The parable of female friendship is short. Parables about love and friendship

Short wise parables about friendship and friends: from Omar Khayyam and the Eastern wise men

The story of two friends walking in the desert
At one point they argued and one of them slapped the other.

The latter, feeling pain, but without saying anything, wrote in the sand:

"Today my best friend slapped me in the face."

They kept walking and found an oasis in which they decided to swim. The one who received the slap almost drowned, and his friend saved him. When he came to, he wrote on the stone: "Today my best friend saved my life."

The one who gave a slap in the face and who saved the life of his friend asked him: “When I offended you, you wrote in the sand, and now you write in stone. Why?"

The friend replied, “When someone offends us, we have to write it in the sand so that the winds can erase it. But when someone does something good, we must engrave it on the stone so that no wind can erase it. "

Learn to write grievances in the sand and engrave joys in stone.

Send this story to people you don't forget.

Leave some time for life!

Everyone knows how to die, you have to learn to live
One man had a good friend in his youth. When he remembered his friend, he was always there, and when he forgot, he disappeared. But the person constantly felt his care and help.

After some time, this man started a family, children appeared. Less and less often he remembered his friend. Soon, worries about the family's welfare consumed all his strength, and he began to get sick often. Neither his wife nor children could help him in any way. And other relatives had their own hardships, because of which they had no time for the sick.

When he felt really bad, he remembered his forgotten friend, and he immediately came to him. A friend found doctors, medicines, and provided care for him. The patient's health is on the mend. Only now this man seriously thought about his life: no one could help him in trouble as his old friend did. How to thank him for his kindness and participation? The man decided that from now on he would treat his friend warmly and with love and never forget about him. Soon his friend came to him again and said:

- My dear, only illness has changed your attitude towards me. If you had always adhered to me and my advice from your youth, you would have felt even greater love for yourself, and your life would have turned out completely differently.

Wealth, friendship and love
An old man lived on the seashore. He was completely alone, and he had no one in the whole wide world.

And then one late evening he heard a knock on the door. The old man asked:

- Who's there?

They answered him outside the door:

- This is your wealth.

But the elder answered:

- Once I was fabulously rich, but it did not bring me any happiness.

And he did not open the door. The next day, he heard a knock on the door again.

- Who's there? - he asked.

- This is your Love! - he heard the answer.

But the elder said:

- I was loved, and I loved madly myself, but this did not bring me happiness! - and again did not open the door.

On the third day they knocked on him again.

- Who's there? The old man asked.

- This is your friendship! - he heard in response.

The elder smiled and opened the door:

- I am always glad to have friends.

But suddenly ... along with friendship, love and wealth entered his dwelling. And the elder said:

- But I invited only friendship!

To this those who entered answered him:

- You have lived on earth for so many years and still have not understood one simple truth? Only with friendship do both love and wealth come!

Once upon a time there were two neighbors. The winter has come, the snow has fallen. The first neighbor came out early in the morning with a shovel to shovel the snow in front of the house. While I was clearing the path, I saw how the neighbor was doing. And the neighbor has a neatly trodden path.

The next morning it snowed again. The first neighbor got up half an hour earlier, set to work, looks - and the neighbor has already laid a path.

On the third day, it poured snow - knee-deep. The first neighbor got up even earlier, went out to put things in order ... And at the neighbor's - the path is already flat, straight - just a sight for sore eyes!

On the same day they met on the street, talked about this and that, then the first neighbor casually asks:

- Listen, neighbor, when do you have time to clear the snow in front of the house?

The second neighbor was surprised at first, and then laughed:

- Yes, I never clean it, it's friends who come to me!

Reach paradise
A man with a dog walked along a long, wild, tiresome road. He walked for himself, walked, tired, the dog was tired too. Suddenly in front of him - an oasis! Beautiful gates, beyond the fence - music, flowers, the murmur of a stream, in a word, relaxation.

- What it is? The traveler asked the gatekeeper.

- This is paradise, you have already died, and now you can enter and really rest.

- Is there water there?

- As much as you like: clean fountains, cool pools ...

- Will they give you something to eat?

- Whatever you want.

- But the dog is with me.

- I'm sorry, dogs are not allowed. She will have to be left here.

After a while, the road brought him to the farm. The gatekeeper was also sitting at the gate.

“I’m thirsty,” the traveler asked.

- Come in, there is a well in the yard.

- And my dog?

- You will see a drinking bowl near the well.

- And eat?

- I can buy you dinner.

- And the dog?

- There will be a bone.

- And what is this place?

- It is a paradise.

- How so? The gatekeeper at a nearby palace told me that heaven was there.

- He's lying. There is hell.

- How do you, in paradise, tolerate this?

- This is very useful for us. Only those who do not abandon their friends reach paradise ...

Friendship and success
One young man asked a very wealthy man what the secret of his success was. How did he manage to turn from a beggar boy into a prosperous rich man?

The answer was simple:

- I learned to choose the right friends. Have you heard the expression "a friend is known in trouble"? The businessman asked him.

- Yes! I am guided by this rule, - the young man honestly admitted.

- Forget it, it is fundamentally wrong. A friend is known in joy!

The young man was embarrassed and very surprised at this.

“Look,” the teacher continued, “when you have a problem, you feel bad, you run and share it with your friend. Now you both have a problem. Both of you are sad, both puzzled. Right?

- Yes! - answered the young man, - and my friend helps me to solve it!

- The first problem may help to solve, but all subsequent ones are definitely not. He will just sit and feel sorry for you.

- This is also good, he supports me! - the young man insisted.

- This is terrible! After all, you, too, begin to feel sorry for yourself, instead of solving your problem.

- I was lucky, - the teacher continued, - in my life there were friends who did not spare me, and even more so did not solve my problems. They only rejoiced with me on my successes! In fact, if you have a problem, solve it yourself, and only then go to a friend and celebrate your victory together. It is very easy to feel sorry for another person. But to sincerely rejoice in other people's successes - this needs to be learned. This is the real friendship, the one that helped me become successful!

Once upon a time there was a boy with a terrible temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him to hammer a nail into the garden fence every time he lost patience and quarreled with someone. On the first day, the boy hammered 37 nails. Over the next weeks, he tried to control himself, and the number of nails hammered in decreased day by day. It turned out that holding back is easier than hammering in nails.

Finally the day came when the boy did not hammer a single nail into the fence. Then he went to his father and told about it. And his father told him to pull out one nail from the fence for each day in which he would not lose patience.

Days passed by, and finally the boy was able to tell his father that he had pulled all the nails out of the fence. The father brought his son to the fence and said:

“My son, you behaved well, but look at these holes in the fence. She will never be the same again. When you quarrel with someone and say things that might hurt, you inflict a wound like this on the other person.

You can stick a knife into a person and then pull him out, but the wound will still remain. No matter how many times you ask for forgiveness, the wound remains. A mental wound causes as much pain as a physical one.

Friends are rare jewels, they bring you a smile and joy. They are ready to listen to you when you need it, they support you and open their heart to you. Try not to hurt them.

Love and friendship
Somehow Love and Friendship met.

Love asked:

- Why in the world do you need if I am?

Friendship answered her:

- To leave smiles where you leave tears.

Two friends lived in one distant country. They were real friends! We worked together, rested and celebrated success together.

They made any decisions together. And if they could not make any decision, then the unpleasant consequences of this were also divided equally.

No one has ever seen them quarrel or even just be unhappy with each other. But most importantly, friends have never made their personal relationships dependent on the opinions of others.

Rumors of their unique friendship reached the ruler of the country in which they lived. And it should be noted that this ruler, already very white-haired, finally lost faith in true friendship.

And he ordered to bring our inseparable heroes to him.

- Are you really real friends, or did you report me wrong? Then I'll just execute the informants, and that's the end of it.

- No need to execute anyone, Vladyka. You got the right information, we are really true friends.

- Are you ready to prove it?

- We would not like to prove anything ...

- Your wish does not matter! Today I want to make sure that you are not lying. Perhaps you are sincerely mistaken. But, in any case, I would be pleased to make sure that true friendship exists.

With these words, the ruler ordered to seize friends and imprison them in a cold, damp dungeon: each in his own. Complete isolation from the world, not a single ray of light should touch their faces. The slightest contact was excluded between the prisoners.

The guards received comprehensive instructions:

- Do not feed, but let the water be licked off the walls !.

From now on, the unfortunate will only be able to complain about the fate of rats, in whose company they will spend the rest of their days, if ... Friends were given the following condition: the one who first begs for mercy will be immediately released, and his friend will die a painful death.

The terrible experiment lasted for a whole month. Everywhere only about this and gossip. The people were overwhelmed by rumors and speculation, in anticipation of a dramatic denouement.

None of the friends asked for leniency. Both were carried out of the dungeon, exhausted and lifeless. For a long time they were brought to their senses by the best doctors of the kingdom.

And then, when they came to their senses so that they could speak, the ruler again invited them to an audience.

- Heroes! - he exclaimed as soon as two former prisoners crossed the threshold of the majestic chambers. - I am grateful to you for the lesson you have taught me and I want to apologize for the inconvenience ... But now I absolutely know for sure that real friendship exists.

“You cannot know that,” said one of the friends, calmly looking the ruler in the eyes.

- Why can't I? - he was surprised. - In the end, there are many witnesses of your steadfastness and unbending will. After all, you really did not betray each other, although a single word was enough to end the torment!

- You are wrong, - the friends answered. - We have remained faithful only to our principles. And we would have betrayed each other on the very first day of testing. The harsh truth of life is that only in the name of his own principles, but not for the sake of friends, a person is able to withstand any torture.

- How is it? - The ruler was even more surprised. - Nevertheless, you consider yourself friends. What do you think is true friendship?

- In the similarity of principles ...

Wedding invitation
One young man was very proud to have many friends.

When he met his love and decided to get married, his father was involved in preparations for the wedding. Among other things, the father also sent out invitations.

The wedding day came, but none of the groom's friends came. The guy got angry and asked his father:

- Why didn't you invite my friends?

The father replied:

- I invited. But I didn’t include invitations in the letters, but notes asking for help.

Once a jackal was prowling in the jungle, lo and behold, there was a peacock in the clearing, and so important, its tail spread, its head shaking from side to side. The jackal looked at him and thinks:

- What a fine bird, these peacocks, how much beauty they have, how much grace and conceit! I wish I could become like that, but how? I'll talk to this peacock.

And the peacock, not suspecting anything, walked around, as usual, several circles, climbed onto a heap of brushwood to feed, then set off into a dance, calling for rain with loud cries.

The jackal waited until the peacock finished his song, came up to him and said:

- Listen, peacock! You are so beautiful and important, and you scream as if in pain. Why don't you learn to cuck like a cuckoo?

- Who will teach me the cuckoo language?

“Don't worry, I'll do it,” the jackal replied proudly.

So the jackal became a friend of the peacock. They walked together in the evenings, ate the same heap of brushwood, and when the peacock was staring at something, the jackal tried to portray his walk. He even thought about pulling his tail up and starting to dance, like a peacock does. But he was still afraid that he would be laughed at.

Once a peacock got hold of several plums and began to eat them. The jackal also decided to eat, ran to his lair and brought a kid's leg from there. She had been there for several days and had a rather unpleasant odor.

- No, it won't do, maybe ask the peacock for a few plums? What's the use of them? - the jackal thought.

So the peacock ate everything, but the jackal got nothing. The jackal was offended, he was about to leave, but he looks: the peacock began to tear the earth and put plum seeds in rows there.

- What are you doing? - the jackal became interested.

- Mother taught me to do good deeds, - answered the peacock, - never throw anything away. So I decided to plant these seeds, then trees will grow out of them, fruits will appear on them, and then I can invite my friends to eat them.

The jackal was shocked by the wisdom of the peacock and decided to follow his example: he dug a groove in the ground and began to sow goat bones into it.

Since then, every evening, both friends began to come to the place and look at their plantings. Soon the plum seeds sprouted tenderly, and no kids appeared from the bones sown by the jackal.

- Probably, the bones of animals sprout slower than the bones of plants - reasoned the peacock. - I think it will take five or even ten years. Listen, dear friend, I have come across bones that have lain in the ground for a century, but they never gave rise to any seedlings. You need to be patient.

As time went on, the plum trees grew, but no seedlings emerged from the goat bones. And the peacock began to make fun of his friend more and more:

“I know that you have a divine gift and can work miracles. So make it so that kids grow out of those bones that you sowed.

The jackal behaved as if he did not doubt the words of the peacock, but he got angry more and more and could not do anything.

The time came when the plums bloomed and gave a harvest. The peacock invited all his peacock relatives and threw a feast for the whole world.

The poor jackal sat near his den and swallowed saliva, seeing the peacock feasting with his friends.

- Do not grieve, buddy, - the peacock laughed at him. - The bones will probably sprout soon, and then you will harvest a whole goat herd.

And the more the jackal got angry, the more the peacock made fun of him:

“My poor friend, you were completely emaciated from hunger. And now a drought has come, lest you be left without food at all. Why don't you learn to eat plums?

The jackal's patience ran out and, jumping on the peacock, he growled:

- I have not yet learned how to eat plums, but I know well how there are those who eat plums. - And, tore apart the peacock, swallowed it together with bones and feathers.

So the friendship between the jackal and the peacock ended.

Friend of the ruler
The ruler had the only person and friend whom he trusted as himself: this is his doctor. And he took medicine only from his hands, he refused from strangers.

Once, during his illness, he received an anonymous note: “Fear your closest friend. He wants to kill you! " After a while, a doctor came, presenting the ruler with a glass of wine with medicine dissolved inside. The ruler gave an anonymous note to a friend and, while he was reading, drank wine to the bottom.

The doctor froze in horror: "Lord, how could you drink what I gave you after reading this note?" To which the ruler replied: "It is better to die than to doubt your friend!"

One day a man passed by a blind man. At the feet of the blind man lay a sign on which was written:

"I'm blind. Help me please". Apparently, the blind man was not doing very well - there was only one coin in his hat.

The man took the plate, wrote something on it, put the plate in its place and went his own way. A few hours later he came back and, passing by the blind man, saw that his hat was full of coins. The plate with the new inscription was in the same place. It read: "It's spring now, but I can't see it."


The selection includes a parable about friendship for children and adults:

Wedding Invitation: One young man was very proud to have many friends.
When he met his love and decided to get married, his father was involved in preparations for the wedding. Among other things, the father also sent out invitations.
The wedding day came, but none of the groom's friends came. The guy got angry and asked his father:
- Why didn't you invite my friends?
The father replied:
- I invited. But I didn’t include invitation cards in my letters, but notes asking for help.

  • Unusual desire: One day on New Year's Eve, a teacher invited her third-graders to write about what they would like to ask Santa Claus.
    Arriving home, I sat down to check children's compositions. And one of them really upset her. Several times she reread the letter, drawn in diligent childish handwriting, asking for a miracle. No, the teacher was trying to find no mistake. Now they didn't matter. The husband entered the room.
    - What happened, dear, why are you so alarmed?
    “Here, read it, please,” and she handed the notebook to her husband.
    “Santa Claus, I will not ask you much. Just fulfill my request. Make me a TV for just a little while. I really want my family to get together in the evenings and listen to me without interrupting. So that when my dad returns from work, he would ask me about what happened in my life. And my mother, when she was sad, came to me. To make me happy as a new TV, which now occupies almost the entire wall in our apartment. I would move to find a place for the Christmas tree. I so want to live the life of any TV! "
    - Poor child ... And, listen, there are such parents, - the teacher's husband was indignant.
    His wife raised her eyes full of tears:
    - Dear, this was written by our son ...
  • Caesar and Healer: Caesar had the only person and friend he trusted - his healer. Moreover, if he was sick, then he took the medicine only when the doctor gave him his own hand.
    Once, when Caesar was not feeling very well, he received an anonymous note: “Fear your closest friend, your doctor. He wants to poison you! " And after a while a doctor came and gave Caesar medicine. He gave the received note to a friend and, while he was reading, drank the medicinal mixture to the last drop.
    The friend froze in horror:
    - Lord, how could you drink what I gave you after what you read ?!
    Caesar replied:
    - Better to die than to doubt your friend!
  • Mirror room: There was an unusual hall in the palace of a nobleman. The walls, ceiling and floor in it were mirrored. Once, a dog ran into the hall by accident. She was confused when she saw around a whole pack of similar creatures, and bared her teeth. The dogs around her responded in kind. Then the dog began to bark. And the dogs all together also gave a voice. The dog tossed about, but grinning, evil creatures pounced on it from all sides. The poor thing spent the whole night surrounded by a brutal pack. The next morning the nobleman's servants found her dead. Her heart broke. But everything could be different if, upon entering the room, instead of an angry grin, the dog wagged its tail and extended its paw to those who looked at it from the mirror as a sign of friendship.
  • King and his son: Once upon a time there was a King whose only son, when he grew up, began to lead the life of a slacker and a spender. Constantly surrounded by the same worthless wasteful, whom he considered to be real people, he judged everyone and everything by their standards. Although they all lived off the King's bounty, they secretly mimicked him and appreciated things that had no value other than entertaining them.
    One day, the King summoned the Prince without warning and threw him out of the palace. Unhappy and bewildered, the young man walked from one friend to another, seeking sympathy and comfort and asking for help. But he received nothing but the words that the king must be a villain and that there must be real justice somewhere, just not in the palace.
    Due to his stupidity and bad habits, the Prince became more and more distant from his father. Although he tried to start a new life on his own, he did not know how to do it. In his company of supposedly friends, he forgot how to see things as they are. As a result, his life became difficult and confusing. He was constantly haunted by anxiety and emptiness.
    A few months later, the King sent for the Prince.
    “My son,” he said, “now you see how your habits have failed you and how little benefit your companions have.
  • Lucky tip: A young woman was sitting on a park bench and for some reason was crying bitterly. At this time, Vanya was riding his tricycle along the alley. And he felt so sorry for his aunt that he asked:
    - Aunt, why are you crying?
    “Oh, kid, you can't understand,” the woman waved her off.
    It seemed to Vanya that after that the aunt began to cry even more. He says:
    - Aunt, something hurts you, and you cry? Do you want me to give you my toy?
    The woman burst into tears even more at these sympathetic words:
    - Oh, boy, - she answered, - nobody needs me, nobody loves me ...
    Vanya looked seriously and said:
  • Sand and Stone: At one point, the friends had an argument and one of them slapped the other.
    The latter, feeling pain, but without saying anything, wrote in the sand: "Today my best friend gave me a slap in the face."
    They kept walking and found an oasis in which they decided to swim. The one who received the slap almost drowned, but his friend saved him. When he came to, he wrote on the stone: "Today my best friend saved my life."
    The one who slapped him in the face and then saved his life asked him:
    - When I offended you, you wrote in the sand, and now you write in stone. Why?
    The friend replied:
    - When someone offends us, we have to write it in the sand so that the winds can erase it. But when someone does something good, we must engrave it in the stone so that no wind can erase it.
    Learn to write grievances in the sand and engrave joys in stone.
  • Bridge builder: Once two brothers Ivan and Andrey, who lived on neighboring farms, had a falling out. It was the first serious quarrel in 40 years between brothers, whose households were very interconnected. But their collaboration came to an end. It all started with a small misunderstanding, which grew into a verbal skirmish and a prolonged silence, offensive to both. One morning Ivan was knocked on the door. On the threshold stood a carpenter looking for a side job. Ivan told him: “I have a job for you. Look at this stream. He divides our farms. A week ago there was a meadow here, but my brother bulldozed along the river dam and now we are separated by a stream. He did it to spite me. So - you will build a high fence between us and save me from the need to see his face and his farm. " The carpenter agreed and went to work.
    He carefully measured everything, sawed wooden blocks - did not waste a minute. By sunset, when Ivan returned from the field, the carpenter had already finished the work. Ivan's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. Instead of a fence, a bridge was erected across the stream!
    Imagine Ivan's surprise when he saw his brother hurrying to him across the bridge. "Wow! You built a bridge for us after everything that I have done! ”- Andrey exclaimed. The brothers met in the middle of the bridge, shook hands and hugged each other.
    They asked the carpenter to stay to work with them yet, but he answered them: "I would love to, but I still need to build a lot of bridges."
  • Nails: Once upon a time there was a boy with a terrible temper. His father gave him a bag of nails and told him to hammer a nail into the garden fence every time he lost patience and fought with someone. On the first day, the boy hammered 37 nails. Over the next weeks, he tried to control himself, and the number of nails hammered in decreased day by day. It turned out that holding back is easier than hammering in nails ...
    Finally the day came when the boy did not hammer a single nail into the fence. Then he went to his father and told about it. And his father told him to pull out one nail from the fence for each day in which he would not lose patience.
    Days passed by, and finally the boy was able to tell his father that he had pulled all the nails out of the fence. The father brought his son to the fence and said:
    “My son, you behaved well, but look at these holes in the fence. She will never be the same again. When you quarrel with someone and say things that might hurt, you inflict a wound like this on the other person. You can stick a knife into a person and then pull him out, but the wound will still remain.
    No matter how many times you ask for forgiveness, the wound remains. A mental wound causes as much pain as a physical one. Friends are rare jewels, they bring you a smile and joy. They are ready to listen to you when you need it, they support you and open their heart to you.
    Try not to hurt them ...
  • About refusal: Once the granddaughter asked her grandmother:
    - Grandma, what should I do? He is dear to me as a friend, as a close and dear person. But not as a man. I can never love him as much as he does me, he will never be my lover. But how to tell him about this, because he is waiting for an answer to his feelings? I so do not want to lose the good that we have now.
    - Granddaughter, remember, men are not as strong and self-confident as we want them to be. And it hurts to make them much easier than women. Refusal, in any form, they will worry with a stone face and silently, but they will be hurt, very painful. And if you have to tell him that you will not succeed, then spare his pride. Don't humiliate him by explaining that you don't need him as a man, but only as a friend. Talk to him gently and calmly. And it doesn't matter how many words you say, and how long you will explain everything. Let in these explanations "why not" he hears: "I respect you too much to make my lover." Believe me, granddaughter, if you spare his pride, he will maintain friendship and respect for you.
  • A bucket of apples: A man bought himself a new, big, beautiful house. And the garden with fruit trees - everything is good, neat.
    Nearby, in a crooked, old house, lived an envious neighbor who constantly tried to ruin his mood: he would throw garbage under the gate, then he would do some other nasty thing.
    And one day a man woke up in a good mood, went out onto the porch, and there was a bucket of slops.
    The man took a bucket, poured out the slops, cleaned the bucket to a shine, picked up the largest, ripe and tastiest apples in it and went to a neighbor. The neighbor, hearing a knock on the door, gloatingly thought: "Finally I got it !!!" He opens the door in the hope of a scandal, and the man hands him a bucket of apples and says: "Whoever is rich in what, shares that!"

Proverbs are short and entertaining stories that express the experiences of many generations of lives. Parables about love have always been especially popular. And unsurprisingly, these meaningful stories can teach you a lot. And the right relationship with your partner too.

After all, love is a great power. She is able to create and destroy, inspire and deprive of strength, give insight and deprive of reason, believe and be jealous, perform feats and push for betrayal, give and take, forgive and take revenge, idolize and hate. So you need to be able to handle with love. And instructive parables about love will help with this.

Where else to draw wisdom, if not in the proven stories over the years. We hope that short stories about love will answer many of your questions and teach you about harmony. After all, we are all born in order to love and be loved.

Parable about love, wealth and health

Parable about love and happiness

- Where does love go? - the little happiness asked his father. “She’s dying,” my father replied. People, son, do not cherish what they have. They just don't know how to love!
Little happiness thought: Here I grow up big and start helping people! The years passed. Happiness has grown and become greater.
It remembered its promise and tried its best to help people, but people did not hear it.
And gradually Happiness began to turn from big into small and stunted. It was very scared, as if not to disappear at all, and set off on a long journey to find a cure for its illness.
How long did Happiness go short, not meeting anyone on its way, only it became really bad for him.
And it stopped to rest. I chose a spreading tree and lay down. I just dozed off when I heard approaching footsteps.
She opened her eyes and saw: a decrepit old woman was walking through the forest all in rags, barefoot and with a staff. Happiness rushed to her: - Sit down. You are probably tired. You need to rest and refresh yourself.
The old woman's legs gave way, and she literally collapsed into the grass. After a little rest, the wanderer told her story with Happiness:
- It's a shame when you are considered so decrepit, but I am still so young, and my name is Love!
- So are you Love ?! Happiness was amazed. But I was told that love is the most beautiful thing in the world!
Love looked at him carefully and asked:
- And what is your name?
- Happiness.
- How is it? I was also told that Happiness should be wonderful. And with that, she pulled a mirror out of her rags.
Happiness, looking at its reflection, burst into tears. Love sat down to him and gently embraced him with her hand. - What did these evil people and fate do to us? - sobbed Happiness.
- Nothing, - said Love, - If we are together and begin to take care of each other, we will quickly become young and beautiful.
And here, under that spreading tree, Love and Happiness concluded their union never to be separated.
Since then, if Love leaves someone's life, Happiness also leaves with it, they do not exist separately.
And people still cannot understand this ...

The parable of the best wife

Once, two sailors set off on a journey around the world to find their destiny. They sailed to the island, where the leader of one of the tribes had two daughters. The eldest is beautiful, and the youngest is not very.
One of the sailors said to his friend:
- That's it, I found my happiness, I stay here and marry the daughter of the leader.
- Yes, you are right, the eldest daughter of the leader is beautiful, clever. You made the right choice - get married.
- You did not understand me, friend! I will marry the leader's youngest daughter.
- Are you crazy? She's so ... not very good.
- This is my decision, and I will do it.
The friend swam further in search of his happiness, and the groom went to woo. I must say that in the tribe it was customary to give a ransom for the bride with cows. A good bride was worth ten cows.
He drove ten cows and went to the leader.
- Chief, I want to marry your daughter and give ten cows for her!
- It's a good choice. My oldest daughter is beautiful, smart, and she is worth ten cows. I agree.
- No, leader, you do not understand. I want to marry your youngest daughter.
- Are you joking? Don't you see, she's so ... not very good.
- I want to marry her.
“Okay, but as an honest person I can't take ten cows, she's not worth it. I'll take three cows for her, no more.
- No, I want to pay exactly ten cows.
They merried.
Several years passed, and a wandering friend, already on his ship, decided to visit the remaining comrade and find out how his life is. Swam, walks along the shore, and towards a woman of unearthly beauty.
He asked her how to find his friend. She showed. He comes and sees: his friend is sitting, the kids are running around.
- How are you?
- I'm happy.
Here comes that beautiful woman.
- Here, meet. This is my wife.
- How? Why did you get married again?
- No, it's still the same woman.
- But how did it happen that she changed so much?
- And you ask her yourself.
A friend came up to a woman and asked:
- Sorry for the tactlessness, but I remember what you were ... not very much. What happened to make you so beautiful?
“It's just that one day I realized that I’m worth ten cows.

The parable of the best husband

One day a woman came to the priest and said:
- You married me with your husband two years ago. Now divorce us. I don't want to live with him anymore.
“What is the reason for your desire to get a divorce?” Asked the priest.
The woman explained this:
- All husbands return home on time, but my husband is constantly delayed. Because of this, there are scandals every day at home.
The priest, surprised, asks:
- Is this the only reason?
“Yes, I don’t want to live with a man with such a flaw,” the woman replied.
- I will divorce you, but on one condition. Come back home, bake a big tasty bread and bring it to me. But when you bake bread, do not take anything from the house, and ask your neighbors for salt, water, and flour. And be sure to explain to them the reason for your request, - said the priest.
This woman went home and, without delay, got down to business.
I went to a neighbor and said:
- Oh, Maria, lend me a glass of water.
- Have you run out of water? Isn't there a well dug in the yard?
“There is water, but I went to the priest to complain about my husband and asked to divorce us,” the woman explained, and as soon as she finished, the neighbor sighed:
- Eh, if you only knew what my husband is! - and began to complain about her husband. After that, the woman went to her neighbor Asya to ask for salt.
- You are out of salt, are you asking for just one spoon?
- There is salt, but I complained to the priest about my husband, asked for a divorce, - the woman says, and before she could finish, the neighbor exclaimed:
- Eh, if you only knew what my husband is! - and began to complain about her husband.
So, whoever this woman went to ask, she heard complaints from everyone about her husbands.
Finally, she baked a large delicious bread, brought it to the priest and gave it with the words:
- Thank you, taste my work with your family. Just do not think to divorce me from my husband.
- Why, what happened, daughter? the priest asked.
“My husband, it turns out, is the best,” the woman answered him.

The parable of true love

Once the Master asked his students:
- Why, when people quarrel, they shout?
“Because they are losing their calm,” said one.
- But why shout if the other person is next to you? - asked the Teacher. - Can't you talk to him quietly? Why shout if you are angry?
The disciples offered their answers, but none of them satisfied the Teacher.
Finally, he explained, “When people are unhappy with each other and quarrel, their hearts drift away. In order to cover this distance and hear each other, they have to scream. The more angry they get, the further they move away and the louder they scream.
- What happens when people fall in love? They do not shout, on the contrary, they speak quietly. Because their hearts are very close, and the distance between them is very small. And when they fall in love even more, what happens? - continued the Teacher. - They do not speak, but only whisper and become even closer in their love. - In the end, they don't even need to whisper. They just look at each other and understand everything without words.

A parable about a happy family

In one small town two families live next door. Some spouses constantly quarrel, blaming each other for all the troubles and finding out which of them is right. And others live together, no quarrels with them, no scandals.
The obstinate mistress marvels at the happiness of her neighbor and, of course, envies. She says to her husband:
- Go and see how they do it so that everything is smooth and quiet.
He came to a neighbor's house, hid under an open window and listened.
And the hostess is putting things in order in the house. He wipes an expensive vase from dust. Suddenly the phone rang, the woman was distracted, and put the vase on the edge of the table, so much so that she was about to fall. But then her husband needed something in the room. He hooked on a vase, it fell and broke.
- Oh, what will happen now! - the neighbor thinks. He immediately imagined what a scandal would be in his family.
The wife came up, sighed with regret, and said to her husband:
- Sorry honey.
- What are you, dear? This is my fault. I was in a hurry and did not notice the vase.
- I am guilty. She put the vase so carelessly.
- No, it's my fault. Anyway. We wouldn’t have had a greater misfortune.
The neighbor's heart ached painfully. He came home upset. Wife to him:
- Something you are fast. Well, what did you see?
- Yes!
- Well, how are they doing there?
- They are all to blame. That's why they don't fight. But with us, everyone is always right ...

A beautiful legend about the importance of love in life

It so happened that different feelings lived on one island: Happiness, Sadness, Skill ... And Love was among them.
Once the Premonition informed everyone that the island would soon disappear under water. Haste and Haste were the first to leave the island by boat. Soon everyone left, only Love remained. She wanted to stay until the last second. When the island was about to go under water, Lyubov decided to call for help.
Wealth sailed on a magnificent ship. Love tells him, "Wealth, can you take me away?" - "No, I have a lot of money and gold on the ship. I have no room for you!"
Happiness floated past the island, but it was so happy that it did not even hear how Love was calling it.
... and yet Love was saved. After she was rescued, she asked Knowledge who it was.
- Time. Because only Time is able to understand how important Love is!

A story about true love

In one aul lived a girl of incomparable beauty, but none of the young men wooed her, no one sought her hand. The fact is that once a sage who lived next door predicted:
- Anyone who dares to kiss a beauty will die!
Everyone knew that this sage was never wrong, so dozens of brave horsemen looked at the girl from afar, not even daring to approach her. But then one day a young man appeared in the aul, who at first sight, like everyone else, fell in love with a beauty. Without a moment's hesitation, he climbed over the fence, walked over and kissed the girl.
- Ah! - cried the inhabitants of the aul. - Now he will die!
But the young man kissed the girl again, and again. And she immediately agreed to marry him. The rest of the horsemen, in bewilderment, turned to the sage:
- How so? You, sage, predicted that the one who kissed the beauty will die!
- I do not refuse my words. - answered the sage. “But I didn’t say exactly when this will happen. He will die sometime later - after many years of a happy life.

A story about a long family life

One elderly couple, who were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary, was asked how they managed to get along for so long.
After all, there was everything - and difficult times, and quarrels, and misunderstanding.
Probably their marriage was on the verge of collapse more than once.
“It's just that in our time, broken things were repaired, and not thrown away,” the old man smiled in response.

Parable about the fragility of love

Somehow an old wise man came to one village and stayed to live. He loved children and spent a lot of time with them. He also loved to give them gifts, but gave only fragile things.
No matter how hard the children tried to be neat, their new toys often broke. The children were upset and cried bitterly. Some time passed, the sage again gave them toys, but even more fragile.
One day, the parents could not stand it and came to him:
- You are wise and wish our children only the best. But why are you giving them such gifts? They try as best they can, but the toys still break and the children cry. But the toys are so beautiful that it is impossible not to play with them.
“It will take quite a few years,” the elder smiled, “and someone will give them his heart. Maybe this will teach them how to handle this priceless gift a little more carefully?

And the moral of all these parables is very simple: love and appreciate each other.

Friendship parables

Friendship is primarily a disinterested personal relationship between people, which is based on trust. sincerity, mutual sympathy, common interests and hobbies. Mandatory signs of friendship are mutual respect for the opinion of a friend, trust and patience. Parables about friendship will help you better understand the concept of "friendship", what true friendship is and what kind of friends should be.

Resentment and Joy

Once, two friends walked in the desert for many days.

Once they had an argument, and one of them, in a temper, slapped the other. His friend felt pain, but said nothing.

Silently, he wrote in the sand, "Today my best friend slapped me in the face."

The friends continued to walk, and after many days they found an oasis with a lake, in which they decided to swim. The one who received the slap almost drowned and his friend saved him.

When he came to, he carved in stone: "Today my best friend saved my life."

The first one asked him:

When I offended you, you wrote in the sand, and now you write in stone. Why?

And the friend replied:

Whenever someone offends us, we have to write it in the sand so that the winds can erase it. But when someone does something good, we must carve it in stone so that no wind can erase it.

Learn to write grievances in the sand and carve joys in stone. Leave some time for life! And let it be easy and light for you ... (Parables about friendship).

The wounds that we leave
Once upon a time there was a young man with a bad character. His father gave him a bag full of nails and said: "Drive one nail into the garden gate every time you lose patience or have a fight with someone."
On the first day, he hammered 37 nails into the garden gate.
In the following weeks, I learned to control the number of hammered nails, reducing it from day to day:
I realized that it is easier to control yourself than hammering nails.
Finally, the day came when the young man did not hammer a single nail into the garden gate.
Then he came to his father and told him the news.
Then the father said to the young man: "Take one nail out of the gate every time you do not lose patience."
Finally, the day came when the young man was able to tell his father that he pulled out all the nails.
The father led his son to the garden gate:
"Son, you behaved beautifully, but look how many holes are left on the gate!"
They will never be the same again.
When you fight with someone and tell them unpleasant things,
you leave him wounds like those on the gate.
You can stick a knife in a man and then pull him out
But there will always be a wound.
It won't matter how many times you ask for forgiveness. The wound will remain.
A wound caused by words is as painful as a physical wound.
Friends are rare wealth!
They make you smile and cheer you up.
They are always ready to listen to you.
They support and open their heart to you.
Show your friends how dear they are to you.

Holy Lake (about love and friendship)

There lived two brothers-banks and a sister-river.
One bank was high and overgrown with dense forest, which is why it was considered rich.
And the other, low and sandy, was poor. Once he asked a poor bank from a rich brother for some firewood to make a fire and warm up.
Yes, where there!
The rich coast rebelled:
- If I give you even a little bit every time, then, you see, you will have nothing left. And I will become like you - poor!
Heard this sky, frowned.
Lightning flashed and struck a large oak tree on the high bank.
The forest caught fire. And such a fire began that the high bank begged:

- Sister river! Brother shore! Help out! Save! Without water and sand - I will be lost!

Without hesitation, the river and the poor bank rushed to help his brother.
And they tried so hard that she, pouring water on the fire, gave herself up to the last drop, and he, filling it with sand - every last grain of sand.
So they put out the fire.
But this did not bring relief to the rich brother.
After all, there was now only a large empty hollow in front of him. And he had neither sister nor brother ...
Time has passed.
Rains and hardworking springs gradually filled the lowland with water. And it became a lake, which people, having learned its history, called "holy". How else to call the fruit of sacrificial love?
And when someone stayed here to spend the night, the high coast, sighing guiltily, generously presented him with the best firewood, which was invariably enough until dawn, despite the fact that the nights in these places were always long and cold ...

Greed, give me a big pot!

- Greed, and greed, give me a big pot!
- I won’t give it, it’s not enough!
- Greed, and greed, give me a smaller pan!
- And I will not give less!
- Greed, and greed, then give the smallest!
- She said, I won't give it, so I won't!
- Well, you don’t want it as you want! Then you have a pie!
- Let's! Why only one? You are generosity!
- So I wanted to give you more. But you didn't!
So greed punished itself!
The author of the parable: Monk Barnabas (Eugene Sanin). From the book: Little Parables for Children and Adults.


Once upon a time, two angels traveled across the earth: an old one and a young one. One evening, tired and exhausted, they asked to sleep in the house of a rich man. He allowed the pilgrims, but, being a stingy and inhospitable person, he provided them with lodging for the night in a barn.

It was cold, dark, damp there. Despite the fatigue, the young angel could not sleep for a long time. And when he did manage to fall asleep, he was suddenly awakened by a noise.

When he woke up, he saw that the old angel was painstakingly filling up a hole in the wall. The young angel was surprised, he several times offered the old one to quit this business and try to rest before the forthcoming journey, but received a stubborn refusal.

In the morning, the young angel, not hiding his curiosity, asked the old one:

Why did you help this man, because he treated us so badly?

Not everything is what it seems, ”his companion replied.

The next evening, looking for an overnight stay, the travelers stopped at the poor man's house. The owner warmly welcomed them, shared his dinner and even provided the only bed in the house, while he and his wife went into the barn.

In the morning, the angels were awakened by the cry of the owner and the cry of his wife. It turned out that their cow, the only breadwinner and the family's hope, had died that night.

The young angel, experiencing extreme surprise, turned to the old:

Why don't you help the poor man? - he said. - Last time you helped someone who treated us so badly, and this time you are inactive when it is in your power to save this family?

To which the old angel replied:

Not everything is what it seems!

Continuing the journey, the young angel did not calm down, he reproached the old angel, accused him and could not come to terms with what had happened.

Not everything is what it seems, the old angel replied for the third time. - Last night, when we were in the house of a rich man, I saw a treasure in the wall of the barn - and walled it up so that the owner of the house would not get it. And that night, death came for the poor man's wife, and I bought her off by giving the cow.

I hope this parable will help you rethink what is happening between you and your children. It must be remembered thatthere is no good or bad in the world. It all depends on how you look at it.

The parable of the well

One day a donkey fell into a well and began to scream loudly, calling for help. The owner of the donkey ran to his cries and threw up his hands - after all, it was impossible to get the donkey out of the well.
Then the owner reasoned: "My donkey is already old, and it does not have much time left, but I still wanted to buy a new young donkey. This well is already completely dry, and I have long wanted to fill it up and dig a new one. So why not kill two at once. hares - I'll fill up the old well, and at the same time I will bury the donkey. "
Without thinking twice, he invited his neighbors - all together took up shovels and began to throw earth into the well. The donkey immediately realized what was happening and began to scream loudly, but people did not pay attention to his cries and silently continued to throw earth into the well.
However, very soon the donkey fell silent. When the owner looked into the well, he saw the following picture - every piece of earth that fell on the donkey's back he shook off and crushed with his feet. After a while, to everyone's surprise, the donkey was upstairs and jumped out of the well! So ...
Perhaps in your life there were a lot of all sorts of troubles, and in the future life will send you more and more. And whenever another lump falls on you, remember that you can shake it off and it is thanks to this who can rise a little higher. Thus, you will gradually be able to get out of the deepest well.
Each problem is a stone that life throws at you, but stepping on these stones, you can cross a stormy stream.
Remember five simple rules:
1. Free your heart from hate - forgive everyone you have been offended at.
2. Free your heart from worries - most of them are useless.
3. Lead a simple life and value what you have.
4. Give more.
5. Expect less.

Three sieves

People have always liked parables. They are filled with deep meaning and help people realize the meaning of many things. It doesn't matter if it is a parable about friendship or the main thing is that this type of story has always been used, is and will be in demand among people for many reasons.


A parable is a little story that makes a lot of sense. Indeed, as soon as you listen to it, you immediately start thinking about many things that you didn't really care about before. Most often profound, forcing to understand the nature of something that previously seemed so simple and obvious.

The parable of friendship is one of the many branches. However, as in any direction, be it cinema or literature. Some will be interested in the parable of friendship, others - about love, the third - about the meaning of life, the fourth - about something else. And all are interesting in their own way, all are good in their own way, but we are interested in the first option.

Most often, parables about friendship are short, since many words are not needed to convey a certain message to the reader, but less often, but still there are more detailed stories that will not even fit on one page. True, it is not long works that are in great demand among the people, since some do not like to read a lot (which, of course, is sad, but this is not about that), while others do not have time to waste it almost in vain, so parables about friendship will always be short in greater numbers and respect than voluminous ones. But everyone is important and needed.

Friendship in our life

Often a person has close people. And most often they are not just who, but friends, since they are the ones who are able to support a person in difficult times, rejoice with him in happy moments and listen to anything.

Parables about friendship and the fact that they make it possible to understand how important people are in human lives, what a huge role they play. It just so happens that we cannot be alone. No matter what a person says, no matter how he convinces himself and those around him that he loves loneliness, and he does not need anyone, all this is complete nonsense, which he wants to hide behind in an attempt to seem stronger than he really is. There are only a few true loners who are able to spend at least their entire lives alone with themselves and receive pleasure from such an existence.

Prince's sadness

Once the king and the prince quarreled. And he decided to be the first to take revenge on his comrade, to hurt him. The king called the executioner and ordered him to kill his wife and see if the prince weeps. The man fulfilled the tsar's "request", cut off the woman's head. prince. The king, without hesitation, ordered the children to be killed. The prince did not cry. And the king got excited, so he was not going to stop; He really wanted to see the tears of strangers, so the parents were the next victims of the executioner. The prince did not cry. Only one of the relatives remained that the king ordered to kill, like the rest. Here the prince burst into tears, but so sadly that the cruel and heartless executioner burst into tears with him.

Why, after the death of your parents, children and wife, did you not shed tears, - asks the surprised king, later calling the prince to him, - and after the death of a friend you were so upset?

The parents were already old, - the prince answers, - they would soon have died. It's easy to find a new wife, she can give birth to me too. But to find a friend - oh, how difficult. It takes many years to find a real, faithful friend. Therefore, I mourned only him.


This is a parable about friendship, and that says it all. Yes, it does not show what the man who was killed was like, but at least the fact that only his death was mourned by the prince makes it clear that the friend was truly good. Everyone needs to meet in life such a person who can be called close.

A dog is a friend of man

Everyone knows this expression. However, not everyone is aware that there are parables that convey a similar meaning to the reader. Indeed, from time immemorial, a dog has been considered the most faithful friend, at least when compared to a proud cat, for example. No, this does not mean that the latter is bad, each pet is good and beautiful in its own way. However, below is the parable of the friendship between a man and a dog.

A real friend is a dog

Once there was a drunkard in a house. And he had two pets: a cat and a dog. The latter constantly argued among themselves who was the boss, and each tried to pull the blanket over himself.

Once the drunkard ran out of money, and he wanted to drink unbearably. The cat immediately jumped up to the owner and said, "Sell me, get the money, buy a drink, and I, as your best friend, will run away from the buyer and turn over to you."

The drunk sold the cat, bought a drink, returned home to pump himself up with alcohol, and there he was met by a dog. And not just how he meets, but with barking, from which the man drops the bottle and breaks it, pouring out a strong drink. The drunkard became angry, beat the dog, and the dog did not even try to run away and did not resist at all, only said:

Beat, master, beat, just don't drink.

At that time the cat came. She looked haughtily at the dog and again called the owner to the bazaar to repeat the previous shenanigans. The drunkard soon returned with a fresh bottle. And he had already opened it to drink the alcohol of his beloved, as the dog again prevented him. She barked and growled so that the vessel with alcohol involuntarily slipped out of my hands a second time. The man got angry more than ever, with renewed vigor he began to beat the dog and say: "I will kill!"

Kill, master, - the pet humbly says to that, - kill, just don't drink!

It suddenly came to a drunkard, what was the matter. He realized who his real friend was. And he began to apologize to the dog, stroking it and hugging it. And the man sold the cat that soon showed up, however, this time so far away that she could not find the way home.

The meaning of the parable

The bottom line is that the dog did not want its owner to spoil his health, since alcohol does not bring anything good. The cat, in turn, only wanted to show the owner how good she is, they say, helps him. The man understood this. Let not immediately, but still understood.


Love and friendship are closer than it might seem at first glance, much closer. It often happens that two people of the opposite sex are first in a friendly relationship, after which they enter into a different, more spiritual connection. And this is good, because before that, these people had already developed a certain relationship: they know each other, know the tastes of their soulmate, know what she likes. That is why any parable about friendship and love should make it clear to people how important this relationship is, and how close they are when it comes to two people. True, the downside is that love is more fleeting, while friendship - real friendship - forever.

Proverbs and children

Different stories are needed, different stories are important. Parables about friendship are especially useful for children, because at their age it happens.This means that children will grow up the way they will be brought up, and not only by their parents and teachers, but also books, stories, films, programs and other sources of information. Children's parables about friendship are often especially kind and simpler, so that their meaning is obvious even to a child. However, if the story is not clear, perhaps the child will want to realize what's what, which, again, is good, because in this case the child can grow up to be inquisitive and intelligent.

Moreover, children are the most sincere friends. After a person grows up, sometimes he has to smile and “make friends” with the right people, for example, at work. This is called hypocrisy, what can we hide, but the fact remains: children, naive little children who do not care about the social status of their peers (at least for the time being), love (in a friendly context) each other truly, sincerely ... This is their main advantage. Unfortunately, not everyone manages to keep this piece of honesty in their souls.


Any parable about friendship carries a meaning about how important other people are in our lives. And the sooner a person realizes this, the sooner he will find himself a real friend. And it is better to do this at a young age, in order to let the friendship brew, because it, like wine, only grows stronger every year and becomes "tastier".