Dad goes to retire script. Seeing off to retirement, scenario for a man

We meet the hero (s) of the occasion - confetti, red carpet, fresh flowers, or a crown and a throne. We meet at the door, he (she) appears. Meeting with multi-colored fabrics or ribbons (7 pieces)

We ___________________ will meet with colors,
After all, there were different stages in life.
We want to repeat these stages,
You probably haven't forgotten them. _____________________ (m-c), _____________ (date), year ____ - th -
A boy was born, (a girl) such a good one ...

He is quite a kid, and therefore
Everything was PURPLE to him
Childhood is then a golden time
Life is carefree like a game.
Although the guy (girl) he (s) was and smart,
But as a child I was
GREEN youth ... sorry, it won't be like this again ...

This is of course BLUE.
I met in my youth
He (s) his love,
We started a family together with ______________.
They were young, beautiful ...
We choose BLUE color.

Children were born - they are not loved!
Let it be ORANGE (WHITE) color ...
Has always been loaded with hard work.
The light is YELLOW.

And now - your holiday - solid, beautiful,
Let it be bright, walk under the RED!

For all the culprits of the occasion at such moments, we are all ready to give endlessly, together ... APPLAUSE !!!

_______________ (name) is our (s) wonderfully! We want you to invite everyone to the table!

Good evening, dear friends, relatives, colleagues! Today, on this beautiful day, in such a solemn and warm atmosphere, you and I have gathered in this cozy room in order to congratulate everyone's beloved and respected ____________________. Let's try today to make sure that a smile never leaves our (his) ________'s face, and her (his) eyes shine with happiness ... I sincerely greet all the guests gathered here and gladly open this holiday!

This day brought us together and united us, ______________ in a place of honor eclipsed everyone with itself, because it is not for nothing that he was awarded today by fate - this date, which is popularly called the road! Let the beginning of the century outside the window, we will not change traditions, for a dear person we will now sip a glass of wine. Let this day go down in history forever, and ___________________ only bring happiness! And let the guests have fun carelessly, I hope no one will leave the sad holiday! To start the celebration as it should be - it is suggested to fill the glasses for everyone !!!

Before the spouse's toast: Dear guests! All of you are witnesses that the light does not fade in our sky of one star. And by the way, there is a fan among us who has been studying this for many years ... Once they met and fell in love, and they live together to this day ... Of course, you guessed it - I'm talking about the precious second half, this is ...

1st toast ________________

Introducing guests

Wonderful charm, tenderness, grace for the hero of the occasion, for your charming applause !!

Extend wonderful moments
For the husband (wife), your applause!

Pleasant excitement of the honored guests this evening performance We have a lady here
Native sister __________________!
Cousins ​​()
Are located here
Now a flurry of applause in the hall will rip off!

There is always peace in my soul
When sons (daughters) are by your side.
Mom (Dad) has them very good, let's clap our hands for this

Now I’ll tell you more simply:
Congratulations on the holiday
Favorite daughter-in-law.
They are all here and await applause too!

And for his grandmother (grandfather), on such a beautiful day, Grandchildren are here, now gathered.
They were tired of waiting for applause
And now we welcome the matchmakers together!
We really need their presence.

I want to introduce you soon
Lovely, loyal friends !!!
They are waiting for applause too
Show yourself where you are!

Now let's clap our hands. and all the guests, good for you!

Meeting guests

2 toast ___________________________

Thoughts, who arrived on what

We ______________________ hand over the retirement apron.

He is a start indicator of a new life.
We sewed special pockets on it.
And they decided to explain their meaning:

1. Pocket first, gets on the nerves:
Pension pocket.
A pension for work is a reward, and a big pocket is a joy.
The pension dangles in it, and it is believed that it does not end!

2. Pocket is the second, not so big.
A pocket for gifts to grandchildren.
Don't put presents in the chest.
To treat your grandchildren, keep them ready in your pocket.

3. The third pocket is like a stash trap.
Hide far, hide deep
So that no one finds, so that no one takes away!

4. The fourth pocket, the most worn.
Pocket for glasses.
Put your glasses in your pocket, and don't try to use them often,
Resist loss of sight.

5. Fifth pocket, for seed bags.
Self-service pocket.
Sow the garden. Collect the harvest.
Without pickles and jams, there will be no paradise pension.

6. Pocket six - time to rest.
Seed pocket.
Sitting on a bench, click your seeds.
You went to retirement, you found too much time.
Do not take off your ______________ apron, treat your friends to tea!
Now you have a free life:
Ahead is the “free program”:

If you want, sleep, but if you want, have fun.
If you want - starve, but if you want - get better
(Only this task is difficult to accomplish:
Eating a lot of fat is impossible today!)
If you want - open a cooperative,
If you want - travel by taking a letter of credit.

Monaco and Valencia are waiting for you
(If you have income other than your pension!)
Do you want to watch a movie in the morning
Or open the window wide
And spin hula-hoop for hours.

And if you don't want to "twist" - lie down.
Now you can rest easy
To love, to be friends, to walk at night
(after all, you can sleep in the morning!)
And see friends more often
And read different books!

3 toast _______________________________

Selection competition

PENSION CARD with the following comment. This certification must be done by yourself. On the front side, write to whom it was issued, and on the other - the following wish:

How do you get the book
Take care of her - they will not give money
Without a book, it's mine!
Be a girl at heart
Jump like a goat
But this book
Respect you for
That you can ride
Without taking a ticket.

If you want, fold your pens,
If there is no hunt
Commute to work
And break the ridge
Only this is what you are for
Will you buy a bite?

How do you get your pension -
You live five days
And you will rush with the song
Work hard again!
Such a pension
We are not given in vain -
So that we don't grow old
Never, friends!

For this care
Dear authorities
We will not leave work
Until the last days !!!

Sand ceremony

Dear ___________________________!

Now we will create a festive cocktail together with you! So,

1. White - you were born!
Making mom and dad happy!
They gave you the name.
For joy, love and happiness!

2. Blue - you are 18!
Dances, love and flowers!
Youth, romance!
You have something to remember
Your hopes and dreams!

3. Red is your holiday!
And again you are good!
Wisdom has come, your life is arranged!
Children do not love the soul!

4. Orange is the color of success.

5. Yellow is the color of the sun, comfort, warmth,
Good weather to you at home always!

6. Green is the color of wealth
Let him bring happiness with gold!

And so that there was no time for boredom - these sparkles are your grandchildren! Dilute your cocktail with them, and life will become more fun!

I have worked a lot, and I have not worked in vain!
For this, dear, you have been given a pension!
You have become more prosperous, poverty will not return.
Thank you very much to the President, he cares about everyone!
Do not be sad, do not be sad, there is no return to those past days!
Always and everywhere smile, and do not go to the doctors!
God grant that everything was fine.
Always behave yourself!
Do not get sick, do not lose heart,
Eat in moderation, and sleep soundly,
Never get old
All men like it!
Enough fairy tales!
Now is the time to drink vodka.

Selection competition

Pension is such a word, it flows gently like a stream.
Just ask anyone
Who doesn't think about her?
Everyone crawls out of their skin
To live up to retirement.

Only in retirement can you
Live in peace, do not grieve.
The director does not need
No matter what time-off to ask.
The money will be straight to the house
Postmen bring.

Take care of your health,
Take a cold shower
And all colds and ailments
Do not let me on the threshold.
On the estate
This cabbage, radish, horseradish,
To make your ship a family
Didn't give the slightest roll.

And most of all we wish
(God knows - these are the cross)
So that you saw (saw) during life
Their great-grandchildren brides.

If occasionally he becomes sad,
If the light is not nice
Let it remind you of us
This humble souvenir.

(A gift is given.)

Draw box or by name

Line up 11 people with the letters PENSIONERKA

Attention! Attention! Your finest hour is coming! Answer quickly and correctly! The presenter asks the hero of the day, to which she answers: “Yes”.

Do you have the title of an ideal wife?

Blow a kiss to your 2nd half.

Is there a title “loving mom”?

What are the names of the children?

Has the solid title "mother-in-law" been awarded?

Compliment your son-in-law.

Has the high title "grandmother" already been deserved?

How does the tale “The Wolf and the Seven Kids” end?

All questions were answered “yes”, the test was passed with flying colors. It means that the time has come to add the noble title “Pensioner” to the already sounded titles.

Readiness number 1. Eleven guests line up in one line, each holding a piece of paper with a letter, all together form the word "pensioner". While the host is reading the poem, after each line, the guests turn over one letter in order.

So many years have passed ...
We barely had time to count ...
But it's not worth it, we know, no ...
Suffer and lose heart ...
And there is still a large supply,
We will reveal a secret:
... Our hero is not discouraged, ...
We will celebrate her for a hundred years ...
Blush, joyful, ...
Beautiful, sweet, ...
Active as a pioneer, ...
Worthy of the title ...
Everything. Pensioner.

To applause and sparklers, the Mrs. Liberty ribbon is tied over her shoulder.


Leading: Today we accept our ……… .. into the society of pensioners ( state name) and take an oath from her:

I, a young pensioner _________ (name of the country), joining the honorary society of pensioners, working and non-working, moderately drinking and non-drinking, sticking my nose everywhere, solemnly swear: To be a worthy member of society, that is, to constantly be in sound mind and health body. Do not allow yourself to be blasted by neither the wind, nor the disease, nor the hops.

She): I swear!


Work tirelessly, without stretching your legs.
Walk confidently on any of the roads!
I swear!


Be sharp on the tongue, eyes and ears.
Do not succumb to either sadness, or illness, or cold!
I swear!


Drink only with friends, and then a little.
Always find a path to the house.
I swear!

Leading: Dear ___________________! We accept you into the ranks so that you do not know the troubles.
Do not get sick, do not lose heart, eat more, sleep better.
Be cheerful and do not swear, never worry.
Young so that the pensioner did everything and did everything.
To live, when everything is in moderation, to the title of an honorary pensioner.
And when you are one hundred years old, we will lay this table again!

Competitions, costume show

Selection competition

- Dear and priceless our (name of the hero of the day)! All those present are ready to congratulate you on such a significant event and on vacation, which you deserve with painstaking work. We wish you good health, strength, as well as rich leisure! But in addition to our today's congratulations, you should familiarize yourself with the charter of this evening.

    So what are the rules?
  • 1. The charter declares that in 20__ the anniversary of (name of the hero of the day) is not canceled under any pretext.
  • 2. Before the beginning of the anniversary itself, all those present are obliged to raise a toast to the hero of the occasion.
  • 3. It is impossible to remain serious in this room.
  • 4. Everything that will be presented to the hero of the day today cannot be returned or exchanged. All other gifts are accepted within a month.
  • After the charter is announced, a toast should be raised, everyone who wishes to express their wishes.

      After that, the presenter continues:
      - Today we are presenting an honorary diploma, which says that (date) the hero of the day (name) is awarded this diploma for the fact that in all his 60 years this wonderful person has gone through the school of life and passed the following exams:
    • Russian - talking with colleagues and wife in anger and resolving disputes - great!
    • Geography - the ability to return home in any condition is excellent!
    • Math - financial accounting skills to your advantage - great!
    • Music - playing on the nerves of loved ones and colleagues - satisfactory!
    • Chemistry - the ability to create wine from water - good!
    • Based on all of the above disciplines, the examination committee recognizes the comrade (name of the hero of the day) ready for a further life path and confers the proud title of "Honorary young pensioner".

      Ice cream

      Several couples are selected from the hall, not necessarily married. Ice cream with a spoon is placed a few meters from the participants. The task is this: a woman should take ice cream with a spoon, take a spoon by the handle with her mouth and feed her companion. The first couple who eats their portion faster than everyone else wins.

      Anyone can play. One participant begins to move around the hall to the music, catching the rest. It can be done with side steps, or in the style of the Chunga-Changa dance. When the snake becomes quite long, the leader begins to lead it in a spiral. As a result, you will have to unravel the snake.

      Scenario of seeing off a man's retirement "Hello retirement"

      Of course, it is necessary and important to start with the design. It doesn't matter whether it is a banquet hall or an apartment, everything should have a festive look. It would not be bad to hang photos of the future pensioner on the walls, or make one large poster-collage. Also, do not forget about balloons and ribbons, paper garlands and lights. The second stage of preparing the holiday is musical accompaniment. Here it is necessary not only to take into account the taste of the retiring person, but also the age peculiarity of the invitees. Then, according to the menu plan, the seating of the guests, and now, almost everything is ready.

      Host, Host, guests.

      gifts for contests, a diploma "With retirement", cards with phrases, a bag, pieces of paper with the name of the songs, a bag.

      The guests sit down, the future pensioner sits at the head of the table.

      Good evening ladies, gentlemen,
      I'm glad to see everyone, friends
      The reason for the meeting is excellent,
      The pension has come, hurray!

      (Full name of the hero of the occasion),
      All the lights are for you tonight
      And at this moment, and at this hour,
      I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
      Let your dreams come true!

      The first toast should be pronounced to the respectable leadership, because you, like no one else, are familiar with our esteemed (full name of the hero of the occasion).

      The evening promises to be interesting today, and now, I would like to start by presenting an honorary diploma to the Honorable (Full name of the hero of the occasion)... I warn you, this is not an easy confirmation of your pension, it is a kind of ticket to a new life, and a solemn reminder of the path traveled. (presents diploma).

      The diploma should be humorous. For example, it should say the following:
      The diploma is awarded (Full name of the hero of the occasion), for excellent mastery of the following vital disciplines:
      - Mathematics - excellent (mastery of their finances, in particular stash, thorough);
      - Geography - excellent (in any condition and under any circumstances finds his way home);
      - Russian language - excellent (can easily agree on everything);
      - Music is good (good play on the nerves of relatives and colleagues).
      Based on the above disciplines, we can confidently say that we are ready for the next stage - retirement!

      We worked so hard, it's time to rest,
      The years passed quickly
      But a pension in life is necessary
      And nowhere without her!

      You know (names the year when the hero of the occasion went to first grade) in one of the ordinary schools, there was one smart, smart boy, with very kind eyes and a big heart. He grew, developed, became a person and made his own plans. V (year of admission to the institute), everything became obvious and understandable. Dreams appeared that had to be quickly realized, ambitions, aspirations, and now, after a long search, that very smart boy came to (Name of the organization)... Then it was (year of entry to work), excitement, fear, mastering new activities, meeting colleagues and a long-awaited salary. Everything is like everyone else, everything is as usual, but one thing distinguished from the others (he names the main quality of the hero of the occasion). And here it is, the long-awaited retirement, on which your colleagues are in a hurry to congratulate you.

      (Here you can show a small slideshow if the establishment has a projector)

      I would like to know now
      How will you congratulate
      But, I will complicate the task,
      And I will order a rhyme for you!

      Competition "Rhyming Patching".
      Of all those present, 5-6 participants are selected, who are given one rhyme. The task is to come up with a congratulation. The holding time is 1 minute. Then everyone reads the results and the best one will receive a prize. Applause will determine the winner.

      Rhyme options:
      1) I hasten to congratulate you on your pension,
      And wish you well.

      2) So the pension has come,
      Has brought happiness, rest.

      3) The event is important, you can't argue here,
      You need a pension, my friend.

      4) With a pension, hurray,
      The years passed quickly.

      All congratulations are beautiful, special, but it seems to me that it's time to read your congratulations to family members!

      Congratulations, this is certainly good, but how about praising our (Name of the hero of the occasion)?

      Competition "Praise me, praise".
      5-6 participants are selected. Everyone should say a laudatory adjective, in a given letter of the leader. The one who names the most will win. For repeat - departure.

      (The presenter offers to drink to all the positive and mentioned qualities)

      Leading (addresses the hero of the occasion):
      But tell me, what do you think to do in retirement?

      Retired is probably good
      You walk in the garden, rest on the couch,
      Retired, no fuss, easy
      All day inundated with dreams.
      There is time for yourself and your family
      And you don't need to get up early in the morning
      Do you want to draw, read, write poetry,
      Or even a memoir.

      Preliminary preparation required. It is necessary to write on the cards a continuation to the phrase "I will be retired", put them in a bag, and so that the host of the event draws out one by one and reads it out.
      You will need: cards with phrases, a bag.

      Example phrases. I will be retired.
      1. . knit socks and scarves;
      2.. read the magazine "Murzilka";
      3.. discuss fashionistas at the entrance;
      4. . ring the doorbell to neighbors and run away;
      5. . listen to music loudly, setting the rhythm for neighbors;
      6.. dress fashionably and seduce local old women;
      7.. play football with local kids;
      eight. . learning to be a hacker;
      nine. . do nothing and just enjoy life.

      (Offers a drink to keep it that way, after which a 15 minute dance break is announced)

      I am announcing a musical pause! Dear friends, you must agree that there is no holiday without a song, and so, I suggest it is not easy to sing, but also to get the opportunity to win a small but pleasant prize.

      Competition "Song".
      Requires preparation. Pre-fold the pieces of paper with the name of the songs in a bag and mix. Several participants are selected. Everyone pulls a piece of paper and gets their own song. The task is to "show" the song without words. You can't make sounds, purr motives, you need to explain with the help of gestures what song got. When they guess right, sing. Time for each participant is not more than a minute. Whoever shows the fastest and whose song guesses will receive a prize.
      You will need: pieces of paper with the name of the songs, a bag.

      Song options:
      1. And someone came down from the hill;
      2. I got drunk drunk;
      3. A Christmas tree was born in the forest;
      4. My bunny (Kirkorov);
      5. A million scarlet roses;
      6. A stream flows, a stream runs;
      7. Smoke from menthol cigarettes;
      8. I lie in the sun;
      9. Girls are standing, standing aside;
      10. No firemen, we are not carpenters.
      The list may be different.

      And now, I am happy to give the floor to our esteemed (name of the hero of the occasion).

      (The host of the event says thanks to everyone who came)

      You know what we have forgotten about, and we have forgotten about initiation into retirees. The diploma was handed over, congratulations were voiced, but the main thing was only now remembered! But, fortunately, I took care, I prepared everything, it remains to voice!

      (The hero of the occasion reads out a comic oath)

      I swear that I will rest
      Do not forget your friends
      And I will be with them sometimes
      Even drink balm!
      I swear to roam and walk and sleep
      I swear not to look for a job,
      I swear that I will laugh
      And I will enjoy life!
      I swear to run every night
      Go to your friends for a meeting,
      I swear I won't lose heart
      I'm ready to become a pensioner!

      (The oath may be different)

      This is all good, but since u (Full name of the hero of the occasion), there is no experience on how to behave in retirement, we decided to take care of this too, and stocked up on advice!

      (The floor is given to friends who have already retired. Can be performed as ditties)

      Congratulations 1:
      I retired
      Now I don’t know
      What is better for me to do
      I read books!

      Congratulations 2:
      I go to the store every day
      Three times, that's right,
      There is news and gossip,
      And a beer barrel!

      Congratulations 1:
      Do not be afraid of pensions, friend,
      You will like it here
      Here the balm will be poured
      Hello, get better!

      Congratulations 2:
      I am retired sometimes
      Sometimes I miss
      But, when I remember about work,
      Immediately lets go!

      (You can do without this part if not among the invited retirees)

      The host announces a 10-15 minute dance break.

      I suggest you friends
      To you to remember the past,
      Tell stories
      Liven up the feast!

      (Guests share funny stories related to the hero of the occasion)

      Not only kind words,
      They will decorate the holiday, wonderful evening,
      Friends brought gifts
      Honor retirement!

      (There is a presentation of gifts. Here you can and even need to insert a comic, cool congratulations)

      Thank you all for this evening,
      I want to say from myself
      I wish you joy, happiness,
      Love your pension.
      More rest, more success,
      Less troubles and fuss,
      Let the world embrace
      Your dreams will come true!

      I join the wishes
      And from myself I want to say
      So that everything is fine with you,
      I wish you I do not get bored!

      Until we meet again, the evening is over,
      But we will cherish in memory
      The moment is so warm and beautiful
      What a pity that time will pass.

      If you wish, you can add some more cool contests to the script.

      Scenario of the anniversary "How to retire we saw you off"

      Oh, you guests are gentlemen
      Why did you come here?
      Or life is bad at home -
      But the dress is just a miracle.
      And the answer is quite simple,
      Our Vladimir young
      With your friends
      I decided to celebrate the Anniversary.

      Dear Vladimir Konstantinovich, let me congratulate you on behalf of all those present on your anniversary and retirement.

      We wish you on your anniversary
      So that you sit for champagne,
      To dance, sing songs,
      So that this glorious feast
      He brought health, happiness, peace.
      Be happy and healthy
      Don't remember the years
      Let life be harsh at times
      But don't you dare give in to her.

      Wow, I'm looking. Are you moving something? Wait, I'll introduce you to the bylaws of our evening. Our charter states:
      1. That the hero of the day is sitting in front of us.
      2. It is announced that 2000. anniversary of Vladimir Konstantinovich is not canceled
      3. Remember: for a start, everyone did not interfere with a glass.
      4. It is announced that laughter in this house is not canceled.
      5. Gifts brought to the hero of the day are accepted 24 hours a day for another month after this evening and are non-refundable.

      I offer the floor to congratulate colleagues and friends. (friends of the hero of the day perform)

      We congratulate you on a great event,
      Today is your legal anniversary,
      We wish you great health,
      And there are many sincere friends in life.
      Anniversary is a special date
      Where do you summarize,
      What a mistake could be sometime
      What is expensive, probably saved.
      We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
      And we want to wish you happiness.
      Let in your home climate
      There will never be bad weather.
      We do not give to the birthday boy
      No headsets, no rings
      Surely you will take it warmer
      Greetings from friendly hearts.

      And now I would like to say a few gentle words about our hero of the day, but for this you must help me. I need you to list any 12 adjectives. (the presenter inserts these adjectives in the missing places)

      Vladimir Konstantinovich was born in ... 1940. He grew up very ... a child. For many ... years he has not changed at all, which speaks of the constancy of his ... character. In ... 1950. I was admitted to the ranks of ... the pioneer organization named after VI Lenin. He received education and specialty in ... 1963. In the same year he joined the ranks of our ... friendly team and since then has not parted with us. He made ... a contribution to ... the affairs of the country. Vladimir Konstantinovich possesses ... appearance and ... capacity for work, which earned him the love of the collective.

      We wish the hero of the day
      We are health and happiness
      What more could you wish for
      If we drink today
      Health will not weaken
      Tomorrow we can continue again.

      And now, on behalf of the Department of Education of Russia, I have been entrusted to present a diploma to Vladimir Konstantinovich that he is indeed a pensioner.

      This diploma was issued to Vladimir Konstantinovich in that, during his 60 years of life, he completed a course of study on the topic "Know and be able to" and discovered the following knowledge:

      Literature (Conversation with an angry wife) - 4
      Mathematics (Recalculating the wife's salary in your favor) - 4
      Geography (Where it doesn’t bring, but everything will come home) - 5
      Music (Playing on the nerves) - 3 Chemistry (Moonshine) - 4
      Diligence (On the right side) - 5
      Diligence (On the left side) - 4

      Based on the foregoing, to recognize Comrade ... fit for the further course of life.

      Coursework: "If you want to live, be able to spin" - protected by 5.

      By the decision of the state examination commission from ... 2006. assign comrade ... the title of "Free young pensioner".

      Leading: But do not be too upset the birthday man is greeted by his friends.
      Congratulations from friends.

      They say that at 60, every birthday person is happy
      Exchange your years for twenty, twenty-five.
      No friends, not at all, who thinks so eccentric.
      At twenty, holes are everywhere
      No wife and no apartment
      At sixty you have a garden
      And, of course, three guys.
      At twenty-five, only in a club
      I had a chance to drink vodka.
      At sixty you are all in smoke
      You can drink vodka.
      At twenty-five - the little bit is empty,
      At twenty-five - sheer hell
      At sixty - a savings account in rubles,
      At sixty, there is cronyism everywhere.
      At twenty you plow at work
      Like a horse or an ox
      At sixty you will tell your colleagues
      You work hard, I went.
      No friends, he is very happy
      That I'm exactly sixty.
      Every year he grows smarter
      Years fly by like birds
      He will not regret in a hundred,
      That he is now sixty.

      Leading: I would like to give advice to a newly-made pensioner.

      Keep your family as strict as possible
      Come, go and get out
      One look of yours, just one word
      And for them it is already the law.
      And on holidays of the country
      In the morning - read the moral to them,
      For dinner, read the severity,
      And in the evening sit down for tea.

      So let's lift our spell
      Each took his wine,
      And for the friendship of his family.
      May life be rich in joys.
      And happiness will not leave your doorstep.
      We wish you as little trouble as possible,
      But they still cannot be avoided,
      So let there be strength to win.

      So, today these forces are our guests. Yes, yes, do not be surprised, this is not a fairy tale. So, our guests are internal forces, i.e. Ministry of the Interior. (one of the invitees puts on a police uniform. road signs are drawn up in advance)

      Policeman: On behalf of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and the Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Yekaterinburg, I present gifts. Since the constant movement in the apartment can be forgotten and lost, we decided to help with this.

      Signs with a TV, glasses, a fork, a pipe, a bottle with a glass and a light bulb:
      "Do not forget to turn off the TV" - the sign is attached to the TV screen
      "Be careful, wipe your glasses" - the sign is attached to the bathroom
      "Caution, sharp objects" - the sign can be hung in the kitchen and in the room where the thread is located
      "Caution, children may appear here" - the sign is attached to the sofa
      "Caution, do not overdo it" - the sign is attached in the kitchen
      "Caution, gas and electrical appliances" - the sign is attached over gas and electrical appliances
      Be careful in your movements and God forbid you attach or mix up the signs incorrectly. All the best.

      May this day be solemn and holy.
      Today it happened - you are sixty!
      But do not be sad, do not consider that the limit,
      There are still many things ahead of you.
      From a pure heart, we wish you
      So that everything that you have in mind comes true in fate.
      Go through life as before boldly,
      To celebrate more than one anniversary.
      We wish you in the future
      Never, never give up
      And health for many years
      We want to wish it from the bottom of our hearts.

      We gave you gifts
      But it's not a secret for anyone
      That a heart-felt gift is better than a song.

      (The lyrics of the song are printed and reproduced in advance. To distribute to guests)

      Song to the melody "U Spyasla"

      1. So autumn has flown by
      Vova gathered all the guests,
      Let's sit at a feast, as it were
      Let's talk about the anniversary.

      2. And what is true is true,
      The anniversary is not easy here,
      Well this should be so measured
      Shake your head.

      3. And yours has survived,
      Surprise takes
      I really should have fallen in love
      It's a pity Lyudmila does not give.

      4. The hero of the day still needs something,
      And it works like an ox,
      How will he go to dig potatoes,
      Nobody will keep up.

      5. Oh really, it's true,
      This master is anywhere,
      And besides, we need to tell
      What's crazy about grandchildren.

      6. We will not praise my wife,
      The lady is not great.
      Let's look at the hero of the day
      You are nowhere without him.

      7. Yes, what a concern to her,
      but he lives ready-made,
      In the morning he will get up and shake himself off,
      Have a snack and leave.

      8. Oh, girlfriend, do not swear,
      Oh, girlfriend, don't be sad
      Although ay, these are women,
      Without men, nowhere.

      9. This is our share,
      You don't need to be angry
      We wish the hero of the day
      Live another 100 years in harmony.

      Leading: And now we offer you a lottery.

      Comic lottery

      1. To cook borscht wonderfully you need cabbage for seasoning. (cabbage)
      2. Acetylsalicylic acid will also warm you without cognac. (aspirin)
      3. Do not try to get angry at everyone and a nail in the household will come in handy. (nail)

      4. You thought that there is no happiness,
      Oh, what a weirdo you are
      Buy yourself some candy
      For the won nickle. (penny)

      5. When you go for a walk,
      And so that your pants do not sleep,
      You must have with you
      Steel pin. (pin)

      6. After the glass, have a snack
      This is a very important matter.
      Here's a sleeve for you
      Oily napkin. (napkin)

      7. Kofer 2x3. (handkerchief)
      8. Here's a flower for you,
      We ask you to save
      He will help you
      To entice Luovnik (tsu). (flower)

      9. To throw off ten years ago
      You don't need to think long,
      Excellent will give advice
      This lovely lipstick. (beet)

      10. We have provided you with hooks
      Well, sew the skirts yourself. (hooks)
      11. Fry, cook, boil,
      Just don't salt too much. (pack of salt)
      12. That to send greetings to friends is also useful a carpet. (envelope)
      13. Pour 100, pour 200, you can't do it alone, let's do it together. (vodka)

      14. You are the best guest today.
      This nail is a gift to you. (nail)
      15. Don't be angry with us buddy
      Here are some matches (matches)
      16. If you don’t wash your heels, you will cover them with a follower. (follower)
      17. You will save up a thousand on time if you have a wallet. (purse)

      18. Here's a badge
      Pin it instead of a roshka. (icon)
      19. For a good friend, there is a head of garlic. (garlic)
      20. How to tie a ribbon with a bow
      You will immediately become the first dandy. (thread)
      21. If you want to cry, rub your eyes with an onion. (onion)

      Host: I invite all guests to take part in games and attractions.

      1. "To the touch"... 8-10 small objects are folded into a dark bag and material: scissors, a bottle cork, a fountain pen, a button, a spoon, threads, a thimble, a knife from a meat grinder, etc. It is necessary to guess by touch what lies there. The fabric should not be too coarse or too thin.

      2. “Couples in reverse”. Two or three pairs are tied back to back (legs and arms free). These couples must dance the waltz, tango, lady and run 10 meters back and forth like Siamese twins.

      3. "Whose ball is bigger." The competition is simple: the participants receive a balloon and, on command, begin to inflate. Whose balloon bursts, he is eliminated. The winner is the one with the largest ball in terms of volume.

      4. "Match-spear"... Draw a line on the floor with chalk and, without crossing it, throw an ordinary match at a distance like a spear. The winner can be determined by three throws.

      5. "Dancers". Conduct a dance competition with objects to the melodies of "Yablochko", "Kazachok", "Kalinka", etc. Let the participants dance: a. with yalok (ball, ball), b. with chairs and stools, c. with a glass of wine, etc.

      Leading: And now I propose to compete for intellectuals. Unravel the anagrams and logarithms:

      1. Breathing lightly in my shadow
      You often praise me in the summer,
      But rearrange my letters
      And you will dump the whole forest with me. (linden saw)
      2. I lie on the ground nailed to an iron,
      But put the letters in the pot, I'll go. (sleeper noodles)
      3. I and days rush along the wire.
      And from the end they will read me, I am a tiger from my relatives. (tok-cat)
      4. Geography with me
      Children study at school
      Give a different order of letters
      And you will find me in the buffet. (atlas salad)
      5. A well-known dish, when you add "m"
      I will fly, buzz, annoying everyone. (ear, fly)

      Leading: Dear guests! We had a lot of fun. Our evening is drawing to a close. I propose to sing a song for the hero of the day.

      The evening ends with songs and dances.

      Hall decoration posters:
      1. "Bureau for issuing young pensioners" works from 8:00 to 20:00 seven days a week, a break from 14:00 to 15:00
      2. With a young pensioner and paradise in a hut.
      3. Pension is a dove of peace.
      4. Don't make smart faces, you will retire too.
      5. A husband is a husband, but he is not needed without a pension.

      Scenario of the anniversary of seeing off a woman's retirement

    • for the hero of the day
    • for the hero of the day - in chorus
    • for the hero of the day - initiation into the woman's pensioners comic
    • Contests for retirees will be interesting
      Leading: Dear friends! Attention! Sensation! Children from kindergarten have just arrived for our holiday.

      (The role of "children" can be played by relatives or colleagues of the hero of the day. It is advisable to take men for the role of girls - to tie bows, wear sundresses or pantaloons, soft toys in hands)

      They arrived with a congratulatory program. We ask all guests to greet the little ones with a friendly and affectionate attitude. So, welcome!
      (The "children" enter the hall, holding hands, embarrassed, with toys in their hands.)

      Option 1 for a male hero of the day:

      Cheerful holiday today,
      To everyone's surprise.
      To grandfather Vanya Ivanov
      Let's celebrate a birthday.

      And not just a birthday -
      And today is the anniversary.
      To hear congratulations -
      Join the circle soon.

      Congratulations on your anniversary
      And we wish, dear grandfather,
      Good health to you
      And attention for a hundred years.

      We want to wish grandpa
      To be afraid of boredom
      So that physical work
      Hands were engaged.

      When you retire,
      Then do not be confused -
      Buy rabbits and nutria
      Deal with them.

      You, grandfather Vanya, do not be sick,
      Forget where the pharmacy is.
      Take a hundred grams on your chest -
      You will live for two centuries.

      How will you receive a pension
      Then do not be proud
      Remember the commandment of Christ -
      Share with your neighbor.

      All guests are dear here
      They have fun, drink vodka.
      Maybe for congratulations
      Will they give you ice cream?

      For such ditties
      Do not be stingy, dear grandfather,
      Buy us from the first pension
      One hundred gum and candy.

      Option 2 for a hero of the day:

      Three of us with my girlfriends
      We compose and sing.
      Young pensioner
      Here's some advice.

      How will you retire
      Look - not nonsense.
      Buy perfume and creams, -
      Look in the mirror more often.

      You, Lyubasha, do not be ill,
      Don't go to the pharmacy
      You better run often
      To the club to the disco.

      How to retire
      So don't be confused -
      Find yourself a grandpa
      Have fun with him.

      Dress up, dress up
      Don't part with your iron.
      With the first pension, Lyubasha,
      Run straight to us.

      Let's sit, sing, cry,
      Let's burn over fate
      After all, we cannot do otherwise
      This life was given a fight.

      After all, we have a holiday today -
      Birthday, anniversary,
      And now come on, Lyubasha,
      Pour a glass for us.

      We sang as best we could
      We danced as best we could
      If everything was possible -
      We would go to retirement!

      Option 3 for a man in chorus:

      We are funny guys.
      Of course, everyone is glad to us.
      Happy birthday to grandfather Vanya
      Congratulations to the kindergarten.

      Grandpa Vanya! You accept
      My congratulations.
      I wish you happiness
      For all future days.

      You have worked wonderfully
      You have earned the honor
      And now retired
      Another life will flow.

      Buy a Mamba for your entire pension
      Mars and chocolate.
      To have such a grandfather
      Every granddaughter will be happy.

      Be healthy, be strong, grandfather,
      Dispel all the boredom
      To wait from the granddaughters
      Little great-grandchildren.

      So that they love you
      They wore on their hands
      And from your pension
      They didn’t ask for money.

      Days and years will fly by.
      It will be seventy-five years old.
      Let's get together again
      Celebrate your anniversary.

      In chorus:
      Here's a keepsake from us -
      We give a blue ball.
      Don't get old and be cheerful
      And keep your tail with a pipe!

      Scenario of seeing a woman off to retirement

      Seeing off to retirement is organized in a festively decorated hall. The guests are sitting at the laid tables, the hostess of the holiday is at the head of the table or in the center, next to her is her husband or “the main man in her life”. Nearby, you can set up a serving table, on which it will be convenient to put gifts, certificates, awards, postcards.

      Script for a woman's retirement evening

      The presenter is provided with information about the kindergarten, school, college, technical school, institute where the hero of the day studied, a list of enterprises and positions where she worked, in chronological order. Props:

      • Comic diploma for a unique contribution to the "life" of the team (regularly watered ficus in the office, baked unsurpassed cookies for tea, etc.).
      • Comic "Certificate of quality" of the hero of the day.
      • "Gold" medals (made of foil or a round chocolate bar in a golden wrapper) for winning competitions.
      • Postcards and pens.
      • Champagne is on the drinks list.

        Leading Each person from the moment of his birth is born many more times:

        • a schoolboy is born at the age of seven on September 1; then the days of appearance came:
        • october;
        • pioneer;
        • Komsomol member;
        • applicant;
      • student;
      • trainee;
      • groom or bride;
        • young mothers and fathers;
        • a certified theoretical specialist;
        • young specialist-practitioner;
        • an experienced worker;
        • Grandmothers and grandfathers;
        • pensioner.
        • There are always close people next to everyone who help to move to a new stage and, as it were, pass it on to the future period of life. Our "Maria Ivanovna" has compiled a much larger list that we need to consider and approve today at this glorious meeting. Like every serious meeting, I propose to hold ours according to the rules I have read out, not to miss a single stage known to us, to announce all the circumstances loudly, raising the filled glasses. To confirm the veracity of the speakers' words, I propose to approve a commission transferring your faithful colleague, and a commission accepting your beloved wife, mother, grandmother into an already full and unconditional family membership. I propose to appoint “Ivan Ivanovich” as the head of the admission committee - a faithful companion of the hostess for N___ (years of marriage) years. Since today we are sending Maria Ivanovna into a new life, we will take as a model the beginning of the journey the sending of a new ship on its maiden voyage and we will open our holiday with champagne. I propose to announce the beginning of the meeting with a festive fireworks of the opening champagne and fill the glasses.

          The boss says in his own words. Leading To make it easier for the members of our “admissions committee” to assess what kind of treasure they are taking, and to the chairman of the “transferring committee” to prepare for the presentation, we will give the floor to a faithful school friend, let her tell about a cheerful, intelligent girl who came to school #_ (number of years) ago ...

          School years - a considerable period, Satchels, pigtails, a fun lesson, Less often - an exam, an assessment, a diary, Years have passed - the call is not forgotten.

          School friend speaks in her own words. Leading Now everyone can see how our Maria Ivanovna looked approximately in those years. The granddaughter (name), who is surprisingly similar to her, but lives surrounded by modern iPods and iPads, will share her school experience.

          Lessons to make everything more boring in notebooks, Textbooks are too lazy to carry with you, There is Internet in your smartphone to instantly Find answers on the most difficult day.

          Leading But our Maria Ivanovna was not only busy with homework, she learned to sew (knit, embroider) in a school circle, and today's wonderful dress (suit) was sewn according to her sketches. In addition, she did not miss discos, and loves to dance.

          Leading School years passed quickly, but student years passed even faster. The choice of profession was not easy, our hero of the occasion has so many interesting hobbies! Now our hostess will tell you how she chose (the name of the educational institution), and friends from her student days will confirm and supplement her words (suddenly something has already been forgotten). Friends are given the floor. Leading The teachers prepared a wonderful young specialist, like Maria Ivanovna came to (the first job). Our hostess doesn’t take on the abilities and strengths, therefore after (the number of years) she received the first advancement (qualification or position - what is the entry in the work book). The excursion in those years will be conducted by an old friend and colleague (full name) for many years. The word - to the first colleagues and friends at work. Leading Work is an important part of Maria Ivanovna's life, but not the only one, this will now be confirmed by her husband (Ivan Ivanovich). He will tell how he lived in those years with his young wife, young specialist and the young mother of their first child. Husband says in his own words. Leading All the difficulties of youth are fondly remembered when you see the joyful expression on the faces of friends and colleagues gathered in this hall, and the happy smiles of relatives - husband, children, grandchildren. Therefore, we can move on to the present day and continue the work of our "receiving and transmitting commissions." To announce the full description of our hostess and to present her with a certificate of honor, the floor is given to the most experienced connoisseur of the hero of the day - the leader of Maria Ivanovna with (the number of years of joint work) -years of experience Petr Petrovich. The leader speaks in his own words. Leading The friendly team does not want to lag behind its leader either. To draw up a collective image of our Maria Ivanovna, the floor is given to the representative of the trade union committee. The representative of the trade union speaks in his own words.

          Presenting the hero of the occasion with a certificate

          Leading To confirm all of the above orally, the management of the company (name of the company) provides a corresponding certificate of quality. For the announcement and transfer of the document to the receiving party, the floor is given to a colleague, a representative of the consumer protection bureau (full name). Quality certificate issued to Maria Ivanovna, confirming the possession of:


Seeing off pensioners and head teachers. Meeting new employees

Preparation for the holiday

The hall is decorated with flowers, balloons, there are large numbers "55" on the wall.

An excerpt from the song "This holiday is a birthday" (from the repertoire of T. Bulanova) is played. Distribute the printed text of the song to all the participants of the event . « Good girls " *** (from the movie "Girls")

Event progress

Lead 1:

Attention! Attention! Dear meeting!
I have the honor to make this announcement for you:

Lead 2:

Lead 1:

We called school colleagues and close friends,
So that you, postponing all your worries "for later"
We were able, for once, to gather in the big hall!

Lead 2:

And we do not need to hide the age of the heroes of the day:
They are only a little over twenty-five today.

Lead 1:

Dear friends! Today the family of veterans-pensioners of pedagogical work has increased by 4 people. We ask the newly-made members of a large family to come up on stage.

Lead 1:

We meet with applause:

Shaibekova Gulsinya Mukhametnasykhovna,

Erofeeva Antonina Nikitichna,

Sergina Valentina Dmitrievna,

*** 1. Big change *** (release of anniversaries)


Years fly by. That also happens -

Suddenly the anniversary will sneak up

Life grades us

And our dates are getting rounder.

Lead 2:

Good luck, happiness and kindness,
We wish you health,
And let's say loudly to the heroes of the day
All in unison - CONGRATULATIONS! (Congratulations! - 3 times)

Lead 1:
This anniversary is not just another date. From now on, a new life begins for you! We will not call this a wire to retirement. Rather, it is a meeting of a new stage in fate.

Lead 2: I have the floor MO of geographers and historians:

For our team, the departure of such wonderful, responsive teachers as ... is a real stress! But let's pretend they are not going on a well-deserved vacation, but on a long vacation! And if this is a vacation, then you need to provide vacationers with everything they need! Embrace these vacation essentials.

You did not work half-heartedly,

And deserved the best rest!

For rest you need girlfriends -

Comfortable and soft pillows! (give a pillow)

And I also need a notebook,

Memoirs to write in it! (give a notebook)

I need a ladies' glossy magazine

So that both the old man and the boy fall in love! (give a fashion magazine)

Who puts on makeup

He acts wisely!

To be irresistible

You need powder! (give powder)

But the gloves are fashionable into the bargain,

To effectively process the cottage! (give country gloves)

Lead 1:

Your new tasks -
Tours, beaches, hitchhiking,
Growing beds in the country,
Onions, parsley and dill!

Lead 2:

Villa, village house or cottage -
Here you will be immediately given the opportunity
Save shape and health
Fresh air, labor in the garden,
Cow's vegetables and milk!

Lead 1: The floor is given * MO of primary classes:

*** 2. Morning in the village ***

(vegetables come out with a sign of harvest 2016, sit on the garden,

It turns out the Scarecrow garden, stood in the garden, waved his hands)

Scarecrow: Shoot! Shoot!

There are many things to do in the garden.
I work without rest
I am proud of the results.
Didn't have time to look around:
Pepper and tomato are blooming
All my worries are waiting.
Water, pinch,
Give top dressing in time.
I don't notice the time -
The days are running, I just have time.
I have a summer season
He will provide you with food.
Just don't be lazy - work hard!
Grow the harvest - then be proud!

(suitable for the heroes of the day)

Will you take for your allowance?

You will heal best of all!

As I wave my hands,

I’ll scare away all the thieves!

And here the harvest is ripe: (vegetables take turns coming up to the heroes of the day)

I will give you carrot: Peace to your home, advice and love.

And here a tomato red: To keep the sky clear.
And this is forks cabbage: So that the house is not empty.
Onion and garlic: So that health is for the future.
And this cucumber in addition: So that there is always good luck.

Come on vegetables, get into the basket! (vegetables run away)

*** 3. Green longing ***

Tosca Green: Vegetable garden ... Fi! Longing is green in summer, yellow in autumn, white in winter.

Lead 1: Who are you?

Tosca Green: Melancholy Green I. Can't you see what? Longing is a name. Green is the last name.

Lead 2: We have an anniversary here. You have come to the wrong place. We do not need either longing or

Tosca Green: It was I who looked at you well. And I have gifts with me.

(pulls out a fly agaric) This is a devil present - from the blues and all kinds of ailments.

Will you be an intellectual, he will be cleansed of all toxins!

(takes out a toad) The water one sent, take it! These are cute, miracle - a toad!

You rub it more often, there will be a lot of bucks!

(takes out a jar) Well, this is a valuable gift! This is so for you, for your reference!

You will be nimble, like a hussar, The leeches will do it!

NS! Where are the leeches? Well, nothing can be left!

I'll go catch new leeches.

Lead 1: You have worked hard and long. You have earned honor, respect and the right to rest.

There are many people on this day
I have gathered for your holiday.
We accompany you to rest,
It just so happened in life.
And so as not to succumb to sadness,
We repeat again and again:
Rest is our happiness!
Everyone is ready to rest.

Ostap Bender: Recreation? What do you know about rest? I would like to go to Rio de Janeiro.

Host 2: Who are you???

Ostap Bender: Allow me to introduce myself, son of a Turkish citizen and great schemer Ostap Bender.

Lead1: Why do you want to go so far? Do you have relatives in Rio de Janeiro?

Ostap Bender: What, do I really look like a person who can have relatives?

Lead 1: No, but to me….

Ostap Bender: Rio de Janeiro is the crystal dream of my childhood.

(pulls out a piece of newspaper) ... by the vast bay of the Atlantic Ocean ... "" The main streets of the city in terms of the wealth of shops and splendor of buildings are not inferior to the first cities in the world. " Mulattoes, bay, coffee export. One and a half million people, and all of them in white pants. And also the Summer Olympic Games. You need to read the newspapers.

*** 4. Rio. Bender ***

(dancing, waltzing with the heroes of the day)

Ostap Bender: Sultry women are the poet's dreams. Provincial immediacy. There are no such subtropics in the center for a long time, but on the periphery, in the field, they are still found.

(bowed and left)

Lead 2: Great idea! We are going to rest in Rio de Janeiro! Please take your seats on the white liner. (depict a steamer - the bow of the ship, lifebuoy)

And the floor is given to the captain of our ship Azat Takhirovich.

(congratulations from the director)

*** 5. The noise of the sea ***

Tosca Green: What is it that rocks? Now I will be not only by the name Green, but also by color.

Lead 2:

Big ship - big voyage!
Human life is like a passionate ocean,
Raging, rushing, beckoning ...
There is a storm with us and calm,
Either descent on the crest of happiness, then ascent ...

Tosca Green: Where are we sailing?

Lead 1: In Rio de Janeiro.

Tosca Green: By the way, my aunt is just from Brazil, where many, many wild monkeys live in the forests, and they can jump ... Although, distant relatives live in the sea too. Little Mermaids! Little Mermaids! Hey!

* Ministry of Foreign Languages:

*** 6. On the blue sea *** - (mermaid dance)

Lead 1: Have sailed! Rio!

The Olympic motto sounds beautiful: Faster! Above! Stronger!

And the anniversary is a worthy occasion
To tell about the merits.
Uniqueness, genius,
Finally, yours is recognized.
Participants of our Olympiad Shaibekova Gulsina Mukhametnasykhovna,

Erofeeva Antonina Nikitichna,

Sergina Valentina Dmitrievna,

Shaikhutdinova Galiya Gaptrazievna,

go to the home stretch.

Lead 2

(to put the heroes of the day in the hall)

“I ask, under loud applause of our Komsomol members, athletes and just beauties, to go to places of honor in the hall. And you, dear congregation, hear about their achievements. "

*** 7. Background ***

Lead 1:

Shaibekova Gulsinya Mukhametnasykhovna was born ... Since 1992 she has been working as a teacher of the Russian language and literature at the secondary school № 45.

Her teaching experience is 33 years. Her initiative, professional literacy, the ability to be creative in solving any problems, distinguished her from other teachers.

She taught children to love life and people, to feel responsibility to society. A characteristic feature of this person is a deep knowledge of the mental world of children, the ability to find an approach to each of them.

Each director during his reign awarded Gulsina Mukhametnasykhovna with a diploma from the administration.

She was awarded a diploma of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan "For a significant contribution to the education and upbringing of children and many years of conscientious work", a diploma of the Education Department "For conscientious fruitful work, professional success and skill", certificates of MBOU secondary school No. 45, by the way, the only student. who passed the exam for 100 points - this is a student of Gulsina Mukhametnasykhovna Shafigullina Aigul

Take a look, friends, at the two anniversary numbers 5 and 5. These are two "A's" for excellent work, labor success, initiative and love for their work!


Lead 2: * congratulation MO of Russian language and literature

*** 7. Background ***

Lead 1:

born ... - a teacher of the Tatar language and Tatar literature in secondary school № 45

__________________________________________________________________________Shaikhutdinova Gallia Gaptrazievna _- A teacher who is highly respected by school graduates and teachers. Calm, tactful, benevolent. The most important quality, honesty and decency. 22 years of teaching experience. Awarded with diplomas: Department of Education and Certificates of Merit MBOU Secondary School No. 45

Shaikhutdinova Gallia Gaptrazievna we know that even on an endless vacation you will not sit idle for a minute, because you are full of energy, strength and optimism.

* congratulation MO Tat.Language and Literature

*** 7. Background ***

Lead 2:

The teacher, which will be discussed now, chose for himself road 43 years ago and never doubted the correctness of his choice. By her personal example, she kindled the minds and hearts of not only children, but also adults. “Strict, very strict, but fair,” colleagues and students say about her.
Austerity and exactingness are combined in her with kindness and responsiveness. The great German scientist, "king of mathematics" K.F. Gauss said: "Mathematics is the queen of sciences, arithmetic is the queen of mathematics," and the students believe that Valentina Dmitrievna is the queen of both of them. She has been teaching mathematics to her students for 43 years. Teaching children, develops their attention, trains the brain, will, fosters perseverance and perseverance in achieving goals. She does not get tired of repeating that if students want to successfully participate in a big life, then they must fill their heads with mathematics, which will then provide them with great help in all life situations.

Sergina Valentina Dmitrievna has the title of "Excellence in Public Education". Awarded with certificates of honor of the Department of Education, certificates of honor of MBOU SOSH №45

* congratulation MO mathematics

*** 7. Background ***

Lead 1: On this day, I would like to say warm words about one more person - oh Erofeeva Antonina Nikitichna, Teaching experience 43 years, experience as a technology teacher 25 years. She is a universal teacher, she is a true master of her craft, she is fluent in all types of needlework, draws, perfectly cooks, sews and successfully shares her knowledge with students.
Sensitive, sincere, intelligent, attentive, she will listen to everyone, will not offend anyone, she is patient and friendly with everyone. An initiative, simple, caring and demanding teacher.

Awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the Department of Education, certificates of honor of MBOU Secondary School No. 45, is the winner of the competition "The Best Teacher of the Year"


Lead 2: * congratulation MO Phys., Music, Technology


*** 7. Background ***

"Constellation of wise talents", the winners of our Olympiad are presented, awards handed over. And this applause is in your honor.


*** 8. Children's performance ***

Lead 1:

After working at school for many years,
Having given her so much health, strength,
You have left a kind, bright trace here!
You are with us, even though you are retired!

Lead 2:

How many lessons did you teach
How many diaries have been checked!
Remained kind and sympathetic
In the memory of my students!

Lead 1:

We also found out what you have achieved.

Have you achieved:

The universal love of the disciples;

Ability to draw up necessary and unnecessary papers - documents;

Ability to stay awake at night preparing for checks and reports;

Ability to always look elegant;

And most importantly - great respect from friends and work colleagues.

Tosca Green: Well, and I want to acquaint young n ... yoners with duties and rights.
1. Get up, wash.
2. Sit down, eat.
3. Receive guests, do not forget friends.
4. Play sports not only this year.
5. Be prepared for defense and labor.

1. When I want - then I get up.
2. As long as I want - until then I lie.
3. And if I want, I will sing it out.
4. I will go where I want.
5. When I want - then I sleep.
6. Whom I want - that I love.

Lead 1: Well, well, Green Tosca. Stop!

Behind the shoulders of these excellent teachers are not just professional and life experience, not just encyclopedic knowledge of pedagogy, but Wisdom with a capital letter.

Lead 2:

You are young at heart and look great! You are an example of professionalism, wisdom and optimism for many of us!

Trade union committee:

For a sensitive attitude towards relatives, relatives and friends, for loyalty, for impeccable and long-term work for the benefit of Russian education, numerous well-wishers decided to award a commemorative jubilee medal:

Shaibekova Gulsina Mukhametnasykhovna,

Erofeev Antonin Nikitichnu,

Sergina Valentina Dmitrievna,

Shaikhutdinova Galiya Gaptrazievna,

and wish you good health, happy and joyful days in life and every prosperity.

*** 9.Rewarding ***

Lead 1:

A new era is beginning in your life! Honestly, we even envy you a little, because you have a lot of free time for creativity, for classes with your grandchildren and just for a real good rest!

Lead 2:

You can travel at any time of the year, discovering more and more new horizons in life. We wish you good health, great personal happiness, good luck, fulfillment of all your dreams and will always be glad to see you within the walls of our dear school home. (Applause)


Lead 1: And now we invite to the stage those who were the forerunners of our school for many years, who were responsible for the educational process and methodological work, who were a support, assistant and example for teachers.

These are our head teachers: Sagitova Damira Kadyrovna

Volokhina Lyudmila Ivanovna

Tuturina Natalia Anatolyevna

*** 10. Big break *** (head teachers leave)

Lead 2:

The head teacher of the school is the main teacher,
Always serious and a little strict
The educational process always checks,
He will never forget about discipline.

Lead 1:

Observe everything, make a schedule,
To cover everyone with a load, fairly, evenly,
To take into account all the standards and even wishes,
So that everything is fine and approximately at school!

Lead 2:

(Director's words)

Lead 2:

May the beginning of September give you good luck
May there be a lot of happiness and joy in addition,
Let you be appreciated, loved, respected,
Let hope, faith and love never leave.

Lead 1:

To say simply that it was pleasant for us to work with you is to say nothing! We felt comfortable and reliable with you!

Lead 2:

You are wonderful colleagues who know their business down to the smallest subtleties! We hope that you will not forget our team and will always find time to drop by at least for a minute.

Lead 1:

We want to say "thank you" to you
For the contribution that you have made,
After all, many cannot afford it.
Your advice helped.
We grew up on them all together
Let's congratulate you with a song!

Lead 2:

Such good girls are our heroes of the day, and our head teachers are about you and for you common song.

*** 11. Good girls *** (from the movie "Girls")

1. Good girls, cherished friends.
Friendly faces, lights of cheerful eyes.
And who you don’t ask: everyone in the area knows you
And for a kind heart they love without hiding! 2 times

2. And early at dawn, and after a difficult shift
Ready to smile, trying to help everyone!
And today we want to admit frankly:
I don't mind working next to you for another hundred years! 2 times

3. Either rising up the hill, then falling steeply,
Your road is running, here is the anniversary again!
We wish you to remember all the best moments
From which the heart becomes brighter! 2 times

4. Go to meet your destiny without looking back!
Let your health grow stronger, the supply does not become scarce!
And whatever the weather, everything will be all right
And may our friendship support you! 2 times


Trade union committee: Many wonderful events took place during the year, not only in our team, but also in the families of our employees: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Let's congratulate all heroes of the occasion with applause.

Trade union committee: Today new forces are pouring into our team. I ask the new teachers of our school to enter the stage:

    Akhunova Albina Raifovna - teacher of the Tatar language and literature

    Boroznova Anastasia Mikhailovna - teacher of Russian language and literature

    Bubekov Igor Dmitrievich - teacher of Russian language and literature

    Ziganshina Luciya Musavirovna - teacher of technology

    Kasimova Maleyka Agasadyk kyzy - English teacher

    Masalim Lilia Shamilevna - teacher of Russian language and literature

    Moskvicheva Gulnaz Talgatovna - teacher of mathematics

    Muratova Gulnaz Fanavisovna - teacher of the Tatar language and literature

    Shaikhutdinova Muslima Gabdelgabbasovna - primary school teacher

Tosca Green: Newbies? And what can they do?

Trade union committee: They will say or show.

Tosca Green: Good. Let's see how smart you are. Here are puzzles about school. Guess. And we give the starting count: 10,… .2, 1.

(new teachers solve puzzles)

Tosca Green: Intelligent. And the teacher must still own the voice and be attentive. Therefore, we will read the teacher's oath 2 lines at a time and expressively!

Oath of teachers - ( new teachers take turns reading).

Tosca Green: Well done! Well done! Already my green melancholy has passed.

Trade union committee: The floor is given to the director of our school Azat Takhirovich.

(Director's words) and notebooks !!!

Trade union committee:

And again in the gilding of poplar,
And the school is like a ship at the pier
Where the teachers are waiting for the students,
To start a new life.

May the lamp of wisdom never fade away,

The eyes always sparkle with warmth.

We wish that every student is your

Said: "And our teacher is golden!"

*** 12. Big Break *** (final melody)

Scenario of the evening of seeing off to a well-deserved rest "My years are my wealth"

The recording contains a song performed by Vakhtang Kikabidze "My years are my wealth". The guests take their places. At the head of the table are the heroes of the day. The presenter begins the celebration.


Life is inimitable, unique and unique. That is why it is beautiful, that is why it is precious. There is nothing more wonderful than this gift, and it was given to a person not just like that, for entertainment, but as a creator, as a creator, so that he would not spare his efforts, not wasting time in vain, to create his own, new and unprecedented ...

You involuntarily agree with this when you look at a person from communication with whom you experience a feeling of joy, a person whose life is creativity, creation, the search for something new and unprecedented. The simplicity of this person has an open smile full of inner light. I attribute all these words to the "culprits" of today's celebration -

    Polomoshnova Valentina Ivanovna

    Arapova Valentina Kapitonovna

    Yusubalieva Kumbat Kubaidullaevna

    Ivina Valentina Nikolaevna

    Andriyasova Lyanore Barisovna

    Nikitina Natalya Ivanovna

    Brattsevoy Lyubov Fedorovna

    Murunova Khalisa Kashafovna

    Tulegenova Nazym Orazbergenovna

    Kanatova Rosa Zheksenovna

    Dina Seilikhanovna Dosmukhambetova

    Kabdushova Svetlana Masutovna

    Osipova Lyubov Ivanovna

    Amanchaeva Raisa Karakulovna

    Hajiyeva Rose

    Ramzanova Guryat

    Esmetova Akmaktash

Before starting the celebration, we will listen to the Order and accept solemn obligations.


for celebration

"___" _________ 200 __

1. Surround candidates for retirement with warmth, care and attention.

2. Saying congratulations, wishes with a mouth full of food is prohibited, otherwise you will be misunderstood.

3. Apply all your enthusiasm, energy, good mood to focus on the fact that today's celebration will be remembered by the candidates for a lifetime, as a symbol of our kind, friendly disposition towards them.

4. Prevent people with gloomy faces at the celebration;

so that the main principle of the celebration becomes the words: "FACE WITHOUT SMILE IS A MISTAKE!

5. To praise the candidates, to heal and the celebration scheduled for "___" ______ 200 __.


Leading: Ladies and Gentlemen! Today we are seeing off the members of our friendly team on a well-deserved rest. Now a new life begins for them, without hustle and bustle, there is time for themselves and their family. But let's remember how it all began.

From the team, 3 people are selected who need to show the voiced situations without words:

    Valentina Ivanovna saw her class for the first time.

    Valentina Kapitonovna tells the students material at the blackboard.

    Katerina Kubashevna scolds Misetov from 11-B for absenteeism.

    Valentina Nikolaevna is returning home after a hard day.

    Lyanora Borisovna is going on vacation.

    Natalya Ivanovna is returning from vacation.

    Lyubov Fedorovna after the holiday of the first bell

Leading: Now let's see how you deserve the title of a pensioner?

Scene "Goddess of Pensions" Characters: God of Work, God of Vacation, Goddess of Salary, Goddess of Pension.
Props: costumes for the gods are made from ordinary sheets, wreaths on the head - from artificial twigs or from paper.

There is an old legend about how candidates for pensioners are accepted: a whole council is convened on the divine Olympus - to accept or not to accept? And everything happens like this ... (The Gods enter the hall.)

Goddess of Work (addresses other gods): I, the Goddess of Work - Labor - gathered all of you on the professional Olympus and solemnly declare: we have new candidates for retirement!Gods: Oh, how great! How glorious!
Goddess of Work: Yes, that means we have work again! Now we will thoroughly check these candidates. I'll start first!

(Labor approaches the colleagues of the hero of the occasion and asks them questions)

Did she work well, did she help others out, did she quarrel with her superiors, etc.
Goddess of Work: Well, candidates, you are in luck: you answered all the questions with dignity. But this is not enough. Come on, Goddess of Vacation, now make your own check!Goddess of Vacation: I am the Goddess of Vacation - Gulyaibike. Working without rest is like winter without snow. Now I will check if you have learned how to rest properly!
1. Choose the right option - Canary Islands, Maldives, Hawaii or a summer house?

2. Question two: diving, surfing, snorkeling or fishing?

3. Question three: Martini, Hennessy, Jack Daniels or vodka?
Goddess of Vacation (sums up): dreaming is not harmful, but you need to rest within your means!Goddess of Work: Good. And now the word to the Goddess of Salary!Goddess of Salary: I am the Goddess of Salary - Tengehanim. It's time to say goodbye forever, dear candidates. Do you remember how you waited for me every month? How were the days and even minutes counted? And then, after waiting, they called me miserable, pathetic, insignificant! And then they spent everything, to the last ... But I do not hold evil, everything is in the past. Now you will get to know the Goddess of Pension, and do you promise to cherish and respect her? Promise your kids won't take it away from you? Do you promise to buy chocolates for your grandchildren with it?

Retirees answer.Goddess of Work: So, candidates, you have passed all tests with flying colors! We officially accept you into the ranks of full-fledged pensioners and give you Pensions at the disposal of the Goddess!Goddess of Pensions: I am the Goddess of Pension - Pension! From now on I take patronage over you. But first you need to take the oath of a pensioner
In front of my friends and colleagues, I solemnly swear:
-Use it for its purpose: for entertainment, cruises and new outfits.
I swear! I swear! I swear !!!
The gods put on the hero of the occasion a homemade medal "Honorary pensioner".

The song "Pioneer-pensioner"

Soar with bonfires, blue nights!

Every employee retires

Every employee after work.

Get ready for retirement!

We see you off with dignity,

For you, of course, we will be calm;

No, you will not turn sour at home without work,

Cheerfulness, activity is your destiny!

To fish for mushrooms and fish in the forest,

We wish you to be friends with nature,

Solve crosswords together with grandchildren,

In the spring, plant tomatoes in the country!

As you get bored, you will come to visit,

Show a photo, sing a song,

We will envy such a life

Take us with you on retirement

Leading: The last bell sounds for you!
(director rings a bell)

Leading: Until next time, friends! Good luck in your work! And we wish you, pensioners, not to be bored in retirement!


We hand over the document to you.

Deserved - get it.

You will lie on the stove

There is a pie and rolls!

(The cake is handed over.)

If you want food for the mind -

We will give you a hint like this:

Useful in education

Dostoevsky il Balzac.

(A work by Dostoevsky or Balzac is presented.)

If the soul asks for love

The output is flawless:

Serial plots -

Like a balm for the heart.

(A disc with your favorite TV series is handed over.)

If you are drawn to the garden

Or you need to warm up

Take yourself to help

Garden equipment.

(Handing over a watering can, garden shears, etc.)

.Leading: And now the solemn moment comes. From the above, the Council of Pensioners allows you, Rimma Mikhailovna, to join the Party of Pensioners. To do this, you must take an oath.

Oath I, ..., joining the ranks of pensioners in front of my family, friends, children and husband, I solemnly swear: ardently with the fervor of my heart to be true to my word, as the pensioner party teaches. Strictly observe and fulfill the duties of the party. Replenish your family with creatures with the help of your children for the joy of us, in spite of our enemies, in defiance of our neighbors. I swear! I swear! I swear!

Leading: Well, now I want to acquaint the young pensioner with the duties and rights.
Responsibilities: (on the screen)

Get up, wash up. Sit down, eat.
To receive guests,
Don't forget your friends.
Put the mash for distillation.
Play sports this year.
Be ready for love and work.

Do not get sick, do not lose heart,
Eat in moderation and sleep soundly,
Never get old
All men like it.

The rights of a young pensioner: (she reads the hero of the day)

When I want, then I get up.
As long as I want - until then I lie.
And if I want it, I will sing it out.
I will go where I want.
When I want, then I sleep.
Whom I want - that I love.

Leading: And now I want to raise a glass to the birth of a new pensioner, but very, very young, who still has a lot to do!

Ved. Not festively gilded,
And in an everyday worried,
I didn’t know how to sit with folded hands,
In sight of him who has grown old,
Neither wrinkles nor gray hairs were counted,
Modest charm that has not lost,
The glow that kept the eye
Forgiving him all the sorrows,
She has not forgotten her best dreams,
She taught him to constancy, -
Such a simple and proud
He loves more than when he was young!
This is the best wife, she loves you, Rimma Mikhailovna, Your husband is Sergei Ivanovich. And we give him the floor for congratulations.

VED.: Our dear Rimma, we all know you as a wonderful cheerful friend, hospitable hostess, loving wife. Also, you are a wonderful mother of two sons. Today is a special day for them, so I want to give them the floor.

The presenters invite their sons to the center of the hall

MODERATOR: Rimma, do you remember how small your sons were, how they loved to sit in your arms? Let's remember.
The presenters invite the hero of the day to sit on a chair and, to the applause of the guests, put their already grown children on her lap.
HOST: Is it comfortable for you in your mother's arms? Now, you take your mommy in your arms and kiss soon.

A song about mom sounds, sons take mom in their arms, kiss her, carry her to the table, say a toast.

On this glorious day, all relatives
I wish you a lot of happiness here,
not live without joy not a day
And drive away all misfortunes!
In my soul, so that - peace and harmony,
Good health to be
And so that the years go back
And so that the sun always shines!
To hear congratulations
I want to give the floor to my native!

Ved .: Congratulations now
They sounded from dear friends.
On an anniversary like yours,
Should be even more fun!
Our culprit is worthy
Now we will arrange something for you.

Program Guide.

TV, host in it, a group of guests to perform songs.

Ved.: Good afternoon! Our viewer is different
We send you hello on-screen.
To everyone who watches us today
We will tell you without embellishment
News of one hinterland,
Our story is about our compatriot.
From the village of Raid
A message came -
To everyone's surprise.
Reported by:
There is one beauty
And she is the sweetest of all
She is called Rimma,
Her heart is like the sun.
If there is a holiday in the club house,
She's the first bastard
The cheerleader, the actor,
That's a woman! Trust me!
And I used to be a bun,
And dived like a fish
If necessary, and a cop
Will get very nimble.
All the roles are countless,
After all, Rimma has talent!
And slender, but stately!
Acts like a pava
Well, he speaks of speech,
As if the river gurgles.
But she's a coward, here
As the mouse sees - yells!
For the rest:
Wonderful country woman
This citizen!
All animals will confirm
Even a shepherd puppy.
That woman is the highest grade!
He lives in the village of Raid!
And now the vocal-instrumental group "Slender Waist" will tell us about this woman, no, excuse me, the group "Sagging Belly".
It turns out, stepping heavily, stroking their bellies, a group of guests and singing to the tune of the song "New Turn".
We gave ourselves our word
Do not stray from the straight path,
But, to Rimma it drifted ... m..m..m
And cook and fry,
The curtains will starch
Hey, come in soon ... m..m..m

Chorus: Here, a glorious pancake, compote,
Doesn't fit into your mouth
And I'm so rushing
And she carries:
Olivier salad,
Sauce, marmalade.
Ahead, believe me
Goose meat
Have pity on me.

There is a plate of cucumbers
And potatoes with jellied meat.
Here - baked goods are ... m..m..m
And salads - carbonates!
Oh, the belly is growing, guys,
But, I pull everything into my mouth ... m..m..m

Lead: We complete the transmission,
In conclusion, we wish
Live without old age
Work without fatigue
Health - without treatment,
Happiness - without grief.
We wish you earthly blessings
We know: You are worthy of them!

Veda.Now I will ask our hero of the day to go to the middle of the hall.
Look, she’s just a beauty, a real woman.
And if someone doubts this, that she is just a real woman, then I will now prove to you.
1. A real woman simply needs to smell.
Perfume to the exit. (to the man)
Let's create a halo of scent around our beauty ...
2. It would be nice for our hero of the day in this situation to have beautiful beads(to the man)
- Stay a bead - hang elegantly around your neck.
3. The portrait is good. But the gold bracelet is missing.
Gold bracelet on the way out.
4. What else does a real woman need? Handbag
She will hang on your hand
5. And at the end of the portrait! Foreign car!
Stand by your side. Let her lean on you like a boss.

Now look: here is a real woman for you!
There are so many courageous men hovering around her, one does not let go of her hand (watch), the other bewitches her with his charms (perfume), and the rest simply hang on her. Is this not proof that our hero of the day is a real woman.

Lead: Dear guests!
Today is not an easy day for all of us,
Today the doors of the heart have been opened.
So that wishes flow like a river,
For this, wine was poured into a glass.
It's time for us to congratulate
Here, at the table, is a beautiful girl.
Yes, yes, the hero of the great celebration,
We will give congratulations like the Firebird!
Let's fill the glasses to the brim,
And let's say congratulations words
To the most beautiful hero of the day.
And then we'll drink everything to the bottom!

Veda.: And now I invite several people to participate in the game. I will read the text, and you show everything that I read.
- You are walking in the hot desert. You are terribly thirsty. Everything is dry in your throat, you can hardly move your legs. And the sun beats down mercilessly. Suddenly, on the horizon, you see an oasis. With the last bit of strength you go to him. Seeing the stream, you are insanely happy, raise your hands to heaven and kneel down. Leaning on your hands, you tilt your head towards the water.
Everyone gets down on all fours. The presenter salutes the birthday girl and addresses her.
- Dear Rimma, in honor of your anniversary, a platoon of service dogs has been built!

Second toast.

Host: And we continue to congratulate ... (name and patronymic of the hero of the day). As the proverb says, tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are. And as for female friendship in general, a lot of fables have been composed. As if it does not exist at all ... It happens, it still happens! There is not a single woman in the world who does not have friends. So, our hero of the occasion is congratulated by her friends!

to the tune of the song from the movie "Wedding with a dowry" ("I won't praise myself in vain ...")
About you, friend, a song
We made it up in the morning,
You and I are so wonderful
So much light and kindness!
All people will say about you:
And beautiful and smart
Our female disadvantages
Completely deprived!
You friend-friend
Don't waste your time:
Get out the "check" soon
And pour your friends!
Life will seem more beautiful
Let's sing and dance
All men will be ours
Escaped to no one

Veda... Only two digits are five and five.
But how much do they mean
and how things look different.
Only on how to present them ...
Fold them up - there will be only ten
And childhood is seen again ...
It is still impossible to weigh everything in life.
But I want to hug the whole world.
Multiply them - there will be twenty five
Diseases are still unknown.
I am ready to hug my friends
And you want to live and be useful.
Two numbers next to five and five
You know how to weigh and argue
Not many people want to hug.
But you know life
and you can build
and rebuild again.

Dear birthday girl, let today's holiday always remind you that retirement is not a reason to fold your hands. It's time to experiment! You can change your hair color, you can sew a breathtaking dress, grow roses in pots, learn what you never had time for ... The main thing is to be sure: life is just beginning! We wish you such good health that it will be enough for all your experiments and for many, many years of a happy life!

There are several important stages in a woman's life:

girlhood- when you want everything, but your parents won't let you in;

marriage- when you want everything, but your husband won't let you;

parenting- when you feel like it even more, but the children won't let you in; and,

finally , retirement- when everything is possible and no one forbids!

Let's drink to this wonderful age when a woman can finally devote her time to herself!
Leading. As if it were not with us,
Eighteen, twenty, twenty five.
And where did the power come from
What could, like birds, we fly.

Like a dream, eighteen rushed by
Light carefree years.
First love in less than twenty,
And a family with a child at twenty-two.

At twenty-five, life seethed like the sea,
Then suddenly lifted to heaven,
Then she threw us into the abyss of grief,
And sometimes it burst at all the seams.

Time passed and the children grew up,
We are raising our grandchildren now
Our songs are again at the cradle
As before, they sound with tenderness.

The youths say after us: "old women",
They, beardless, simply do not understand:
That we are getting younger, like science,
There will be a hundred, but in the heart - twenty-five

Competition for the best connoisseur of fairy tales

1A fairy tale about a hostel that collapsed from overpopulation. Teremok
2. The tale of the benefits of collective labor in agriculture. Turnip
3. The tale of the insecurity of casual acquaintances. Little Red Riding Hood
4. The tale that you can work in a hostel and get married elsewhere. Snow White
5. A tale with three assassination attempts and one murder ... Gingerbread man
6. The tale that, being an absolute log, you can provide a good old age for parents. Pinocchio
7. A popular militant, in which two, brought up on old traditions, could not achieve the required result, and the little nosy one carried out the plans of those two. Ryaba chicken
8. This tale is a bright advertisement for home insurance against fire. ... cat house
9. Fairytale - a tutorial for father-in-law to check daughters-in-law. Princess Frog
10. A fairy tale in which a fox is in a civil marriage with a cat ... Kotofey Ivanovich
11. A fairy tale with four sentences and only one wedding ... Thumbelina
12. People's detective about the abduction of seven minors ... Wolf and 7 kids
13. A fairy tale in which one pet arranges the owner's personal life. Puss in Boots
14. The tale that it is easier for a man to change his chosen one than his habits. Blue Beard

Ved. Now I suggest you go back a little to childhood. And remember all the good things that happened to us once ... in the USSR (PIONEERS)
(The presenter offers to sing the song “Soar up the blue nights with bonfires.” Three guests come into the hall, disguised as pioneers or schoolchildren. The presenter should distribute the text to them in advance).

Veda... As you know, wine is wisdom, cognac is strong, vodka is fun, beer is strength, and only water is microbes. Therefore, I propose once again to fill the glasses, and how can I not remember the words of the poet:
What else do we need in life
To forget about troubles in a moment?
Pull, pull, unbalance,
Fold over the collar.
Life is like a zebra - all striped.
Celebrate a whim of fate
All the way, into the insole, into the board
And to the position of prostrate.
It's easy to knock us out of the saddle,
And safer than lead
Overturn, crank, drink,
Back to the end!

Leading. Has all its meaning -
And the course of times, and the course of things.
Great anniversary!
Raise our glasses full
So that your finest hour comes,
So that love does not cool down
Hope inspired you.
You look amazing to everyone
A wise clear look is beautiful.
We wish you a beautiful life,
Easy second fifty!
(Guests are drinking).
Leading: Every woman's age is beautiful!
Freshness, youth, wisdom, maturity of years ...
And for those for whom the question is not clear-
I want to give an answer to that question.

Youth, well, it is always beautiful
Who does not look after youth?
A woman in her prime is not in vain
The fiery poet sings.

Wisdom comes in the middle years,
Experience - at least share some advice!
Grandchildren call grandmother, come in,
Second youth! Move

A woman is always beautiful!
Body, deed, thought, soul,
Life is not at all in vain
And she will be forever young

Ved .: And we continue our news program. And in honor of the beautiful woman Rimma, the folklore group "Lapti - give" will perform ditties.

FAIRY TALE (Instant performance)
King, butterfly, bunny, fox, chicken
In a certain kingdom-state, there was a positive optimist king. Once the king walked along a forest path, and not just walked, but jumped. He waved his hands, generally enjoyed life. I was chasing a multi-colored butterfly, but still could not catch it. And the butterfly will show him his tongue. It makes a face. That in general will shout the word indecent. In the end, the butterfly got tired of teasing the king, and she flew away into the thicket of the forest.

And the king laughed and galloped on. Suddenly a little bunny jumped out to meet him. The king was frightened by surprise and stood in the pose of an ostrich, head down, that is. The bunny was surprised at such a royal pose. Trembled with fear. The paws of the bunny shook. And the bunny screamed in an inhuman voice.

And just then the fox was returning from the night shift from the poultry farm. Dragged home a chicken. The fox saw what was happening on the path, and in surprise let go of the chicken. And the chicken turned out to be arrogant. She cackled with delight, gave the fox a slap, so much so that she clutched her head in pain.

And the chicken jumped up to the king and pecked him in a soft place. The king jumped up from surprise and straightened up, and the bunny, from fear of such a thing, jumped on the fox's paws and grabbed her by the ears. The fox then abruptly set a course for the forest thicket.

And the king with the brave chicken still jumped along the path merrily and positively. And then. Holding hands. They rode off in the direction of the royal palace. What do you think will happen next with the chicken? Well, I don’t know that, but I think he’ll pour it for her for sure. As well as all the guests present.

Leading: So this is the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened… .that pours !!!
Musical pause


Requisites, attributes: a box of chocolates, a pack of tea, "girls" clothes: kerchiefs, bows, headbands, etc., short skirts, stockings, slippers with bows.

Guys or men, big, with bellies, are involved in the congratulation.

Having prepared in advance, they enter the hall "girls in three girths"

(The scene involves guys in disguise, men, kerchiefs or bows on the head, pre-sewn tutu skirts, stockings, in the hands of boxes - gifts with a surprise inside)

We are girls in three girths
We have come to you for a holiday
And congratulate the addressee
We couldn't find a better time

Brought greetings with you
And a ringing laugh of smiles
And in a box of candy
So that there was success

We also wish
Never miss you
And invite us more often
Oh! For strong delicious tea

Also follow the instructions.
Never be discouraged
And in a good mood
you always meet guests
(Balls are given)

In this OH! cozy house
We sang nonsense
Pour glasses quickly
Grooms are waiting for us

This competition will be held between two sides of the tables. To the first to sit at the tables, we give one sheet of paper and a pen in their hands. At the command of the leader, they should start making a paper airplane. As soon as someone has made his airplane, he hands it over to the second guest and gives him a pen. The second guest at the table should write one word on the airplane in the form of a wish. For example, happiness, love or health. And then he hands over both the pen and the airplane to the third. The third guest also writes one word wish and passes it on. Etc. The main condition is that you cannot repeat the words that are already written on the airplane! And in the end, whichever side of the table is the first to deliver its airplane with wishes to the hero of the day, she wins

The presenter offers to drink to all the congratulations that were addressed to the hero of the day.
Ved .: Dear guests! We were so carried away by congratulations and forgot that today is not easy anniversary. 55 years for a woman- this is the line, crossing which, she begins to live in a new quality. As a pensioner, in our case, as a working pensioner.
Greyhounds hid, fire burns in their eyes,
Today on a holiday you are among friends.
With all their hearts now they are in a hurry to congratulate you
All guests at the table on your anniversary.
Today, here is your attention, love,
We all hasten to wish you success.
You remember your past youth again,
You all see dreams about your pension!
And on a bright day for us, in a night eclipse,
The path has been paved for you with a bright star,
Let everything be always, only at will -
Longing and sadness will leave the heart.
Today is such a special day for you,
We are all ready to confirm this -
And this choice is yours quite deliberate,
Be a working pensioner!