Helping conspiracy on female beauty and aura. body beauty spell

A magical ritual to be charming. So that in a company or at a holiday, male attention is riveted only to you, entering the room where the guests gathered, say a conspiracy to yourself:
"All women are fools. They have thin manners, All dresses are short, I came in, a peacock, a red maiden, I led her with my eyes - I gathered all the men. Wherever I go, they follow me. And my beloved (name) is the most beautiful!" Entering the room, linger in the doorway and look around the whole room in a circle from the left jamb to the right. Anyone who at this moment looks at you or in your direction will be bewitched.

Magic plot for attractiveness. Read the plot in a glass of water. On the full moon, pour a glass of boiled water, throw a pinch of salt into it with your left hand, place the glass so that the moonlight falls on it and say the words until all the salt is dissolved:
\"Moon water, like a girl's tear, let me be young, white-faced, carefree, let the one I love love me for my beauty, for complaisance! \" Let the glass stand all night. In the morning, after washing yourself, on an empty stomach, drink a sip of the charmed water, mentally saying: "Water - to me, beauty - to me!" Repeat these steps every morning until the water in the glass runs out.

An old conspiracy for the beauty and love of people. Going for a walk, a girl wipes herself with a towel and says the words to him:
"I will become, a servant of God (name), blessed, I will go crossing myself, in a clean field, under the east side. There is a river flowing. God's (name) in a clean field, in a feast and a festivities, I would seem to everyone good, beautiful and kind, and I would be dearer to everyone to my dear whom I love. I would be more beautiful and better than everyone and he would love me more than anyone. My words strong and molded. Be my way. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!"

Witchcraft rite to increase attractiveness.
1. If you want to rejuvenate your skin or slightly change any part of the body that seems not quite perfect to you, then use moon magic.

On the night of the full moon, place a vessel of pure mineral water on the window. In the morning, hide the vessel in a place inaccessible to sunlight.
Wash your face and wipe with “moon water” the part of the body that you want to change. It can be your hair, lips, eyes, chin, chest, stomach, etc.
During these actions, say a conspiracy: "Moonlight fills my body with beauty, my skin with a glow, and my mind with ecstasy and pleasure."
Feel how wrinkles are smoothed out, fat folds are eliminated, the code becomes firm and elastic. Cool water, touching your skin, washes away everything superfluous and unnecessary and fills your body with new currents of energy.
These energies form your new image and thinking, which contributes to your outer reincarnation.

2. Place a large mirror on the table. Place a photograph vertically on it, which captures your youthful image, and say: "I call on the past and the future to change the present and determine the future, for beauty, for youth, for happiness."

Look alternately in the mirror or in the photo and imagine how your real and photographic images are approaching. Repeat the ritual for 10 days to restore youth, beauty and happiness.

A conspiracy for the beauty of the face (from wrinkles). Reading at midnight.
“Vodichka-vodichka, wash my face, give me beauty, for loving hearts, so that my face becomes prettier, so that you get younger day by day, take away the wrinkles from my face, queen-night. May it be so!"

Conspiracy for the beauty of hair.
Speak on a decoction of nettle and rinse your hair:

“Leaf to leaf, blade of grass to blade of grass, grow, turn green, so my hair would grow stronger, grow, not break, rise to the sun, shine in the sun. Key, lock, tongue. Amen, Amen. Amen"

Do this ritual for 3 months.

A conspiracy for a beautiful face
“I am a firebird, a sea queen, a red dawn, a clear star, a fertile spring, a fragrant violet, a light fluff, a white snowflake, a May night, a bird of paradise. I am joy, warmth, light and joy. My word is strong."

Strengthening attractiveness
To enhance the attractiveness, you need to spend some time next to the rose bush.
Then say: “The color is ardent, scarlet, poppy, give me a red face. I, like a May rose and like a bird of paradise, seem more beautiful than the red sun, sweeter than a clear month. In the old days, it was believed that a person who lives surrounded by flowers or red roses becomes as beautiful as they are.

A conspiracy for attractiveness Say, looking into the running waters of the river: “Oh, my little white face, you will be nice to everyone: And the ataman, and the Cossack, and the good fellow.”

Hecate's spell
Hecate in Greek mythology is the goddess of witchcraft and night crossroads with three faces.
Time: waning moon, after midnight.
You will need: dried rosemary, a black candle, two cypress or cedar incense sticks.
As soon as midnight strikes, light a candle and incense sticks and call on Hekate for help, saying:

O great Goddess who has succeeded in sorcery! Come, three-faced goddess of the night, pale Selene, cold Diana, furious Hekate, ancient as the world and forever young. Hear my call and give me your blessing. Crescent Goddess, I call upon you at this hour. Turn to me the face of your youth, give power to my spell.

Then make a circle of rosemary on the floor and begin to walk barefoot around it counterclockwise, backwards, with the words:
- Great Hekate, I beg you, turn back time! This night I walk your dark path! As the moon wanes in the sky and disappears completely, so let my wrinkles, my years and my flabby skin decrease and disappear. May I look as young as possible again. My words, your will!

Let the candle burn out. A circle of rosemary, when the candle burns out, collect counterclockwise and, together with the cinder of the candle, take it out and throw it away from your home.

To look and feel beautiful
To do on the growing moon.
You will need: a blue candle, a pink candle, an orange candle, a handful of mint, a piece of amber.
Place all three candles on an altar or table. In the evening, prepare a bath, put mint and amber in the water. Now you can dive into the water yourself. Imagine how you are filled with beauty, how your skin glows. When you feel peaceful and attractive, get out of the bath. Dry off. Make sure you don't reflect in the mirror before you begin the ritual. Light the candles. Take the blue candle in your hands and say:
- Blue is for happiness. May I be happy. May it be so!
Put the candles on the table. Pick up a pink candle and say:
- Pink - for love and friendship. May I be rich in heart affairs. May it be so!
Put a pink candle on the table. Take the orange candle in your hands and say:
- Orange - for attractiveness. May I be beautiful and attractive. Let everyone see my beauty. May it be so!
Extinguish the candles. Look in the mirror and smile at yourself, say:
- I am beautiful!
You can carry charged amber with you for self-confidence.

For clear skin.
You need: two apples, a knife.
Cut one apple in half crosswise so that the seeds form a pentagram. Rub the pimples with one half of an apple and say:
- An apple, a fruit dedicated to Venus, by her will I will erase acne, by her name I will drive them away.
Place both halves together. Cut the third apple in the same way as the first. Rub the pimples with one half and say:
- I want to get clean skin, as I wish so that I should be!
Place the halves of the second apple together. Bury the first apple outside under a tree or bush. Throw the second apple into a river or lake.

Witch hazel spell. You will need: small rose quartz, 6 rose petals, a small bottle of witch hazel oil (called witch hazel), a mirror.
Look in the mirror and imagine how your face changes, all imperfections disappear, and you become as beautiful as you want to be. Rub the stone on the problem areas of the face and say:
- Stone of love, stone of beauty, erase imperfections, give me the face that I see. May it be so.
Place the stone in the oil bottle. Take rose petals in your right hand and say:
- Venus, goddess of beauty, bless these petals with your charm, bring the beauty I ask for!
Rub the petals on your face. Place the petals in the oil bottle. Close and shake 6 times with the words:
Farewell to imperfections, welcome to beauty.
Steep the oil for 1 week, then strain and use as a face mask.

For hair beauty.
You will need: comb, rose candle, rose oil, rose scented incense stick, mixer, lemon juice, 3 tablespoons of linseed oil, 1 egg, 3 tablespoons of ginkgo biloba oil, dried burdock root, plastic hair cap, shampoo, rain water.
Comb your hair well to remove all dirt. Lubricate the candle with rose oil. Light the candle and incense stick.
Crack the egg into the mixer, add the rest of the ingredients and mix until the mixture has a smooth consistency. Spell the mixture with a spell:
- A potion of witches with beautiful hair, will decorate my head without a doubt. Solar maidens weave the rays of the sun, weave the shine and thickness of my hair. Combine magic, egg and seeds and cover me in a waterfall of shiny hair. May it be so!
Rub the mixture into your hair. Cover your hair with a plastic cap and leave for 1 hour. Then wash off with shampoo and rinse your hair with rain water. Dry your hair without a hair dryer. You will immediately see the result.

Moulin Rouge Beauty Spell This spell requires a brightly colored glittery cloth, cinnamon oil, and four red candles.
The ritual is performed at midnight on a full moon. Spread the prepared cloth on the floor, place red candles smeared with cinnamon oil in the corners. Put on black clothes and jewelry with expensive stones; sapphires, rubies, topazes. Stand in the center of the fabric and light the candles. Ask the blessings of the keepers of secrets and charm: Good keepers of the night, in your honor I lit a fire. Please, may I always be beautiful and charming.
Now close your eyes and imagine how all the beauty and magic of the world around you enters your soul and body in a luminous spiral. Put out the candles.

Mirror for beauty and youth
The goddess Venus was the patroness of spring and gardens, so all the rituals dedicated to her have a special power during this period of the year.
When the orchards are in bloom, gather the petals of the apple tree. Do it on a moonlit night without anyone noticing.
When you get home, place all the petals in a bowl of spring water. Put a round mirror on the bottom of this bowl.

Looking at your reflection in the mirror, wash your face and body with this water. Feel how water gives you new vitality and washes away traces of old fatigue and stress. Remove the mirror from the bowl, wipe it and store it in a place inaccessible to other people. Look into it every morning and try not to use other mirrors at all for a whole month. When the moon has added another 29 days to its age, wrap the mirror in black cloth and tie it with a green or pink ribbon.

Keep the mirror in this form for a whole year, until next spring. When nature celebrates the new season of its birth, repeat the magic you already know.

Aphrodite's spell.

You will need: three rose petals, lavender oil, almond oil, dried strawberry leaves.
Take a bath before bed. Pour rose petals and strawberry leaves with boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain and add to the water taken in the bath. There also add a few drops of almond oil and lavender oil. Get in the bath and say:
- Aphrodite, born from sea foam, share your beauty with me!
Lie in the bath, imagining how the water washes away and takes away all your ugliness and flaws in appearance. You can go out and go to bed.

face cream spell
This spell will give magical properties to your cream. If you use such a cream, you will always be attractive to your man, and he will prevent quarrels with him.
Take the chilled cream and put it on a crystal dish. Add a few drops of rose oil to it and stir lightly. At this time, say:
- Beauty remains, and beauty grows, with every moment and every day. Beauty blossoms and beauty remains as a gift from the Goddess to me!

Spell of youth.
This spell will help you look younger and avoid age-related changes.
Time: full moon, midnight
You will need: green candle, goblet of water, rose petals (white or pink). Light a candle, dip a few petals into the water, let the rest remain on the table. Tell:
- Oh, Eos, golden-haired goddess of the dawn! Hear my song at this hour. I appeal to you, beautiful, give me youth and beauty. Selena, the white goddess of the moon! Please listen to me at this moment: give me youth. May it be so!
Leave the goblet with water and petals overnight on the table, let the candle burn out. Wash your face with this water in the morning.

All you need to work this magic spell is a new lipstick and a drop of lemon oil.
Apply lemon oil evenly over the entire surface of the lipstick, but do it very carefully so as not to damage it. Visualize how lipstick and oil penetrate each other to create a substance that can make your lips so attractive that no one can resist the temptation to kiss them.
Applying this lipstick on your lips, imagine that you are the most charming woman in the world, a real fatal lady. You are sure that everyone looks at your lips with admiration. Reinforce the power of the spell with the following magic words.

“Soft and tender lips I have.
If you dare - kiss, loving.
Don't be afraid of me, don't cry, don't be jealous,
Touch your lips - I will answer your kiss.

The magic formula that will keep the object of your interest in the dark
If you don't want to be kissed so much as you want to play with the object of your magic asking yourself, "Does she want me to kiss her?", swap the lemon oil for evening primrose oil. Give lipstick an energy that can make your lips perky and a little moody, and not at all attractive and submissive. To do this, you should not imagine yourself as a femme fatale - it is better if at the time of visualization you look like a fickle and capricious girl. In this situation, the following magic spell will be appropriate:

“Fickle, like early spring.
Capricious, eccentric and sometimes impudent.
Now yes, then no, then day, then night -
I can drive you away.
When I laugh, I shine like the sun.
More tender than my lips in the world does not exist,
Try to break the kiss."

Charm spell
To appear attractive in the eyes of other people, you must consider yourself an attractive person. After all, we are the sum of our thoughts.
The idea is not to become like someone else, but to embody the qualities that you admire in other people.
Phase of the Moon: Start on the new moon and work the spell for thirty days
Day: Friday
Planet: Venus
Accessories: pocket mirror; list of ten qualities you want to have

Cleanse, sanctify and bless the mirror in your sacred space. This will be your mirror of beauty and attractiveness. Use it only to look at yourself (that is, this mirror cannot be used for defensive spells). It symbolizes your inner and outer beauty. I also advise not to lend this mirror to anyone, even for a short time. Witches have an unwritten rule: we don't touch other people's witchcraft without permission. Witchcraft and magical tools naturally attract young children, so if you have a younger brother or sister, it's best to keep the mirror in a safe place. If they touch the mirror, it won't hurt your sorcery - the spirit loves small children - but they might break the mirror inadvertently.

Every night before going to bed, look in the mirror and repeat the list of ten qualities that you want to possess. For example: \"I see beauty in all things\",\"I am a unique and unique person\", etc. No need to critically examine your reflection in the mirror. There is something beautiful in every person. Perhaps you have beautiful eyes, a pleasant smile, or amazing hair. At the end of the session, close your eyes and visualize yourself as the person you want to be. Ask the spirit to help you become more attractive. You see, beauty is not really contained in the appearance of a person, but in the wonderful qualities of his soul, which are reflected on the surface.

Spell \"Beauty of magnolias\"
If you want to become more beautiful (both inside and out), try this simple beauty spell.
Moon phase: full moon
Day: Sunday, Monday or Friday
Planet: Sun, Moon or Venus
Accessories: all your makeup; toiletries (soap, shampoo and deodorant); Jewelry; Holy water; a small bottle or pharmacy vial with a dispenser; pocket mirror.

This spell must be cast on the night of a full moon, when the light of the full moon falls on your altar.

If this is not possible, put your belongings in a box and take them outside. Perform a ritual in front of the house, or at least leave things lying by the light of the moon for half an hour.

Lay your things on the altar. Draw a magic circle, refer to the quarters and perform the altar initiation. Purify, sanctify and bless things in the name of love and beauty. Call on the energy of Venus or Aphrodite to help you create a beautiful new look.

Pour holy water into a medicine bottle. Take the bottle in your hands and say:
O element of water,
Blessed and purified by the spirit, Awaken the beauty in me!
O element of water,
Moving, flowing, transforming, Loving Venus, Beautiful Aphrodite,
Touch this water Breathe in the essence of your love and beauty
into my body.

Sprinkle holy water on the objects on the altar, each time repeating:
The power of beauty is in me and around me, The power of love is in me and around me.

Take a pocket mirror and shine the light of the full moon on the objects laid out on the altar. Say the following incantation:
Moon, Moon, mother moon, You shine alone in the night. Grant me your heavenly peace Fill me with your beauty. On the night of the full moon, burn brightly, bestow your grace on me.
Come into my circle, mother moon, I need you tonight. May your mercy be with me, fill me with your beauty.
May it be so!

When you have finished reading the plot, go around the quarters and ask the elements for the blessing of beauty and love. Thank the spirit for help. Close the quarters, empty the circle and put away your belongings.
Perform this spell once a month or every time you drastically change your makeup and get new toiletries.

REJUVENATION WITH THE HELP OF "LIVING EGGS" . If you began to notice that beauty, strength, youth, self-confidence began to go somewhere, you can correct the situation with the help of a bath and a ritual \"live eggs\". You need to buy eggs - 12 pieces - but not dead store-bought ones, from incubator hens, but in the market, from a chicken that was trampled by a rooster. Heat the bath with birch or aspen, these are female trees. Make a linden broth - a handful of linden blossom per liter of water - and add half a glass of good milk to it, again from a cow, not from a bag. When everything is ready, go to the steam room, wash yourself with a lime decoction with milk and read a prayer to the Guardian Angel:

Angel of Christ, my holy guardian and protector of my soul and body, forgive me everything that I have sinned today, and deliver me from all the wickedness of my enemy.
No matter how strong my sin angers God, pray for me, show me worthy of the goodness and mercy of the Holy Trinity and the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ and all the Saints. Amen.

Wash (wash only the body, do not wash the head) and rest a little. Next, with a washcloth WITHOUT SOAP, rub your body red-hot, go to the steam room, lie down on a shelf and, when you sweat a lot, break eggs over yourself. After breaking an egg, immediately spread it on your hands, legs, chest, stomach, face. Of course, you need to smear with the contents of the egg, and not with a sharp shell. which can injure the skin. Having broken all 12 eggs, quickly rub them into the body, while reading:

Dawn Maria, Dawn Marina, Dawn - sweet Raspberry,
How delicious, clear, red you are.
How the whole world loves Dawn Maria, Dawn Marina,
Dawn - berry - raspberry,
So the slave (his name) will be loved, praised,
To admire her.
my word is strong, as this egg is molded.
On the arms, on the legs, on the stomach, on the chest, on the white face.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen, Amen.

When you have finished reading the plot, wash yourself and pour over the remaining lime broth. Bury the shells from the tree under the tree so that no one can see. You can help conduct the ceremony with a specialist or a person you trust. However, be careful - if this person (or you yourself) tells someone about your ritual, all the power will go to the listener, and you will lose Power even faster. Therefore, our recommendation is to either ask a healer or healer for help, or do everything yourself and be silent.

It is known that the moon, the lunar cycle is of great importance in a woman's life, the moon helps to preserve youth and enhance the sexual attractiveness of a woman.

BATHING IN THE FULL MOON. It is known that the moon, the lunar cycle is of great importance in a woman's life. Witches, witches, who always looked young and attractive, never missed a chance to swim during the full moon, when the moon is fully open and gives the woman maximum Strength and energy. While swimming, the moon must be reflected in the water. If a cloud floats on the moon, a cloud, you need to get out of the water and wait this time on the shore. If you bathe on a full moon when the moon is closed, it will have the opposite effect - instead of youth and beauty, you will quickly grow old and become stupefied. It is noteworthy that the state of the moon has no effect on men.

While swimming, read the following plot: "Moon, Moon, beautiful Moon, Look at me, smile at me, Moon, Moon, beautiful Moon, give me beauty for many years." Coming out of the water, do not wipe yourself, but let the water dry.

SEX APPEAL. The moon helps not only to preserve youth, but also to enhance the sexual attractiveness of a woman. There are frequent cases when women complain that all the "fashionable" fitness, spa, nail painting, manicures / pedicures, multiplied by external attractiveness and good disposition, do not attract the male interest they are counting on. Meanwhile, for unknown reasons, men hover around some gray mouse, which cannot connect two words, walks in mother's dresses a la the seventies and her teeth are all crooked. This is just the case when we should talk about the very strong energy attractiveness of the "mouse". She smells like a woman so much that men fly like wasps to honey. In magic, such an action is called a "code for attractiveness", or a "beacon of attractiveness", and is an artificial injection of energy into the sexual chakra of a woman, which is located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe uterus. This is what attracts "oppositely charged" men to her like a magnet. You can charge your sexual chakra on your own, and again paying attention to whether the moon is waxing or defective.

WAXING CRESCENT. If the moon is growing, all the vital Forces and juices of nature rush up into the grasses and trees. At this time, you need to get out into the birch grove, find the most beautiful birch. Approaching it, place your palms on the tree and ask the birch tree to give you some of its strength and beauty. \"Birch-birch, slender beauty, give me a piece of your youth and harmony, and I bow low to you\". Keep your palms on the birch. After a while, you will feel that your hands are either attracted or repelled by the tree. If they repel, look for another tree and repeat the ritual. If attracted, then the birch is ready to help you. You have to hug the birch and wrap one hand around the other in order to loop the energy of the tree and yours into a single whole. The legs must be placed so that the pubis must be firmly pressed against the trunk. After a short time, you will feel that the tree attracts you, that you merge with it, and sensations of movement will begin in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe genitals and abdomen. Everyone has different sensations - from tickling, throbbing, tingling to fairly strong jolts, excitement up to orgasm. When you gain strength, the tree itself will push you away. I want to note that during the first lessons one should not abuse large energy exchanges, since the body needs time to learn how to transform the energy received from outside. After the ceremony, do not forget, as promised, to bow to the birch, otherwise next time it will not only not give energy, but will also take it away many times. I also want to note that it is better not to carry out such a ceremony in trousers / jeans - it is useless.

AGING MOON. If the moon is waning, and all the forces in the earth, act differently. They choose clothes that can get dirty, and the torso from the waist to the hips is additionally wrapped with two or three layers of dense fabric, preferably burlap. They lay down on the ground and simply roll on the ground, always trying to touch the ground with their pubis. You can lie down on the ground a little face down, again pressing your stomach and pubis to the ground. The main thing is not to overwork and not bring yourself to cystitis. If the ground is cold, it is better not to lie still. Naturally, this rite should be practiced not near the House, between cars, but in a special secluded place, away from the urban technozone. The average duration of action is 3-5 minutes, over time it can be increased to 7.

The healer who described this method claims that after 2-3 weeks of daily classes, your life will change dramatically, all problems under the brand name of "loneliness" and "unattractiveness" (and not only these) will be far in the past
Vanga's conspiracy to lose weight
vanga's conspiracy to lose weight
For many, losing weight turns into a real mania, such people have tried a huge number of diets, pills and other methods and methods. Another remedy that is considered effective subject to certain rules is Vanga's conspiracy for weight loss. Today, there are many psychics who offer their services to help get rid of extra pounds. In addition, esotericists claim that conspiracies help at the energy level to tune in to rapid weight loss. To do this, you need to speak a conspiracy, but only in the right psychological mood. Psychics claim that this method of losing weight will help achieve incredible results. Vanga's prayers and conspiracies are designed not only to lose extra pounds, but also to reduce appetite. In addition, there are conspiracies that improve digestion and the general condition of the body.
You must understand that the effect will not be instantaneous, you should not expect that if you say the necessary prayer in the evening, you will wake up slender and beautiful in the morning.
Rules for losing weight with a conspiracy
Choose conspiracies that do not contain negative words, for example, "disappear" and the like. The words that you will pronounce should only be positive and carry good.
Do not tell anyone that you are going to use this method of losing weight, it should be a sacrament.
Believe in your strength and that the goal must certainly be achieved, faith in yourself will give you the strength to move forward.
Try to give up junk food, as it has a bad effect not only on your figure, but also on the condition of your internal organs and health in general.
Do not be lazy and do at least a little sports or at least walk in the fresh air.
Do not envy anyone, especially slender girls, as negative energy will be an obstacle to the operation of even a powerful contract for weight loss.
The conspiracy must be pronounced only on the waning moon and preferably at exactly midnight.
There are many different conspiracies, but there are the most powerful weight loss conspiracies.
Option number 1 - Conspiracy for water
This option must be said before you go to sleep for 9 days, in a glass of water. Sit in front of the window, take a glass of water and look at the moon. Say these words:
“The moon is going to stay - I'm going to lose weight. Let the moon be round and full, and I become slim and good, thin and cheerful. All my fat, all my fat, let it go, but it sticks to the moon, it comes, but it decreases from me. Let her grow, and I'm getting slimmer and better. As she said, so be it. Amen".
As soon as the plot is uttered, drink water and go to sleep. After 9 days, you will not recognize your reflection in the mirror.
Option number 2 - Conspiracy in the bathroom
For this plot, you need to take a bath, in which, in addition to water, you need to add 1 glass of cream and a few handfuls of rose petals, of different colors: red, white and pink. A bath must be taken so that there is a cross on the neck. Relax and after 5 minutes, say the following conspiracy:
“Mother, Voditsa, help me. I nourished you with milk, decorated you with a rose and consecrated you with a cross, so do me a good deed: remove excess fat from my body, hateful fats and take them far, far away so that they do not return. prayers and conspiracies of the vanga Let me be slim and good-looking.
After 5 minutes, say these words again, and then repeat the ritual again. When you get out of the bath, say these words:
"Thank you, Mother Voditsa."
Option number 3 - Prayer
Such a prayer will help set up your inner energy to fight excess weight. And most importantly - does not bring any harm and has no contraindications. Prayer must be said late in the evening, when the moon is already visible, and most importantly in a whisper. For best results, do this daily. First, read “Our Father” 3 times, then say the following words 3 times:
“As the moon wanes, so does my fat melt. Amen"

Surely there is not a single woman in the world who does not dream of preserving the wondrous beauty of youth until old age. Yes, and offending men is somehow not good. Many take care of themselves, beloved, that coquettes before the assembly. But not every person understands this very serious matter. They think more and more about creams and other “magic remedies”, but they don’t even suspect about magical methods. Nevertheless, a conspiracy to beauty can help preserve an extraordinary youth. Don't believe? Let's understand how it works.

Magic or energy?

Often people dismiss magical methods of influencing appearance, considering them frivolous. They believe that a conspiracy to beauty will not bring any sense. This is not some kind of tool made using the latest technology, but just a few words. Only they are extraordinary. This should be understood. The vibrations of the voice, born at a certain time or in special conditions, create an energy flow that attracts the desired into life. This is how almost all folk magic is built. A person pronounces a conspiracy, for example. It affects his aura in a certain way. Then the "magician" himself changes his behavior, worldview, which leads to the achievement of the goal. This is how the beauty conspiracy is made. The one who pronounces it does not act on the skin, but directs the energy inside. His thoughts gradually change to more optimistic ones. And from this, the appearance becomes attractive, not to mention health.

How to read a plot

In order for everything to work out, it is necessary to know not only the text, but also some features of the use of "cosmetic" magic. They are simple. A conspiracy for beauty and attractiveness is read with complete confidence in its effectiveness. The slightest doubt will lead, at best, to the absence of any effect. Inner confidence is important here, and magic begins with it.

The effectiveness of the conspiracy also depends on the strength of the "wizard". It can be corrected. It is recommended to fast before the start of the “procedures”, both physical (in food) and spiritual. You should ensure that your emotional plan becomes generally positive. Throw away evil and envious thoughts, forget them. Unpleasant emotions to exclude, and so on. From this, the forces of the "magician" are growing by leaps and bounds. In this case, it will be faster to bring beauty. The plot must be pronounced quietly, but clearly. Words must be filled. Remember how you read poetry as a child, when every sound was important, even exciting. So it is necessary to read the conspiracy, perceiving it with the soul.

goal setting

You will say that it is already clear that cosmetic magic is used to improve appearance? But the goal is not just smooth skin and glowing eyes. She is in another. Some people want to impress their gentlemen at first sight, others dream of a spouse, others need to get an interesting job, and so on. This is exactly what purpose is. For cosmetic magic, it is important that a person strives for good. For example, the desire to recapture a boyfriend from a friend will not always bring beauty. It might even ruin your face.

Before reading the conspiracy to beauty, "inspect" your personal goal. This is not for reporting, but for self-defense purposes. Ideally, magical advice helps someone who wants to increase the total amount of love in the world. In our case, we need to strive to please ourselves and those around us with our appearance. Such goal-setting will surely resonate with the Higher Forces.

Full moon conspiracies for beauty

Many beginner "magicians" inattentively read wise recommendations. From this come the disappointments caused by the lack of effect from the rituals. It is important to understand that the recommendations most often indicate at what time to read the conspiracy for beauty and youth. The full moon is the time when magic is most accessible to ordinary people. It is believed that during this period the "wall" between the worlds is the most current, fragile. Therefore, the forces better hear the requests addressed to them, more willingly come to the rescue. The full moon is the time when all living things are energized. Many people feel this, react with insomnia or increased emotionality. It's just that the energy is seething in the veins, demanding an outlet. It is worth taking advantage of this "natural phenomenon".

How to read a plot on a full moon

Be sure to look at the Queen of the Night when you begin to "tell". It is necessary to feel a connection with her, to be filled with her strength. And the words are: “Light of the moon, pour on your face and hands, on a slender body, on your hair and in your eyes, like holy dew! So that the soul is filled with unearthly beauty, so that the skin turns white, the heart becomes kinder, so that the eyes shine, as if from a passionate caress! To be slim and flexible, to enchant my smile! Amen!". You need to speak three times. To increase efficiency, it is recommended to put a glass of water in the moonlight. Read the words above it. And then leave it for the whole night under the influence of the Queen of the Night. In the morning, when you get up, drink this magical moisture.

Conspiracy for the beauty of the face

The attractiveness of appearance can be "created" almost daily. Grandmothers recommend talking water for washing. They say that such moisture is literally

works wonders! Type in a container (basin or jug) of clean water. Say three times: “I got up, crossed myself, bowed three times, and went to the forest that stands obliquely. There, a magical spring beats, a terrible toad lives in it. She preserves beauty, distributes it to those who wish. I'll call her a friend, a wonderful frog. He will become kinder, he will grow bolder, he will measure beauty to me at once! I will wash myself with that water, wipe myself with the clear sun, clothe myself with the blue sky, and pray to the Lord. So that young beauty and health are bestowed with love! Amen!". Rinse your face with this water seven times, but do not wipe it. Let the skin "get drunk" to the full. Repeat every day.

How to get rid of skin imperfections

Water is spoken not only for a radiant face. If there are minor flaws, then

you can use a special ritual. It is held daily in the evenings. Only water is needed not from a tap, but from a spring. In extreme cases, thawed, from the freezer. It is poured into a glass, two candles are lit on the sides and such a conspiracy is read: “Voditsa, sister of the earth, daughter of heaven, do not sit me down by night. Wash your face, take away pimples (wrinkles, spots, and so on, whatever you need). Run into the ground and take indecent! Bury her deep so that she does not return before the deadline. The sun fell down, so as not to break out of the ground! Amen!". Wash your face with water and collect the leftovers in a bowl. Go and splash "over the porch" (into the ground). Do not wipe your face, wait for it to dry itself. This ritual can be done "on the whole body." They speak a bucket of water, then pour it over, standing in a basin. Then they are thrown onto the ground.

Prayer for beauty

This ritual is performed on a birthday. You need to get up before dawn, meet the sun. As it begins to appear, turn to face him and say: “Lord, light up the waters so that I can wash myself, touch the sun’s rays that will warm, bless the sky that will wear! Lord, bless Thy Servant (name) for a young, long, prosperous life, for bright beauty, for all people. So that the flowers smile, people rejoice and admire! Amen!". This prayer should be read once. Then go to the morning service, put a candle in front of the icon of the guardian angel.

Ritual for attraction

Many are interested in the strongest beauty conspiracy. The next rite is just that.

You will need an ordinary cactus or other plant with thorns. It should be placed in the east corner of the room. Every day, early in the morning, visit your magical assistant and say these words: “Greetings to you, prickly old man, mighty malice! Please, bowing down, do not be angry with me! Direct the thorns on the face so that it begins to glow, use your strength so that my beauty is born! Bless youth and health, so that life is filled with love! Amen!". You need to start communicating with a cactus on Friday. The ritual is carried out for a week. Then you can stop for a while and repeat again. Watch your magic cactus, don't forget to take care of it. His strength will pass to you, your face will become younger. As long as it feels good, your beauty will shine for everyone to enjoy. And if it blooms, expect a pleasant turn in life.

Aging is an inevitable physiological process. When the first signs appear: wrinkles on the face, aging skin, gray hairs - you want to prolong youth for another ten years. This desire is irresistible, which is why you are reading an article on this topic. Well, there are several ways to prolong youth:

  • Healthy lifestyle, maintenance of skin tone with creams, hair coloring;
  • Medical intervention: plastic surgery, cryotherapy;
  • Conspiracy for youth and beauty.

The latter method is considered by many to be very effective. And if you believe in such rejuvenation, we bring to your attention several practical conspiracies and rituals. The main principle of rituals for rejuvenation is to believe in them. When reading the texts of the conspiracy, it is important to feel, to be aware of the words with every cell of the body. Feel youth within yourself, within your body and brain. By taking each word so closely, you attract more of the effect of the ritual.

To carry out this conspiracy for rejuvenation, you must:

  • Long shirt made of high quality natural fabric. Perhaps cotton, linen;
  • Soap with which the deceased was washed;
  • A small piece of chalk;
  • Five church candles.

Putting on the shirt back to front, draw a pentagram (five-pointed star) on the soapy floor. After, light the candles, placing them at the five corners of the figure. Around, draw a large circle around the candles with chalk.

“Go, sun, not from east to west, but from west to east, under the east side. Turn every minute, every second, every hour and half hour, against all will, according to my magical share. Against gray hair and against wrinkles, against nature, by the will of witchcraft. I release 12 forces, I call 12 forces. Oh, you, earthly and unearthly forces, come and take away from me all old age, all decrepitude, gray hair and yellowness, and flaccid skin, and dull eyes, and pain in my legs, and pain in my hands. Take away the old age and take it away, and bring me what the girl is proud of, the young woman boasts. My word is strong, my work is sculpted. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen"

With water

As you know, water has a high energy absorption. Like a sponge, she takes on every word spoken and gives back when needed. Therefore, a conspiracy against wrinkles on the face is best done with water. It is better to take it in the spring, you can first consecrate it in the church.

Here is one easy plot that does not require preparations and attributes. Say the words 7 times: “Water, water, take all the wrinkles (blackheads, spots ...) from my face”- Rinse your face without wiping and go to bed.

And this conspiracy is read when the first gray hairs begin to break through. Get enough water to wash your hair. You need to speak it with the words:

“Two brothers are coming, two gray-haired elders. Is your misfortune, gray hair, gray beard not enough for you? Take my gray hair on your head. Amen"

With a talisman to maintain youth and beauty

To perform this rite, you will need holy water, three candles (preferably bright red), a small pocket mirror and the icon of "Seven Arrows". If you can’t buy one, perform the ritual in the church, so it will definitely be.

With regards to candles: if possible, take simple church candles, melt them, mix in cherry (beetroot) juice and build new ones. Purchased paraffin candles in this case are considered not very high quality and effective. Light the candles and begin to say three times, looking at the water:

“The spell has been lifted, you are beautiful again, calm again, but you were arrogant. The spell was washed off the face with water, the ugliness was removed, like an old dress.

Sprinkle the mirror with water, saying:

“As the sun is reflected in the water, so the servant of God (her name) is reflected in me. As this mirror is pure and radiant, so would my beauty be pure. How holy this water is, so would I, the servant of God (name), be in full health and beauty. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen"

Now the mirror has become your talisman, carry it with you all the time, look into it more often, remembering yourself a few years ago. Pour water onto the road of the nearest intersection.

Setting for youth

To prolong youth, you need to properly tune your brain. Once a week, in the evening, by candlelight and looking in the mirror, read the words of mood given below. When reading, you should feel good, imbued with every word and idea of ​​youth.

You need to sit comfortably, not be distracted by absolutely anything. Close your eyes, sit before reading for 10 minutes and focus. Think about how your body is enveloped in a halo of youth, light and energy.

So, the text of the mood is:

“I am filled with the golden light of rejuvenation energy. I tune my wave to youth and longevity. My body and my skin are getting younger every minute. My inner world is filled with the golden energy of youth and beauty. All my feelings and thoughts are filled with the breath of youth. I feel good and calm, I feel more and more how my body is filled with the indestructible energy of health. My eyes are filled with purity and light, all my skin is filled with good health and beauty. Every moment I become, younger, and younger in my body, stronger and stronger with a joyful spark, the power of youth and longevity grows. Every moment I am filled with fun and youth. A smile of youth sparkles on my face, the golden sunlight fills my inner world with the powerful energy of youth. The great power of youth and longevity flows into my body, into my nerves. Throughout my body, the energy of sunlight increases the rejuvenation process. My mood is bright and clean, everything around me is changing, youth with an indestructible cosmic stream fills my body with cloudless youth. My eyes are filled with the delight of youth. The world around me is changing, filling me with the power of superiority, my face is getting younger, wrinkles are smoothing out, and the light of the greatness of youth and bliss will fill me, infusing a huge charge of youth and happiness. I am getting younger and getting stronger. Youth fills me with its powerful and inexhaustible flow. The energy of youth, the energy of life, the energy of strength and health fills me now and forever.

Youth is always within you

These are the conspiracies you can use to prolong youth. The most important thing is to be young at heart, it is much more important than external beauty. The fountain of youth is always inside, in your head. And with the use of rituals, you will become even more beautiful, younger and more attractive.

In this article:

Nowadays it is difficult to find a modern woman who would not care about her external attractiveness.

In the struggle for beauty, a person is ready to use all available means: cosmetics, diet, fitness centers, beauty salons and much more. Recently, women have begun to turn to the most ancient ways to increase attractiveness, which are various spells and magic rituals for beauty.

What are spells for health and beauty

Depending on the desired result, spells of various directions can be used as a conspiracy for beauty. The main differences in such magical means are what is the immediate goal of the ritual, who is the performer, etc.

Depending on the performer, all existing magical conspiracies can be divided into three main categories:

  • Young girls - most often use spells to preserve natural attractiveness and eliminate acne.
  • Married women use charm spells to keep their husband sexually attractive and youthful.
  • Women aged - to get rid of wrinkles, increase skin elasticity, eliminate all aging processes of the body.

There are very few universal conspiracies for beauty; for greater efficiency, it is customary to use magical rites with a clear purpose, for example, conspiracies for beautiful hair, for the beauty of the face, for an attractive figure, for beautiful legs, etc. In addition, spells that are used to restore former beauty, to eliminate obvious shortcomings, can be distinguished into the same category.

Daily spell to become beautiful

Carry out this procedure during the entire phase of the growing moon

First of all, the performer needs to concentrate on the desired result. Think about what effect you want to achieve with the help of magic and try to imagine that you already got what you wanted. Such thoughts will help you tune in to the right wave, as well as believe in the effectiveness of the chosen ritual.
Every morning, before washing, take a little water in your palms and whisper the words of the conspiracy:

“Angel of Water, give me, the servant of God (name), beauty, remove my wrinkles and acne, cleanse my skin with water. May it be so. Amen".

Now wash your face with this water, but do not dry your face with a towel.
In some cases, even such a simple conspiracy will be enough for serious positive changes in appearance, however, to enhance the effect, you can use another method.

It is best to prepare a small amount of cream yourself

In the second part of the daily ritual, you need to speak the skin cream. Any decorative cream (preferably from natural ingredients) will do. In the evening, hold the selected cream in your hands, bring it to your lips and whisper the words:

“12 sisters, 12 beauties, 12 young women, 12 earthly queens walked across the sky. From each of those girls, from each beauty, from each young woman, from each queen, beauty lies in this jar. I, the servant of God (name), will rub my face with this cream, so that I get beauty. May it be so".

Applying the cream on the face, pronounce the words:

“As beauty from my first sister, as love from the second, as a sonorous voice from the third, as from the fourth thick hair, as from the fifth my teeth are snow-white, as from the sixth voice is tender, as from the seventh black eyelashes, as from the eighth eyebrow is thin, and from the ninth clear eyes, and from the tenth a sharp nose, from the eleventh mouth scarlet, and as the twelfth I will be all. May it come true what is said. Amen".

When you close the jar of cream, say:

“I close the 12 sisters in the tent, but I leave their beauty to myself.”

Conspiracy of youth and beauty

This is one of the few universal conspiracies that enhances the overall attractiveness of a woman. You need to read the words of the spell early in the morning:

“The scarlet dawn rises in the sky, the red poppy blooms in the meadow, so my beauty sparkles all over the earth. My beauty, like stars in the night sky, sparkles, people and me, the servant of God (name), pleases. As it is said, so it will come true. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Strong attraction spell

Use a stable item

This spell has great power. With it, you can increase your attractiveness and sexuality. It also improves the aura of a person, gives him a certain charm and attractiveness. At the same time, it is important to remember that black magic necessarily harms some person, and a beauty spell has only a positive result. Therefore, do not believe that something bad can happen because of such a simple ceremony, and you will sacrifice vital energy for the sake of beauty.

“I put you, my treasure, in the earth-dungeon, I speak to you like a girl with all the names of angels and archangels. Pull suitors to me, to God's servant (name). So that I was blush, like the dawn. Fragrant like grass. It is desirable for a man's heart that they yearn for me and mourn, so that they grieve without seeing me. Amen".

Aging is a natural and inevitable, irreversible process for all, given by nature and physiology, but which can be somewhat delayed with the help of magical rituals and rituals. A conspiracy for youth is a ritual that our ancestors resorted to, time-tested and will allow you to restore the beauty of the soul and body, to feel a charge of vivacity and strength. Read also to maintain attractiveness.

Ritual for rejuvenation - read on water

An effective and efficient ritual - a conspiracy for rejuvenation , carried out on water, since it is she who has an increased absorption of energy, aimed at restoring and preserving beauty. For this ritual, type in a clean spring or simply buy bottled mineral water in a store and slander the words of the following ritual rite 7 times:

“Water, you are water - take all my wrinkles (acne or spots, moles or freckles) from my face.”

After that, rinse your face with charmed water and do not wipe it with a towel, let the water soak into the skin itself - if the ritual is carried out correctly and regularly, positive results will show themselves in a week. Also, do not forget to apply if necessary.

Ritual from the first gray hairs to the water

When the first gray hairs appear in the hair, they say water, which they then wash their hair with. The plot goes like this:

“Yes, two brothers are walking along the road - two gray-haired elders. You never know your troubles and your gray hairs - take my gray hair and your beard. Yes, be on that.

After this water, rinse your hair - spend such magical rinses as often as possible, every time you wash your hair.

Ritual with an amulet to maintain youth and beauty

The ritual with the amulet can be read at home by anyone who wants to preserve their youth for a long time - to carry it out, you will need to prepare in advance holy water and 3 bright red candles and a small mirror, as well as the icon of the Virgin "Seven-shooter". Light the candles and say the following words to the water three times:

“Any spell has been lifted - I am again beautiful and calm, and earlier I was arrogant and evil. With water, that spell is washed away, the ugliness is removed from the face - like an old dress from the body.

Sprinkle the mirror with water and at the same time say these words:

“As the sun is reflected in the water, so is the servant of God ... the name ... reflected in the mirror. As the surface of a mirror is pure and radiant, so is my beauty white and pure. How much water to be holy - so much for me to be in beauty and full health.

From this moment on, your small mirror will act as an amulet - it is you who must carry it with you, look into it more often.

Facial rejuvenation ritual

With the help of several effective and efficient rituals, you can rejuvenate your face.

Ritual with water

For this ritual, it is worth taking clean, preferably spring water into a bowl and saying the following words on it:

"Water, pure water, good sister - take away all wrinkles and spots, pimples and slander from my white face."

Then rinse your face with this water 7 times.

We ask for beauty from the birch

This ritual will allow the girl to remain slim and white as a birch for a long time - for this, after sunset, you should leave the house, find a birch in a park or forest. Put your hands on her trunk and say these words:

“As this birch is white and slender, so let me be like that. Give me birch youth and beauty - I ask you, but with a low bow.

After bow to the tree and go home.

Ritual for wrinkles

It is the first wrinkles that so clearly indicate the approaching aging, and in order to continue to remain young and beautiful, you can resort to the help of one of the rituals presented below.

Ritual for water

To carry it out, water is drawn into the container and it is spoken with ritual words:

“Water, you are water, take away all my wrinkles - from a white and clean face.”

They read such words three times and after the charmed water they wash their face. In this case, do not wipe your face - let the water dry.

Ritual on a birch leaf

Such a ritual is especially useful for young girls and women, they perform it before going to bed - they take three leaves from a young tree, beautiful and not eaten by insects. It is they who are tied with a red thread - they make such an ornament around their neck. The main thing is that the leaves are located in the area of ​​​​the solar plexus - it is hung around the neck and worn all day.

We are talking cream

In this ritual, face cream is spoken - they spend it exactly at midnight. Take a jar of cream and on it and carry out a ritual conspiracy - it sounds like this:

“You are white swans - you are slender and beautiful, you can help me. Charge my cream with strength and energy, give my face beauty and freshness, and wrinkles disappear from it.

After that, you can proceed to cosmetic procedures - every time you apply a cream on your face, think about your beauty and youth.

Conspiracy for a birthday

Such a ritual performed on is the most powerful and effective, because on this very day, when a person was born, higher powers are especially favorable to him, they hear his appeals.

They conduct a ritual reading of the conspiracy for 10 days - starting from the first day that falls on the birthday, and read them at dawn. They sound like this:

“Lord, I will wash myself with spring water - let me wipe myself with the sun of heaven, hide myself in the blue sky, bow to heaven and earth. God bless me for good health, a clean body and face, a long life - my body will be, my hands and feet are faithful, my speech is melodious, my eyes are clear, my shoulders are smooth. It’s marvelous to everyone - marvelous, yes to my joy. ”

Charm spell

In this ritual, a conspiracy is carried out on a special item that will serve as a special, magical amulet - it is he who will enhance your attractiveness, sexuality, preserving youth for a long time. Any object can be used as an amulet - the main thing is to choose what you like. Take the object of your choice - the future amulet in open palms and pronounce the following words on it:

“I put you and my treasure in the ground - a dungeon, I speak you like a maiden with all the holy names of angels and archangels. Save my beauty for a long time and attract to me both prominent and stately suitors - to be a servant of God ... name ... prominent and stately, like a ruddy dawn, like fragrant grass. There will be a servant of God ... a name ... a man's heart is desirable, but loved by those around him.

Full moon ritual for attractiveness and beauty

With the full moon, rituals aimed at beauty and youth are the most effective and efficient. Next, consider the most effective and efficient.

Swimming under a full moon

Such bathing is carried out in the warm season - the main thing to remember is that the sky should be clear, not overcast with clouds and the night luminary can be seen well in the sky and also clearly reflected in the water. If you perform the ritual with the moon covered with clouds, you can get the opposite effect. Just go into the water and say these words:

“You are beautiful Luna - look at me, smile at me and give me beauty for many years to come.”

When you get out of the water - do not dry your body with a towel, but let it dry on its own.

Ritual for the new moon

To conduct it, you will need to buy 13 wax candles in the temple, and then prepare your favorite cream - they read the words of the ritual conspiracy on it. Light all 13 candles and then say the following words on the cream:

“The power of the moon - give my body beauty and face at this very moment. The beauty from my cream will flow into the body - youth will be reflected on the face. As soon as I apply the cream, the wrinkles will disappear at once, and the freshness of the face will come, as the cream will go to the end. ”

Let the candles burn out to the end, and after the cinder, throw it away, and use the cream until it runs out. When the jar with it is empty, the first positive results of the ritual conspiracy will show themselves.

Conspiracy for milk for youth

From time immemorial, milk has been considered not only useful, but also a rejuvenating product - remember how in the fairy tale about the Little Humpbacked Horse there was a vat of milk in which the old king had to bathe and so become young again. It is precisely because of the rejuvenating qualities of milk that it is often used in rituals aimed at preserving beauty and youth.

For this ceremony, it is worth taking just milked, fresh and fresh milk - just a glass is enough and it is over it that the following ritual words are spoken:

“Fresh milk - white milk, make me young and fresh, ruddy and pretty, so that everyone looks and looks, admires my beauty and youth.”

They say these words over milk three times, drink three sips of milk, and with the rest - wash your face without wiping it, letting it soak into the skin on its own. To consolidate the positive effect of the ritual - perform such a ritual once a week.