Dangerous diseases during pregnancy. Rubella and other infections during pregnancy

Few people know that rubella during pregnancy is especially dangerous for both the fetus and the mother.

Pregnancy is not only the most beautiful, but also a very dangerous period. During pregnancy, significant changes occur in a woman's body, all the forces of the body are directed to supply the fetus with the necessary substances, to provide it with a place, to ensure normal development. At the same time, the mother's immunity is significantly reduced.

For a pregnant woman, any infection is a risk:

  • decreased immunity causes a more severe and prolonged course of the disease;
  • the presence of an infection negatively affects the development of the fetus;
  • drug treatment is selected according to the scheme of least harm to the child with the greatest benefit to the mother.

Reduced immunity does not relieve the pregnant woman of the need to visit public places, go to work, take the child to kindergarten or school, or visit the clinic. At the same time, it is very easy to catch a viral disease, which is so problematic to cure in this position.


In pregnant women, colds are the most common cause of ailments. It's great if the first trimester passed without a cold at all, ideally if the whole pregnancy. However, even the prevention of colds does not always allow you to avoid the appearance of cough and sore throat.

The most common diseases in pregnant women are inflammation of the mucous membranes of the pharynx (pharyngitis) and larynx (laryngitis). In the first case, the cause is more often viral infections, in the second - hypothermia. The symptoms of both diseases are sore throat, perspiration, burning sensation, and coughing. It is better not to start independent treatment, but to consult a doctor, he will accurately determine the type of disease and prescribe drugs in accordance with the gestational age.

Treatment of pharyngitis during pregnancy is perfectly treated with local remedies: rinsing, drinking, compress. If you do not start the course of the disease, after a few days the disease will pass without the addition of a bacterial infection.

Laryngitis is a more dangerous disease, it manifests itself in less severe painful sensations, but the virus quickly enters the placenta and through it to the child. Laryngitis and tracheitis are often comorbidities and cause severe, frequent coughing. A persistent cough keeps you awake by constantly stimulating your abdominal and lung muscles. Tracheitis is treated with warm, moist inhalation.

Treatment of colds

The best medicines for the treatment of colds in pregnant women are herbal infusions and sparing folk methods. It is important to find the middle here:

  • with too long treatment, the virus penetrates the placenta, disrupting the normal course of pregnancy, a bacterial infection joins it;
  • strong drugs quickly eliminate the focus of the disease, but they also harm the baby.

Bronchitis is a subtype of colds that are common in pregnant women. Treatment of bronchitis during pregnancy is carried out with mixtures of licorice root, marshmallow, field horsetail. These drugs reduce the intensity of the cough and thin the phlegm. Formed mucus in the bronchi (bronchitis) and in the trachea (tracheitis) should be removed as quickly as possible. A bacterial infection is added to the viral infection and thick mucus, which cannot be cured with herbs.

A strong, prolonged cough stimulates uterine contraction and can lead to miscarriage or premature labor, it creates spasms in the chest, increases pressure, and brings headache. Inhalation, bronchodilator drugs in combination with proper breathing and sedative procedures will help relieve a coughing attack. These are temporary measures, but they help with minimal losses to hold out until the mucus begins to come out, allowing you to breathe freely.

If you have symptoms of malaise, weakness, fever, you need to see a doctor.

Any viral infection enters the placenta and affects the fetus, causing developmental delays and abnormalities, poor circulation and even miscarriage.

All viral infections are treated with rest, drinking plenty of fluids, and eliminating unpleasant symptoms. In case of pregnancy, it is not recommended to start treatment on your own.

The most dangerous virus

Rubella is considered the most dangerous virus for pregnant women. Like any other virus, it easily penetrates the placenta and the fetus, but its effect on the fetus is very great. Rubella is transmitted by airborne droplets, it can even get sick in the queue to the gynecologist. The shorter the gestation period at the time of infection, the greater the likelihood of spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, and death during the neonatal period. Rubella affects any developing organ in the fetus, most often causing cataracts, heart defects, or deafness.

Rubella during pregnancy is not terrible for those who have already been sick with it or have been vaccinated. Otherwise, a few months before the planned pregnancy, you should get vaccinated. Infection with the rubella virus leads to significant damage to the internal organs and systems of the fetus. Often, the consequences of infection with the rubella virus lead to the need to make a decision to terminate the pregnancy.

At the slightest suspicion of contact with the virus or as a preventive measure, the mother should donate blood for antibodies to the rubella virus. If there are antibodies, the virus will not harm the child, it is protected by the mother's immunity. Otherwise, you should as accurately as possible determine the timing of infection, consult an infectious disease specialist and a geneticist. If necessary, amniocentesis is prescribed.

During amniocentesis, a small amount of amniotic fluid is taken for analysis. This allows you to determine how much the virus has influenced the development of the child, what diseases he has and even genetic abnormalities. The rubella virus itself is no more dangerous than the others, but its consequences in 80% of cases affect the health of the unborn child. The longer the period in which the infection occurred, the less likely it is to get certain complications.

In the case of the rubella virus, prevention is simply necessary, especially if the pregnancy proceeds in the city, if the family already has a child, the mother goes to work. The virus is highly contagious, although the disease itself is considered a mild childhood illness.

Other common diseases

Illness during pregnancy is common. This is due to the fact that most women, before pregnancy, go to the doctor extremely rarely, without wasting precious time on some unnecessary examinations. During the active restructuring of the body, not only a change of priorities occurs, but also the activation of all processes. Pain and nausea occur, hearing deteriorates or there is no desire to eat. Now the doctor has to look for the true causes of the ailment under the thickness of all these symptoms. Classic ailments in a healthy pregnancy can be signs of more serious diseases, which is why the doctor so persistently suggests going through a huge number of tests and specialists at the slightest suspicion.

Such a common disease as diabetes, in itself, is not a contraindication to pregnancy. Chronic diabetes requires a medical examination before conception, correction of sugar levels, and the development of an individual nutritional system. If pregnancy has already occurred, the woman is under the control of an endocrinologist. Diabetes and pregnancy carry risks for both mother and fetus, but in most cases, diet can help to lower blood sugar levels. At the same time, the presence of diabetes in the mother does not affect the baby. Gestational diabetes occurs quite often in pregnant women, it requires monitoring, but it goes away immediately after the birth of the child.

Pancreatitis, cholecystitis, urethritis

Only if these diseases are chronic and were identified before pregnancy, drug therapy is carried out to prevent acute attacks. In this case, you should undergo examination and treatment several months before conception. Pancreatitis acquired during pregnancy is extremely rare and often represents the initial stage of chronic pancreatitis not previously identified.

Cholecystitis during pregnancy occurs due to a sedentary lifestyle as a result of a violation of the diet, less often as a result of injury or infection. In the absence of a chronic disease, cholecystitis of pregnant women develops in the third trimester and is characterized by pain in the right hypochondrium with irradiation to the lumbar region, nausea and bitterness in the mouth, and sometimes fever. This is due to relaxation of smooth muscles and squeezing of the bile ducts. The risk of developing cholecystitis during pregnancy increases with repeated pregnancies in overweight women.

Urethritis - inflammation of the urethra, symptoms are surprisingly similar to cystitis, but these diseases are different. For a pregnant woman in the later stages, frequent urge to go to the toilet is not a sign of illness, however, pain during urination is a clear sign of inflammation and infection. At any time, the infection can be dangerous to the fetus, so you should immediately warn your gynecologist and undergo all the necessary examinations. Treatment for urethritis during pregnancy depends on its cause. Infectious urethritis requires drug treatment: local drugs, conservative antibiotics, immunotherapy.

Other troubles

Pregnant women are also haunted by other possible diseases - with reduced immunity it is so easy to catch any viral disease, rashes, swelling, pain in various parts of the body are not uncommon. Even the simplest at first glance, a rash may be the first manifestation of a serious viral disease.

Urticaria often occurs in the third trimester of pregnancy and is not very treatable, because most drugs are contraindicated when carrying a child. Large blisters, rash, burning sensation bring severe discomfort. Drugs for treatment can cause uterine contractions or lead to a decrease in fetal weight, so they are prescribed only after all the necessary research has been done. Alternative methods relieve itching, but do not eliminate the cause. One of the main methods for the prevention and treatment of urticaria is the normalization of nutrition and the elimination of allergic effects.

Even such an unpleasant disease as otitis media may not harm the baby, provided that a timely visit to a doctor is provided.

It is impossible to miss acute otitis media - severe pain in the ear signals the need to urgently visit a doctor.

Most drugs for the treatment of otitis media have a local effect. Only a doctor can accurately determine the type of otitis media and the specifics of treatment, depending on the risk to the fetus and the components of the drug.

Even what appears to be a simple and common ailment may turn out to be a symptom of a more complex disease.

In order to avoid danger for the child, it is worth adhering to simple rules:

  • at the first visit to the gynecologist, inform him about all chronic diseases and recurrent ailments;
  • pass all the necessary tests;
  • record all changes in the condition and report them to the doctor;
  • engage in permitted types of gymnastics, perform health-improving exercises, maintain physical activity;
  • minimize exposure to harmful and allergenic substances;
  • normalize the food system;
  • if possible, observe the daily regimen, rest and get enough sleep;
  • exclude taking medications without consulting doctors;
  • set yourself up for a positive course and resolution of pregnancy.

All the measures taken are necessary not because everything is bad, but in order for everything to be good.

Pregnancy is a serious strain on the body. In the expectant mother, not only the uterus and mammary glands increase, but also the fatty layer under the skin, the amount of fluid in the body, the volume of blood moving through the vessels, the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems that regulate all processes in the body are activated. A healthy woman is well adapted to these and other changes characteristic of pregnancy, although she also has some signs that are not typical at other times: weakness, drowsiness, taste perversion, heartburn, nausea, changes in appetite, fatigue, irritability, impaired attention, decreased performance, etc. In women with a particular disease, these changes - both objective and subjective - are often more pronounced, pregnancy can exacerbate an existing disease, and its complications may appear.

The next important test for the female body is childbirth. During childbirth, not only the contraction of the uterus occurs, but also the tension of the muscular system of the whole organism, the activity of the circulatory system, respiration, endocrine glands and other organs and systems is sharply activated. Women suffering from various diseases need to be prepared for this crucial period - to normalize the functional state of diseased organs as much as possible.

Let's see what this means in relation to individual diseases.

Women with heart disease (rheumatic and congenital heart defects, rheumatic or infectious myocarditis - inflammation of the heart muscle caused by various microbes, heart rhythm disturbances, etc.) need three hospitalization: the first time - at 8-12 weeks of pregnancy, the second - at 26 -28 weeks and the third - 3 weeks before the due date.

The first hospitalization is needed to clarify the diagnosis of the disease (for example, what kind of heart defect is there, the degree of its severity, is the heart defect accompanied by arrhythmia, exacerbation of the inflammatory process in the heart muscle, circulatory disorders, how effective was the surgical treatment of heart defect, if it was performed, etc.) etc.). After clarifying the diagnosis, the question of the admissibility of pregnancy for medical reasons is decided. The examination is often required rather complicated, and it is impossible to perform it on an outpatient basis in a short time.

The need for a second hospitalization is due to the fact that during pregnancy the load on the heart increases due to the need to pump through the circulatory system an amount of blood that increases by one third or even one and a half times. This increase in blood mass is uneven and reaches a maximum by 28 weeks of gestation. The heart, weakened by a defect in its valves or an inflammatory process in its muscle, is not able to cope with such a load, and circulatory disorders (or, in other words, circulatory failure) develops, requiring treatment in a hospital setting.

Finally, the third hospitalization is dictated by the need for another thorough examination to resolve the issue of the timing and method of delivery. The fact is that the work done by the heart during childbirth is extremely great. With each contraction or push, 600-800 ml of blood flows from the contracting uterus to the heart, which must be quickly pumped into the aorta. If blood circulation during this period is not disturbed, then the heart will cope with the necessary load. Such a woman is under the supervision of doctors in the maternity hospital until the natural term of delivery and gives birth spontaneously. If the heart is weakened, this stress can lead to the development of acute heart failure (pulmonary edema). If the heart could not cope with the load already at the end of pregnancy (there was decompensation of blood circulation), the heart during childbirth will be placed in very difficult conditions. Such a woman needs to be prepared for childbirth, i.e. treat. Depending on the results of the treatment, it is decided which method of delivery will be the most gentle: spontaneous childbirth, childbirth with the exclusion of attempts by the imposition of obstetric forceps or a cesarean section.

In addition to these three mandatory hospitalizations, some women are sent to a hospital, regardless of the length of the change, if their condition worsens. the state of the cardiovascular system and they need treatment.

The combination of pregnancy with hypertension is often unfavorable for the development of the fetus and the health of the woman. The prognosis depends on the height and stability of blood pressure. At the level of systolic pressure (first digits) in the range of 140-159 mm Hg. Art. idiastolic (second digits) 90-95 mm Hg. Art. and with sufficient ease of normalization of it with medicinal and non-medicinal (rest, physiotherapy, etc.) means, the prognosis for pregnancy is favorable.With a higher pressure and with its stability, the prognosis is often unfavorable and the constant participation of a therapist in monitoring such a pregnant woman is required. Therefore, with hypertension, re-hospitalization of a pregnant woman is necessary.

The first time a woman is hospitalized at 8-12 weeks to clarify the stage of hypertension and to decide on the possibility of continuing the pregnancy. Then, hospitalization is carried out every time a woman's condition worsens, when blood pressure exceeds 140/90 mm Hg and it cannot be normalized within a week at home, as well as in hypertensive crises (increases in blood pressure accompanied by a significant deterioration in well-being), gestosis1 or symptoms of fetal distress. The last hospitalization is necessary 3-4 weeks before the due date to resolve the issue of the time and method of their implementation and to prepare for them.

In the final month of pregnancy, when the fetus is already mature enough, blood pressure often rises significantly, threatening the health and life of the mother and fetus. In these cases, delivery is carried out earlier than the expected date of delivery. Usually childbirth in such women is carried out expectantly, observing the patient and intensifying the treatment in childbirth, because. during this period, blood pressure rises even in healthy puerperas. If, during attempts, the increased pressure cannot be corrected with drugs, the attempts can be turned off, and the labor is completed with the help of obstetric forceps. Caesarean section surgery is used only when conditions develop that threaten the life of the mother and fetus.

In women suffering from bronchial asthma, each exacerbation of the disease is an indication for hospitalization, regardless of the gestational age, it is better to go to a therapeutic hospital, since it is rarely possible to eliminate asthma attacks in pregnant women at home. And when signs of threatening termination of pregnancy appear and two weeks before the due date, it becomes necessary to enter the maternity hospital to prepare for childbirth.

Women with chronic viral hepatitis B or C and cirrhosis of the liver "also require compulsory hospitalization in the early stages of pregnancy to ascertain the functional state of the liver, and, depending on this, the continuation of pregnancy or termination of it. Deterioration of liver function during pregnancy is an indication for repeated treatment in hospital or termination of pregnancy, regardless of its term.Finally, three weeks before the due date, hospitalization is necessary to prepare for them.

In most chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer, chronic cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, chronic colitis, etc.), a pregnant woman is referred to a hospital only in case of exacerbations of the disease that cannot be eliminated at home.

One of the most common diseases in pregnant women, iron deficiency anemia (anemia), is usually amenable to successful treatment at home. Only the most severe cases of the disease with blood hemoglobin levels below 69 g / l require hospitalization.

At the same time, other forms of anemia are much more severe, and women are admitted to the maternity hospital immediately after the patient's visit to the doctor. In case of aplastic or hypoplastic anemia (in this disease, the formation of all blood cells is significantly inhibited), an urgent termination of pregnancy is carried out, for which the woman is sent to the maternity hospital immediately after the diagnosis is confirmed.

Pregnant women with acute and chronic leukemia (malignant blood diseases) are hospitalized immediately after visiting a doctor. They need to terminate the pregnancy at any time.

Not so long ago, chronic glomerulonephritis - inflammation of the urinary part of the kidneys - was considered a contraindication for pregnancy. It has now been found that this does not apply to all forms of the disease. Therefore, women with glomerulonephritis should be hospitalized before 12 weeks of pregnancy to clarify the diagnosis and resolve the issue of maintaining pregnancy. Patients who have a latent (latent) form of the disease can be further observed in the antenatal clinic and admitted to the maternity hospital with the onset of labor. Patients with the nephrotic form of the disease (with this form, edema prevails) should be hospitalized as many times and stay in the hospital for as long as their condition requires (sometimes several months up to childbirth). If patients with hypertensive (with this form, an increase in blood pressure is expressed) and mixed (edematous-hypertensive) forms of glomerulonephritis, in which pregnancy is contraindicated, refuse to terminate pregnancy, they are subject to the tactics recommended for the nephrotic form of the disease. Since patients with nephrotic, hypertensive and mixed forms of glomerulonephritis may require early delivery, such women should be admitted to the maternity hospital in advance (at 36-37 weeks of pregnancy). Premature labor is caused when the fetus is suffering and its life is in danger or in order to avoid a sharp increase in blood pressure in the last weeks of pregnancy, which is dangerous for both the mother and the fetus.

Urolithiasis may not manifest itself during pregnancy. Then women enter the maternity hospital only for childbirth. Exacerbation of urolithiasis (the appearance of attacks of renal colic), the addition of pyelonephritis (urinary tract infections), complications of pregnancy dictate the need for hospitalization, regardless of the gestational age.

If with acute pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys) that occurs during pregnancy, there is no need to terminate the pregnancy, because it is successfully treated, then chronic pyelonephritis, complicated by high blood pressure or renal failure, or pyelonephritis of a single kidney is an indication for abortion, because it threatens life sick. Therefore, women with chronic pyelonephritis often have to be sent to the maternity hospital for examination in the early stages of pregnancy. Pyelonephritis during pregnancy is often exacerbated and difficult to treat. This is facilitated by natural changes in the urinary tract characteristic of the period of pregnancy: expansion of the renal pelvis, ureters and bladder, slowing down the outflow of urine through them, etc. Therefore, treatment of exacerbations of pyelonephritis at home is not always effective, and a woman is forced to be hospitalized whenever this exacerbation occurs ...

Pregnancy significantly affects the course of diabetes mellitus. This influence lies in the fact that during certain periods of pregnancy, the function of the pancreas naturally increases and decreases. Accordingly, the hormone insulin produced by the gland becomes more or less in the blood. If the patient is treated with injections of insulin at the same dose, it can lead to serious complications. It is more reliable to change the insulin dose under the supervision of in-patient studies. That is why diabetic patients must be admitted to a maternity hospital or a therapeutic department at a certain time.

In the first weeks, as soon as pregnancy is diagnosed, the woman is hospitalized to assess the severity of the disease and carefully compensate for diabetes by adjusting the dose of insulin. The next hospitalization is carried out at 20-24 weeks of pregnancy, when the course of the disease worsens and the dose of insulin needs to be increased. Finally, a woman is admitted to the hospital at 32 weeks - to reduce the dose of insulin, compensate for diabetes mellitus and resolve the issue of the timing and method of delivery.

If the pregnancy is going well and the diabetes is compensated (blood sugar levels remain within the normal range), childbirth should be timely. With insufficiently compensated diabetes or with a complicated course of pregnancy, premature delivery is performed at 37 weeks of pregnancy. Whether a woman will give birth herself or whether she will need to have a caesarean section depends on the condition of the mother and fetus.

The above examples of a combination of pregnancy with some diseases of internal organs show that there can be no uniform recommendations for all women who are not in good health. However, at present, scientifically based principles have been developed for monitoring and treating almost all diseases during pregnancy. It is very important that a woman turns to an antenatal clinic in a timely manner, so that in the early stages of pregnancy (up to 12 weeks), doctors can assess her state of health from the point of view of upcoming motherhood, outline the plan and timing of the examination.

Toxicosis of pregnant women Is a pathological condition that occurs only during pregnancy, complicates its course and, as a rule, disappears with its interruption or on its own during treatment.

There are three forms of toxicosis:

  1. Early(develop in the first trimester of pregnancy);
  2. Late(occur in the second and third trimesters);
  3. Rare(can occur at any stage of pregnancy).

Temperature during pregnancy

Body temperature Is a complex indicator of the thermal state of the human body. It is generally accepted that a temperature of 36.6 degrees Celsius is normal, but this opinion is erroneous, because body temperature values ​​depend on the individual characteristics of each person.

Temperature readings are normal in the range from 36.0 to 37.2 degrees Celsius. During the day, the temperature values ​​in a healthy person can change: in the morning it is lower, by the end of the day it can rise within 0.5 degrees. Also, a rise in temperature is noted after eating, taking a hot bath, drinking hot liquids, after smoking, after a long stay in hot rooms.

Stretch marks during pregnancy

Stretch marks ("stretch marks")- these are skin defects in the form of stripes of different sizes and thicknesses, colored from white to violet-red. Most often during pregnancy, they appear on the thighs, buttocks, abdomen and breasts. At the initial stages of formation, striae are red or purple, gradually they fade, but do not disappear completely, but remain forever in the form of white pearlescent scars. In addition, stretch marks can appear not only during pregnancy, but also immediately after childbirth. Basically, this concerns the breast: and milk arrives very quickly, the volume of the breast increases instantly, the skin does not have time to stretch and tears of the connective tissues occur.

Convulsions during pregnancy

Convulsions Are involuntary muscle contractions. In pregnant women, cramps of the calf muscles (lower leg muscles) most often occur, less often other muscles of the legs, arms, and neck may spasm. With a convulsion a woman feels a strong sharp pain in the muscle, mainly occurring at night during sleep or in the morning at the time of waking up. The most severe muscle spasms during pregnancy appear from the second trimester, when the fetus is actively growing and its needs for nutrients increase.

Swelling during pregnancy

Edema- This is an excess accumulation of fluid in the tissues.

Pregnancy itself contributes to water retention in the body and the appearance of edema, which is associated with an enlargement of the uterus and the effect of sex hormones (in particular, progesterone). In this case, we are talking about physiological edema, which are found in almost every pregnant woman, appear mainly in the third trimester, appear in the late afternoon and pass on their own in the morning after a good rest.

Itching and itching of the genitals

Itching- This is a painful sensation that is caused by constant irritation of the nerve endings and is manifested by a strong need to scratch the skin and mucous membranes. Such sensations can be caused by a number of reasons and, accordingly, require different treatment.

Genital itching quite often occurs in pregnant women and is associated, first of all, with a change in hormonal levels. Significant fluctuations in hormones provoke a decrease in the body's defenses, cause changes in the microflora of the vagina and contribute to the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

During pregnancy, many women complain of frequent itchy skin(especially, the skin of the abdomen and chest), which gives them considerable discomfort. Itching can be persistent or appear from time to time, intensify in the evening and at night, or disturb throughout the day, manifest on its own, or be a symptom of another disease.

The reasons for the development of itchy skin, its treatment and prevention can be found in the topic.

Lower abdominal pain

During pregnancy, women often complain about the occurrence lower abdominal pain. It should be noted that such painful sensations can be physiological, and are associated with a complete restructuring of the body for the full bearing of a child. In some cases, lower abdominal pain is a dangerous symptom and requires immediate treatment. In any case, at the first signs of unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen, you should contact an obstetrician-gynecologist for diagnostic measures and further treatment if necessary.

Headache during pregnancy

Headache during pregnancy occurs quite often, especially in the first and third trimesters. Pregnancy is a special condition of the female body, in which, in connection with the development of the fetus, a significant restructuring of all organs and systems occurs. These changes affect the course of many diseases and pathological conditions, including the development of headaches.

Back pain during pregnancy

During pregnancy, most women develop back pain. Most often, these pains are physiological and are associated with a large load on the back due to the large size of the abdomen and relaxation of the pelvic-femoral joints under the influence of the hormone relaxin.

important Less commonly, back pain can be a sign of a serious medical condition, so in any case, if you experience severe pain, you should see a doctor.

You can learn more about the causes of back pain, treatment tactics and basic recommendations for reducing physiological pain in the topic.

Sore throat during pregnancy

During pregnancy, there is a natural physiological decrease in the mother's immunity. As a result, a woman becomes more vulnerable and susceptible to various infectious diseases, including throat diseases.

To the most common diseases accompanied by sore throat include:

  1. Pharyngitis(inflammation of the pharyngeal mucosa);
  2. Tonsillitis(inflammation of the tonsils);
  3. Mechanical damage to the throat.

Detailed information about the symptoms of these diseases and methods of their treatment can be found in the topic.

Leg pain during pregnancy

During pregnancy, many women are concerned about leg pain... Most often it is physiological pain directly related to pregnancy. In some cases, such painful sensations may indicate the onset of the disease. The exact cause can only be determined by the doctor, so you should immediately inform him about the symptoms that have appeared.

The main causes of physiological and pathological pain in the legs, their treatment and prevention are outlined in the topic.

Pubic pain

During pregnancy, a woman may be disturbed painful sensations in the area of ​​the pubic joint. The reasons for such pain can be different, so you should definitely consult with the doctor leading the pregnancy about this.

The most common causes the appearance of pain in the pubic area during pregnancy are:

  1. Pressure of the presenting part of the fetus on the pelvic bone;
  2. Lack of micronutrients(, magnesium);
  3. Symphysiopathy;
  4. Pubic Bone Injuries(fracture, bruise).

You can learn more about the causes of pain in the pubic bones and their treatment in the topic.

Toothache in pregnant women

information During pregnancy, a woman's teeth become very vulnerable. Pain may appear, increased sensitivity to cold, hot, sweet, various diseases of the oral cavity occur.

This is influenced by many factors:

  1. Lack of vitamins and minerals;
  2. Weakening of the immune system;
  3. Hormonal changes;
  4. Exacerbation of chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  5. Early toxicosis;
  6. Changes in the work of the salivary glands.

Pain in the navel

Pain in the umbilical region during pregnancy occurs quite often and is most often associated with stretching of the anterior abdominal wall and, accordingly, the navel. At the same time, the navel is smoothed, and in some women it even turns inside out and protrudes above the surface of the skin.

Also, pain in the umbilical region can occur due to the stretching of the ligaments going from the navel to the liver and bladder. This kind of pain is physiological, does not require treatment and disappears immediately after childbirth.

Important In some cases, pain in the umbilical region can be pathological in nature and be a sign of various diseases that are dangerous for a woman and the further development of pregnancy, so you should definitely inform the doctor who is observing the pregnancy about the appearance of pain.

Information about the main diseases accompanied by pain in the umbilical region can be obtained in the topic during pregnancy.

Side pain during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women may complain about the appearance of pain in the side. The localization of pain can be different: in the hypochondrium(left and right side on top) and in the iliac regions(right and left lower abdomen). As a rule, unexpected pains in the side, especially if they do not subside within 20-30 minutes or worsen, indicate the appearance of a disease that requires urgent treatment. At the first appearance of pain, you should consult a doctor.

Full information about diseases can be found in the topic.

Every woman should have an idea of ​​what is dangerous during pregnancy. During the nine months of waiting, a woman is visited by many thoughts, and not all of them are pleasant. Anxiety about the health of the baby, the upcoming birth, etc. in many cases they are in vain. However, while waiting for the baby, there are several dangerous stages that a woman should know about in order, if necessary, to timely understand and prevent trouble.

During pregnancy, the first dangerous period may develop in the second or third week. This is the time when a woman may not be aware of her interesting situation. The fertilized egg, after entering the uterus, is fixed on the mucous membrane. For a number of reasons, the process of fixing the ovum in the uterus can be disrupted, then the pregnancy is interrupted and the woman begins an early miscarriage, which is quite difficult to diagnose (in some cases, menstruation can be very abundant). For the normal fixation of the ovum, the condition of the endometrium is extremely important. Various abnormalities of the uterus, damage to the inner layer (endometrium) as a result of inflammation, multiple abortions can cause impaired fixation. Also, the normal attachment of the egg can be prevented by contractions of the uterus after inflammation, curettage or any diseases (fibroids, endometriosis, etc.). In addition, chromosomal changes in the embryo can also lead to termination of pregnancy in the early stages, since the body independently gets rid of the "unhealthy" embryo.

The second dangerous period is 8-12 weeks, when the placenta begins to form. During this period, one of the main reasons for termination of pregnancy is hormonal disorders, which can occur due to malfunctions of the ovaries, thyroid gland, as well as due to the increased production of male sex hormones by the body of a pregnant woman. In this case, the doctor must choose the right treatment, while it is important to identify and prevent pathology in a timely manner.

During this period, environmental factors are of great importance for the further development of the embryo: radiation (including industrial vibrations or sports), chemicals (smoking, pesticides, phenols, drugs, alcohol, etc.), viruses and infections.

During the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman's body adapts to a new state, a woman experiences tremendous mental and physical stress, therefore, in the first months of pregnancy, you need to be as careful as possible about your health.

The third dangerous stage of pregnancy occurs at 18 - 22 weeks. During this period, the risk of developing pathology of the placenta increases (presentation, misalignment, detachment, etc.).

In addition, the most common cause of miscarriage during this period is ischemic-cervical insufficiency, i.e. a condition in which the cervix cannot cope with its main function - keeping the fetus in the uterus. High levels of male sex hormones, trauma, congenital anomalies, deformities after previous childbirth - all this can cause softening and dilatation of the cervix. Your doctor may use stitches to prevent miscarriage.

Also, during this period, the likelihood of pathological conditions of the placenta, fetal membranes, premature drainage of water as a result of untreated infectious diseases (chlamydia, ureaplasma, etc.) increases.

The fourth dangerous period can be at 28 - 32 weeks. At this time, the risk of developing gestosis, placental abruption, placental insufficiency increases, which can cause premature birth.

A woman, when approaching a dangerous period of pregnancy, should exclude heavy physical exertion, nervous shocks, sex. If the likelihood of termination of pregnancy is high enough, it is best to go to a hospital under the supervision of specialists so that timely assistance can be provided if necessary.

Dangerous days during pregnancy

During pregnancy, various pathological processes can develop that endanger the further bearing of the child. The entire first trimester is considered to be the most vulnerable period, since any medications, nervous shocks, diseases, etc., this is exactly what is dangerous during pregnancy. However, there are also other days that can threaten normal bearing.

But in each case, the pregnancy proceeds individually, and the aforementioned critical periods do not necessarily develop on certain days of pregnancy. The danger of a pregnancy failure can occur for each woman individually. For example, if a woman's previous pregnancy ended in miscarriage, then the likelihood that the danger can recur at the same time is quite high, with both physiological and psychological characteristics of the female body playing an important role. Of course, you need to take good care of your health not only on certain days of pregnancy (these days it is recommended to pay special attention, taking into account the individual characteristics of the body), which can threaten further bearing, but also throughout the entire period of pregnancy.

Dangerous weeks during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the expectant mother is inclined to various worries about the health of the unborn baby, the upcoming birth, etc. Quite often, such worries are in vain, but at different periods dangerous periods may arise that can complicate further pregnancy. Among doctors, such periods are usually called dangerous or critical weeks.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, when a woman usually does not yet know about her situation, any external factor can disrupt the process of embryo attachment. With various diseases of the inner layer of the uterus (postoperative damage, inflammation, fibroids), the attachment of the ovum is complicated, the likelihood of miscarriage increases. Also, miscarriage occurs with various chromosomal pathologies, when the body rejects a deliberately non-viable embryo.

At 8-12 weeks, due to hormonal disruptions in the woman's body, a violation of the development of the placenta can occur, which is dangerous during pregnancy and can cause the death of the embryo.

In the second trimester, when the active enlargement of the uterus begins (18-22 weeks), the risk of premature termination of pregnancy also increases. With infections, a weakened cervix, improper placement of the placenta, the course of pregnancy can be seriously complicated. During this period, the woman is assigned a second scheduled ultrasound scan in order to consider pathologies as early as possible and take action.

In the third trimester (28-32 weeks), placental abruption is possible. During an ultrasound, the condition and integrity of the placenta is carefully examined by a specialist. This complication can cause preeclampsia (late toxicosis), death of a child in the womb, premature birth. Children born during this period can survive, but they require special care.

Is orgasm dangerous during pregnancy?

From the first days of pregnancy, huge hormonal changes begin in the female body. For some women, sexual desire becomes stronger, feelings during sex become more intense, become more intense. During pregnancy, the uterus grows, blood circulation in the small pelvis increases, which causes an increase in desire and the appearance of brighter sensations. Some women change their sexual preferences, they want more affectionate, tender relationships.

The orgasm experienced by the expectant mother brings pleasant sensations not only to the woman, but also to the child in her womb. During orgasm, increased blood circulation promotes better supply of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus. With the contractions of the uterus during orgasm, there is some training in labor. The hormones of happiness released during orgasm have a good effect on both the woman and the child.

Sometimes an orgasm of a pregnant woman is very necessary. When the due date has already approached, but the child is in no hurry to be born, orgasm can push the labor process.

However, in some conditions, orgasm poses a danger to the health of a woman and a child. Orgasm leads to strong contractions of the uterus, which is dangerous during pregnancy, when there is a risk of miscarriage (increased tone). Also, orgasm is contraindicated in a woman in the last days of pregnancy, since in this case the likelihood of premature birth increases.

Dangerous infections during pregnancy

All dangerous infections that threaten a pregnant woman are conventionally divided into two types:

  • dangerous before pregnancy;
  • dangerous during pregnancy.

Chickenpox or chickenpox is classified as one of those diseases that are best tolerated in childhood, since the disease is practically harmless in a child, while for an adult, especially for a pregnant woman, the infection poses a serious danger. The greatest danger is infection for up to 20 weeks, before and after childbirth.

Rubella is also a childhood illness. In a child, the disease proceeds with less pronounced symptoms than in an adult. If a girl had rubella in childhood, then in adulthood she is protected by antibodies produced during the disease. If there is no immunity to infection, then the pregnant woman must be as careful as possible so as not to get infected. The disease is most dangerous in the early stages, since in this case there is a very high risk of damage or death of the fetus.

Toxoplasmosis is a rather dangerous infection, and doctors pay special attention to this disease. The infection poses a serious danger to the child and can proceed in the body without any symptoms.

Experts recommend taking all the necessary tests before pregnancy to eliminate the likelihood of developing latent infections. If the test results show antibodies in the woman's body, then she has already had toxoplasmosis. In the absence of antibodies, extreme care should be taken to avoid contracting this infection during pregnancy. The carriers of the disease are predominantly cats, so a pregnant woman who does not have antibodies to infection should minimize communication with them. In addition, the quality of food should be monitored: meat should be well cooked, vegetables, fruits, herbs, etc. should be thoroughly washed.

Cytomegalovirus is dangerous not only before pregnancy, but also directly during pregnancy. A woman may not even know about the infection, but the disease can pose a serious danger to the unborn child. It is generally accepted that primary infection poses a great danger to the fetus; exacerbation of the disease during pregnancy does not pose such a threat. Cytomegalovirus is transmitted through saliva, semen, and blood. If the disease is detected before the onset of pregnancy, then important attention should be paid to strengthening the immune system in order to prevent exacerbation during pregnancy.

Genital herpes in early pregnancy leads to miscarriage or missed pregnancy, in the second half of the term - to congenital anomalies in the child. The infection of the child can be during the passage of the birth canal or even in the womb through the placenta. In some cases, the woman is advised to have a caesarean section to prevent infection of the baby.

However, not all women are examined at the planning stage, and almost all tests are taken already at the beginning of pregnancy. If the tests reveal an infection, which is dangerous during pregnancy and can have serious consequences, then all the doctor's recommendations should be followed and a course of treatment should be taken to minimize the risk of possible complications.

Dangerous diseases during pregnancy

Almost any illness during pregnancy can cause negative consequences, including malformations, miscarriages, etc.

Measles is the most contagious disease that is easily caught in childhood, the symptoms of the disease resemble acute respiratory infections, but on the third day a characteristic rash appears. For a pregnant woman who has not had measles, infection in the first three months can cause miscarriage or malformations (mental retardation, CNS damage, etc.). In the early stages of pregnancy, possible fetal defects are extremely difficult to diagnose. Usually, a woman who has had measles in the first weeks of pregnancy is offered an abortion in order to completely eliminate the risk of having a sick child.

Mumps or mumps is not as contagious as chickenpox or measles, but no less dangerous for a pregnant woman. Among pregnant women, mumps occurs quite often, therefore, the disease should be avoided, because it is infection in the first trimester of pregnancy that is dangerous during pregnancy, when all the main organs and functions of the unborn child develop. The mumps virus easily penetrates the fetus. It is generally accepted that the virus infects the ovaries, resulting in miscarriage (usually 10-14 days after infection). If, after the disease, the pregnancy continues to develop normally, then there is no reason for concern, since the mumps does not lead to abnormal fetal development. Infection of a child can occur if the mother falls ill in the last weeks of pregnancy, but in this case, everything goes with minimal consequences.

Influenza, especially in the first weeks of pregnancy, can lead to intrauterine fetal death, at a later date, the risk of premature birth increases, but the disease does not provoke anomalies in the development of the fetus.

Chlamydia can cause miscarriage, often a child becomes infected during the passage of the birth canal, which can subsequently cause conjunctivitis, pneumonia.

Jaundice is not a threat to the unborn baby, but the risk of infection during childbirth is extremely high.

Borreliosis is carried mainly by ticks, the disease rarely affects the fetus, but there is a risk of neurological abnormalities, heart disease.

What is dangerous during pregnancy should be known to every woman who is preparing to become a mother. During this period, it is extremely important to take good care of your health, since the future health of the child largely depends on the state of the mother's health.

During pregnancy, any responsible mother seeks to protect herself from any negative influences and diseases. To this end, she regularly visits the gynecologist, undergoes all the necessary examinations and carefully approaches the planning of the baby. nevertheless, minor ailments and some diseases do not always bypass the expectant mother. And here you need to understand well. Which diseases can really harm the child, and which practically do not affect the baby. Today we will tell you about dangerous diseases during pregnancy, which in no case should be allowed.

Measles disease

Measles is an acute viral disease that is accompanied by severe fever, intoxication of the body, inflammation of the mucous membranes and the appearance of a rash. Measles is often contracted in childhood, acquiring lifelong immunity to the disease.
Measles is for one simple reason - it is accompanied by a very high temperature. During pregnancy, a severe fever can trigger a miscarriage or premature birth.

As for the other dangers associated with measles during pregnancy, they simply do not exist. There will be no malformations in a child born from a mother who had recovered during pregnancy.

As a prevention of this dangerous disease during pregnancy, even before conception, a measles vaccination is carried out. Vaccination is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy, so protect yourself and your baby in advance.

Jaundice disease

Jaundice is an infectious disease that can be caused by the causative agent of hepatitis A or B.

If jaundice is caused by the causative agent of hepatitis A, it is a very dangerous disease during pregnancy. It negatively affects the course, outcome of pregnancy and the health of an already born baby. With hepatitis A during pregnancy, the risk of premature birth, intrauterine infection of the fetus, or even the development of various deformities (if the expectant mother fell ill in the early stages of pregnancy) increases. In addition, the risk of a child dying in infancy is increased.

If jaundice is caused by the causative agent of hepatitis B, the risks and concerns are much less. This jaundice during pregnancy is not the cause of the baby's malformations or miscarriages. But the baby may well get infected from the mother in utero. Therefore, immediately after birth, the child needs to be vaccinated against hepatitis B and an injection of immunoglobulin.

The best way to prevent jaundice during pregnancy is to get vaccinated during pregnancy.

Mumps disease

Mumps is a viral disease characterized by fever, headaches, decreased appetite, and sometimes vomiting.

Mumps is a dangerous disease during pregnancy. The fact is that the disease with mumps during pregnancy does not provoke the occurrence of malformations, but the baby can become infected with mumps in utero. A disease with mumps - especially in childhood, as you know, can lead to infertility. And this applies to both girls and boys (but more often boys).

To prevent mumps during pregnancy, vaccination is required even before conception.

Rubella disease

Rubella is a viral disease accompanied by a small rash on the body, fever and swollen lymph nodes. This is very, since it leads to severe malformations in the fetus or miscarriage - especially if the disease occurred in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Vaccination before pregnancy is recommended as a preventive measure against rubella.

Chlamydia disease

Chlamydia is a disease caused by the bacteria Chlamydia (chlamydia), mainly sexually transmitted. This is a rather dangerous disease during pregnancy, as it can lead to miscarriage.

During childbirth, when the baby passes through the birth canal, there is a high probability of infection. The possible consequences of such an infection are conjunctivitis and pneumonia.

So that this dangerous disease during pregnancy does not entail negative consequences, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment even before planning a pregnancy or at least before giving birth. Moreover, both the future dad and the future mother should be treated.

Disease of genital herpes

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the herpes simplex virus type 2. Genital herpes - enough dangerous disease during pregnancy, which the baby can become infected during childbirth. Possible consequences of a baby's infection with genital herpes are vomiting, high fever, encephalitis. Infection of a newborn with genital herpes can even be fatal!

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to treat genital herpes before childbirth (moreover, by both partners). In extreme cases, the expectant mother, infected with genital herpes, undergoes a caesarean section.

Viral flu disease

Viral influenza is an acute disease of a viral nature that affects the lower and upper respiratory tract, accompanied by intoxication and fraught with complications, and in some cases even death.

Viral flu is a dangerous illness during pregnancy due to the fact that it is usually accompanied by a high fever, which increases the risk of miscarriage or intrauterine fetal death in the early stages or premature birth at a later date.

As a prophylaxis for viral flu, even before pregnancy, it is necessary to vaccinate as directed by a doctor.

This is a dangerous disease during pregnancy, since toxoplasmosis in the early stages of pregnancy can lead to the development of serious defects in the baby. If the infection occurred after the 14th week of pregnancy, the disease in the mother and the fetus can be cured, but the likelihood of a stillbirth or the development of severe deviations remains high.

In order not to get infected with this dangerous disease during pregnancy, the expectant mother should carefully monitor her diet and wash vegetables and fruits well, be careful when handling cats. In addition, the meat should be boiled or roasted until tender to kill all potential pathogens of toxoplasmosis.

Borreliosis disease

Borreliosis (Lyme disease) is a disease transmitted by ticks that are common in the northern hemisphere. This disease affects the nervous, immune, musculoskeletal systems and is not diagnosed in laboratory conditions.

Pathogenic bacteria can infect a baby in the womb, so this is a dangerous disease during pregnancy. possible consequences of this: the development of a heart defect in the child, neurological abnormalities, miscarriage.

As a preventive measure against borreliosis during pregnancy, try not to visit places where ticks accumulate. If redness appears at the site of the tick bite, immediately start antibiotic treatment.

We wish you that dangerous diseases during pregnancy do not affect you and your baby. I wish you health and successful delivery!