Methods and forms of interaction with the dhow family. Forms of interaction with parents

Building the cooperation of the kindergarten with parents, specialists and practitioners rely on the Concept of Preschool Education (1989), which states that the kindergarten and the family are chronologically linked by a form of continuity, which ensures the continuity of the upbringing and education of children. Tasks of cooperation between a preschool teacher and parents- to establish partnerships with the family of each pupil, to unite efforts for the development and upbringing of children; create an atmosphere of common interests, interaction: emotional mutual support and mutual penetration into each other's problems.

Positive results in the upbringing of children are achieved with a skillful combination of different forms of education and upbringing. Currently, individual work with the family continues to be topical tasks, taking care not to lose sight of and the influence of specialists not only difficult, but also not entirely successful in some specific, but important issues of the family.

The main forms of cooperation.

1. Visiting the child's family gives a lot for studying it, establishing contact with the child, his parents, clarifying the conditions of upbringing, if it does not turn into a formal event. The teacher must agree in advance with the parents on a convenient time for them to visit, as well as determine the purpose of his visit. To come to a child's home is to come to visit. This means that you need to be in a good mood, friendly, benevolent. You should forget about complaints, comments, not allow criticism of parents, their family economy, way of life, advice (single!) To give tactfully, unobtrusively. Having crossed the threshold of the house, the teacher captures the atmosphere of the family: how and who of the family members meets, maintains the conversation, how directly the issues raised are discussed. The child's behavior and mood (joyful, relaxed, quiet, embarrassed, friendly) will also help to understand the psychological climate of the family.

2. Open House Day, being a fairly common form of work, it makes it possible to acquaint parents with the preschool institution, its traditions, rules, features of educational work, to interest it and involve it in participation. It is carried out as a tour of the preschool institution with a visit to the group where the children of the parents who have come are brought up. You can show a fragment of the work of a preschool institution (collective work of children, gathering for a walk, etc.). After the excursion and viewing, the head or the methodologist talk with the parents, find out their impressions, answer the questions that have arisen.

3. Consultation. Consultations are conducted individually or for a subgroup of parents. For group consultations, you can invite parents of different groups who have the same problems or, conversely, success in upbringing (capricious children; children with pronounced abilities for drawing, music). The goals of the consultation are the mastering of certain knowledge and skills by the parents; helping them in resolving problematic issues.

4. Parents' meetings. General meetings (for parents of the entire institution) are organized 2-3 times a year. They discuss the tasks for the new academic year, the results of educational work, physical education and the problems of the summer health period, etc. You can invite a doctor, a lawyer to the general meeting. Group meetings are held every 2-3 months. 2-3 questions are brought up for discussion (one question is prepared by the educator; on the other, parents or one of the specialists can be invited to speak). It is advisable to devote one meeting annually to the discussion of the family experience of raising children. Parents are expected to speak.

5. Discussion meetings are active forms of communication in order to enhance the educational capabilities of parents. This, for example, "round table", "evening of questions and answers"; workshops and trainings to help parents correct their own views on parenting and ways of communicating with their child. Emotionally rich forms of communication with them also contribute to successful interaction with parents: joint leisure of adults and children, folklore family evenings, educational and game quizzes, etc.

It is important for the educator to think over ways to involve parents in the educational process. So, he gives them the right to freely, at their discretion, get acquainted with the life of the child in kindergarten, his communication with peers. It is important for parents to see the child in different activities: play, work, at the computer, while eating and walking, in the pool and in the gym. Such observations are a source of new, sometimes unexpected knowledge about a son or daughter. Their number during the school year can be determined both by the requests of parents for information of interest to them about the life of children in kindergarten, and by the lack of information available to parents or understanding of the importance of a particular child's activity in the development of a child, revealed during conversations, observations, surveys, testing of parents, etc.

When inviting parents to kindergarten, situations should be created for interaction between children and adults. For example, invite parents to sculpt, glue, draw, play, perform sports, dance movements, ask each other questions, make riddles, etc., together with the child. Interacting with the child, parents begin to understand and feel him better, notice changes in his development, are happy and empathize with the successes and successes of a son or daughter.

The teacher thinks over the content of communication with parents, taking into account the social factors of family education: living conditions of the family, age, parental education, marital and parenting experience; types of families, indicating the originality of the social situation of the development of the only child in the family; having an older or younger brother (sister); living with grandmother, grandfather; in an incomplete family; when a parent is remarried; with guardians, etc. An analysis of the families of pupils helps the teacher to better navigate the pedagogical needs of the parents and to carry out differentiated communication with them, combining them into subgroups according to similar conditions and difficulties of upbringing (for example, having only a son or daughter; experiencing difficulties in establishing relations between two, three different-sex or same-sex children; those interested in the specifics of raising the youngest child in a family, etc.).

Content of communication with parents of children one to three years can be: organization of a healthy lifestyle for the family; creating conditions for the safety of the child's life in the house; hygiene issues; the importance of the emotional connection between the mother and the child in the development of the baby, the culture of emotional communication with the child and the value of play communication with him in the family; features of social development and overcoming the crisis in three years. It is important to teach parents the skills to enrich the child's sensory, speech experience in various types of activity, to ensure the child's motor activity, his tool-object activity, to acquaint them with the program for the development and upbringing of children in kindergarten.

When communicating with parents of children three to five for years, the teacher continues to acquaint them with the methods of communication with the child and adequate methods of pedagogical influence in the family; teaches the ways of developing speech and verbal communication, shows the family's possibilities for the development of the child's curiosity, imagination, etc. Reflects with parents about the manifestations of the child's individuality, features of his behavior, habits and preferences.

With parents of children five to seven for years, the teacher has been discussing the issues of the child's psychophysiological maturity and his readiness for school; draws the attention of parents to the importance of the formation of morally significant motives and arbitrary forms of child behavior, the formation of a respectful attitude towards the adults of his family and the enrichment of his sensory experience.

During discussions, it is better for the educator to direct the dialogue, and not to lead in it, to provide each participant with the opportunity to freely express themselves, listen to others, and form their own point of view on the problem under discussion. A discussion question or discussion of several points of view on a problem will set the parents up for reflection. For example: "What, in your opinion, is the main guarantee of a child's well-being - in extraordinary willpower, good health or bright mental abilities?"

The solution of problematic tasks of family education encourages parents to analyze educational methods, to search for a more suitable way of parental behavior, to exercise the consistency and evidence of pedagogical reasoning, and to develop a sense of pedagogical tact in them. For example, parents are asked the following problem: “You punished the child, but later it turned out that he was not to blame. What will you do and why exactly? " Or: “A child, sitting at the table, poured milk. How do you usually feel about such misdeeds of a child? " How do you like this address of an adult to a child: “How! Do you allow not the hand, but the glass to be the master? You need to talk to your hand. Let's take a sponge and wipe everything off. "

Training exercises and role-playing of family situations can enrich the arsenal of ways of parenting behavior and interaction with the child. For example, the task to parents in the game training: "Please play the way you will establish contact with a crying child who has offended a peer ..." see the difference between them, choose more successful forms, replace undesirable ones with more constructive ones. For example: “I have no doubt that your toys obey you” instead of “Why didn't you put your toys away again?”; “I am so pleased to see that you already know how to take care of yourself. It is indecent to sit at the table with dirty hands! " instead of "What is this way of always sitting at the table with dirty hands?"

Parents' analysis of children's behavior helps them to see their pedagogical experience from the outside, provides an opportunity to reflect on the motives of the child's actions, teaches them to understand them from the point of view of his mental and age needs. By inviting parents to express their opinion about the child's actions in a particular situation, the teacher can formulate the question to the parents: "How would your child act in a similar situation?"

Special delicacy from the teacher is required by questions concerning psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents in overcoming the difficulties of family education, for example, the emotional distress of the child in connection with divorce, family conflict, re-marriage of the parent, etc. In these cases, the teacher works together with a practical psychologist, social teacher, other specialists of the preschool institution. So, together with a psychologist or social educator, it is advisable to acquaint parents with the reasons for the emergence of various forms of affective behavior in children (anxiety, hyperactivity, insecurity, aggressiveness, etc.). It is useful to tell parents about the importance of creating conditions in the family for psychological comfort, safe mental development of the child. It is good to give parents, especially mothers, the skills of psychological protection of the child in connection with violations of family relationships, crisis situations in the family, since for a preschooler it is the mother in the conditions of unstable family relationships that is the main, and sometimes the only, emotional support of the child. Regular individual conversations about the mental health of children will increase the psychological culture of parents, contribute to their gradual understanding and awareness of the causes of emerging psychological problems with the child.

It is important to create conditions in the premises of a preschool institution for comfortable confidential communication of parents with specialists: teachers of additional education, a psychologist, medical workers, etc. reading.


The work of a preschool educational institution with a family is based on the cooperation of teachers and parents, which implies equality of positions of partners, a respectful attitude towards each other of the interacting parties, taking into account individual capabilities and abilities. Cooperation presupposes not only mutual actions, but also mutual understanding, mutual respect, mutual trust, mutual knowledge, and mutual influence. Active joint work of teachers and parents allows you to get to know each other better, helps to strengthen their relationship.

The concept of commonwealth implies the unification of someone based on friendship, unity of views, interests. But is mutual friendship possible without communication, therefore, without interaction? Of course not. And since the commonwealth presupposes, first of all, the openness of the heart towards each other, i.e. the presence of empathy, the commonwealth, is the highest point of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family.

Childhood is an unforgettable time in the life of every person. It is filled with the kind hands of parents and the care of educators. Parental love gives a person a "margin of safety", forms a feeling of psychological security. Who helps parents in raising children? Educators are the first helpers of parents; in their hands, children become curious, active, and creative.

At the present stage, family education is recognized as the leading one, since parents are the first teachers, they are obliged to lay the foundations of the physical, moral, intellectual, personal development of the child. The successful implementation of this large and responsible work is impossible apart from the family.

The main thing in the work of any preschool educational institution is the preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of pupils, their creative and intellectual development, providing conditions for personal and harmonious growth. To achieve high efficiency of the educational and pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution, work with the parents of pupils is of great importance. Parents. Parents. Parents ... you can, at least, how much to incline this word, an effective spell that bears fruit for improving relationships between preschool educational institutions and families. In this regard, the position of the preschool educational institution in working with the family is changing.

The analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature has shown that the problem of interaction between the family and the preschool educational institution is widely discussed by teachers and psychologists - practitioners. The research carried out by T. Danilina revealed the problems that exist in the interaction of the preschool educational institution with the family, such as lack of time and unwillingness to work in cooperation. L.M. Clarina developed a whole complex of the formation and development of the content and organizational directions of the kindergarten and family community. T.N. Doronova, G.V. Glushakova, T.I. Grizik and other authors developed and published guidelines for preschool educational institutions in organizing and conducting work with parents on the basis of cooperation and interaction.

The problem of interaction of a preschool institution with a family remains relevant today, sometimes acquiring an exacerbated character. Difficulties in relations between families and educational institutions may be associated, for example, with a mismatch in mutual expectations, with sometimes parental distrust of educators. The misunderstanding between the family and the kindergarten falls heavily on the child. And we, teachers, very often experience great difficulties in communicating with parents due to the choice of the form of interaction.

Thus, the analysis indicates the need for innovations in cooperation with parents. It is necessary to develop and implement a work system for the active involvement of parents in the life of the preschool educational institution. All this allows us to consider work with parents as one of the problems of preschool educational institutions at the present stage of modernization of the education system. In this regard, the question of finding and implementing modern forms of interaction between a preschool institution and a family is one of the most urgent today.

The forms of interaction between kindergarten and parents are ways of organizing their joint activities and communication. The main goal of all types of forms of interaction between a preschool educational institution and the family is to establish trusting relationships with children, parents and teachers, unite them into one team, foster the need to share their problems with each other and solve them together. Teachers try to make the fullest use of the entire pedagogical potential of traditional forms of interaction with the family and are looking for new, modern forms of cooperation with parents in accordance with the changing socio-political and economic conditions of the development of our country.

By building interaction with parents, it is possible to develop and use both traditional forms - parent meetings, lectures, workshops, and modern forms - oral journals, excursions, parent clubs, promotions, recreational activities, games, etc.

When planning this or that form of work, we, as teachers, always proceed from the idea of ​​modern parents as modern people, ready for learning, self-development and cooperation. With this in mind, we select the following requirements for the forms of interaction: originality, relevance, interactivity.

Recently, new, promising forms of cooperation have emerged, which involve the involvement of parents in active participation, both in the pedagogical process and in the life of the kindergarten. In our group, we use a variety of modern forms of work with parents. What can be attributed to them:

Information and analytical


- "mailbox".

Visual information

Parent clubs;


Information stands "OKNO - very short news";

Issue of the newspaper "ZhZD - the life of wonderful children".


Parents' living rooms;

Non-traditional parenting meetings;

Oral journals;




Joint leisure;

Parents' participation in competitions, exhibitions.

One of the forms of information and analytical work is a mailbox. This is a box or notebook in which parents can put notes with their ideas and suggestions, ask questions to specialists, a manager or a methodologist. The questions asked are highlighted at parent-teacher meetings or given by specialists in writing. This form of work allows parents to share their thoughts with the educator and is effective when time constraints prevent the educator from meeting with the parents in person.

Another effective form of work with parents is visual and informational. The parent club "Parents' Academy" has been operating in our group for several years. There are usually 4 club meetings per year. We try to make the meetings interesting for parents, not to turn into boring lectures, so we always choose topics according to their wishes (guided by the results of the survey). "The magic world of theater", "How to keep healthy", "Child from the point of view of astrology", "Adults through the eyes of a child" - these are some of the topics of the meetings. In addition, we try to get the children to take part in the meeting, we include a practical part or a master class. In conclusion, each parent receives a memo on the topic.

The information stand "OKNO - very short news" will also tell parents about the life of the group. The "WINDOW" reflects the most important events - holidays and entertainment, children's birthdays, hikes and excursions, meeting guests, interesting activities, contests, products of collective children's creativity, children's compositions. If necessary, these stands can be easily turned into thematic ones: "What is safety?", "Once again about the rights of the child", etc.

Parents' meeting remains one of the most traditional, but effective cognitive forms of work with the family. However, we know from work experience that parents are reluctant to respond directly to meetings in the form of reports and instructive conversations, which is quite understandable. We found a way out of this situation in changing the forms and methods of conducting. We tried to build communication not on a monologue, but on a dialogue. This approach demanded more thorough and long-term preparation from teachers, but the result became more tangible. We hold meetings in the form of discussions, round tables, KVN, get-togethers, etc. Often, teachers use video recordings of children's activities, fragments of classes, competitive performances. This is why meeting attendance rates are high.

The most popular and beloved form of work by both educators and parents is leisure. Opportunities for cooperation are most fully revealed here. It has become a good tradition to hold annual recreational activities that do not depend on the season. During the hike "To nature", the goal of which was, in cooperation with the family, to form in them a conscious attitude towards their health and the need for a healthy lifestyle. Also, every year, together with their children, parents take an active part in the sports events "Course of a Young Fighter", "All to the Ski Track". Such events bring families together, provide an opportunity to look at each other in a new environment, and strengthen cooperation between the family and the kindergarten. As a result of such holidays, newspapers, leaflets, albums with photographs are also issued.

Thus, the family and the preschool institution are two important social institutions for the socialization of the child. Without parental involvement, the upbringing process is impossible, or at least incomplete. The experience of working with parents has shown that as a result of the use of modern forms of interaction, the position of the parents has become more flexible. Now they are not spectators and observers, but active participants in the life of their child. Such changes allow us to talk about the effectiveness of using modern forms in working with parents.

Conclusions on the first chapter

1. Modern science emphasizes the priority of the family in the upbringing of a child, manifested in a variety of forms of interaction with a preschool educational institution. The success of cooperation largely depends on the mutual attitudes of the family and the kindergarten. They develop most optimally if both parties realize the need for targeted influence on the child and trust each other. It is important for parents to be confident in the good attitude of the teacher to the child; felt the teacher's competence in matters of upbringing, but most importantly valued his personal qualities (caring, attention to people, kindness, sensitivity).

2. Communication of teachers with parents of pupils has always been and remains a topical issue for kindergartens. One of the aspects of this issue is finding the effective ways of cooperation, which are necessary for both educators and parents. It is necessary to develop common educational and educational positions with the family of each pupil, to create an atmosphere of common interests, emotional mutual support and mutual penetration into each other's problems. The relationship of the preschool institution with the family should be based on cooperation and interaction, provided that the kindergarten is open to the inside and out.

3. Today, all experts recognize the importance of involving parents in the work of the kindergarten, educators must take the initiative and understand how to interact with each individual family for the benefit of the child. Using the principle of an individual approach to parental involvement, it is possible to develop a variety of ways to involve the majority of families in the work, we will note some of them: a presentation of a preschool institution; open classes with children at a preschool educational institution for parents; pedagogical council with the participation of parents; questionnaires, interviews, pedagogical situations, helpline, family visits, pedagogical conversations, thematic consultations, individual and group meetings; "round table"; the conference; visual propaganda and much more.

Educating parents, increasing their literacy in physical education and health promotion of preschoolers can be carried out in various forms.

Preschool institutions are diverse, work according to various programs and methods, therefore, the forms and methods of interaction of preschool institutions with families are diverse - both already established in this area and innovative, non-traditional.

For these purposes, they are well used:

  • - information in parental corners, in travel folders, in the kindergarten library;
  • - various consultations, oral journals and discussions with the participation of a psychologist, physicians, specialists in physical education, as well as parents with experience in family education;
  • - workshops, business games and trainings with listening to tape recordings of conversations with children;
  • - “open days” for parents with viewing and conducting a variety of activities in the gym, at the stadium, hardening and medical procedures;
  • - joint sports activities, holidays;
  • - questioning and testing of parents on the issue of raising a healthy child. Questioning is one of the interesting forms of work with parents. It helps to get to know children better, the interests of their parents, to collect opinions and wishes about their work. Based on the results of the analysis of personal data in each group, educators can create a card index of the families of pupils, where information about the composition of the family, social status, parent-child relationship, interests and hobbies are entered.

Consider the main forms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families raising children of early preschool age.

As an interaction of the preschool institution with the parents of children, you can use visiting families in order to find out the state of conditions for the child's play activities, the presence of toys and identifying their place in the life of the baby. Visiting the child's family gives a lot for studying it, establishing contact with the child, his parents, clarifying the conditions of upbringing. From the very first visit to the family, a professional social educator will see what kind of relationships prevail between its members, what is the psychological climate in which the child develops. The child's behavior and mood (joyful, relaxed, quiet, embarrassed, friendly) will also help to understand the psychological climate of the family. At each subsequent visit to the family, the educator or social educator must determine in advance the specific goals and objectives related to the peculiarities of the development and upbringing of the child, with the type of family. For home visiting to be effective, it is necessary to inform parents not only of the time of the visit, but also of its main purpose. Practice shows that in this case, the conversation and observation are more effective.

An open door day, being a fairly common form of work, makes it possible to acquaint parents with a preschool institution, its traditions, rules, features of educational work, to interest it and involve it in participation. It is carried out as a tour of the preschool institution with a visit to the group where the children of the parents who have come are brought up. You can show a fragment of the work of a preschool institution (collective work of children, gathering for a walk, etc.). Open views give parents a lot: they get the opportunity to observe their children in a situation different from the family one, to compare his behavior and skills with the behavior and skills of other children, to adopt the teaching methods and educational influences from the teacher.

Along with open days, shifts of parents and members of the parent committee are held. Ample opportunities for observation are provided to parents during walks of children on the site, on holidays, evenings of entertainment. This form of pedagogical propaganda is very effective and helps the teaching staff to overcome the superficial opinion still encountered among parents about the role of kindergarten in the life and upbringing of children.

Parental meetings are the most effective forms of interaction with parents of raising young children. Parents' meetings are an effective form of communication between the educator and the parents. It is at the meetings that the educator has the opportunity to familiarize parents in an organized manner with the content and methods of playing in a family and kindergarten. The role of the educator is to organize a meeting, plan its course, correctly highlight the most significant issues, help in resolving difficulties, prepare handouts, reminders, think over the practical part, take stock of the work, thank the parents for their activity, the desire to work together.

You can hold thematic parent-teacher meetings on the development of an outdoor game. But parents do not really like open views, so they can be replaced by modern technical capabilities, for example, the use of photo albums, wall newspapers, recordings of classes, games with children or other activities on videotape. First, it is a good "memory" for parents. And secondly, video recording of activities and games with children can be shown at parent-teacher meetings, which will help to convincingly support the teacher's story.

Family clubs are also effective. Unlike parental meetings, which are based on an edifying and instructive form of communication, the club builds relationships with the family on the principles of voluntariness and personal interest. In such a club, people are united by a common problem and joint searches for optimal forms of assistance to the child. The topics of the meetings are formulated and requested by the parents. In order to identify the request of the participants and obtain additional information, a questionnaire is conducted before the start of each club meeting.

Parents, especially young ones, also need to acquire practical skills in raising children. It is advisable to invite them to workshops. This form of work makes it possible to talk about the methods and techniques of teaching the game and show them.

Conversations are conducted both individually and in groups. In both cases, the goal is clearly defined: what needs to be found out, how the educator can help. The content of the conversation is laconic, meaningful for the parents, presented in such a way as to encourage the interlocutors to speak. The teacher must be able not only to speak, but also to listen to parents, to express their interest and benevolence.

Consultations are conducted both individually and for a subgroup of parents. For group consultations, you can invite parents of different groups who have the same problems or, conversely, success in upbringing. The goals of the consultation are the mastering of certain knowledge and skills by the parents; helping them in resolving problematic issues. The forms of consultation are different: a report from a specialist followed by a discussion; discussion of an article read in advance by all those invited to the consultation; practical lesson.

Parents' conferences are the main purpose of which is the exchange of experience in family education. Parents prepare a message in advance, the teacher, if necessary, provides assistance in choosing a topic, designing a speech. The conference can be held within the framework of one preschool institution, but conferences of city and district scales are also practiced. It is important to determine the current topic of the conference. An exhibition of children's works, pedagogical literature, materials reflecting the work of preschool institutions, etc. is being prepared for the conference.

One should take seriously such a form of work as visual propaganda, correctly understand its role in pedagogical education of parents, carefully thinking over the content, decoration of folders, striving for the unity of text and illustrative materials. The library of special literature on the problems of child development is a significant help here. Teachers monitor the timely exchange, the selection of the necessary books, make annotations of new products. Great importance should be attached to the design of general thematic stands and exhibitions. For example, with great pleasure, parents look at the works of children, exhibited at a special stand: drawings, modeling, applications, etc. You can constantly arrange group stands of the "For you, parents" type containing information on two sections: the daily life of the group - various kinds of announcements, mode, menus, etc., and current work on raising children in kindergarten and family. In the section "Tips and Tricks", under the guidance of a psychologist and social educator, there are recommendations on various issues, reports of members of the parent committee on visits to families, shifts. The theme of the stand materials should depend on both age characteristics and the characteristics of families.

Currently, in connection with the restructuring of the preschool education system, practical workers of preschool educational institutions are looking for new, non-traditional forms of work with parents, based on the cooperation and interaction of teachers and parents. For example, evenings of questions and answers provide concentrated pedagogical information on a wide variety of questions, which are often debatable, and the answers to them often turn into a heated, interested discussion.

You can use such a dynamic form of pedagogical propaganda, such as folders-moving. They help with an individual approach to family work. In the annual plan, it is necessary to foresee the themes of the folders in advance so that teachers can pick up illustrations and prepare text material. The themes of the folders can be varied, for example, in the folder on the theme “Children’s play as a means of education”:

  • 1) the statements of the classics of pedagogy about the purpose of the game for the development and education of preschool children;
  • 2) what toys are needed for a child of a particular age, a list of toys and photographs;
  • 3) how to organize a play area at home;
  • 4) a brief description of the types of play activities at different ages, its role in moral education, examples of role-playing games;
  • 5) recommendations for the management of children's play in the family;
  • 6) a list of recommended literature.

Taking into account the busyness of the parents, such non-traditional forms of communication with the family as "Parental mail" and "Helpline" are also used. Any family member has the opportunity in a short note to express doubts about the methods of raising their child, seek help from a specific specialist, etc. The helpline helps parents to anonymously find out any problems that are significant to them, to warn teachers about the noticed unusual manifestations of children.

The library of games is also an unconventional form of interaction with the family. Since play requires the participation of an adult, it forces the parent to interact with the child. If the tradition of joint home games is instilled, new games invented by adults together with children appear in the library.

Roundtable meetings broaden the educational horizons not only of parents, but also of the teachers themselves. The topics of the meeting can be different. The conversation should be started by parent activists, then a psychologist, doctor, defectologist, educators, social educator, and other parents should join it. In this form of work, it is noteworthy that practically not a single parent is left on the sidelines, almost everyone takes an active part, sharing interesting observations, expressing practical advice.


Over the thousand-year history of mankind, two branches of the upbringing of the younger generation have developed: family and public. Each of these branches, representing a social institution of upbringing, has its own specific capabilities in the formation of the child's personality. Family and preschool institutions are two important institutions for the socialization of children. Their upbringing functions are different, but their interaction is necessary for the all-round development of the child. Preschool plays an important role in the development of the child. Here he receives an education, acquires the ability to interact with other children and adults, to organize his own activities. However, how effectively a child will acquire these skills depends on the family's attitude towards the preschool. Harmonious development of a preschooler is hardly possible without the active participation of his parents in the educational process.

The role of the family in the upbringing and development of a child should also not be underestimated. The main feature of family education is a special emotional microclimate, thanks to which a child develops an attitude towards himself, which determines his sense of self-worth. Another important role of family education is to influence the value orientations, the worldview of the child as a whole, and his behavior in various spheres of social life. It is also known that it is the example of parents and their personal qualities that largely determine the effectiveness of the upbringing function of the family. The importance of family education in the development of children determines the importance of interaction between the family and the preschool institution. However, this interaction is influenced by a number of factors, primarily what parents and the teaching staff expect from each other. Despite the fact that recently new, promising forms of cooperation have emerged, which involve the involvement of parents in active participation in the pedagogical process of the kindergarten, more often work with parents is carried out only in one of the directions of pedagogical propaganda, in which the family is only an object of influence. As a result, no feedback is established with the family, and the possibilities of family education are not fully utilized.

At the same time, since the interaction of the family and the preschool institution plays an important role in the development of the child and ensuring the continuity of preschool and school education, it is necessary to study in detail the ideas of parents and teachers about each other, their influence on interaction and develop recommendations that would help increase the effectiveness of this. interactions. In this regard, the issue of finding and implementing non-traditional forms of interaction between a preschool institution and a family is one of the most urgent today, as well as the topic of our research: "Non-traditional forms of interaction between a preschool institution and a family."

Purpose of the study: to theoretically substantiate and practically check the effectiveness of non-traditional forms of interaction between a preschool educational institution and a family.

Object of study: interaction of the preschool institution with the family.

Subject of study: non-traditional forms of interaction of the preschool institution with the family.

Research methods... When writing a term paper, we made a comprehensive analysis. The main methods in the work were the following methods: questioning, experiment, comparative.

Research hypothesis: the interaction of the preschool institution with the family will be more effective:

If non-traditional forms of interaction between preschool educational institutions and families will be used in combination with traditional ones;

If the work will be dominated by forms aimed at involving parents in the upbringing of their children.

In accordance with the goal and hypothesis, research objectives:

1. Consider the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of interaction of the preschool institution with the family.

2. Develop criteria for assessing the interaction of the preschool educational institution and the family.

3. Develop a long-term plan for the use of non-traditional forms of interaction between the preschool institution and the family.

Research base: MDOU 9 "Alan", Naberezhnye Chelny.

Work structure... The course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a bibliography.

1. Scientific and theoretical foundations of the organization of work based on the interaction of the preschool educational institution and the family

1.1. The problem of interaction between social and family education in the historical aspect

Modern pedagogical science has numerous evidences confirming what has been ripening for centuries in the popular practice of education, has been predictively noted in the works of outstanding thinkers of the past, namely: the indisputable priority of family education in the development of the child's personality (K. D. Ushinsky, V. A. Sukhomlinsky and etc.). In recent years, attention to the family as an object of research has increased, and data have been obtained that make it possible to deepen the characterization of this most important social institution of upbringing.

The family is a source and an important link in the transfer of social and historical experience to the child, and, above all, the experience of emotional and business relationships between people. Taking this into account, we can rightfully assume that the family was, is and will be the most important institution for the upbringing and socialization of a child.

Modern science has numerous data showing that without prejudice to the development of the child's personality, it is impossible to abandon family education, since it gives the child the whole gamut of feelings, the widest range of ideas about life. In addition, its strength and effectiveness are incomparable with any, even very qualified, upbringing in a kindergarten or school (33, p. 58).

The first ideas of family education, ideas about love, parents, children, ancestors were formed in folk pedagogy on the basis of centuries of everyday experience, i.e. empirically. They were passed from century to century, from family to family through traditions, national-ethnic rituals, customs, folklore, works of decorative and applied art, which ensured the people reproduction of themselves, their spiritual culture, national character and psychology in a series of successive generations. We can rightfully say that folk pedagogy has defined its own image of upbringing, its own "system" of rules and norms of behavior, embodied in the code of ethics, traditions, rituals, and customs.

The family occupies a special place in folk pedagogy, since it was considered in traditional culture as a natural environment that determines the order of home education, its content. The order of upbringing at home ensures a certain way of life of the family, traditions, customs, holidays, and ceremonies. Home education is focused on the mundane, everyday life of a person. His goal is to prepare the child for this life, so that it is "not a burden for him, but a joy." The moral guarantee of the well-being of human life is conscientious work, to which a child is taught from an early age. This is evidenced by the popular wisdom: “A man is born for labor”, “Without labor there is no good”, “Without good labor there is no fruit”, “Only smoke the sky without work”, etc.

Created many centuries ago and in the currently existing means of folk pedagogy (fairy tales, proverbs, sayings, legends, songs, games) contains a kind of program of "house building", which defines the foundations of family life, housekeeping rules, ethics of relations, receiving guests et al (16, p. 88).

Positive heroes in fairy tales honor and respect their parents, take care of children, treat brothers and sisters with tenderness, are ready for feats in the name of love. The proverbs aptly express the people's ideas about family and family relationships, the rules of relationships, which have not lost their moral value to this day. Let us recall some of them: “The husband is the head, the wife is the soul”, “He who was not a widow did not endure trouble”, “It is easy to make a child, it is not easy to raise”, “Scold a wife without children, and children without people”, “Choose his wife is not in a round dance, but in the garden "," The child is that dough: as he kneaded, he grew up "," The house must not be shaken with the reins, but it is necessary to make ends meet ", etc.

Progressive features of Russian family pedagogy, in which, as noted by the famous historian V.S. Soloviev, the "moral principle of the people" is rooted, include reverence for the elders and special attention to the little ones, worship of the land-breadwinner, honoring the home, introducing children to the history of the family, preservation of traditions, customs that help the younger generation to realize their role as heirs of national values.

Thus, the family pedagogy of each nation reflects its ideals, ideas about the goal and means of upbringing, the implementation of which contributes to the formation of the best traits of the national character in children, prepares them for an independent, dignified life. Naturally, family pedagogy as a branch of pedagogical science, developing the theoretical foundations of home education, relies on family folk culture, in which, as a focus, the historical experience of home and family education is collected (I.V. Bestuzhev-Lada, G.N. Volkov , V.M. Petrov and others) (12, p. 43).

Noting the undoubtedly strong sides of folk family pedagogy (stability, reliability, efficiency), one should not absolutize and try to restore as fully as possible in the current conditions the traditional family upbringing that has developed throughout the history of a particular people. First of all, as rightly so, modern scientists (I.V. Bestuzhev-Lada, I.S. Kon) note that the family fabric of relationships, which has been created for centuries, is undergoing transformation, new values ​​and models appear that expand the socio-cultural ideas of a person. In a modern family, children are becoming the main value, the rating of emotional intra-family relationships is growing rapidly, etc. It should be borne in mind that folk pedagogy also has some negative features due to the historical foundations of life: prejudices and superstitions, "the dominance of verbal measures of influence" (G.N. Volkov), excessive severity in dealing with children, despotism of parents, etc. ... Evidence of this can be found in the writings of historians, for example, in the book by N.I. Kostomarov "Domestic life and customs of the Great Russian people." This is described in works of art, among which are the well-known autobiographical books by A.M. Gorky "Childhood", "In People".

The family is one of the main themes of ancient Russian literary and pedagogical monuments dating back to the X-XIV centuries, Russian collections of the XIV-XIX centuries. The pedagogical thought of Ancient Rus was clearly manifested in the "Teaching to the Children" of Prince Vladimir Monomakh, in such monuments of literature and writing as "Bee", "Prologues", "Chrysostom", etc. In the understanding of ancient Russian authors, the true wisdom of family education is associated with high morality , with Christian virtues.

Raising children in love and respect for their parents, reverence for their ancestors is one of the leading ideas of ancient Russian pedagogy. Another idea is to raise a future family man from an early age, by instilling positive moral qualities (hard work, meekness, tolerance, compliance, diligence, modesty, honesty, etc.). So, Vladimir Monomakh stood up for the strengthening of the family, placed high on the role of the father in bringing up the boy's industriousness, in training a defender-warrior, but most importantly in developing the ability to prudently manage his home (25, p. 66). On the pages of "Domostroi" (16th century), a kind of "program" of moral education of children, family preparation of them for life, teaching what is necessary in "household use" is presented. In this respect, of particular interest are the chapters "How to bring up a daughter, marry with an allotment", "How to love and cherish and obey the children of a father and mother, and rest them in everything."

1.2. Modern approaches to organizing interaction between family and preschool educational institution

The new concept of interaction between the family and the preschool institution is based on the idea that parents are responsible for the upbringing of children, and all other social institutions are called upon to help, support, guide, supplement their educational activities. The policy of transforming education from family to public education, officially implemented in our country, is becoming a thing of the past.

Recognizing the priority of family education requires new family-preschool relationships. The novelty of these relations is determined by the concepts of "cooperation" and "interaction".

Cooperation is communication "on an equal footing", where no one has the privilege of specifying, controlling, evaluating.

Interaction is a way of organizing joint activities, which is carried out on the basis of social perception and through communication. In the "Dictionary of the Russian language" S. Ozhegov the meaning of the word "interaction" is explained as follows: 1) the mutual connection of two phenomena; 2) mutual support.

The main point in the context of "family - preschool" is the personal interaction of the teacher and parents about difficulties and joys, successes and failures, doubts and reflections in the process of raising a particular child in a given family. Helping each other in understanding the child, in solving his individual problems, in optimizing his development is invaluable (23, p. 64).

It is impossible to move to new forms of relations between parents and teachers within the framework of a closed kindergarten: it must become an open system. The results of foreign and domestic studies make it possible to characterize what constitutes the openness of a preschool institution, including "openness to the inside" and "openness to the outside".

To make the preschool institution "open inward" means to make the pedagogical process more free, flexible, differentiated, to humanize the relationship between children, teachers, and parents. Create such conditions so that all participants in the educational process (children, teachers, parents) have a personal readiness to open themselves up in some kind of activity, event, to talk about their joys, worries, successes and failures, etc.

An example of openness is demonstrated by the teacher. The teacher can demonstrate his openness to children by telling them about something of his own - interesting, seen and experienced during the holidays, thereby initiating the children’s desire to participate in the conversation. Communicating with parents, the teacher does not hide when he doubts something, he asks for advice, help, in every possible way emphasizing respect for the experience, knowledge, personality of the interlocutor. At the same time, pedagogical tact, the most important professional quality, will not allow the teacher to sink to familiarity and familiarity.

The teacher "infects" children and parents with his personal readiness to open himself up. By his example, he calls parents to confidential communication, and they share their worries, difficulties, ask for help and offer their services, freely express their claims, etc.

"Openness of the kindergarten inward" is the involvement of parents in the educational process of the kindergarten. Parents and family members can significantly diversify the life of children in a preschool institution, contribute to educational work. It can be an episodic event that every family can do. Some parents are happy to organize an excursion, a "hike" to the nearest forest, to a river, others will help in equipping the pedagogical process, and still others will teach children something.

Some parents and other family members are involved in systematic educational and health-improving work with children. For example, they lead circles, studios, teach kids some crafts, handicrafts, engage in theatrical activities, etc.

Thus, all subjects of the pedagogical process benefit from the participation of parents in the work of a preschool institution. First of all, children. And not only because they learn something new. Another thing is more important - they learn with respect, love and gratitude to look at their dads, mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers, who, it turns out, know so much, tell so interestingly, who have such golden hands. Teachers, in turn, have the opportunity to get to know families better, understand the strengths and weaknesses of home education, determine the nature and extent of their assistance, and sometimes just learn.

Thus, we can talk about a real addition to family and social education.

"Openness of the kindergarten outward" means that the kindergarten is open to the influences of the micro-society, its microdistrict, is ready to cooperate with the social institutions located on its territory, such as: a general education school, a music school, a sports complex, a library, etc. the "Knizhkin holiday" is held, in which the senior pupils of the kindergarten take part; music school students give a concert in kindergarten; children, staff and parents are involved in community activities. For example, at the holidays dedicated to the City Day, Christmas, Easter, etc., a choir of children, employees, parents of a preschool institution performs. The preschool institution presents the works of its pupils at exhibitions of children's creativity held on a regional scale. Local cable TV broadcasts from the kindergarten (eg Maslenitsa celebrations). On Defender of the Motherland Day, children, with the help of their parents, invite veterans and servicemen living in neighboring houses to their concert (17, p. 204).

The content of the work of a kindergarten in a micro-society can be very diverse, largely determined by its specifics. Its undoubted value is in strengthening ties with the family, expanding the social experience of children, initiating the activity and creativity of kindergarten staff, which in turn works for the authority of the preschool institution and public education in general.

For a kindergarten to become a real, and not a declared open system, parents and teachers must build their relationships on the psychology of trust. Parents should be sure of a good attitude of the teacher to the child. Therefore, the teacher needs to develop a "kind look" at the child: to see in his development, personality, first of all, positive features, to create conditions for their manifestation, consolidation, to draw the attention of parents to them. The parents' trust in the teacher is based on respect for the experience, knowledge, and competence of the teacher in matters of upbringing, but, most importantly, on the trust in him due to his personal qualities (caring, attention to people, kindness, sensitivity).

In an open kindergarten, parents have the opportunity at a convenient time for them to come to the group, observe what the child is doing, play with the children, etc. Teachers do not always welcome such free, unplanned "visits" of parents, mistaking them for control and verification of their activities. But parents, observing the life of a kindergarten "from the inside", begin to understand the objectivity of many difficulties (few toys, a cramped washroom, etc.), and then instead of complaining to the teacher, they have a desire to help, to take part in improving the conditions of upbringing in the group. And these are the first shoots of cooperation. Having got acquainted with the real pedagogical process in the group, the parents borrow the most successful methods of the teacher, enrich the content of home education. The most important result of the free attendance by parents of a preschool is that they study their child in an unusual environment for them, notice how he communicates, studies, how his peers treat him. There is an involuntary comparison: is my child lagging behind others in development, why does he behave differently in kindergarten than at home? Reflexive activity "starts up": do I do everything as it should, why do I get different results of upbringing, what needs to be learned.

The lines of interaction between the teacher and the family do not remain unchanged. Previously, preference was given to the direct influence of the teacher on the family, since the main task was to teach parents how to bring up children. This area of ​​the teacher's activity was called "work with the family." To save time and effort, "teaching" was carried out in collective forms (at meetings, collective consultations, in lecture halls, etc.). Cooperation between the kindergarten and the family assumes that both parties have something to say to each other about a particular child and his development trends. Hence - a turn towards interaction with each family, therefore, a preference for individual forms of work (individual conversations, consultations, family visits, etc.).

Interaction in a small group of parents with similar parenting problems is called a differentiated approach.

There is one more line of influence on the family - through the child. If life in a group is interesting, meaningful, the child is emotionally comfortable, he will definitely share his impressions with the household. For example, the group is preparing for Christmas carols, children prepare treats, gifts, come up with sketches, rhymed congratulations, wishes, etc. At the same time, one of the parents will definitely ask the teacher about the upcoming entertainment, offer his help (20, p. 162).

Among the relatively new forms of cooperation between the kindergarten and the family, one should note the evenings of relaxation with the participation of teachers, parents, children; sports entertainment, gatherings, preparation of performances, meetings in the form of "Let's get to know each other", "Let's make each other happy", etc. In many preschool institutions there is a "helpline", "Day of Good Deeds", evenings of questions and answers are held.

The main goal of all forms and types of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family is the establishment of trusting relationships between children, parents and teachers, uniting them into one team, fostering the need to share their problems with each other and solve them together.

The interaction of teachers and parents of preschool children is carried out mainly through:

Involvement of parents in the pedagogical process;

Expanding the scope of parents' participation in organizing the life of an educational institution;

Parents' stay in the classroom at a convenient time for them;

Creation of conditions for creative self-realization of teachers, parents, children;

Information and pedagogical materials, exhibitions of children's works, which allow parents to get to know parents better with the specifics of the institution, acquaint them with the upbringing and developmental environment;

Various programs of joint activities of children and parents;

Combining the efforts of the teacher and the parent in joint activities for the upbringing and development of the child: these relationships should be viewed as the art of dialogue between adults and a particular child based on knowledge of the mental characteristics of his age, taking into account the interests, abilities and previous experience of the child;

The manifestation of understanding, tolerance and tact in the upbringing and education of a child, the desire to take into account his interests, not ignoring feelings and emotions;

Respectful relationship between family and educational institution.

So, the relationship of the preschool institution with the family should be based on cooperation and interaction, provided that the kindergarten is open in and out.

1.3. Forms of interaction between family and preschool educational institution

Not all families fully realize the whole range of possibilities for influencing a child. The reasons are different: some families do not want to raise a child, others do not know how to do it, and still others do not understand why this is necessary. In all cases, qualified assistance from a preschool institution is required.

At present, individual work with the family, a differentiated approach to families of different types, care not to lose sight of and influence of specialists, not only difficult, but also not entirely successful in some specific, but important issues, continue to be topical tasks. families.

A visit to the child's family gives a lot for studying it, establishing contact with the child, his parents, clarifying the conditions of upbringing, if it does not turn into a formal event. The teacher must agree in advance with the parents on a convenient time for them to visit, as well as determine the purpose of his visit. To come to a child's home is to come to visit. This means that you need to be in a good mood, friendly, benevolent. You should forget about complaints, comments, not allow criticism of parents, their family economy, way of life, advice (single!) To give tactfully, unobtrusively. The child's behavior and mood (joyful, relaxed, quiet, embarrassed, friendly) will also help to understand the psychological climate of the family (31, p. 401).

An open door day, being a fairly common form of work, makes it possible to acquaint parents with a preschool institution, its traditions, rules, features of educational work, to interest it and involve it in participation. It is carried out as a tour of the preschool institution with a visit to the group where the children of the parents who have come are brought up. You can show a fragment of the work of a preschool institution (collective work of children, gathering for a walk, etc.). After the excursion and viewing, the head or the methodologist talk with the parents, find out their impressions, answer the questions that have arisen.

Conversations are conducted both individually and in groups. In both cases, the goal is clearly defined: what needs to be clarified, how we can help. The content of the conversation is laconic, meaningful for the parents, presented in such a way as to encourage the interlocutors to speak. The teacher must be able not only to speak, but also to listen to parents, to express their interest and benevolence.

Consulting. Usually, a system of consultations is drawn up, which are carried out individually or for a subgroup of parents. For group consultations, you can invite parents of different groups who have the same problems or, conversely, success in upbringing (capricious children; children with pronounced abilities for drawing, music). The goals of the consultation are the mastering of certain knowledge and skills by the parents; helping them in resolving problematic issues. The forms of consultations are different (a qualified message from a specialist followed by a discussion; discussion of an article read in advance by all those invited to the consultation; a practical lesson, for example, on the topic "How to teach a poem with children").

Parents, especially young ones, need to acquire practical skills in raising children. It is advisable to invite them to workshops. This form of work makes it possible to talk about the methods and techniques of teaching and show them: how to read a book, look at illustrations, talk about what was read, how to prepare a child's hand for writing, how to exercise the articulation apparatus, etc.

Parents' meetings are held group and general (for parents of the entire institution). General meetings are organized 2-3 times a year. They discuss the tasks for the new academic year, the results of educational work, issues of physical education and problems of the summer health period, etc. You can invite a doctor, lawyer, children's writer to the general meeting. Parents are expected to speak.

Group meetings are held every 2-3 months. 2-3 questions are brought up for discussion (one question is prepared by the educator, on the other you can invite parents or someone from the specialists to speak). It is advisable to devote one meeting annually to the discussion of the family experience of raising children. A topic is chosen that is topical for this group, for example, "Why do our children not like to work?"

Parental conferences. The main goal of the conference is to exchange experience in family education. Parents prepare a message in advance, the teacher, if necessary, provides assistance in choosing a topic, designing a speech. A specialist can speak at the conference. His speech is given "as a seed" to provoke discussion, and if possible, then discussion. The conference can be held within the framework of one preschool institution, but conferences of city and district scales are also practiced. It is important to determine the actual topic of the conference ("Caring for the health of children", "Involvement of children in the national culture", "The role of the family in raising a child"). An exhibition of children's works, pedagogical literature, materials reflecting the work of preschool institutions, etc. is being prepared for the conference. You can end the conference with a joint concert of children, preschool staff, and family members.

Currently, in connection with the restructuring of the preschool education system, practical workers of preschool educational institutions are looking for new, non-traditional forms of work with parents, based on the cooperation and interaction of teachers and parents. Let's give examples of some of them.

Family clubs. Unlike parental meetings, which are based on an edifying and instructive form of communication, the club builds relationships with the family on the principles of voluntariness and personal interest. In such a club, people are united by a common problem and joint searches for optimal forms of assistance to the child. The topics of the meetings are formulated and requested by the parents. Family clubs are dynamic structures. They can merge into one big club or split into smaller ones - it all depends on the theme of the meeting and the idea of ​​the organizers.

The library of special literature on the problems of upbringing, teaching and development of children is a significant help in the work of the clubs. Teachers monitor the timely exchange, the selection of the necessary books, make annotations of new products.

Taking into account the busyness of the parents, such non-traditional forms of communication with the family as "Parents' mail" and "Helpline" are also used. Any family member has the opportunity in a short note to express doubts about the methods of raising their child, seek help from a specific specialist, etc. The helpline helps parents to anonymously find out any problems that are significant to them, to warn teachers about the noticed unusual manifestations of children.

The library of games is also an unconventional form of interaction with the family. Since play requires the participation of an adult, it forces the parent to interact with the child. If the tradition of joint home games is instilled, new games invented by adults together with children appear in the library.

Grandmothers are attracted by the Crazy Hands circle. Modern bustle and haste, as well as crampedness or, conversely, the excessive luxury of modern apartments have almost excluded from the child's life the possibility of doing handicrafts and making handicrafts. In the room where the club works, children and adults can find everything they need for artistic creation: paper, cardboard, waste materials, etc.

The cooperation of the psychologist, educators and family helps not only to identify the problem that caused the difficult relationship between parents and the child, but also to show the possibilities of solving it. At the same time, it is necessary to strive to establish equal relations between the teacher-psychologist, educator and parents. They are characterized by the fact that the parents form an attitude towards contact, there is a trusting relationship with specialists, which, however, does not mean full agreement, leaving the right to their own point of view. The relationship proceeds in the spirit of equal rights for partners. Parents do not passively listen to the recommendations of specialists, but they themselves participate in drawing up a plan for working with a child at home.

Thus, the interaction of the kindergarten with the family can be carried out in different ways. It is only important to avoid formalism.

Chapter I Conclusions

Since the beginning of the existence of Soviet power, in our country, which proclaimed the policy of public education, for many years a derogatory attitude towards the family and home education has developed, under the influence of which professional teachers have a deeply rooted belief in the pedagogical incompetence of parents, their unwillingness to overcome it ("They are nothing want to know, do not know how to educate "). Meanwhile, the teachers did not seek to acquaint the "incompetent" parents with the content, methods of raising children, of which they were professionals. Parents were admitted to the kindergarten when they needed their help in cleaning, landscaping the premises, landscaping the site, repairing, they were invited to holidays, meetings. And on other days, the doors of the kindergarten are closed for them. The teachers sincerely believed that their mission was to teach, control the family, point out mistakes and shortcomings to her. As a result, very tenacious ways and forms of work with the family have developed, dominated by the teacher's monologue (instructional messages at a meeting, consultations, information stands, etc.). This entailed many mistakes in the teacher's communication with parents (impersonal appeals, haste in assessing the child with an emphasis on negative manifestations, neglect of the interlocutor, ignorance of his mood, state, life experience, etc.). The indicated mistakes and negligence are evidence of the teacher's communicative incompetence, which practically nullifies his pedagogical competence: it is not enough to know, you have to be able to say so to be heard.

However, in the future, since about the 60s, our country has accumulated considerable experience in pedagogical education of parents - "schools of mothers", "universities of pedagogical knowledge", "parental education", etc. But the content of the programs was often ideologized and politicized. In addition, teachers often chose an edifying tone for communicating with parents: they did not advise and offered, but demanded; did not prompt, but instructed - and acted in the role of a judge, not a partner. All this repulsed the parents. And the result was the same - the kindergarten and the parents were engaged in raising the child without interacting with each other.

This state of affairs required not only a change in the approach to the family, but also the creation of new forms of preschool education.

Currently, a restructuring of the preschool education system is underway, and at the center of this restructuring are the humanization and deideologization of the pedagogical process. Its goal is not the education of a member of society, but the free development of the individual. Much attention is beginning to be paid to the interaction of the kindergarten and the family. Practitioners are looking for new, non-traditional forms of cooperation with parents, based on the principle of the unity of educational influences.

2. Experimental work on the introduction of non-traditional forms of interaction between a preschool educational institution and a family in the practice of a preschool educational institution

2.1. Studying the state of work with parents at the stage of the ascertaining experiment

Experimental work on the introduction of non-traditional forms of interaction of a preschool educational institution into the practice of a preschool educational institution was carried out at MDOU No. 9 "Alan" in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny in the preparatory group for school No. 6. The work was carried out in 3 stages, which are ascertaining, formative and control experiments. To carry out experimental work, we identified two groups of parents - experimental and control - 10 parents in each group.

During the ascertaining stage, the work was carried out in February 2009. During this period, the psychological and pedagogical literature on this issue was analyzed. The conceptual apparatus of the research was clarified, the apparatus of the research was formulated.

The experimental work began with a study of the state of work with parents in a group. To do this, we analyzed the annual plan, a long-term plan for working with parents and found out that parent meetings are held in the group once every four months, questionnaires, entertainment, and workshops are also held.

Then we surveyed the parents. The content of the questionnaire and the results of the questionnaire survey of the parents of the control and experimental groups are given in Appendices 1-2.

Analysis of the responses to the questionnaire showed the following:

1. To the question "What problems of upbringing remain less studied for you?" most of the parents of the experimental (70%) and control (60%) groups answered: "The relationship between children and parents." This suggests that the parents of both groups are poorly informed about the education of preschoolers. This fact is confirmed by the answers to the following two questions: "Do you read pedagogical literature?", "Do you read newspapers and magazines devoted to the problems of preschool education?" 50% of the parents of the experimental group and 40% of the parents of the control group do not read pedagogical literature. 30% of parents in the experimental group and 50% of parents in the control group do not read periodicals devoted to the problems of upbringing preschoolers.

2. The overwhelming majority of parents of the experimental and control groups take a passive position in the issue of interaction with preschool educational institutions. Thus, 60% of the parents of the experimental group and 50% of the parents of the control group would like to receive information about the upbringing of their children only at parent meetings. 90% of the parents of the experimental group and 80% of the parents of the control group did not want to participate in work with children in kindergarten, citing the lack of free time and the fact that only preschool workers should deal with this issue. Only one parent in each group studied by us expressed a desire to lead a circle in kindergarten.

Based on the results of the survey, we set the following tasks for working with the parents of the experimental group:

Establish partnerships with the family of each pupil, join efforts for the development and upbringing of children.

Create an atmosphere of common interests, emotional mutual support and mutual penetration into each other's problems.

To activate and enrich parenting skills.

Maintain their confidence in their own teaching capabilities

The solution to these problems is associated with the parents' awareness of their educational role in the family, their experience of relationships with the child. In psychology, this form of rethinking is called reflection (translated from Latin - "turning back").

We used a reflexive model of communication between the teacher and the family, which aims at the parents' rethinking of their educational attitudes and stereotypes. We included in the concept of "pedagogical reflection" the ability of parents to analyze their own upbringing activity, critically evaluate it, find adequate reasons for both their pedagogical successes and miscalculations, choose methods of influencing the child that correspond to his characteristics and specific situation.

Before we started work, the educators discussed collectively, and then adopted the criteria for interaction with parents:

Realize that only the joint efforts of the family and the educational institution can help the child; treat parents with respect and understanding.

Remember that the child is a unique person. Therefore, it is unacceptable to compare him with other children. There is no one like him (she) in the world anymore, and we must value his individuality, support and develop it. In teachers, the child should always see people who are ready to provide him with personal support and help.

To bring up in children boundless respect for their parents, who gave them life and put a lot of mental and physical strength in order for them to grow up and be happy.

Take into account the wishes and suggestions of parents, highly value their participation in the life of the group.

To consider the upbringing and development of children not as a set of general techniques, but as the art of dialogue with a specific child and his parents based on knowledge of the psychological characteristics of age, taking into account the child's previous experience, his interests, abilities and difficulties that arose in the family and educational institution.

Respectfully treat what is created by the child himself (a story, a song, a building made of sand or other building material, modeling, drawing, etc.). Admire, together with the parents, his initiative and independence, which contributes to the formation of the child's confidence in himself and his abilities, and in the parents arouses a sense of respect for the educators of their children.

Regularly, in the process of individual communication with parents, discuss all issues related to the upbringing and development of children.

Show understanding, delicacy, tolerance and tact, take into account the point of view of the parents.

Authoritarian methods of "educating" parents are excluded. You should interact with parents with interest and love for the child. In order for educators and parents to find time for such interaction, it must be specially organized. Each direction of the child's development presupposes special content and forms of communication between educators and parents, in the process of which their psychological and pedagogical culture will increase.

The next criterion for assessing the interaction of the preschool educational institution and the parents of preschoolers attending this institution was the competition we proposed for family crafts made from natural materials. We assessed the level of interaction, firstly, by the presence / absence of handicrafts, and secondly, by the quality of the work performed. We took a three-point grading system for the quality of the craft: "3", "4", "5". The results of this competition are presented below (Fig. 1) in general form, since they turned out to be identical both in the control and in the experimental groups.

Rice. 1. Results of evaluating crafts

Thus, according to Figure 1, we can notice that parents are extremely inactive regarding the activities in the preschool educational institution that their child attends.

2.2. Formative stage of work with parents on the implementation of non-traditional forms of interaction of a preschool educational institution with a family

The second, formative stage of the experiment took place in February 2009. We introduced non-traditional forms of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family into the practice of preschool educational institutions.

From the first day we met the parents of the experimental group, we reminded: for our children to grow up morally healthy, close contact between parents and educators is necessary. Acquaintance with the life of each family began with a questionnaire that parents fill out.

The following questions were included in the questionnaire:

1. Do you know your child well?

2. Who is your child by temperament?

3. How often do you spend your free time with your child?

4. Do you enjoy communicating with your child?

5. What does your child like to do in his free time?

6. What household chores does your child have?

7. How does he fulfill his responsibilities around the house?

8. What parenting methods do you prefer to practice?

9. Which member of your family spends the most time with your child?

After analyzing these questionnaires, we learned a lot about the family: about the child's hobbies, about his behavior and responsibilities at home, about the methods of upbringing used by the parents, about who is involved in upbringing in the family.

The following questionnaire for parents allowed us to draw a conclusion about the child's sociability, about his character traits, and his ability to communicate. We learned a lot about family relationships from the drawings of the children.

At this stage of the pedagogical experiment, we held a meeting: "Family leisure". Children's drawings on the theme "Evening in my family" become an indicator of family leisure. All the drawings are similar: mom is in the kitchen, dad is on the couch, and the child is somewhere off to the side, alone with toys.

Drawing is an indicator of family relationships. The child does not have enough communication, he is often lonely in the family. That is why difficult children grow up in seemingly prosperous families. They are looking for communication on the side, sometimes getting into a bad company.

The drawings of the children made the parents look at their child in a different way. There was only one answer: we don't have much contact with children.

To the question: "What are your parents not allowed to do?" the children's answers boiled down mainly to the following: you cannot light the gas, open the door to strangers, light a fire, etc. Some children said: "I don't know what I can't, I can do anything."

With this setup, everything is possible! - children usually come to kindergarten: you can shout, run, interrupt the teacher, do not weigh yourself well during lunch, etc. The principle of raising many parents is: do what you want, just don't bother me. But parents are responsible for their child, they must make the necessary demands on him, teach him what is possible and what is not.

Analyzing the content of questionnaires, drawings, analyzing various situations of communication between a child and adults and peers, together with the parents, we have drawn up a number of rules. Here they are:

Be kind and demanding to your child if you want to achieve something.

Before assessing the child's actions, try to understand the situation.

Set a good example for your child.

Together with my parents, we decided to create a "Happy Family" club. We build his work under the motto "My family is my joy". Our common goal: to bring up kind, sympathetic children, loving and respecting mom and dad, sisters and brothers, grandparents, all friends and relatives, to be merciful to people.

The first meeting of the club was dedicated to getting to know the families of children. Each family published a wall newspaper under the heading "This is what we are!", Where family hobbies were described in a joking or serious form, in verse or prose. The exhibition of family albums turned out to be very interesting. The meeting of the club turned into a wonderful holiday, in which every family took part. Did both children, parents and grandmothers show their talents?

The second meeting of the club was dedicated to the traditions of Russian folk culture. Children together with their parents prepared Russian folk costumes, read fairy tales, learned folk songs and games, got acquainted with ancient traditions and rituals.

The holiday "Village gatherings" was interesting. The grandmothers performed Russian folk songs; mothers staged folk tales; children solved riddles, demonstrated old things: grips, rocker arms, tubs found at their grandmothers and great-grandmothers.

A little later we held the "My Friendly Family" marathon. In poetry, songs, playfulness, children expressed their attitude towards grandparents, parents, brothers and sisters.

Children expressed their opinion on how they understand what the "world of the family" is. As a result, it turned out that the "world of the family" is:

home, comfort, warmth;

mutual understanding, love, respect;

holidays, traditions.

The adults tried to explain to the children: in order for peace and friendship to reign in the family, three important rules must be remembered:

respect your elders and love them;

take care of the younger ones;

remember that you are the helper in the family.

And the questions about what qualities you need to cultivate in yourself, with what mood you need to perform household duties, how family members should relate to each other so that everyone is happy, were answered not only by children, but also by parents. At the end of the marathon, each family received a gift album "My Pedigree" (compiled by V. Vasilevskaya).

Folk wisdom says: "Wormwood does not grow without a root," so we began practical work on collecting materials about the family's pedigree.

With the help of the manual album, which contains tasks for children and parents, we began to complete the first task. Children got acquainted with the origin of names and surnames, looked for materials in dictionaries and reference books. While completing assignments, children wrote about themselves, their parents, brothers and sisters, about their beloved grandparents.

Having learned a lot of interesting things about their relatives, finding out their titles and titles, the children, together with their parents, began to draw a genealogical tree - the tree of life of each family.

Having compiled their genealogy, having drawn a family tree, they learned to compose their own family coats of arms and mottos. On the field of the shield, they painted what is most suitable for their family: someone portrayed their hobbies, and someone family professions, passed down from generation to generation.

All owners of the coat of arms must have a family motto. The proverbs helped to find a suitable motto: "Live and learn", "Patience and work will grind everything", "Water does not flow under a lying stone", etc.

So, having laid the foundation of the family chronicle, restoring, as far as possible, their pedigree and even inventing their own coat of arms and motto, the children realized that they owe their lives to many generations of their family. A person in this world is not alone and should cherish all his relatives.

All this work helped the children understand: in order to take good care of loved ones, they need to help in everything and do good deeds.

To begin with, it was necessary to arrange a special application in the album, which is called "Calendar of birthdays and family holidays", and, most importantly, regularly look into this calendar, not forgetting to congratulate your loved ones in time.

The result of this painstaking, but at the same time interesting work was the family holiday "The Warmth of the Homeland", which was held under the motto:

Keep the fire of your home

And don’t bother at the fires of strangers.

Our ancestors lived by this law

And they bequeathed to us through the centuries:

Keep the fire of your home!

O. Fokina

The holiday was held on a great emotional upsurge. Each moment of this holiday brought up not only children, but also adults, forcing them to remember the past, reconsider the present, and think about the future.

At the holiday, children told about their distant ancestors, who were wonderful farmers, blacksmiths, weavers, baked amazing bread. And how many interesting things did the children learn about their surnames, names that came to us from distant antiquity. Many interesting relics were presented at the exhibition: old vases, towels, candlesticks, old money.

It was amazing for the children not only to see, but also to hear the sound of the gramophone, which seemed to the children to be something fabulous, unreal. It turned out that some families have their own symbols of happiness that bring good luck. In one family, it is an angler's hat that always brings the owner a big catch.

The effectiveness of the educational work of the educator largely depends on his ability to find a common language with parents, relying on help and support.

Parents' meetings are one of the most effective forms of enhancing the pedagogical culture of parents and forming a parental team.

Each of our meetings with parents gives rise to thought, a desire to analyze, reason. Recently, we have come to the conclusion that parenting meetings need to be held in a new way. Our parent meetings are pedagogical education, consultation, discussion, and family holidays.

Each parent brings up his children as he sees fit, based on his knowledge, skills, feelings and beliefs. It is difficult for an outsider, even a teacher who is usually close to the parent, to resist this. And is it really necessary? Is it worth breaking this tradition? Isn't it better to build it into a kind of principle: let the family bring up the children as it wants. But she must certainly want and be able to educate. And to help parents choose the right path, within the framework of the "Happy Family" club, we held a series of roundtable discussions. Parents could freely express their opinion on the problems of upbringing, shared their experience of family upbringing.

So, talking about the relationship between mother and child, we came to the conclusion that maternal love has many faces. The main thing is to really love the child. This means, for his sake, overcome yourself, suppress your bad habits and addictions, limit the demonstration of your "I".

And this, it turns out, is much more difficult than satisfying the basic needs of the child. Not every mother is capable of such self-restraint and self-sacrifice.

One of the main indicators of a mother's love is understanding her child. Only by comprehending his essence, the mother is able to respond to his feelings, forgive, encourage, help overcome doubts and gain self-confidence. Understanding on the part of the mother causes children to be frank. By understanding the child, you can save him from negative influences. "Only one heart is vigilant, you cannot see the most important thing with your eyes" - these words from "The Little Prince" by Saint-Exupery, in my opinion, express the essence of maternal love.

Preparing for the parent meeting on the topic: "Raising a culture of behavior for older preschoolers", we set ourselves a goal: to help parents see the shortcomings in the process of raising children and find ways to eliminate them.

A. S. Makarenko wrote: "Our children are our old age. Correct upbringing is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, these are our tears, our guilt before other people, before the whole country."

Upbringing in the family is the basis of the foundations. Everything else: kindergarten, school, institute, environment - additional polishing, no more.

Thus, at this stage of the experiment, we proposed tasks and exercises aimed at cooperation, interaction between parents, children and preschool educational institutions.

2.3. The control stage of work with parents on the implementation of non-traditional forms of interaction of a preschool educational institution with a family

At the last control stage, the effectiveness of the work done was studied and analyzed.

Based on the results of experimental work on the introduction of non-traditional forms of interaction of a preschool educational institution into the practice of preschool educational institutions, a repeated survey of parents was carried out (Tables 3-4) and it was proposed to make birdhouses for birds that will soon fly to us from warm countries.

After analyzing the answers of the parents of the experimental group, we came to the following conclusions.

1. The majority of parents began to purposefully deal with the problems of upbringing preschoolers. Now they are interested in problems that they had not thought about before: patriotic, moral and aesthetic education of children, their culture of behavior, familiarizing children with cultural values. As the results of the survey showed, 55% of the parents of the experimental group are interested in these problems (before the formative stage - 30%).

2. 80% of the parents of the experimental group read pedagogical literature. Before the formative stage - 50%.

3. Many parents of the experimental group (85%) began to take part in the life of the kindergarten with great interest (55% before the formative stage).

4. 40% of parents want to receive information about the upbringing of their children in a playful way, at parent conferences - 30%. Before the formative stage - only 10%.

5. Parents expressed a desire to conduct circles: "Origami", "Modeling from salt dough", "Crochet", "Young technician", "Skillful hands", "Young sportsman" - 60%. Before the formative stage - 10%.

Analysis of the responses of the parents of the control group showed the following.

1. Some parents have begun to show greater interest in the problems of raising their children. If earlier they were mainly concerned with the issue of relationships with children, now they have become interested in the problems of physical education and a healthy lifestyle of a child, culture of behavior and familiarizing children with cultural values ​​- only 60% against 30% at the ascertaining stage. In all likelihood, this is due to the fact that the parents of the experimental group shared their impressions of the lessons at the preschool educational institution with the parents of the control group.

2. The attitude towards pedagogical literature has not changed, but 80% of parents have started reading periodicals on the issues of raising children (only 10% regularly).

3. In joint work with children, 40% of parents expressed a desire to participate - a little more than at the ascertaining stage (20%), but much less than the parents of the experimental group (80%).

4. 20% of parents want to receive information about the upbringing of their children in a playful way. The majority, however, prefer the traditional forms - parent-teacher meetings and one-to-one conversation - 80%.

5. The parents of the control group do not feel a great desire to hold circles: only two parents agreed to do this - "Young technician", "Young sportsman", that is, 20%.

Figure 3 shows the comparative data of our questionnaire survey of both study groups at the beginning and end of the experiment.

Fig. 2 Comparative data of the questionnaire survey of parents from the EG

Thus, we can conclude that the position of the parents of the experimental group improved significantly, in contrast to the parents of the control group.

The answers of the parents of the control group differ in many respects from the answers of the parents of the experimental group. This is due to the fact that with these parents there was no active work on their pedagogical training and attracting them to cooperation with the preschool educational institution.

The results of the made birdhouses from the EG are presented by us in Figure 3.

Fig. 3. EG nesting boxes assessment results

Comparing the results with the initial data obtained by us during the experimental stage of the study, we can conclude that the quality of handicrafts made by preschoolers' hands in cooperation with their parents increased by an average of 45%.

Figure 4. We present the comparative data of both study groups at the beginning and end of our experimental activities.

Fig. 4. Dynamics of indicators of interaction between parents and children

Thus, we can conclude that the EG data increased significantly at the end of our study. In the control group, the indicators remained at the same level.

Chapter II Conclusions

The experience of working with the parents of the experimental group showed that as a result of the formative experiment, the position of both parents and educators became more flexible. Now they are not spectators and observers, but active participants in various events. Dads and mothers feel more competent in raising children. The position of the parents of the control group has hardly changed: parents show insufficient knowledge and skills in the field of upbringing of preschool children, show little activity in interaction with preschool educational institutions on the problems of child upbringing and development.


We examined the issues that the family and the kindergarten in the chronological order are connected by continuity, which ensures the continuity of the upbringing and education of children. It is not the principle of parallelism that is important here, but the principle of the interpenetration of two social institutions.

The family and the kindergarten have their own special functions and cannot replace each other. An important condition for continuity is the establishment of trusting business contact between the family and the kindergarten, during which the educational position of parents and teachers is adjusted, which is especially necessary when preparing children for school.

The family is the institution of primary socialization. The child is part of the system of the child's mediated, or formal, environment and is an institution of secondary socialization. All stages of the socialization process are closely related to each other.

At present, no one doubts the need for public preschool education. In recent years, increased requirements have been imposed on preschool institutions.

The relationship of the preschool institution with the family should be based on cooperation and interaction, provided that the kindergarten is open inward (involving parents in the educational process of the kindergarten) and outward (cooperation of the preschool institution with social institutions located on its territory: general education, music, sports schools, libraries, etc. etc.).

If in the Soviet period our state in every possible way emphasized the social function of a preschool institution - the release of a woman-mother to participate in social production, today the pedagogical function of a preschool institution is at the forefront: how they educate, what they teach, how successfully they prepare for school. Practitioners are looking for new, non-traditional forms of cooperation with parents; there is a restructuring of the preschool education system, and at the center of this restructuring are the humanization and de-ideologization of the pedagogical process.

The experience of working with the parents of the experimental group showed that as a result of the formative experiment, the position of both parents and educators became more flexible. Now they are not spectators and observers, but active participants in various events. Dads and mothers feel more competent in raising children. Most of the parents began to purposefully deal with the problems of upbringing preschoolers. They are interested in the problems of patriotic, moral and aesthetic education of children, their culture of behavior, familiarizing children with cultural values. As shown by the results of the survey, these problems are of interest to 70% of the parents of the experimental group (before the formative stage - 10%). All parents of the experimental group read pedagogical literature (40% - regularly) and periodicals devoted to the problems of upbringing preschoolers (60% - regularly). Before the formative stage - 10% on a regular basis. After holding events with parents during the formative stage, the majority (80%) would like to take part in the life of the kindergarten with great interest (before the formative stage - 10%). Parents expressed a desire to hold circles: "Origami", "Modeling from salt dough", "Crochet", "Young technician", "Skillful hands", "Young sportsman" - 60%. Before the formative stage - only 10%.

The position of the parents of the control group has hardly changed: parents show insufficient knowledge and skills in the field of upbringing of preschool children, show little activity in interaction with preschool educational institutions on the problems of child upbringing and development.

Thus, the use of non-traditional forms of interaction between the preschool institution and the family contributes to an increase in the efficiency of work with parents.


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Annex 1

Answers of the parents of the experimental group to the questions of the questionnaire (stating the stage of work with parents)

Questions and answer options

Number of responses

Relationship between children

Others (name)

I read regularly

I read sometimes

Do not read

I read regularly

I read sometimes

Do not read

At parent-teacher meetings

At parent conferences

In the classroom, in a playful way

Others (name)




Salted dough modeling



Young technician

Skillful pens

Young athlete

Others (name)

Appendix 2

Answers of the parents of the control group to the questions of the questionnaire (stating the stage of work with parents)

Questions and answer options

Number of responses

Relationship between children

The relationship between children and parents

Organization of a healthy lifestyle for a child

Introduction to cultural values

Others (name)

2. Do you read pedagogical literature?

I read regularly

I read sometimes

Do not read

3. Do you read newspapers and magazines devoted to the problems of preschool education?

I read regularly

I read sometimes

Do not read

4. In what forms would you like to receive information about the upbringing of your children in kindergarten?

At parent-teacher meetings

At parent conferences

In individual conversations with specialists

In the classroom, in a playful way

Others (name)



6. What kind of circle could you lead in a group?


Salted dough modeling



Young technician

Skillful pens

Young athlete

Others (name)

Appendix 3

Answers of the parents of the experimental group to the questions of the questionnaire (control stage of work with parents)

Questions and answer options

Number of responses

1. What issues of upbringing remain less studied for you?

Relationship between children

The relationship between children and parents

Organization of a healthy lifestyle for a child

Introduction to cultural values

Others (name)

2. Do you read pedagogical literature?

I read regularly

I read sometimes

Do not read

3. Do you read newspapers and magazines devoted to the problems of preschool education?

I read regularly

I read sometimes

Do not read

4. In what forms would you like to receive information about the upbringing of your children in kindergarten?

At parent-teacher meetings

At parent conferences

In individual conversations with specialists

In the classroom, in a playful way

Others (name)

5. Would you like to participate in the work with the children of your group?



6. What kind of circle could you lead in a group?


Salted dough modeling



Young technician

Skillful pens

Young athlete

Others (name)

Appendix 4

Answers of the parents of the control group to the questions of the questionnaire (control stage of work with parents)

Questions and answer options

Number of responses

1. What problems of upbringing remain less studied for you?

Relationship between children

The relationship between children and parents

Organization of a healthy lifestyle for a child

Introduction to cultural values

Others (name)

2. Do you read pedagogical literature?

I read regularly

I read sometimes

Do not read

3. Do you read newspapers and magazines devoted to the problems of preschool education?

I read regularly

I read sometimes

Do not read

4. In what forms would you like to receive information about the upbringing of your children in kindergarten?

At parent-teacher meetings

At parent conferences

In individual conversations with specialists

In the classroom, in a playful way

Others (name)

5. Do you want to participate in the work with the children of your group?



6. What kind of circle could you lead in a group?


Salted dough modeling



Young technician

Skillful pens

Young athlete

Others (name)

Find material for any lesson,

The first school for raising a growing person is the family. Here he learns to love, endure, rejoice, sympathize. Any pedagogical system without a family is pure abstraction. In a family, an emotional and moral experience is formed, the family determines the level and content of the child's emotional and social development. Therefore, it is so important to help parents understand that the development of the child's personality should not follow a spontaneous path.

Today the potential of the family is undergoing major transformations. Teachers note a decrease in her educational potential, a change in her role in the process of the child's primary socialization. Modern parents have a hard time due to lack of time, employment, lack of competence in matters of preschool pedagogy and psychology. The closest to the preschooler and the problems of his upbringing are preschool teachers who are interested in creating favorable conditions for the development of each child, increasing the degree of parental participation in the upbringing of their children. A full-fledged upbringing of a preschooler takes place in conditions simultaneous family and preschool influences. The dialogue between the kindergarten and the family is built, as a rule, on the basis of the teacher's demonstration of the child's achievements, his positive qualities, abilities, etc. The teacher in such a positive role is accepted as an equal partner in education.

In order for parents to become active helpers of educators, it is necessary to involve them in the life of the kindergarten. Working with a family is a challenging task, both organizationally and in psychological and pedagogical terms. The development of such interaction involves several stages.

The first stage is the demonstration of a positive image of the child to the parents, thanks to which a friendly relationship with a cooperative attitude is formed between parents and educators. The significance of this stage is determined by the fact that often parents fix their attention only on negative manifestations of the child's development and behavior.

At the second stage, parents are given practical knowledge of the psychological and pedagogical features of raising a child. In doing so, various forms and methods are used. These can be general parent-teacher meetings, group thematic exhibitions of children's works, competition programs, projects, etc.

Thus, the establishment of trusting relationships with parents smoothly leads to joint research and the formation of a harmoniously developed personality of the child. In this process, an important role is played by the professional competence of preschool teachers, which implies not only the totality of knowledge and experience, but also the personal qualities of the educator.

For many years we have been working on solving the problem of increasing the efficiency of interaction between the kindergarten and the family. The main goal of this work is the all-round and harmonious development of every child. The priority areas in the activities of the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution are:

  • increasing the professional competence of preschool educational institutions on issues of interaction with the family;
  • involving parents in participation in the life of kindergarten and socialization of the child through the search and implementation of the most effective forms of interaction;
  • improving the educational skills and pedagogical culture of parents.

Parents often experience certain difficulties in that they cannot find enough free time to study with their children at home, they are not sure of their capabilities. Therefore, the implementation of an integral system of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family seems to be so necessary. At the same time, the use of various forms of cooperation with parents makes it possible to form their interest in education issues, arouse a desire to expand and deepen existing pedagogical knowledge, and develop creative abilities.

One of the most effective forms of interaction between a preschool educational institution and the family is the organization family club in the preschool educational institution. This form is interesting in that the topics of club meetings may vary depending on the social request of the parents. "Branches" of the club can be opened in each group. Various specialists of preschool educational institutions (medical workers, ecologist, valeologist, psychologist), as well as librarians, parents of pupils, children take part in the work of the club. Such broad social contacts enrich all participants, create a positive emotional atmosphere for both children and adults.

Approximate theme of the clubs:

"Grow healthy, baby!"

"Development of artistic and creative abilities"

"Inviting children to nature"

"Patriotic education of preschoolers"

"Speech development of preschoolers", etc.

Thanks to the activities of such clubs, a strong relationship with families was established, parents began to show an increased interest in the development and upbringing of their children, to make changes in the organization and content of the pedagogical process, becoming its active participants. The activities of the family club showed the vital necessity and practical importance of the principle of interpenetration of two social institutions - kindergarten and family.

The materials of the activities of the family club are presented in the form of a project on the topic "Kindergarten and family - the first society for a child", which has passed approbation at the municipal preschool educational institution "Combined Kindergarten No. 29" Zhuravushka "in Michurinsk, Tambov Region.

Project: "Kindergarten and family - the first society for a child"

The family will always be the backbone of society
Honore de Balzac

The family is a miniature society, from
whose integrity depends
safety of everything big
human society
Felix Adler

Creative name of the project: "Family Club"

Before the development of the project, contradictions were identified, which led to the choice of the project topic:

  • between the need to improve the system of interaction between the preschool educational institution and the family and the search for new forms of interaction;
  • between the need to form pedagogical competence in parents and the insufficient number of technological solutions for the implementation of this problem.

Project annotation

To educate a full-fledged personality, it is necessary to promote the socialization of the child in his first societies - the family and the kindergarten group, which can contribute to his socio-psychological adaptation to further life in society and successful interaction with the outside world.

A preschool educational institution is an organizational systemic mechanism with clear approaches to solving the problems of the upbringing and educational process, a model of the adult world in which the child will live. The integration of a child in a peer group (society) occurs through the distribution and adherence to certain rules. Having received the skills of moral education, the child becomes the bearer of social consciousness, and therefore, a full-fledged personality.

The family club is a promising form of work with parents, taking into account the actual needs of families and contributing to the formation of an active life position of the participants in the process, strengthening the institution of the family, and transferring experience in raising children.

Project type: practice-oriented, long-term, open, collective

Project participants: preschool teachers, pupils and their parents

Terms of project implementation: the interest of children and parents, the regularity and consistency of the club's work


1. Educational (presentation of information to improve the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents);

2. Practical and effective (increasing the interest of parents in the implementation of a common cause, the manifestation of creative abilities, full-fledged emotional communication.

In accordance with the pedagogical principles (purposefulness, variability of forms and methods, cooperation, complexity), it was possible to nominate project hypotheses:

If the interaction between the family and the kindergarten is properly organized, the pedagogical competence of parents is formed in matters of raising children, then it is possible to increase the effectiveness of the educational process.

In connection with the hypothesis put forward, objective of the project:

Strengthening the institution of the family, reviving family traditions in the upbringing of a full-fledged personality of a child as a carrier of social consciousness

To solve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

  • Create a positive emotional environment for communication between children, parents and educators
  • To activate and enrich the pedagogical knowledge and skills of parents.
  • To improve the legal culture of parents to form a conscious attitude towards raising children.
  • To improve the psychological and pedagogical culture of parents.
  • Develop the creativity of children and parents in joint activities.
  • Summarize the experience of family education.
  • Promote the establishment of successive ties with preschool educational institutions and their parents.

The project is being implemented in three stages. The preparatory stage (1 month - September) includes the following activities:

  • development of regulations on the club;
  • mini-pedagogical council "Kindergarten and family";
  • master class for teachers of preschool educational institution "The system of interaction between teachers and parents in a group";
  • survey-diagnostics of parents on the subject of social order;
  • drawing up a long-term plan of events, preparing for events;
  • discussion of general issues related to the organization of the work of the family club.

During the main stage of the project (from October to April), various events are held at the preschool educational institution with the involvement of parents. It should be noted that the theme of the club meetings varies depending on the social request of the parents.

Here is an example of a plan for organizing events:


the participants

1. Club meeting

"Workshop of wizards"

(based on older groups)

Workshop on making crafts from paper, thread and natural material. Exhibition decoration.

Educators, children, parents

2. Club meeting

"Entertaining sounds" (speech therapy group)

Speech therapy leisure

Speech therapist, educators, parents, children

3. Meeting of the creativity club "Add colors to autumn" (on the basis of the senior group)

Joint creative work of children, parents and an art teacher.

Activity teacher children, parents

4. Meeting of the club "We are environmentalists" (middle group)

Consultation for parents on the ecological education of children.

Observing pets. Competition-photo exhibition "Pets"

Educators, children, parents

5. Meeting of the "Healthy preschooler" club (preparatory group for school)

Themed evening "Grow healthy, baby!"

Discussion. Open lesson in the pool

Educators, children, parents, medical staff, physical education instructor

6. Club meeting

Family leisure "Moms are different

Competition "Draw a portrait of my mother with dad",

Reading competition "Poems about Mom"

Educators, children, parents

7. Week of the family.

Design and research activities "My family tree" (preparatory groups for school)

Parent group meetings

Design of the "Family Traditions" photo album. Exhibition of family drawings "My family tree".

Educators, children, parents

In May, the results of the work on the project are summed up, prospects for further work are determined. This is the final stage of the project.

Results of work over the project can be represented as follows.

The work of the family club in kindergarten contributed to:

  • Creating a positive emotional environment for communication between children, parents and teachers
  • Activation and enrichment of pedagogical knowledge and skills of parents
  • Improving the psychological, pedagogical and legal culture of parents
  • Development of creative abilities of children and parents in joint activities
  • Summarizing the experience of family education
  • Establishing successive ties with preschool educational institutions and their parents


The organization of interaction between a preschool institution and a family in the form of a family club is an interesting modern model of work to attract parents to active participation in the educational process and helps to strengthen the connection between the preschool institution and the families of pupils. As a result of informal communication between children and adults, not only an intra-family, but also an inter-family friendly atmosphere was created, which served to reveal the creative abilities of children and adults.

At the general parent meeting in the preschool educational institution, a decision was made to continue work on the implementation of the "Family Club" project in the next academic year.


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2. Davydova O.I., Bogoslavets L.G., Mayer A.A. Working with parents in kindergarten: Ethnopedagogical approach. - M .: TC Sphere, 2005 .-- 144 p. - (Appendix to the magazine "Office of the preschool educational institution".

3. Evdokimova E.S. Family pedagogical support in the upbringing of a preschooler. - M .: TC Sphere, 2008 .-- 96 p.

4. A unified educational space for kindergarten, family and society / Authors and compilers: T.P. Kolodyazhnaya, R.M. and others - Rostov-n / D, 2002 .-- 119 p.