Medicinal electrophoresis in cosmetology: the effectiveness of the method. Facial iontophoresis - what is it and how to do it at home

Adoration is a science! Beauty is always a weapon!

Coco Chanel

The choice of drugs in the treatment of cosmetic defects

Currently, the cosmetic industry offers various preparations for. These can be ampouled substances, gels and solutions.

Polarized drugs are marked (+) or (-) on the packaging. This means that they should be injected from the appropriate electrode.

If there is no polarity marking, refer to the table of substances for iontophoresis.

The greatest mobility of drugs dissolved in water. For the dissociation of water-insoluble drugs, solutions of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and ethyl alcohol are used. The mobility of substances in such solutions is somewhat lower.

Substances used for iontophoresis

Lidaza - a preparation containing the enzyme hyaluronidase. causes an increase in tissue permeability and facilitates the movement of fluids in interstitial spaces. The main indications for the use of lidase are scars after burns and operations, hematomas. , adhesions, fibrotic changes in tissues.

Biogenic stimulants used in medical practice:

  • plant preparations (aloe extract);
  • from animal tissues (suspension of the placenta);
  • from estuary mud (FiBS, peloidin, humisol).

Vitamin C ... One of the important physiological functions of ascorbic acid is its participation in the synthesis of collagen and procollagen and in the normalization of capillary permeability.

Nicotinic acid (vitamin PP). It has a stimulating and vasodilating effect. Hyperemia enhances regeneration processes and resorption of tissue decay products. Reserve capillaries are opened, the permeability of their walls is increased.

Salicylic acid used as an antiseptic, distracting, irritating and keratolytic agent. It is used to treat seborrhea.

participates in the process of lipolysis by blocking the action of phosphodiesterases. Used in the treatment of cellulite and local obesity (including the chin).

Inorganic iodides - potassium and sodium iodide. Absorbent agent. Promotes the resorption of infiltrates and scars.

Sulfur helps to strengthen hair and nails, improve the protective properties of the skin and reduce sebum production. It is successfully used in acne treatment programs, in the treatment of alopecia.

Trental (pentoxifylline) - improves microcirculation, dilates blood vessels. Promotes the improvement of lymphatic drainage and lipolysis. Used in the treatment of cellulite, obesity, correction of age-related changes, alopecia, striae.

Zinc used as an antiseptic and astringent.

Special solvents

For iontophoresis of complex organic compounds with amphoteric properties (proteins, amino acids), buffer solutions are used. Medicinal substances, for example, lidase or ronidase, dissolved in an acidic (acetate) buffer solution with a pH of 5.2, are injected from the positive pole.

Acetate Buffer Prescription:

  • Sodium acetate (or citrate) 11.4 g
  • Glacial acetic acid 0.9 ml
  • Distilled water 1000 ml

With poor solubility of the drug in water, alcohol or dimexide (dimethyl sulfoxide - DMSO) is used as a solvent. At the same time, not only the drug penetrates the body through the skin, but also the solvent due to the processes of osmosis and electroosmosis. These phenomena are insignificant for water, but they are noticeably enhanced when using alcohol and, especially, DMSO, which should be taken into account in medical practice.

Preparations for galvanization

In cosmetology, ampouled solutions of collagen, elastin, herbal preparations are actively used. These substances are not mobile in an electric field. Iontophoresis, such as collagen, does not occur. We use collagen solution as a conductive substance during galvanization.

Substances that cannot be introduced with the help of current are successfully used in procedures. The cosmetic effect of such procedures is much higher than the effect of a simple application of a substance to the skin due to the activation of blood vessels and an increase in the permeability of cell membranes.

Large protein molecules of collagen have no charge and cannot penetrate into the skin. But collagen solution is a good conductor. Using ampoules of collagen solution, we carry out galvanization and at the same time moisturize the skin.

What is an ionic cocktail?

When conducting (as well as classical), you can use one ready-made drug (monotherapy), or make cocktails. When administered simultaneously, substances often have a more pronounced effect. This effect is called potentiation.

There are certain rules for the composition of ionotherapy cocktails.

Rules for making ionic cocktails:

  • Medicines are used in the form of aqueous, saline, less often weak alcohol solutions.
  • The solvents in the cocktail must be the same.
  • The concentration of the substance in each solution does not exceed 10%.
  • The cocktail is composed of ions of the same polarity.

Ionic cocktails

Electrophoresis in cosmetology what is it

Electrophoresis in cosmetology is a type of physiotherapy, in the course of which the body is complexly influenced by a low-power direct current and various medicinal substances. The method of electrophoresis (iontophoresis) is effective in treating acne, as well as in the fight against fine wrinkles. Electrophoresis can also significantly improve skin elasticity. In this case, no injections and injections are used during the procedure. Small particles (ions) of the medicinal solution are gently injected through the client's skin, penetrate into its deep layers under the action of an external electric field, and are collected where they enter the body. Since the effect of drugs continues for a long time and after the procedure, the effect of iontophoresis will last long enough.

Advantages of the electrophoresis method (iontophoresis)

Galvanic current of low strength and low voltage, supplied through the electrodes, has a tonic effect, improves blood circulation in tissues and metabolism in cells. And since it increases the susceptibility of tissues to the injected cosmetic substances, this allows you to maximize the effectiveness of the injected drug! The electrophoresis method allows you to use a strong concentration of beneficial active substances in problem areas of the skin. This excludes the ingress of the drug into the blood and internal organs.

Preparations used in the course of iontophoresis

In cosmetic electrophoresis, the following active drugs are most commonly used:

  • natural plant extracts, including aloe extracts;
  • protein preparations - elastin, collagen, which improve skin elasticity;
  • natural juices of vegetables and fruits;
  • beekeeping products;
  • therapeutic mud;
  • vitamins, in particular C (ascorbic acid), E and group B;
  • amino acids;
  • heparin, etc.

How is the procedure of iontophoresis of the face in a beauty salon

The beautician of the beauty salon moistens the gauze pads with a solution of the drug, which are then applied to the skin. The electrodes are placed on top. After turning on the iontophoresis apparatus, small particles of the drug are injected into the deep layers of the skin through the pores. Moving the electrodes, the cosmetologist, with light touches, first treats one side of the face and neck, and then the other. What is noteworthy is that using electrophoresis, you can simultaneously inject several medicinal substances. Moreover, the iontophoresis procedure is absolutely painless. All you will feel is a slight tingling sensation at the site of its impact on the skin. The procedure will take you very little time - an iontophoresis session lasts an average of 7-8 minutes, after which a nourishing mask with useful active ingredients is applied to the face. After the procedure, you will not see any side reactions.

How to get rid of cellulite using electrophoresis

Cellulite can be eliminated by safely administering effective cosmetics. A special substance, penetrating into the most problematic areas with "orange peel", leads to softening and disintegration of connective tissue, accelerates metabolism, dissolves and removes fat deposits. At the same time, the skin gains elasticity and becomes firm and taut!

Electrophoresis is a process in which a galvanic current is used to inject substances dissolved in water into the upper layers of the skin. Electrophoresis was introduced into practice at the beginning of the 19th century by doctors, when, for the first time, medicinal substances in combination with direct current were used to influence the patient's body. The principle of operation is as follows: when a current passes through a solution, the particles receive a positive or negative charge, they become ions. In this case, the negative electrode repels from itself, and, therefore, sets in motion, negative ions, and the positive electrode repels from itself and sets in motion positive ions. And it is this movement of ions that facilitates the transfer of the product through the skin. The effect of electrophoresis depends on the type of product used. Electrophoresis will have a moisturizing effect when used to introduce a moisturizing product into the body, an anti-seborrheic effect if an injected product has anti-seborrheic properties, a sealing effect if an injected product has a sealing effect, etc.

It is believed that substances collecting near the anode produce an astringent effect on the skin, while those surrounding the cathode open up the pores.

It is assumed that the use of galvanic current increases cells in volume and improves their blood supply. Cosmetologists use various formulations to moisturize or "normalize" the skin within 3-12 minutes. Any substances that penetrate the skin using electrophoresis can only nourish its upper layers. In addition, positively or negatively charged particles and water quickly disappear at the end of the procedure. Therefore, the assertion that frequent, regular and long-term treatment has a lasting effect on the skin is unfounded.

The electric current used for electrophoresis causes a variety of physicochemical, metabolic and cellular-tissue reactions in the body, against the background of which the action of medicinal or nutrient substances introduced by means of electrophoresis acquires a number of features and advantages in comparison with the usual methods of administration / application of these drugs.

The following factors are of greatest practical importance in cosmetic electrophoresis:

A longer action of the agent and a slower excretion of it from the body due to the formation in the skin of a depot of ions with pharmacological activity

The ability to create a high local concentration of the injected substance without saturating blood and other body fluids with it

Less likelihood of adverse reactions

Introduction of the substance in the most active form - in the form of ions

The painlessness of the administration of funds and the absence of tissue deformation that occurs with other methods of pharmacotherapy due to the introduction of a solvent.

One of the varieties of cosmetic electrophoresis is stain removal... This is not a medical term, but in cosmetology it means the removal of plaque from the skin of a fish, in particular, surface fat and skin secretion products. The cleaning liquid in ampoules is placed in an electroplating apparatus. A solution of salt (salt in water) is believed to be effective as well.

This skin care method has contraindications.

areas of the skin that have acne, inflammation, injury or other damage

Varicose formations

Body parts with metal prostheses

People with heart stimulants

Supersensitive areas.

Low voltage current is often used by cosmetologists for various procedures. Facial iontophoresis is considered one of the most effective types of hardware cosmetology to combat the signs of premature aging.

What is facial iontophoresis

Iontophoresis is a cosmetic procedure that is performed using a special apparatus. The technology is based on the effect on the upper and middle layers of the skin using a safe galvanic current. Thanks to him, nutrients penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin than with a simple application to the surface of the epidermis. This contributes to enhanced nutrition and hydration of cells.

What problems can be solved using facial iontophoresis:

  • Small wrinkles ("crow's feet") around the eyes, deep depressions at the nasolabial fold;
  • Uneven complexion, presence of red spots;
  • Peeling of the skin;
  • Pimples and other inflammatory processes disappear after 2 sessions of electroplating.

What is the difference between iontophoresis and desincrustation?

Iontophoresis in cosmetology is a separate procedure, while disinfection refers to one of the stages of galvanic treatment of the skin.

Disincrustation - deep cleansing of the face using galvanic current and alkaline solutions. It is believed that when heated, some salts are transformed into compounds similar to soapy water. But, at the same time, they are softer and more effective, which is suitable for cleaning delicate or sensitive skin.

Of course, disinfection can be carried out as a separate procedure, but the best effect is obtained only in combination with iontophoresis. As a result, the skin becomes not only perfectly clean, but also noticeably tightens and recovers from negative external factors.

What is the difference between iontophoresis and phonophoresis

At first glance, these are almost identical cosmetic procedures, but there are significant differences between them.

The main differences between iontophoresis and phonophoresis:

  • Iontophoresis allows you to get a quick effect. Phonophoresis is used either for a mild cumulative effect, or to provide a long-term effect after another type of cleansing or facial treatment;
  • Despite the safety of galvanic current, iontophoresis is a procedure that requires accuracy. Incorrect concentration of chemical elements - and you can get burned. During phonophoresis, this probability is minimized;
  • Both procedures cause some discomfort during the procedure, but iontophoresis is more painful.

How to do facial iontophoresis at home

For an iontophoresis session, various cocktails are used for the skin of the face. Excellent reviews about phonophoresis with hyaluronic acid. This procedure allows not only to ensure smoothing of wrinkles, but also to start the process of regeneration of damaged cells and the formation of new ones.

Means for iontophoresis are in special test tubes. Their shape is intended for installation in the working part of the apparatus. At the end of the tubes there is a small depression with a hole. During the operation of iontophoresis, the required amount of agent flows out of the test tube, and the contact part of the apparatus evenly distributes the product over the skin.

Please note that not all cosmetics are universal. The galvanic apparatus works with negative and positive electrodes. Accordingly, to achieve the effect, you need to choose a product that is suitable for the charge. For negative electrons, it is denoted by "-", and for positive electrons - "+".

Step-by-step instructions on how to carry out facial ionofresis at home with video:

  1. It is necessary to remove all cosmetics, as well as degrease the skin. For this, both alcohol-containing products and more highly specialized ones are suitable for disinfection; Drawing Disincrustation
  2. The second option is often used in professional beauty salons. For this, a cloth mask is treated with a saline solution and applied to the face. On top of this maxi, leather is processed;
  3. Disincrustation is only suitable for the negative electrode and lasts 20 minutes. The effect is practically no different from alcohol cleaning, only this method does not dry the skin;
  4. After finishing the preparation of the face, the necessary electrodes are connected to the apparatus. They come in different forms and purposes. By appointment, iontophoresis electrodes are divided into active and passive. The first is the session, and the second is held by the patient to create the necessary resistance. A similar scheme is used during ultrasonic cleaning, when the electrode is attached to the hand; Figure Iontophoresis tips
  5. When all these stages are passed, the galvanic treatment of the skin begins. Before starting the session, it is imperative to remove all metal objects, and when working with sensitive skin, moisten the attachments with pads. Drawing skin treatment along massage lines

A session can last from 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the tension and the desired effect. After the end of the session, the skin is treated with a nourishing cream. The nozzles must be washed in disinfectants. Even simple Chlorhexidine is perfect for home use.

Preparations and devices for the procedure

For iontophoresis, a variety of agents can be used: vitamins, combined cocktails, acids, alkaline compounds, and others. They differ not only in the principle of operation, but also in the area of ​​use.

Experts recommend using only "charged" products for the session. They enhance the effect of the procedure and ensure long-term results. In particular, these are the products of Beauty Style, Dizao, VOV. Their packages even have a special "galvanic" marking - this is + and -.

But pharmacy products can also act as excellent and effective products for iontophoresis:

  • Vitamins. This is especially the group B and C. The former do an excellent job with wrinkles and age spots, help to improve skin turgor. Ascorbic acid, on the other hand, promotes tissue repair and reduces inflammation;
  • Hyaluronic and Nicotinic Acid. Hyaluron is one of the best in the fight for the youthfulness of the epidermis. Nicotine helps to improve the metabolism in the skin and expand blood vessels (this evens out the complexion and removes toxins);
  • Zinc, contrary to stereotypes, is used in electroplating not to get rid of acne, but to restore elasticity;
  • Mud and clay will help unclog pores, remove excess moisture from cells and saturate the epidermis with essential mineral compounds.

All described products, with the exception of zinc, are injected into the skin only with a positive electrode. If you mix it up, then nothing terrible will happen, but the desired effect will not be.

Indications and contraindications

Iontophoresis for the face and body is prescribed for such imperfections and skin problems:

  • Varicose veins, stretch marks and spider veins;
  • To slow down or completely eliminate wrinkles. The earlier the procedure is started, the better. At the age of 35, with regular galvanic exposure, you can completely get rid of small mimic wrinkles;
  • To increase the elasticity of the skin, return the turgor of the face and tighten the oval. The current helps to activate the muscles of the face, which tones them and restores the oval;
  • To improve skin color, smooth out redness;
  • For the treatment of hyperhidrosis;
  • To get rid of acne (including adolescents).

But galvanic action also has its drawbacks.

Contraindications for iontophoresis:

  • The presence of metal implants. These are not only prostheses, but also gold threads for a facelift, etc .;
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • Chronic diseases in an aggravated form or viral infections. Sessions of iontophoresis for fungal skin diseases are strictly prohibited;
  • Negative reaction to other procedures associated with current processing.

Many cosmetic procedures can eliminate defects that, regardless of age, appear on the skin in different parts of the body. Electrophoresis in cosmetology is a common technique. What is this technique? What are its key features and benefits? How is it done? How much does it cost and where to make it? Read the article.

What is electrophoresis and what is it for?

A popular technique used by cosmetologists involves the movement of charged particles in an electric field created by a special apparatus. It is carried out through the introduction of medicinal substances with the help of a current. Nourishes, saturates the skin with missing elements, eliminates various external defects of the epidermis through the action of active ingredients in the deep layers.

The technology is based on the use of low voltage direct current. Simultaneous exposure to galvanic current and drug is assumed. It is possible to use several medicinal compositions at once. The ions move towards the poles of opposite polarity. Thus, the transportation of nutrients and their distribution in the epidermis is ensured. The voltage is set individually in each case.

Permissible exposure range from 30 to 80 V. Current up to 50 mA.

In cosmetology, it is most often used to eliminate defects on the face and restore the condition of the skin. Saturates the skin with missing components. Eliminates skin diseases that cause discomfort and significantly worsen the appearance. As a result, the skin becomes healthy, taut, and the elasticity lost with age returns.

The advantages of the technique

Among the main advantages of this procedure, it should be noted:

  • Medicines are injected into the dermis without damaging its structure.
  • Exposure to the current activates the functioning of cells;
  • The concentration of nutrients is not high, and therefore the risk of side effects is excluded.
  • It is applicable even at home.
  • Promotes the normalization of metabolic processes.
  • The procedure is painless. Tingling sensations may occur in the treated area.
  • Nourishes organs and tissues.
  • Has a vasodilating effect.
  • Provides long lasting results.

This eliminates irritating effects on the skin. This technique eliminates various pathologies. What does electrophoresis treat? The technique is designed to eliminate wrinkles, acne, restore firmness and elasticity. Copes with puffiness, removes impurities, cleanses and tightens pores.

Electrophoresis - indications and contraindications

  • skin rejuvenation;
  • cleaning pores;
  • remove acne;
  • eliminate traces of acne;
  • smoothing wrinkles;
  • elimination of nasolabial folds;
  • facelift.

Also, for a procedure such as electrophoresis, the indications are as follows: peeling, enlarged pores, traces of acne. As a result, the face looks "fresh", the lost youthfulness of the skin returns.

Such a technique as electrophoresis also has contraindications. These include:

  • malignant neoplasms;
  • heart diseases;
  • abscesses;
  • infections;
  • renal failure;
  • cold;
  • viral diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • period of breastfeeding;
  • the presence of metal dental crowns;
  • dermatitis.

The technique is not performed in case of individual intolerance to individual components that are contained in the formulations used. Therefore, the cosmetologist does an allergy test beforehand.

The technique is the same regardless of the original problem. An allergic reaction test is done beforehand. After that, with a normal reaction of the skin, processing is started. The labile electrodes of various shapes are used. Select suitable plates. The gel is applied to the face. It is necessary for the electrodes to move freely over the skin of the treated area.

Electrophoresis is a short-term procedure. The duration of one session is about 8 minutes. Then a nourishing mask is made. To obtain the required effect, a course of 6 to 10 sessions is required. The number and breaks between each repetition are determined by the cosmetologist, depending on the initial problem.

How often can electrophoresis be done? It all depends on the initial problem, as a rule, it is enough to take 2-3 courses with a break of 1-2 months. The frequency of this technique should be determined by a specialist.

Carrying out the procedure at home

This technique is also applicable at home. To do this, you must first consult with a specialist. For processing, drugs are used that are easy to use and do not require special complex skills and abilities. Have proven themselves.