Doesn't walk on tiptoes. The child walks on tiptoes - is his gait so harmless? What to do? How to help your child learn the traditional way of walking

Sometimes, looking at their baby, parents are puzzled: why does the child walk on tiptoe? This situation occurs both at 1 year old and at 3 years old. You need to pay attention to this. In addition to a harmless habit, such a manner of movement can be a sign of health problems. To be sure, it is better to contact a neurologist who will determine what to do and whether the baby needs help.

Why can children walk on tiptoes?

Toe walking can be affected by age. At 1 year old, the child is just learning to move freely, walk and run. He studies the possibilities of his body, tries different movements. It happens that the little one does the first steps correctly, but at 2 years old he gets up on tiptoe. Usually, if the baby is not yet 3 years old, then it is likely that this is just a developmental stage, especially if otherwise it looks healthy and is developing well. Gradually, this period will pass on its own, and the baby will lean on a full foot. But it is worth contacting a doctor in order to start correcting possible problems in time, if necessary. Then you can get by with fewer procedures - massage will probably help.

Reasons why a child can tiptoe

  • Uneven muscle tension. It happens that it goes away by itself, but massage, swimming and other procedures are often needed. Often occurs due to birth trauma, breech presentation, hypoxia. Often it appears even before the baby is 1 year old.
  • The child is trying to look taller, to attract attention, or just to reach for something. In such cases, he soon begins to stand on his entire foot.
  • Excessive activity, an attempt to throw out energy. Such a baby needs more active outdoor games, perhaps sports or dance clubs, many of them are suitable for children who are 3 years old.
  • Imitation (for example, after seeing ballet on TV) or trying to portray a gait in high heels.
  • Perhaps the baby is uncomfortable walking: the floor is cold or there are crumbs on it that are painful to step on.
  • The little one spent a lot of time in the walker and puts his foot in this way out of habit.

Why is tiptoeing harmful and what treatment is needed?

What if the child walks on tiptoe? Parents are often interested in whether it is possible to let the situation take its course. In fact, quite often a baby who walks incorrectly at 1 year old is corrected at 2 or 3 years old. But it is better to control this process, since in some cases unpleasant consequences are possible: posture disorders, retarded physical development, clubfoot, torticollis. The load on the spine is unevenly distributed, this affects the work of the internal organs. It is advisable to see an orthopedist after the baby has started to walk. If the baby puts the leg incorrectly, then the doctor may recommend coming to the appointment at both 1.5 and 2 years old. With constant tiptoeing, the heel is not involved, the forefoot begins to develop too much, and the calf muscle does not work properly. As a result, the functions of the musculoskeletal system are impaired.

It is necessary to start solving the problem with a visit to the doctor. The neurologist may order additional tests and find out if there is any cause for concern if a child of 3 years old walks on tiptoe. Further, if necessary, he will select a treatment and give recommendations on what to do. Sometimes it is enough to perform massage at home, sometimes you have to deal with complex therapy. It may include the following procedures.

  • Paraffin therapy... Gauze dressings are soaked in paraffin, the child must sit in them for a while.
  • Electrophoresis. Prescribed if the muscles are overly tense, hypertonicity is present.
  • Therapeutic massage and gymnastics... The professional kneads and stretches the desired muscles. In addition, it is useful to conduct classes at home.
  • Coniferous or herbal baths for relaxation.
  • Swimming.

Certain procedures have contraindications, massage and gymnastics for babies at 1 and 3 years old may differ, so only a specialist can make appointments and tell in detail what to do and how. In some cases, medication is required to be successful.

Massage and exercise

If there are no serious reasons that cause walking on toes, then after a while it will be more convenient for the baby to lean on the whole foot. But parents who think what to do in this case want to help their baby, and not sit back. It is quite possible to do gymnastics and massage at home. If there is muscular dystonia caused by hypoxia (oxygen starvation) or birth trauma, then in addition to procedures with specialists, homework is simply necessary. They bring significant benefits to children of any age - both at 1 year old and at 3 years old.

But massage should be done correctly, considering the causes of the problem. Very often, the answer to the question of why a child walks on tiptoes is muscular dystonia. The tone with it can be either increased or decreased. Exercise should be appropriate. The massage can be relaxing for hypertonicity or tonic for hypotension. Pressing should be strong enough, confident, but at the same time comfortable for the crumbs.

It is important to warm up the foot daily. To do this, you need to lay the baby on the back, raise the leg to the stomach, take the foot in your hand and gently move it to the sides and in a circle. Another exercise is to write out the number 8 on the baby's sole. You can also do it on a fitball - put the little one on it and roll it so that it takes steps. It is more convenient to do this together - one holds the crumb, and the other moves the ball. Such exercises are especially good for a very young child who is 1 year old or so.

Children who are 2 years old or more benefit from active activities. For example, walking on the heels or on the edge of the foot, squatting, keeping the heels pressed to the floor. Great for muscle swimming. An orthopedic mat works well. You can buy it in a store or make it yourself by sewing buttons of different diameters onto thick fabric. Walking on such a surface remarkably stimulates the nerve endings, so it is worth walking on it every day. The child should be interested so that the classes do not tire him, but are perceived as an entertaining game.

Taking care of the child's health

If babies walk on toes all the time or there are other disorders, then special orthopedic shoes must be worn. It is better to start before the baby is 1 year old, with the first steps. It is very important that it is correct, with a hard back, clearly fixed on the leg with the help of fasteners or Velcro. After all, up to 3 years old, the foot and muscles are just forming, it is much easier to fix something in a child who is 2 years old than in an older one.

Parents should monitor the health of their baby and know what to do in a given situation.

The following mistakes should not be made in the treatment.

  • Stop classes after the first successes. The tone is unlikely to go away on its own, if you do not complete the course of treatment, then there is a high probability that the child will soon be on tiptoe again.
  • Do not consider it necessary to practice and do massage if the child began to walk correctly, but runs on tiptoes. To prevent the situation from returning to the starting point, it is necessary to follow the doctor's prescriptions.

It is possible to face the fact that a child prefers to stand on tiptoes at 1 year old, and at 2 years old, this is a common phenomenon up to 3 years old. Knowing why the child walks on tiptoes can help to achieve a normal gait. A neurologist will help determine the reasons, he will also prescribe treatment: special massage and gymnastics, medicines, and other procedures. The doctor will give advice on what to do for parents, what exercises to do at home. If there are no difficulties with health, and a sufficiently large toddler thus shows character, then adults in a mild form can explain to him that it looks ugly. At the age of 3, he is quite capable of understanding this and making efforts to improve. Patience and parental love will help you succeed.

Parents do not always notice in time that the child is walking on tiptoe. When a problem is identified, many think that the situation will get better over time, the baby will stand on his entire foot. In most cases, this is what happens.

Sometimes the wrong position when walking persists longer, various symptoms appear, indicating diseases of the muscular system or neurological problems. It is important to know how to act if parents notice that a small child is constantly walking on tiptoes.

The reasons for the development of pathology

Doctors identify several main factors that provoke incorrect positioning of the foot:

  • age;
  • copying dancers' movements after watching ballet on TV;
  • a daughter or son learned active movements in a walker for a long time. Sometimes small children remember the position of their legs at that time, repeat the movements, stand on their toes again;
  • psycho-emotional disorders, anxiety;
  • violation of muscle tone (decreased / increased muscle tension);
  • pyramidal insufficiency is a disease of the nervous system, accompanied by impaired motor function.

Note! Often, children try to get the attention of adults in an unusual way of walking. If parents “don't hear” the insistent requests, the kids will invent a way that works for sure. The young "ballerina" will definitely get attention to her person.

Age and misalignment of the foot

Pediatricians note that most children often tiptoe at some point. This happens when the baby learns new activities: walking, running, jumping.

Up to two years you should not worry: the legs will get stronger, the problem will disappear. If in the third or fourth year of life the position of the foot when walking, motor activity has not returned to normal, be sure to visit a pediatric neurologist.

The doctor will examine the young patient, check the condition and reactions of the muscle tissue. If diseases are detected, the specialist will prescribe massage, physiotherapy, a set of exercises. To correct the position of the foot, orthopedic shoes are required.

If the baby not only walks on tiptoes, but is also often irritated, does not sleep well, reacts emotionally to any action, visit a neurologist as early as possible. Do not wait until the baby is two or three years old: the disease will progress, getting rid of improper muscle tone or neurological disease will be more difficult. With increased nervous excitability, muscle hypertonicity is observed in many children.

Possible consequences

Is walking on toes so harmless? Does the position of a tiny foot affect the development and health of children? Doctors agree: improper walking harms the whole body. The musculoskeletal system is especially affected, and neurological disorders intensify.

Without proper treatment, it often appears:

  • deformity of the foot;
  • tendon problems;
  • curvature of the legs;
  • violation of posture;
  • the development of motor skills slows down;
  • torticollis;
  • poor coordination of movements.

Important! Psychological problems are added to the physiological ones. A kid with crooked legs, an irregular gait often causes ridicule from peers. Complexes and self-doubt are formed. The child does not participate in outdoor games, becomes isolated, becomes aggressive or, conversely, indifferent to others.

How to act for parents

What if the child walks on tiptoes? Recommendations from doctors and psychologists:

  • pay attention to how often your child moves incorrectly (on toes). If this is not a "ballerina game" or a way to attract attention, consult a neurologist;
  • if such a specialist is not found, visit a pediatrician, pediatric orthopedist. You may need to visit several specialists to make a diagnosis;
  • when detecting a neurological disease, muscular dystonia, listen to the recommendations of doctors. Negligence of parents, violation of requirements, unwillingness to engage in correction of the condition often causes problems with physical development in babies. Remember the psychological state of the young patient.

Methods and rules of treatment

What if the child walks on tiptoe? After the examination, the establishment of an accurate diagnosis, the specialist will tell you about the therapeutic measures. Parents are required to be willing to follow the doctor's recommendations before the problem gets too far.

The main methods of treatment:

  • when neurological diseases, muscular dystonia are detected, physiotherapy exercises, massage, physiotherapy are required to increase / decrease the tone of the muscular system;
  • massage can be carried out not only in a specialized center. Doctors strongly recommend that parents study simple techniques, massage the lower legs, calf muscles at home. The result of the treatment will appear much earlier. Only 10 minutes a day, and the result is excellent;
  • swimming in the pool gives a noticeable effect for relieving excessive stress from the spine, normalizing muscle tone;
  • a prerequisite is the performance of special exercises not only under the supervision of a physiotherapist, but also at home. If the parents do not work with the young patient, it is very difficult to solve the problem with the incorrect position of the foot;
  • to fix the correct position of the foot, the doctor recommends making custom-made orthopedic shoes. Shoes or boots with special insoles, inlays, and a special surface hardness will support the desired position of the foot and strengthen the muscular system.

The address is written about the symptoms and treatment of chronic pancreatitis.

  • when a neurological disease is detected, the doctor often prescribes sedative (calming) drugs. A calm atmosphere at home, delicate communication, attention to the needs and psychological state of children increase the chances of recovery;
  • for many children, the doctor prescribes physical activity that requires a serious load on the legs, for example, dancing. At first, conduct individual lessons at home or in a specialized center;
  • as the foot strengthens, the coordination of movements is normalized, send your daughter / son to a dance studio. The choice of direction (folk, ballroom, modern dances) must be coordinated with your doctor;
  • if dancing is not to your liking, daily exercises, special exercises for coordination of movements are suitable. Conduct classes in a playful way, train with your child;
  • Simple leg exercises have a noticeable therapeutic effect. Have the young patient walk on the inside and outside of the foot. Show how to do the exercises correctly. Joint classes are of the greatest interest;
  • to restore the correct tone to the muscles, games will help to develop the foot, during which you need to squat, bend and unbend the legs;
  • walking on pebbles, small pebbles is a simple, effective way to develop the plasticity of the foot. In the summer, do the "procedure" at sea. In the rest of the year, pebbles poured into a large container (bath) or a rug with glued oval pebbles will help;
  • experts recommend a simple exercise: draw figures with bare feet on the sand or floor. Regular exercise strengthens, develops the foot;
  • encourage kids, highlight successes. See your doctor regularly to monitor treatment results.

In addition to physical activity, special exercises will require constant monitoring of the way of walking. Pay attention to the position of the foot, gently correct your son / daughter, praise for success. Explain to older children why they need to walk correctly. Show pictures of poor posture. Be sure to consider your age so as not to provoke serious concerns about problems with the way the legs are set.

The task of parents is to pay attention in time to problems with the position of the foot in a daughter or son. At one year old, do not worry if the baby often walks on tiptoes, but after two years, be sure to observe how often the child does not move on his full foot.

Strengthening the musculoskeletal system will help:

  • earlier swimming;
  • massage not only feet, but the whole body;
  • regular morning exercises;
  • outdoor games;
  • age-appropriate dances;
  • outdoor walks, physical activity;
  • exercises for coordination of movements;
  • taking multivitamins, mineral complexes with calcium;
  • proper nutrition, taking into account age and needs.

Now you know what to do if your child often walks on tiptoe. If you notice that the baby does not stand on his entire foot, observe how often this situation repeats. One year old is not a problem if improper walking continues up to two years or more, be sure to consult a pediatric neurologist. A doctor's consultation is required as early as possible if other signs of neurological disease are noticeable.

Should I be worried if my child walks on tiptoes? The answer will be given by Dr. Komarovsky in the following video:

Have you noticed that your child is walking on tiptoe, and now you are worried about it ?!

Your worries are understandable, since tiptoeing can be completely harmless, or it can indicate serious health problems for the baby.

Together, we will try to answer such important questions on this topic: why does the child walk on tiptoe, how dangerous is it, what should parents do in such a situation and which specialist should they turn to for help?

Why does the child walk on tiptoes?- a common complaint. But not every case requires radical treatment ...

Very often at the reception, parents ask the question about the "correctness" of the child's gait. And one of the exciting situations is when a child suddenly starts walking on his toes ("tiptoe") for no reason. So, I will say right away that periodic walking on toes, in most cases, is a normal phenomenon for a baby.

Tiptoeing and the child's age

It is believed that almost all children go through the stage of tiptoeing during the period when they learn to walk, run, and jump. Therefore, walking on toes is quite natural in children under three years of age.

The gait begins to form in a child from about 1.5 years old. It is at this age that the child is already quite confidently on his feet and noticeably less often when he walks stumbles over his own legs. And the rise on tiptoe is a kind of "test of the function of the legs." Children learn to handle their feet, and this is a difficult process for everyone in a different way. Most often, this type of walking appears at the age of 13-15 months. and passes on its own by about 3-4 years. The main thing here is to understand that the gait itself is a skill or a movement stereotype.

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During the growth and development of the bones of the foot, its arches are formed, the shape of the bones changes and their twisting occurs. The flexor and extensor muscles of the fingers, the fibular and tibial muscles, and the calf muscles are actively involved in this process - when all these muscles contract, the child rises to the toe.

Each person's gait is quite individual. And just like handwriting and posture, gait can be shaped or modified with targeted exercise.

Through tiptoe walking, children try to explore the possibilities of walking - a new day of their skill. Therefore, if your toddler at this age is walking on his toes, don't worry, it will pass.

If the child continues to walk on tiptoe at 4, 5 or more years, then it is worth paying more attention to this issue and be sure to visit a doctor with the child.

Only a doctor can accurately determine the reason why a child walks on tiptoes, so if you notice that your child walks on tiptoes, it is better to seek advice.

All reasons can be divided into several groups:

  • Violation of tone- increased tone (cerebral palsy as a pronounced manifestation) can lead to walking on toes ... the child practically does not fall on the heel ... unstable.

  • Muscle or tendon involvement- As a result of injuries or congenital shortening of the muscle (primarily the gastrocnemius), the ability to bend in the ankle joint is limited. Sometimes the problem arises from shortening of other muscles as well.

  • Diseases of the joints- arthritis, synovitis. Often, with problems in the hip or knee joint, the position on the toes is more painless and the child moves by entering only the forefoot on one leg (more often).

  • Foot injury, joint, dislocation, foreign body (splinter) on the heel.

  • The most common group - it accounts for 90% of visits to an orthopedist - idiopathic walking on toes ...
    Ideopathic means not having a specific cause. As a rule, in such cases there is not a single orthopedic or neurological reason ... but there are many other aspects:
    • the child wants to reach for something, reaches for a toy;
    • the child will give rise to the walking of the mother in heels;
    • the child has not yet learned to control all the muscles;
    • the child tries to attract the attention of adults in this way;
    • the child tries a new way of walking;
    • the child wants to appear taller and older;
    • the child copies the behavior of someone (for example, begins to tiptoe after watching a ballet on TV);
    • the child does not want to step on something or get dirty;
    • the baby feels psychological discomfort, he is anxious, withdrawn;
    • the child is cold;
    • the child learned to walk in a walker, and from time to time recalls the habit of walking on tiptoes.
    • the child is guided by the above reasons, then he will walk on tiptoe sporadically .

    Walking on tiptoes may be a sign of the development of some neurological diseases, but only together with other symptoms.

    • Very often, tiptoeing is a sign increased nervous excitability... This problem occurs in premature babies, in babies with hypertonicity, in over-emotional and sensitive babies. Typically, this can be dealt with with several massage courses.
    • Another common reason a toddler can walk on tiptoes is muscular dystonia- uneven tone of the leg muscles - a combination of hypertonicity - excessive muscle tension and hypotonia - decreased muscle tension. With muscular dystonia, the child will walk on tiptoe all the time.
    • One of the reasons for muscle failure may be a state of the nervous system such as pyramidal insufficiency which is characterized by a disorder of motor function. Birth trauma, breech presentation of the baby during childbirth and much more can lead to pyramidal insufficiency.

    Muscular dystonia like any other problems with tone in a child, it is imperative to treat it. If left on its own, then it can cause the formation of incorrect posture, torticollis, delayed development of motor skills and other serious health problems of the child.

    So how do you tell the norm from the disease?

    Try to spend a few simple tests:

    • 1. Observe if the child can lean on the heel at all and does he do it when he is just standing?
    • 2. Notice if he puts his foot on his toes when going up stairs or uphill.
    • 3. Check the amount of passive movement in the ankle joint (that is, move the child's foot yourself).

    If you answered yes to the first question, and found no abnormalities in the rest, then most likely there is "idiopathic toe walking." This is a variant of the age norm and you have nothing to worry about. If the result of the assessment was different, then you should contact a specialist for a more detailed assessment of the situation.

    If the child walks on tiptoe: how should parents act?

    The first thing that parents should do if they notice that the child is walking on tiptoe quite often is to take the baby to a consultation with a neurologist. Only a doctor will help establish the true cause of the problem and find a solution.

    If a doctor has diagnosed a muscle tone disorder, he or she will most likely prescribe massage, swimming, or other procedures for the child. Drug therapy is also possible, but it is prescribed in particularly difficult cases.

    In addition, the doctor will advise you to carry out home treatment for the baby: regularly do exercises with the child, which should be based on jumping, walking on an inclined plane, soft and hard surface, exercises for coordination of movements and other exercises.

    Also, it will not be superfluous to make comments to the child about his gait, of course, in a mild form, this will help in those cases if the child is just used to walking on tiptoe, and he has no problems with tone.

    If your baby walks on tiptoe, the main thing is not to hesitate to visit the doctor and strictly follow the doctor's recommendations.

    Grow healthy!

    Attention! the information on the site is not a medical diagnosis, or a guide to action, and is for informational purposes only.

If a child walks on tiptoes, the causes of the phenomenon are different. In one child, this tendency speaks of illness, while in another it is the usual desire to become taller. Is this a harmless symptom, what to do in this or that case? Let's figure it out together!

The main reasons for walking on tiptoes

When a child walks on tiptoes, the reasons may lie in both pathology and behavior. It is considered within the normal range when a child under one year old moves, swaying from side to side, twisting the feet or rising at the expense of the toes.

If a child walks on tiptoes, play, fear and apprehension may be the reasons. In order not to betray his position with loud steps, he moves on tiptoes.

The reasons for walking on tiptoes can be:

  • Cold floor in the house.
  • The presence of a splinter or the memory of it.
  • Attracting the attention of parents.
  • Copying the gait of women in heels.

Parents also have reasons for concern, we are talking about five diseases:

Cerebral palsy

A disease that develops in young children. The reason for its appearance is the wrong course of pregnancy or childbirth. Tiptoe walking is the main symptom.

Birth injury or premature birth

It is possible to find out about such a deviation long before the parents see the first steps of their child.

Pyramidal insufficiency

It manifests itself in disorders of the nervous system. According to doctors, this is a common diagnosis.

Incorrect positioning of two feet or one foot

This phenomenon appears in children who have been put on a walker from an early age.

Muscular dystonia

With muscular dystonia, there is a violation of the child's activity and increased muscle tone.

Causes of improper walking at different ages

Reasons for a two-year-old baby

A small child may just like to walk on tiptoes.

If a child is 2 years old, and he walks on tiptoes, the reasons are often harmless. For prophylaxis and calming your child, you can sign up for a foot massage.

Speaking about the development of diseases, they are detected by the end of the first year of life and are manifested with more terrible symptoms.

When a child walks on tiptoes, Komarovsky sees this as the reason that his calf muscles are developed. The doctor does not find anything wrong with such a pattern.

Reasons for walking on tiptoes the doctor refers to the habit that is developed after a long stay in the walker... In improperly selected walkers, the baby does not manage to lean on the surface with his entire foot.

Causes of a five-year-old baby

If a child is 5 years old, and he walks on tiptoes, are there any fearful reasons? Firstly, if you have any concerns, it is recommended to consult a doctor - pediatrician, orthopedist, neurologist.

As many doctors say, if a child walks on tiptoes at 3-4 years old, the reasons are not serious, provided there are no other symptoms. A similar phenomenon passes over time without special treatment. By the age of five, it disappears and children begin to step on their full feet.

Parents should be concerned if they notice:

  1. Loss of appetite.
  2. Sleep disturbance.
  3. Improper coordination.
  4. Complaints about headaches.
  5. Decreased activity.

In the presence of these symptoms, you will have to contact a neurologist, who, after examination, will prescribe an additional examination.

Causes in older children

A clawed foot is a possible cause of a baby's toes walking. The development of deformity can be affected by injuries, pathologies of the neuromuscular system.

If a child is 8 years old, he walks on tiptoes, the reasons lie in the violation of the development of the musculoskeletal system and neurology.

It's one thing if he gets up on tiptoes due to mood or need. And it is quite another if he regularly moves around like this.

Parents should monitor their child's behavior to notice other symptoms.

Especially if the child was previously diagnosed with or.

Rarely do you have to deal with the fact that the child begins to suddenly stand on tiptoe. Most often, the deviation appears from the moment the baby begins to take the first steps.

When a child of 10 years old walks on tiptoes, the reasons may be the same as in younger children. Perhaps the child thus wants to relieve emotional stress. Such a symptom can occur in a child with both hyperactivity, increased excitability, and in a shy, prone to anxiety.

Medical Treatment for Toe Walking

Medication may include taking certain medications. Their choice largely depends on the reason for the child's walking on tiptoes. It can be both vitamin complexes and serious drugs that affect the nervous system.

The doctor may prescribe:

  • A course of physiotherapy, UHF or electrophoresis.
  • Taking herbal baths.
  • Massage.
  • Daily gymnastics.
  • Swimming.

These treatments are effective, efficient and proven. Thanks to their implementation, you can get rid of the disease in less than a month. Provided that you see a doctor in a timely manner.

Do not remain indifferent to the fact that the child often walks on tiptoes! It is better to see a doctor and find out the true cause as early as possible. Your child's health and a happy life depend only on you.

We give the child a massage

Massage may be required if your child is walking on their toes on a regular basis. It is advisable that the massage is performed by an experienced specialist.

Effective massage techniques can be done at home:

Flexion and extension of the foot

The movement is performed reflexively. To do this, you need to gently press on the area that is under the toes, moving from the little finger towards the heel.

Stroking movements on the foot

Massage movements should be clear and painless.

To do this, put the index and middle finger of one hand on the instep of the foot, and hold the child's leg with the other. With your thumb, draw a figure eight on the foot.


A small child should be placed on a firm, level surface, forcing to walk on it. The child must be held in weight, under the arms, making sure that he fully rests on all feet.


It will take 15 sessions to restore normal walking. For prevention purposes, it is recommended to repeat the course in a month.

If the child walks on tiptoes and the parents do not know what to do, it is recommended to heed the following 5 tips:

  1. Thoroughly approach the choice of footwear, giving preference to orthopedic models. The most important thing is that the instep of the foot is fixed with lacing or Velcro fasteners. It is recommended to buy shoes of quality size and size. Ideally natural leather.
  2. Try to keep him barefoot at home. It is good if the child walks barefoot on the street in the summer - on sand, shells, stones and grass. Walking on such surfaces will be a kind of massage that contributes to the correct formation of the foot.
  3. For the student, the doctor recommends active exercises: jumping, walking on an incline, bear gait, walking on heels, goose stride.
  4. Do medical gymnastics and do simple exercises at home. Every morning, the baby should begin with exercises. For the purpose of treatment and prevention, it is recommended to practice on.

Using these tips, you will be able to teach your child to walk on full feet and avoid further deviations.

What will happen if you do not treat?

The constant walking of a child on tiptoes can negatively affect his posture.

If a child walks on tiptoes over the age of 7 years, the reason should be ascertained by a competent doctor. Most often they are associated with pathological processes.

The unfortunate consequences of tiptoeing:

  • Clubfoot.
  • Flat feet.
  • Poor posture.
  • Curvature of the legs.
  • Pain in the back and legs.
  • Delayed development.
  • Torticollis.

If the child constantly stands on the same toes, his heel will stop developing, its growth slows down. The part of the foot on which he will walk will begin to grow, from which it becomes disproportionate.

No matter how harmless the tiptoe symptom may seem, the child must be shown to the doctor for examination and identification of the reasons for such a deviation.

Most babies, when they first stand on their feet and take their first steps, often walk on their toes.

This is usually a normal, temporary phenomenon that goes away on its own.

But also, walking on tiptoes can be a sign of certain neurological conditions.

Why does the baby stand on tiptoes when walking and should parents worry?

When to watch out

Having put the baby on the legs of the first days of life, it is clear that he is standing on his toes. This is normal, because in the first months of a child's life, the tone of his muscles is usually impaired.

But do not neglect the examination of the crumbs by a neurologist.... Indeed, in the early stages, a specialist can identify muscular dystonia in an infant.

True, in such cases, there are other violations, in addition to standing on tiptoes.

If the baby gets on his toes from time to time, then it's not scary.

But, if a child after six months does not completely stand on his foot, then it is imperative to show him to a doctor, preferably a neurologist.

It happens that the child normally put his foot, and then began to walk on tiptoe. For example, after having suffered a disease. This should also alert parents.

If there were complications during pregnancy and childbirth, the child's legs are unnecessarily tense, he often walks on tiptoes, then in such cases it is worth consulting a doctor in order to detect possible diseases in time.

What are the reasons most doctors call

The child walks on tiptoes: the reasons for this phenomenon can be very different.
What causes this position of the child's foot? The following main reasons can be distinguished:

Every mother wants her child to look good and tidy, but it is not always easy to determine the required size of clothes and shoes. We have published a table for the selection of shoes by centimeters for you.

If no serious diseases are identified, then the doctor may prescribe:

  • Electrophoresis with drugs;
  • "Paraffin boots" - dressings with paraffin;
  • Remedial gymnastics;
  • Special massage;
  • Orthopedic footwear.

After the course of procedures, you can continue to do a light massage yourself. It is enough for a specialist to show you how to perform simple movements. This can be stroking, shaking, flexion and extension of the feet, finger massage, figure eight and others.

Walking barefoot helps a lot. You can walk on scattered cereals, peas, small pebbles.

Perform gymnastics with your baby in a playful way.

What to do if the doctor insists on taking medication

What if the doctor insists on taking medication?

Expert opinion

Smirnova Luiza Dmitrievna - medical worker

Private Clinic Pediatrician Assistant

You need to decide based on the situation. If a serious illness is found, then drug treatment is indispensable. If there are no other abnormalities besides walking on toes, and the doctor still prescribed medications, then it is up to the parents to decide.

Trust your doctor - feel free to give your child medicine, in doubt - consult with another specialist.

Perhaps it will be enough to confine ourselves to massage and physiotherapy.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

The opinion of the famous pediatrician Komarovsky E.O. on the issue of the problem of walking a child on tiptoes, differs from the opinion of many modern neurologists in our country.

He does not consider this to be a problem requiring too much attention.

To the question that a child of 11 months walks on tiptoes, the doctor answers as follows(quote):

The reasons (Komarovsky answers) why the child walks on tiptoes and when it is impossible to do without the intervention of doctors: birth trauma, oxygen starvation of the fetus, early stage of cerebral palsy.

But in such cases, the doctor emphasizes that there will be other visible disorders in the child.

You can get acquainted with the opinion of Doctor Komarovsky on this issue by watching his video transmission from the heading "School of Doctor Komarovsky".

Video response from Dr. Komarovsky

How to teach a child to walk on full feet

To teach a child to place the foot correctly, it is worth following these simple tips:

  1. Choose the right shoes for your baby... It is better to buy orthopedic shoes that fix the leg well. Choose the right size.
  2. The child should walk more barefoot... It is good to walk on grass, pebbles, a special orthopedic mat.
  3. Start every day with morning exercises... It is good to include exercises for developing feet.
  4. Follow the baby's gait, correct in time.


To correct the position of the foot, the following exercises will be useful:

  1. Holding the baby under the armpits, tilt him forward a little, and let him take a step, resting on the foot with a cavity.
  2. You will need a phytoball (big ball). Hold your baby by placing him on the ball. Roll the ball slightly. Make sure that the baby steps over his legs and places his foot correctly.
  3. Lead the baby, holding the armpits, back and forth on the incline board.

It is good to combine exercise and massage.


For the prevention of gait disorders, it is good to load the child with physical exercises, according to age.

Active walks in the fresh air, outdoor games, swimming, physical exercises - will help the child to correctly form posture and muscular skeleton.

It is important to pay attention to the child's shoes in advance. Choosing the right footwear will help you avoid health problems in the future.

Possible consequences

If violations in foot placement are not corrected in time, this can lead to the development of more serious pathologies: curvature of the spine, torticollis, foot deformity, impaired coordination of movement, etc.

Therefore, even if the child has no serious illnesses, it is worth paying attention to his problem.

Helping your child to correct gait with massage and gymnastics is not difficult, and this will save you from possible problems in the future.