Origami flowers senior group. Paper making in the senior group. Origami master class "Wildflowers"

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1 Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution "Poltava Kindergarten" Rodnichok "

2 Purpose: to continue to introduce children to the Japanese art of origami. Program educational tasks: 1) Communication to expand and activate the vocabulary of adjectives, to consolidate the ability to answer questions; 2) Socialization to develop coordination of speech with movements, fine and general motor skills; to cultivate love and respect for the mother, as for the closest and dearest person; 3) Cognition to form children's ideas about the national holiday of our country Mother's Day; 4) Artistic creativity to continue teaching children to fold paper in different directions; develop the creativity of children. Materials and equipment: illustrations of tulip flowers; squares of colored paper 10x10 and 13x13; glue, napkins; phonograms: musical theme from the film “Mama”, “Waltz of the Flowers” ​​by Tchaikovsky; yellow circle and rays. Preliminary work: a conversation about mom, reading poetry, proverbs, sayings

3 Move of NOD (Children sit on chairs by the carpet) Educator: There are many good words in the world, But one thing is kinder and more important than everyone else. Of two syllables, a simple word And there are no words in the world that are dearer than it. - What is this word? Children: Mom! Educator: Very soon the whole country will celebrate a public holiday - Mother's Day, and we will too. Therefore, today we will talk about your mothers, you all love them very much, but tell me, how do you call your mother affectionately? Children (approximate answers): Mom, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, caring, kind, etc. (the teacher signs these words in the form of rays from the sun around the yellow circle) Educator: What did we get on the board? Children: Sun! Educator: Mom is the most dear person in the world, from mother's smile we feel warm, joyful, calm in our souls. (the teacher and the children perform a fragment of the song "From a Smile" to the soundtrack) Educator: Guys, do you know how you can please your mother?

4 Children (approximate answers): - behave well, do not receive comments. - give flowers. - sing a song, read a poem. - listen to mom. - give gifts. - hug, kiss, say "I love". - help with the housework. Educator: Do you help your mothers? Children: Yes. Educator: Then let's wash the clothes with you. (Children go out on the carpet, stand in a circle, play is carried out) Game "Mom's helpers". We decided to help mom (they depict unscrewing the tap with our fingers) And they poured water into the basin, Poured powder down, (they make small movements with a pinch of fingers) Soaked the linen (hands down, depict immersing the linen in water) We washed it for a long time, (rub our fist on a fist) They even rubbed the board. (rubbing fist on palm) Didn't break anything, (shaking index finger)

5 And rinsed how much! (They bend down and shake their hands from here and there, from here to there, from side to side) The water in the basin has boiled (hands to cheeks, shake their heads) But only, brothers, here's the problem (they put their hands down, shake their hands) Foam fell on the floor! (Sit down) Let's collect it (while sitting imitate the collection of foam with both hands) And squeeze it into a bucket (“twisting” movements with your hands) To become like a mother (stand up in full growth) You have to work hard! (The index finger is raised) (the children sit on the chairs) Educator: Mom is the first word that the baby says. Mom is protection, support from various adversities. Mom is the kindest in the world, Children cannot live without a mother. - Let's remember the proverbs and sayings about mom. Children (approximate answers): - When the sun is warm, when the mother is good. - Maternal care does not burn in fire, does not drown in water. - The bird is happy with spring, and the baby is a mother. - Mother's affection, does not know the end. - For a mother, a child, a child up to a hundred years old.

6 - It's better not to find a friend than your own mother. Educator: Well done! You know a lot of proverbs, and you are always kind, affectionate and obedient children? Children: Yes. Educator: Do you like to have fun, then I suggest you play a fun game. (children go out onto the carpet) Do this! If you have fun, do this / show / If you have fun, do this / show / If you have fun, we will smile at each other If you have fun, do this / show / (gestures and movements can be as follows: - 2 claps in front of the chest, 2 showing "Buratino's nose", pulling the ears, moving the tongue left and right, stroking the abdomen, showing the thumb of both hands. After the game, the children sit on the chairs) Educator: Guys, what holidays for mothers do you know? Children: March 8, birthday, Mother's Day. Educator: It is customary to give gifts to the most dear and beloved for the holidays. I suggest you make tulip flowers as a gift with your own hands from colored paper. Do you agree? Children: Yes.

7 (children sit at tables prepared for making tulip flowers, soundtrack from the movie "Mama" sounds) Educator: Origami is the art of paper plastic, which was born in Japan. Despite the fact that the paper itself appeared in China, it was in Japan that they figured out how to make figures of amazing beauty from it. And today I invite you to become true masters in origam business and create with your own hands a whole bouquet of tulips for your beloved mother! The word origami is made up of two hieroglyphs: orig - "paper" and kami - "folding". Origami is also great because making paper figures is cheap, beautiful and not as difficult as it seems at first glance. All you need is paper. Why is it not difficult - because everything is done according to a certain scheme. Today we together will try to master this original creative process. Take a square of red, yellow paper. 1) Fold the square in half 2) Now fold the triangle in half and we will find the middle of the triangle 3) Now fold the corners of the lower layer up 4) You have a tulip flower bud 5) Now we make a tulip stem 6) Mark the center line diagonally of the square. 7) Fold the right and left sides of the square towards the center. 8) Bend the bottom sides towards the center .. 9) Bend the shape in half lengthways. 10) Bend the stem away from the trunk. 11) The bottom part is ready. 12) Slip the top over the bottom. And our figurine is ready. (children follow the instructions)

8 Educator: now our tulip is ready. You did a good job, you got wonderful gifts for moms. Educator: What holiday will the whole country celebrate soon? Children: Mother's Day. Educator: Who should not be forgotten to congratulate on this day? Children: Mom, grandmother. Educator: What do you think will be the most desirable gift for mothers? Children: Our love, care, respect.

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Margarita Matveeva
Circle "Origami" in the senior group. Lesson summary, topic: "Miracle flowers".

Circle« Origami» v senior group. Lesson summary, theme: « Miracle flowers» .

Software content: 1 to clarify and expand children's ideas about spring flowers, their names, needs and growing conditions;

2 continue to teach how to fold paper in a certain sequence, develop thinking, attention, memory, coherent speech of children;

3 to cultivate a respectful attitude towards nature, the ability to communicate with it as with a living organism.

Materials and equipment: spring flowers cards (forget-me-nots, dandelions, lilies of the valley, tulips); squares of colored paper measuring 5x5 cm; green squares measuring 6.5x6.5 cm; white cardboard measuring 14X18 cm; oilcloth, brushes, brush stands, PVA glue, glue sockets, cloth napkins, tape recorder.

Integration of different types activities: acquaintance with spring flowers through examining postcards, calendars, photographs, illustrations; conversations about the features of the appearance, living conditions and places where flowers grow; drawing flowers with simple and colored pencils.

The course of the lesson.

Educator: - Guys, listen carefully to this poem.

Brooks rang, rooks flew in,

The bee brought the first honey to its house - the beehive.

Who can say, who knows when it happens?

What time of year are they talking about? Why do you think so? (Answers of children).

Indeed, spring has come. Every day the sun warms up more and more. And under its rays the beauty of all living things is revealed on earth: blades of grass, leaves, bushes, flowers.

Today we will make our own miracle flowers, we will watch and admire them. But first, let's remember and talk about wildlife. What relates to her? Name. (Plants, wild and domestic animals).

Why do you think that plants (flowers) alive (They grow, feed, breathe, live, reproduce, die)... Yes, flowers us surround and decorate our lives. Therefore, we all love and admire them all. Did you know that plants and flowers are of great benefit to humans. They absorb bad air, calm the nervous system, give us their beauty, so flowers and plants must be protected.

Tell me what spring flowers do you know? (The kids call them).

Now, what do all plants have in common? What parts? (Flower, stem, leaves, seeds, roots).

Display and viewing sample: - Guys, look at our unusual flower. Pay attention to how its petals and leaves are folded. Compare it to other flowering plants.

Now let's get up scattered and pretend that we are flowers.

Fizminutka: Flowers in pots rose on the window.

/ Children squat in a circle, then slowly rise /.

They reached out to the sun, smiled at the sun. / Stretch on toes, raising your hands up /.

Flowers will turn to the sun. / They spread their arms to the sides, palms up /.

The buds are unfolded, they will drown in the sun. / Connect your arms above your head and swing slowly /.

Did you guys like being flowers? How did you feel now? Let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics:

We cut paper, we cut it.

We tear the paper, tear it.

We glue the paper, glue it.

We crumple the paper, crumple it.

The practical part of the work: begin to work at tables, with calm music and under the guidance of a teacher.

1 "Flower": first fold one colored square diagonally, then into the base shape "Kite"... Repeats this two more times.

2 "Leaves": first, one green square is folded diagonally, then expanded. The right and left corners of the square overlap. The second square is also added.

3 The details of the future plant are alternately glued onto the cardboard base. First the stalk, then the three petals. After one or two leaves.

Summing up classes: --Let's see what we got. Admire our wonderful flowers... How beautiful they are! / Exhibition of finished works /.

Finally, let's play a game "Guess the flower"... I will ask a riddle, and you will name which flower it speaks of.

1 On a blade of grass, like ice floes, snow-white flowers.

And from the views of the path, their flowers cover. (Lily of the valley).

2 A wonderful flower, like a bright light.

Lush, important, like a pan, gentle, velvet (Tulip).

3 Drops of the sun appeared early in the clearing.

This is a yellow sarafan dressed up (Dandelion).

4 This blue flower reminds you and me of the pure, pure sky and radiant sun. (Forget-me-not).

5 He is a flower prince-poet wearing a yellow hat.

An encore sonnet will read to us about spring (Narcissus).

Our spring flowers are drops of beauty! Let them grow, bloom, they bring joy to us! Take care of them!

Related publications:

"Flowers for mom, flowers for mom I hold to my heart. Flowers for mom, flowers for mom I carry them today with trepidation!" (Yu. Verizhnikov).

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Abstract of GCD in the form of a game situation, an unconventional drawing technique in the older group. Flowers theme Summary of GCD in the form of a game situation. Artistic and aesthetic development, non-traditional painting technique in the senior group. Flowers theme.

Summary of GCD in the form of a game situation. Unconventional painting technique in the senior group. Flowers theme Theme "Flowers" Objectives: Encourage children to convey the shape of flowers, arrangement, colors in the drawing. Develop the creative imagination of children.

Summary of origami classes in the senior group: "Box with tulips" Purpose: To continue teaching children to fold paper figures on their own.

Abstract of the GCD in the senior group, the topic is "Tulips" in the origami technique.

Purpose: To stimulate the desire of children to create tulip flowers using the paper origami technique, to develop creativity.
Strengthen the ability of children to transform the basic form into different crafts.
Reinforce the skills of precise, neat folds.
To consolidate the implementation of basic forms: "simple triangle", "kite".
Exercise in the ability to compose a general composition, harmoniously placing your craft.
To develop in children intelligence, creativity, the ability to use different means of expression when creating an image.
Develop an eye and fine motor skills of the hands.
Develop a sense of unity, cohesion, teach children to act in concert.
Expand children's knowledge about a spring flower - a tulip, about its structure, color; the factors necessary for its growth (sun, air, water, soil).
To foster a respect for nature.
Material: slides depicting tulips, plant growth cycle, paper squares 6x6 cm of different colors, one green square 10x10, glue, brushes, napkins, a large circle (square) made of paper - "flower bed".
Joint activities:
Educator: Guys, what time of year is it? (Spring)
What month? (May)
Soon many flowers will bloom in the meadow, in the flower garden, in the forest. They are so beautiful, bright, colorful.
Let us turn into flowers.
What kind of flower do you want to be Arina? (Sonya, Karine, Irina).
Psycho-gymnastics "Flowers"
Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of Flowers" sounds
The sun has not yet risen, the flowers are asleep. Their eyes are closed, their head is clasped with petals. They breathe deeply, evenly, calmly. But here: "tink" - the first ray of the sun peeped out. He stroked Irina's flower on the head, Karine's flower. The flowers opened first one eye, then the other, looked down, up, left, right. We closed our eyes against the bright sun, opened our eyes wide and smiled. How glad the flowers are to the sun! The flowers began to wash with dew, cheeks, eyes, shoulders, chest. These are so clean and fresh. We looked at each other and said "Hello, morning."
Game "What comes first and what then."
Educator: Look what is in the box, these drawings must be arranged in order, what happens first, and what then (children are divided into two teams). Whose team will complete the task faster, he tells. Tell us what came first ... (children tell)
What do flowers need to grow? (sun, air, water, soil)
That's right, the sun, water, soil and our caring, respectful attitude.
Reading a poem.
The teacher reads a poem:
If I pick a flower
If you pick a flower
If you and I are together
If we pick flowers
All the glades will be empty
And there will be no beauty.
Educator: Guys, do you think it is possible to pick flowers in armfuls? (No)
And why? (They are in pain, they will wither, but we will throw them away anyway.)
Educator: That's right, let flowers decorate our streets, courtyards, parks and delight all people with their beauty and pleasant aroma.
Children sit on high chairs.
Educator: Guys, guess the riddles:
Has grown from an onion,
But not good for food.
On a bright glass
That flower is similar.
Wonderful flower,
Like a bright light.
Lush, important, like a pan,
Delicate velvet ... (Tulip)
The teacher shows photos of tulips (slideshow)

Educator: Look carefully, what does the tulip consist of? (roots, bulb, stem, leaves, flower). The stem is long, thin; leaves are long, wide at the bottom and narrowed at the top; the flowers are bright, beautiful; petals of a round (triangular) shape.
The teacher reads a legendary tale.
Reading the legend of the tulips
One English legend speaks of a kind and affectionate woman named Mary. In her garden, she grew tulips and looked after them with great love.
One day, while walking among the flower beds, she noticed that little fairy children were sleeping sweetly inside some flowers. These flowers were opened at night and gave off a delicate and inviting scent. Their fragrance so bewitched Mary that the next year she planted a huge number of new tulips so that there was enough room for all the fairy children. As a token of their gratitude in Mary's garden, the fairytale fairies rewarded flowers with bright colors and a pleasant scent. As time went on, Mary grew old and died.
After the death of this woman, her house and garden were bought by an avaricious and unkind owner. He cut down the entire garden, destroyed the flowers, and began to grow vegetables in their place. Man considered them to be much more useful and profitable than some flowers. Angry fairies, who had nowhere to put their babies to sleep, began to take revenge on the new owner and damage the plantings in his garden. Flowers also had a hard time.
Even among his neighbors, tulips were no longer pleasing to the eye with their colors and did not attract with a wonderful scent. Since then, these flowers hardly smell.

Since then, people have been trying to grow such beautiful and kind flowers everywhere: in parks and squares, in flower beds near the house and in the country, even in pots in an apartment.
In many streets and squares, different flowers bloom in spring. But scarlet tulips attract special attention. Their proud red heads stand firm in the cold and wind.
Tulip is a symbol of kindness, peace and love.
Red tulip means love, yellow - happiness. And if you were presented with a white tulip, it means that they are asking for your forgiveness.
Educator: Guys, today we will make flowers with you, because you can make a beautiful flower bed out of paper. Origami masters have come up with many ways to fold paper flowers. You are also origami masters, you can do everything. Today, let's all together make a beautiful flower bed on which tulips will grow.
(Children sit at tables).
Finger gymnastics "Flower"
A flower has grown in a spring meadow, (Loosely connect palms)
He timidly raised his tender head. (Raise their hands in front of them)
The wind blew - it swayed awkwardly, (Shake palms in front of them)
Back and forth, left, right. (Back and forth, left, right)
The teacher shows how to make a tulip (slides). And the stalk is made from the basic shape "Kite" (together with the children, disassemble the sequence of making the stalk).
Educator: What color will your tulips be? (children choose a square of paper for a tulip, the color that they like (children's answers)
Children's work.

Along the way, the teacher explains how to make a tulip.
Take the color you want over the square. Fold it in half. Then, with your eyes, find the middle of the long side of the resulting rectangle and from it bend the corners up and slightly to the side, superimposing one on top of the other. It turned out to be a tulip.
Now we will make a stalk.
Educator: Well done! What different and beautiful flowers we have! You are the true origami masters! And now we will plant our tulips in a flower bed!
Children glue their flower in the middle on a large circle of paper (flower bed)
Analysis of children's work.
Educator: Tell us about your flower (children's story).
We planted flowers of unprecedented beauty,
All flowers are different: white and red,
Yellow and blue - all flowers are beautiful.
How beautiful is every color -
There is no better flower bed!

Lesson of the circle "Origami"

Theme: "Flowers"


  • Teaching children how to make flowers using the origami technique.


1. Arouse the interest of children in making flowers from colored paper using the origami technique.

2. To improve tactile perception, dexterity, accuracy, patience.

3.Use means for the development of the eye, fine motor skills of hands, speech of children.

4. To cultivate the desire to bring the work started to the end; love and respect for flowers.

5 . Encourage children to create a play and interior space.

Material: Pictures of tulip flowers, paper squares 6x6 cm red and yellow, one green 10x10 square, glue, brushes, napkins, a large circle of paper - "flower bed", multimedia presentation, technological maps.

The course of educational activities.

  1. Part Organizational.

Japanese music sounds

Q. We found ourselves in a wonderful country in which interesting crafts can be made from ordinary paper. Let us invite our guests to this amazing country. Let them see with us what miracles happen in her.

The teacher asks the children questions:

  • Have you guessed which country we ended up in?
  • What is origami?
  • Home of origami?
  • What are the basic origami forms you know? (showing technological diagrams)
  1. Part Motivational and productive.

Q. Children, I want to tell you a legend.

1.Tale-legend about Tulip.

Once upon a time, a long time ago in one small country there lived a DRAGON. But it was not a feisty, bloodthirsty Dragon-Monster, but a kind, cheerful and gentle Dragon. And do you know what he loved more than anything else? HE LOVED FLOWERS! Every day he looked after them, watered them, talked to them, protected them with the help of his huge wings from the hot sun, and from the cold wind and from heavy rain.

It was the most beautiful country in the world! Beautiful flowers grew here and delighted the Dragon with their aroma and tenderness. Huge, very elegant butterflies flew here, and clear, sonorous streams flowed. It was always sunny and warm here, because the big kind heart of the Dragon warmed the country with its love.

But then, one day, terrible monsters attacked this country. They decided to destroy and trample everything. They were sure that they could easily cope with it, because there was only one Dragon, and there are many of them.

But our Dragon was not afraid of them, he spread his huge mighty wings and covered his country with them from enemies. Monsters swooped down on him over and over again. They bit him, beat him, tormented and tortured him. Blood dripped from his wounds, but the Dragon endured everything. He was so kind that he did not even know how to fight or bite at all.

And then one very small bird, who also loved her country and her Dragon very much, managed to imperceptibly fly away from the terrible monsters. She flew to the land of the mighty good Fairy. Only she could handle them.

The Good Fairy immediately rushed to the aid of the Dragon, drove the robbers far, far from this small wonderful country and healed the wounds of our brave and kind Dragon.

But the most amazing thing was that the drops of the Dragon's blood that fell to the ground turned into beautiful flowers the next day, which people later called TULIPS.

(The whole story is shown in slides)

2. Motivation.

(the teacher shows the children a picture with tulips made using the origami technique)

Q. Do you guys want to learn how to make flowers to decorate our group? Beautiful flowers can be made from paper. Origami masters have come up with many ways to fold paper flowers. Let's and we will try to make a tulip.

Q. What color did you see the tulips?

D. Red, yellow, white ...

3. Physical minutes.

Q. Guys, now we will have a rest.

Musical game: "Flower".

Course of the game: Now we will all turn into flowers. There are so many beautiful flowers here!

The flower slept and suddenly woke up

He did not want to sleep anymore.

Moved, stretched,

Soared up and flew.

The sun will only wake up in the morning

As soon as the flowers awaken

Butterfly circles and curls

Like a beauty fairy.

4. Technology of making a tulip using origami technique.

The teacher shows how to make a tulip. And the petal is made from the basic shape "Kite" (together with the children, disassemble the sequence of making the petal).

Q. I suggest trying to make a tulip, I know you will definitely succeed. What color will the tulips be? (children choose a square of paper for the tulip, the color that they like)

D (children's answers)

The technology of making a paper flower.

The teacher shows and explains the technology of making a tulip:

  1. Fold the double triangle. Turn the workpiece with the top down.
  2. Fold the corners of the top layer to the center line.
  3. Bend the corners back.
  4. You can bend the corners forward. Let's get another version of the tulip.
  5. And now we will make a stalk:Place the square with a diamond. Bend it diagonally. From the top of the top to the fold line, lower the sides. We now have the basic Kite shape. Now bend the base shape in half. The stalk is ready.

Our flower is ready!

5.Productive activity of children.

The teacher exposes the "Tulip" technological card, advises the children to look again and make sure that the way of working is clear.

(Independent work of children according to technological maps, help of a teacher to children who find it difficult to complete tasks).

V. Well done! What different and beautiful flowers we have! You are the true origami masters! And now we will plant our tulips in a flower bed!

Children glue their flower and leaf on a large circle of paper (flower bed) by the middle.

Part III Summary

The teacher is interested in how and where the made flowers can be used

(give to a friend for his birthday, please mom, wish her happiness and health, etc.)

The teacher gives the children technological cards and reminds that she will help the children to make a "tulip" on their own.

We planted flowers of unprecedented beauty,

All flowers are different: white and red,

Yellow and blue - all flowers are beautiful

How beautiful is every color -

There is no better flower bed!


Teaching children to combine different techniques for making a box - an origami surprise.

To consolidate the knowledge of preschoolers about geometric shapes, the ability to use a ruler; encourage research.

To improve the ability of children to consistently perform actions in accordance with the instructions of the educator, to comply with safety rules.

Develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination, creativity, attention, thinking.

To foster a culture of activity, neatness, hard work, the ability to cooperate, the desire to achieve the intended result.

The course of the lesson in the senior group of kindergarten:


Good morning! Have a nice day!

You wish! I wish you!

Let's stretch out our hands to each other,

We will send a smile to everyone.

Good morning Good afternoon,

Let's start our meeting!

Educator. - Children, look at me and tell me who I look like? (On a magician, a magician ... ..) How did you guess? (Or - Why did you think so?)

Who are the wizards?

Can someone become a wizard? Why?

I'll tell you one secret today. Becoming a wizard is not that difficult. For this I do not need a top hat or a magic wand ...

I just need ... (pause)

What do I need? Try to guess.

I only need a sheet of paper.

I wonder what you thought when you saw the piece of paper? (Children's reasoning)

What kind of art do you remember? We have previously dealt with it.

Yes, only in origami, a sheet of paper can be turned into anything.

This means that we have everything we need, so we begin magical transformations.

What is the shape of the leaf?

Convert the square to a rectangle.

Which shape is larger than a square or formed rectangle?


Is it possible to turn a rectangle into a square again? Is there one way to do this, or more?

Make a small square. How to turn it into a triangle?

And what other geometric shapes can you get?

Unfold the sheet after all the transformations. What shapes did you see thanks to the fold lines? (You can count how many small triangles, rectangles, etc.)

Well done.

And now it's time for a real miracle. And now we will try to turn a sheet of paper into a magic box, but the box is not simple, but with a surprise. You are ready?

1. Take a sheet of rectangular paper ...

(Children make a box according to the instructions of the teacher).

Bottom line. Reflection.

Well done, children, you have got the magic boxes.

What kind of surprise can you put in your boxes?

Have you already figured out who you will give them to?

Did you enjoy doing magic with paper?

What did you like the most?

What did you fail or find difficult to do?

After all, you and I already knew how to make interesting things out of paper, and today you have already become real masters.