Why do people have weak energy. Human energy. Strong and weak energy. How to increase a person's energy. Influence of date of birth on energy

Signs of a strong human energy are good health, high self-esteem and developed bioenergy. It is these qualities that are often lacking to achieve success. However, energy protection can be developed.

Human energy consists of two types: bodily and spiritual. The bodily depends on the environment, its purity, the people with whom we communicate. Spiritual, internal energy is the spiritual world of a person, which consists of his thoughts, experiences and emotionality. Purity of thoughts and actions is what gives us positive strong energy.
Any person's energy can be programmed for success. By examining your biofield more closely, you will determine in which direction you should work on yourself, and whether you need to work on the biofield at all. Perhaps you already have strong protection?
Exists the main signs of an energetically strong personality... If in this description you did not recognize yourself, but it reminded you of a colleague or TV star, focus on such people, since from them you can recharge with positive energy that they receive through the communication channel from the Universe. The chances of achieving success in any area of ​​life will be slightly higher if strong people appear in your environment.


Many people have signs of strong energy and any person who is near the carrier of such energy is able to feel them. They are manifested in the character traits and behavior of such people, they are characterized by charisma, purposefulness, self-confidence, high spirituality, and much more, which indicates their high energy potential.

The energy potential that a person possesses is his ability to generate his own energy, accumulate and assimilate it from the outside, as well as rationally use it. Using energy for good, a person receives a double charge back, which means he accumulates strength. By producing negative emotions, performing negative actions, a person loses strength, and hence health.

By giving, by doing sincere good deeds, we also receive. We receive it internally. This means that our health will be complete, and our life will be joyful and happy. A harmonious person is a happy person and people are always comfortable with him. A self-confident, happy person radiates a special strong energy, charging the space around with positive. Strong human energy is a battery for others and the space around. Everything blooms next to a person with a strong positive energy.

If a person has a strong positive energy, other people feel comfortable around him. Only by the influence of his biofield, such a person is able to positively influence other people. At the same time, a person with negative energy causes a completely opposite state. People near him feel discomfort, anxiety, depression, those with weak energy may also feel ailments.

How do you know if you have become stronger or not?

The first sign: if the aura is pure and strong, the person hardly gets sick. When the aura is meager, a person is overworked, he has frequent headaches, chronic diseases appear, he easily catches a cold. Sometimes it goes further - there are signs of more serious diseases.

The second symptom: a strong biofield gives its wearer incredible luck in all matters. Roughly speaking, people with a strong energy are always more likely to achieve success without noticeable effort.

Sign the third: a strong aura is felt if the person exudes optimism. When you stand next to such a person, you want to act, you want to conquer the world, and you see everything in a pleasant light. If this person is of the opposite sex, then it is very easy to fall in love with him.

The fourth sign: people with a high level of energy do not have problems. This does not mean that such people have no problems at all, they just do not give him such discomfort. There are almost no chances that life will change dramatically and become much worse.

The fifth sign: if a person has a high level of energy, then he is most likely a leader. Leading others and being weak are two things that are absolutely incomparable with each other.

Sixth sign: strong aura - strong body. When a person is strong mentally, he is strong also physically. He is hardy, gets tired slowly and is always ready to conquer new heights.

Sign seventh: his mind is open. These people are not afraid to experiment, expand the scope, look beyond the horizon. Strong energy allows you not to be afraid of changes, and absolutely any. This proves once again that life is a dynamic. Life is change and constant, permanent transformation.

What enhances the energy:


Alcohol, energy drinks, and drugs are all artificial ways to increase energy levels. They only give us a surge of strength and emotions for a while, and then they take it back, but in much larger quantities.

In addition to the fact that they cause irreparable harm to the body, this activity is simply unprofitable. By using these substances and drinks, you take a kind of loan at rather big interest.

Have you ever wondered why drug addicts live so little? The fact is that each person has his own certain supply of vital energy, given to him at birth, for example, for 100 years of life. The hard drug addicts take crazy loans of life energy, at cosmic interest rates, allowing them to "fly away" so high in drug ecstasy. In other words, they “burn through” their energy reserves in a very short time, sometimes living up to 30 years.

Smoking is another bad habit that anyone who cares about increasing internal energy needs to get rid of. In addition to the harmful effects on the human body, cigarettes also "steal" a lot of free energy from addicted to them.


All our negative emotions, feelings and experiences take away creative energy in large volumes. This is especially true of feelings of resentment and guilt, the roots of which can go back to our childhood. In addition to the selection of internal energy, they imperceptibly destroy our personality. Forgiveness is a great way to get rid of these negative emotions.

Avoid any negative emotions, control your thoughts, do not get overwhelmed by trifles. Often, forgive and let go of people and situations - thereby you will make yourself a huge gift in the form of a good mood and a surge of vitality.


Music itself is made up of pure energy. She inspires and inspires us, she is able to lift our spirits in a matter of seconds. Choose the music you like, turn it on louder and replenish your energy reserves to your heart's content!


This is any activity that we like. This is something we really enjoy doing. If you don't already have a hobby, it is also a great way to boost your energy.


Communicate more with people with high energy. And this will not be considered energetic vampirism on your part, because such people have an increased energy level, it just “gushes”, “spills over the edge” and they share their energy voluntarily and willingly, as they are “energy donors”.

"Energizers" are easy to identify - after contact with them, the mood rises and a surge of energy is felt. Find such people in your environment and spend as much time as possible in their company.


Correct breathing can significantly increase our energy. Engage in breathing practices and learn to breathe deeply using your lungs to the fullest. Most people breathe improperly and shallowly, using only the upper part of their lungs.

There are various ways and breathing practices to increase energy, such as "full wave" or "holotropic" breathing, holding the breath in different phases. All of them are aimed at one thing - an increase in the volume of inhaled air and an increase in the flow of oxygen to the brain, which has an extremely positive effect on the overall energy balance and health in general.


Here, as they say, comments are unnecessary - everyone felt the effect of this powerful source of free energy on themselves.


When you give something unselfishly, not expecting to get anything in return, when you donate to charity, the Universe will thank you with free energy in large quantities.

The phrase from the Bible “Let the hand of the giver not fail” - just about this it tells us.


During physical exertion, an exchange takes place in our body - stagnant energy is released and its place is filled with renewed free energy, which increases our vitality.

Exercise often - run, swim, exercise - to stay fit and energized.


Another source of free energy, well known to all lovers of our smaller brothers. Pets generously share their inexhaustible energy with us, bringing so much joy and positive into our lives.

Dogs especially strongly "charge" their owners, being energy donors by their nature. The exception here are cats, which do not give anything at all, because they themselves exist due to the intake of energy and are of a vampiric nature. But they are able to "feed" on the negative and can heal their owners by lying down on their sore spot and taking negative energy onto themselves.


The presence in our life of a goal, cherished dream or desire, the fulfillment of which you yearn for with all your soul, is a powerful source of energy. Where there is a dream, there is always energy to make it come true. This is how our universe works. And if the dream is really yours, then the whole Universe will strive to help you in this.

If you have no desires, then you are dead.

Be sure to set goals, tasks, make wishes and come up with dreams - and you will always be provided with the energy to make them come true!


« According to your faith, let it be for you"- said Jesus. And it doesn't matter at all what or who you believe in. Be it in God, Providence, the Universe or the Higher Mind - the very presence of faith in the Higher Forces, standing above us, gives us a powerful influx of free energy.

If you are a non-believer, try to believe in your Personal World, which guards and protects you. “My world is taking care of me” - repeat to yourself whenever you feel loneliness and spiritual emptiness. And he will really start to take care of you and take you under his wing.


Love is a very strong feeling that evokes a storm of the brightest emotions in our souls. No wonder he is called divine. When love comes to a person, wings seem to grow behind him - such a powerful surge of strength and energy gives us this unearthly feeling.

Creativity enlivens our soul. The ability to create is given to us by the fact of birth, since we are created in the image and likeness of the Supreme Creator, who breathed life into us. At the moment of creation and creation of something new, our subtle bodies are activated and channels of communication with the Highest source are opened, which gives us impulse and creative energy.

The main signs of people with a strong, positive energy are their desire to live in harmony with the world around them and the people who are next to them. They are pure, sincere people with a strong core inside.

Strong human energy is a guarantee of health and harmony of life!

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Depends on the psychological state. If a person is a life-lover, his energy field will be much denser than that of people who are constantly dissatisfied with life. So, if you constantly complain about life, look for its dark sides, get annoyed over trifles, this can lead to a significant weakening of your energy. It should be noted that this connection works both ways. If suddenly a person who is usually happy with life begins to behave like a hypochondriac, most likely this means that something has happened to his field.

If your strength is gone, force yourself to rest. Sleep is best, so use sedative teas or sleeping pills to convince your body to get enough sleep.

What damages energy

Human energy is a tidbit for energy vampires. They are divided into two types. The first provoke people into a scandal, in fact, as soon as a person loses his temper in the presence of such people, he loses the lion's share of his energy. The second type is whiners. Eternally disgruntled people who seek and demand support and sympathy for any reason can drain energy no worse than brawlers. If suddenly you realize that your energy level has dropped dramatically, remember if you suddenly lost your temper lately or were engaged in fruitless consolations. If a similar incident was present in your life, minimize communication with the people who took part in it. Observe your condition for some time.

The closest relatives are often the most dangerous energy vampires. As a rule, they do not pull energy on themselves out of malice. In this situation, you just need to try to control yourself, not lose your temper in their presence and monitor emotional reactions.

Do what you love. It restores energy levels very well. While doing something pleasant and interesting, people forget about fatigue and time.

Another common cause of energy loss is the anticipation of some very important event. Very often the most important events in our life "pull" into the future a huge amount of our energy. This is especially true for situations that can only happen. At the same time, all thoughts are concentrated only on such future possibilities, which means that all energy also flows there. Try to disconnect from such an event, if there is one in your future. Such energy depletion will not lead to anything good.

It happens that after communicating with some people, the mood changes for the worse, forces leave the body, a headache begins to torment and an unreasonable melancholy overcomes. Be alert: you may be dealing with an energy vampire.

Energy vampire - who is this?

This person does not have sharp fangs, does not differ in any special color of eyes and skin, and does not have to be afraid of the sun's rays. He can be an ordinary passer-by or even a close person.

Energy vampires do not have any external manifestations of their "illness", they can absorb energy through handshakes, aggression and just one look. How, then, do you know that a person is stealing your energy and can you protect yourself from this?

How to calculate an energy vampire?

There are several basic identifying signs of energy vampires:

Conflictness. Such a person loves to evoke negative emotions in others, he screams and swears on business and just like that, tries
sarcastic and contradict the opinions of other people. This is the simplest and most common way to absorb energy.
- Stories about their problems. It is important for a vampire to find a "vest" in order to drain all the negativity. He can talk for hours about his difficulties in life, while completely not interested in the problems of the interlocutor.
- Jealousy and love of revenge. If he chose a permanent victim for himself, he will try to limit her circle of contacts, he will take care of and be jealous of new acquaintances.
- Love for telephone conversations. Such people can talk to the “donor” all evening about nothing, and after the conversation the person feels depressed and exhausted, as if his vital energy has gone somewhere. This applies to those very ratchets that ring often and idle, and then cannot hang up for a long time.

Most often, such people clearly manifest selfish traits.

Where to get an antidote for an energy vampire?

Throw garlic, holy water, and silver bullets into the far corner. You will not need them, because you can resist the energy vampire in other ways.

If an energy vampire tries to provoke you into a conflict, leave the room silently or simply turn a deaf ear to his speeches.

First, hold on to your emotions. Do not throw out your energy charge to this person in response to his cues.

Secondly, do not listen to his tearful stories every time (both in life and on the phone). Say that you have a lot to do or that you are not feeling well.

Third, if the energy vampire is a loved one, do not be afraid to let him know about your assumption. Try to solve this problem together. If he does not understand you, think about whether you need such an acquaintance.

Advice 3: What is the cause of death of the ballerina Ekaterina Maximova?

Ekaterina Maksimova is one of the most prominent Russian and Soviet ballerinas. In addition to virtuoso choreographic technique, she was distinguished by incredible charm and outstanding acting talent. The sudden departure of the great ballerina was a shock for her family, colleagues, students, as well as for thousands and thousands of fans not only in Russia, but all over the world.

The body of Ekaterina Maksimova, who died on April 28, 2009, was found in her apartment by her mother. According to doctors, the cause of death of the ballerina was acute heart failure.

Even on the eve, nothing foreshadowed trouble. Ekaterina Sergeevna felt well and even went out for a walk with the dog. On April 28, she was expected to attend the Kremlin Ballet rehearsal. None of the colleagues could even imagine that Ekaterina Maksimova would never cross the threshold of the theater again.

"Little Elf" of the Bolshoi Theater

Katya Maksimova dreamed of dancing since childhood and at the age of 10 she became a student of the Moscow Choreographic. Even during her studies, Maksimova made her debut as Masha in Tchaikovsky's ballet The Nutcracker. Almost immediately after graduating from college, Ekaterina Maksimova became a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater. During her foreign tours, the American press called the young ballerina "a wonderful little elf."

It is not surprising that on the country's main ballet stage Maksimova performed all the central parts of the classical repertoire: Giselle in the ballet of the same name by Adam, Kitri in Don Quixote by Minkus, Odette - Odile and Aurora in Swan Lake and Tchaikovsky's Sleeping Beauty. The ballerina danced a lot in the works of the modern repertoire, which since then have also become classics - Cinderella and Juliet in Prokofiev's ballets, Phrygia in Khachaturian's Spartacus.

Maximova on television and cinema screens

The choreographic talent of Ekaterina Maksimova was also revealed in a new way in the wonderful film-ballets Galatea, Anyuta and Old Tango. In addition, Maksimova played the main role in the feature film Fouette, the choreographic solution of which was created by her husband, an outstanding dancer and choreographer Vladimir Vasiliev.

Ekaterina Sergeevna was not like other ballet divas. She never took part in intrigues and scandals. It is not for nothing that Maksimova was called the Great Silence of the Bolshoi Theater.

In 1975, Ekaterina Maksimova was seriously injured, but managed to overcome the disease and return to the stage. Of course, over the years, old injuries did not stop hurting her, but Ekaterina Sergeevna always behaved like a real queen.

Years have passed since that sad day when Ekaterina Maksimova passed away. But she is still remembered and loved by connoisseurs of the true art of ballet of various generations.

All bodies on Earth are endowed with energy, regardless of whether they are alive or inanimate. Human energy is a unique phenomenon, but, unfortunately, little-studied. In science, it is usually called bioenergy. This concept includes different types of energy. The person exchanges them with the environment and people. According to researchers, a person's health and success in all matters directly depends on his ability to receive and give energy.

Strong human energy

Energy in large quantities always gives a person self-confidence. People of this type are leaders, and the opinions of those around them do not really care. They are always full of ideas that they never tire of sharing. The behavior of such people is always natural, they are not shy in expressing feelings. In a way, they are similar to children, the only difference is that any child is a consumer of energy, and a strong personality shares it with others.

Excess energy is given to extraordinary and creative people who are sources of fresh ideas and a lot of energy for others. They always have a large number of admirers, because they are excellent storytellers and pleasant conversationalists. It is not difficult for them to establish contact with a wide variety of people, because their politeness, benevolence and charm can bribe many.

A person with strong energy can be easily identified by external signs. As a rule, he is distinguished by thin lips, a massive chin, thick eyebrows and a wide jaw. Usually such a person has dark hair color. Eyes are important. People with dark eyes have tremendous energy.

Influence of date of birth on energy

A person's energy by date of birth is the fastest way to determine the level of one's own capabilities. The concept under consideration is also called bioenergy. Today there is even such a profession - bioenergy. A professional in this field is well versed in the issue of the connection between man, numbers, space, etc.

Bioenergy scientists, together with numerologists, discovered the relationship between birth date and human energy. Having made simple mathematical calculations using the numbers of the date of birth, you can calculate what events await a person in a certain period of time. Using these numbers, you can plot a curve and monitor changes in the graph. The amount of energy directly depends on the height of the curve.

Signs of poor energy

Surely many are familiar with the situation when, on duty or for another reason, you need to communicate with a person who has something repulsive. It is difficult to explain this feeling, but I absolutely do not want to even be close to this person, although he is very interesting and gentle in character.

From such communication, fatigue and some kind of inexplicable devastation appear, the mood disappears, and a headache appears. Why it happens? There is only one explanation - poor human energy. Such people are met quite often, but the most interesting thing is that they do not even know about it always.

Man is an energy system in which energy bodies are located. They accumulate consequences that remain from thoughts, actions, emotions. When an excess of negativity appears in these bodies, a person can get sick - after all, energy directly affects health. It is the predominance of heavy and bad energy that repels people. There is also such a thing as energy vampirism. What it is, you can find out by visiting a page on our website.

Negative human energy

If a person is constantly haunted by failure, it can be assumed that his aura is polluted. This happens after serious sins or after the destruction of damage. After all, the energy of a person's energy is quite receptive. Human auras constantly touch during communication, exchanging parts of energy with each other.

Sometimes negative energy passes from one person to another completely uncontrollably. Typically, this happens when someone feels pity, hatred, anger, envy, or other emotion for someone. If negative energy is directed purposefully, then in this case we can already talk about damage. It is quite difficult to get rid of it on your own, and in some cases it is almost impossible. Therefore, after signs of damage appear, it is better to immediately seek help from a traditional healer.

Signs of positive energy

Positive energy is understood as vital energy that creates comfortable conditions for human life. Everyone should take care of themselves to surround themselves with people, things and plants that are sources of positive energy.

A person is born with a certain energy, which does not mean at all that it will be like this all his life. Over time, she can become stronger, especially when it comes to a purposeful and active personality. The positive energy of a person is manifested in this way:

  1. A positive outlook.
  2. A gentle character.
  3. Purity of thoughts and deeds.
  4. Passion, creative plans.
  5. Poise and calmness.

It is pleasant and comfortable to be near such a person.

Ways to increase energy levels

The increased energy of a person depends on simple rules that must be followed so that the mental and physical state of the body is in perfect order. Firstly, in order for the body to function normally, it needs rest - healthy sleep and a mandatory vacation from work. Secondly, the person must get rid of the negative attitude.

This is very important, because at the moment when a person is overcome by feelings of anger, rage or indignation, his energy is destroyed. Observing these rules, you can be sure that additional work on increasing energy will not be required. You can learn how to replenish your energy reserves, as well as repel possible negative energy in our school of psychics.

The quality of his daily life largely depends on the energy of a person. With a positive energy, a person lives harmoniously, positively influencing those who are next to him. He is not capable of deception or meanness, open to communication, he can be trusted. The carrier of negative energy, on the contrary, is malevolent, deceitful and vile, and communication with him does not give others any pleasure. Therefore, try to communicate with people with a positive and strong energy - these are sincere and pure people who have a strong core within themselves.

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As each of us probably knows, there is a wide range of human sensory abilities. Some people see very well, others not very well. Some have excellent hearing, while others are deaf. The same applies to energy sensitivity.

All things are made of vibrational energy. Some people perfectly understand the energy that surrounds them, and they can easily tell when there is a lot or little of it. They can easily sense the "good" and "bad" vibrations.

Not all energy-sensitive people have all of the following characteristics all the time, but if you notice even a few of them, you are most likely quite sensitive to vibrational energy.

Strong human energy

1. You know how to deeply empathize with other people

Often a person with a strong energy can be seen where someone is offended or in upset feelings. Energy-sensitive people are often the first "recipients" of information about someone else's problem. At the same time, the victim always wants to hold the hand of such a person, hug him and cry to him.

Energy-sensitive people are very sensitive to the emotions of others (and sometimes physical pain), so they easily understand and empathize with those who are suffering.

2. Emotional roller coaster

The presence of a keen sense of vibrational energy often means that when a person feels "high" energies around him, he is on an emotional lift and vice versa. Have a few options ready to deal with in case of an emotional downturn.

3. Dependency

Being sensitive to energy, such a person feels much more than other people. To escape the feeling of low vibrational energy, often such people can use alcohol or some other relaxation method to reduce the intensity of the negative energy sensations.

These people may be prone to other types of addictions, such as eating, gambling, or shopping.

Man and his energy

People with a strong energy often understand very well the motives of people's behavior, in some cases they catch and feel right on the go when someone wants to say something, good or bad, it does not matter.

This is a very useful feature, since no one can use such a person for their own purposes.

5. People with strong energies are most often introverts.

Not all sensitive people are introverts, but many are. The process of feeling the emotions and feelings of other people is very exhausting mentally, so often energy-sensitive people after such "sessions" need rest and recovery.

They often feel exhausted after prolonged social interactions.

6. A person can see signs

People with strong energies are much more likely to understand the signs that the Universe sends them. They are more likely to find meaning in events and circumstances that most other people would consider coincidental.

Human energy

As we can see, strong energy is a double-edged sword. Focusing on vibrational energy allows for a deeper understanding of the universe, but on the other hand, it can also lead to some heightened stimulation and cause a lot of problems if left unattended.

If you think you have a strong energy and are energetically sensitive, there are a number of things you can do to properly use your gift and not deplete so much.

First of all, the first thing that can help you to strengthen your vibration "receivers" or better feel the vibration of the environment is meditation or yoga for mental and physical lifting. It's also a good idea to clean up your home and workspace regularly.

Be mindful of the people you surround yourself with and stay away from toxic individuals, events and circumstances, especially when you are feeling overwhelmed. It is very important to work on self-acceptance and learn to love yourself and your gift.

If you came into this world as a person who is sensitive to the perception of energy, then some responsibilities automatically fall on you. However, the constant influx of energy from the environment can be overwhelming and painful.

But if you learn to manage your gift, amazing things will begin to happen. Reading energy from people and being able to empathize with others will be a huge benefit.

Energy-sensitive people have the power to push the world for positive change, and they also have the ability to become the world's greatest leaders, healers and teachers.

Now let's look at what types of energy people exist today.

Energy of the human body

1) People are energy mirrors

If energy is directed at such a person, no matter positive or negative, it will always return to the one who directs it. That is, a person-mirror reflects energy.

These properties of energy inherent in certain people can and should be used, and with a high degree of efficiency, in order to protect oneself from negative energy, and, first of all, from its purposeful flows.

People - mirrors perfectly feel the people around them, so if they have to reflect negative energy, being near its carrier, they immediately understand who is in front of them and try not to enter into any contacts with this person.

True, it should be added that the carrier of negative energy at a subconscious level is trying not to meet with such "mirrors", because getting back his own negative will not affect him in the best way, up to the development of various diseases or, at least, ailments.

And vice versa, for a carrier of positive energy, contact with people-mirrors is always pleasant, because the reflected positive returns to its owner, charging him with another portion of positive emotions.

As for the person-mirror himself, after he quickly realized that he is a bearer of positive energy, in the future he will only be glad to communicate with such a person and will maintain warm relations with him.

2) People are energy leeches

There are a lot of people with such energy, and each of us almost daily encounters and communicates with them. These can be work colleagues, relatives, or good acquaintances.

In essence, energy leeches are the same as energy vampires. That is, these are people who are experiencing problems with replenishing their energy reserves, and the easiest way for them to do this is to stick to another person, taking away energy from him, and with it life force.

Such people are persistent and aggressive, they emit negativity, and they have an inherent method of siphoning energy from others, which is quite simple. They create a conflict situation, start a quarrel or argument, and sometimes they can even humiliate a person when other methods do not help.

After what happened, their well-being significantly improves, vigor comes to them, and they feel a surge of strength, because they have drunk enough energy from a person to feed themselves. A donor person who has been exposed to an energy leech, on the contrary, feels empty, depressed, and sometimes he may even have physical ailments.

In order for the leech to feel well, there must always be donors around it, and they themselves strive to keep such people in their field of vision, to whose energy field one can stick.

The impact of energy on humans

3) People are energy walls

A person - an energy wall - is a person with a very strong energy. You can often hear about such people that they are impenetrable. All troubles, if any, appear on their way of life, fly away from them literally like from a concrete wall.

However, there is a negative side to interacting with such people. Negative energy directed at them naturally bounces off and does not always return to the one who directed it. If at the moment there are other people near the “wall”, then the negative can go to them.

4) People are energy sticklers

These people, from the very moment they meet them, begin to pour out a huge amount of negative energy on the interlocutor. Moreover, without waiting for the question, they immediately spread all the negative that they have accumulated.

Sticking, like a leech, does not take energy directly. Such a person also tries to settle in the living space of others and stay in it for a long time. Sticky people are people with very bad and low energy, they constantly impose themselves, they always want to be around, they constantly call their "victims", look for meetings, ask for advice, etc.

But if later some difficulties arise in their life, then they are very fond of blaming those who were nearby for all the negative that is happening. Thus, adherents do not create conflict situations like leeches, but receive their portion of someone else's energy with the help of moral support, sympathy and advice.

That is, by imposing themselves on the people around them, as well as forcing them to communicate in indirect ways, the sticklers feed on the energy of these people. But it is worth adding that people who communicate with them do not suffer, as from contact with energy vampires.

Energy man

5) People are energy absorbers

In this capacity, sinks can be both donors and recipients. These people are very sensitive, their energy-information exchange is always accelerated. They like to get into someone else's life, showing a pronounced desire to help and influencing someone else's energy.

There are two types of absorbers: the first absorb both positive and negative energy, they like to be offended for no reason, but they quickly forget the offense; the latter take a lot of negative energy, while giving a lot of positive, they are sensitive to the problems of people, positively influencing the biofields of others, but they themselves suffer.

6) People are energy samoyeds

These people are always fixated on their experiences. Samoyeds are withdrawn and consciously do not want to communicate with others. They do not know how to properly redistribute energy, so they accumulate a lot of negativity in themselves.

7) People are energy plants

People - plants give energy, that is, they are real energy donors. Excessive curiosity is inherent in this type of people. This feature brings them a lot of trouble, because it causes displeasure and anger of the people around them.

8) People - energy filters

A human filter has a strong energy, capable of passing a huge amount of positive and negative energy through itself. All information absorbed by such a person in a modified form returns to its source, but carries a different charge.

Everything negative remains on the filter, to which the positive is added. "Filters" are often successful natural-born diplomats, peacemakers, psychologists.

9) People are energy intermediaries

Energy exchange works great for intermediaries. They accept energy well, but it is extremely difficult for them to resist the effects of negative energy. For example, someone shared negative information with the mediator and transferred negative energy to him. The intermediary cannot cope with it, so it passes the information on.

A similar situation occurs with positive information. This type of people is one of the most common.

We conserve energy when we are completely calm and as focused as possible. By maintaining constant awareness, we can gain control over our reactions and learn to use energy most efficiently. Strong human energy is a guarantee of health and harmony of life!

Today we are increasingly faced with a crisis of personal energy. This energy crisis manifests itself as chronic fatigue and decreased performance. Low energy levels make us unable to achieve our goals and cope with difficult circumstances. Lack of energy is a major barrier to well-being. Each of us from birth has a certain level of energy necessary for life. And this amount of energy is quite enough to live a decent life. But due to the lack of the appropriate culture, people lose this wealth. Let's check if you have this power? Can you change the world, and if so, in which direction?

Lack of energy is a major barrier to well-being

Each of us is an energetic person. Some can be a weak negative, others a strong positive energetic person. Scientists have long proven that everything consists of energy.

Human energy consists of two types: bodily and spiritual.

  • Corporal depends on the environment, its purity, the people with whom we communicate.
  • Spiritual, internal energy is the spiritual world of a person, which consists of his thoughts, experiences and emotionality.

Purity of thoughts and actions is what gives us positive strong energy. Below you will read everything about human energy.

Signs of a strong human energy

Many people have signs of strong energy and any person who is near the carrier of such energy is able to feel them. They are manifested both in character traits and in the behavior of such people, they are characterized by charisma, purposefulness, self-confidence, high spirituality and much more, which indicates their high energy potential.

The energy potential that a person possesses is his ability to generate his own energy, accumulate and assimilate it from the outside, and also rationally use it.

  • Using energy for good a person gets back a doubled charge, which means he accumulates strength.
  • By producing negative emotions, performing negative actions, a person loses strength, and hence health.

By giving, by doing sincere good deeds, we also receive. We receive it internally. This means that our health will be complete, and life will be joyful and happy. A harmonious person is a happy person and people are always comfortable with him.

A self-confident, happy person radiates a special strong energy, charging the space around with positive. Strong human energy is a battery for others and the space around. Everything blooms next to a person with a strong positive energy.

  • If a person has a strong positive energy, other people feel comfortable around him. Only by the influence of his biofield, such a person is able to positively influence other people.
  • In the same time a person with negative energy causes a completely opposite state. People near him feel discomfort, anxiety, depression, those with weak energy may also feel ailments.

According to their energy potential, people can be divided into several types. These types differ from one another in their ability to generate, accumulate and give energy and are divided into people with poor energy and people with good energy.

Types of human energy

Energy Mirrors

Both positive and negative energy, which is directed at the person-mirror, always returns to the subject who directs it. That is, they are characterized by a reflection of energy. Such properties of energy, which is inherent in certain people, can be used with great efficiency to protect against negative energy, including from its purposeful flows.

A person-mirror feels other people well, and if he has to reflect negative energy, being next to its carrier, he immediately understands who is in front of him and tries not to contact such a person. However, the owner of negative energy himself, on a subconscious level, tries to avoid meeting with such "mirrors", since getting back his negative charge does not affect him in the best way, up to ailments and various diseases.

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For a person who has positive energy, on the contrary, communication with a person-mirror is always pleasant, because the reflected positive energy returns to the owner, filling him with new positive emotions. As for the "mirror", having determined that the person who communicates with him is the bearer of positive energy, he will continue to be glad to contact with such a person, and will always maintain good relations with him.

Energy leeches

There are many such people everywhere, and almost all of us have to communicate with them every day. These can be good friends, relatives, work colleagues. Basically "Energy leeches" are the same as "energy vampires"... That is, these are people who have problems with replenishing energy, and the easiest way for them to strengthen their energy is to “stick” to other people, from whom they simply take their energy (vitality).

Energy leeches are aggressive and persistent, and emit bad human energy, their method of siphoning energy from potential victims is simple - they try to create a conflict situation, start a quarrel or argument, in some cases even humiliate a person. After that, their state of health sharply improves, they become vigorous and feel a surge of strength, since they have been sufficiently fed by someone else's energy.

A person (donor) who has been attacked by an "energy leech", on the contrary, feels devastated, depressed, in some cases, various ailments arise. The key to the existence of this type of people is the constant presence of donors around them, they try to stay close to such people, sticking to their energy field.

Energy walls

An energy wall is a person with strong energy. Such people are called "impenetrable" by others. Any troubles fly away from them like from a concrete wall. But there is also a negative side to such impenetrability: the negative energy that bounces off them does not in all cases return to the person who sent it, but also to those people who at a particular moment are next to the "impenetrable".

Energy Sticks

Such people, even at the first meeting, begin to spew out a stream of negative energy, without even waiting for a question, spreading all the negative that has accumulated in them. Like leeches, they do not directly take energy. But they also try to penetrate into the living space of other people and stay in it as long as possible.

Like leeches Stickers are people with low, bad energy, they seek to impose themselves, they are always there, constantly call on the phone, look for meetings and contacts, ask for advice. However, later, if any difficulties arise, they blame those with whom they were next for all the negative things that happen in their lives. Thus, without provoking conflict situations, "energy sticklers" receive someone else's energy in the form of sympathy, some kind of moral help, advice. That is, imposing themselves on other people and indirectly forcing them to make contact, they are fed by the energy of these people, but the people who communicate with them do not suffer, as from communication with energy vampires.

Energy absorbers

In this capacity, there can be both acceptors and donors. Such people are very sensitive, they have an accelerated energy-information exchange. They love to get into someone else's life, and try to influence someone else's energy with a pronounced desire to help.

Such people can be distinguished in two types:

  • The first type includes those who absorbs both negative and positive energy. They take offense for no reason, but quickly forget the offense.
  • People of the second type take on a lot of negative energy and give no less positive energy. They actively delve into the problems of people and have a positive effect on the biofields of others, but their accelerated exchange negatively affects themselves.

Energy Samoyeds

This type of people seems to be fixated on their experiences. They are withdrawn and consciously do not want to communicate with other people, do not know how to redistribute energy for the benefit of themselves, and at the same time create huge reserves of negative energy.

Energy plants

This type of people is inherent in the property of giving energy, that is they are, in fact, energy donors... This type of people is characterized by excessive curiosity. This trait brings them a lot of trouble, causing the displeasure and even anger of many people.

Energy filters

An energy filter is a person with a strong energy, who can pass a large amount of both positive and negative energy through himself. All information absorbed by it in a processed form returns to the original source and carries an already changed charge. All negativity remains on the filter, to which positive energy is added. Such people are often successful natural-born diplomats, psychologists, peacemakers.

Energy intermediaries

They have excellent energy exchange. They accept energy well, but cannot withstand negative energetic effects. For example, some negative information was shared with such a person, thus transferring a part of negative energy to him. Unable to cope with the received negative energy, the person passes the information on. The same thing happens in the case of the transmission of positive information. This type of "energy mediator" is inherent in so many people.

Having considered the main types of energy inherent in humans, one can understand that different people have different bioenergy. Even the negative or positive energy of a person, in turn, can be divided into different types. Based on this, we can say that each person, taking into account the type of his energy, has his own specific capabilities, his own energy potential and his own specific characteristics. Energy determines a lot and affects a person's relationship with other people and the world around him.

A person who has negative, negative energy has a bad effect on everything that surrounds him, including the people who are next to him, he is always in trouble. He is not able to live in harmony with the world around him and even with himself.

The influence of energy on a person largely determines his daily life. If the energy is positive, then a person's life generally proceeds in a harmonious manner, he has a positive effect on those around him. You cannot expect meanness, deception, trick or other negative manifestations from him. It is open, understandable, and inspires trust in other people.

The impact of energy on a person, emanating from the carrier of negative energy, on the contrary, can harm other people. After all, negative energy is inherent in deceitful, envious, unfriendly, aggressive people and this negative often manifests itself in communication with others and does not bring them anything good.

The main signs of people with a strong, positive energy are their desire to live in harmony with the world around them and the people who are next to them. They are pure, sincere people with a strong core inside. published.

Igor Ivanilov

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