Why does nose bleed during pregnancy and how to prevent it? Blood from the nose in pregnant women: what to do

Pregnancy is a period. However, changes occur not only in appearance, but also internally, in the body. Of course, there are also complaints. They are mainly associated with changes in health and are harmless enough. In other matters, pain in the mammary glands is one thing, and it is quite another thing when blood comes from the nose from time to time.

If this happens to you, then be sure to see a doctor. On Internet forums they write that many women experience this condition and this is quite normal, but it is better not to ignore a visit to a specialist, because there can be many causes of nosebleeds and not all of them are not dangerous.

In general, the occurrence of nosebleeds is attributed to increased blood flow in all mucous membranes, including the nose. As a result, the inner lining of the nose during pregnancy becomes more sensitive to external influences. For the same reason, pregnant women often complain about. Bleeding from the nose depends on each organism separately, but generally it becomes more frequent if the vascular wall becomes thinner.

However, another cause of nosebleeds is more dangerous. This phenomenon may be associated with an increase. To establish whether this is really so, it is enough to measure the pressure during the next hemorrhage. If the excess of the norm is even 10-20 millimeters of mercury column, then consult your doctor for help. The fact is that high blood pressure negatively affects the uteroplacental blood flow. This can lead to termination of pregnancy. When there is such a threat, other signs appear - dizziness and flashing of flies before the eyes.

In the case of frequent bleeding, doctors recommend donating blood for clotting, with the help of this analysis it is possible to clearly judge the cause of frequent nosebleeds. If the tests do not show any pathologies, then the gynecologist or the attending physician will most likely prescribe Ascorutin vitamins. However, if, nevertheless, any deviations are detected, then consult with a hematologist. Most likely, if your blood pressure is high, you will be prescribed inpatient treatment, and you will need to take medications to reduce it.

It is very important not to yourself or nosebleeds. No drops or aerosols will help you with this. On the contrary, drugs may harm the unborn baby. The installation of a humidifier in the house will help in treating these troubles, it will be especially useful in winter, when the air in the room is dry. It gets better if you drink a lot of water. In most cases, bleeding and runny nose will go away on their own right after the baby is born. So you can be patient a little.

When you have a nosebleed, you need to sit down and pinch the bleeding nostril for three to four minutes. The main thing in this case is not to lie down, otherwise blood may enter the stomach. This causes nausea and vomiting.

If nosebleeds are frequent and cannot be stopped in the way described above, then you should immediately visit a doctor and consult.

How to prevent nosebleeds in pregnant women?

Firstly, often ventilate the room in which you live, thus, do not allow the mucous membrane to dry out.

Second, blow your nose carefully so as not to damage fragile blood vessels.

Thirdly, drink plenty of fluids, then all organs will have enough moisture.

Frequent bleeding from the nose during pregnancy is an unpleasant phenomenon, but it passes quickly, after the birth of a wonderful baby, all this will be forgotten.

Especially for- Maryana Surma

Pregnancy is the natural physiological state of a woman. During this period, her body is very susceptible to any changes in the microclimate. Blood from the nose during pregnancy can go at any time, often due to the restructuring of the female body. But, nevertheless, this is a good reason to contact your local gynecologist. Insufficient blood flow, which occurs up to 4 times a month, is not dangerous. But nosebleeds during pregnancy may indicate pathological processes in the body that require complex treatment, so it is important to consult a doctor in time.

Causes of bleeding

A baby in the womb needs a sufficient amount of calcium, minerals and chemical elements. Their lack leads to weakening and bleeding of blood vessels. Nose bleeding in pregnant women at any stage of gestation can flow due to trauma to the nose, curvature of its septum, rhinitis, and fever. Your healthcare provider should be aware of this.

Once the root cause of blood flow has been established, you may need to see a specialist. Capillary nosebleeds during pregnancy are minor and short-term. Bleeding from the arteries is characterized by a scarlet pulsating flow, it occurs as a result of a violation of the integrity of the arteries. With this type of bleeding, emergency medical attention is needed. Long-term bleeding is often due to low blood clotting levels. It is important to solve this problem in a timely manner.

If you get nosebleeds during pregnancy once a week, go to the clinic and get tested. In case of repeated bleeding, it is recommended to visit a hematologist and take a blood clotting test. If the pregnant woman does not have pathological processes in the body, the doctor will prescribe vitamins that strengthen the blood vessels. Bleeding with frequent frequency can be caused by tumors or other complex diseases of internal organs. To exclude these reasons, you need to undergo a complete diagnosis of the body.

In the early stages, nosebleeds are very common. Therefore, some expectant mothers believe that nosebleeds are a sign of pregnancy. And the truth is, when pregnancy occurs, nosebleeds are due to understandable circumstances. In the uterus, the zygote begins the process of cleavage, the amount of female sex hormones increases. This process affects all mucous membranes of the body. Blood circulation increases, the nasal mucosa becomes edematous and porous, the vessels weaken. Therefore, nosebleeds in early pregnancy can flow even during a regular sneeze due to a bursting vessel.

Blood from the nose during pregnancy, the second trimester and later periods - during these periods, bleeding usually occurs due to high blood pressure and toxicosis. It is possible that the placental circulation is impaired, so it is very important to consult a doctor.

Morning nosebleeds cause hormonal changes, vitamin deficiency, lack of calcium (accompanied by bleeding from the gums), lack of sleep or stress.

If it bleeds at night, it may be:

  • delayed reaction of vessels damaged during the day;
  • hot, stuffy air;
  • high atmospheric pressure;
  • a symptom of hanged arterial and intracranial pressure;
  • a consequence of venous stasis in the head;
  • the result of chemical changes in the blood and vascular fragility;
  • poor blood clotting.

How to stop: first aid

In women who are preparing to become mothers, the mucous membrane is hypersensitive, so conventional methods of stopping blood are not always effective. Simply pinching your nose with your fingers will cause blood clots to chafe the mucous membrane. Removing them will damage the vessels again and provoke new blood flow.

It is strictly forbidden to stop bleeding in a horizontal position and tilt your head back. This can allow blood to flow into the stomach and cause vomiting. You can't blow out the blood, because it interferes with the formation of a blood clot.

The following actions will be effective:

If the blood continues to flow, you need:

  • Moisten a swab with hydrogen peroxide, insert it into the nostril and pinch the side of the nose with your finger. Raise the hand corresponding to the side of the bleeding up and leave it in this position for a short time.
  • Apply ice for a few minutes, then take a break for the same amount. Continue this procedure for about 60 minutes.
  • After stopping bleeding, cauterize the damaged mucosa with silver nitrate or chromic acid to prevent re-blood flow.

When all of the above methods are ineffective, you need to call an ambulance and prepare for hospitalization. In the hospital, you will be given a tamponade: gauze turundas moistened with medicine are inserted into the nasal passages for 24 hours or more.


If a pregnant woman often has nosebleeds, she needs to undergo a full diagnosis. Inpatient treatment is indicated for hypertension, diseases with high blood pressure, as well as diseases of the nose associated with damage to large blood vessels. If nasal bleeding occurs with rhinitis, the underlying cause is treated. It is important to follow your doctor's advice strictly, as not all medications will be appropriate.

Contraindicated vasoconstrictor drugs that dry out the mucous membrane. The use of cotton wool with petroleum jelly will make it easier for dry crusts in the nasal passages to separate.

With hypersensitivity of blood vessels, complexes of vitamins and minerals are prescribed, which will help strengthen blood vessels and restore normal metabolism. Therapy may include homeopathic and immunomodulatory drugs.


To prevent nosebleeds, follow these simple rules:

Respiratory gymnastics is an effective prevention. Pinch one nasal passage with your finger and take a full breath. Exhale through the other nostril. Repeat several times with each nostril in turn. Next, continue to alternately close the nasal passages, but now inhale and exhale through your mouth.

Give yourself a massage. To do this, use your index finger to make circular movements around the bridge of the nose. Next, go over the points near the wings of the nose, applying light pressure. Massage the area between the lips and nose, as well as the area on the chin cavity. The whole procedure takes up to 10 minutes.

There are many recipes in traditional medicine that can be used to deal with the problem of bleeding. These folk remedies will help strengthen blood vessels.

Very often during pregnancy, a woman is faced with various health problems. One of these deviations is nosebleeds, which periodically occur at various stages of pregnancy. Appearing for the first time, they can scare the expectant mother, who anxiously perceives everything that happens to her body. But nosebleeds during pregnancy are not always a cause for panic. What can cause her condition and are there risks?

Main reasons

Nosebleeds in a pregnant woman are not uncommon. Like many other abnormalities, they are most often caused by hormonal changes in her body. With the onset of pregnancy, the woman begins to actively produce progesterone, which is responsible for the preservation of the fertilized egg and its retention in the uterine cavity. At the same time it is progesterone that increases blood circulation in every part of the body, increasing the load on the vessels... Simultaneously with the thinning of the walls of the capillaries, the structure of the nasal mucosa changes, which becomes looser, and swelling appears.

Vasomotor rhinitis is a frequent companion of pregnancy. The active production of mucous secretions often forces you to blow your nose. This creates an additional load on the capillaries, provoking their damage.

So, the main cause of nosebleeds during pregnancy is damage to the blood vessels. But the following factors can provoke this:

  • Hormonal adjustment. All these changes, aimed at preserving the ovum and the development of the embryo, can have various consequences for the body of the expectant mother. And nosebleeds are one of them. Moreover, in the early stages of pregnancy, this can be regarded as one of the first signs of it. Of course, this symptom fits into the indicators of the norm, if it did not bother a pregnant woman before, and at this stage it occurs quite rarely.
  • Drying of the nasal mucosa. High temperature of the body or the environment, dry indoor air, abuse of drugs for nasal use - all this leads to drying out of the thin mucous membrane and the appearance of bleeding cracks. Most often, this problem is found in women whose pregnancy occurs during the winter period (heating, insufficient ventilation).
  • Increased blood pressure. Blood from the nose in pregnant women may appear due to pressure surges characteristic of women in position. Signs such as tinnitus and headaches may indicate this. The predisposition to hypertension must be indicated on the registration card of the pregnant woman.
  • Injuries to the nose and nasal cavity. Damage to blood vessels can be due to injury, active cleansing of the nose, during examination by an otolaryngologist, and so on.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals. In the process of laying organs in the first trimester, the baby in the womb pulled out all the nutrients it needed from her body. If you do not replenish the lost vitamins and minerals, there is a risk of developing vitamin deficiency. Most often, nosebleeds during pregnancy with a lack of vitamin C and K. Capillary fragility can also be caused by a calcium deficiency in the body. And these are not the most dangerous symptoms that a woman and child can face.
  • Poor blood clotting. This is one of the most dangerous conditions in which damage to even the smallest vessel can lead to massive blood loss that threatens the life of the mother and child.
  • Late gestosis. This condition is a complication of pregnancy with characteristic swelling, nausea, dizziness and surges in blood pressure. All these signs indicate a malfunction of the kidneys and blood vessels, including in the parts of the brain.

Severe forms of late gestosis often end in delayed child development, placental abruption and intrauterine fetal death. Therefore, the treatment of women with this diagnosis is carried out in a hospital.

First aid

If from time to time a woman is worried about nosebleeds during pregnancy, at the first opportunity it is worth informing your gynecologist about this. Faced with this phenomenon for the first time, the expectant mother may get scared, panic. And this is just not worth doing. Most likely, there is nothing critical in this situation, and the blood can be stopped in a matter of minutes. This requires:

  1. Provide fresh air. If you are in an apartment, open a window or at least a window. If a scarf or scarf is worn around the neck, it should be removed.
  2. Ask others or independently apply ice or a handkerchief soaked in cold water to the bridge of your nose. When using ice or frozen foods, be sure to wrap them in a cloth to prevent frostbite on your skin.
  3. Try to sit down with your head tilted slightly forward to allow blood to drain freely from the nasal cavity. You can't lie down and throw your head back, as our grandmothers advised to do! In this position, the blood will drain into the larynx, falling straight into the stomach. So later, nausea with vomiting can be added to the bleeding. And the clot that forms in the nasal cavity will not be easy to remove without provoking new damage to the vessels of the mucous membrane.
  4. Don't try to blow your nose. The extra pressure created in the nasal cavity can increase bleeding.
  5. After the bleeding has stopped, rinse the nose with saline to moisturize the mucous membrane and soak the crusts. Then you need to clean the cavity with a cotton swab dipped in sea buckthorn or sunflower oil.

If nosebleeds caught you on the street, you can stop it by pinching your nose for 5-7 minutes. Although, if possible, it is better to leave the crowd of people and, again, let the blood flow out on its own.

The duration of nosebleeds usually does not exceed 10-15 minutes. If after this time the bleeding has not stopped or intense blood loss is initially observed, call an ambulance immediately. Most likely, we are talking about damage to a large blood vessel!

Rare and short-term bleeding usually does not pose a danger to a pregnant woman and her baby. And, most likely, after the research carried out, no deviations will be found. Regular nosebleeds, which are difficult to stop using standard methods, should alert you.


Fighting hormones during pregnancy is completely useless. Moreover, all these changes are of a physiological nature, and occur only for the benefit of the baby. But if it is not possible to eliminate the main cause of nosebleeds, then any woman is quite capable of removing other provoking factors. To prevent the development of nosebleeds or reduce their frequency, it is recommended:

  1. Avoid drying out the nasal mucosa, regularly do wet cleaning, monitor the humidity level in the room and do not use vasoconstrictor nasal medications without consulting a doctor.
  2. Try to keep the indoor air clean, do not inhale tobacco smoke, do not get carried away with detergents and do not walk along the roads.
  3. Blow your nose gently, effortlessly and only when there is a real need. If everything is in order with your health, you do not need to actively clean your nose every half hour.
  4. Keep your diet balanced. Vitamins and minerals are the building blocks of a baby growing and developing in the womb. Make sure that the amount of nutrients is not only enough for the child, but also remains for you. Talk to your doctor about the need for vitamin and mineral supplements for pregnant women.
  5. Stick to a diet, do not overuse sweets, smoked meats and fatty foods.
  6. At every visit to your gynecologist, measure your blood pressure. If hypertensive surges were observed even before pregnancy, it makes sense to buy a blood pressure monitor for home use.
  7. Drink water. Even the presence of edema is not a reason to refuse water. In this case, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of their appearance and resume the drinking regime.
  8. Take outdoor walks every day.

And remember, don't panic when you get nosebleeds. The best thing you can do is see a doctor and get a consultation as soon as possible.

The waiting period for the child is associated with global changes in the female body. The expectant mother is faced with a number of new symptoms for herself. For example, some of the fair sex during pregnancy complains that they have nosebleeds. Is it worth worrying when a symptom appears, what it can be associated with and how to avoid it, we will consider within the framework of this article.

In contact with

The gestation period lasts about 280 days. It is usually divided into three parts, called trimesters. Additionally, gestation is subdivided into two periods: embryonic and fetal. Blood from the nose during pregnancy can occur in any trimester, but due to various reasons. However, the factors affecting a woman and before childbirth are somewhat different.

Possible causes of nosebleeds

At an early date

Bloody nasal discharge is known in medicine under the term of Greek origin. Under the same name, the phenomenon is included in the International Classification of Diseases.

It should be borne in mind that the first trimester of gestation is extremely important. It is during this period that the formation of the basic life systems of the unborn child takes place, therefore, in a number of cases, it is recommended to immediately respond to epistaxis.

Table 1. Changes after conception that can cause nosebleeds during pregnancy in the first trimester

ChangesMore details
HormonalThe corpus luteum begins to actively produce the hormone progesterone. It is indispensable for introducing a zygote into the wall of the uterus, reducing the excitability of this organ, maintaining pregnancy, but in excess it can cause an increase in blood pressure (BP). High blood pressure values ​​sometimes cause nosebleeds in pregnant women
Increased synthesis of pituitary hormones leads to increased fatigue, headache, dyspeptic disorders. These same hormones sometimes cause nosebleeds during pregnancy.
The body increases the production of a lipid substance that is often referred to as hormones - prostacyclin. It softens the action of a number of hormones, and also slightly dilates blood vessels
In the work of the cardiovascular systemBy the end of the 1st trimester, there is an increase in cardiac output from 4.1-4.2 liters per minute to 6.2-6.5 liters per minute. This is due to an increase in heart rate from 70-71 to 78-80 beats per minute. The phenomenon leads to an increase in blood pressure
Nervous systemThe fair sex may experience mood swings, tearfulness, irritability. Emotional changes sometimes lead to nosebleeds during pregnancy

Intense vomiting sometimes leads to rupture of capillaries, so often nosebleeds during pregnancy go against the background of toxicosis. A short-term epistaxis, with a small amount of discharge, which does not imply a deterioration in well-being is not dangerous.

It is better to inform a specialist about prolonged bleeding associated with an increase in blood pressure. Mostly in the first trimester, expectant mothers are faced with hypotension. Hypertension, on the other hand, may indicate an increased synthesis of certain hormones or other disorders in the body.

In the second and third trimester

The second trimester of gestation begins. This period is associated with massive synthesis of hormones by the placenta. Among them:

  • gonadotropin;
  • progesterone;
  • estriol, etc.

All of them play a huge role in carrying a baby, but they can cause nosebleeds during pregnancy after the second trimester. They affect the heart, blood vessels, nervous and other systems. In particular, they can cause severe headache, the appearance of edema, an increase in blood pressure, a rush of blood to the face, etc.

Significant changes affect the respiratory system, mainly in the middle of gestation and before childbirth. Blood from the nose during pregnancy in the second and third trimester can result in increased pulmonary ventilation, increased pulmonary perfusion, and rapid growth of the area of ​​the alveoli and capillaries.

Changes in the weight of the fetus, the need for intensive blood supply to the placenta, the proliferation of the vascular network of the uterus lead to pronounced hemodynamic changes. The above may well be the reason why nosebleeds during pregnancy. Blood pressure, as a rule, decreases slightly towards the middle of the term, but sometimes a decrease in blood viscosity is observed. An increase in the volume of circulating blood is also observed.

Reasons why pregnant women have bleeding

In some cases, the factors provoking epistaxis are indirectly related to gestation. A common reason why nasal bleeding in pregnant women is considered to be vitamin deficiency. In particular, a lack of ascorbic acid and vitamin K leads to nosebleeds. Lack of other vitamins or minerals can also provoke the phenomenon.

Among the reasons why pregnant women have nosebleeds is low air humidity. Also, epistaxis can cause pollution of air masses with dust, toxins. With the beginning of the heating season, it is recommended to artificially humidify the air and regularly ventilate the room. An allergic reaction may be the cause of nosebleeds in pregnant women. Often, an allergic woman has an exacerbation of hypersensitivity during the gestation period. Allergic rhinitis leads to dryness of the nasal mucosa and vascular damage.

Why else does nose bleed during pregnancy:

  • mechanical damage (impact, injury);
  • hematological pathologies;
  • exacerbation of vascular or heart disease;
  • SARS, including with an increase in temperature;
  • neoplasms in the nasal cavity, etc.

It is possible to identify the causes of nosebleeds during pregnancy only after a thorough examination. It is not worth analyzing this symptom separately. A comprehensive assessment of the woman's health is required.

Useful video

How else can you help yourself with nosebleeds:


  1. Epistaxis occurs both early and late in pregnancy.
  2. The answer to the question of why pregnant women are bleeding from the nose is individual in each case. It can be caused by fluctuations in blood pressure, hormonal changes, or emotional changes.
  3. In case of relapses of epistaxis, it is recommended to consult a specialist for diagnostics and appropriate measures.

Pregnant women are very vulnerable and suspicious. Anxiety about one's own health and the state of the unborn child is quite understandable and natural. But if a woman is calm about nausea in the morning, back pain and changes in taste preferences, nosebleeds can cause confusion and fear in the expectant mother, especially if it repeats with enviable regularity. To understand what to do if there is a nosebleed during pregnancy, you need to know the reasons for this phenomenon.

What's this?

The mucous membrane of the nasal cavity is rich in blood vessels. If their integrity is violated under the influence of external or internal factors, the development of nosebleeds is possible. In medicine, this term has its own name - "Epistaxix"... Most often, blood leaves the nasal cavity through the anterior wall (flows out of the nostrils). Sometimes the bleeding runs along the back wall, so it flows down the esophagus, enters the stomach and can cause vomiting of bloody masses. It is extremely rare that blood comes out through the eyes, like tears, rising through the nasolacrimal canal.

The integrity of the vessels in the nasal mucosa may be impaired due to mechanical injury and spontaneous. In pregnant women, it is more often spontaneous bleeding that occurs. According to statistics, about 30% of all expectant mothers complain of nosebleeds that appear from time to time in early pregnancy. In the later stages, such an unpleasant symptom of pregnancy haunts no more than 10-15% of women.


Nosebleeds in pregnant women can be completely natural, physiological, or caused by certain pathological conditions. To distinguish norm from pathology, the frequency and duration of bleeding episodes should be assessed. If the bleeding is not profuse, the blood quickly coagulates, bakes, the number of episodes does not exceed once a week, there is nothing to worry about.


The reason why the integrity of the vessels of the nasal mucosa is disrupted lies in the hormonal background. Progesterone and estrogens, produced in huge doses during pregnancy, are necessary for the safe bearing of the baby and the preservation of pregnancy, they improve the filling of blood vessels with blood. However, the hormones themselves can cause side effects.

Sometimes pregnant women under the influence of progesterone experience emotional instability, tearfulness, moodiness, while women are prone to anxiety and panic faster. Sleep may be disturbed.

The vessels of the nasal mucosa are thin and vulnerable. Anyone who has picked their noses at least once knows how easy it is to injure them. Under the influence of hormones, the vessels overflow with blood, do not withstand and burst. This is how nosebleeds occur. These episodes are not long lasting, so the bleeding stops quickly.

The work of the cardiovascular system of the pregnant woman contributes to epistaxis. In the first trimester, blood flow in a woman's body increases. This poses a threat to the integrity of the vessels of the nasal mucosa. In the second and third trimester, when a physiological runny nose begins in pregnant women, the nasal mucosa swells, bleeding can take on the character of blood clots in the nasal mucus. A runny nose with blood is not dangerous for a woman and a child. After giving birth, he passes without a trace.

Any minor factor can provoke nosebleeds if a woman:

  • inadvertently blows his nose;
  • straightens sharply from a bent position;
  • will sharply bend down;
  • in the course of the morning toilet, it will inaccurately remove the crusts of mucus that have dried up overnight from the nose.

All this can cause epistaxis, as well as being in the heat, in a stuffy room, where the air is too dry (more often in winter when heating devices are operating). These reasons are considered physiological, harmless to the life and health of the mother and child. If nosebleeds are regular, consultation and examination by a general practitioner is necessary. If unpleasant episodes are rare, medical attention and the use of drugs are not required:

it is enough to carry a clean handkerchief and wet wipes with you in your purse (in case the nosebleeds catch suddenly).


Nosebleeds can be a sign of a painful condition, then the expectant mother needs qualified medical care. Here are some pathologies that can cause epistaxis:

Arterial hypertension

High blood pressure during pregnancy is a serious risk to the life and development of the fetus. It negatively affects the functioning of the placenta. The baby receives less nutrients, vitamins, the excretion of metabolic products of the fetus into the mother's body slows down. As a result, the child begins to lag behind in development. Pathology can lead to intrauterine death of the child.

Such nosebleeds are accompanied by a headache, a woman experiences bouts of nausea, she is "thrown" into heat, cold, sweating increases. The blood comes out under pressure, while the bleeding is quite strong, profuse. It is quite difficult to stop it. For some time after it, the discharge from the nose of ichor and small blood clots continues.

The condition requires the prompt hospitalization of the pregnant woman. In a hospital setting, an obstetrician-gynecologist and a therapist jointly provide the correct therapy aimed at reducing pressure. A hospital is desirable at any time, faced with such a problem.

In the third trimester (37-38 weeks), the doctor may decide about early delivery by caesarean section.

Violation of blood properties

Usually, during normal pregnancy, a woman's blood becomes more viscous, and its clotting increases. However, some congenital or acquired causes can lead to the opposite process: the blood becomes liquid, coagulability is insufficient. In this case, nosebleeds are frequent. They are long lasting, even if the volume of the released blood is small.

Coagulation disorders are dangerous for a woman and her baby. Heavy bleeding may occur during the birth process. Insufficient blood coagulation in the third trimester is especially dangerous. It can provoke placental abruption, profuse internal bleeding, fetal and maternal death.

The reasons for low coagulation are hidden in the decrease in immunity under the influence of hormones. A strong weakening of the immune system reduces the ability of the blood to clot. This may be insufficient nutrition, due to which the pregnant woman is deficient in vitamins, iron, calcium, magnesium. Sometimes the cause is congenital. This is hemophilia, which can only be carried by a woman, and only boys are sick.

In addition to nosebleeds, blood clotting disorders can be said:

  • the appearance of spontaneous bruising from any, even light touch;
  • bleeding gums;
  • an admixture of blood in the urine.

In this case, it is important for a pregnant woman:

  • consult a hematologist;
  • carrying out a special analysis - coagulogram;
  • the appointment of treatment.

The therapy is carried out with the use of drugs that are designed to increase blood clotting, the number of platelets and proteins in the blood. The specialist prescribes a diet that includes foods that make the blood thicker (fatty meat, butter, beans, peas, cream).

Calcium deficiency

The need for a pregnant woman in calcium increases significantly: from the mother's blood, this essential mineral gets to the child, for which it is necessary for the laying and growth of bones, cartilage, rudiments of milk teeth. The child takes the maximum amount of calcium from the mother's body, while the mother herself often suffers from hypocalcemia. This condition can be easily suspected by regular nosebleeds in the morning, by the noticeably deteriorating condition of the nails, teeth and hair of the expectant mother. Sometimes (for example, at night) a woman may experience severe calf cramps.

The situation won't go away on its own she needs treatment. After conducting a blood test to determine the level of calcium in it, the doctor prescribes appropriate medications for the pregnant woman and special vitamin complexes created for pregnant women. In severe cases, a woman can be hospitalized and treated under the supervision of doctors. The most dangerous is hypocalcemia in the first trimester of pregnancy, when there is an intensive laying of the baby's bone tissue.

Nose injuries

Nobody is safe from injuries. Any injury to the nasal septum, nasal mucous membranes, if the bleeding is difficult to stop, must be shown to a traumatologist. It is possible that the woman will be referred to another specialist (otolaryngologist) for the appointment of post-traumatic treatment.

Infectious diseases

Infectious diseases pose a serious danger to the baby (especially in the first trimester of pregnancy). Infectious diseases (from ARVI to herpes infection) can become the cause of nosebleeds of a pregnant woman. Often, the vessels of the nasal mucosa are overflowing with blood due to changes in hormonal levels, and prolonged high temperatures make them brittle and fragile.

An additional danger is posed by the self-medication of the expectant mother. Uncontrolled intake of medications (especially antibiotics), improperly performed inhalations at home can lead to bleeding from the nose, which is fraught with serious complications for the woman and the fetus.

If it was not possible to protect yourself from an infectious disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe a gentle treatment, taking into account the patient's position, in order to minimize the effect on the fetus of the infectious pathogen and drugs intended to combat it.


A pregnant woman can contact a local therapist about a suspicion of pathological nosebleeds. He will prescribe a blood test to exclude violations of its coagulability, determine the woman's blood pressure level, and, if necessary, give a referral for consultation to ENT doctor and hematologist. X-ray of the sinuses during pregnancy is not prescribed, surgery on the nasal septum is also postponed until the postpartum period.

ENT doctor conducts diagnostics

First aid

If nosebleeds occur, a pregnant woman and her relatives can stop the bleeding on their own, subsequently deciding whether to visit a doctor.