Stretch marks oil. Baths for stretch marks with oils. Peach oil for stretch marks during pregnancy

Stretch marks are caused by stretching of the skin. For example, during pregnancy or with a sharp increase in weight. Rapid weight loss can also turn into stretch marks - the skin that has lost its elasticity does not have time to adapt to the new body size, collagen fibers of the dermis are destroyed, forming purple-red stripes that look not at all aesthetically pleasing. Genetics plays an important role in the formation of stretch marks.

There are people whose skin type is more prone to stretch marks. Over time, stretch marks fade, become like silvery-white threads. Many people think they are easier to deal with than purple ones. But this is not the case. Old stretch marks can only be removed surgically. And then after that, quite noticeable scars may remain. Therefore, the fight against stretch marks should be started as soon as they began to appear.

How to apply essential oils

With the help of cosmetic procedures using essential oils, you can get rid of stretch marks at the initial stage c. Essential oils, penetrating into the deep layers of the skin, improve blood circulation, relieve puffiness, smooth the epidermis, increase muscle tone and remove small stretch marks, while large ones make them almost invisible.

Oils are added to baths, creams, scrubs. But it is especially good to add them to massage mixtures and rub them regularly into places where stretch marks accumulate. The course of treatment can take from two to six months, but the result will definitely be.

Effects of oils

Carrot seed oil tones the skin, renews skin cells, restores thinned skin.

Geranium oil moisturizes the skin and makes it more elastic.

Emu oil penetrates into the deepest layers, regenerates, smoothes the epidermis, removing not only scars, but also wrinkles.

Frankincense oil rejuvenates the skin, relieves swelling and inflammation.

Helichrysum oil is very effective in regenerating skin cells, therefore it is necessarily used in the treatment of stretch marks and even post-stretch marks.

Jasmine oil increases skin elasticity, especially suitable for thinning sensitive skin, moisturizes, removes dryness.

Lavender oil softens and smoothes the epidermis, heals wounds and rejuvenates the skin.

Mandarin oil activates blood circulation, accelerates the outflow of fluid.

Neroli oil regenerates skin cells, helps with capillary ruptures, inflammation, makes the skin smooth and uniform.

Patchouli oil is also a good regenerator, it promotes rapid healing of deep scars, it is considered an excellent remedy for the treatment of stretch marks.

Rose oil moisturizes, anti-inflammatory, smoothes and rejuvenates the skin.

Rosemary oil relieves laxity, improves skin tone, stimulates cell renewal and helps prevent stretch marks.

Wheat germ oil has an enhanced penetrating ability, improves blood circulation, removes toxins and toxins, eliminates skin irregularities, and helps well against old stretch marks.

There is no sweeter period in life than waiting for the birth of a baby. And now, when this miracle happened - the birth of a child, you feel like the happiest woman in the world. And now you devote all your time only to him. But the postpartum period is just the moment when you need to get in shape. And one of the problems that will arise before you if you did not do prophylaxis during pregnancy is stretch marks. Anyone who has encountered them knows how difficult it is to cope with it. And yet there is such a remedy. Oil from stretch marks, reviews testify to this, helps to cope with this problem and if not completely remove them, then do much less.

Essential oils for stretch marks

Essential oils are beneficial for the skin. After application, they begin to "work" literally in a matter of seconds. But this does not mean that you will quickly remove stretch marks. Here, unfortunately, there will be a completely different picture. Saying goodbye to stretch marks takes a lot of patience. This process can take up to a year. It all depends on whether your stretch marks are old or fresh. This can be identified by color. Stretch marks are red or purple - 3-4 months of "treatment", white - from a year or more. There is, of course, a quick way to remove them - surgery. But if this method does not work for you, then be diligent in the fight against stretch marks.

Essential oils for new stretch marks

Oil for stretch marks, reviews confirm this, you need to choose either pink, or orange, or lavender. They restore elasticity to the skin, soothe it, soften and moisturize it. She becomes taut again, and the stretch marks gradually disappear.

Just know that you cannot use oils in their pure form! They need to be added to the base in a few drops. It can be your usual body cream and masks. All those cosmetics that you are used to using. The proportions should be as follows: for 10 ml of base 3-5 drops of essential oil.

Almond and lavender oils for stretch marks

Take 10 teaspoons of almond oil and add 5 drops of lavender oil to it. You need to apply this mixture every day, applying to the body. It can also be used as a preventive measure. To do this, you need to lubricate the body with oils twice a week.

Stretch Mark Oil Blend

Take 10 ml of rosehip seed oil and add a couple of drops of mandarin oil and 4 drops of neroli oil to it. You need to use this mixture every day, applying to the body.

Almond and rosemary oil for stretch marks

Take a teaspoon of almond oil and mix it with 8 drops of rosemary oil. Enjoy every day.

Stretch Mark Oil: never use pure oil to avoid severe skin irritation

Essential oils for old stretch marks

Here you need to use completely different oils for the base.

Stretch Mark Oil Blend

You will need 50 ml of wheat germ oil and a couple of drops of lavender, neroli, tangerine oil. Use every day, lubricating the skin with this mixture. Wheat germ oil used with rose oil is also effective. The proportions here should be 5 drops of one (base) and three drops of the other (etheric).

Bath with oils and sea salt

Dissolve a tablespoon of sea salt in a liter of water and add a couple of drops of lavender and chamomile oils. Pour the resulting composition into the bath. The duration of the procedure is 20-25 minutes.

Oil rubbing

Take a couple of drops of petitgrain, tangerine and lavender oil, one drop each of limette and neroli oil and stir well. Next, lubricate the stretch marks. Soak 15 minutes. Then apply wheat germ oil. This procedure should be done in a course of three weeks.

Peach oil and essential oils for stretch marks

You need 30 ml of peach oil and a couple of drops of neroli and lavender oil and one drop of orange oil. Mix everything and lubricate the skin where there are stretch marks. This composition should be applied in the morning, as it tones the skin very well.

Avocado & Wheatgrass Oil for Stretch Marks

You need to take 15 ml of avocado and wheat germ oil and add to them 4 drops of neroli oil and a couple of drops of lavender and rosemary oil. Stir everything thoroughly and lubricate problem areas. This composition is best used at night, as it soothes the skin.

Whatever oil you choose for stretch marks, the reviews confirm this, the main thing is that you are not allergic to it. To check this, do a test. To do this, anoint a drop of oil behind the ear. If there is no redness, then you can use it.

If you are wrapping, you can add a few drops of your preferred essential oil to a base (such as clay or honey). You can find out more about the methods of wrapping in our articles:

Stretch Mark Oil: many pregnant women use oil to strengthen the skin and while carrying a baby, but before that, be sure to consult with your doctor

Rules for the preparation of oil mixtures

There are a few rules to follow to make mixtures properly and oils are difficult to mix. And then you won't have any problems with this:

  • First of all, mix essential oils and only then add the main ones. You cannot stop stirring for a second until you get a high-quality composition.
  • When cooking, do not use metal utensils.
  • After the composition is ready, pour it into a glass container (the glass should be dark in color).
  • Store the oil mixture in a cold place. If an unpleasant smell has arisen, then it cannot be used.

Stretch marks that appear on the skin cannot be completely removed, but they can be made less noticeable. There are many ways, but the most popular is the oil for stretch marks. It will allow not only to almost completely get rid of stretch marks, but also to reduce the appearance of orange peel, and also nourish the skin with useful substances.


On the shelves of shops and pharmacies, you can see a huge assortment of ready-to-use oil mixtures from various manufacturers. But they can also be prepared at home on their own, depending on allergic reactions, personal preferences, financial situation and health status. So, some oils are strictly forbidden to be used during pregnancy, for example, rosemary, black cumin and some others.

All oils used in the fight against stretch marks can be divided into three large groups:

  1. Natural oils that were used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. The most accessible and simple is sunflower oil, while both unrefined and refined oil show high efficiency. Oils such as olives, cocoa, apricot, peach, argan, linseed, coconut, wheat germ, camphor, sea buckthorn, and almond are no less popular. All of them effectively nourish the skin, increase the level of collagen in it, stimulate the growth of intact skin cells and promote their rapid regeneration. This group also includes such oils as castor, shea, peach, Ayurvedic, amaranth, avocado and grape seed oil.
  2. Essential oils, they are used as widely as natural ones, acting, as a rule, as one of the components of mixtures used to combat stretch marks.
  3. Cosmetic oils are made from natural plant materials. Such oils help not only get rid of existing stretch marks, but also help prevent the appearance of new ones. The great advantage is that they can be used every day. These mixtures are presented in a wide range, but they received the greatest popularity Weleda, Mama Comfort, Bubchen, Sanosan and others... The big plus is that these oils can be used both on their own and in combination with other oils.

Essential extracts include a fairly wide group of products, so it is worth dwelling on them in more detail.

In the fight against stretch marks, essential oils are not used in their pure form, but are used as an additional component. They are used in small quantities. Oils such as:

  • Mandarin and jasmine, help to increase the elasticity of the skin, and also make existing stretch marks less noticeable.
  • Lemon and rose oils, and lavender essential oil relaxes skin cells, soothes it and whitens stretch marks.
  • Orange and neroli oil strengthen the skin, normalize the production of melanin, have a warming effect, which allows not only to reduce stretch marks, but also to reduce the appearance of cellulite. The same actions are possessed by oil of cinnamon, juniper.
  • Essential oil of ylang-ylang, sandalwood and aniseed they help not only to reduce stretch marks, but also prevent new ones, normalize the water-fat balance of the skin, and also actively nourish it.
  • Tea tree, grapefruit, pomegranate and argan oil help not only whiten striae, reduce their size, but also contribute to the overall toning of the skin.
  • Sesame, rose and caviar oil tone the skin, reduce existing stretch marks, protect against the appearance of new ones and soothe it.
  • Medela oil is the most effective not only in the fight against stretch marks, but also in the orange peel. Evens out the surface of the skin and its tone, reduces the size of stretch marks several times.
  • Cedar nut oil, rosehip and almond essential oil, actively soften the skin, saturate it with vitamins and promote better regeneration.


The use of all the previously described types of mixtures and extracts is very wide. All of them can be used not only to eliminate old stretch marks, but also as a prophylaxis to prevent the appearance of new ones. It is also important that they not only help get rid of scars in a short period, but also help get rid of skin laxity.

All of these oil extracts can also be used after childbirth, they can be applied alone, added to a cream or body lotion, wraps or homemade scrubs with them. All these procedures together will help not only get rid of stretch marks, but also old scars, sagging skin on the buttocks, chest and abdomen.

Some types of these mixtures can be drunk, thanks to which the body will receive all the necessary polyunsaturated fats and vitamins. The stomach will be cleansed, and the stomach left after the birth of the baby will be significantly reduced.

The oil from stretch marks, which at the same time fights cellulite, deserves a separate discussion. It is this that will help make the figure much better in two respects at once. It almost completely removes striae, and thanks to the so-called hydraulic force of this mixture, excess fluid leaves the body, and with it the orange peel disappears.


At the moment, all types of oils, without exception, can be used in several variations: in pure form, as an additive in a cream or lotion, as a component of mixtures for wrapping or as an ingredient for creating a scrub at home. Of course, in order to achieve the best result, it is possible only with their complex use.

It is best to first cleanse the skin with a scrub from its keratinized particles, then make a special wrap, and only then apply a special mixture to the problem areas. This complex of procedures should be performed three times a week.

You can make a do-it-yourself scrub at home in two ways:

  1. Mix badyagi powder, sugar and salt in proportions 1: 3: 3. Add two parts of any natural oil and 10 drops of an essential extract of your choice to the mixture. The resulting scrub must be applied to slightly damp skin and rubbed into it intensively for 5 minutes. Badiaga is sold in pharmacies.
  2. It is necessary to mix in equal parts dormant natural coffee and honey. Add vitamin E capsules. For 100 grams of the finished mixture, two capsules are required. And here we add 10 drops of cinnamon essential oil. Or 5 drops of orange and neroli extract. We use the mixture in the same way as in the first recipe.

The use of such scrubs allows you to cleanse the skin of dead cells, warm it up and enlarge the pores. Now that the skin is ready, you need to prepare special masks to reduce stretch marks.


The principle of action of all masks against stretch marks is simple, you need to apply them to the previously prepared skin, cover with cling film on top and leave for one hour. After the time has elapsed, the mixture is removed from the body with cool water. The most effective masks are:

  1. In cosmetic clay, diluted with warm water or milk, to the consistency of thick sour cream, it is necessary to add the essential extract of grapefruit and lemon. 4 tablespoons of clay will require 5 drops of the essential extract.
  2. Add 10 ml of lavender or geranium ether to 100 ml of natural base oil.
  3. If the stretch marks are old, then this mask should be used. For 30 ml of olive base, you will need 9 drops of shea extract and tea tree extract, as well as 5 drops of neroli. Everything is thoroughly mixed and applied to problem areas.
  4. Ayurvedic oil can be used in its pure form in the fight against not old stretch marks.
  5. A mixture of 10 g of jojoba extract mixed with 3 drops of lavender is also an excellent mask.

In addition to such masks and wraps, you should also use oil lotions, which will help get rid of annoying stretch marks much faster.

Oil lotions

They all prepare according to the same principle. Essential extracts are added to the base oil base. Such mixtures can be applied once or even twice every 24 hours. In this case, it is best to use them after water procedures. You can add essential extracts to your liking and in accordance with your goal.

So, for example, if, in addition to getting rid of stretch marks, you also need to get rid of cellulite, it is best to use lotions made from base oil mixed with extracts of lemon, cinnamon, grapefruit, juniper and ylang-ylang.

If you want to reduce the flabbiness of the skin and give it shine, then extracts of neroli, rose, lavender, honeysuckle, and grape seed are best suited as essential additives.

In cosmetology, it has long been known how effective essential oil is for stretch marks that appear on the body as a result of pregnancy, sudden weight surges and hormonal disruptions. Using essential oils, you can not only make existing stretch marks invisible and prevent the appearance of new ones, but also significantly improve the general condition of the skin and even remove cellulite.

Of course, only a surgeon's scalpel can remove stretch marks, when the area of ​​the skin on which striae (stretch marks) are localized is simply removed. After all, stretch marks are, in fact, scars formed at the sites of connective tissue ruptures. But this does not mean that it is pointless to fight for the former beauty of the skin using conservative methods. You can make stretch marks truly invisible, but be prepared to be persistent and work hard.

What essential oils are effective for stretch marks

Any essential oils are good for the skin. They improve blood circulation, relieve puffiness, increase muscle tone, skin firmness and elasticity, which, one way or another, has a beneficial effect on the condition of stretch marks.

In addition, essential oils have an aromatherapy effect, relaxing the body and nervous system, relieving fatigue and stress. And this is important for any cosmetic procedure.

Most effective for combating stretch marks:

  • Lavender essential oil
  • Neroli essential oil
  • Orange essential oil
  • Rose essential oil

Using essential oils in their pure form can cause burns. Therefore, they are always added to the base. Such a base can be any fatty oil (olive, peach, apricot, etc.), seaweed (liminaria, fucus), cosmetic clay, baby cream or cream for stretch marks, as well as kefir, honey or coffee grounds. Typically, about 5 drops of essential oil are added to 10 ml of base.

Remember, before using essential oils for the first time, you need to do a simple allergy test by applying a drop of oil to the inside of your elbow.

For the correction and prevention of stretch marks, cosmetic mixtures of fatty and essential oils should be applied daily to problem areas of the skin.

When preparing them, the essential oils are first mixed with each other, and then the base is gradually added to them. A wooden stick is best for mixing oils.

Store the prepared mixture in the refrigerator in a dark glass bottle for no more than three months. However, if the smell of the oil changes by the end of the indicated period, it is better to prepare a new mixture.

Stretch Mark Morning Toning Oil

  • fatty oil (olive, almond, peach, apricot, sesame), 30 ml;
  • neroli essential oil, 2 drops;
  • essential oil of orange, 1 drop.

Evening relaxing oil for stretch marks

  • fatty almond oil, 30 ml;
  • fatty oil of wheat germ, 15 ml;
  • fatty avocado oil, 15 ml;
  • lavender essential oil, 2 drops;
  • Frankincense essential oil, 2 drops;
  • rosemary essential oil, 2 drops;
  • essential oil of neroli, 4 drops.

Old stretch marks oil

  • olive oil, 9 tbsp. l .;
  • fatty oil of wheat germ, 1 tbsp. l .;
  • rose essential oil 10-15 drops.

Preventive oil for stretch marks

  • fatty jojoba oil, 30 ml;
  • geranium essential oil, 4 drops;
  • lavender essential oil, 2 drops;
  • mint essential oil, 2 drops;
  • essential oil of cloves, 2 drops.

All of these mixtures are most effective when applied during massage. The massage enhances blood circulation in the skin, which means that it provides deeper and more complete penetration of oil into the skin. Massage for stretch marks is performed with pinch movements, and in no case with stretching.

Essential oil baths are especially suitable for those who have stretch marks all over their body.

It is important to properly dissolve the essential oil in water, otherwise the procedure will not give the desired effect. You need to take 30-60 g of an emulsifier (honey, milk, foam or bath salts), mix it thoroughly with essential oil, taken at the rate of 1 drop per 10 liters of water, and add the mixture to the bath.

Such baths should be taken 2-3 times a week for 15 minutes. After them, you do not need to wipe the skin, it must dry itself.

Stretch Mark Morning Bath Oil

  • fatty oil of wheat germ, 20 ml;
  • orange essential oil, 3 drops;
  • essential oil of verbena, 1 drop;
  • petite grain essential oil, 2 drops.

Relaxing evening bath oil for stretch marks

  • fatty peach oil, 20 ml;
  • lavender essential oil, 3 drops;
  • mint essential oil, 2 drops;
  • rose essential oil, 1 drop.

Oil for wraps for stretch marks

  • fatty oil (olive, almond, wheat germ oil), 40 ml;
  • lavender essential oil, 2 drops;
  • lemon essential oil, 1 drop;
  • Neroli essential oil, 1 drop.

Essential oil compress recipe for stretch marks

Essential oil compresses work well for small areas of skin with stretch marks. In particular, they are good for breast skin.

To prepare the compress, you need to mix with each other and dilute in 200 ml of water:

  • rose essential oil, 2 drops;
  • neroli essential oil, 1 drop;
  • petite grain essential oil, 1 drop.

In the resulting solution, moisten a gauze cloth and apply it to the problem area of ​​the skin for 20-30 minutes. Such compresses should be done 3-4 times a week.

Essential oil for stretch marks on the body video

Stretch marks are not life threatening, are not harmful to health, and are not symptoms of disease. These "decorations" are absolutely harmless and calm: they do not grow, do not change color. And yet we do not love them and dream of parting with them forever. Why? Winding lines interfere with enjoying life: sunbathing topless or in a bikini swimsuit, admiring your own body in the bathroom, splashing around in the pool, relaxing in the sauna. Strict doctors advise to forget about the operation: the possible risk from surgery and complications after it outweighs the psychological benefits of removing stretch marks. And then we remember the proven folk methods, the best of which is oil for stretch marks.

Stripes of unusual trajectories and different lengths disfigure the skin of many women. Stretch marks - this is their correct, scientific name - white, red, purple settle all over the body. They can be seen on the chest, thighs, abdomen, shoulders. Unfortunately, stretch marks rarely fade over time and never go away on their own.

Stretch marks do not have favorite places: gyrus of red, white, purple can appear on any part of the body

Stretch marks always occur in the same way: the formation of the epithelium lags behind the intensive growth of tissues, it becomes thinner and torn, and unpleasant scars form. Stretch marks can appear in any woman in such cases:

  • with a sharp weight loss;
  • pregnancy;
  • hormonal disruptions in the body;
  • large weight gain.

Correctly selected tool will eliminate ugly ornateness, as well as prevent their appearance.

How essential oils work for stretch marks

They help instantly: within 10 seconds after application, they penetrate deeply into the skin and have a positive effect on all parts of the body:

  • renew the cellular composition;
  • increase blood circulation;
  • stimulate the body's production of its own collagen;
  • smooth the skin;
  • get rid of fine wrinkles.

The application of oils for stretch marks during pregnancy must be combined with a light massage of problem areas

However, when treating stretch marks, you should not expect a lightning-fast result: you can only tighten the skin and restore its healthy appearance with persistent regular procedures. If the scars are young, the manipulations are carried out for 4-5 months; in prolonged cases, you will have to work for at least a year. All essential oils have a wonderful aroma, besides, it is always pleasant to take care of your body. So please be patient and create beauty!

Why you need to be careful when choosing a remedy

There are no general contraindications for use, but choose the product meticulously. First, carefully read all the information about the product. Only completely natural vegetable oils are safe to use. If the composition contains only natural ingredients, decide on a purchase. The list of components is confusing - ask the seller questions, ask for clarifications. Have not received an answer - leave the store or pharmacy, let others risk their health. It is also desirable that the label has confirmation of correct production: cold pressing and steam distillation are considered the best. Be especially careful when purchasing oil for stretch marks during pregnancy. A conscientious manufacturer does not hide the slightest contraindications from potential buyers. If you have doubts about the quality of the drug - put the product aside. At home, do not rush to try out the novelty. First, determine if you have any allergies. Apply a few drops behind the ear or on the inside of the elbow joint. Probationary period - 24 hours. If there is no skin reaction, get ready for the procedure. For any redness, burning sensation, deterioration of health, refuse to use. Some essential oils are fraught with danger: improper use causes burns, poisoning. Sometimes the sun's rays hit them leads to the release of toxic substances. Therefore, carry out all procedures in the evening or on days when you do not plan to leave the house.

To avoid burns and poisoning, do not rub pure essential oils into your skin.


If you are expecting a baby, do not get carried away with self-medication! Get the go-ahead to manipulate the oils from your supervising specialist.

Do I need to dilute oils

Essential oils in their pure form are very concentrated, so as not to burn the skin, doctors recommend diluting them. As a basis, you can take ordinary fatty oils, therapeutic mud, seaweed, blue clay, ready-made body creams, as well as natural products: honey, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir. If you are preparing a mixture, add 3-5 drops of essential oil to 10 ml of the main product. For pregnant women, the composition should be less saturated - no more than 1% of esters.

Attention! Remember the main rule: fatty oils fight stretch marks in their natural form, essential oils only in diluted form.

How to choose "your" remedy

Oils have been successfully treating stretch marks for a very long time. Our great-grandmothers recognized their benefit. They did not have much choice, they diligently rubbed olive or sunflower oil into all parts of their bodies. Now the assortment is grandiose, but these natural healers act in different ways.

Remedies for young stretch marks

Fresh striae disappear after applying oils of neroli, lavender, orange, rose. All preparations used for pregnant women perfectly remove young scars (see below).

HiPP Mamasanft Oil is an excellent stretch mark remedy for expectant mothers, adapted to the needs of the skin of pregnant women. Contains almond, jojoba, sunflower and sea buckthorn oils

It is much more difficult to cope with such stretch marks. The best remedy for stretch marks - olive oil - confidently occupies a leading position for the second century. In addition, wheat germ oil is suitable. Use it as a base for a mixture with other oils: tangerine, lavender. A good option is chamomile and lavender oils taken in equal proportions. If time permits, make a miraculous mixture: for 9 tablespoons of olive oil, take one spoonful of wheatgrass oil. Add rose essential oil to them, 10 to 15 drops.

Remedies for stretch marks for pregnant women

  • Weleda oil for stretch marks

This remedy has gained popularity among pregnant women around the world. It contains only natural ingredients: wheat germ oils, almonds, arnica flower extract. Weleda Stretch Mark Oil is specially formulated to relieve and prevent stretch marks. Cell regeneration begins after the first application of the oil, so the scars dissolve very quickly. If it is your assistant from the first weeks of pregnancy, you will never know what striae are. Weleda oil from stretch marks will surely delight you with an exquisite aroma. Another advantage is the possibility of unlimited use.

Veled oil ensures stretch marks free skin of pregnant women

  • Cocoa butter for stretch marks

It is one of the few oils that is guaranteed to penetrate the inner layers of the skin. It is rich in natural antioxidants, so it quickly gives the skin firmness and elasticity. It is better to use it separately, without creating any mixtures. The tool helps in almost 100% of use cases.

Cocoa butter guarantees all pregnant women a complete absence of scars.

  • Johnson baby oil for stretch marks

Initially, the drug was addressed to young children - from birth. But the unique ability to restore and strengthen the skin quickly made the oil a woman's favorite. Reviews confirm the beneficial effect of the remedy on the skin affected by stretch marks, especially in combination with other oils: olive, tangerine and apricot kernels (12 drops each).

The uniqueness of Johnson's baby oil is in its versatility, the product is safe for all women, including allergy sufferers and those who are expecting a baby.

  • Almond oil for stretch marks

The oil saturates the skin with vitamins and microelements, relieves irritation. To prevent stretch marks, you can use both the oil itself and compositions based on it. An interesting effective recipe is offered by many women who have already become mothers. Add 5 drops of lavender oil to 10 teaspoons of cocoa butter. Rub into problem areas at least twice a week.

Almond oil prevents new stretch marks and helps fight old ones

What oils are prohibited during pregnancy

Some drugs stimulate uterine contraction and may cause miscarriage. The following oils are completely prohibited during this period:

  • basilica;
  • parsley;
  • oregano;
  • rosemary;
  • cedar;
  • mint;
  • sage;
  • juniper;
  • wormwood.

Effective treatments for any stretch marks

Massage tricks

During this procedure, the oil penetrates deeply into the skin and acts faster. It is better to rub it every day, into the skin heated after a bath or shower. You can use ready-made fatty oil or prepare your own mixture by mixing essential oils first, and then adding the main one. If there is too much mass, transfer it to a dark glass jar and store in the refrigerator, but no more than one to two months.

Pinch massage

It works more efficiently than usual. Oil is not rubbed in with it, but "screwed" into problem areas. With your fingertips: forefinger, thumb and middle, lightly grab the skin and make a light movement in a circle.

Baths according to the rules

They are especially recommended if stretch marks have occupied large areas of the body. Do not pour oil directly into the bath - it will remain on the surface. It is better to mix it with an emulsifier: honey, milk, foam or bath salt - it will be evenly distributed in the water. In the treatment of stretch marks, 1 drop of essential oil per 10 liters of water is required, for prevention - for 20 liters. After the procedure, do not wipe the skin - it should dry itself.

Pregnant women can take a bath with oils for stretch marks only after consulting a doctor.

Oil wraps

Your goal is to create a sauna effect so that the oil penetrates the skin as deeply as possible. Treat stretch marks with the prepared composition, wrap with foil and wrap it warmly (for example, with a blanket) for half an hour. You can enhance the benefits of the procedure by adding essential oils to clay, chocolate, algae.

Oil compresses

It is ideal for treating minor stretch marks and treating scars on the chest. Dissolve the oil in a glass of water, soak a napkin in the mixture and apply to the problem area for half an hour. Do not be lazy to carry out the procedure 3-4 times a week.

How to enhance the effects of oils for stretch marks

One, as we know, is not a warrior in the field. So oils will not cope with a responsible mission if the attitude to health is frivolous. Simple methods will help to cope with stretch marks and prevent their appearance:

After a bath with oils, do not dry off with a towel - let the fragrant drops evaporate gradually

  • Healthy eating

Less sweets and starchy foods, more wholesome food - do not allow weight gain. Protein will increase skin elasticity - include foods rich in it in the diet, the production of elastin and collagen will increase.

  • Physical Education

Allocate half an hour every day for sports activities: running, gymnastics, aerobics, just walking. This will keep your body in good shape.

  • Moisturizing and nourishing the skin

Do not forget about your favorite creams and oils: you need to help the skin to regain its elasticity every day. If in a long-term active struggle with stretch marks you have not yet won a victory, do not despair and continue the procedures. In addition to the main work, oils do many others: they relax, relieve stress, and lift the mood. You leave the bathroom as a rested, rejuvenated, beautiful lady who loves the whole world - that's what is important! And the hated striae, believe me, will soon stop worrying you, because they will become less noticeable.