Correct feeding posture. Memo for a nursing mother: how to properly feed a newborn with breast milk

At first, mom can use 2-3 basic poses: in the afternoon " Cradle", "From under the arm", and at night " On mom's hand"Later, when mom gets comfortable, you can get creative with the feeding process and start trying something else - rocking and feeding, feeding on the go, etc.

Feeding one child:

1. The most common feeding position is " Cradle"or in another" Madonna "pose. Pay attention to the position of the baby: his tummy is pressed against the mother’s belly. The head should be positioned so that the mouth is opposite the nipple. -Turkish ", but of course this is not necessary. You can sit comfortably in a chair with your feet on a dais (this will allow you to slightly raise the baby to your chest) or in bed (lean on its back, placing a pillow under the lower back; legs can be bent at the knees, which will also allow you to raise the baby closer to the breast):

2. Feeding position " Cross cradle". This is a version of the classic" Cradle ", but with the ability to more closely control the process of attachment. The baby in this position lies on the mother's right hand, which helps her to fix the baby's body. The mother holds the head with her palm and can easily direct it towards the chest. Free hand puts the breast into the mouth for a deeper grip. If you feel that it is comfortable for the baby to suck, it does not hurt you, you can change your hands for a more comfortable option. " Cradle":

3. Feeding position " From under the arm". Mom holds the baby like American football players hold their ball under the armpit :) You will need several pillows. It is important to consider the basic principle - the baby's mouth is at the level of the mother's nipple, then your back will not get tired during feeding. This position is good for learning. This position should be used at least once a day so that the baby is sucking milk well from the lower and lateral lobes of the breast:

4. Feeding position " On mom's hand". In this position, the mother will be able to rest with the baby. When setting up to feed while lying down, keep in mind that your head rests on the pillow, your shoulders sink to the surface of the bed. The mother holds the baby with her hand so that he maintains the position on his side, watches the attachment. position allows the mother to be calm, because she will not be able to lean on the baby. To make you more comfortable, you can put a pillow under your back. Connect your husband to the night feeding - let him create “support” for you and hug you from behind !:

5. Feeding position " Jack". This unusual position is useful if you have lactostasis in the upper lobes of the mammary gland. The baby's chin will be directed exactly to that zone, which means that the milk will be easier to remove from there. The baby lies on its side, to fix the position, place a roller under the baby's back:

6. Feeding position " Lying on a pillow". A mother who has already mastered the traditional poses can try something new, for example, feeding lying down from the upper breast. To make it comfortable for you and your baby, lay the baby on a pillow. You can support your head with your hand or lie down on the pillow. With your free hand, support the baby. :

7. Feeding position " Overhang". Lying the baby a little on her side (not on her back!), The mother hangs over him. This position will allow milk to flow down the ducts easier, making it easier for your baby. The position is useful for babies who are switching from bottle feeding to exclusively breastfeeding. In this position, You will not feed for a long time, so do not get carried away with such feeding too often:

8. Pose for feeding " Kid on top". This position is suitable for mothers whose milk is flowing strongly. Often babies choke at the same time, not having time to swallow it. If you sit down reclining and put the baby to the breast from above, then the milk flows will not be so intense. The baby will be able to suck more calmly, and mom - to rest. In the West, this position is quite popular, as it is believed that it allows you to increase the comfort of a nursing mother, and the baby is more effective to suckle. Website: describes it as a separate feeding technique:

9. Feeding position " Standing motion sickness". If you need to calm a noisy toddler before bedtime, it will be easier to do this by picking him up and offering his chest while standing. Add to this a gentle swaying and the baby's eyes will soon begin to stick together. This position is good not only for an older baby, but also for a newborn , especially if the child cannot calm down in any way:

10. Feeding position " On the hip". You have already become a dexterous mother, and the baby begins to try all new poses - this is great! Let him diversify the feeding, let the baby develop. In the position on the hip, watch the correct grip of the breast and continue teaching the baby not to twirl the head during feeding - for this hold it lightly with your free hand:

11. Feeding position " The kid is sitting". Experienced babies older than 5-6 months love to feed while sitting in their mother's arms. They like to look at their mother and communicate with her without letting go of their mouths. You can hold the baby's handle so that she does not" wander "along the second breast:

12. Feeding position " The kid is standing"Standing feeding is especially common in babies who have already learned to walk, but may appear much earlier. In this position, babies are more likely to feed for a momentary attachment to calm down if the baby's mental balance has been overshadowed by something. For basic feedings (to fall asleep) the main poses remain:

13. Mom feeds the child in the hospital. The photo is essentially a classic pose " Cradle":

Feeding the twins:

Some mothers prefer to feed both twins at the same time, others take turns, first one baby, then the other. Sometimes both babies like to suck from one side, others - each breast alternately. It is very important to change children from different angles. If you are not feeding twins, but triplets, a table in which you will write down which baby, when received which breast, may be a good idea. If you do not monitor this, then it is possible that some of the children may be malnourished, or you will face breast asymmetry in the future.

1. Method " One by one". First we feed the first baby with one breast, and then we feed the second baby with the other breast. In the next feeding, feed the baby first, who was fed the second in the previous feeding:

2. Method " From under the arm"(football player pose): sit on the sofa, put a soft rolled-up blanket under each hand. The babies suck at the breast at the same time, one lies on the right side, and sucks on the right breast, the other, respectively, on the left. The children's legs are behind you:

3. Method " Cross to cross": sit in a comfortable chair with a back, place one baby at the left breast, pressing his body to yours. The other - at the right breast, he is pressed not to you, but to the first baby. Do not try to attach each child to" your "breast They often suck in different ways, so the breasts can soon become different shapes.In addition, when the baby is fed with only one breast, his “upper” eye, facing your face, is overloaded, and the “lower” one receives insufficient stimulation:

4. Method " parallel". At first, usually someone will have to feed you babies to feed, but over time you will get used to it. It is very convenient to feed while sitting on the floor with your back on the sofa, and support the children with your knees. a certain position, try to shift them. For example, a child refuses to suckle if the twin at the breast is pressing his weight on him. Then move the children so that they do not touch each other:

5. Method " Sitting on your knee". Relevant for older kids:

Breastfeeding on the go:

Way " Feedingon the run "will be needed if the child cries, worries under breastfeeding, cannot relax or if you are going somewhere. In such a situation, a baby up to 3 months old should be swaddled, given his chest and walked, rocking with each step to the right, then to the left, or just slowly, not rushing to walk:

With older babies, use a thin blanket or thick sheet instead of swaddling. Wrap the baby, creating a kind of "cocoon" for him. In most cases, this will quickly calm the child down. If you have a sling in your arsenal, it will be ideal for feeding on the go, it will help mom to unload her arms. The baby is also comfortable, but only when the sling is put on correctly.

There is nothing healthier for an infant than breast milk. But, despite the naturalness of the feeding process, it can be difficult to establish it. The baby does not grasp the breast correctly, he and his mother are uncomfortable, he refuses to suckle, as a result, milk is not produced enough ... There can be many problems. But if desired, in most cases everything works out. Especially if you choose the most comfortable positions. In addition, different methods of applying the baby help to avoid stagnation during lactostasis.

How to feed a baby while sitting?

Many women prefer a sitting position. This is really convenient, especially if the newborn needs to be breastfed outside the home. But the child can be held in different ways.

The "cradle" variant is considered a classic pose. It is almost universal, as it can be used for toddlers of any age. The baby's head rests on the bend of the mother's elbow, which supports it with the other hand. The child is slightly turned towards the woman. In this case, he should suck his right breast while lying on his right hand. When changing breasts, the baby needs to be transferred to the other side.

For very young children, a variation of the same pose may be more appropriate. The bottom line is that the child simply sits on the arm, and the mother supports the head with her palm. That is, when feeding with the right breast, the baby should be located on the left hand. The second one is to hold his body. The advantage of the position is that the mother has the ability to guide the baby's head. This makes it easier to get your baby to breastfeed correctly. It is important that it captures not only the nipple, but also the areola. Only then will it be possible to do without cracks and other injuries. It is especially difficult for premature crumbs.

An under-arm position may be helpful. At the same time, the child is, as it were, under the arm, lying on the pillow. It should be so high that the mouth of the baby is at chest level. This will allow you not to strain your mother's back muscles. In this position, it is more convenient to establish feeding, since it is easier to control the seizure. In addition, the baby is comfortable, he does not get tired while sucking, which will benefit weak children. The position is also useful for lactostasis. It allows you to empty the lower and lateral lobes of the breast, in which milk often stagnates. Another plus - if a child was born with the help of a cesarean section, then in a similar position he will not touch the healing suture on his mother's belly.

Lying Poses

Lying breastfeeding is no less comfortable, only the position should be chosen correctly. Sometimes this position is indispensable. For example, if after childbirth it became necessary to put stitches, then doctors may forbid the woman to sit for a while. This means that sitting down can no longer feed the child. In addition, the mother thus gets the opportunity to relax: read a book or just enjoy the unity with the baby. Especially useful in the first months, when the baby is applied often and for a long time.

It is correct to do it lying down like this: the mother puts the newborn face to herself, with her head on the pillow or her own hand. She herself is on her side. So he can easily reach the chest. Sometimes women complain that they are uncomfortable in this position. Then you need to pay attention to whether a common mistake was made. Only the mother's head should be placed on the pillow, the shoulders should be on the surface of the bed. For more comfort, your back can be propped up with something. You also need to make sure that the little one is on its side. On his back, turning his head, it will be difficult for him to swallow.

If sucking is difficult for a baby, he makes clicking sounds, then perhaps he has a short frenum of the tongue. It is worth checking with a doctor.

It happens that the baby has emptied one breast and is not full. And turning over to the opposite side is inconvenient. Then it will turn out in the same position, lying on its side, to breastfeed from above. To do this, put the baby on a pillow, hold it with one hand. True, it is unlikely that it will work out for a long time in this position, since the elbow serves as the fulcrum for the mother. The muscles will get tired soon.

You can arrange the child so that his legs are turned towards the woman's head. At the same time, she lies on her side. As in the case of the option "from under the arm" while sitting, different lobes of the breast are emptied. It is correct to use these positions at least once a day in order to avoid stagnation of milk during lactostasis.

Another way of breastfeeding while lying down is riding on the mother. The baby should be laid on top of the mother with his stomach, slightly turning his head. An unusual position should be used in the first months, when a woman's milk comes in abundant and practically gushes. The toddler will not choke and choke. The belly-to-belly position helps the bowel function better.

Other provisions

Sometimes sitting and lying poses have to be replaced by others. For example, you can feed the baby while standing, if the baby is worried, crying when trying to lay him down. This option will also come in handy for those who still cannot sit after childbirth, but do not want to lie down. At the same time, the baby is on the hands, as with a "cradle". To calm it down, it is recommended to shake it slowly.

It happens that you have to feed the child, as if hanging over him. At the same time, it is correct for him to lie slightly turned on his side. Mom sits, leaning on her hands, and feeds her breasts from above. In this position, milk flows freely through the ducts, the baby needs to make less effort to suck. Therefore, it is worth using the method if for some time the little one was given a bottle, and now he does not want to breastfeed.

For slightly older children, postures on the hip and when the baby is standing may be useful. In the first case, the mother bends her leg, puts it on a support and puts the baby on top. In the second, he sits down in front of the child, and he stands between her legs. These positions are convenient for short-term attachments, when the baby needs to calm down or eat a little while playing. To put to bed correctly, continue in the usual ways, that is, lying on its side or sitting.

Some mothers have to deal with the problem: What positions are right for feeding twins? Of course, you can do this in turn. But it is unlikely that one baby will calmly wait until the other is satisfied. It is most convenient to breastfeed from under the arms of children lying on pillows. It is also possible to arrange them in a "cradle", each on its own arm. This posture has a drawback: it will not be possible to hold the newborn's head in order to control the grip. So it is better not to apply it at first. Although for some women the position is comfortable from the first days, you have to try. The provisions can be combined. At the same time, one child is in the "cradle", and the other is at hand.

What you need to know about breastfeeding?

Having tried the correct breastfeeding positions, a woman will definitely choose the most comfortable for herself and the baby. Breast size doesn't matter. It has no effect on the amount of milk produced. And it does not require any special provisions. It's just that somewhere you have to raise the crumbs higher, put a pillow or bend more strongly.

With lactostasis, it is important to continue to latch the baby to the breast. It will help to cope with milk stagnation. You just need to choose poses that will empty the problem segments.

It is not difficult to determine the place of stagnation, since there is a painful compaction. To get rid of it, it is worth remembering a simple rule: milk best of all leaves in that part of the breast, to which the chin of the crumbs is pressed. Taking this feature into account, they select the correct position.

Regardless of the posture, you should adhere to the recommendations.

  • You need to breastfeed your baby in a way that is comfortable. Do not bend over strongly and pull your chest towards him.
  • It is necessary to give the breast so that the baby captures the areola.
  • The tongue of the crumbs should be pressed against the lower gum, and the lips should be turned outward.

If you choose the right positions, try both sitting and lying down, then breastfeeding will turn into a pleasure. With lactostasis, you need to change them. It is unlikely that mom and baby will ever be closer than during this period. Well-established breastfeeding will help raise a healthy and happy baby.

Each baby is unique and therefore there is no universal position on how to properly bottle feed a newborn.

Each mother is obliged to listen to herself and her child, monitor his reactions in order to understand how to establish the feeding process in each period of growing up of the baby.

Immediately after birth, the baby may be in one position. And later, another will do. This is not to be feared. This is fine!

There are a few general rules that every mom needs to follow throughout her bottle feeding period. Bottle feeding rules:

  1. The entire body of the child from the crown to the heels should be in the same plane. It should not bend.
  2. Tactile contact must be observed, just as with breastfeeding. It can be skin-to-skin or simple strokes.

It is equally important to observe all stages - preparation of the mixture, feeding, the process of releasing excess air. The child swallows air only in two cases if the bottle is positioned incorrectly and the nipple is not completely filled with milk, and also if the posture does not create a single plane for his body.

If the inventory, the mixture is selected incorrectly, then the final stage of feeding can give the baby discomfort. Air trapped in the stomach must be released. so that the digestive system does not experience overload.

Baby feeding positions

Consider in what position and what position to feed the baby, as well as how to properly hold the baby while feeding. There are several basic postures for babies with artificial feeding - lying, on the hands, on the side, sitting.

Any position should be comfortable for both the baby and the parent.

So that he does not regurgitate

Poses to prevent regurgitation:

  1. The child in this case is located on its side. It is better if it is the left side, as recommended by pediatricians.
  2. You can fix its position with special clamps, feeding rollers or a pillow.
  3. Mom gives him a bottle from the side, and she herself can also lie on her side to maintain eye contact with the baby.
  4. It is imperative to control the filling of the nipple with milk during the process.

So that he does not choke

Check the flow rate, which depends on the number of holes in the nipple and the angle of inclination of the bottle itself.

So as not to choke

  1. The baby lies in his crib, and his mother sits next to him.
  2. When feeding, in this case, you can put a flat diaper, the thinnest pillow or towel.
  3. The bottle is positioned at a 45 degree angle. This position creates an optimal milk flow rate and comfort.

In this case, it is not recommended for mom to stand, because the back will be in an unnatural position and will just start to ache. It is important to control the tilt of the head. since it is her wrong position that provokes the ingress of milk into the respiratory tract.

To keep the air out

Air ingestion with food leads to a false sense of fullness in the brain. It is imperative that you take breaks during feeding from the bottle; every 5-10 minutes, calmly remove it for a few seconds so that he burps up.

But in order to minimize the amount of air entering, it is necessary to feed it in a floor upright position. This position is the most common.

  1. Mom takes the child in her arms.
  2. His head is conveniently located on the elbow, his palm holds his ass.
  3. With her free hand, mom gives him a bottle at an angle so that the entire nipple cavity is filled with milk.

Check for bubbles in the mixture and when they appear, change the position of the baby to vertical, removing the bottle from his mouth.


Can a newborn be fed while lying down? In this position, experts do not recommend giving a bottle due to the risk of milk drops entering the middle ear and developing an infection.

If the child lies flat, but at a slight incline, then the risk of middle ear disease is minimal.

Other provisions

If the baby is already sitting confidently, then, showing independence, he can hold the bottle himself and choose a position that is comfortable for him, as well as eat while sitting. In such cases, the parent also needs to be around and supervise the feeding process.

Tips for Parents on Feeding Positions:

  • Sometimes it happens that mom's hands get tired. In this case, you can use fixing devices - feeding pillows, rollers or a simple towel.

    With their help, the baby and the bottle can be positioned anatomically correctly. However, it is important to maintain eye and tactile contact.

Breastfeeding a baby is a very important moment in the life of every baby and his mother. It is very important to establish this process in time in order to avoid many possible problems in the future.

One of the important rules for establishing the breastfeeding process is mastering different postures for feeding... It is important to be able to apply the baby to the breast in different positions in order to avoid milk stagnation and maintain strength during prolonged attachments.

A large number of women are trying to master various poses on their own in order to organize the convenience and comfort for themselves and their baby.

There is no need to look for some new options for the position of the baby while eating, as there are already a large number of them.


Basic feeding positions:

Cradle pose

This is the position of a nursing baby is universal... It is suitable for a baby of any age, both a newborn and those who may be over a year old. The baby is located in the mother's arms in this way: on one hand he lies with his back, and the other hand hugs him, slightly holding his legs. When the baby's head is on the elbow of the mother's hand, his mouth is opposite the nipple. In this position, the child can be both on the left breast and on the right.

You can transfer the nursing baby without problems from one hand to the other. The mother can practically not interrupt feeding at this time.

There can be several options for the "cradle" pose. For example, you can feed while standing or sitting... Usually, the mother feeds the baby like this when she is about to put him to bed. During this time, you can walk around the room, which creates a certain motion sickness effect and helps to relax and fall asleep.

"Cross cradle"

This is one of the modified poses, which is based on the "cradle". Differs from the previous one in that in this case provides additional support for the baby's head... The baby's head is held with both hands at the same time. It is placed on the palm of one hand, the one on the side of the breastfeeding breast, and the other hand is bent so that it supports the baby's body.

This position is well suited in cases where a woman needs to establish breastfeeding. In this position, the baby most correctly learns to grasp the breast with his mouth, without causing inconvenience not to himself or to the mother. Sometimes it becomes necessary to constantly adjust the baby's latch on the breast, especially for weak and premature babies. In this process, they can be helped by moving the baby's head as close to the breast as possible during the sucking process. In this case, a deeper seizure of the nipple along with the areola will occur, as is necessary according to the rules.

Pose "from under the arm"

This feeding position is well suited to those who are not allowed by doctors to sit after the childbirth process... While feeding the baby, the woman should be on the bed in a reclining position. She rests on her hip and forearm so that she is as close to the child as possible. At this time, the baby is placed on the pillow so that he is as close to his mother's breast as possible. At this time, supporting his head with one hand, the woman gives him a breast as if from above. This posture meets the natural needs of the child and is well mastered by both the infant and his mother.

From under the arm, you can feed while lying down or sitting. The main thing in this position is the use of comfortable pillows, which will provide everyone with comfort and help to completely relax during the process.

This pose is often used to prevent milk stagnation in the lower and lateral segments of the breast.

Lying on my hand

This pose allows the woman to relax and rest.... Mom and baby lie next to each other, face to face. In this position, the child is placed on the pillow in such a way that he is as high as possible and can easily reach the breast. If the child is older, you can try to do without a pillow.

With the hand located below, the mother hugs the baby so that his head is on the elbow. You can take this position for sleeping together, as it allows you to completely relax and take a break from everything.

There are several options for such a pose, for example:

  • the baby lies next to it parallel to the mother's body;
  • the baby is perpendicular to the mother's body, face to face.

The baby's body is parallel to the woman's body, while the hand that is below is removed from under the baby.

Upper Chest Lying Pose

This provision applies to the mother could change the breast during feeding, but at the same time did not cause inconvenience to the child. Usually, the baby and the woman are face to face, with the lower hand serving as the mother's support. The body is lifted by this hand and it becomes possible to give another breast for feeding. In this position, it is not possible to feed for a long time, but you can add a little convenience as a pillow or several.

No special pillow is required for feeding, a simple large one is enough. Taking a few large square pillows can add comfort not only to the child, but also to the mother. This applies not only to this particular pose, but also to the rest.

Baby on mom

In some cases, it becomes necessary to feed a child in a similar position. The baby lies on his mother, belly to belly, his head is turned to one side. Usually this pose used in the first months of a child's life, when lactation has not yet been finally established and periodically there are strong flushes of milk and it can beat in trickles.

So that the baby does not choke while eating, it is placed as high as possible with its head and the feeding process begins.

A big plus for the baby is the stimulation and massage of the tummy. If you stay in this position for a while, you can quickly get rid of gas and colic. This is a very important fact, especially in the first months of a child's life, since right now they are tormented by this ailment, causing a lot of inconvenience.

Overhang pose

In this position, you can feed the baby quite often.... This can be useful for both the mother and the baby. For a woman in this position, it becomes possible to free the lower and central lobes of the breast from milk. Often the child is fed in this position, if it is difficult for him to eat on his own - this makes the process easier. You can practice such feeding for weak and premature babies who find it difficult to suckle and suck milk from the breast on their own.

You can feed your baby on the bed, on the table, hanging over him from above. If you put the baby on the bed, the mother gets on all fours and hangs over him and gives him a breast. In another case, when the little one is on the table, the woman bends over it and feeds it. In either case, the child's head must be turned to one side so that he can swallow more easily and not choke.

Riding mom

When children grow up, it is already difficult to put them on one side, like babies. Therefore, you can apply a different pose, for example, place him astride mom... If the baby already knows how to sit, you can put him astride his mother and place him facing her. This positioning principle resembles tummy to tummy position, but slightly modernized to take into account the changed age.

While in this position, you can simply change the chest without making a lot of effort. There is no need to shift the child from side to side, or roll over.

This position is often used if the baby has a cold and has a stuffy nose. So he has the opportunity to eat without the threat of choking or choking.

How to breastfeed your baby

The volume and size of the breast does not affect the amount of milk, as well as the quality of lactation. If a woman has small breasts, this does not mean that she will not be able to feed her baby for a long time. The main difference between small and large breastfeeding is to find the right postures. Based on the size of the breast, you can position the baby in different ways. The most comfortable position is considered "lying on the arm".

Feeding a child with lactostasis

If a woman has lactostasis or stagnation, as it can be called more simply, it is important to try to get rid of it as soon as possible. In order to empty the lobes in which the cork has formed, it is necessary to apply special poses.

It is necessary to try to feed the child as often as possible so that he can naturally cope with lactostasis on his own and help the mother.

You can determine the place where stagnation is formed by painful sensations.

It is necessary to adhere to certain rules, for example:

  • feed the baby first from the breast in which lactostasis is found;
  • the child is best placed with the chin on the side with which there is stagnation.

Each position that will be chosen for feeding during lactostasis will be slightly modified from the usual one so that it is as comfortable as possible for both the child and the mother.

When we just started our professional career and were still inexperienced parents, we naively believed that breastfeeding is such a programmed process by nature, that if you bring together a mother who has milk and a hungry baby, this pair will automatically unite, milk will flow and the child will grow. In fact, most novice mothers and babies need to be taught the right actions - what postures to take and how to suck correctly. We want to not only convince you to breastfeed, but more importantly, to help you enjoy it.

First feedings

You can attach the baby to your breast just a few minutes after birth. Unless there are complications (for example, the baby is not breathing well), immediately after birth, the baby will be placed on your chest, tummy to belly, cheek to breast, skin to skin (unless you have a cesarean section) and cover warm towel. You will be able to relax and enjoy the closeness of each other. Don't rush things. It is not yet time to introduce your baby to breastfeeding and put into practice what you have learned in the course. Most newborns will lick a little, try to suck, take a break and lick again, and again do a few sucking movements. Intermittent sucking is typical of the first hours, and sometimes even the first days.

A few minutes after birth, most babies are in a state of calm but alert attention - the optimal state to initiate interaction. When the child is calmly attentive, his eyes are wide open, he looks for other eyes and breasts. Immediately after birth, some newborns, if they are resting on the mother's stomach, make movements towards the chest and often find what they are looking for with minimal help. When the baby is in this condition, touch the nipple to his lips to induce an innate sucking reflex.

First communication is important for a number of reasons. Your first milk (colostrum) is the best food, and the sooner your baby starts sucking it, the better. Sucking helps the newborn to recover from the stress of childbirth. Sucking calms, helps the child to get comfortable in a new environment. In addition to feeding, it is important to stay with your baby right from the start. This will help you understand the signals your child is giving. When you see that the baby has opened his eyes, looks around and pushes the fist into his mouth, it's time to offer him the breast.

Frequent feeding releases special hormones and the mother-baby system starts to work.

Maternal and Baby Poses During Feeding

The role of correct postures during feeding cannot be overemphasized. Most of the problems that we encountered in our practice (sore nipples, insufficient milk supply, mother's alienation from the baby during feeding) stemmed from the fact that mothers from the very beginning did not follow the basic techniques of correct feeding.

Get in the right posture

Make yourself comfortable before feeding. Milk flows better when mom is relaxed. It is best to sit on a bed, in a rocking chair, or in a chair with armrests. Pillows help a lot to make yourself comfortable and comfortably arrange a child. Place one behind your back, one on your knees, and one under the elbow of the hand with which you are holding the baby. If you are sitting in a chair, put a bench under your feet - then your knees will rise, you will not have to strain your back and arm muscles to hug the baby to your chest. Tune your senses, your body to the child you will feed, think about milk, about a child, about motherhood.

Hold your baby right

Leave some clothes on (or strip them altogether) so that the skin touches the skin. Undressing a baby who looks sleepy keeps him awake and encourages him to suck better. Hold your baby correctly:

  1. Arrange the baby on your arm so that his neck rests on the bend of your elbow, the back rests on your arm, and your palm wraps around his ass.
  2. Turn the entire body of the baby on its side so that it presses its tummy against your belly. The head and neck of the child should be straight, making sure that they do not bend back or to the sides in relation to the body. The baby should not turn his head or strain his neck to reach the nipple. (Try turning your head to one side and taking a sip of water in this position. Then try to do the same with your head tilted back or tilting your chin, you will see that this is very uncomfortable.)
  3. Raise the baby to your chest level by placing a pillow on your lap or placing your feet on a bench. Let the knee pillow support your arm and support the baby's weight. If you put the baby's weight on your arm, the back muscles and arms will be tense. If the baby is too low on your knees, he will pull the breast down, and the friction of the nipples will increase.
  4. Move the baby's arms if they get in the way When you turn the baby's body on its side, with the tummy towards your belly, place his arms in a cozy place between his body and your lower back.If his forearms are in the way, move them down, holding the thumb of the hand with which you are holding the baby.
  5. After you have removed the baby's arms so that they do not interfere with sucking, turn him towards you, with his tummy towards your belly. This basic position is called the "cradle".
  6. How to breastfeed your baby

    With your free hand, squeeze out a few drops of colostrum or milk to moisten the nipple. Cup your breasts by supporting them with the palm of your hand so that four fingers are underneath the breast and the thumb is on top. Press your hand to your chest so that the areola does not close. If you have very large breasts, place a rolled towel underneath (for support), otherwise the breasts may press on the baby's lower jaw.

    Correct sucking technique

    With a nipple moistened with milk, gently touch the baby's lips, encouraging him to open his mouth wide, as if yawning. The mouth opens very wide and then quickly closes like the beak of a small bird. At this moment, when the baby's mouth is wide open (and you patiently tease him with the nipple until the baby opens his mouth really wide), direct the nipple to the center of the mouth and with a quick movement of your hand, press the baby to you.

    Remember two important components of getting started sucking correctly - arm movement and quick movement. Many young mothers are not quick enough, they either do not cuddle the child well, or do it not fast enough. Do not lean forward, do not protrude your chest towards the baby; quickly hug the baby to the chest with the movement of the arm wrapping around it. Otherwise, you will have to sit hunched over the baby, and by the end of the feeding you will get tired, your back will start to ache. If the movement of your hand is too slow, or if you hesitate and your baby’s mouth begins to close, it will most likely only grab the nipple and will not be able to suckle properly.

    The child should take a areola in his mouth.... If you act quickly and correctly, the baby's gums will grip the areola with a radius of at least 1 inch (2.5 cm). If a child only takes nipples in his mouth, they will quickly become damaged. There is another reason why it is so important for a child to take a areola in their mouth. The lobules of the mammary gland, in which milk accumulates, are located under the areola. If the baby's gums are not pressed against them, he will not be able to suck out enough milk. The baby should take areola mugs in his mouth, not nipples.

    Open your baby's mouth wider! For the baby to start sucking correctly, it is necessary that he opens his mouth wide enough. Many children purse their lips, especially the smallest ones. Help your baby to open his mouth wide by pressing the index finger of the hand with which you are holding the baby on his chin at the moment you pull him towards you. You may need someone's help in the beginning. If you feel that your baby is not picking up the nipple correctly, temporarily stop supporting the breast and use your index finger to open his lips. If again the correct position does not work out, stop the child by gently sticking your index finger between the gums and start over. Even if you have to repeat all the steps several times until everything works out as it should, do not give up your attempts. This is a good practice, the child will learn to do the right movements. See this as the first discipline (discipline is teaching and directing), take a deep breath, and start over.

    When we teach breastfeeding techniques to nurses and young doctors, we bring them to the maternity ward. After simply pressing the baby's chin and straightening the position of the lower lip that had turned up, the mothers usually exclaimed: “Now it doesn't hurt at all. Now it's good. "

    Make it comfortable for your baby to breathe... When you force your baby to open his mouth wide and straighten his lips, press him towards you so that the tip of his nose touches your chest. Do not be afraid that he will suffocate, the child can breathe freely with the edges of the nose, even when the tip of the nose is flattened. If it seems to you that the nose is pressed, pull the baby's bottom towards you, slightly change the angle of the torso position, or lightly press with your thumb on the chest to release the nose.

    Support your chest with the palm of your hand... After the baby has correctly picked up the breast, support the breast with your hand throughout the feed so that it does not press its weight on the newborn's mouth. When the baby grows up a little and becomes stronger, you will no longer need to support the breast, most of the feeding your hand will be free.In order not to damage the nipples, do not pull them out of the baby's mouth without first opening the gums, but this can be done by gently sticking your finger into the corner mouth between the gums.

    Common mistakes in breastfeeding posture and breastfeeding:

  • The child is spinning, his little body is not pressed against the mother's belly.
  • Your baby's mouth isn't open wide enough when you push the nipple into it.
  • The lips are tucked inward.
  • The baby squeezes the nipple, not the areola.
  • You are acting too sluggishly, instead of quickly pulling the baby and inserting the nipple into the mouth wide open.
  • Two kinds of sucking

    After a few weeks, you will notice that the baby sucks in different ways: firstly, to enjoy and calm down, and secondly, to satisfy the feeling of hunger. In the first type of sucking, the child receives milk that is not rich in fats; in the second, the muscles of the face work so intensively that the ears can even move. During such sucking, the baby receives more high-calorie and richer milk.

    Alternative feeding positions

    In the first week, it is wise to teach your baby to suck in not one, but at least two positions. Two more comfortable positions for feeding are lying on your side and sitting on the bed on a pillow with your baby on your lap. These positions are very comfortable in the first days after a cesarean section.

    Side-lying feeding... When feeding on your side, you are holding the baby in much the same way as in the cradle position, but you and the baby are both lying on your side facing each other. Place two pillows under your head, one behind your back, another under your upper leg, and tuck the fifth behind your child's back. Five pillows are a bit too much, but you need to provide the greatest comfort. Place the baby on its side facing you, wrap your hand around it and move it up and down until the mouth is in line with the nipple. Proceed as already described.

    Feeding with the baby on your lap and a pillow under the baby's back... This position can be useful when you find it difficult to get your baby to suckle while in your arms.

    Feeding while sitting on the bed... Notice how the pillow provides a comfortable position for both mothers, and how the baby twists and bends the back, preventing it from being pulled to the chest. It is also good for small, weak or premature babies. Sitting in a bed or chair with armrests, place a pillow on one side, or slide one end of it between you and the armrest and place it on the child's pillow. He should lie on the side of the chest that you are going to give him, and close to you, you hold him with your hand and with the same hand you support the back of his head. Pull the baby's legs out so that they rest on the pillow behind your back. Make sure that the baby does not rest his feet on the back of the chair or pillow, otherwise he will bend the back. If this happens, move the baby so that his legs are bent at the hip joint, and his legs and butt are pressed against the pillow behind your back. Then follow the same pattern - with the other hand, cup the breasts and pull the baby towards you. When the baby is correctly breastfeeding and sucking, tuck the pillow behind his back so that you can comfortably hold him against the breast.

    We advise the aspiring mother to seek the advice of a breastfeeding specialist within the first few days after the birth of her baby, so that she can learn the correct feeding technique from the very beginning before developing the wrong habits. Several years ago, we began convincing new mothers who came to see us to seek advice from our breastfeeding center within 48 hours of having a baby in order to learn the correct feeding postures and techniques to ensure proper sucking. As a result, the number of calls to us on breastfeeding problems has decreased very noticeably; both mother and newborn received more satisfaction from feeding.