Male nicknames. How affectionately and tenderly to call your husband, so that he would be pleased. Why is it important to speak sweet words in a relationship?

There are a few general rules that apply to almost every man. The first is not a partner "zay". This is such a hackneyed nickname that calling your "zayu" in the store, you make ninety-nine men out of a hundred turn around. But yours is the one and only. Therefore, the popular nickname is not for him.

The second rule - do not use the intimate name of a man in public. What you call him in bed should stay between you. Because you can really embarrass a loved one and undermine his authority among friends or subordinates, publicly calling him a "jumper" or "curly-haired woman." The third rule is that most men do not like if the chosen one calls them by their last name. They prefer a name or an original affectionate nickname.

Nicknames derived from English words are very popular nowadays - "darling" (expensive), "strong" (strong), "smile" (smile), etc.

How to call a loved one - a choice with your husband

The easiest way to find out what name or nickname is to your partner's liking is by asking him about it. Usually men do not hide their desires. He may ask to call himself by name, with a diminutive suffix (Andryushenka, Seryozhenka, Aleshenka, etc.), or say that he prefers a simple abbreviation (Yura, Sasha, Misha, etc.).

Men with imagination can choose an original nickname. For example, some people ask their loved ones to call them “diamond”, “apollo”, “batman”, etc., that is, various nicknames that would emphasize their excellent qualities. Others love - "beloved", "dear", "the best", "wonderful", etc. They express a woman's attitude towards her partner and significantly raise his self-esteem.

Even the funniest nickname sounds affectionate in the lips of a beloved woman. But if a man is not sure of his feelings, then anyone will become unpleasant for him.

A nickname for a loved one is not a constant, but a variable

Even the most affectionate or praiseworthy nickname can get boring for both men and women. Therefore, it is okay if the affectionate names change from time to time. This usually happens by itself. After a funny incident, another nickname often sticks to a man. The only thing that should not be distorted is the real name. Men get very used to the way wives cut him. And if suddenly the chosen one began to say instead of "Andryusha" - "Andrey", this will give rise to the idea that something went wrong. The partner will look for the reason in himself, think about what he was guilty of, etc. This will lead to a showdown, a scandal may even break out from scratch.


  • as my beloved calls me

Each lady has her own affectionate nicknames for her beloved. The most common are: "bunny", "cat", "baby", "sun". A kind word is pleasant not only to a cat, but even to a brutal creature. But all men on earth cannot be "cats" or "bunnies", because not everyone likes this kind of treatment.


In order to distract during the important football for him, you will have to sweat. However, this is possible if we discard the standard and orderly boring appeal "pupsik" and its some unexpected epithets: secret, brilliant, fiery, burning, and so on. And if you compare your slender handsome man with Apollo or strong and hardy with Hercules, then your soul mate will surely turn their attention from the TV to you. And of course, he will appreciate your appeal.

Sometimes even the strongest, strongest and most independent want female affection. They are unlikely to talk about it, but you can't hide it. Try to give your beloved a diminutive nickname such as "flower", "masik", "tigger" and the like. Here you can tighten your convolutions and come up with something unexpected. Your giant will endure such treatment, although he may rebel in his hearts. Then you just need to calmly and intelligibly explain to him the course of your thoughts.

But if everything is clear with the strong and muscular, then with the representatives of the "botanical" branch of the male it is more difficult. Here you should not approach with diminutive words - you can get offended. And all because people of mental labor often have less self-esteem than muscular "eagles". Therefore, it is most pleasant for such men, as a rule, to hear in their address words like "lion", "my hero", "hero" and the like in the same vein.

Also consider in what situations a particular word could be applied. For example, the usual "sun" can be barely audible whisper in your ear, slightly aspirated. This turn of events can turn a man's head. According to themselves, they prefer to be "loved" or "nice", being on official or with friends. But in private, he usually agrees to almost everything, allowing himself to be called a "hedgehog" or even something more extravagant and exotic.


What to call your beloved boyfriend? Sometimes you have to think about how you can call your beloved guy, because you want to call him tenderly and affectionately, and so that he would be pleased. In fact, one cannot become like the heroes of American melodramas, who address each other as "dear, dear", as if they do not know the words of others.

Helpful advice

Women often hear pleasant words from their beloved men, but girls should know that guys also love affectionate speech. If you call your beloved guy affectionately, then you will make the best impression on him. For example, if your chosen one is strong and tall, but a tender soul is hidden behind such an appearance, then such a guy will especially need affection. Therefore, you can call your beloved guy "baby", "bunny", "lapuli", and he will be happy.


  • what do men call their loved ones

Christmas fortune telling is a sure way to find out name his wives... You need to guess from January 7 to January 19, this is the time when evil spirits reveal all the secrets of the future. Our grandparents trusted Christmas fortune-telling, and, often, the predictions turned out to be true. Many ways of fortune telling name betrothed have survived to this day.


Nice nicknames for men. Interesting nicknames for guys and men.

Couples in love very often call each other affectionate and sometimes funny nicknames. Men and women are impressed when the other half does not just pronounce his or her name, but comes up with a gentle and original nickname. With the help of such, meaningful only for them, little things, they express their emotions, understanding each other perfectly. What affectionate nicknames for a guy or beloved husband can you think of?

Lovers come up with funny nicknames for each other when the relationship enters a completely new stage, accompanied by complete trust and mutual understanding. Source: Flickr (Ninon_Mallet)

Why do we come up with nicknames for our loved ones?

At the initial stage of the relationship, young people still look closely at each other, they are embarrassed to show their feelings to the fullest, therefore they do not refine themselves, limiting themselves to addressing by name. When the flow of emotions goes off scale, and there is no strength to restrain warm feelings, then the time comes for the most tender words and nicknames. Lovers come up with funny nicknames for each other when the relationship enters a completely new stage, accompanied by complete trust and mutual understanding. Why do we need these nicknames at all?

The fact is that people are addressed by name in educational institutions, at work, in the company of friends and close relatives, so such an address seems common and boring. Lovers want to create their own little world, a secluded place where they can talk about things that only two of them understand. What cute nicknames for a guy can a girl use to please him and not hurt him?

Note! The nickname does not have to correspond to the type of temperament and personality traits of the young person. With some phrases, you can cheer up the chosen one, amuse his pride.

Since diminutive words also emphasize the depth of your feelings, pronounce them with a special intonation so that the man correctly understands the meaning of your gentle sayings.

Affectionate nicknames for a guy

Let's start with the most common, but no less pleasant nicknames for representatives of the strong half of humanity:

  • beloved, dear, gentle, dear, sweet, handsome, baby, sun
  • cat, bunny, tiger or tiger cub, hippo, bear cub, lion cub and other animals

The original nicknames include the following:

  • lapusik, pupsik, half, beech, masik, angel, murzik, fry, saffron milk (for redheads)
  • genius, king, mischief, sorcerer, flower, firefly, buttercup, animal

Several interpretations with names:

  • Alexander - Sanyusya, Shurik, Sanechik, Alexik, Sanyunya
  • Andrey - Dyusha, Drosha, Andryusha, Andreychik
  • Boris - Boryusik, Boryunya, Bronka, Barefoot
  • Victor - Vityunya, Viktusik, Vityusha
  • Vitaly - Tasya, Vitik, Taska, Vitusik, Vitasya
  • Grigory - Grunya, Gryuska, Grishenka, Grigorik
  • Dmitry - Dimanya, Dimasya, Mityusha
  • Denis - Denya, Deniska, Denyunya
  • Eugene - Eugesha, Zhenechka, Zhenya, Eugeshka
  • Leonid - Lenchik, Lenechka, Lesik
  • Mikhail - Mishutka, Mishanka, Misha, Mikhailyunya
  • Nikolay - Nikolushka, Niki, Niko, Kolusik
  • Pavel - Pavlushka, Pavlunya, Pashunya, Pavlik
  • Seryozha - Serenya, Serzhik, Sergusik
  • Svyatoslav - Holy, Holy, Glory
  • Yuri - Yurchik, Yurunya, Yusik

If not a single meeting of yours is complete without humor, then you can safely come up with cool names for each other. Be sure that the chosen one will appreciate the subtle sense of humor and originality.

It's not so difficult to come up with an affectionate nickname for your beloved guy, especially if you've known your chosen one for several days. Savvy and creative thinking are your faithful assistants in this matter.

A list of useful, interesting nicknames or compliments for a friend. Why should you try to use them every day and what is better not to say? Affectionate and not offensive phrases that you need to remember and not forget for your beloved husband.

What is the affectionate name for a guy? Cat, baby, beloved - there are many standard words that each of us often hears on public transport, on the street at work, at home. How, after all, it is better and correctly to call a guy you will find out in this article by looking at our list.

What to say at the stage of friendship with a guy

Each of us, you boy or girl, likes to hear gentle and pleasant words and compliments in our direction. We girls are very demanding and attentive to ourselves, but very often we forget about our other halves: boys and men. Of course, it all depends on what stage of the relationship you are in. You need to know the limitations of your classmate, colleague or childhood friend.

Let's start with the very initial relationship - friendship. Very often, a friend is called by his last name or we abbreviate it. But at the same time, there are no grievances. Or in a rough form, for example, stupid, hazelnuts, deer. In response, you can hear exactly the same words and there will be no offense. It all depends on at what stage your friendship is. Or, maybe, in a commendable form: a smart guy, a head. Do not hesitate to speak to him with words from cartoons or even some of the phrases from them. It will be a lot of fun and will cheer you up. In response, you will also hear a catchy phrase. Also, among friends, you can hear words that at first glance sound very offensive: horror, bespectacled, sick, nosy, cashier. But no, for this type of relationship a lot can be allowed, which is not always possible to say in the next two.

Let's summarize the words that can and will be pleasant at this stage of the relationship with a guy:

  • · Squirrel, hare, pig, gopher, lamb;
  • · Bobblehead, boss, chief;
  • · Gingerbread man, bear, tiger, cunning fox;
  • • hammer, giant;

The above words will give you a guarantee of a better friendship with a guy. It is so important not to lose this level.

You can safely call my friend your boyfriend and not only

In this relationship, it is very important to guess about the correctness of the words and, most importantly, in what place, when to say compliments, and how to call a guy affectionately. We girls are very quick-witted and smart, so we need to quickly figure out what exactly in this situation it is better to say to our other half. Very often we do not think about what we call him in a very banal and standard way: a cat, a baby doll, a hare, a bear. But this can only annoy him. Don't be selfish. Be sure to listen to what he calls you, and in response, choose such words from this category: gentle, affectionate, heroic.

I think you will agree that if it is pleasant for us to listen with our ears, then it is similar to our guys. Some phrases must be remembered to say every day. Believe me, he will not get tired of listening to them, but on the contrary will keep the conversation going with great pleasure.

Here are some examples for every day of how you can call your boyfriend:

  • ‘You’re very sexy’ - these combinations of words will not only like your boyfriend, but also turn him on, and you will be delighted;
  • ‘What big and strong hands you have’ is a combination that can give confidence in his male physical and spiritual strength;
  • ‘I like it when you’re joking’ - he will be sure that you are not bored with him and will always try to tell a new story or a joke;

The guy will be pleased when he hears the first compliment, this will give him courage for counter phrases and steps. In a relationship, you can come up with something new, but do not forget to ask him for his opinion. Since they will not be pleasant, but on the contrary, they will be offensive, but he will hesitate to tell you about it. That later your attitude will not develop. Do not forget that a woman should know when to praise him, and when to emphasize superiority: "My hero", "My king", "My knight", "Bright sun", "My ray of sunshine". Sometimes, even one word is enough: beloved, sun, the only one.

It is important to remember exactly where you are: at home, at a party, on a walk, among friends, or in general among strangers. Since, it is better to call it a bunny or a baby doll only when you are together. Dear and beloved are already more suitable words that can be pronounced in front of friends. It is better not to use diminutive words in a circle of strangers, as your chosen one will not feel comfortable.

Remember one rule, if you want to receive compliments, do not forget and do not be lazy to say them.

Husband - two in one: boyfriend and friend

What should you call your husband? Many women think that married couples communicate very simply and do not say any pleasant phrases to each other. But this is a big mistake. Marriage is an important part of your life together. Affectionately, or better unusually, you need to call the arcs of a friend.

So wonderful, you live together and the opportunity to use this kind of words can and should be every day. When the two of you are young, you can use pranks or playful words, for example: terminator, mischievous, giant, so you can give a good mood and a day. But if, however, you are already a spouse with a long experience, it is better to use: beloved, dear. Yes, you probably noticed that at any stage of the relationship, affectionate words to a guy echo. It really is. After all, the fact that we grow up remains young in our souls.

It is best to emphasize the importance of being your husband: ‘my dear’, ‘most valuable’, ‘my beloved’, ‘my only one’. So he will understand that you have no one else, and you are doing good to them. Such words need to be pronounced not only on a weekday, but also in the evening, or rather at night, when you are engaged in love. Do not forget to praise him after that: 'my lion', 'my giant', this will give him confidence in his intimate power.

A lot can be accomplished with affectionate words. Women are resourceful. And with these phrases, you can get tenderness, affection, love, intimacy or material value from a guy.

To summarize, one thing you know how to affectionately call a guy, and another thing in time and correctly apply these words. For example, he took you in his arms and whirled around. At that moment, you felt how hard it was for him. Do not hesitate or be afraid to remind him that he is a strong man and your prince, which you are very pleased with. You will see how a smile fills his face, and believe me, he will more and more often try to please you and circle you. Seeing off to work or just meeting, say a kind word: 'hello, sun', 'bye bunny'. In response, you will hear a lot of pleasant things and a kiss. Aren't these pleasant moments in life? Many girls are shy and so there are many difficulties. It doesn't matter how a man or a young man looks: thin or skinny, tall or short, these words will suit absolutely everyone. Fantasy is in your hands and lips. But don't forget about reality.

Any relationship, no matter what it is, friendship or romantic, requires a lot of vocabulary in communication. Below you will find some tips for girls on how to affectionately call a boyfriend, a boyfriend, or just a friend so that he likes it.

Couples that have recently been created especially need beautiful words, because they are just beginning their journey in communication. You can express your love not only with deeds, but also with beautiful words. Choosing the right words when speaking to a guy or friend is very important. This new creative language helps create a unique bond and brings you closer together.

Let's divide all possible words into several categories.

1. Comparison with the beast... The most common option is to compare a loved one in an affectionate tone with some kind of beast. Although some animals look unusual and funny, but in the absence of, someone likes to be called, for example, a bear cub, a crocodile, a hare, a kitten, a tiger cub, and so on. These words are quite pleasant to the ear and are perfect as an option for your beloved guy.

2. Compare it to the planet... The word "Sun" is often used as an affectionate nickname. It is especially appropriate when this person makes your life more joyful and brighter. You can also speak to him with love - "You are my Planet" or "My Universe". For a guy, this will be unusual and pleasant to hear.

3. Better to avoid the word that hurt his small stature. Not everyone likes nicknames - manusik, pupsik, lapusik, or something similar in the same style. Guys may have complexes, and some may just get hurt.

4. If a man has a beautiful athletic body, you can safely call him a sex fight or Hercules. Such a nickname is suitable for a loved one or just a friend.

5. You can not choose a nickname, but simply call him sweet words, for example, my dear, you are my happiness, my dear boy, my lover, my treasure and so on.

6. Call him by name, just change the sound in more gentle tones. For example, Dmitry can be called - Dimasik, Dimulya, Dimochka; Alexandra - Sasha, Sashulka, Sanechka and so on.

Let's take a look at some interesting words in English:

  • Luv (love) ... Used regularly in everyday speech, many partners refer to a loved one using it, usually at the end of the sentence "How was your day, Luv?"
  • Hun (honey) ... This word is often used to compare a loved one with sweet food. For example, as an affectionate one - my sugar, honey, sweet. These words can be called guys: Sasha, Vlad, Sergei, Artyom, Lesha and others.
  • Deyrling (dear) ... This word has several meanings - precious, valuable, dear, beloved.
  • Babes ... The most common word used as affectionate baby, and seen as a playful option for a loved one.
  • In other foreign languages, you can use the following affectionate words: Mi amor (My love is Spanish) Mon cher (My dear is French) Inamorato (The lover is Italian).

Here are a few more options for affectionate words (some you can use for a guy you like)

  • angel;
  • boyfriend;
  • button;
  • Casanova, Romeo;
  • chicken;
  • handsome, darling;
  • ladies man, heartthrob;
  • lamb;
  • peach, hot guy;
  • funny guy, comedian, comedian;
  • Tarzan, Mr. Universe, tough guy;
  • seducer;
  • sunlight;
  • sugar lips;
  • love of my life;
  • the guy of my dreams;
  • the one and only.

You can also use romantic phrases in communication to make your man feel good.

1. God created you just for me.

2. I feel completely safe when you are around.

3. I will give you all of me - my heart, my body and my soul.

4. I will go crazy if something happens to you.

5. Your warm hugs and gentle kisses are dearer than gold.

6. Words are not enough to express how much I love you.

7. You are the music that makes my heart sing.

8. You make me feel like a woman.

9. You treat me like a princess and I love you with all my heart.

Try a couple of different cute words and nicknames for your boyfriend, find the perfect nickname and he will feel special and loved.

Most couples after the first date give their friend affectionate nicknames, which brings a special charm to their relationship. But how can you call your loved one so as not to hurt his proud ego? We invite you to find out how other couples do it, and exchange a kind of experience.

So: how a guy can be affectionately called the list.

How to affectionately name a guy a list

Sometimes girls and guys give each other nicknames that match their appearance, behavior or other parameters. This can be not only banal: hare, kitty or the sun, but also options such as, for example, a bear. Let's take a closer look at the options.

How unusual can you call your beloved boyfriend?

The caressingly respectful ones are already a thing of the past: my soul, my angel, etc. Today, if a couple strives for tenderness and affection, then nicknames are given to each other in a more modern way, for example, a treasure, an asterisk, etc. However, it is worth considering the moment itself, for example, after a successful night or if it makes sense to cheer up a partner, you can not only name the guy affectionately, but also address affectionately to his faithful friend (member): a staunch soldier, a faithful friend, a spokesperson, etc. ...

How to affectionately call a guy you like

Emotions are no less important (you need to speak with a feeling of love and, possibly, admiration) when a girl / woman decides to call her beloved man / boy by a new name. It will be associated with you and your attitude. This means that they need to be pronounced in the appropriate form: with a smile, gentle touches, etc.

It is also important to note the man's reaction to the "new name" with which the other half decided to name their beloved man / boyfriend. If a man aggressively perceived your impulse, perhaps this is an excuse to come up with something that will please him too. Of course, you can't do without female tricks. Every girl knows how to correctly present information. If it didn't work, then you need to look for other word forms.

How funny it is to name a guy so that he likes it

If a girl does not want to use the worn-out options that can be called her beloved boyfriend: beloved, the only one, dear, etc., she should think about funny variations with which you can not only affectionately name the guy, but also add some mischief to the relationship. They often arise by themselves, i.e. at the associative level. If a guy with his behavior resembles Winnie the Pooh or KAA from a famous cartoon, maybe you shouldn't come up with anything more cool?

How to affectionately call a man - a list

It is not always possible to independently decide on the choice of affectionate epithets with which you can call your beloved, therefore we offer several ready-made variations on the topic.

How to gently name your beloved man in an original way

For those who ask how to name their beloved man, if the proposed independent solutions have no right to life, and the banal "cat" is inapplicable, we suggest using the tried-and-true options to name your beloved beautifully and interestingly:

Teddy bear;
diamond (another version of jewelry);
fix, etc.

Do not forget that in some variants you need to support your nickname with arguments, for example, a cartoon character can be said to remind you of a cute cartoon character, and a diamond can be told that he is like a jewel, etc. In this interpretation, your chosen one will appreciate the exclusivity of the approach.

How to tenderly name a loved one at the beginning of a relationship

It is especially important and at the same time difficult to affectionately name a man at the very beginning of a relationship, or rather to correctly determine the appropriate option. It can be a diminutive or petting version of a name, for example, Misha can become a teddy bear or a bear cub in an instant, Igor - Garik, Sasha - Alex, Dima will become Dimius, etc.

You can think of different variations: in Spanish, in English, in Tatar, possibly with the use of adjectives, etc. Vasya - Basilisk, Andrey - Andreus, Maxim - Maximus. The red-haired guy can be affectionately called the red sun, he will certainly be pleased to hear this. Tall - big Bob, jealous - jealous, etc. You can start with such a simple and unusual address via SMS or before going to bed and see how pleased he will be with your innovation. Try it, experiment and be happy!

A romantic relationship is great. Every girl starts to glow from the inside when she loves. She wants to fly, it seems that there is constant spring around and everything is just great.

Of course, for a beloved man I want to pick up affectionate words and say them constantly. Don't underestimate the power of words, even if they seem meaningless and ridiculous.

Each person is pleased to hear how they are loved and appreciated. Even if your relationship has already gone through many stages, you already have children and have a lot of experience behind you, it is never too late to please a man by adding novelty and romance to a relationship.

Let's see how you can call a guy affectionately. Do not forget that it is very important for a man to know what kind of lover he is. Compliments in this area, affectionate treatment in intimate moments are some of the most important and significant.

Do not forget to thank for a great time, for his efforts and care for you.

If a man takes care of himself, looks after his hands and nails, believe me, he will be very pleased that his efforts were not ignored. It is very important for men to feel that they are strong both physically and spiritually, so much so that they are able to charm you with their help.

Assess its strength. If he is trying to get even stronger, playing sports or just keeping fit in the gym, this is an important reason to compliment him.

A woman who knows how to pronounce such words sincerely is very dear and valuable to a man. After all, she constantly reminds him of his strength and courage.

Never make fun of your boyfriend's hobbies. Even if the next hobby seems pointless, in this matter it is much better not to say anything at all than to joke. Success in a particular hobby is a direct reason to praise a guy and call him affectionately:

  • you are my football player, volleyball player, hockey player;
  • you are my athlete;
  • my master.

Even if the guy is interested in cooking and design, then do not hesitate to tell him about success.

  • a cook;
  • homemade;
  • creator;
  • mastermind.

For some men, affectionate words are of great importance. They not only build confidence that you love him, but they also help him feel strong and confident once again. Tell your man:

  • YOU are my king;
  • You're my lion;
  • you are my God;
  • you are my eagle.

Don't laugh when complimenting you like that. Laughter only shows that you yourself do not believe in these words, but only want to make fun of him. Think how important it is to you when you are taken care of and appreciated, just as tenderness is important to men.

You can say such words even in the most intimate moments. They turn men on and strengthen their confidence that everything is going right at this moment. Believe me, words are as important for a huge number of men as they are for women.

Girls often expect compliments, want to talk after sex, and wait for their actions to be approved. The secret is that men do all the same, they are only embarrassed to admit it to themselves and others.

How can you call a guy affectionately

There is an opinion that only women love with their ears. This is true, but it does not mean at all that gentle names, attention and care in words are not important to a man. Calling a guy pleasant and affectionate words is possible and necessary.

This will not only strengthen the relationship, but also help create a special bond between the couple that only two can understand. So, here are examples of how you can affectionately call your beloved guy:

  • baby;
  • fluffy;
  • dandelion;
  • Sun;
  • ray;
  • masik;
  • flower;
  • spout and many others.

A guy can be called cartoon characters, especially if you or only a guy has a cartoon favorite from childhood, for example:

  • cheburashka;
  • dragon;
  • luntik;
  • smurf;
  • gnome;
  • teletubbie.

Action and comedy heroes are also suitable, especially for a person who is a fan of The Terminator, The Chronicles of Riddick, Rambo and Die Hard.

Do not think that cartoon names are only suitable for a young couple. There is nothing wrong with fooling around at any age. Express your love as often as possible.

The environment is full of stressful situations, at work there can be various conflicts, difficulties in relations with relatives or friends.

Therefore, pleasant little things, kind words from a loved one can greatly affect the mood and state of mind of a guy.

The most important thing is not to force a man to get used to a nickname that he does not like. Indeed, there are men for whom such treatment is unacceptable.

They are not used to tenderness, sentimentality and always want to look brutal, especially with friends. Feel free to discuss these subtleties with your man. Trust is the foundation on which relationships are built.

How beautiful to name your beloved guy

Many men want to see themselves as very masculine and brutal. Therefore, cute names do not appeal to them. But even an outwardly stern man needs support, approval and recognition of his successes. That's why, instead of nicknames, you can say nice compliments to the guy.

What kind words to compliment your boyfriend with:

  • the only one;
  • favourite;
  • gentle;
  • courageous;
  • strong;
  • wise;
  • unique;
  • mysterious;
  • best;
  • sexual;
  • caring;
  • generous;
  • desired;
  • talented;
  • hot;
  • chocolate;
  • sweet;
  • unusual;
  • beautiful;
  • clever;
  • understanding;
  • kind;
  • smiling;
  • happy.

The names of animals are very popular. What could be more affectionate than the name of a cute and fluffy creature.

Sometimes the external resemblance to some kind of animal is simply obvious and there is no difficulty in choosing a name. There are quite common nicknames and unusual ones, the choice depends solely on you and the nature of your relationship.

  • bunny;
  • Kitty;
  • cat;
  • sparrow;
  • fawn;
  • teddy bear;
  • fawn;
  • Hedgehog;
  • raccoon;
  • fox cub;
  • squirrel;
  • mouse;
  • lamb.

When choosing a nickname, think about whether it is worth calling the guy that in front of strangers. Maybe this name was born during some intimate or even awkward situation?

In this case, if you remind a guy about her in front of friends, it will cause confusion. Sometimes, in a certain situation, a loved one can be called both "piglet" and "piglet", but it is unlikely that such names are funny and cute for others to hear, especially if they are not the closest people in your life.

Funny nicknames for loved ones and friends

Many couples love to fool around and laugh together. The basis of their relationship is laughter and humor. Then, of course, problems with choosing a name for a loved one should not arise, most likely, such a couple has more than one name for each other.

In addition, funny and funny names can be called just a friend. Let it be said that there is no male and female friendship, but many encounter in life a strong and real friendship between a guy and a girl, which can later develop into more.

Such relationships open up scope for a huge number of nicknames, because it is much easier to discuss a name with a friend or just laugh. So, how can you call a loved one or a friend in an affectionate and cool way? Here is a list of cute nicknames:

  • glutton;
  • pig;
  • fat man;
  • hamster;
  • goosey;
  • pot-bellied;
  • clubfoot;
  • baby elephant;
  • nasopathy;
  • tambourine;
  • sweet tooth;
  • brownie.

The most important thing is that the guy treats such names with humor and laughs with you. But try not to offend with words, because often guys are offended, not showing signs. Some names can offend a man's pride or remind old complexes.

Your friend or boyfriend won't tell you, but pay attention to how he reacts to names and jokes associated with him. The character of a man will tell you a lot.

His main personality traits are a direct opportunity to come up with a nickname. Even if you didn't like something, do not be upset, do not give up trying to study a man better and determine all the subtleties of his character.

Rhymes to the name of a loved one

If all these names and compliments do not seem right for you, then the easiest way to come up with a new nickname is to use a rhyme to the name. Here's how affectionately and unusually you can call your beloved guy in rhyme with his name:

  • Andryushka-bun;
  • Andryushka cheesecake;
  • Andryushka-darling;
  • Sergei - everyone's beloved and dear;
  • Sasha is a kissing girl;
  • Sanyok - a light;
  • Maxim is so alone;
  • Maxim is irreplaceable;
  • Dimka is a favorite;
  • Deniska is a favorite toffee.

Don't make up rude names for the guy. Sometimes even an affectionate word spoken in a sarcastic manner can greatly offend and ruin a relationship. If you want to strengthen your love, show attention and participation, then speak with love.

Words can hurt very much, and this will be remembered for a lifetime. Don't make those mistakes out of your anger.

Speak to your loved one in an intimate setting. This is the time when you can utter the words truly sincerely, looking into your eyes. The effect of such phrases is very strong and memorable.

It is much easier and easier to say cute names in a circle of friends, on the street and in other public places. For many, words such as "bunny", "kitty", "masik" become so familiar that even real mena are slightly forgotten and erased from speech.

But still, in the circle of relatives and, especially, with parents, it is still worth calling each other by name.

White cheesy discharge and itching - faithful companions of thrush and not only

A romantic relationship between a guy and a girl cannot be compared with any other type of relationship, because we cannot experience the same feelings and emotions that we experience next to a guy, when meeting with relatives or friends. Falling in love and love bind two people in a special way, make them unique to each other. One of the cutest things about a boyfriend / girlfriend relationship is the touching nicknames. If you do not know how to affectionately address your boyfriend, our article will help you solve this problem. There is an opinion that it is girls who love with their ears, while males do not give importance to compliments. To some extent, this is true. Women, regardless of their character and age, are very sensitive to gentle speech, and love affectionate words. However, guys are also very rarely indifferent to praise.

Affectionate nicknames for your boyfriend

You can express your admiration for a guy without resorting to elaborate compliments - you just need to come up with a cute nickname for your beloved. Do not be afraid that your nickname may seem banal or unoriginal to someone, the main thing is the meaning that you put in the praise. The most popular nicknames for guys are words like:
    "Cat" "Bunny" "Raccoon" "Hedgehog" "Baby elephant" "Sun" "Squirrel" "Dolphin"
However, when choosing a touching nickname, just in case, do not take into account the feminine words, for example, "Businka", "Bubochka" or "Lapulya". If you want to keep the meaning of the nickname, come up with a more masculine version, replace "Birdie" with "Little bird", "Bead" with "Busy", etc.

How unusual to name a guy you really like

The nicknames mentioned in the previous paragraph will not work for you if you want to contact a guy you just like and with whom you have no relationship yet. Of course, this does not mean that you do not need to somehow sweetly address the subject of your sympathy. On the contrary, such behavior can endear him to you. He will definitely note for himself that there really is some kind of connection between you, since you consider it appropriate to address him like that. Perhaps this is what will help develop the relationship between you. Alternatively, try to note its positive qualities (you can add the prefix "My"):
    "Strongman" "Handsome" "Smart" "Genius" "Champion" "Hero"
Also, do not skimp on whole phrases: "And you are a rebel!"

How to affectionately call a man at the beginning of a relationship so that he likes it

When choosing tender words for your lover, it is important to consider how long you have been in a relationship with him. When everything is just beginning for you, you need to be especially careful in this matter. It is unlikely that you want to apologize for your own impulse of tenderness, so try to take into account all the characteristics of the character of your beloved. It is best if you choose something neutral:
    "Dragon" "Dandelion" "Tiger" "Eaglet" "Charming" "Sugar"

It's also important to know that it's not always a good idea to use nicknames when referring to a guy when you're in company. Even if your chosen one likes what you call him, the situation can change if it becomes a reason for banter from his friends. It is important to remember this not only at the initial stage of the relationship, but also in the future. You should also not use nicknames in the presence of him or your relatives, otherwise you risk being in a stupid situation. In addition, public expressions of affection such as being sweet, kissing, etc., often embarrass those around them. Even if you don't care what others think, try to refrain from such things out of respect. In addition, to make the delicate names seem even more unique and special, they are best used when you are alone with your boyfriend. This adds romance and intimacy to the relationship. It is important to remember that, even when you are alone, you should not always call your loved one something affectionate if the moment is not right, for example, during a conversation on a serious topic. Of course, an affectionate nickname may not offend your partner, but there is a possibility that he will find you too frivolous, especially if the relationship is in the early stages, and this will definitely not benefit the relationship.

Nice nicknames for a guy, how to choose them, what to rely on

Girls, for all their love of praise, often underestimate the impact of compliments on men. Unfortunately, the fair sex is often stingy with pleasant words. Yes, they try to look seductive and smell good, but not only external factors are important. Any relationship should have pleasant communication. To cheer up a loved one, you need to admire him, his appearance, character, talents and abilities. The phrases "there is no one better than you", "you are so romantic", "I constantly think about you", "I just go crazy from your touch", "you are my most gentle" will perfectly help you show your attitude towards a guy. Try to say these things as often as possible, make it natural for your relationship. This is especially important if your chosen one doubts himself, his strength. Such an appeal will add confidence to him. He will change a lot right before your eyes, and you, like the environment, simply cannot fail to notice the difference. When choosing a nickname for a loved one, be guided by its characteristics. Of course, you should only mention the positives. Do not point out any shortcomings of your partner, it is better to emphasize his individuality. Do not be afraid that your ideas are banal, simplicity and sincerity in communication can not negatively affect the relationship, the main thing is to speak with love and from the bottom of your heart. The fact is that, in pursuit of originality, girls are so sophisticated that the nickname turns out to be rather stupid. Agree that your boyfriend is unlikely to like it if you call him "dyudyuka", "typchik" or "bobochka".

Not a trivial "zai": how to call your beloved man affectionately and unusual

List of affectionate nicknames for men

Many girls do not like nicknames such as "dear", "dear", "bunny", "cat", etc. This is due to the fact that these nicknames are very popular, abundant and now do not cause the reaction girls expected from guys. In this case, you can use the words "prince", "Romeo", "bar", "pirate", "spider", "nut". Also, try to change the frequently used nickname from time to time, otherwise your boyfriend will just get used to it, and this appeal, despite all its unusualness and affection, will simply lose its charm. As for the preferences of the guys, they, of course, like these nicknames:
    "Superhero" "Macho" "Beast" "Cowboy" "Rogue"
That is, we are talking about nicknames that emphasize masculinity. Also, many young people like the most delicate names, they experience real delight. For example, even if your lover is very brutal, he may like the following names:
    "Keksik" "Vredina" "Fox"
To name a guy somehow unusual and affectionate, it is not at all necessary to remember animals or food. You can just use words like this:
    "Peerless" "Cute" "Wonderful" "Affectionate" "Sweet" "The only one"
If you add the word "mine" to all these names, it will turn out even more touching. Try to notice your lover's reactions to nicknames and use the ones that pleases him the most.

Diminutive nicknames on his behalf

Some girls do not like to compare their loved one with animals, objects, etc. Despite this, they still have options for how cute to call their chosen one. To achieve your goal, you just need to soften his name a little. Sasha can be called Sasha, Sanya, Shunya, Sanya, Sasha. Dima should like the appeal of Dimochka, Di, Mityusha, Mitechka. Nikita will do Nick, Nikitulya, Nikitoshka. Vlad can be called Vladik, Vladyusha, Vladusik. In addition, come up with cute, but not too strange or offensive rhymes to his name. For example, "Andrey is the love of my dreams", "Andryushka is a darling", "Kostya is a tail". Alternatively, "Sergei - the light of my eyes", "Sergei - you are not dearer." The rhymes "Sasha - kissing", "Sanya - moth", "Sasha - sweetheart", "Sanya - light" will suit the name Sasha. You can add “necessary”, “irreplaceable” to Maxim. “Matvey is a sparrow”, “Matvey is the meaning of my life”, “Matvey - come back soon” also sound nice. Of course, these words are best used when the couple is in good spirits, cheerful mood. Needless to say, it's better not to mention rhymes on behalf of colleagues or friends. It is unlikely that you dream that everyone you know would call your beloved "Constantine - my magic serpentine" or "Andryushka - cute pig" behind the backs of your eyes.

How to call a husband affectionately and tenderly so that he would be pleased

In marriage, people already know each other very well, this implies a special relationship in a couple. This means that affectionate nicknames can be more interesting than just "ball - smesharik". Since the husband and wife are especially close, there must be things between them that are known only to both of them, something unique, intimate. Your best bet is to come up with a nickname for your spouse that only the two of you can understand. There is a cute story about an ordinary married couple. Whenever a husband and wife had to be separated for a long time, they corresponded. The couple signed each letter with "Mr. R" and "Mrs. R". The most interesting thing is that the real surname of the couple sounds like "Li", that is, there is no letter "P" in it. Once the daughter, who told the world this story, saw how the letters of the parents were signed, and she really wanted to know what the letter "R" means at the end of each message. Much to the girl's surprise, the parents flatly refused to reveal their secret to their daughter. They said it was their little secret that no one else would ever know. Of course, young Li will not be satisfied with such an answer, but even after many years, she still did not know the meaning of the letter "R" for her parents. Mr and Mrs R are now dead and their secret will forever remain unsolved, a story that will serve as an example for many couples. The fact is that spouses underestimate the importance of something secret, intimate between them. It often happens that friends know all the conversations between husband and wife, and very personal moments in their family life. In fact, it doesn't have to be that way. If your marriage has the aforementioned problem, don't be in a hurry to despair until it's too late to change everything. Start small - think of a nickname that only your husband will understand. You can connect it somehow with the place of your meeting, with the peculiarities of its character. And most importantly - let no one else find out your secret.

How to call a guy funny - when such nicknames are appropriate

A nickname for your boyfriend can be funny as well as affectionate. It is important to understand when such nicknames should be used and when not. First of all, consider the character traits of your beloved. If he is very withdrawn or insecure, he is unlikely to like silly names that sound like a curse. In this case, it is best to never joke with your boyfriend, so as not to offend your chosen one. Also, when you give your partner a nickname, ask again if it offends him. This is worth doing, even if your loved one has a strong character. Perhaps a nickname that seems harmless to you seems demeaning in his eyes, and it should also be remembered that a comic nickname should not ridicule any character trait or appearance. For example, if your chosen one is lop-eared, in no case call him "Cheburashka", if he has any vision problems, you should not mention "Cross-eye". A slightly overweight guy does not need to be reminded of his peculiarity by the nickname "fat man", "donut", etc. Most importantly, never refer to your boyfriend as Flash when talking about your intimate relationship. Of course, every couple has their own characteristics. There are lovers who constantly laugh at each other and love to pin up their soul mate. In such a relationship, there are rarely resentments about nicknames, but you still need to be careful in such moments.

A romantic relationship between a girl and a guy is not like any kind of relationship, because we cannot experience such strong feelings when we are next to friends or relatives, only a loved one makes our heart beat faster. Love and falling in love connect two people with absolutely unique bonds and makes them irreplaceable for each other. One of the most touching moments in a relationship between lovers is affectionate nicknames. It won't be so easy for a guy to pick them up.

Do men love with their ears?

There is a fairly widespread belief that the fair sex love with their ears, while men do not pay much attention to compliments. This is partly true, but only half. Indeed, women, regardless of age and character, are always more sensitive than men, and react more emotionally to affectionate words. However, guys rarely remain indifferent to warm words. They only hide emotions so as not to show themselves weak.

List of affectionate nicknames for a guy

To express your admiration for a guy, it is not at all necessary to resort to pretentious compliments - it will be enough just to come up with a cute nickname for your beloved. Do not be afraid that this nickname will seem unoriginal or banal to someone, the main thing is the meaning that was put into the praise.

The most popular affectionate nicknames for guys are:

  • Little hare.
  • Kitty.
  • Hedgehog.
  • Raccoon.
  • Sun.
  • Baby elephant.
  • Dolphin.
  • Squirrel.

When choosing a nickname, you should not stop attention not to the words of the feminine gender, for example, Lapulya, Bubochka or Businka, as this can hurt the guy's sense of pride. It is recommended to replace such nicknames with a more masculine version of the masculine gender - Bead - for Busy, Bird - for Chick and so on.

Unusual nicknames

The list of affectionate nicknames for a beloved guy does not end with one dozen banal words associated with the name of animals in a diminutive form. Plus, not all of the nicknames mentioned in the previous section can suit a particular person, let alone sound odd to a guy you like, but with whom you are not yet in a relationship. In this case, you should refer to the subject of your sympathy with the help of other nicknames.

Try to highlight the positive qualities of the man and add the prefix "mine" if necessary. Here are some interesting examples:

  • Hero.
  • Champion.
  • Genius.
  • Smart ass.
  • Handsome.
  • Strongman.

Also, do not miss a moment to use the whole phrase: "How ingenious you are," "And you are a rebel!" And so on, as your heart tells you.

A few more affectionate options

When choosing an affectionate nickname for your beloved guy (the list will be given below), it is worth considering what kind of relationship you are with. If everything is just beginning for you, then you should be extremely careful in this matter. Who wants to apologize for their own outburst of affection? It is also important to take into account the character traits of the beloved so that an awkward moment does not come out.

It is best to choose one of the neutral options:

  • Sugar.
  • Charming.
  • Eaglet.
  • Tiger cub.
  • Dandelion.
  • Little dragon.

Also keep in mind that most guys don't like being addressed with a company name. Even if he loves this nickname with all his heart, the situation can change dramatically if it becomes a reason for ridicule from friends. This advice should be remembered both at the initial stage of the development of a relationship and in the future.

Nicknames on behalf of the beloved

Some girls love comparing their boyfriend with animals and some cute objects, but not all guys like it when they are called Bunny or Sunny. Despite this, there are still several options for how to affectionately call your chosen one. To do this, it will be enough to experiment a little with his name. For example, a young man named Sasha can be called Sashko, Sanya, Shunya or Sasha. Dima should like the following options: Mitechka, Mityusha, Di, Dimochka. Nikita will do Nikita, Nikitulya or Nick. And the proud name Vlad in a diminutive form sounds like Vladyusha, Vladik or Vladusik.

Cool nicknames

It is not at all necessary for the nickname to be affectionate and tender. The main thing is that it personifies the character traits of your lover or the peculiarities of his behavior. You can pick up some comic option that you will not be ashamed to use in the company of friends. A joke - after all, it is a joke.

Here is a small list of affectionate and funny nicknames for a guy:

  • Bebik.
  • Babe.
  • Macho.
  • Charming.
  • Masik.
  • My sweet.
  • Handsome.
  • Pusya.

If your boyfriend loves cartoons at his age, then you can take advantage of this by giving him one of the following nicknames:

  • Smesharik.
  • Garfield.
  • Luntik.
  • Shrek.
  • Smurf.
  • Nafanka.
  • Malysharik.
  • Teletubbies.

Remember that if the guy initially did not like such a nickname, then you should not continue to call him that. Otherwise, such actions can lead to resentment, misunderstanding or even quarrel.

The meaning of affectionate nicknames

Most men, at heart, always remain children, and they want to feel like a playful little child next to their beloved girl. If your boyfriend has a good sense of humor, then you are very lucky. In this case, you can give free rein to imagination, without fear that the sweet name-calling will hurt the sense of pride of your loved one. But how to choose a nickname so that it suits only your most beloved man?

In this case, you should pay attention to the meaning of affectionate nicknames for guys:

  • Malyshkin, Malysh, Baby - emphasize your passion for a young man.
  • Lyalik, my Little, Baby, Baby - will help the guy feel like a child again, return to childhood and become happier.
  • Kisselovashka, my Fool, Fool, Durynda - are suitable for a loved one who is seriously guilty of something, but asked for forgiveness.
  • Manyunya, Tsemik, Masik, Musipusechka, Musya - the words speak of your great affection for the young man, as well as that you are very passionate about him.
  • Bar, Eclair, Croissant, Biscuit, Donut, Sweets, Sweets - express a huge surge of emotions, and are also suitable for those who love sweets.
  • Teddy bear, Kisyunchik, Kisenysh, Kotofey, Murchik, Kotya, Kotyatina - your attention is focused on the object of love and no one else.
  • Lapunchik, Lapotulka, Lapusik, Lapulya, Lapa are gentle nicknames that characterize your determination to be more active in a relationship than a guy, to do your best for him, your beloved.
  • Bouncy, Puzik, Telepuz, Buratino - suitable for lovers of cartoons and children's programs.

These nicknames look pretty cute in the phone book, especially when your loved one calls you. They can also be used to sign a postcard to a very close friend. Remember that it is not at all necessary to call your beloved that day after day, but it is better to wait for the right moment.

Affectionate nicknames in English

The Russian language is beautiful and rich, but it is not at all necessary that an affectionate nickname for a loved one sounded in it. In English, there are many equally cute words that can be used in relation to a young man. Such a cute nickname will be unique and unrepeatable.

Below is a list of affectionate nicknames for a guy in English with translation:

  • Baby - Baby.
  • Banny - Rabbit.
  • Sweet - Sweet.
  • Honey - Sweet (literally - "honey").
  • Sugar - Sweet (literally - "sugar").
  • Poppet - Baby.
  • Angel - Angel.
  • Love - Favorite.

Nicknames like this can also be used to refer to girls, so there is something interesting here for male readers as well.

I love to laugh

The rich Russian language allows you to choose funny but affectionate nicknames for a guy. If you have been dating for a long time and know each other well, then why not joke about some of your lover's shortcomings? The moments when you both laugh will remain in your memory for the rest of your life, so create more of them.

A list of funny and affectionate nicknames for a guy can help you with this:

  • Nasty - you can make an offended face and call your young man that when he scolds you.
  • The scops owl is ideal for a man who likes to sleep longer or does not want to get out of bed early in the morning.
  • Obzhorka or Puzik - you can jokingly call a guy who loves to eat deliciously or whose tummy sticks out.
  • Piglet - you can hint a young man to clean up dirty dishes with the help of such a nickname.
  • Hairy - suitable for a man with a lot of hair on his face or head.

Of course, there can be many more such options. An exclusive nickname is often quite unexpected, so try to think carefully about what you associate with your boyfriend and find him the appropriate nickname. However, remember that such affectionate words are only suitable for home use, so do not use them in front of witnesses.

Who should use funny nicknames?

Remember that funny names may not work for all guys. Some young people can be quite withdrawn and insecure. If you call your lover such a silly name, then he may take it as a curse. In this case, it is better not to give the guy comic nicknames that are associated with his negative character traits, since you can offend him.

At the same time, you should be on the lookout for lovers who have a good sense of humor. They can answer you in a similar way, having come up with some offensive nickname for their chosen one. Are you ready to be a piggy after you call your boyfriend piggy, or should you use more affectionate nicknames for each other?

How not to offend a guy?

Remember that a comic nickname should by no means make fun of any serious shortcomings of your beloved. For example, never call your beloved Cheburashka if he has lop-eared. And in any case, do not call the guy Flash when it comes to intimacy.

Of course, each pair has its own unique characteristics, but this article only provides general advice. There are people who constantly pin up their soul mate and will never be offended by a bad joke. In such a relationship, there are rarely disagreements and quarrels, but you should still be careful at certain points, watch the reaction of your soul mate.

Having started dating or living together, the couple comes up with not only general rules, traditions, but also cute affectionate nicknames for each other. Some of them are widely used by many lovers, others are known only to two people.

Often, girls want to say affectionate words to their beloved, to name him in a special way, unusual, but do not know if the guy will like them. To help such persons, our list of the most interesting and original household nicknames has been compiled.

The most popular tender words for your beloved boyfriend

Most often, in everyday communication or in a circle of friends, girls call their beloved the most neutral words that are generally known to everyone. Even if the couple has their own tender affectionate nicknames, you should not introduce them to everyone around. Let your invented words remain a secret for strangers.

Here is a list of popular words that you can publicly call your boyfriend:

  • Cute
  • Favorite
  • Expensive
  • My good
  • Native
  • My sun
  • My handsome

Using these affectionate words in the company of friends, you can show others your feelings for a guy, demonstrate a tender and romantic relationship between you. Many girls love to call a boyfriend affectionately, and gentlemen are usually very pleasant and flattering to hear this. The addition of the pronoun "mine" to any pleasant word even more indicates intimacy in a relationship, one should not be afraid to say it often.

Affectionate words-associations for a loved one

Many couples like to call each other diminutive words or phrases associated with beautiful, strong, cute animals. You can follow their example to affectionately call your loved one some pleasant nickname. The main thing is not to use offensive nicknames, so as not to accidentally call the gentleman a goat or a ram.

The most commonly used nicknames are:

  • Teddy bear, teddy bear
  • Cat, kitten, cat
  • Lion, lion cub, lion cub
  • Tiger, little tiger
  • Hare, bunny

You can persuade these words, come up with similar words based on them, it is not forbidden to even affectionately call a guy a gopher, a hamster or a piglet, if he likes it. However, you should not use such nicknames in an unfamiliar team or in a serious environment.

Cute home nicknames for a loved one

In a circle of friends or at home, you can call each other whatever you want, with any phrases, nicknames, so long as they are not offensive. If there is even a little imagination, it is not forbidden to invent them on your own, it will even be more interesting and original. If nothing comes to mind, you can use the hints.

Here are the most common nicknames for lovers:

  • Fluffy
  • Sun
  • Baby
  • My hero
  • My treasure
  • My joy
  • Playful

You can affectionately call your beloved by name, for example, not Seryozha or Seryoga, but Seryozhenka or Serzhik. A lot of guys like it. If your boyfriend has some extraordinary talent, like cooking, renovation, sex, why not come up with words of praise? It will also not be superfluous to note the muscles, appearance, hairstyle, manner of dress.

Nicknames such as:

  • My strongman
  • Sexual
  • Desired
  • Superman
  • Sweet
  • Zolotse
  • My precious
  • Sweet tooth
  • The only one

Guys like it when their friends call them affectionately and tenderly, while hugging or kissing. Moreover, it is necessary to say affectionate words if the gentleman is shy of his appearance or has low self-esteem - let him believe in himself, in your love.

Gentle praise and statements for a guy

To name a loved one affectionately, you do not need to invent complicated phrases - you just need to praise him, say something gentle. You can even compare him with one of the actors, heroes of the film, fairy-tale characters, if only the young man liked it.

  • You are the best
  • You are my strongest and most fearless
  • You are my only, most beloved in the world
  • There is no one better than you
  • My most gentle romantic
  • How sexy and tireless you are
  • I'm crazy about your kisses, your touch
  • Only with you I feel good and comfortable
  • I think about you all the time, all day

The list of phrases may depend on the mood of a friend, his abilities, skills, strength, intelligence, appearance. Do not be afraid to praise the guy even for a trifling matter or help, he will definitely appreciate and take into account.

Fancy and funny boyfriend nicknames

If your relationship is long enough and strong enough, and both are fine with humor, you can come up with any stupid or funny words for each other. Make sure that they do not sound too offensive and stupid, otherwise you can upset the gentleman with your joke.

It will be unusual to hear such nicknames in your address as:

  • Sweeties
  • Fat Sleep
  • Lysik
  • Perchik
  • Heffalump
  • Sonya
  • Peach
  • Little angel
  • Sexy
  • Donut

If the guy is not offended, you can call him what you like. The main thing is that the words should be gentle and sincere.