Drink for pregnant women. Herbal teas during pregnancy. The benefits of beef tongue for pregnant women

For every woman, pregnancy is not only a time of happy expectation, but also of health-related worries. What to do so that there are no complications, how to cope with characteristic ailments, what drugs can be taken during pregnancy? Issues related to medicines worry every woman during pregnancy.

It is no secret that many expectant mothers who want to give birth to a healthy baby have a negative attitude towards any medication, including drugs that are allowed during pregnancy. But this point of view is also considered incorrect, since during the bearing of a child a woman can get sick or, and conditions that interfere with the normal course of pregnancy are not excluded. It is impossible to avoid taking medications in such cases, so I would like to dispel doubts about the harm and benefits of certain medications.

All drugs prescribed during pregnancy are classified into two large groups:

  1. preventive group. It includes vitamins, micro and macro elements. All these drugs are prescribed to the expectant mother with a preventive purpose to prevent the development of complications of pregnancy and the normal development of the fetus.
  2. Medical group. It includes drugs prescribed for various diseases, such as colds and thrush.

Drugs prescribed for prevention

Let's take a closer look at this list.

Folic acid

This substance takes an active part in the process of hematopoiesis, that is, the formation of new blood cells. Deficiency in the body leads to - a condition dangerous during pregnancy.

In addition, folic acid performs the following functions:

  • blocks the formation of malignant cells;
  • restores muscle tissue;
  • takes an active part in the formation of DNA structures, that is, is responsible for genetic information;
  • participates in the laying and subsequent development of the nervous system of the unborn child;
  • participates in the formation of the vascular bed.

During pregnancy, vitamin E prevents mutations at the gene level, promotes healthy cell division of the embryo. Taking the recommended dose of vitamin E at the planning stage of conception and in early pregnancy prevents the formation of pathologies and deformities in the unborn child, contributes to the normal formation and development of the fetal respiratory system. Vitamin E also prevents and regulates the functionality of the placenta.

Vitamin E can be purchased under the trademarks Vitrum and Zentiva (Slovakia).

Calcium and vitamin D

Magnesium preparations

Magnesium deficiency in the body increases the excitability of muscle muscles. During pregnancy, this can provoke, which will cause a threat of miscarriage. Violation of the muscle muscles due to a lack of magnesium in the blood also provokes the development of convulsions in the muscles of the lower extremities.

What drugs can be taken during pregnancy to prevent and compensate for the lack of magnesium, the gynecologist will tell you. Usually it is (Russia) and (France).


Iodine deficiency in the body of the expectant mother primarily negatively affects the formation and functioning of the fetal thyroid gland. With the beginning of the 2nd trimester, the child's thyroid gland begins to work independently, but for this she needs iodine. With its deficiency, hypothyroidism develops, which is dangerous and a decrease in his mental abilities in the future (up to the birth of a child with cretinism).

Also, a lack of iodine during pregnancy leads to complications such as anemia, deafness and short stature of the unborn child. Regular intake at the stage of pregnancy planning up to its logical conclusion will help to prevent all these problems. Just 1 tablet of Iodomarin 200 per day guarantees the necessary balance of iodine in the body.


It is an antiplatelet agent that reduces blood viscosity, improves microcirculation, and increases the body's resistance to viruses and infections.

Indications for the appointment of Curantyl during pregnancy:

  • lag in the physical development of the fetus;
  • increased blood clotting, thrombosis;
  • signs;
  • decrease in immunity.

Usually, expectant mothers are prescribed the drug Curantil 25.


Duphaston and Utrozhestan belong to the same group of drugs.

Indications for their use in expectant mothers:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • and fetal membranes;
  • deficiency of progesterone in the body.

Often expectant mothers have a question - which is better: Duphaston or Utrozhestan? It is impossible to answer it unambiguously. The advantage of Duphaston is the immunostimulating effect, besides, it is convenient to divide the tablets in half. But Utrozhestan is used vaginally, which is relevant during. Duration of reception in both cases depends on the course of pregnancy. Usually, drugs are prescribed up to 16, less often up to 22 weeks of gestation.

Drugs prescribed for therapeutic purposes

Pregnancy puts a serious burden on the female body, for this reason, its resources do not always cope with certain adverse factors, so the expectant mother can get sick. What drugs can be taken during pregnancy without fear for the health of the baby? Let's consider in more detail.

Cold remedies

Treatment of a cold comes down to combating the symptoms of the disease and normalizing the well-being of the expectant mother.

With an increase in body temperature, you can use antipyretic agents based on. It can be both the drug of the same name, and medicines based on it under the brands Panadol, Kalpol. Cannot be used during pregnancy to relieve fever.

If the nose is stuffy, then the mildest and safest remedy is oil-based nasal drops. Also, in the fight against a runny nose, washing with sprays based on sea water - Aqualor, etc.

Symptoms of a sore throat will help to eliminate antimicrobials in the form of Chlorhexidine spray,.

Cough in expectant mothers is effectively treated with drugs based on ambroxol - Lazolvan, Coldrex-broncho, ACC.

Despite the fact that these drugs are approved for use by pregnant women, in case of a cold, it is recommended to contact a doctor and not self-medicate. Sometimes a cold is complicated by a bacterial infection, which requires an appointment. That is, before taking any medication, you need to consult a doctor.

Reading time: 7 minutes

A woman in a position changes culinary preferences, lifestyle, attitude towards others. The mother-to-be consciously tries to limit herself from everything that can harm her child. This applies to diet, actions, bad habits. Knowing what is impossible for pregnant women at an early stage is necessary not only for newly-made parents, but also for relatives who also want to ensure a favorable pregnancy.

What not to do during pregnancy

There are many myths and facts about this period of a woman's life: some believe that she cannot cut her hair, paint her nails, move actively, etc. You should look into this more carefully. Due to the change in the hormonal background, it is better to refrain from perming and hair coloring procedures, as a result of which their condition may worsen. If you belong to the category of women who dye their hair all the time, opt for sparing options. The expectant mother is also forbidden to wear synthetic underwear. During pregnancy, you can not:

  • take baths (hot);
  • visit the sauna and solarium;
  • take medication without consulting a doctor;
  • vaccinate against rubella, tuberculosis, mumps;
  • perform X-ray or fluorography;
  • clean the cat's toilet (the cat is a carrier of a disease such as toxoplasmosis).

What not to eat when pregnant

A conscious woman during pregnancy reviews her diet with special care, some even hang a list of prohibited dishes in the kitchen. During this period, food addictions or aversion to certain foods are formed. It may turn out that you are not drawn to healthy food, but you want to eat more of what you can’t, so it’s important to study the list of foods that are dangerous to the health of the developing organism.

Action on the body


Fatty, fried, peppery, spicy

They affect the liver, kidneys and gallbladder, which are already displaced during pregnancy.

French fries, salo, steak, chili, Korean salads, adjika

They have a detrimental effect on the entire human body, for example, the carcinogenic additive E211 can contribute to the development of cancer.

Chewing gum, sweets, confectionery, chips, croutons, seasoning, sauce

canned food

Influence the synthesis of proteins, which are the main building material of a developing organism

Canned fish

Some seafood

Tuna, mackerel, shark, crab, shrimp, swordfish.

raw eggs

May cause salmonella infection

In the early stages

The development and health of the baby depends on how the first trimester of pregnancy goes, so the expectant mother should scrupulously approach the issue of her nutrition. It is advisable to give preference only to natural products prepared in compliance with all sanitary standards. At this time, there are no significant changes in the woman's condition, but you still need to limit or exclude the following products:

  • Sweets and flour products. They contribute to rapid weight gain, so in the early stages it is important to adjust your diet in order to feel good at the end of pregnancy and not suffer from edema. This category includes all kinds of confectionery and refined sugar, which do not contain vitamins, but are full of carbohydrates.
  • Products that can cause allergies, which can result in improper development of the child or even miscarriage. These include red vegetables, fruits, citrus fruits, honey.
  • Beans, beans, peas can cause increased gas formation, which will result in increased tone.
  • Chocolate, being a powerful stimulant, has a detrimental effect on the mental and nervous system of the little man. The measure is important here, a couple of pieces will not hurt anyone, so you are allowed to allow yourself such a treat once a week.

What should not be eaten by pregnant women

The diet of the expectant mother should not harm the developing body. Some dishes can be limited during this important period of life, their single use will not lead to negative consequences. However, there are foods that need to be blacklisted for the period of bearing a child and breastfeeding. Pregnant women should not eat:

What is better not to drink

If a cup of morning coffee has become a daily ritual for you, you should give up this pleasure for the sake of the health of your unborn child. This drink has an adverse effect: it increases blood pressure, provokes a threat of miscarriage, causes insomnia, removes vitamins and microelements from the body. You also need to remove caffeinated foods from your menu, do not drink energy drinks and cola.

It is permissible for black tea lovers to occasionally consume this drink, which should not be strong. The reason for this is all the same caffeine, which, penetrating the placenta, can harm the baby. Carbonated water must be discarded due to the content of chemicals and dyes.

Any drinks containing alcohol put a strain on the kidneys, which already work during pregnancy in an enhanced mode. Even if you decide to treat yourself to a glass of beer, this can negatively affect the intellectual abilities and the formation of the unborn baby, especially in the first trimester. Therefore, drinking alcohol is prohibited. Kvass is also better not to drink at this time. These tips for pregnant women in the early stages will help to avoid many unpleasant moments.

What not to do when pregnant

In this special period of life, new habits, rules appear and the perception of the world around us changes. Sometimes a woman thinks she can turn the world around, and sometimes she doesn't even have the strength to brush her teeth. It is important to treat this condescendingly and follow a set of measures that will ensure your safety. According to these rules, it is prohibited:

  • Carry out general cleaning with household chemicals. In extreme cases, you need to protect yourself as much as possible by wearing gloves and ventilating the room.
  • Sitting still at a computer or favorite job. When doing embroidery or other creative process, do not forget to do active physical 15 minutes.
  • Walk in high heels (more than 4 cm). If you don't want varicose veins or flat feet, you can't do that.
  • Sit with your legs crossed. In this position, the veins located in the popliteal fossa are clamped, and blood circulation in the pelvic organs slows down. The result may be fetal hypoxia.
  • smoke. This leads to poor blood supply to the placenta due to its vasoconstrictive action. There is a chance that the baby will be born prematurely or with a small weight.
  • Forget about parties and discos. The smell of cigarette smoke, alcohol and loud music do not contribute to the beneficial course of pregnancy.
  • Hold off on extreme sports. Adrenaline negatively affects the mental activity of the baby, so you should avoid stress, worries and be less nervous. The expectant mother should provide herself with a calm and positive environment.

In the early stages

Sleeping on your stomach is not recommended during the first trimester. This position puts pressure on the uterus, which can damage the embryo. You can be in this position in rare cases, but by no means make it a habit. However, when the tummy has already noticeably increased, it is advisable to listen to the recommendations of doctors and exclude rest on the back. Blood circulation may be disturbed due to the fact that the grown belly will put a load on the deep veins.

In the first trimester, the girl's hormonal background changes, which results in mood swings and emotional outbursts. During this period, for some, intimate relationships are a necessity, while for others they are undesirable. According to doctors, a pregnant woman is allowed to have sex, moreover, it also has a positive result, since endorphins are produced. A nice bonus is the training of the pelvic muscles.

However, there are contraindications in cases where the tone of the uterus is increased, there is a risk of miscarriage or an infection in the partner. It is better to refuse intimate relationships so that there is no abortion. In other cases, the expectant mother is allowed to have sex throughout the entire pregnancy, the main thing is to avoid deep penetration, pressure on the stomach and too long intercourse.

What movements can not be done during pregnancy

While waiting for the baby, a woman should exclude work that involves lifting heavy objects (more than 3 kg). The permissible weight, in exceptional cases, is 5 kg. It is also contraindicated for pregnant women in the early stages to rearrange furniture in the apartment, make sharp and jerky movements. This can lead to premature birth. You can not do repairs and heavy physical work. Leave the painting of the walls, beating the carpets, washing the windows to someone else or postpone for a certain time.


Doctors say that drinking alcohol and pregnancy are incompatible things. Negative impact addiction occurs even with a slight intake of alcoholic beverages. It is not recommended to drink alcohol during the lactation period.

    Can pregnant women drink alcohol?

    Expert opinion regarding the possibility of drinking alcohol during pregnancy are very different. Some argue that any amount of alcohol can cause irreparable harm to the health of the child. Others believe that from a small amount of wine or beer harmful effects will not.

    Each woman has the right to make her own decision regarding this issue. But it is desirable to get rid of possible risks as much as possible. The health of the baby is much more important than momentary weakness. Scientists have proven that pathology of fetal development can not be avoided if you regularly drink 75 grams of an alcoholic beverage. At a lower dosage, the risk of an unsuccessful outcome is reduced, but not significantly.

    ON A NOTE! Regular consumption of alcoholic beverages leaves an imprint on the functioning of a woman's reproductive system. The quality of eggs decreases, the number of which is not replenished over time.

    In the early stages

    The bond between mother and child is established with moment of attachment of the embryo in the area of ​​the uterus. In early pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage is much higher than in any other period. In the first trimester the baby is not yet protected from external influences by the placenta. His vulnerability obliges a woman to be sensitive to her body.

    It is especially dangerous to take alcohol in the period from 7 to 12 weeks of position. At that time the brain is formed. If this process is affected, the child's ability to learn suffers. The work of the departments responsible for memory and functioning of the speech apparatus. The immune, cardiovascular and nervous systems also suffer.

    IMPORTANT! At the stage of pregnancy planning, a man should also refuse to drink alcohol. This will increase the likelihood of successful conception and insure against the possibility of fetal fading.

    At a later date

    For more late terms important life support systems in the child are already formed. Some women believe that it is impossible to harm the baby with alcohol during this period. When ethanol enters the body of a woman, it also enters the child. In an adult small doses of alcohol cause a state of mild intoxication. The baby at this moment may develop acute toxic poisoning.

    First of all, the gastrointestinal system, liver, kidneys and nervous system suffer. This contributes to the development of serious chronic diseases in future. When alcohol enters the body of a woman, the baby can develop hypoxia. This condition is life threatening.

    Often these children do not have a sucking reflex. They have difficulty swallowing. As a result, the baby does not receive enough nutrients from food. This leads to weight gain and inhibition of general development.

    A drinking woman dooms her baby to become a "passive alcoholic". With repeated intake of ethyl alcohol in his body, dependence develops. As a result, the child is born capricious and painful. Regular drinking alcohol in the later stages is fraught with the following complications:

    • delivery before the due date;
    • miscarriage;
    • malformations;
    • suppression of the protective forces of the baby's body.

    REFERENCE! Not in all cases, the negative effects of alcohol appear immediately. Most often, problems appear during the period of sexual development of the child.

    What kind of alcohol can pregnant women?

    It is believed that moderate consumption of certain alcoholic beverages during pregnancy will not harm the fetus. This claim is debatable. But some doctors do not prohibit taking low alcohol drinks. These include red wine, beer and champagne. It is believed that small doses allow a woman to relax, which has a beneficial effect on the gestation process.

    In the event that a woman has nervous tension, it is not necessary to solve the problem by taking alcohol. There are alternative ways to restore the body's strength. Relaxing effect provides aromatherapy, breathing exercises, yoga, walking and hobbies.

    Permissible dosage

    Scientists have established the permissible dosage of alcohol during pregnancy. Allowed to take no more than 100 grams alcoholic beverages in Week. Preference should be given to drinks with a low alcohol content.

    Despite the established limits of acceptable norms, you need to understand that no one is immune from the consequences. In medicine, there have been cases of a sad outcome, even with a small amount drunk alcohol.

    IMPORTANT! Complete elimination of ethanol from the body is carried out in 24 days. During this time, he manages to penetrate the body of the baby.

    Consequences of use

    Ethanol, which enters the body of a pregnant woman, increases the likelihood of developmental abnormalities in the child. This is confirmed by experiments carried out on chicken embryos. Regular exposure to alcohol body of an unborn baby, its viability decreases. The main pathologies that have developed as a result of exposure to alcohol include:

    • heart defects;
    • visual impairment;
    • pathologies of the structure of the face (cleft lip, underdevelopment of the jaw, narrow eyes);
    • dropsy;
    • critical underweight;
    • defective development of the spinal canal;
    • deviations in the work of the joints;
    • microcephaly;
    • abnormal structure of internal organs;
    • developmental delay.

    The probability of developing pathologies when using alcohol-containing products is 50%. Doctors consider this figure quite high. The excretion of ethanol from the baby's body is many times slower. At a time when a woman has already forgotten about drinking alcohol, the child may be in the womb unconscious.

    If the desire to drink is too strong, the expectant mother can deceive the body. Beer can replace kvass, you can drink soda instead of champagne, and pomegranate or grape juice will be an alternative to wine. Do not forget that momentary weakness can ruin a life future child.

In the early stages of pregnancy, expectant mothers do not yet notice significant changes in their condition. The fact that there is a real miracle in the tummy is only reminiscent of morning sickness. At this stage, women are already beginning to lovingly stroke the still inconspicuous belly, talking with the baby, coming up with a name for him and guessing what color of undershirts they will have to order for their relatives for the baby’s birthday.

Despite the apparent ease of the condition, it is important now to treat your health as carefully as possible and understand that every action can affect the condition of the baby.

Important: more than 15 percent of all pregnancies end in miscarriages.

Often this happens at a time when a woman does not even suspect that she is carrying a child. In order not to face such a disaster, you need to arm yourself with all possible information about the factors that may pose a threat to the unborn baby. This applies to many everyday issues that mommy is used to solving purely automatically, without thinking about the possible consequences. But the life that is forming in her tummy should make a woman reconsider her views on such components of the daily schedule as eating, exercising and many ordinary things.

First of all, the future mother should think about what she eats, since the quality and quantity of nutrients that affect the development of the baby will depend on this. In terms of diet, all the tips are simple and clear, because foods that are dangerous for pregnant women are not welcome on the menu under any circumstances. We are talking about dishes that do not represent any value for life.

Expectant mothers should avoid foods that can provoke an allergic reaction and cause miscarriage or abnormal development of the fetus.

Product/drinkNegative consequences for the child
Alcoholic drinksThey have a toxic effect on the normal development of the baby.
Seafood, Honey, Red fruits and vegetables, Exotic fruits, Chocolate, Deli products with a high concentration of artificial colorsThese are allergenic foods that pose a particular threat to the baby.
Flour and confectioneryThey contribute to the set of extra pounds, which puts an additional burden on the body and can cause a child to “feed” four or five kilograms, which is not considered the norm.
Canned food and smoked meatsfraught with botulism. The preserved environment promotes the reproduction of bacteria, which is the carrier of the disease.
Watermelon melon. All kinds of mushrooms.These products can be the cause of intoxication in the body of the expectant mother.
KvassIt provokes bloating and can be converted to alcohol, subject to further fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract.
Black tea and coffeeCaffeine significantly increases blood pressure and leads to increased muscle tone, which threatens with uterine hypertonicity, which is dangerous for pregnancy.
Products with preservatives and artificial colorsViolate the normal functioning of the liver, kidneys, blood vessels.
salty dishesHigh salt content leads to edema and high blood pressure, which in turn provokes preeclampsia.
PapayaPoisons the body if consumed in large quantities.
pineapplesThey remove fluid from the body, stimulate uterine contractions.
GrapeLeads to weight gain peanut.
Carbonated drinksCause fermentation to the intestines, which leads to contraction of the uterus.

Alcohol and smoking

Alcoholic drinks are not the best choice for any person, but they are strictly prohibited for pregnant mothers. The fact is that alcohol has a devastating effect not only on the physical, but also on the intellectual development of the unborn baby. Drinking alcohol can lead to significant problems with the nervous system and all kinds of malformations of the baby.

Smoking causes so many negative effects that, knowing about them, not a single expectant mother will come even a meter closer to a cigarette. In addition to underweight and growth of the child, tobacco interferes with the normal development of the pulmonary system of the crumbs, which ultimately ends in asthma. Due to nicotine, a baby can be born with underdeveloped organs. This is not to mention how much smoking increases the likelihood of sudden infant death syndrome.


In addition to eating, the expectant mother, of course, has other things to do during pregnancy, about which all myths should be dispelled. For example, it is believed that air travel in early pregnancy is a threat to the health of the crumbs, but this is a misconception. The plane can really be dangerous for the expectant mother, but only in the last months, when there is a risk of premature birth. Until the twenty-sixth week, you can safely go on any journey.

Women's joys

Some doctors do not advise women who are carrying a child to go to hairdressing salons. In the first months, this prohibition is not so categorical, because the only danger to pregnancy at this stage is ammonia. If you dye your hair with natural dyes, then you can remain a visitor to your favorite beauty salon for some time.

In order to avoid the ingress of harmful chemicals into the body of mother and baby, it is not recommended to use hairspray and other sprays that adversely affect the lungs during childbearing.

Mobile phone use

Water procedures

Experts advise to be extremely careful when bathing in the early stages, since even a minor ailment should stop mom from the procedures. In most cases, even slight signs of feeling unwell can be an indication of a urinary tract infection, in which bathing is strictly prohibited.

If a woman feels unwell during the procedures, she should not try to get out of the bathroom on her own. Unable to hold on, you can fall and cause irreparable harm to the child. You need to take a bath with helpers, so that if necessary, relatives can help to get into or out of the bathroom. It is important to choose the right water temperature - it should not be cold, but not hot.

During gestation, you do not need to use:

  • cinnamon;
  • cedar;
  • cypress;
  • basil;
  • lemongrass;
  • juniper.

These aromas are ways to greatly invigorate a pregnant woman and increase the tone of the uterus. In some cases, doctors also forbid chamomile, rosewood, and sandalwood oils.

What future moms really need is herbal baths with calendula, mint and chamomile, which are added in any form. Some women put the herb in a cloth bag that they tie to the edge of the tub. In water, herbs begin to spread their beneficial properties.

What to wear in early pregnancy

Expectant mothers are not recommended to purchase tight clothing that hinders movement. The wardrobe of the expectant mother should be free and very comfortable. You can not walk in high heels, because they shift the center of gravity and increase the load on the spine. In no case should you buy synthetic underwear, you should temporarily abandon the "thong" panties. You need to choose underwear made of cotton material and wear special bodices.


In the early stages, the expectant mother should be very careful in choosing cosmetics. For the development of the baby, substances such as:

  • vitamin A;
  • benzoyl peroxide;
  • hydrocortisone.

It is best to purchase funds that are produced in special series specifically for women who are carrying a child. Manufacturers make them from special components that do not pose a threat to the health of mom and baby.


In no case should you self-medicate, and especially in cases where a woman is ready to give the world one more little man. There are a number of drugs that are dangerous for the expectant mother:

  • Progestin;
  • Quinine;
  • Retinoids;
  • Trimethadine;
  • Aminopterin.

Also, doctors do not recommend injections in the early stages.

There is one delicate matter that a woman in an “interesting” position should not do. It's a cat litter change. If you have someone to ask to handle this procedure, then do not be shy. This is not an empty whim. The fact is that when changing cat litter, there is a danger of contracting toxoplasmosis. This disease leads to slow growth and mental development of the baby. In addition, the disease has a devastating effect on vision.

Physical exercises

During pregnancy, you need to control your physical activity, but you do not need to completely limit yourself in sports. Experts even advise to conduct training in the process of cleaning the apartment or cooking. It is very important to monitor breathing, to correctly alternate inhalation and exhalation in order to improve metabolism and blood flow to the muscles.

Be healthy!

Video - Nutrition during pregnancy

Video - What not to do when pregnant

Proper nutrition of a pregnant woman is the key to successful delivery, maintaining the health of the pregnant woman herself and the birth of a healthy baby. But what to eat during pregnancy, the observing doctor will tell you. You should not always listen to the advice of your loved ones, who recommend a diet for their own needs.

Nutrition for a pregnant woman

It is very difficult to regulate the diet of a pregnant woman in the first months of the term. In the first trimester, a woman may experience severe toxicosis, which is why she generally has the right to refuse any food. During this period, even some completely non-aggressive smells are annoying, not to mention dishes.

Over time, when toxicosis recedes and appetite returns, another problem arises - rapid weight gain, which is very difficult to fight. Extra pounds provoke a number of serious problems that accompany a woman after childbirth. It:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • tendency to constipation;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • heart failure;
  • kidney failure;
  • disorders of the pancreas;
  • tendency to high blood pressure.

The diet, which the supervising doctor approves, can lead a woman to complete discouragement. Pregnant food is never too tasty so as not to “warm up” the appetite and at the same time saturate the body with useful substances.

From the first trimester, portion sizes are set by the doctor. Now the nutrition of a pregnant woman will vary by weeks of development of the child. There are a number of necessary products that it is desirable to use a pregnant woman constantly. The dominant role is occupied by cottage cheese and iron-containing products.

Healthy food for pregnant women

Before discussing all kinds of dishes for a pregnant woman, one should take into account the general rules for compiling a diet. Plant foods should make up ⅔ of food eaten per day. Such a menu is most important in the last stages of pregnancy, at least two to three weeks before childbirth. Vegetables contain a large amount of prostaglandins, which provide elasticity to the tissues of the birth canal.

Dishes from vegetables have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminating constipation and inhibiting the growth of body fat. Eating vegetable soups and sautés, a pregnant woman will not feel a high load on the stomach and pancreas, especially if the dishes are steamed without using a frying pan.

However, no vegetables can replace meat products for either the mother's body or the unborn baby. Refusing meat during pregnancy is simply a crime. A growing embryo simply needs protein of animal origin. Every day, up to 100 grams of animal proteins should be included in the diet of a pregnant woman. If on some days a woman wants to do without meat, it should be replaced with fish.

Fruit is a separate item. Of course, expectant mothers who had allergic problems even before conception should be extremely careful when choosing fruits in supermarkets. Most exotic fruits are pre-treated with liquefied gas or acceptable herbicides to make them marketable for a longer period.

Exotic fruits entering the local market travel a long way from the southern countries. Sometimes it takes from several days to several weeks for delivery. Usually, fruits and vegetables from abroad are transported by sea, as this is the cheapest type of delivery. It is not recommended to buy fruits and vegetables sold in vacuum packaging for pregnant women.

It should also be remembered that freshly prepared food is much tastier and healthier than heated and prepared in advance. Therefore, it is better to prepare food for pregnant women in small portions per meal. Food left overnight in the refrigerator should not be covered with plastic bags and kept under nylon lids for a long time. Pathogenic microflora can multiply in it, invisible to the human eye, but carrying a high degree of danger to health.

Dry food and "on the go" should be excluded. You can not overeat, as well as go hungry for a long time. The feeling of thirst must be quenched as it arises. Equally important is what the pregnant woman will drink and in what volumes. Increased fluid intake will lead to edema, which will cause shortness of breath, blockage of the veins of the lower extremities, and interfere with normal blood circulation. Drink should be at room temperature. Carbonated, tonic and alcoholic drinks are not recommended. Food should be consumed slowly, in a relaxed atmosphere, chewing thoroughly. Rushed air can cause prolonged belching, colic, and general discomfort.

What products are needed

Useful cooking for a pregnant woman consists of dishes prepared as follows:

  • Cooking food in a double boiler or baking in the oven. This is the most useful method of heat treatment of products. You can bake any food, from vegetables to meat and fish. To do this, use foil, polypropylene packaging or parchment paper. So you can cook dietary meat, retaining all the useful substances in it.
  • Food cooked extinguishing method. This option involves prolonged stewing of food in a sealed container with a small addition of water or vegetable oil. Meat, vegetables and mixed dishes are very tasty and nutritious.
  • Food cooked frying method. In order to maximize the preservation of useful substances in foods that have been fried in a pan, it is necessary to fry vegetables or meat in small pieces on a hot surface without adding fat. A wok pan is ideal for such dishes, it has thin walls that heat evenly from the bottom to the top surfaces. The burner flame should cover the entire surface of the pan, so the burner should be wide.
  • Food cooked in nature on open fire. This very first method of cooking in human society is gaining popularity even now. For a future mother, it is advisable to select lean pieces of meat or fish. In small pieces, you can fry pumpkin, tomatoes, zucchini, eggplant, potatoes. Before eating, remove the crust formed during frying.

From plant foods, pregnant women can do everything, individually excluding what can cause allergic reactions. You need to be careful when eating citrus fruits, tomatoes, strawberries, and some exotic fruits. It is better to fill salads with unrefined vegetable oil, trying not to abuse salt and hot spices. Salt and spices cause an increased feeling of thirst, provoking swelling and the accumulation of excess weight.

The benefits of beef tongue for pregnant women

Beef tongue belongs to dietary products due to the low content of connective tissue cells. Beef tongue dishes are easily digested without provoking putrefactive processes in the digestive system, which is typical for other types of meat products.

  • takes part in the synthesis of hormones and amino acids;
  • improves the functioning of the nervous system;
  • eliminates anemia;
  • stabilizes fat and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • improves the functions of the skin.

In dishes prepared from beef tongue, a high content of protein and trace elements, which contribute to the improvement of the pancreas. Nutritionists believe that this product is able to replenish about half of the daily intake of microelements that are vital for the body of an adult.

Doctors observing pregnant women strongly recommend including beef tongue dishes in the diet, which will prevent the development of anemia, gastric ulcers and saturate the body of the mother and the unborn baby with useful substances.

Jelly during pregnancy

The gelatin contained in the jelly is not able to affect blood clotting. Therefore, pregnant women can eat dishes in which gelatin is present in full. For the preparation of edible gelatin, an extract of Pacific seaweed agar-agar or cartilage and tendons of animal origin is used. The cartilage tissues of animals are saturated with natural collagen, which will reliably ensure the health of the cartilage of the pregnant woman and the developing embryo.

Gelatin is rich in glycine. It is an essential amino acid for the body. It is thanks to her that a person feels a surge of energy and mental activity. The composition of gelatin contains the following substances that affect the functioning of the digestive system and the cardiac system:

  • alanine;
  • dicarboxylic acids;
  • peptides;
  • active proteins.

Some fruits are not advised to be taken raw during pregnancy, as they can cause belching, stool disorders and heartburn. By preparing delicious jelly with the addition of juices or fruit drinks, you can perfectly replenish the supply of trace elements and vitamins in the body of a pregnant woman, combining the useful with the pleasant.

Doctors have to recommend dishes with the addition of gelatin to pregnant women with an indispensable consideration of the work of the intestines of their patients, since it has a slight astringent effect.

Brewer's yeast for pregnant women

Brewer's yeast has a beneficial effect on the body. The product is produced by pharmacological companies in the form of tablets, capsules and suspensions. This is a real storehouse of trace elements and vitamins, which is an excellent dietary supplement.

Yeasts are unicellular fungal organisms that remain alive under certain conditions. They are obtained in the process of cultivating the following composition: malt, hop cones and beer wort. After combining the components, the fermentation phase begins, followed by fermentation.

Women during the gestation period often experience health problems caused by a lack of nutrients in the body:

  • increased fatigue;
  • fragility of the nail plates;
  • hair loss on the head;
  • decreased immune functions;
  • the appearance of skin rashes.

Brewer's yeast is prescribed for pregnant women to maintain the body in such a difficult period. The supplement does not contain substances dangerous for the embryo and the mother's body, so experts safely prescribe it to women from the early stages of conception.

Brewer's yeast is distinguished by the following content:

  • Vitamins B, P and D. Contribute to the restoration of the functions of the nervous system, skin, nail plates, hair follicles.
  • Phosphorus. Renews bone tissue and stabilizes the functioning of the urinary system.
  • Copper. It takes an active part in the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates, and also stimulates the production of insulin.
  • Potassium. Regulates the acid-base balance in the body and improves the transmission of nerve impulses.
  • Calcium. Forms structural material at the cellular level, creating healthy rudiments of teeth in the embryo and bone.
  • Zinc. Provides regeneration of cells of the cerebral cortex.
  • Magnesium. Stimulates metabolic processes in the body, reduces tremor, stabilizing the functions of the nervous system.
  • Silicon. Contributes to the normal absorption of calcium by the body.
  • Sodium. Supports electrolytic balance in the body of a woman and an embryo.
  • Sulfur. Improves the structure of the skin, hair and nail plates.
  • Selenium. Neutralizes dangerous decay products, increases the protective functions of the body.

However, with all the beneficial properties of brewer's yeast, gynecologists approach their appointment with caution. Active enzymes can provoke dysbiosis of the mucous membranes of the genital tract and disruption of the organs of the urinary system. Therefore, the doctor carefully examines the history of the pregnant woman and individual characteristics.

Essential trace elements

Most of the necessary trace elements the body receives from food. These are iodine, calcium, iron, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, zinc. In cases where the lack of nutrients involved in metabolic processes, protein synthesis, improving blood circulation and digestion makes itself felt, you should take the necessary trace elements in addition. Seafood, vegetables and fruits are especially rich in trace elements.

During pregnancy, the female body often lacks iron. Iron deficiency can lead to irreversible processes in the development of the embryo. A woman should monitor the first symptoms of iron deficiency and compensate for it. So, the most common symptoms of iron deficiency are as follows:

  • anemia;
  • increased fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • muscle weakness;
  • frequent sudden heartbeats;
  • tendency to irritability;
  • depression;
  • dry skin;
  • fragility of the nail plates;
  • restless legs syndrome;
  • dyspnea;
  • loss of appetite;
  • inflammation or pain in the tongue and lips.

In most cases, you can compensate for iron deficiency by adjusting your diet. Table #1 lists foods high in iron.

Table number 1. Iron-containing products and the level of trace elements in them

dried mushrooms

Rabbit meat

pork liver

wheat bran

Turkey meat

Brewer's yeast

cocoa powder

Beef liver

Egg yolk



fresh mushrooms

Chicken meat

sea ​​kale

Egg white

How to use vitamins correctly

A pregnant woman should receive the whole complex of vitamins necessary for the body. From berries you can buy cranberries, raspberries, currants, blueberries. All fruits contain vitamin C, which is perfectly preserved for a long time in fruit drinks and berries grated with sugar.

Fruits can also be consumed raw, if the pregnant woman does not suffer from increased secretion of gastric juice and allergic reactions to some of them. When a woman feels that raw fruits cause increased irritation of the gastric mucosa, then jelly and fruit compotes will be ideal. Apples can be baked in the oven or in a double boiler; juicy fruits can be used to prepare fillings for cottage cheese dishes.

In addition to fruits, vitamins are found in meat and dairy products, vegetables, offal. The most complete list of essential vitamins and foods containing them is given in Table 2.

Table number 2. Essential fat-soluble vitamins during pregnancy

Vitamin name


A (retinol + beta-carotene)

Visual receptors, skin, mucous membranes

Liver, egg, butter, dairy products

D (calciferol)

Calcium absorption, bone and tooth growth

Egg, butter, hard cheese, milk, fatty fish

E (tocopherol)

natural antioxidant

Vegetable oil, olives, wheat germ

Blood clotting

Liver, onion, spinach, cucumber, green peas, parsley, dill

B1 (thiamine)

Metabolic processes, nerve and muscle activity

Liver, heart, tongue, beans, peas, brewer's yeast, whole grain cereals

B2 (riboflavin)

Metabolic processes, heart function

Liver, heart, red meat, cereal cereals, dairy products, brewer's yeast

B5 (pantothenic acid)

metabolic processes

Beef, liver, egg, brewer's yeast, cereals

B6 (pyridoxine)

Metabolic processes, hemoglobin production

Beef, chicken, pork, brewer's yeast, liver, cereals

B8 (biotin)

Metabolic processes, hair growth, nail plates

Liver, egg, dried fruits, beans, beans, peas, fish

B9 (folic acid)

Cell division and growth, development of the bone skeleton

Cucumber, spinach, parsley, zucchini, sunflower seeds, lettuce, hard cheese, whole grain cereals

B12 (cobalamin)

RBC production, metabolic processes

Beef, chicken, pork, fish, liver, heart, dairy products

C (ascorbic acid)

Natural antioxidant, wound healing, resistance to viral infections

Most fruits and vegetables

PP, B3 (niacin)

metabolic processes

Beef, chicken, pork, river fish, ocean lean fish, brewer's yeast, beans, peppers, peas

Do's and Don'ts

Each organism is individual. It is possible that the diet of one pregnant woman is categorically not suitable for another. The characteristics of each organism will show what it is desirable to refuse during the period of bearing a child, and what to focus on. However, nutritionists have developed special tables for pregnant women, the advice of which should be followed. Table No. 3 shows the most commonly used foods and dishes from them in everyday life, as well as the benefits and possible harm for pregnant women.

Table number 3. Recommended and undesirable foods for pregnant women


Bread and bakery products

Bran bread, wholemeal bread, crackers, savory pastries

Pastries from the highest grades of flour, puff pastries and rich pastries

Vegetable soups in low-fat broth, lean borscht, beetroot

Fatty broths

Lean steamed or boiled beef, rabbit meat, skinless chicken meat

Fatty meats, homemade fatty sausages, dumplings, smoked bacon, canned meat

Low-fat varieties of fish (pollock, hake, pelengas, perch, carp, saffron cod, grenadier)

Fatty fish, smoked, salted fish, canned fish, crab sticks

Cereals, cereals, legumes

Buckwheat, rice, wheat, barley, corn, oatmeal

Semolina porridge, dishes with a high content of beans, peas, beans

1-2 eggs per day (boiled or scrambled)

Fried or raw

Sour-milk products, low-fat cottage cheese, cheesecakes, casserole, yogurt, low-fat sour cream, cheese

Smoked cheeses, raw milk

Fruits vegetables

Boiled vegetables, fruits in compote or jelly; cranberries, blueberries, nuts, pumpkin seeds

Red fruits and vegetables, some citrus fruits if allergic

Fats and sweets

Olive, sunflower, corn and butter, jelly, jam, chocolates in moderation

Sweet pastries with rich cream, too large portions of chocolate

Snacks, spices

Vegetable salads, vinaigrette, vegetable caviar, fruit salads

Hot sauces, horseradish, mustard, hot pepper, vinegar, salt

Small volumes of natural juices, fruit jelly, dried fruit compotes, berry fruit drinks, weak teas, rosehip broth, chamomile tea

Alcoholic beverages, strong coffee and tea, tonic drinks high in sugar and gas

Nutrition of a pregnant woman by month

In each trimester, it is necessary to focus on foods high in folic acid, this contributes to the normal development of the fetus. It is not advisable to limit yourself in water consumption. However, drinking too much liquid during the day, and especially at night, is not worth it. Water should be purified, without dyes and artificial flavors, non-carbonated. It is not recommended to drink water at the time of a meal or immediately after, it is better to do this before a meal and a couple of hours after a meal.

In the first trimester, you can plan your daily food intake as shown in table No. 4. Depending on whether there are allergic reactions to various fruits and vegetables, each woman should regulate their consumption on her own or on the advice of an observing doctor.

Table No. 4. Recommended daily diet for a pregnant woman in the first trimester

Day of the week



Buckwheat or rice porridge (you can add milk), fresh juice (carrot, apple, orange)

Puff with pumpkin or spinach

Whole grain muffin, pea soup with broccoli, rosehip tea

apple or carrot

Braised chicken with rice or pasta, mint tea

Bran bread with cucumber or tomato and hard cheese

Yogurt or curdled milk

Spaghetti with tuna, zucchini with olive oil

Curd cheesecake

Oven baked potatoes with beans

Oat flakes with milk, kefir

grapefruit or orange

Lean beef casserole with beans

Dried apricots with prunes

Vegetable salad with boiled rice, eggs and sardines, tomato or cranberry sea

Cheesecakes with the addition of low-fat sour cream, carrot juice with pulp

White or red cabbage salad with olive or corn oil

Laminaria salad with unrefined sunflower oil, fish pie, dried fruit compote

banana or kiwi

Wholemeal bread, boiled egg, lettuce, baked milk or kefir

Oatmeal porridge in water or milk with the addition of dried apricots or prunes, fermented baked milk or yogurt

Several walnuts, steamed dried fruits

Boiled pasta from durum flour with low-fat meat sauce, carrot or cranberry juice

Toast with butter

Lavash with soft or melted cheese with greens, chamomile or rosehip tea

Omelet with a small amount of vegetables and ham, croutons, fresh orange or tomato juice

Bran bread with lean salted salmon

Boiled chicken meat, avocado salad, curdled milk or kefir

A few walnuts or peanuts

Vinaigrette with bran bread, salted herring, fermented baked milk


Pancakes or pancakes with fruit or jam, yogurt

apple or pear

Bran bread, vegetable soup with a piece of lean meat, compote or green tea

Carrot salad with low-fat sour cream

Boiled or stewed chicken, boiled potatoes, carrots or boiled beets, mint tea

Table No. 5. Recommended average daily food intake for pregnant women in the second trimester

Daily Value(g)

Wheat bread

Rye bread

Wheat flour

pasta or spaghetti


vegetable dishes

Fresh fruits

Dried fruits

Sweet flour products

Fish, seafood

Low-fat cottage cheese

Sour cream, fat content not more than 10%

Dairy products


Vegetable oil

Hard cheeses

Black tea

iodized salt

Natural coffe

Table No. 6. Recommended average daily food intake for pregnant women in the third trimester

Daily Value(g)

Fish (boiled or stewed)

Meat (boiled or baked in a sleeve without a crust)

Low-fat cottage cheese

Dairy products

Low fat sour cream


Vegetable oil (corn, sunflower, olive)

Wholemeal bread

White bread made from premium flour



Cauliflower, white cabbage or broccoli


Cucumber tomato

Prunes, figs, dried apricots, raisins

Table No. 7. The chemical composition of the required diet per day in the second and third trimesters


Daily Value(g)

Proteins of vegetable origin

Animal proteins

Animal fats

vegetable fats


Total daily energy value

2556 kilocalories

Table No. 8. Recommended number of meals per day, indicating approximate volumes

I trimester

II trimester

III trimester

Meals 4 times

Meals 5 times

Meals 6 times

Breakfast volume 30% of the daily ration

Breakfast volume 20% of the daily ration

The volume of the second breakfast is 15% of the daily ration

The volume of the second breakfast is 10% of the daily ration

Lunch volume 40% of the daily ration

Lunch volume 30% of the daily ration

The volume of the second lunch is 10% of the daily ration

Dinner volume 10% of the daily ration

Snack volume 15% of the daily ration

A couple of hours before bedtime, you can drink a glass of fermented milk products, close to 5% of the daily diet

Dinner volume 10% of the daily ration

A couple of hours before bedtime, you can drink a glass of fermented milk products, close to 5% of the daily diet


It is important for every pregnant woman to know which foods should be limited, and which should be completely abandoned for a while during pregnancy. Everything that a woman does during this period instantly affects the health of the unborn baby. The most vulnerable is the woman herself and the fetus during the first trimester. An increased salt content can increase toxicosis, cause increased swelling, which is why spicy dishes seasoned with a lot of spices and canned vegetables should be excluded from the diet, replacing them with fresh ones.

Fried food is undesirable not only during pregnancy, but also in everyday life. As soon as the pregnant woman reduces the consumption of fried foods, one can immediately notice a decrease in the strong feeling of thirst and improved digestion. Fried provokes constipation, impaired liver function. Today, there are many ways to cook "steamed". At the same time, eating pregnant food from the microwave should be avoided. Although the products are not covered with a crust, as when fried, they can cause great harm to the body of the mother and child.

Not everyone can completely eliminate sweets from their diet. However, it should be understood that “fast carbohydrates” do not bring any particular benefit to anyone, giving the body only extra pounds.

Carbonated sweet drinks have a high content of various dyes, preservatives, flavors, flavor substitutes. There is no mention of alcohol at all. It can only increase toxicosis, irritating the mucous membranes of all organs of the digestive tract, and also bring irreparable harm to the embryo.


1. Sobolev A.N. "Nutrition of a breastfeeding woman", 2009
2. Yurkov A.S. "Daily intake of vitamins by pregnant women", 2010.
3. Ivanskikh A.V. "Peculiarities of nutrition of pregnant women, women in labor and nursing mothers", 2009