The owner of the perfect ass reveals her secrets on Instagram. What should be the ideal female buttocks

Men like beautiful female priests. And women like it when they have. You can't pump up your ass, and your legs are already like a weightlifter from squats? Or maybe you are already 40 years old? Life is just beginning, and the priest has become kind of flat? A good American man, Kai Evans, came up with a set of the most effective exercises that affect the muscles of the buttocks. Kailates has become a separate area in fitness, the stars loved it, and we can quickly prepare the butt for a swimsuit and change the situation under the code name "don't like the butt".

These glute exercises are suitable for women of all ages (even those in their 30s or 40s). You can pump up your ass at home, in just 14 minutes a day.

Basic principles of kailates:
- exercises are performed slowly;
- each exercise is performed for at least 1 minute;
- exercises are done non-stop.

The firmer buttocks effect is achieved through continuous contraction of muscle fibers followed by fat burning. It is not the number of repetitions that matters, but the quality of execution and continuity.

The complex consists of only 4 exercises:

- side impacts;
- lunges;
- plank.


These exercises will help you achieve wonderful results. Such a fitness after forty. The main thing is to do everything regularly and follow the rules!

1. Squats
Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the waist, back straight. While squatting, spread your knees to the sides and maintain an emphasis on the entire foot.

2. Side impacts
Starting position: kneel down and lean on your hands. Hands should be at shoulder level, just below them. Shift your weight to one knee, straighten the opposite leg to the side at or above hip level. First, slowly pull your straightened leg forward towards your head, counting to 10, and then again to 10, take your leg back.

3. Lunges
Stand straight, hands on the waist, feet shoulder-width apart. Lunge with one foot forward, knee at 90 degrees, weight on heel. For a count of 4, gently lower the opposite knee to the floor, and return to the starting position on the same count.

4. Plank
Lying on the floor, belly down, it is necessary to raise the body on outstretched arms, firmly resting the socks on the floor. In this case, you need to stretch the body in one straight line, straining the press and back and pinching the buttocks. In this position, you need to stand for 1 minute.

This is not torture. This is an exercise that will make your ass young and beautiful. With this you can start a new life at any age. Love yourself: spend 14 minutes a day on your figure. This will add confidence, sexuality, which means it will make you and your loved one more successful.

I propose to take a closer look at the area of ​​the female pelvis, understand its structure, choose the perfect skirts for it and discuss a little the patterns of these skirts for those who sew.

I'll make a reservation right away, I'm not a doctor and all observations about body structures interest me exclusively from a stylistic point of view. Obstetricians, for example, have their own forms of the pelvis, and forensic honey. experts are interested in how to determine the floor by the pelvis. And here I am writing about the shape of the pelvis so that this pelvis can be beautifully dressed up with a suitable skirt.

So, if you take only the pelvic region, then its shape depends on the relative position of the two bones, the iliac crest and the protruding part of the femur, which is called the greater trochanter. These bones may contain more or less muscle and fat, but the location of all of this will obey the location of the bones.

The mutual arrangement of these two bones is formed by 4 types of pelvis: a heart (when the trochanter is located low and strongly to the side of the most protruding part of the iliac crest), a circle (when the trochanter is located high and to the side), a square (when the trochanter is located almost under the iliac crest) and a triangle ( when the trochanter is closer to the center of the outer edge of the ridge)

And here is a photo of real pops from the site of one plastic surgery clinic.

But I tried to find among the models different shapes of the pelvis in a slender form.

(pictures and Asos)

At the pelvis, the Heart and the Circle have a low thigh (the large trochanter protrudes strongly towards the side, while the Square and the Triangle have a high thigh (the trochanter is hidden under the pelvic bones, and this makes it seem that the leg starts from the ilium). In figures with a high thigh, the shape is more similar on the male pelvis.

The shape of the legs itself depends on how much the large trochanter protrudes towards the side. No matter how much the girls with a low hip lose weight, their hips will still taper conically towards the knees. And girls with a high hip can pump muscles as much as they want, but a smooth lateral line of the pelvis will not work. (But both of them with equal success can pump up the gluteal muscles themselves, which will stick out beautifully back and not affect the perception of the shape of the pelvis from the frontal side).

According to my subjective observations, the rarest shape of the pelvis is a triangle (it is found in the type of Apple and Rectangle figures). It is followed by a circle shape (for Pear and Hourglass). The shape of the heart is more common (also in the Pear and the Hourglass), but the square basin is the most common and can be found in all 5 types of figures.

Choosing a skirt

And now we have decided on the shape of our pelvis and now we need to buy or sew an ideal case for it - a skirt. There are a lot of models of skirts, but here I want to discuss only 1 type - a basic straight pencil skirt. Typically, these skirts are worn so that the top edge is slightly above the ilium, and the length is, for example, on the palm above the knee.

And so I drew these skirts on all the priests and it is clear that for figures with a low hip, such a skirt looks very massive. The butt looks wide, and the skirt does not look like a rectangle at all. On figures with a high hip, such a skirt looks immediately like a native one.

If we imagine that this skirt is worn with tight-fitting knitwear, then at figures with a low hip we will observe an attempt by a T-shirt to move up to the narrowest part of the waist and expose the belly. For figures with a high hip, this will either not be at all, or it will be weakly expressed.

In this picture, I redrawn the skirts so that the priests in them look as aesthetically pleasing as possible. For low-hip figures, I lengthen the hem, raise the waist and taper it down. It's good for a high thigh, but I'm doing it even better, shortening and narrowing quite a bit for a square pelvis.

This is how it looks better even with T-shirts.

On wide priests with a heart and a circle, to be honest, I really want to add some visual illusions so that the priests visually look slimmer. And on the triangular one - add pockets so that it is at least a little wider. In fact, the pencil skirt remained only in the square basin, while the rest of the skirts became different models.

And this is how the basic patterns of skirts for different types of cans will look like. For those who have been sewing for a long time or owning a cut according to Zlachevskaya, there will be no surprise here. The picture shows the front halves of the skirts. The difference in the length of the skirt in the center and on the side of figures with a low hip is much greater than that of skirts for figures with a high one; the ridge of the thigh itself is of different shape and the depth of the grooves will be different.

To buy the right skirt for your butt, you also need to be guided by the pattern. Usually straight skirts are sold designed for a square basin (and look best on it). And here, the owners of a square pelvis can only take into account the bulge of their buttocks, which is quite simply solved by measuring the girths. But ladies with a low hip need to choose such skirts more carefully and, most likely, they will have to be “modified with a file”.

For example, we found a turquoise skirt in an online store. In the photo where the model stands in full growth in a beautiful pose, the skirt looks good and it seems that it is suitable for a completely round butt. But if you look at the photo from the back, you can see these creases, which indicate that the skirt was cut with the expectation of a more square pelvis, and since the model's pelvis tends to the shape of a heart, these parts from above remain empty and will always form folds and these strange ears. It makes sense to take such a skirt with a pronounced square basin. It won't work with a triangular one either, all these ears will dangle freely, not filled with anything.

Or here's an example, a young lady with rounded hips wants to find a simple basic skirt. And he seems to find such a good rounded model, the lines are smooth, the length is suitable, the skirt will sit at the narrowest point of the waist, the fabric is with elastane, which means it will tolerate landing errors. We look at measurements, for 46 size waist 70-74, and hips 98-102. Size 48 has a waist 74-78, hips 102-104.

Let's imagine a really cool-headed young lady who goes to the gym and has already managed to pump up her beautiful gluteus bulge. And this young lady has a waist of 70, and a hip circumference of 105 cm.That is, if you take a skirt in size for the hips (and this is the limit of 48, or better size 50), then at the waist it will be 4-8 cm large with a 48m size and 8-12 cm at 50m. Usually, ladies in such a situation take that skirt that is stretched out over the hips, but more or less bulges around the waist (in our case it would be size 46) And then they wonder why their skirt constantly rises and twists when walking. And this elastic fabric of the skirt shrinks, crawls towards the least resistance and tends to gather at the waist like an accordion.

In order for such a skirt to sit well, not to rise or twist, it is necessary that it sit a little loosely on the hips, and tightly along the waist. Then, when walking, a small space in the hips + elastic fabric will give comfort to movement, and a tight belt and a good fit in the upper thigh will prevent the skirt from moving up and twisting.

In general, our young lady really needs to take the 50th size of a skirt, go to the atelier and ask to fit the skirt around the figure at the waist so that while standing, the skirt does not stretch over the hips, but hangs close to the body.

On the other hand, if you buy such a skirt for a square pelvis, then the existing roundness of the skirt will wrinkle with folds on the hip, like I drew.

Let's go back to the first skirt and consider another fairly common situation when a girl with a pelvis with a heart wants to wear a simple straight skirt and a simple knitted top to look like in the photo. So, if such a skirt on such hips is not regularly corrected, or even better to hold with both hands when walking, then it looks like in the picture next to it. The skirt is warped, the jersey is wrinkled asymmetrically. What then needs to be done? Or sew this skirt around the waist (if there is enough width at the hips), or buy a new one.

We have now considered only one body part and only one skirt model. It is also necessary to take into account the bulge and, in general, the very shape of the buttocks, the presence or absence of excess weight, the density and elasticity of the fabric, decorative or constructive seams, thanks to which different visual illusions are created, the depth of the darts, etc. Then you need to cross this skirt with the rest of the costume and see how it works together in color, texture and style. And every part of the body and every detail of the costume can be disassembled in such detail.

Write whether you were able to determine your pelvis shape, what it is and what interesting stories you have with your straight skirts?

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The ideal figure is every woman's dream. She is not only evidence that the girl looks after herself, but also a strategically important weapon. After all, a beautiful body is a significant trump card in the struggle for the hearts of men. And what attracts the attention of the stronger sex the best? That's right, the perfect ass.

But not every woman can boast that she has a stunning fifth point. And, in fact, what is she - the ideal priest? After all, everyone has different tastes, and how to understand where the truth is hidden? Well, let's find the answers to all these questions, and at the same time learn how to keep the buttocks in excellent shape.

The ideal butt of a girl: what is she like?

You can talk for a long time about the fact that everyone has their own tastes and preferences, but all this is beside the point. After all, it is quite simple to determine the golden mean - you just need to compare the opinions of the majority of men on this matter.

Based on this, you can get the following criteria that characterize the ideal ass:

  • The buttocks should be symmetrical and, when viewed from behind, create a well-defined, rounded contour.
  • The ass should be firm to the touch, and for this you need to have well-developed muscles.
  • The skin should be clean, smooth and free of blemishes. Ideally, she is covered with an even tan, but this is already a seasonal affair.

There are other parameters, but they are more individual and depend on the preferences of a particular man. But for a start, it will be enough to adjust the shape of the buttocks to meet these three criteria.

How to achieve what you want? Three steps to success

So, the ideal priest is not a genetic inheritance (although sometimes it happens), but the result of hard work on oneself. You should clearly understand this and motivate yourself every day in order to continue to steadily move towards your goal. But what exactly needs to be done for this?

There are three steps you need to take to get the desired result. And they are as follows:

  1. Proper nutrition.
  2. A set of physical exercises.
  3. Buttocks skin care.

At this point, many girls may ask: "Is an ideal butt in a month a reality or a myth?" So, here everything depends on the current state of affairs, because if some need only slightly shape the buttocks, then others will have to make drastic changes in themselves. Therefore, it is rather difficult to talk about any time frame.

Proper nutrition

For some reason, many believe that the perfect ass is the result of physical exertion. But the truth is, nutrition is essential. After all, food is fuel for the body, and if it is of poor quality, then soon the body begins to pay for it. As a result, a woman gets extra pounds, cellulite, skin elasticity is lost, and all sorts of rashes appear.

In addition, without the right amount of carbohydrates in the blood, the body quickly loses energy. In this state, the girl is simply unable to give all her best in training. Subsequently, the effect of classes is not so noticeable, which reduces motivation and desire to work further.

Therefore, it is so important to understand your diet. It is also better to switch to natural food and keep a daily diary in which you record the number of calories received.

The target is the perfect butt. Exercises for the buttocks

Nutrition - nutrition, but you still cannot do without physical activity. Fortunately, now there are many complex and targeted workouts. Therefore, every woman will be able to find exercises that are ideal for her.

Your best bet would be to sign up for a gym or fitness center. Then it will be possible to work with a professional trainer, which will greatly facilitate the task and speed up the process. After all, a specialist will not only help with the choice of exercises, but will also force you to perform them in the right amount and correct the quality. As a result - an ideal figure and an appetizing ass in the shortest possible time.

But if there is no time to go to the fitness club, then you should not be upset. After all, there are exercises that you can do at home. Moreover, they do not take much time and do not require special equipment. So how do you train your glutes at home?

  1. Squats. Ideal for both beginners and seasoned women. It is worth starting with 10 times in one approach, gradually increasing the load. Themselves as approaches should be 3-4.
  2. Bridge. We lie down on the floor, arms along the body, legs bent at the knees. When inhaling, raise the pelvis upward, while exhaling, lower it. The main effort should be on the buttocks, otherwise the result will not be so quick. We do 2-3 sets of 30-40 times.
  3. Boat. We lie on our stomach, arms extended forward. As we inhale, we raise the body and legs up, we bring our hands to the belt, as if we were rowing water with them. On exhalation, we return to the starting position. We perform 3-4 approaches 15-20 times.

Cosmetic care

The skin on the bottom requires care and attention, otherwise it will not become soft and silky. So don't forget about moisturizers and nourishing masks. In general, the same products are suitable that are used for other areas of the body, but if you wish, you can buy special creams.

Also, do not forget about peeling and massage. And if possible, then going to the solarium will also be very useful.

  • Buy linen made from natural fabrics to avoid unnecessary rashes and allergies.
  • Start running, because this type of workout not only helps to strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, but also improves overall tone.
  • There is one simple butt exercise that can work well over time. It consists in the fact that you need to alternately strain and relax the muscles of the buttocks. The beauty is that you can do it anywhere, be it an office, a park or a shopping center.
Spring has come again, and again, in our northern open spaces, the process of changing wardrobe begins. Women get rid of fur coats, coats and warm jackets and start to look very seductive. Studies show that the male gaze involuntarily slides over the figure and lingers on the part of the body that is located at the back and lower back.

But ... despite the marvelous views, men need to work, and this is not easy - especially for managers who are responsible for the business and must make informed decisions, including personnel decisions. (Let anyone who thought otherwise be ashamed.) How to combine admiring the "beauties of nature" with professional duties and what can her rear end tell about her mistress?

Those who are waiting for "strawberries" and savoring piquancy can not waste time: we will not have them here. We consider the female rear exclusively as a part of the body necessary for the human body, which, by the way, cannot but exist. In other words, even an alien, if she is erect, will also have this body part.

Perfection of nature

Let's take a close look at ourselves. A person, from the point of view of biology, is a unique being, a universal being, to the greatest extent corresponding to all conditions imaginable on the planet. Look at a person - young and harmoniously developed. He can run easily and, by the way, longer than a horse. The marathon distance for a person is not the limit: the record for continuous running exceeds 276 kilometers. He can climb rocks, trees and man-made structures. But it is necessary - to rush into the water and float.

To run, climb, kick, jump and swim, you need to have not only the appropriate articulation of the torso and legs, but also special, powerful muscles that are able to do this. The three gluteus muscles, ideally, do this flawlessly.

Here, let's turn to the female figure. The buttocks are covered with a layer of fat. Doctors talk about a certain amount of fat in a woman's body, which is necessary for a woman to be able to reproduce and not suffer from a number of dangerous diseases. Fat, which can serve not only as an energy depot, but also as a shock absorber for the skeleton, is just reasonably located below the waist, thus lowering the center of gravity and increasing the body's stability when walking upright.

It is usually said that wide hips, narrow waist - these are requirements associated with the fact that a woman needs to give birth to a child. And men subconsciously like a woman with a mighty bottom because she will be a fertile mother. It seems that if only the convenience and ease of childbearing were sewn up, then the men of the planet Earth would all like one would adore big-breasted, wide-assed short ones. But for some reason we still like long legs, a slender figure and beautiful, bulging buttocks. Apparently, this is due to the fact that a woman has to live for another 9 months before giving birth: helping a man, preparing food, collecting something and being able to escape from danger or climb the nearest tree or rock. That is, the mobility of a woman is a prerequisite.

Both muscles and fat are pulled down by the force of gravity, they are prevented from spreading by the elasticity of the skin and the own tone of the gluteal muscles. Weak gluteal muscles speak of a weak person in general, or of a one-sided development. In turn, developed and strong - about a trained body, capable of various active actions. If they are too muscular, this is also not good: most likely there will be problems with bearing a child, if they are too fat, there is a great fear that their owner will be eaten by wild animals before she can bear fruit.

Therefore, the shape of the buttocks hides a lot of information for our subconscious. But is it possible to somehow mathematically describe the shape of the ideal buttocks, and therefore the ideal woman (as a biological being)? The famous golden ratio and its graphic expression in the Fibonacci spiral immediately come to mind.

This is a mysterious section

The ancient Greek geometer and mathematician Euclid wrote in his Beginnings about 2300 years ago for the first time reliably about the proportion, when the final segment is divided into two parts so that the greater part belongs to the smaller, as the entire length to the greater. But long before him, Pythagoras spoke about this dependence, who was looking for this harmony in music, wildlife and, in particular, in the structure of the human body.

The court sculptor of Alexander the Great, Leochares, in about 320 BC, created the image of Apollo of Belvedere, which for centuries has become the standard of harmonious male beauty. The proportions of his body correspond exactly to the golden ratio and, in particular, the ratio of the length of the body from the feet to the navel and from the navel to the crown of the head is the same as of the whole height to the lower part.

At the very beginning of the XIII century, the great mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, known by his nickname Fibonacci, described a numerical sequence in which each subsequent number is equal to the sum of the two previous numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34 , 55, 89 and so on. The ratio of the larger number to the smaller number is (approximately) 1.618 ..., which corresponds to the golden ratio.

In subsequent centuries, the "golden" ratios and Fibonacci numbers were found by comparing the lengths of the phalanges of the fingers and the hand as a whole; in the twentieth century they were found in the DNA helix. And, of course, you can find them in the shape of a woman's buttocks.

Described by a spiral

The Fibonacci spiral is a special case of a logarithmic expanding spiral, which is quite often represented in nature. The most famous are the spiral structures of chicory shoots, cone scales, aloe vera, or the shell of the mollusk Nautilus, see Figure 1a.

But if the center of such a spiral is placed in the hip joint of a woman and begins to unwind, then, as shown in Fig. 1c, it will determine the profile of the ideal female buttocks: moderately trained, with sufficient, but not excessive amount of fat, and with elastic , elastic skin.

This is the profile of a surface that is in a stable, balanced state. Obviously, it will be fair to say that it is such a priest, whose buttocks are described by a magic spiral, in which the golden ratio is encrypted, and is the most attractive for the male gaze. Another "golden dependence" speaks in favor of this argument, namely the parameters of the oval, into which these ideal buttocks fit in a half-front view, as in Fig. 2

Here we see an oval, which is bounded at the top by the waist line (line A), and at the bottom by the sub-buttocks fold (line B), which forms the long axis of our ellipse (line C). The transverse axis, ideally, is still determined by the intergluteal fold and the profile of the ilium, and the ratio of the length of the C line and the transverse D line is the magic number 1.618 ....

However, this is ideal, but in practice, other addictions come into play in life. Already the ancient Greeks drew attention to the fact that many women 's legs are proportionally slightly shorter than men, thus, they seem to fall out of the "golden ratio". The Greeks and Romans honestly reflected this in their sculptures: even Aphrodite Kallipigi (that is, the Beautiful-ass) has a lower leg-to-body ratio than Apollo.

Deviations from the average can be about 7%, and, by the way, they are compensated visually when a woman stands on high heels. At the same time, it not only visually lengthens the legs, bringing itself in the proportion of the "golden ratio", but also makes the rear more prominent, which is also more vividly described by the Fibonacci spiral. By the way - short legs do not mean that the pelvic part cannot be in perfect proportions. And here, too, certain variations are possible, which find their fans.

Ass as the key to character

However, not only about physical health and good genetics speaks a harmonious female bottom. After all, women are different, and their physical constitution is directly related to character traits. It is known that humans have "slow" and "fast" muscle fibers. Some are more resilient but less powerful, others are stronger, but get tired quickly. A beauty with developed muscular buttocks, most likely, is rich in “fast” muscles. She runs sprint distances well, can dance one or two dances in a fiery way ... but she better not go to a marathon. It will be baked. This property of the body is reflected in the psyche: usually these are passionate women who prefer to "take the bull by the horns", energetic, but ... quickly losing interest in work. These are people of a breakthrough, a debut. They work great as presenters, it makes sense to add them to a team that must solve a complex problem in a short period of time.

At the other extreme, the ladies are tall, slender, even anemic. Their buttocks are almost flat, blending smoothly into the thighs, folded with "slow" fibers. They will never be the first to come in pursuit of the bus. But they can slowly spin in a waltz for days. They can walk from Moscow to the very outskirts. These people are melancholic or phlegmatic, prone to serious, calm, measured work, without any leaps and rush jobs. They are difficult to start, but also difficult to stop. This is the substrate on which the most complex projects, requiring a lot of preparation, can flourish.

There are a few more comments. If a woman's ass looks beautiful at the age of 20, then this is not her merit. If she is seductive at 45, then, most likely, this is a consequence of playing sports, adhering to a diet, choosing the right underwear and clothing, and healthy heredity. If she has a family, several children and a husband of approximately parity with her social status, then such a woman is quite worthy to go for a promotion (of course, all other things being equal). Most likely, this is a responsible, organized, disciplined person who is ready to take responsibility for himself and for others. Just do not try to flirt: there is someone who, and these women know their worth and have firm principles.

Thus, looking at the lady's ass, one can assume which psychological and labor type the lady belongs to - in what style she will work. At the same time, if you want to achieve practical results based on the results of these observations, in no case should you verbally or tactilely (that is, letting go of your hands) show your interest in the object of research. For then there will be no need to hope for a cold-blooded decision. Yes, and it is indecent ...

Irina Shayk on the beach in an open swimsuit is an amazing sight. The model is actively involved in jogging and strength training. The result, as they say, on the ... ass!

Megan Fox

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Jessica Alba

Jessica Alba has a very harmonious figure by nature, and the actress looks especially good in a swimsuit. Jessica's ass is perfect - not big and not small, athletic, round. In a word, such as it should be!

Nicole Scherzinger

Nicole Scherzinger can also boast of excellent toned buttocks: the "fifth point" of the star looks just perfect, this is what other girls dream of! True, Nicole is also lucky with the length of her legs, but this is already an additional bonus.

Sofia Vergara

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Isabelle Goulard

Top model and fitness guru Isabelle Gular has honed her figure to perfection. Despite the fact that Isabelle is very slim, her buttocks look round and strong. We squat more often, girls!

Kate Beckinsale

Kate Beckinsale has a gorgeous feminine figure with a thin waist and a voluminous, toned booty. You can only be proud of such proportions!

Iggy Azalea

Iggy Azalea's butt approaches in size to those of Jennifer Lopez, but still remains more graceful. And we love that Iggy does not seek to outshine the glory of the main "fifth point" of the planet. Sometimes moderation is good!