rehydration", that is, replenishing the missing volume of fluid. In addition to water, they contain mineral salts, which is necessary for the "correct" use of fluid by body tissues.

If the baby, with this approach, assimilates food well (i.e., he does not have a decrease in appetite, unstable stool, signs of impaired digestion in feces analysis - coprogram: an increased amount of neutral fat, fatty acids, soap), by the end of the second day, the amount of food is brought up to the actual body weight. Further, a gradual increase in the amount of the mixture is continued, trying to achieve the daily nutritional volume, calculated for the body weight, which the child should have at this age (the required body weight). This period is called a transitional period.

After the successful completion of the transition period, a period of enhanced nutrition begins. The child receives approximately the same amount of the mixture as his healthy peers who do not have malnutrition. The pediatrician observing the baby may recommend an earlier introduction of crumbs of complementary foods into the diet. As a rule, the first complementary food for low-birth-weight children is porridge (instant porridges are preferable - instant porridges produced specifically for feeding children that do not require cooking), since babies usually like its taste, it is easy to digest, and provides the body with a sufficient amount of energy. In this case, it is allowed and even recommended to dilute dairy-free porridge with milk mixture or expressed breast milk.

6 months to 1 year

For children over the age of 6 months, exclude all complementary foods for 1-2 days and switch to feeding with mixtures (optimally, with breast milk). The volume of the mixture should also be 2/3 of the proper for the actual body weight. Accordingly, 1/3 of the daily food volume is replenished with the repair solutions listed above. During the transition period, a gradual increase in the volume of the mixture continues, observing the condition of the child, under the control of the coprogram (feces are analyzed daily). At the same time, they strive to achieve the amount of nutrition calculated for the mass that the child should have at the moment. Then the number of feedings is gradually reduced and the sequential introduction of age-appropriate complementary foods is started.

1 to 3 years old

At the age of 1 to 3 years, diet therapy also consists of three stages: the initial stage of finding out the tolerance of various foods, the transition period and the stage of increased nutrition. Unlike infants, at the first stage, there is usually no need to completely cancel all complementary foods and switch to feeding exclusively with milk formulas. Nevertheless, there is some "rejuvenation" of the diet. The kid is offered instant cereals from one type of cereal, vegetable and fruit purees, veal, sour milk drinks, cottage cheese, an egg. Exclude hard-to-digest foods, for example, fatty meat, whole cow's milk (it is replaced with a mixture); seafood, exotic fruits. One third of the daily amount of food (with mild malnutrition) is covered with rehydration solutions, which can also be used for children over 1 year old, vegetable broth, dried fruit compote. During the transition period, the child's diet is gradually expanded, the degree of chopping of products is reduced. At the stage of enhanced nutrition, the baby receives nutrition, calculated for the body weight, which should have taken place in a child at this age. Parents should pay great attention to adherence to the daily regimen and nutrition, resort to techniques that help improve the appetite of the crumbs.

Nadezhda Ilyintseva,
pediatrician, City Clinical Hospital No. 1, Ulyanovsk

Comment on the article "Lighter than easy? Nutrition for children with a lack of weight"

Well, the finish line of preparation has come! I cured all my teeth, checked my eyes with myopia, the fundus, cured thrush and was treated with Genferon in order to increase local immunity! We are waiting with the gynecologist for the test results after the treatment, which will be on February 5th. And if all is well, after the February period we will finally begin to create our future joy! Hurray !!! I am so glad that everything is fine! As for the fundus: I was told that everything is in order, there are no retinal breaks, arteries and veins are in order ...


And the gynecologist told me from the third that now they do not prescribe complexes, only to "asocial" mothers or those with a lack of weight. In the first trimester, she prescribed folic acid, vitamin E and Magne B6, in the second, iodomarin and calcium D3 nikomed. Supposedly now it is believed that from vit. complexes in children, there is an increase in something there (metabolism or something similar to this word), which then threatens with a tendency to obesity and diabetes. And with the norms. mom's nutrition - the child has enough vitamins ...
Although with the first two children, it was precisely the complexes to drink that were prescribed.

in general, they drink vitamins from 12-14 weeks, as well as folic and vit E. And so with the first saw elevit, with the second vitrum

The specialists of PlazaSPAHotel, located in the city of Kislovodsk, in the immediate vicinity of the famous healing spring "Narzan", are ready to dispel the most common misconceptions that prevent us from losing weight or do not allow us to feel healthy, even if the hated kilograms still go away. 1. Rarely eat = lose weight quickly Body shaping is a complex individual process. However, first of all, you need to pay attention to the diet. Many are sure that ...

Minimal cerebral dysfunction (MMD) is a widespread form of neuropsychic disorders in childhood; it is not a behavioral problem, not the result of poor upbringing, but a medical and neuropsychological diagnosis that can only be made based on the results of special diagnostics. The external manifestations of the disease in children with minimal brain dysfunctions, which teachers and parents pay attention to, are often similar and usually ...

Pneumonia is an acute infectious and inflammatory process that mainly affects the respiratory part of the lung tissue, usually caused by bacteria, and manifests itself in varying degrees of severity of symptoms: signs of intoxication - deterioration of the general condition, appetite, fever, etc. local changes in the lungs during examination of the child (shortening of the percussion sound, weakening of breathing, wheezing); infiltrative blackouts on radiographs; cough; respiratory ...

In such a weight as it is now, it will be easier to get pregnant. The only thing, I would monitor nutrition during pregnancy for the subject. But with a lot of excess weight, first of all, there is less chance of conception, almost the same as with lack of weight.


gave birth to a girl at 35, it was impossible to get pregnant for more than a year and a half, I had to contact specialists. Regarding weight loss, or rather returning to the previous weight before childbirth) I bought the mybodylove program

and very happy with her. Many are engaged in HB as the meal plan allows it.
And to have another baby is also my cherished dream. In this I will fully support you.

She gave birth to a daughter at 43. She got pregnant herself. Weight before pregnancy was 80 kg. You can't tell me - the bones are heavy, I guess. During pregnancy, I lost weight naturally (but I always lose weight when pregnant, although there is no toxicosis and I eat in three throats). As a result, after giving birth she weighed 70, and after a year of breastfeeding 65. But then she was successfully eaten again. ((
The pregnancy proceeded normally, all the scarecrows about the ugly child remained scarecrows of "good people".
My daughter is 2.7 now. Ttt, clever beauty.))))
There were some nuances during pregnancy, but my kind genius, a miracle doctor, competently helped me. Gave birth herself, not caesarean ... What else. My happiness and pride in myself and my daughter, that we are such great fellows, cannot be conveyed ... The older brothers really like her. We all love her very much.
True, I try not to think about looking for a job right now. First, summer. And secondly, something tells me that it will not be easy, to put it mildly.))))

It's good that there was something to comfort the children with. But this is just a misunderstanding from fatty, a tendency to light food, although there are a lot of light carbohydrates, which are definitely not included in the correct diet. In principle, excess fat can be even with a lack of weight.


You just have different eating habits. As they say - tasty is not always healthy. She is on a diet and has her own set of foods that she is used to. And it's delicious for her, believe me. When I was on a diet, I realized that if the food does not stimulate the appetite (smells and appearance), then I will eat it less, and accordingly I will not get better.
The only thing is that I always cooked for myself separately and did not impose my cooking on others.

Nutrition for a full child .. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. The child is from 10 to 13. Besides, the child is growing, so the weight may well and should increase. And yet - with a lack of calories, the body simply does not consume them, but accumulates them.


What does he eat at school? Everything there is usually very sweet and carbohydrate ... Mine got it there in huge quantities ...

With such a diet and approach to nutrition, you do everything to disrupt your daughter's eating behavior and slow down the already unhurried metabolism as much as possible. The body receives a signal of hunger and stores everything "in reserve".
If there are problems in endocrinology, get treatment. If not, go for a consultation at the Nutrition Institute.

Finally, mom and baby are at home, returned from the maternity hospital. A beautiful bed has been prepared for the child, but is it worth hurrying to put it there? Let's start from the very beginning. Man is a mammal, and young mammals in nature sleep, huddled closely to each other and to their mother. Their mother feeds them, protects them, warms them. The kid knows that as long as his mother is around, he is safe. The child is not yet able to take care of himself, and if his mother is not around, he experiences fear and anxiety. Mom also has ...

In the first months of a child's life, intestinal colic is the main reason for parents to see a doctor. Approximately 20 to 40% of children by the age of 6 weeks cry at night, suffering from intestinal colic, which are manifested by anxiety and crying, twisting of the legs, tension and bloating, which decreases after passing stools and gas. Usually intestinal colic begins in the evening and is more common in boys. To describe intestinal colic in babies, the so-called ...

Girls, for information! Looking for free and QUALITY courses for young parents? You are here: [link-1] ADVANTAGES: The courses are organized by the Moscow maternity hospital No. 16, everyone can attend them, regardless of registration at the place of residence, without an appointment, starting at 15:00, but come at least half an hour earlier, otherwise it may not enough places. The preparatory course consists of 7 lectures, the schedule is posted on the website, covers all topics of interest to the expectant mother (change ...


Well, about the caesarean you turned down ... 3-5 days ... And you thought about the child? I sat in my tummy. Suddenly they got it, and for 3-5 days - without a mother ... Well this is a trauma for life: (Yes, it is so easy to remain without milk.

Well, I really don't know why 3-5 days after cesarean, this is only if there are complications. The sooner the baby is brought in, the better for both. After 1.5 days I was already with the child after the KS (and I think that it was too long, but the hemoglobin was very low, and I was driven). Planned cesarean, if that. The mother and child need to start adapting to each other as soon as possible. It helps to recover.

My first birth is natural, I know what I'm comparing with :)

Given: A girl of about 32 years old. (Oh, sorry .. Well, I can't call myself a WOMAN .-))) There is a predisposition to being overweight. And there is a very strong predisposition to overeating-) More precisely: seizing unnecessary problems. Lately, I have been trying to adhere to proper nutrition. Refused the global eating of many "uncultured" products-) Weight began to decline. But there is one but. Smoking. I have always considered myself more a passive smoker than an active one. I smoked only for the company in conditions ...


I think yes, in my environment, everyone who quits smoking gets fat

When I quit (about 7-8 years ago), I didn’t get better at all ... because I was very much afraid of getting better, and therefore tightly controlled myself. But! Since then, I have had +3 kg to my then weight, which I simply cannot throw off as easily as when I smoked.