The best exercises and recommendations from face fitness experts. Rules for performing gymnastics for the face. Face fitness exercises for nasolabial folds

5 quick facts about face fitness

Only half of women who come to face fitness training plan to fight age-related changes. Others just want to keep things as they are.

Just like before a sports workout, you need to warm up before face fitness. Pulling your hair, for example.

Many wrinkles on our face are not formed due to weak muscles, but due to their high tension (hypertonicity). In such cases, the muscles do not need to be trained, but relaxed. For this, face fitness is also suitable, but it is still better to do a facial massage.

The next level of facial gymnastics is self-massage with vacuum cups (and this is also considered face fitness). The purpose of this execution is to make the capillaries work with renewed vigor.

Face fitness is designed for those who want to beat the first (second, third) with their own hands. Basically, this is a 10-15 minute set of exercises that strengthens the muscles of the face and can help with nasolabial folds, bags under the eyes and wrinkles on the forehead. Face fitness has practically no contraindications. Young girls, regular visitors and women come to classes very much in favor.

There are a lot of face fitness programs. The school of Carol Magio, the author of the bestselling book, is considered canonical, but in general there are dozens of coaches, and they have a great variety of training programs. For the experiment, we chose the five-hour training of the Faceday club, in which they teach not only to carry their hands over the face, but also to sit straight, not make faces and not stare at, putting their hands on their knees, otherwise a double chin will form.

We asked three women of different ages to go face fitness training and regularly do the exercises that she showed them for a month. The duration of such a lesson is 6 hours, and the cost is 7800 rubles. First, the trainer about the methodology and shows photographs of the results of other participants (many of them have been doing gymnastics for a year and look all ten years younger), and then he offers to put in front of him and start swinging, sticking out his tongue, wiggling his ears, bulging his eyes and doing other ridiculous things. Participants in our experiment received individually designed 15-minute programs and tried to do them regularly for the next month. Thirty days later, we invited them to the editorial office and photographed the result, and at the same time asked what had changed in their life with the advent of face gymnastics.

Alla Dianova, 29 years old, producer

Problem: puffiness

My main problem is facial swelling when you wake up in the morning, and there are already bags under my eyes. A friend told me about the training: she went through it and said that it was very cool, but you need to do it regularly. And I decided to try. The training itself is excellent: you learn more about your face, you begin to feel your muscles and generally think. All this month, I did a short five-minute course in the morning in the shower, repeating the exercises for bags under the eyes, from the double chin and on the nose. I don't really see the results, but I think it's because I look at my reflection in the mirror every day. And the results at the age of 29 are not so clear.

I plan to continue practicing. Komlpeks is very easy to smear throughout the day: for example, I move my ears in traffic jams and do exercises on my nose. It seems that this is garbage, but the result will be: already now, a wrinkle on my forehead, which was gathering between my eyebrows, has ceased to appear. I even started to hold my phone higher when I sit! And after all this story, I decided that if I can regularly do gymnastics for the face, then I can also find five minutes to exercise.

Olga Nestor, 38 years old, personal growth coach

Problems: skin quality, rosacea, incipient ptosis

I liked that the training is not limited to exercises (although they are also a useful thing), but talks about how to maintain posture, sit, and move. I got into the habit of washing my face and applying the cream for a reason, but along the massage lines - I began to think about the consequences. The attitude to my appearance, to what and how I do, has changed. I didn't have enough time to exercise at first, so the first thing that worked was posture. Sometimes I thought: "Oh gods, how did I crawl over the chair" - and it worked. I got into the habit of holding the phone high. It scared people: they thought I was photographing them, especially on the subway.

Non-surgical facelift exercises, often called face fitness or aerobics for the face, are a modern method of effective facelift that does not require the colossal costs of expensive cosmetic and medical procedures.

The flawless contours of the facial contours primarily depend on how tight the facial and cervical muscles are. In order to have a smooth and beautiful facial contour, make it a rule to do the 12 exercises presented below every day, but before starting daily exercises, PhotoElf "Facial Skin Care" magazine will briefly touch on the problem that interests many of our readers.

These are the bones on the legs, scientifically called Halus Valgus, and it is not so easy to get rid of them. Whatever people do, trying to cope with the problem on their own! They try to steam, apply scarlet, herbs, treat with aspirin powder, and God knows what else ...

Dear friends! Do not do this. Medicine has long learned to cope with this problem. For example, the online store "Healthy Legs", which is located, presents the best correctors, hinge splints, ointments and insoles for the treatment and prevention of the harmful Halus Valgus.

By the way, the bones on the legs are very "afraid" of high-quality massage, and how to do it correctly is also described on the Healthy Legs website. Moreover! Visually illustrated and recorded on video. Recommended! - and we will continue the topic of massage techniques for the face.

TOP 12 Super Effective Face Lift Exercises

1. Open your mouth and say a lingering "a", while the lips need to be relaxed. Count to 10 to yourself and close the labial muscles completely, not quickly and without moving your jaw. In this position, the mouth remains slightly open, you need to slowly count to 10 and relax. This facial exercise is good for keeping the skin of the face and neck muscles in good shape.

2. Having closed the jaw, it is necessary to try to relax and stretch the lower lip, repeat the exercise for 10 seconds. Relax, and after a few seconds repeat, stretching both the upper and lower lips.

3. Press the corners of your mouth to your teeth and try to whistle for at least 10 seconds. Then puff out your cheeks and try to move the air in your mouth from side to side. After repeating the exercise, the head must be thrown back and the air is easily blown out of the mouth. Repeat this technique 2-3 times for best results. The skin of the face will tell you a huge "thank you" for this exercise, You will see!

4. Sit up straight and put your elbows in the middle of the table, make your lips a duck, tightly clenching the jaws, and then use your fingertips to massage the tense muscles with movements from bottom to top, and later bring your fingers in the direction of the lips, lightly squeezing the skin of the face with your fingertips. After the exercise, you need to firmly press your palms to your cheeks and count to 15, then relax and refresh your face with light claps of your palms (do not forget to pat your neck as well).

5. Try especially straining your muscles to pronounce the letters "y" and "and" stretching the sounds as much as possible. Imagine yourself as a young, beautiful she-wolf, howling hard at the moon. Have you presented? Sing)) Drawn out like this: oo-oo-oo .... This non-surgical lifting exercise refines the shape of the lips.

6. Try to make the movement more often, as if "kissing" the ceiling, throwing his head up and squeezing his lips into a ring.

7. Effective lip lift can be achieved with the following exercise: tightly grasping the pencil with them, try to depict the alphabet in the air from beginning to end, while trying to take the pencil with your lips, not your teeth. So by the way, the skin on the face, in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, will also tighten.

8. Chin lift is one of the main face fitness exercises, after all, the contours of the chin lose their clear outlines over the years, and the skin of the face on the chin is very delicate. To do this, lie on your back so that your head remains suspended and your body is relaxed. While contracting the muscles of your chin, try to raise your head so that you can look at your legs. Repeat the exercise several times.

9. Stretch your lips and press the corners of your mouth tightly to your teeth squeezing the lips in the center of the mouth. After that, move the lips compressed in the middle of the mouth 3 times in different directions. Press the corners of your mouth again and whistle, then puff out your cheeks. Relax the skin of your face and slowly stroke your face with your palms from bottom to top several times, thus relieving tension.

10. Take a sitting position in front of the mirror at the table with your elbows folded and placed so that your fingers touch your chin. It is necessary to tighten the muscles of the chin, close your teeth and push it slightly forward and upward, then make light slaps with your fingers on it. Repeat claps quickly, 30 times.

11. Slowly lower your head first forward on your chest, then throwing it back. Do sitting techniques to prevent dizziness. Repeat slow movements 20 times. Those women who have problems with blood pressure should refrain from such exercises.

12. Massage of the lower part of the face gives a good result.

  • Moving your thumbs, make gentle pressing, in the direction from the middle of the chin to the ears, do such movements slowly and repeat 10-15 times.
  • Quickly click with your fingertips on the nasal and lip folds, as well as the lower part of the facial skin and cheeks.

All these exercises will help you stay beautiful and look young only with systematic daily use.

Also, you can use these exercise patterns for a non-surgical facelift (we advise you to save, otherwise you will suddenly lose!)

Fitness for the face, the video of which is presented in the article, is necessary for every woman. Systematic training makes it possible to get rid of wrinkles, as well as slow down the process of deformation of the face oval.

Face fitness effect

To look younger, women resort to a variety of tricks. The use of numerous face creams designed to moisturize, smooth and nourish the skin with valuable substances, "beauty injections" and face lifting. However, all this in a number of cases gives only a temporary result. Why is this happening? Everything is very simple: creams have only a superficial effect, while aging processes are primarily associated with the loss of muscles of their original tone. And muscles, as you know, keep their shape only if they are subjected to regular stress.

With facial fitness, you can restore firmness to your muscles. If you practice regularly, the effect will not be long in coming: you will look much younger, and therefore more attractive.

Advice!The main thing is faith in the result. Rest assured that you will succeed, and within a few weeks you will start receiving compliments!

When should you start?

The golden rule of self-care is: "The sooner the better." After all, prevention is always more effective than dealing with the consequences. As a rule, women do not find time to take care of themselves: at first it seems that the first signs of aging are still far away, then work and family take too much energy. And now the reflection in the mirror ceases to please: wrinkles, nasolabials, crow's feet in the corners of the eyes.

It is best to start doing facial fitness at the age of 18-20. Then the effect will gradually accumulate, and by 30 you will look much younger than your peers. The creator of one of the fitness systems for the face, Alena Rossoshinskaya, claims that it was necessary to start "already yesterday": the sooner you start exercising, the more pronounced the result will be. However, it is never too late to start exercising: in any case, you will quickly notice the positive effect.

Advice!Try to do the exercises in a good mood. This will make them even more effective.

Fitness for face with Alena Rossoshinskaya

Alena Rossoshinskaya does not promise miracles: it is impossible to beat age. At 50, no one looks like a young girl. However, if you regularly perform the proposed exercises, then even at 80 years old you will have a tightened oval of the face, and, on the contrary, sagging cheeks and deep nasolabial folds will not appear.

Exercises should be performed regularly: only in this case they will bring results. Do not forget about the usual care: creams, masks and regular cleansing. It also makes sense to combine fitness with various salon treatments.

Advice! Immediately after completing your chosen set of exercises, pamper yourself with a cup of coffee or a hot bath. Thanks to this, a positive association between exercise and a stimulus that is pleasant for you will form in the subconscious.

How to do the exercises correctly?

In order for the exercises to bring the desired effect, you must follow a number of rules:

  • You should train in front of a mirror. This will make it possible to do the exercises correctly and control yourself;
  • Exercises are performed twice a day: in the morning and in the evening;
  • During the exercise, you should fully concentrate on your feelings: in no case should you be distracted;
  • If you feel unwell, you cannot do exercises;
  • The entire complex should be performed completely, even if the exercise affects areas of the face that are not affected by age-related changes.

Advice!It is advisable to do the exercises in solitude: during the lesson you can look quite funny.

Exercises for the upper half of the face

First of all, you should warm up slightly: just like before strength training in the gym. The complex begins with a light scratching of the scalp. It is performed with the pads of the fingers, you should move from the temples and the back of the head to the crown. Exercise will help you cheer up, tune in to the next complex, and also improve your complexion.

Then you can start to activate the body. This exercise is based on oriental medicine: it is believed that biologically active points are concentrated on the auricle of a person, the stimulation of which leads to an improvement in the functioning of internal organs. The auricles should be rubbed and pulled in different directions.

After rubbing the auricles, it is the turn of the exercises for the eyebrows and forehead. Press your fingers to your forehead and try to frown. A total of 20 such "approaches" need to be done. Exercise helps to smoothen your forehead, lift your eyelids, and tighten existing wrinkles.

For the skin of the eyelids to be elastic, it is required to press with the pads of the fingers on the area under the eyes and close your eyes with all your might. You need to hold out in this way for 20 seconds.

Advice! After you are finished with your exercises, apply a firming or toning mask to your face.

Exercises for the lower half of the face

To restore facial contours and prevent nasolabial folds, the following exercise is recommended. Press firmly against the skin of your cheeks with your palms, then try to puff out your cheeks. After that, with large tweaks, go over the cheeks from the corners of the lips to the cheekbones. In this case, the skin should not be stretched!

To improve the contour of your lips, imagine that you are making the sound "O". Pull your lips forward as hard as you can, hold this position for 40-50 seconds.

You can get rid of a double chin by regularly repeating the following exercise. Place your fists under your chin and press lightly. In this case, you cannot move your head. You need to repeat the exercises 20 times.

Advice!In order for the skin and muscles to be better supplied with oxygen, exercise should be done in a well-ventilated area.

Facebook building with Evgeniya Baglyk

Evgenia Baglyk created an author's course of facial exercises, which is very popular among women who want to preserve their beauty and youth for a long time. The system has proven itself from the best side: many note the onset of a fairly quick effect.

You can see the most popular exercises from Evgenia Baglyk by visiting the YouTube channel of the author of the system:

Regular face-building allows you to achieve the following goals:

  • Getting rid of existing wrinkles and preventing the appearance of new ones;
  • Getting rid of "bags" under the eyes;
  • Increasing the elasticity of the zygomatic muscles;
  • Getting rid of double chin and nasolabial folds;
  • Creation of an attractive face contour.

Advice! Exercise to your favorite tunes!

Basic principles of fitness for the face from Evgeniya Baglyk

The result of regular exercise developed by Evgeniya Baglyk is achieved due to the fact that the muscles and skin of the face begin to be better supplied with oxygen. This improves muscle tone and improves complexion.

In order to achieve the result, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • When massaging your face, you should use high-quality natural oils that do not contain artificial fragrances;

Advice! If you light an aroma lamp before you start exercising, you can combine facial fitness with aromatherapy!

Exercises for the eye contour

In order to prevent sagging of the eyelids and the appearance of wrinkles under the eyes, it is recommended to do the following exercises:

  • Blink vigorously for a few seconds;
  • Make several circular movements with your head in one direction or the other;
  • "Draw" a figure eight with your eyes, while keeping your head motionless;
  • Press two fingers to the corners of your eye and try to open your eyelids as wide as possible, and then close your eyes. In this case, you do not need to move your eyebrows;
  • Place two fingers at the corner of your eye. Open your eye as wide as possible, try to see the ceiling, while slightly pulling the lower eyelid downward;
  • This exercise allows you to enlarge your eyes. Open your eyelids as wide as possible, hold in this position for 15 seconds. The exercise should be repeated several times a day.

Advice!When you memorize all the exercises and the need to do them in front of the mirror disappears, you can do face building while taking a bath.

Lip exercises

These exercises will help you get rid of wrinkles and give your lips a more attractive shape.

  • Spank with relaxed lips while making the "P" sound. This is a warm-up that will prepare you for the following exercises;
  • Place your palms against the corners of your lips, pressing them firmly. Make a movement as if you are sending an air kiss, while the corners of the lips should be fixed;
  • This exercise will help to avoid drooping of the corners of the lips. Lift the corners of your mouth with your fingers, fix your fingers at the top point. After that, lift the corners of the lips with the help of facial muscles, resisting with your fingers;
  • Open your mouth so that it takes the shape of an oval. Press the corners of your mouth with your fingers and make a movement, imitating a fish: then stretch your lips, then lower them. Only the lips work, the cheeks should be completely relaxed.

Advice!Take photos of your face regularly: by comparing photos, you can see the results of your efforts!

Exercises to improve facial contours

By regularly performing these exercises, you can prevent age-related deformities of the face oval.

  • The following exercise will help you tone your cheek muscles. Stretch out your mouth with the letter "O". Place your index fingers in your mouth in such a way as to cover the entire lower arch. As you move your cheek muscles, try to move your fingers to your tongue. Repeat the exercise several times;
  • To form a beautiful line of cheekbones, stretch out your mouth with the letter "O", and place your index fingers under the upper lip at a slight angle. Lower your fingers while moving the muscles of the upper lip. You should feel tension around the nose: this is a signal that the exercise is being performed correctly;
  • This exercise also contributes to the formation of beautiful cheekbones. Stretch out your mouth with the letter "O". Stand in front of a mirror, try, without helping yourself with your fingers, to tighten the zygomatic muscles to the eye area. The corners of the mouth shouldn't work.

Advice!Treat your skin with care: Face building is not strength training. In no case should you stretch the skin.

Sculptural facelift for face with Galina Dubinina

Thanks to the set of exercises from Galina Dubinina, you can refuse plastic surgery and expensive salon procedures: many women who practice this system note a fairly quick and noticeable effect.

The main idea of ​​facelift is to influence the deep layers of the skin, due to which the effect of rejuvenation occurs. The set of exercises has no contraindications, therefore, any woman can do facelift, regardless of age and state of health. In addition, facelift has a tonic effect on the body as a whole, which distinguishes it from other fitness rejuvenation systems.

You can see how the exercises are performed in this video:

Advice! If you've recently had plastic surgery, postpone your classes for six months.

Exercises by Galina Dubinina

To prevent sagging neck skin, you need to do the following exercises:

  • Lie on your back. Raise your head up as much as you can. Repeat the exercise 15–20 times;
  • Take the "embryonic" pose with your knees pulled up towards you. Freeze for one minute.

To get rid of a double chin:

  • Tilt your head back, trying to touch the tip of your tongue to your chin;
  • Open your mouth, move your tongue first forward, then up.

These exercises must be repeated 15–20 times.

To strengthen the eyelids:

  • Raise your eyebrows, look up. Start blinking your lower eyelid, counting to twenty;
  • To get rid of the wrinkles in the corners of the eyes, stretch your eyes to the temples and blink for a couple of minutes.

To tone and firm the cheeks:

  • Pull your lower jaw forward. Place your lower lip on your upper lip, then swap them. Repeat the exercise 20 times;
  • Press your lips together as tightly as possible, press the corners with your fingers. Start tightening and relaxing your lips. It is necessary to make 20 such "approaches".

To improve the shape of the face:

  • Smile 20 times. Place your finger on the checkmark above your upper lip and smile 16 more times;
  • Purse your upper lip with your teeth and smile 16 more times.

Advice!Believe in yourself! You can achieve any goal you set if you really want it.

Hearing the word "fitness", many instantly imagine a gym filled with girls striving to lose extra pounds, tighten up a flabby body. There are other training options. Face fitness is one of them. Exercises for the face also help to tidy up the appearance, eliminate the imperfections caused by age, a relaxed lifestyle. The set of actions is broadcasted completely free of charge, it is easy to get the result. To achieve success in this matter, you need to familiarize yourself in more detail with the charging method.

Alena Rossoshinskaya's approach

In Russia, when mentioning the combination of the words "face fitness", women most often recall the methodology of Alena Rossoshinskaya. She has developed her own program of exercises that tighten, shape the face.

A lawyer by training, Alena became interested in fitness, additionally completed training at the Faculty of Physical Rehabilitation.

In the present, Rossoshinskaya is an active trainer, a teacher of the program about a healthy lifestyle "Fitness for the face" on an online channel, the author of 5 books promoting face fitness, an expert and an ardent admirer of osteopathic principles of influence.

Alena organized her own studio, where they conduct classes according to her methods, actively promotes the author's methods of influence. Rossoshinskaya conducts education and training in the UAE, where he now lives, in the cities of Europe, America, the Middle East and Russia.

Features of the technique

No matter how careful skin care is, it loses its firmness, elasticity, and attractive appearance over time. The regularity, cost of cosmetic procedures does not play a significant role. Modern ladies have long switched to physiological prolongation of youth (fitness techniques for the face).

Exercise regularly affects the muscles that support the skin. Weakened muscles (lack of proper load, gradual age-related atrophy) comes to tone. The muscles increase in size, stretching, straightening the sagging skin. As a result of exercises according to the technique, wrinkles disappear, the correct contour is modeled, and a beautiful oval is formed.

The workflow affects the restoration of natural tissue nutrition. Many internal processes are normalized (blood supply, lymph outflow, oxygenation). Thanks to the technique, a normal complexion returns, edema and bruises disappear, and a healthy glow appears.

Attention! Performing face fitness movements does not require a significant amount of time. You will be able to master the technique yourself. Basic information about physiology, anatomy, descriptions or detailed video instructions of exercises are enough. Every day 10 minutes of training and the face takes on a fresh, youthful look.

A set of exercises

Most exercises of the complex do not require special training. It will be easy to repeat them. Before performing the exercises of the main complex, you need to prepare: cleanse the skin, warm up the muscles.

At the initial stage, light strokes are carried out along the massage lines, "scratching" with the fingertips of the scalp. Actions help to ensure the necessary blood flow, "wake up" the muscles.

The basic set of exercises is as follows:

  1. Exercise for the forehead area (strengthening muscles, smoothing wrinkles). Hands are placed on the forehead, lightly pressing the skin. In this position, create resistance by the muscles, trying to wrinkle the forehead. The fingers interfere with natural movement. Confrontation helps to strengthen the muscles. Delay in tense position is 15 seconds.
  2. Exercise for the eye area (elimination of crow's feet). The index and middle fingers are placed at the outer corner, pressed strongly (the feeling of soreness is unacceptable). They try to close their eyes (muscles experience resistance). The voltage is maintained for 15 seconds.
  3. Exercise for the cheeks (elimination of "flews", wrinkles of the nasolabial triangle, strengthening of the lips). Lips are folded tightly, pulled out, as for a kiss. The cheeks are pressed tightly. Move on to the next action: a wide smile with open teeth. Both movements alternate up to 20 times.
  4. Exercise for a neck lift (elimination of a double chin). The head is thrown back up, chin "to the ceiling". Make intense chewing movements. Necessarily a feeling of tension in the muscles of the neck. The lower jaw is rolled forward, dynamic movements are carried out to the right and left.

Each exercise of the complex is repeated up to 20 times. After a series of movements, they relax. Then proceed to the next block. There are many exercises for different muscle groups. They choose those that will be useful for achieving the assigned tasks.

The elimination of fine wrinkles often occurs after 1–3 weeks of regular training. Deep "grooves", folds are reduced after 1–2 months of complex exposure. Improvement of complexion, minimization of edema, "bags" occurs in the first week of training.

Video instruction from Alena Rossoshinskaya to strengthen the oval of the face.

Gymnastics for beautiful eyes

The main rule of any workout: listen carefully to your body... Any advice, recommendations "pass through yourself." It is advisable to perform in an organized group with an individual approach of the trainer. To achieve an effective result, you need to familiarize yourself with the author's advice:

Exercise is done in front of a mirror. It is advisable to listen to this rule until the moment the exercise is memorized. Visualization of movements will allow you to better understand the technology of actions.

  • Exercises are performed in order, gradually shifting the order. As you master the actions, they add the elaboration of new zones.
  • An intensive training course is at least a month. At this time, be sure to do 1-2 times a day, without interruptions. After completing the basic course, it is permissible to reduce the load (do the exercises once a day), but not relax by skipping classes.

Attention! It is important to work out the strength of the impact. Movements should not be painful, but half-hearted actions will not bring the expected results. Excessive load can aggravate the situation, weak - unreasonably disappointing in the technique.

Face fitness classes will take only 10–20 minutes. Exercise is allowed both in the morning and in the evening. It is recommended to focus on the process, to perform actions carefully, without haste. Then it will be possible to achieve the stated result.

Safety regulations

All exercises of the complex are safe, the possibility of injury is minimal. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is advisable to gradually start working, not to exceed the recommended load.

Optimal focus on the result is achieved with a detachment from thoughts and deeds. The presence of outside "spectators" is unacceptable. Eliminate any distractions.


Refuse the procedure in the following cases:

  • wounds, inflammations on the skin (herpes, eczema, cuts, acne);
  • oncology, heart problems, blood vessels, other serious disorders;
  • after plastic, injection interventions.

It is advisable to refuse to perform exercises if the state of health deteriorates (fever, infectious diseases, pressure disturbances). When the health is stabilized, the procedures are resumed.

Face fitness is able to fit perfectly into the lifestyle. A simple and effective technique will definitely delight you with positive results, charge you with vivacity, and a positive attitude. When the result is "minus 10 years", the complex will definitely be included in the daily care program. The miracle technique will become a favorite propaganda.

Useful videos

Fitness for the face "forget about old age."

Face culture. The program "gymnastics without complexes".

Facials from Natalia Osminina.

Elena Karkukli. How to put yourself in order in the morning - simple and useful tips.

Exercises for the face, so as not to wrinkle from Katya Energy.

Many people think of a gym and group classes when they say fitness. But, face fitness exercises for the face are the latest technique in cosmetology, which allows you to eliminate any changes on the skin, remove wrinkles, and reduce the appearance of circles under the eyes. Face fitness is an exercise that should be given 15-20 minutes of your time every day in order to maintain youth, beauty and attractive appearance.

Face fitness is a set of facial exercises that are performed at home in order to eliminate any age-related changes. If wrinkles appear on the face, it is already worth thinking about how to learn the basics of facial gymnastics and prevent skin aging. Any muscles need good nutrition, which can be achieved not only through the use of various care masks and creams, but also with the help of facial exercises.

Gymnastics is easy to do at home, it does not require any financial costs, the main thing is to study its features and confidently move on to action. Good results can be obtained only with the regular implementation of a set of exercises, tightening the skin, making it elastic, smooth and even.

With age, a person is faced with various age-related changes that require urgent cosmetological attention. Face fitness is used for the face and neck, against wrinkles, bags under the eyes, uneven skin. Every year, starting after 30 years, the skin becomes less elastic, loses its smoothness, requires a set of various exercises and the application of face masks.

If you do gymnastics correctly, you can improve microcirculation in the blood, visually raise your eyebrows, even out wrinkles on the forehead, and reduce puffiness. Face fitness is a modern panacea for many women who are tired of buying expensive face products, looking for a cheaper but effective method of facial skin care.

The set of exercises takes only 15 minutes of time, but it allows you to smooth out the nasolabial folds, strengthen the muscles of the face, and activate the processes in the tissues that lead to rejuvenation. The technique has no contraindications, so it is suitable for every woman at any age. Experts recommend starting such gymnastics at the age of 25, when the natural aging processes begin, requiring urgent cosmetological intervention.

In order for the best fitness exercises for the face to give the desired results, it is important to follow the sequence and regularity of their implementation. Only on the basis of this can you get quick results, significantly improve the skin of the face, even out wrinkles and refresh the outer tone.

There are body exercises for the face that must be used in order to achieve a good result. Consider the following:

  • Working out the nose. You need to place your hands on the vertical surface of the nose, lift it slightly by the tip with your index finger, pulling the upper lip to the bottom, then gradually relax. The exercise is repeated 20 times.
  • Correction of the cheeks. One hand rests on the wall of the cheek, pushing away from it, creating resistance. The lips are folded into a tube, pronouncing the letter "O". The thumb together with the index finger are located on the cheeks. A smile is imitated with the upper lip or the letter "E" is pronounced. 10 reps are enough.
  • Lip volume. The upper lip is tucked inward, the face is pulled forward, the shoulders are pulled back. Then, in the middle of the upper lip, it is tapped with the index finger, simulating a blow to the ball. As a result of exposure, a slight burning sensation should form, if it does not occur, you need to lightly tap the corners of the mouth with your fingers, counting up to 20 times.
  • Exercise for lifting the eyelids. The thumb, along with the index finger, is placed on the outer corners of the eyes. The lower eyelids rise, and the face is retracted forward, in this position you need to hold it for up to 30 seconds. The shoulders remain level and the feet are fixed.
  • Working out the muscles of the neck. With one hand, you need to clasp your neck, raise your head up and relax. The exercise is repeated 20 times.
  • Getting rid of the glabellar crease. The fingers are located between the eyebrows, rise slightly upward, the face is pulled forward. In this position, it is worthwhile to linger for up to 20 seconds, repeat in 3 sets.
  • Filling the face. It is necessary to open your mouth, draw in the corners of the lips inward so that they are as pressed as possible to the teeth. The face is pulled back, the index and thumb are located at the corners of the mouth. Next, you need to perform quick circular movements until a burning sensation appears.

If you have no idea how a particular exercise is performed, you can watch a training video of the exercises, which contains detailed information about the implementation and the technique. We bring to your attention the following:

It is necessary to perform such exercises every evening before going to bed in order to relieve fatigue from the face during the day, improve blood circulation, and smooth mimic wrinkles. Just 15 minutes a day to replace a lot of expensive cosmetic procedures that give only temporary results.

Having familiarized yourself with the most useful and effective exercises, you need to know the correct technique for their implementation. Face fitness works wonders only if all the features of the exercise are taken into account, their sequence, impact strength and duration. For an effective result, the following rules must be observed:

  • To achieve quick results, you need to exercise not only in the evening, but also in the morning.
  • The first times you perform the exercises, you need to focus on visual videos, then do it yourself in front of a mirror;
  • At the time of charging, you should not be distracted by any foreign objects and irritants, there should be maximum concentration on the task that is being performed.
  • If there is a weakness of the body and a painful condition, it is better not to do the exercises.
  • It is strictly forbidden to strongly stretch the skin, because it is possible to damage blood vessels, injure capillaries and provoke a greater number of defects on the skin.
  • If preference is given to face fitness, then you need to immediately do all the exercises from the complex, even in those areas where there are no age-related changes. Prevention has always been beneficial.

Considering all these rules, a person can quickly achieve good results, improve skin condition, and avoid age-related changes. No matter how pronounced the wrinkles or changes on the skin of the face, with regular use, you can quickly achieve success, eliminate damage, remove defects, make the outline more pronounced and beautiful. Proper care of your face will allow you to look beautiful and young at any age.


Face fitness is a modern technique for training facial muscles, which is used today in cosmetology. Having studied all the features of training once, you can independently return the skin to its beauty, smoothness, and even tone. The main thing is to perform a set of exercises every day, not to forget to take care of your face, making it even younger and more beautiful. It is important to automate the technique, the sequence of actions. Only the right approach, conscious exercise will allow the skin to look beautiful and healthy.