The best haircuts, hairstyles, styling for those who grow bangs. How to quickly grow bangs at home

Nothing else will change the style and image like a brand new hairstyle. Nowadays, girls often experiment with their curls. It is worth noting that any hairstyle will look great with beautifully styled bangs.

Most girls mistakenly believe that bangs grow much faster than the rest of the hair. In fact, this is only a visual impression: the standard increase is considered to be 1.5 cm per month, which seems significant, because the hair climbs into the eyes. In order to grow bangs at home in the shortest possible time, you need to remember and follow certain rules for caring for your hair and scalp.

It is required to completely abandon the harmful effects of ironing and hair dryer. It is certainly difficult, but it is important to try to do it. To make it easier, you can purchase a special protective agent with thermal protection, which creates a kind of film on the curls, which allows you to reduce the negative impact of the high temperature of the device.

You need to forget about metal combs and hairpins. It is better to use only wooden combs or brushes with natural bristles.

Do not forget that foams, mousses and varnishes greatly dry curls, so you should not use them without special need. Dehydrated and dry hair will begin to split and break, and growing it will turn into a long and painful process.

It is also not recommended to abuse water procedures. Some girls prefer to wash their bangs several times a day. As a result, they destroy the natural layer of hair protection, and the work of the sebaceous glands is activated, and therefore, in the future, the head will have to be washed even more often.

What vitamins and foods are important when growing bangs?

If a girl carefully monitors her curls, then she probably knows that proper nutrition is the most important condition for hair health. In order for the hair follicles to work at their maximum, a woman's diet must consist of all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

You can use various growth stimulants. It can be both medicines and cosmetics: shampoos, masks, serums, balms. It is important to ensure that the composition of cosmetics is natural, and it additionally protects curls from external negative factors.

The effect of massage on the scalp and the rapid growth of bangs

In our time, it is possible to quickly grow bangs. How to do it, experts say. They say that regular relaxing massages will not hurt in this matter, namely, special attention should be paid to the frontal part. Massage should be done twice a day: in the morning and in the evening, with careful circular movements. It is important to be careful while massaging and not damage the hair roots.

You can use special massage devices. The evening session is better to diversify with the use of essential oils, which have a calming effect. For this purpose, mint, ylang-ylang, lavender are excellent choices. These ingredients will deeply saturate the skin on the head and allow you to forget about insomnia.

Homemade masks for hair growth

Trying to figure out how to grow bangs very quickly at home, you need to understand that this will require patience and a little food from the refrigerator. The effect of masks designed to accelerate the growth of curls is based on skin irritation and intensive nutrition of the hair roots.

  1. Cognac mask. In deciding how to grow bangs faster, this mask will help. It has a positive effect on hair. For a long time, this mixture has been at the forefront of the most effective means for accelerated hair growth. To prepare the mask, you need to mix 1 tbsp. l. expensive cognac, 1-2 egg yolks, 1 tsp. honey (preferably liquid) and 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. It is also recommended to use olive oil. The resulting mixture should be applied to the roots and along the entire length of the hair. You can wash off after an hour. No need to think that it will be enough to rub the mask only in the area of ​​​​the bangs. The circulatory system of the scalp is the most complex branching chain of connecting vessels. It is important to direct the flow of nutrients to the roots of curls throughout the head in order to speed up the process of cellular metabolism.
  2. Mustard mask. Mustard powder is considered a proven assistant for hair growth. To prepare such a mask, 2 tbsp. l. mustard powder must be mixed with boiled warm water until a creamy mass is obtained. Then you can add vitamin A in liquid form (retinol acetate) and vitamin E (tocopherol acetate). For an enhanced effect, some ladies add 1 tsp. Sahara. The mask needs to be distributed along the partings, and this must be done very carefully so as not to get on the hair. It is better to pre-treat the tips with coconut oil to prevent overdrying. The mask will have to be kept from 15 minutes to one hour.

Infusion of burdock leaves for the growth of bangs

Burdock is successfully used in villages as a medicine for the treatment of various diseases of the scalp and hair. The crushed leaves of burdock need to be poured with boiling water and wait 10 minutes for it to infuse. The resulting tincture can be rubbed into the roots of the curls, and then warm the head with a towel. It will need to be washed off after about an hour.

It often happens that cardinal changes in appearance are required. The easiest way to bring an idea to life is to change your hairstyle and wardrobe. With the second point, problems rarely arise, but with the first there are nuances. For example, I liked the hairstyle, but it implies a long bang - you need to grow it. Or an unsuccessful contact with scissors - it turned out too short, looks terrible and is difficult to lay down.

There are also victims of inept dyeing: here, in general, hair can simply fall off at some length. Experiments with hair often end in failure, and as a result, there is an urgent need to grow that part of it, which is commonly called bangs - that is, strands framing or falling on the face. But how to quickly grow bangs at home?

Knowledgeable people say that everything is possible. Not in a couple of weeks, of course, but in a month or two, it is realistic to achieve an addition to the already existing length of another 3-7 centimeters, subject to a regular "offensive" on all fronts.

How to start growing bangs at home?

  1. From your diet. Fat-free diets adversely affect the condition of hair and nails, dry them out, make them brittle. These parts of the body love saturated fats, which are abundant in non-lean marine fish. Eat eggs, cottage cheese, lots of vegetables. But it is difficult to get all the vitamins in the required quantities with food, so back up the menu with good pharmacy complexes.
  2. From hair styling methods in principle. From the moment you decide that you absolutely need a long bang, your best friends should be naturalness and naturalness. You will have to abandon all thermal styling methods, the same applies to chemical styling, hair coloring (except perhaps with harmless tonics), wearing any accessories and hair ornaments that prevent the oxygen saturation of the growing curls (hairpins, headbands, etc.).
  3. From finding a considerable amount of time to conduct emergency therapy, which involves the use of masks, massages and other types of hair care.

To accelerate the growth of hair, you must:

  • Do a head massage at least twice a day. For this, any improvised means will do: special massagers, combs with natural bristles and just fingers. Massage movements should be reinforced with useful vegetable oils - burdock, olive, castor, almond. This will help activate dormant hair follicles and increase the intensity of blood circulation at the depth of the hair roots.
  • Lean on all kinds of high-quality shampoos with herbal extracts, balms and conditioners, designed to restore and improve the hair structure as much as possible. There are modern pharmacy products to enhance hair growth, they should also be used if you can afford it. They are used either in their pure form during scalp massage, or as additives to homemade masks.
  • Every three weeks, refresh the ends of the hair by a couple of millimeters to avoid their delamination.

Masks to enhance hair growth

  1. Rubbing onion juice or tincture of hot pepper into the roots of the hair has always helped well.
  2. The use of the drug "Nicotinic acid" has many positive reviews. Using a syringe without a needle, distribute the liquid form over all problem areas of the head, rub with your fingers. Course 30 days. Apply 1 time per day.
  3. 1 st. l. honey + 1 yolk. Apply to hair, wait 15-25 minutes, and then wash off with your usual shampoo. Do it once or twice a week.
  4. 1 st. l. dry mustard (powder) + a little warm water + yolk + 1 tbsp. l. olive / burdock / castor oil. Before washing your hair, apply the composition and hold for 15-25 minutes.
  5. It is necessary to rinse the hair with a decoction of herbs after each shampooing. To prepare it, you need to take one liter of strong boiling water and pour it with a mixture of two tablespoons of juniper twigs and two tablespoons of birch leaves. Infuse for half an hour, strain through a fabric filter and you can apply.

With relative perseverance and discipline, with the help of these simple tips, you will surely be able to achieve the desired result. And if everything does not happen as quickly as we would like, then luxurious well-groomed hair will become a consolation for you.

In the life of every woman, there must have been moments when she had an irresistible desire to change something in the established way of life. And the first step towards a given goal is most often a trip to the hairdresser, because nothing transforms the usual image and cheers up like a new hairstyle. But, unfortunately, hairdressing experiments do not always end successfully, for example, when a lady, having decided on a radical change in her image, asks the master to cut her bangs. Yes, indeed, a neat bang perfectly complements the hairstyle, gives it originality, allows you to visually correct the shape of the face and emphasize the expressiveness of the look.

However, the presence of this detail in the image gives a lot of trouble to its owner. Firstly, a woman with bangs needs much more time to style her curls, secondly, she has to visit a hairdresser more often to keep her hair in shape, and thirdly, with regular use of styling devices and products, her hair becomes dry, weak and almost stop growing. These or other reasons force many of the fair sex to think about the questions: how to quickly grow bangs and what needs to be done for this?

Of course, it is impossible to implement what was conceived in a few days, even with maximum efforts - this may take more than one month (especially if you need to grow a very short bang to the level of the rest of the hair). But you should not be upset, because, as they say, nothing is impossible, and if you make some efforts, the process of growing bangs can be significantly accelerated.

What you need to do to quickly grow bangs: simple tips

Trimming bangs is always easier than growing them back. Of course, you can leave everything as it is and wait until it is equal in length to the rest of the hair. But the growth rate of curls is an individual value: if one person needs about two to three months to noticeably increase the length of the bangs, then for another this process may drag on for a longer period. And since the growing strands violate the aesthetics of the hairstyle, bristle in different directions and constantly climb into the eyes, many women periodically have a desire to cut them off. Therefore, it is quite natural that every lady wants to grow her bangs as quickly as possible so as not to experience inconvenience. How to do it? To achieve the desired results in a short time, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Protect your hair from the negative effects of the environment: do not go outside without a hat (in winter and summer), use care products containing UV filters if necessary, do not wash your hair with hard water.
  • Try to minimize the use of high-temperature curling devices (electric tongs, irons, etc.). Don't forget about heat protectants to help protect your hair from damage.
  • If possible, limit the use of styling products (modeling foams, gels, varnishes and mousses). The composition of such products includes various chemical components that harm curls, making them dry and brittle.
  • Do not comb the curls too often and do not use metal combs with sharp teeth: they tear the hair and injure the scalp, which does not have the best effect on the condition of the hair and leads to a slowdown in hair growth. Give preference to products made of wood or plastic, with natural or mixed bristles.
  • To grow bangs, give up hair coloring and other procedures that involve chemical effects on curls. Such manipulations damage the structure of the hair shafts, disrupt the functionality of the follicles and inhibit the growth of bulbs.
  • Use only warm (not hot and not too cold) water to wash your hair. At the same time, try to give preference to shampoos that contain herbal ingredients (oils, herbal extracts, and others). Do not neglect balms and conditioners: they moisturize curls, protect them from damage and external influences.
  • Be sure to do a head massage (daily or twice a day). Such a simple procedure improves blood circulation, thereby accelerating the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the hair follicles, so that the hair begins to grow actively. For massage, you can use a special massager, a comb with natural bristles or fingers. To enhance the effectiveness of the procedure, it is recommended to first apply vegetable oils to the scalp that accelerate hair growth (olive, almond, castor), or liquid vitamins (retinol, tocopherol, nicotinic acid).
  • Pay attention to your diet. It must certainly contain products containing such elements useful for hair as potassium, calcium, copper, zinc, B vitamins (in particular, vitamins B6 and B12), ascorbic acid, biotin, retinol, tocopherol and others. In addition, you need to take care of the intake of a sufficient amount of omega fatty acids, which are necessary for rapid hair growth (their main source is seafood and sea fish). You can additionally take vitamin complexes specifically designed to improve the condition of the curls (it is desirable that the doctor prescribe medications).
  • It is also recommended to purchase so-called hair growth activators at the pharmacy - special products that are available in the form of preparations for external use (oil mixtures for head massage) or in the form of supplements intended for oral administration.

In order to quickly grow bangs, you can use not only factory products and medicines, but also folk remedies, the action of which is aimed at accelerating hair growth. Among them, the most effective are homemade masks, which are self-prepared mixtures (usually multicomponent), consisting of natural products. As for mask recipes, there are a lot of them, but those presented below are considered the most effective.

Masks for rapid hair growth: recipes

Mustard mask with kefir

This tool activates hair growth, makes them thicker, stronger and more durable. Since mustard is a rather aggressive remedy, it is not recommended for owners of sensitive scalp, as well as those whose hair is very dry. To achieve noticeable results, it is necessary to carry out procedures using mustard masks 1-2 times a week.

  • 20 g dry mustard;
  • 30 ml of olive oil;
  • 100 ml of kefir.
  • Pour mustard powder with kefir, mix and leave for 15-20 minutes.
  • Add oil to the resulting mixture, mix again and apply the finished mass to the root zone of the hair.
  • Warm the hair with cling film and a terry towel and soak for a quarter of an hour.
  • Rinse off with cool water and shampoo and treat your hair with a leave-in balm. During the procedure, a slight burning sensation may be observed (such a reaction is considered acceptable), but if it intensifies, the mask must be washed off immediately.

Beer mask with rye bread

This mixture promotes rapid hair growth, strengthens the roots, makes curls softer, more manageable and shiny. It is recommended to carry out these procedures 2 times a week.

  • 300 ml of light beer;
  • 1/3 of a loaf of rye bread.

Preparation and use:

  • Take a large plastic bowl or other container in which it will be convenient for you to work with a mixer, place the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bbread into it and fill it with beer.
  • Leave the mixture for about an hour so that the bread is completely soaked.
  • Beat the contents of the container with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • Apply the finished product to slightly damp clean hair, wrap it tightly with polyethylene and soak for at least 40 minutes.
  • Wash off the beer mask with warm water without shampoo.

Onion mask with honey

This mask is considered one of the best hair growth activators. With regular use of this tool, the curls become thicker and stronger, acquire a beautiful shine and radiance. It is recommended to carry out procedures using onion masks 1-2 times a week.

  • 1 raw onion;
  • 50 g honey;
  • 30 ml olive oil (if you have dry hair).

Preparation and use:

  • Grind the peeled onion in a blender and squeeze the juice out of the resulting slurry.
  • Mix it with warm honey and oil and apply the finished mass to the root zone of the hair.
  • Put a warm cap on your head and wait about 30 minutes, then rinse your hair with warm water and a mild shampoo. To eliminate the unpleasant smell of onions, you can additionally rinse your hair with water with the addition of lemon juice (20 ml of juice per liter of filtered water).

Honey mask with cognac and aloe juice

Due to its composition, this mask not only significantly accelerates hair growth, but also gives them a beautiful shine, and also helps to get rid of dandruff.

  • 30 g honey;
  • 20 ml of aloe juice;
  • 30 ml brandy.

Preparation and use:

  • Mix all these ingredients until smooth and distribute the resulting composition on wet strands.
  • Wrap your head with polyethylene and a thick towel and leave for 50-60 minutes.
  • Rinse your hair with warm water without shampoo.

Oil mask with vitamins

A mask prepared on the basis of vegetable oils perfectly nourishes the hair, strengthens it and accelerates its growth. Apply this mixture 1-2 times a week.

  • 30 ml of burdock oil;
  • 30 ml of castor oil;
  • 30 ml of olive oil;
  • 1 ampoule of vitamins A and E.

Preparation and use:

  • Mix all the oils and heat them in a water bath (the temperature of the mixture should be no higher than 35-40 degrees).
  • Add vitamins to the oils, mix and distribute the finished composition on wet curls.
  • Insulate your hair and wait at least 60 minutes, then wash your hair with warm water and shampoo.

Many women who decide to increase the length of the bangs, after some time, begin to experience a lot of inconvenience due to the fact that the regrown strands constantly interfere, climb into the eyes, get confused and look untidy. To get rid of discomfort, and at the same time from the desire to cut off the bangs again, it is worth getting various hair accessories - hairpins, invisible, headbands, with which you can not only pick up interfering strands, but also add zest to your image. If you don't like embellishments, just experiment with partings or learn a braid style like the French braid. Try, show your imagination, and you will definitely be able to create your own unique style.

The beauty of a girl directly depends on her hairstyle. Fashion trends change every year, some hairstyles become a thing of the past, others come to replace them. But, despite these factors, bangs are always popular in fashion at all times, because thanks to them, a girl can radically change her appearance, emphasizing individual facial features. However, sometimes the bangs get bored and you have to grow it. Of course, I want this to happen as quickly as possible and we will tell you how to grow bangs.

How to style short bangs

While the desired length of the bangs could not be achieved, it will have to be laid in some way so that it does not interfere. There are many ways to style short bangs. Although styling or pinning short bangs is not easy, let's discuss the easiest and fastest options.

Side laying
Pin the bangs to the side. To do this, you can use invisible ones, selected to your taste, or choose a hairpin with a large flower. The accessory in this case plays an important role. This setup is one of the easiest.

We remove the bangs back
The next way to lay a naughty bang is to remove it back. This can be done with the help of invisible, plastic rims or fabric rims. Pressing the hair to the crown, put on the headband, then move it slightly forward - this will create a small amount of volume.

Weave in hair
The third way to disguise bangs is to weave them into your hair. The bangs and nearby strands must be collected in a half-tail at the level of the frontal part, twisted and secured with hairpins or invisible hairpins.

How to increase the rate of hair growth

Hair grows back for a long time, but the growth rate can be increased

The average hair growth rate is 1 centimeter per month, however, if some procedures are done very qualitatively, then the bar can be raised as much as 7 centimeters per month.

  • First, you need to try not to expose the bangs to high temperatures, this can interfere with hair growth.
  • Second, review your diet. Try to eat more fruits and vegetables and reduce the amount of starchy foods and sweets.
  • Thirdly, you can take special vitamin complexes or nutritional supplements that stimulate hair growth.

Massage treatments

Self-massage of the head activates the growth of bangs

Another important procedure that accelerates hair growth is a head massage. Massage stimulates blood circulation, which improves the blood supply to the hair follicles. The massage procedure can be completely carried out on your own, without resorting to specialists. You need to do this at least twice a week. Massage should be carried out a few hours before shampooing, because as a result, the work of the sebaceous glands increases, and the hair may look dirty after. Also, this should be approached gradually, do not be too zealous. It is necessary to ensure that the massage brings only pleasant sensations, if this is not the case, then you are doing something wrong.

So, let's go directly to the massage procedure:

  1. We do a light shallow kneading of the superciliary arches three times.
  2. Once we do vertical stroking of the frontal muscle.
  3. Slightly intermittent stroking of the frontal and temporal parts is performed three times.
  4. We repeat three times a spiral continuous rubbing along the hairline at the temples, slowly moving to the behind the ear.
  5. Three times we do a wave-like stroking of the frontal part of the head.
  6. We carry out circular rubbing of the temporal and frontal muscles. Once will be enough.
  7. With fingertips, make circular movements on the surface of the scalp three times.
  8. We perform deeper rubbing with our hands from the hairline to the top of the head three times.
  9. We make light tapping on the scalp with fingertips.
  10. At the end, we iron the hair from the crown to the shoulders.

Folk remedies: recipes

Folk remedies give a good effect. Hair masks that allow you to quickly grow bangs are focused on improving nutrition and irritating the hair follicles, which gives a certain impetus to an increase in the rate of hair growth.

Pepper mask

Mask with tincture of capsicum

It is necessary to mix 1 tbsp. l. pepper tincture with 1 tbsp. l. olive oil (you can also use regular vegetable oil). Apply the resulting mixture to the hair roots, wrap with polyethylene or a towel. Wash off after 1-2 hours. This mask helps to accelerate hair growth and give them a healthy shine.

egg mask

egg mask

It is necessary to mix 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 2 tsp. burdock oil and 2 egg yolks. Apply the resulting mask on the head, rub and leave for half an hour, then rinse. Egg yolks have a wide range of useful properties, in particular, they are involved in accelerating hair growth.

Honey mask

honey mask

2 tsp mix honey with 1 tsp. cinnamon and 1 tsp. olive or vegetable oil. This mixture must be applied to the hair roots and washed off after an hour. Honey contains a huge amount of nutrients and trace elements that have a beneficial effect on hair growth.

mustard mask

mustard mask

We mix 2 tbsp. l. mustard powder, 1 yolk, 2 tsp. sugar, 2 tbsp. l. olive or vegetable oil and 2 tbsp. l. hot water. Apply to hair and wash off after an hour and a half. This mask can be used once a week to accelerate hair growth.

Diet to accelerate hair growth

For hair to grow, you need to eat certain foods.

To accelerate hair growth at home, you must follow a certain diet and be sure to include some foods in your diet:

  1. Raisins stimulate blood circulation, which naturally helps to improve the nutrition of hair follicles.
  2. Beef contains zinc and vitamin A, these substances strengthen the hair.
  3. Green vegetables promote the secretion of sebum, which is a natural balm.
  4. It will be useful to increase the amount of onion consumed in the diet. Useful trace elements contained in it strengthen the hair.
  5. Fish contains protein, zinc, and vitamin B12.
  6. Wheat is a good source of iron.
  7. Eggs contain a large amount of vitamin B12, which has a beneficial effect on hair growth.
  8. Poultry is an excellent source of protein and iron.
  9. Milk gives hair shine due to its calcium and vitamin B12 content.
  10. Another great source of protein and iron is natural soy. It helps in oxygenating the body.
  11. Thanks to vitamin A, carrots help restore the structure of the hairline.
  12. Legumes are an excellent source of vitamin E. Lack of this vitamin can lead to weakening and hair loss.
  13. Citrus fruits are a source of vitamin C. It protects the hair from destruction.
  14. Cabbage contains a huge range of essential trace elements and is a very important product for hair growth.
  15. Nuts contain vitamins E, B, as well as protein. They are very helpful in boosting hair growth.

It is worth following general advice

Compliance with simple rules will allow us to accelerate hair growth, because often we ourselves have a negative effect on hair without noticing it.

  1. Head massage should become a daily good habit.
  2. You need to go to the hairdresser and cut off 1 centimeter of hair. Updating the length accelerates hair growth.
  3. Your diet should be dominated by fruits and vegetables. You should limit the consumption of sweet and starchy foods.
  4. You need to choose your hair wisely. Excessive friction can contribute to splitting and breaking of hair.
  5. It is recommended to moisturize the ends of the hair with a special serum every day.
  6. Get a comb made from natural materials and comb your hair slowly.
  7. It is necessary to reduce the effect of high temperatures on the hair, it destroys their structure.
  8. Shampoos that do not cause dry scalp should be used.
  9. To accelerate hair growth, it is necessary to make various masks, for example, those whose recipes are given in this article.

Video: bangs growing experience

We experiment with hairstyles so often that various kinds of incidents are simply inevitable. And the poor bang suffers the most. Either they cut it too short, then they overexposed it on the curling iron, or they generally burned it inadvertently. And here we grab our heads: how to quickly grow bangs?

Immediate growth is also required if the bangs are simply tired: you want to finally open your forehead, and the bangs do not want to join the friendly team of the rest of the hair and bristle unsympathetically. Such bangs are extremely difficult to style or hide. That is why we are doing everything possible and impossible to grow it in the shortest possible time and give the hair a well-groomed look.

Head massage

Massage the scalp using products that activate hair growth: various sprays, oils, balms, tinctures. Just remember, in order to achieve a result, this process must be carried out regularly either over the entire head area, or specifically where the bangs grow. Massage is carried out with your fingertips, a comb or with a special massager (it must be of high quality, made from natural materials).

Vitamins to activate hair growth

Review your diet by including foods enriched with calcium, copper, zinc and sulfur in your daily menu.

For hair growth, the consumption of the following vitamins is especially important: A (carrots, eggs), H (brewer's yeast, rice, oatmeal), C (citrus fruits, sauerkraut, bell peppers), E (unrefined vegetable oil), B6 ​​(sprouted wheat, bananas , potatoes), B12 (fermented milk products).

If you are taking dietary supplements or special vitamin complexes, do not overdo it with the dosage.

Exposure Limitation

Forget about using a hair dryer, ironing and hot tongs: in the question of how to quickly grow bangs in a week, they will definitely not help you.

Try to avoid hairpins, elastic bands, hoops and other fixators in the bangs, as they do not allow blood to flow to the hair follicles, thereby significantly slowing down the hair growth process.

While growing bangs, it is advisable to abandon perms, dyeing and other aggressive chemicals, as well as the lamination procedure, which, although it protects hair from the harmful effects of the external environment, at the same time significantly slows down their growth.

Means for rapid hair growth

It is worth reconsidering the methods of hair care, purchasing products that help activate the process of their growth: it can be shampoo, balm, hair mask, special serum. Professional cosmetics will also help, the use of which is quite acceptable at home.

In order for hair, including bangs, to grow faster, limit the impact of external factors on them. Having picked up a suitable tool, use it every other day. If the hair is not protected, it will lose moisture faster, which will slow down its growth.

Folk remedies

As always, traditional medicine comes to the rescue. Be sure to try her recipes, because many of them are extremely effective.

Burdock and castor oil

Perhaps the best folk remedy, tested by more than one generation, is a mixture of these two oils. It must be applied to the hair roots, then wrap the head with polyethylene and cover with a towel on top. The oil mask can be kept for several hours. Thanks to the warming effect, you will immediately feel how the bangs are in a hurry to grow!

Oil massage

Take burdock, castor or sea buckthorn oil and rub them twice a day with massaging movements into the scalp for 3-10 minutes. Such a daily massage will increase blood circulation and speed up metabolic processes in the hair follicles.

Bow for seven ailments

Another well-known hair growth activator is the most common onion juice. Rub it into the scalp, wrap, hold for several hours and rinse. Don't be put off by the persistent onion aroma! In order not to smell like Cipollino, you just need to wash your hair repeatedly. For a noticeable effect, you need 4-5 procedures, no less.

Masks and infusions

Mix in equal proportions juniper branches and birch leaves. Pour a tablespoon of the resulting mixture with a liter of water. Rinse your hair with this infusion after washing.

Another miraculous way is a mask made from a decoction of burdock roots (7 tablespoons), cognac (4 tablespoons) and onion juice (5 tablespoons). Mix all the ingredients well, rub into the hair roots and wash off after a couple of hours.

Well, now you know how to quickly grow bangs at home. The procedures listed above will accelerate hair growth by 0.5-1 centimeter per month compared to their usual growth. If there is some important event coming up and you cannot come to it in its current form, use false bangs while your hair grows back.