The first time I cheated at work. Way out. The appearance of the wife of new things and jewelry

Love affair at work. Oh, as we know, this is a phrase from the film, but, unfortunately, it also happens that an office romance happens in our life and among married and married men and women, and this already leads to infidelity at work.


Count how much time you spend at your workplace ... Yes, it turns out that perhaps more than at home. Constant communication with colleagues at work leads to the fact that spark, desire and passion can flash between a man and a woman. Every day this spark will flare up with greater force and, ultimately, it will lead to great sexual passion and the desire to sleep with your colleague. Relationships are made up of relationships, and the more often communication takes place, the more likely it is that people will fall in love or want each other. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with

Even if a man and a woman observe marital fidelity, then sooner or later, if there is even a small flame of desires between them, it can flare up. As a rule, this happens at corporate parties, when the brain is clouded with alcohol and fun.


Cheating at work or not worth it depends only on your preferences, character, and home relationships. If you are not afraid of losing your home and the love of your soul mate, then you have nothing to lose in case of disclosure of your betrayal. If you have been building your home for a long time and persistently, you have a wonderful soul mate, then, as it were, you didn’t want to, but in no case should you change at work, because we can lose everything that we have been building for many years. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with

Cheating at work is especially dangerous in the sense that your colleague, with whom you cheated, can tell about it to others, and then the whole company will talk about you in a bad manner. And this attitude of colleagues completely cuts off the possibility of career growth.


If you do decide to change at work, be careful. Some employers break the law and install hidden cameras in offices and other premises. You don't want the chief to watch your adventure in the morning. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with

It is also worth paying attention to another danger of cheating at work, which is that you can simply contract a sexually transmitted disease. Do not think and do not hope, no matter how you protect yourself, and protection sometimes fails. So, for example, a colleague who cheats at work can be made happy by the fact that she became pregnant and will not have an abortion, because he wants a child from him. Or it may happen that after a while you discover AIDS or another dangerous disease in yourself and your half.

How could she - cheat on me in the workplace with the boss? I always considered my wife a slightly nondescript and unattractive quiet man. And then I found out everything! Read the story.

She, two-legged, you see, did not have enough attention. The estimate, so to speak, is underestimated.

Guys, well, I really tell you, I took a wife so that there was nothing to look at. For life and cuisine.

Hair is always greasy, teeth are not brushed.

How did she manage to cheat on me at work, and even with her own boss?

I saw him several times: he “dropped in” to us to hand over “some” papers. Nice and tidy guy.

And my wife is weak at wipes. A little caress, hug, so she bubbles up, viper.

I caught my wife's betrayal by accident. At lunchtime, I decided to “drop by” at her work in order to hand over “some” papers forgotten on the table to the department.

The door to the Financial Investments office was locked from the inside. The secretary was on vacation.

The door was opened by my wife, all disheveled and frightened beyond recognition.

What are you doing here? ”She asked menacingly, under the harsh chuckle of her boss.

Here, I say, I brought your paperwork, I grunted in response, looking at my wife's heated mug.

And the boss suddenly retired deep into the workplace, now and then straightening his tie and fiddling with a button on his suit.

Here it is - the wife's betrayal at work with the boss - real and long-suffering.

So this stinker also justifies itself, “throws stones” at me.

How could you think that? Have you completely gone crazy in your old age? (I'm actually 37).

What, I say, are you so lather? Got a scolding in any way? Or the boss decided to spank you, the brute? - I said without looking away when we left the building.

Yes, it's true, you are blind, I really cheated on you right at the boss's workplace. What did you want? Money, no, you don’t have enough strength, attention, too, the donut twitched.

What is most interesting, comrades, is that the cheater was offended, pouted her lips, and I was left in the fool.

Therefore, read and re-read my real story about treason, and know that terrible does not mean forever faithful.

Sometimes, beautiful, but lonely, already walking up, is looking for a reliable life partner, madly tired of the fact that the men consider her not free.

The opposite is true.

And a low-grade trash, which, in whatever clothes, will look like a skunk, so greedy for someone else's zinger, that he is cheating on her husband not somewhere in the hut, but, literally, in the workplace, with a handsome boss!

What did he find in her ?!

The answer is only availability. She doesn't even need to give gifts - take care of and spend money.

Draw conclusions, think with your head.

Cheating on a wife is a matter of everyday life. It happens to everyone.

But the very fact that at work is already such intolerance that expecting constancy from rubbish is like hoping for her attractive grooming.

Matvey from the city of brides.

The real story from the guy's life was edited by me- Edwin Vostryakovsky.

The attitude to cheating among representatives of different sexes is different. If men believe that if they are not caught they are not a thief, then it is extremely difficult for women to survive even a casual relationship on the side. Family discord and infidelity are precisely the problems with which women most often turn to psychologists. After betrayal, many wives experience remorse and swear never to agree to adultery again. Husbands usually do not know about the “shameful” episode in their wife’s life, and if they do find out about the spouse’s infidelity, then it’s hard to worry about her betrayal with the boss or colleague. Only sexual intercourse with your best friend is more painful.

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Why married women have relationships at work

While there are many examples of successful family businesses, some companies discourage loving relationships between employees. Office romance cannot be banned with fines or threats, but bosses are extremely wary of romance at work. In the union, quarrels break out every now and then, the whole department is watching the lovers, expecting that the couple will throw out today. Love relationships often disrupt the work environment. The bosses themselves also turn out to be not infallible and sometimes start an affair with their subordinates.

Married ladies most often get in touch for the following reasons:

  • want to move up the career ladder;
  • admire a man who has achieved more in life than a spouse;
  • cannot refuse the boss, fearing dismissal;
  • follow the lead of emotions (most often such betrayals happen at corporate events).

The benefits of an informal setting were known even in ancient Roman times. Communication outside of working hours brings the team together, turning employees into one family. The problem is that at corporate events, employees become not only friendlier, but also more familiar and relaxed. At most events, alcohol is present, the holiday atmosphere is dizzy, smart men and women with a neckline are around, how can you not start flirting after stressful everyday life.

By the end of the evening, everyone is so drunk that they are no longer able to control their impulses. Colleagues openly hug, kiss and even cheat on their spouses. Not every corporate event follows this scenario, but if the wife cheated with a colleague or the director of the company, the husband should know that the rest of the time the woman might not even think about adultery.

How to behave after infidelity

Ideally, the wife would like to keep everything secret, but rumors can reach the spouse, and then exposure cannot be avoided. It is worth understanding that cheating is bad. But the general spirit of celebration and relaxation seems to push you to adventure. A wife convicted of infidelity will not necessarily continue to cheat. Probably, she was guided by emotions, and she will repent of her frivolous act.

It's another matter if the wife's infidelities with the boss or other colleague have become systematic. Many motives can push a woman to such a step. These can be both mercantile goals and banal falling in love. The bosses themselves do not like problems, because they will have to report to their higher management about an office romance, and no one wants to create problems for themselves, since relations with married people are still condemned by society. Most likely, the novel will be secret, so that no one would suspect the boss of patronage, if he nevertheless decides to nominate a favorite.

How to behave to a husband:

  1. 1. Talk to your wife to find out about the reasons for cheating. There are many reasons that pushed a woman into the arms of another man: the monotony of everyday life, a decrease in sexual interest, scandals. The problem could have been brewing for a long time, and the woman took the opportunity and came into contact with the first man who turned up.
  2. 2. To understand that if the betrayal was one-time, it is unlikely that a woman was driven by mercantile interests. To earn the privilege, you will have to sleep with your superiors regularly.
  3. 3. Analyze your behavior. Perhaps the emancipated wife has long become the head of the family and has taken on male roles and responsibilities, so she takes the right to betrayal for granted. The new novel gives a feeling of extreme and joy.
  4. 4. Pay attention to the mother-in-law. If the wife's mother changes fans frequently, the daughter will copy that behavior. Cheating on her husband is becoming the norm, and where else can you get to know another man closely, if not at work?

There is also such a situation: a wife, wanting to help her husband advance in his career, enters into a relationship with the leadership. This usually does not end well for the spouses.

Divorce or not

Before deciding to destroy the family, you should think about whether the man gave everything to his woman, why is it more interesting for his wife to be with colleagues than with a spouse. You will have to seriously talk with your wife's lover, but there is a risk of dismissal if the management becomes aware of the scandalous situation. No one wants personal problems to get in the way.

If the wife has an affair with the boss, such a relationship is often futile, especially if the boss is married. A one-time betrayal at a corporate party will remain an accidental episode. But a woman will need the moral support of her husband, because not everyone can survive this alone.

If the spouse and her colleague are serious, you should step back and let her sort out her feelings on her own.

Loved? I do not think! They both quickly forgot something about their love when their romance was discovered. "A" used her as a psychological trash heap (he constantly whined, said how bad he was that his wife did not understand him. He said that he had not had sex for 3 years. tears). I can't afford it, I have to be strong for everyone, including my wife.
She spoke about feelings for me. The day she was exposed. She said that “A” doesn’t love me, but that “A” loves me, but for the sake of the children she is ready to forget him and stay with me. After my stories, I will note that I initially told her what "A" was and what kind of person he was, she said that she wanted me back. And he believes that everything will still be fine with us.
Now more than a month has passed since the moment of this conversation. But all the same somehow it’s not so.

And yes, I forgot to write about the apology. I do not need them. She tried to ask for forgiveness. But it all looks somehow childish - forgive me, I won't. The naughty children ask me for forgiveness. I need action and dedication. But is it possible to start trusting her as before? I'm not sure.

In a crisis, yes, I agree that both are to blame. But betrayal for me remains only her fault. The fault is that she just took and crossed out 7 years of married life. Betrayed me. I consider her betrayal to be a betrayal. After all, she went to all this consciously.
Personally, I do not believe that a woman who has two children is married (I note that we did not have any quarrels. I do not come home drunk, I don’t stay late from work, I provide for the children and her, sex is regular. Children love me and I love them too. When I came home from work, I rushed to feed the children, she was trying things for tomorrow, by the way, it sometimes annoyed me. I told her about it, but nothing changed) so simply and calmly can lie under someone else's uncle. I won't believe it.
I asked, how did she argue when she went for it? She cannot answer. Says it was a mistake, a disease.
I did it: you knew that I would not forgive this. She answered, yes she knew. She said that she wanted to end this relationship, but he either cried that he would throw himself out of the window, then he threatened her that if she told me, then he and I would be fired from work.
And she continued her relationship with him, during working hours, practically in the next room. Br it's disgusting somehow.

Speaking about you, what would you like about your wife now? What words or what actions? What do you miss from her?

Click to Expand ...

Do not know. I want to understand how? How did it happen? How was she motivated? And why did she do that?

Sex? In her words, he is half impotent.
The senses? They are not and were not.
Attitude towards her? He treated her like. Information pit. He came crying, then he tried to raise his farm and deal with her ...


Change text size: A A

To the attention of the happy owners of a marriage certificate! British scientists have identified a fundamental pattern: women are programmed for adultery. The oldest editorial womanizer Alexander MESHKOV discusses this phenomenon.

Cuckolds! You are a legion!

The married couple tensed, frowned: “You're lying! Mine does not change! I know for sure!" Fuck off guys, this conclusion is based on anthropological research in 62 countries. The British predict the first trip to the left four years after the wedding. But even if you still have a couple of years left, do not flatter yourself. These Brits are obnoxious optimists! Everything will happen sooner! Get ready, friends, for this every day! And it doesn't matter that you are sexually in demand by your wife, that you give her flora, gifts from boutiques and kiss her before leaving for work. “A woman, even in happiness, has a penchant for flirting,” said Max Frisch, a writer I deeply respect. And he will not lie.

Women's infidelity, like the fragility of marriages, is programmed at the DNA level. Although recently this has also been facilitated by the social situation: poverty, drunkenness, stratification of society, bribery, criminalization of society, prostitution and moral degradation (I feel it on my example). There used to be fewer divorces. Now it is an epidemic more abruptly than consumption and smallpox. Marriages break up more often, oddly enough, based on love. A pragmatic approach to marriage is almost guaranteed against breakdown. In such intelligent families, any scandal will be hushed up, just not to lose their stake.

History will judge

Women from corporate ethics will disagree with me and will run into men: "They ruined us themselves!" But let's turn to history. The penchant for polygamy has been inherent in women since prehistoric times. The woman was covered by all the males of the flock. Later, at the dawn of human civilization, there was a spiritual custom: the husband, according to the law of hospitality, was obliged to give up his wife to a tired traveler for the night. After all, the husband covers his wife, read it, every day, gets tired, but for a fresh traveler just right, he slightly abstained on the way. Elena the Beautiful, due to which the armed Trojan conflict unleashed, was just the sweet fruit of such a casual connection. Tsar Tyndarei (her father) hospitably allowed a handsome young foreigner to spend the night with his wife, and she immediately carried it. Elena was born as beautiful as a foreigner, only with breasts. The rest of Tyndareus' children were, if not freaks, then quite ordinary creatures of God. Elena at the age of 12, with the light hand of Theseus, parted with such a dubious virtue as virginity, and gave birth to Iphigenia from him. And then this fiddler successfully jumped out to marry Menelaus and left for Sparta.

If a woman asks ...

Once a girl, with whom I was bound by strong love at that moment, called and asked to visit. She was lonely: she had a falling out with her parents, her friend got married, the seal popped out, she lost the gold chain and also caught a cold. But that evening I was busy up to my throat and politely declined.

I was invited to dinner by a young man, ”she said then. - May I go?

I have never seen anything wrong with eating together. I myself ate more than once in the cafeteria with the girls and even a couple of times with the guys. In the army, we generally ate at the same time with the whole company. I could not even imagine that there was something vicious in dinner. The next day we met as if nothing had happened. I didn't even ask about the last dinner. Forgot. And a month later, I learned that that dinner at the restaurant had smoothly turned into breakfast in bed.

But why? I asked, confused.

I was lonely and in pain, ”she replied.

And the essence of this betrayal is simple: never deny a girl intimacy, because there will be another right there. The holy bosom is never empty. Lazy shepherds always have their wolves full. Everything in this life can be postponed, my friends, except sex and love! Even harvesting spring crops, launching a spaceship, logging, meeting with friends, if they are to the detriment of sex!

When? Why? With whom?

The main reason for female infidelity, of course, is unsatisfied sexuality: libido is over the edge, but a real man is not around. And if there is, then he drinks, such a brute. But often a woman's betrayal occurs due to her late entry into the fabulous and alluring world of sex. Appetite comes with eating. I want to eat my fill.

Our girls can cheat on us because of revenge. You to me - I to you! They will certainly instruct the horns of a workaholic who devotes himself only to work.

A good reason to change is the desire for a dose of andrenaline. Oh, mommy, what will happen? New partner, secret date, new hands, hot kisses. Oh! What if mine finds out? The wife of a natural-born yogi friend of mine loved to seduce his friends in the kitchen while he was meditating. Besides me, the yogi had many more friends. Some came to visit twice a day. Yogis! Be careful with meditations! Watch out for friends!

According to statistics, most of the betrayals take place in the work collective. It is there that office romances are twisted. So, shouldn't you be allowed to work? But an electrician or plumber might come home, as well as a massage therapist, fitness instructor, home doctor, house friend, after all.

A strong-willed female dictator is more likely to get someone on the side than a submissive, wordless slave. Down with the dictatorship! Wives to the nail!

The more we love a woman, the more chances we have of becoming the owner of branched horns. Young girls with still unspent sexual energy are also more likely to give you horns than an old woman exhausted by everyday life. But the most dangerous age is 35 years. The husband is already disgusted, but she is him too, but I want a lot of affection and a little orgasm. At 35, my wife's eye and eye. In addition, educated wives are more likely to cheat than illiterate fools. Down with education!

Having a relaxed unmarried girlfriend can also push your wife to cheating. What are they talking about? About football? About the theater? Dudki! It is common for married girlfriends to share the joy of shameful pleasures. What makes your soul mate unhealthy envy.

In general, there are women who do not cheat? In theory, yes. But only because there is no possibility, an object, a favorable combination of circumstances. Each would like to change, but it's scary.

I can see everything from above, you just know!

Whether your wife is cheating on you or not, you can't tell, guys, by touch. And don't try. I tried - empty! Visually, too, everything seems to be in place. Here you have to become a bit of a psychologist, psychoanalyst and sex therapist. Attention!

A). Your wife, from a fat lady-hostess, has suddenly become a beautiful model, without her usual shopping bag, a new hairstyle, her chest puffs up, a feverish look, a manicure, a pedicure, new panties, a fancy bra, her back is shaking. Everything! Feel your head!

B). He refuses to be close to you: “My head hurts, I’m tired, leave me alone, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, I’m not allowed. You smell bad! " Look for a man!

V). Delays at work. A lot of work. Aha! We know this job! Themselves were delayed!

G). On weekends, he leaves: to a girlfriend, to courses, to fitness, to the library, to the planetarium, to shopping. Yes, we know! We go fishing ourselves!

D). Dear tsatska appeared, brings flowers from work, new perfume, dear ones. This is with her salary! Check the closet, balcony and under the bed immediately!

P. S. (My friend, read it for the night, cut and hang on the wall in a frame!)

Studies carried out in some developed countries have shown that 11% of children were born not from legal fathers. A woman's chances of flying from a casual partner are much higher than from a permanent one.

50% of all female infidelities occur during ovulation and the days immediately after menstruation, when she cannot bear.

Attention! Every 15th child is not only a "stranger", he is also conceived in a situation where the sperm of two men is in the woman's uterus. One of them is a legal husband. And the lover has more chances to win! What a joke!

A frantic, curly, muscular gull lover releases up to 600 million sperm into a new partner, and a hateful bald husband only 150 - 300 million. Inside the womb, these sperm begin to beat like Tatars and Rusichi on the Kulikovo field. The bulk of the sperm are fighters. There are 85% of them. They release venom into vigorous reproducing sperm. There are only 1 percent of them. A lover always has more "killers" than a husband.


In Judea, treacherous women were thrown with stones. In some Asian countries, the death penalty for treason has not yet been abolished. In Africa - Oh! Horror! - cut off the clitoris with a blunt knife. Girls! Watch out for Africans!

And you guys, I advise you, having learned about the betrayal, forgive these weak creatures. You yourself are here and there at times, something, something ... Okay, I'm kidding, of course. To the stables and throw them whips! It is not proper for us to walk with horns.