Five skin care mistakes that even Hollywood stars make. Beauty check: skincare recipes from Hollywood beautician Joanna check massage

Beauty Insider / For Face / Beauty Injections / Botox /

Beautician Anna Wintour and Charlize Theron, La Mer international consultant Joanna Chek told us what she thinks about fillers, lasers and the mistakes we make every day. Joanna is one of Manhattan's most sought-after aesthetic cosmetologists.

She looks about 45 (actually more than fifty). She makes no pretentious gestures, is dressed in jeans and a simple blue top. Answers willingly, listens with interest.

Her story is similar to the American dream come true, all the more incredible since she was born in Poland. She also studied biology and medicine there, then moved to New York, then opened a salon - and then either Anna Wintour's chauffeur confused the address, or Uma Thurman decided to kill Bill somewhere nearby - but somehow Joanna managed to collect chair all star wrinkles and nasolabial folds. Now Charlize Theron, Cate Blanchett, Kate Winslet, Penelope Cruz, Kirsten Dunst, Christy Turlington are her clients, and Joanna affectionately calls them “my team”.

At her clinics in New York and Texas, the products that she considers to be the most effective are sold - everyone dreams of getting into this “checklist” (from the name of Joanna - Czech). For example, La Mer succeeded. Joanna loved their cream for a long time, and now she is taking part in the development. The latest of these collaborations is the Genaissance de la Mer serum.

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They also say about Joanna that she can sculpt a new face for you - without "imperfections", as we call it :) - with her hands alone, without injections, and even more so without a scalpel.

I haven’t had a chance to check if this is so. But to talk - yes.

How are "they" different from us?

Lena K .: The stars, of course, look great. But in my opinion, it's not only about the cream for the night - there almost never goes without injections and fillers. Or am I not right?

J.C. - In life they are not the same as in magazines and on TV - ordinary people with their own problems. My client group is very "natural": young Rihanna and Amber Tamlin (editor's note: actress and poet) do not need injections, but those who are over 40 avoid them. Have you seen Cate Blanchett or Kim Cattrall unnaturally perfect? No.

In general, there are two categories of stars: some lead a healthy lifestyle, exercise, and take care of the skin. They have a staff of several dozen people who keep them in shape. Such an agent can call at any time: "Buddy, tomorrow you are flying to a presentation in Tokyo" - and in a couple of hours they will be ready. Others remember that they need to look good when they find out that they are nominated for an Oscar, that is, in late December or early January. And the prize, as you remember, takes place in February. Therefore, we have six weeks left to transform.

And how are these six weeks going?

Minimum food, maximum training. Three weeks of detox, three more of a strict diet. You have to fit in a dress. Every day - facial and body treatments: massages, oxygenation, microcurrents, LED therapy in orbit). In the final week - exfoliation and self-tanning. I love La Mer The Face and Body Gradual Tan bronzing lotion, it looks good on blondes and brunettes. In general, Natasha Richardson once hooked me on self-tanning. She liked Lancome then. If she were alive now, I'm sure she would love La Mer: he turned out to be better.

Oxylight LED Therapy

What do you usually advise your clients?

There are more foods with omega-3,6,9 fatty acids. It is imperative to prepare the skin before going to bed: it regenerates overnight and is able to absorb 60% more useful components. The scheme is classic: cleansing, lotion or tonic (tonic is required - water violates the Ph of the skin), serum, moisturizer or night mask, cream for the skin around the eyes. In the morning, it is enough to rinse your face with mineral water and apply a cream with SPF.

I want to look like Anna Wintour in her years. This requires sports, proper nutrition, genetics ..

Precisely, genetics.

What else?

Take care of your skin regularly, not just occasionally. Ideally, a beautician 2-3 times a week, massages and treatments. Correctly selected home remedies. If they give the skin what it needs right now, that is 70% success.

About injections

You do not inject Botox and fillers yourself, and do not advise your clients. Why?

They all look the same. I guess I'm a stupid old romantic, but I think it's ugly. Women think men are attracted by a puppet image, but in fact they find it strange and funny at the same time. I know, because I am friends with many men and constantly hear: "What's the matter, why women don't like themselves?" My answer is that they are not doing this for you, but to impress other women. The problem is their insecurity.

Okay, I may not like the platform shoes, but I will sell them because they will boost their self-esteem for someone, and after all, this is a business. Is not it so?

Business, but I am a beautician-“esthetician”, not a doctor-cosmetologist, and by law I cannot do injections. To qualify, I could take a 12-day refresher course. But is it possible to learn something in 12 days? I do not believe in this, but I see the consequences of how incompetent cosmetologists injected the drug too deeply, and this caused its migration, even necrosis.

For fun, I tried both botox for the face and filler on myself (so long ago that it was not even Restylane, but cow collagen). She looked like a complete fool, as if someone had punched me in the face. In general, I did not like it.

In your opinion, the future belongs to aesthetic cosmetology without injections, injection cosmetology or surgery?

I would like to believe that for the first. In general, it is sad that women began to prefer a quick, obvious (most often not inconsequential) result to aesthetic step-by-step procedures. Of course, if after beauty injections you feel sexier - do it. Lifting - do it. Only neither the first nor the second do not free you from skin care - massages, moisturizing and other things. Lifting is lifting. It can tighten the oval of the face, but does not change the quality of the skin.

About errors

What are the common skin care mistakes we all - or nearly all - make?

Many cosmetologists (and just women in home care) are overly addicted to exfoliation. Lipids are the "cement" that holds the cells of the epidermis together. Acids, enzymes, scrubs, clarisonics, lasers - especially lasers! - destroy this barrier. As a result, the aging process starts earlier and is more active. The second mistake is the indiscriminate use of SPF products. The daily application of creams with a 30+ filter can, on the contrary, provoke the appearance of hyperpigmentation. When the sun is no longer active, products with chemical filters should be washed off. The third mistake is laser rejuvenation. It has an immediate effect, but irreversibly damages the skin in the long term. I do not discourage my clients from doing botox, I have only positive feedback about it. If he wants, let him. Not a laser!

The fourth mistake - we forget about the neck, neckline, arms. It seems we know, but we still forget. Fifth - go to bed wearing makeup. It took me 27 years to explain to American women - don't bring the street to bed.

Is changing a beautician a mistake?

Not a crime, but turn on your head. Some cosmetologists, like me, examine your skin every three to four weeks, and every three months "adjust" the care. In others, you can appear twice a year - and immediately on botox. Cheaper, yes, but you risk looking weird.

How do you know when it's time to change your beautician?

If you follow the recommendations, and the result is zero - this is a reason for the conversation: "Doc, what's the matter?" If I cannot solve the problem, for example, to get rid of hyperpigmentation, I will immediately speak about it. The age spot can be reduced, lightened, but not removed. The one who promises you this is disingenuous.

Trudie Styler (Sting's wife) - Joanna

About the checklist

How do you choose the means for the "checklist"?

I try it on myself. I have an extremely reactive skin, if it doesn’t react - most likely any other will not. Also, I must be sure that decent and adequate people are engaged in the brand. I remember a brand sent me grooming miniatures. They were enough for two applications - in the morning and in the evening. Then the representative called: "Well, did you like it?" Sorry, I need to use the cream for 3-4 weeks to see the result. I would also like to hold a jar in my hands, I am a “visual”, the packaging should be sexy. A voice on the phone: "What if we send you, but you don't want to cooperate." What?! After all, you called me, right? In the end, they sent in a serum and an empty cream jar. I know that the creator of the brand is an amazing woman, a model, but she hired the wrong people. Even if these are the most fantastic tools, they have no place in the checklist.

Cooperation with La Mer

You could work with any brand of professional cosmetics, but chose La Mer. Is it that effective? Or are there other reasons?

La Mer is the most effective of the products on the shelves of department stores. Various companies approached me with an offer to participate in the development, and immediately slipped a contract according to which it was supposed to remain a secret. Several times I even agreed, but it is important for me to be able to put my own name on something, to speak openly about it. This is what La Mer gave me, but not the only thing that unites us.

In the mitochondria of cells, a chemical reaction takes place with the participation of the nucleotide adenosine triphosphate - and as a result, ATP energy is released (there will be no more scary words, I promise). It is needed to maintain biochemical and physiological processes in the body. Including for the skin. We have been producing tons of ATP energy for up to 7 years. Then the process slows down, because we do not plan to grow another 120 cm. To look younger, you need to stimulate him. I do it with light and sound, LED technology. After three days, you see the effect. Seven later - even greater effect. After three to four weeks, we repeat the procedure. This is what red carpet grooming looks like.

Further La Mer. The seaweed is fermented using light and sound for several months so that Miracle Broth stimulates the synthesis of ATP energy in the skin. Light and sound! La Mer and I have been using the same method for many years, can you imagine? And it works. La Mer works.

La Mer Concentrate is the second after the classic cream that, according to Joanna, everyone should have. It has the largest concentration of Miracle Broth.

Joanna's Czech list:

Genaissance la mer

  • Antica farmiscista
  • Biologique recherche
  • Circcel
  • Environ
  • Jennifer ouellette
  • Joanna czech
  • La mer
  • Malin & goetz
  • Margaret dabbs
  • Morihata
  • Omorovicza
  • Protective Nourishment
  • Tatcha
  • Valmont

We studied Joanna's checklist with interest and found there our favorite Biologique Recherche (she adores Yana Z.), Valmont (she also loves Yana) and Malin & Goetz (likes Yulia, Yana Z. and Yana K.) There were also big fans of Ren ... Well, it's ridiculous to even mention La Mer (they wrote about it in the "five best sos-means", and also here, here and here).

Have you tried any of these brands? Liked?

Read also:

How to achieve glowing skin? Secrets of a Hollywood beautician

Joanna Vargas's system includes unusual massage techniques, a specific diet, and special care that allows you to achieve the effect of radiant skin.

There are seven stages in the system, and Joanna claims that you will notice the first improvements after a week of following all the recommendations.

7 steps to glowing skin

1. Coffee - only in the morning

“If you're a fan of this invigorating drink, don't skip the coffee,” says Joanna, “but try to replace it with freshly squeezed juice after 2:00 pm. Coffee is not the best ally for healthy skin, but in the morning your body has enough time to process caffeine without too much loss. In the afternoon, metabolic processes are no longer so active, so it is better not to overdo it with caffeinated drinks. To cheer up, stimulate lymphatic drainage, get rid of puffiness and increase the supply of skin cells with oxygen, mixes of celery, apple and spinach juices are best of all - but in principle, any "green" juice will cope with the task! "

2. Eat seeds and nuts

At least a handful a day - and it is better if these are flax seeds and walnuts. “It is a stable, healthy and affordable source of omega-3 acids, which the skin needs to resist the effects of the environment, especially UV light. Plus, omega-3s help the skin retain moisture better, which is naturally a great 'side' effect, ”says Joanna. A "handful" means 6-7 nuts and a teaspoon of flax seeds.

3. Visit a beautician once a month

And not less often. “The skin condition changes quite quickly, the skin responds very quickly to climate change, care, stress and nutrition,” explains Joanna, “so I advise everyone to visit a beautician at least once a month. Even if the specialist does not see any problems and does not prescribe any procedures, you just make sure that you are doing everything right. But to be completely honest, I believe that once a month it is necessary to do peeling, cleansing and a vitamin mask. This is the minimum program! "

4. Buy neroli oil for radiant skin

“This is generally a wonderful ingredient, and I don’t understand why all the cosmetologists aren’t screaming about it yet. Neroli oil is suitable for all skin types: dry - moisturizes and nourishes, on oily - regulates sebum secretion and cleanses clogged pores, with age - stimulates the growth of young cells and accelerates the recovery of collagen and elastin fibers, serves as prevention of rosacea (spider veins), as strengthens the walls of capillaries ... Panacea is simple! It is very simple to use: for a tablespoon of olive oil, you need two drops of neroli oil. Mix and apply as a mask, or simply wipe your face before bed. "

5. Do exfoliation at home

“No matter what super-expensive and mega-effective creams you use, they will not penetrate the inner layers of the skin if a layer of dead cells is on top of it,” Joanna recalls. "It is better to use an inexpensive cream on previously cleansed skin, the effect will be more noticeable!" Joanna herself prefers light acidic peels that do not injure the skin. But the choice is really huge!

6. Switch to natural cosmetics

“I am not calling to throw all the achievements of the cosmetology industry into the trash, but my experience convinces me that the more natural ingredients in a cream or serum, the more effective they are. I will say more: I would prefer to use only vegetable and essential oils. A quality cream, synthesized in a laboratory, with a proven and effective formula, should be quite expensive. I am very confused by the “innovative” funds costing a conventional dollar ”.

7. End the day with a massage

Which you will master right now. How to make your skin glow? “Place your palms on the carotid arteries, listen to your pulse, tune in to its rhythm. Using gentle, circular strokes, lift up to the center of your chin and continue to massage with your fingertips along the contour of your face until you reach your temples. Then place your fingertips in the middle of your forehead (third eye area) and massage it in a circular motion from the center to the temples. Finish the massage with the Zorro mask movement: describe a horizontal figure eight around the eyes in one direction and the other for 2-3 minutes.

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Beauty Check: Hollywood Beautician Skin Care Recipes | "Plasticine"

Skin care recipes from Hollywood beautician Joanna Chek, who develops massage techniques for beauty cabins and Spa La Mer.

A few years ago in America there was a cult of plastic, and now everyone wants to look natural. Hence the popularity of massage - it helps to restore clarity to the oval of the face, replenish lost volumes, and keep the skin in good shape.

Massage is like fitness: it should be done regularly. Take five minutes at least once a day. Alternate between light stroking movements and vigorous patting. Massage as best you can, technique is not important. The main thing is to invigorate the skin, feel the heat. This will give a multi-effect - lifting and lymphatic drainage. In a couple of years, you will look much younger than your peers.

I always tell clients: not only the cosmetologist is responsible for your beauty, but you yourself. Go in for sports - you need it for strong muscles and beautiful skin. With sweat, toxins are released, the complexion changes from gray to healthy. Plus, exercise boosts elastin production, blood runs faster, and you get glowing skin.

Nutrition is also important: for many years I have followed the Clean System of nutritionist Alejandro Junger, which Christy Turlington advised me. I try not to eat fatty, spicy, smoked foods and foods containing gluten and preservatives.

Do not get hung up on cleansing: the sebaceous glands work more actively from aggressive defatting. Try oil-based products that dissolve oil but don't dry out your skin.

I am against scrubs and brushes, they injure fragile capillaries. Also, in my salon you will not find chemical peels - this is a shock to the skin. I use ultrasound: it gently exfoliates dead cells. Or, in serious cases, diamond and sapphire vacuum peels.

American cosmetologist Joanna Vargas enjoys great prestige among Hollywood stars and has won the fame of “the master of perfect skin”. The facial treatment technique developed by her is very simple, effective and, best of all, inexpensive. But the result is amazing. Already received rave reviews from Ashley Greene, Alessandra Ambrosio and other famous Hollywood beauties.

The system includes caring procedures for the skin of the face, and non-standard massage methods, and a special diet. Joanna Vargas' method is divided into 7 main points. The cosmetologist claims that literally a week of implementing all the recommendations already brings a tangible effect.

1. Facial massage is an obligatory daily evening procedure. It should be started by moving your palms from the carotid arteries to the chin, then walk in smooth circular movements along the contour - from the chin to the temples. After that, you should massage your forehead with your fingertips - from the central point located between the eyebrows to the temples. The movements should also be circular. It is best to finish the massage with the "Zorro mask" technique, walking in horizontal movements in the form of an infinity sign around the eyes - several times in different directions. In order to correctly and effectively perform any manipulations on the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, you can sign up for massage courses in Moscow, which are held at the Moscow Institute of Restorative Medicine. Here you can learn the anti-cellulite type of massage, cosmetic, medical, reflex-segmental and many, many others. The basis of training at the Institute are advanced methods and technologies that allow not only to improve qualifications, but also to get an additional profession.

2. A monthly visit to a beautician is a prerequisite. The skin is subject to frequent changes associated with changes in weather, stress, diet and other factors. For example, some procedure may not be suitable, which, instead of benefit, will bring harm. Only a professional will be able to determine the real condition of the skin and the need for certain manipulations. And to be honest to the end, says Joanna, monthly professional peels, massage and nourishing masks are a must-have for any woman.

3. Peeling is indispensable. Including home. No nourishing cream, the most expensive and active, will be effective when applied to unclean skin. Johanna believes that an inexpensive cream applied to a well-cleansed face will be more beneficial. The beautician personally prefers acid-based products that do not injure the skin. But there are a great many types of peeling, everyone can choose to their taste, and to be a real expert in this area, take a look at the portal, where you will have the opportunity to get a specialty in the following areas: aesthetic and medical cosmetology, anti-age medicine, body shaping, etc. With any specialty obtained at the Institute, you can find a worthy place in life, and even more so apply professional skills in caring for your own skin.

4. Coffee - just before lunch. Joanna rightly believes that some "fans" of coffee will not be able to completely abandon its invigorating and tonic properties, but it will be quite possible to exclude the consumption of the drink after 13-14 hours. You can replace it with herbal tea, juice, still mineral water, fermented milk drinks. The fact is that coffee has a negative effect on the skin, but in the morning, metabolic processes occur quickly enough and caffeine will be processed by the body without harm to health. But after lunch, it is advisable not only not to consume caffeinated drinks (including tea), but even help the body by drinking some freshly squeezed "green" juice. For example, apple cider with spinach and celery, which stimulates lymph drainage.

5. Nuts and seeds - every day. The most beneficial combination is walnut and flaxseed. It should be remembered that seeds and, especially, nuts are very high in calories, so a small handful of nuts (maximum 5-6 pieces) and a teaspoon of flax seeds will be enough. These products supply omega-3 acids to the body, which perfectly protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation and other harmful natural factors. In addition, omega-3s have moisture retention properties, which will bring additional benefits to the skin.

6. Neroli oil is a wonderful remedy. The Hollywood cosmetologist is even surprised why her colleagues are not very actively promoting this unusually useful ingredient. Neroli oil can improve the condition of the skin of any type and at any age. It will moisturize dry skin, while oily skin will help get rid of excess sebum. Neroli actively fights against skin aging due to its stimulating and regenerating properties. The use of neroli oil is very simple: add a couple of drops of it to a tablespoon of olive or linseed oil, apply on your face either as a mask or as an evening tonic before applying a night cream.

7. The priority is natural cosmetics. The cosmetologist, of course, does not call for a complete rejection of modern developments of cosmetic companies, but she was convinced from personal experience that the natural components present in cosmetics make it much more effective. She admitted that she would generally recommend a total switch to home remedies based on essential and vegetable oils. Joanna also notes that she does not trust "revolutionary innovations" at the cost of one US dollar.

Kate Winslet, Christy Turlington, Charlize Theron and other celebrities trust her with their faces. Star clients adore Joanna Chek, a beautician with 30 years of experience, for her honesty and severity: she does not forgive absenteeism and always speaks frankly about problems. Joanna told what she teaches her clients and what mistakes even Hollywood stars make in leaving.



If you go to workout once a month, will there be a result? What if you don't eat two hours before bedtime and drink one and a half liters of water only once a month? Of course not! The same applies to facial care: the key to success is regularity. My celebrity clients already know that I am very strict: if they come to me every few weeks between flights and filming and ask “to solve all the problems in an hour,” I explain that this is impossible. You don't need to go to a beautician several times a week, but every day, without exception, you need to devote time to your face skin.


A very high SPF (over 30) is worse than no SPF. I repeat this as a mantra to all my clients. Products with a high SPF factor, when used regularly, cause chemical reactions that cause the appearance of age spots.


Remember: Botox does not evaporate, it is excreted from the body through the liver and is very harmful to it. Botox is a poison. If this does not stop you, then at least pay attention to the fact that natural aging is in fashion.
For example, recently came to me Kate Winslet and indignantly told that on the set they wanted to retouch small wrinkles near her eyes. "I love my little wrinkles around my eyes, how dare they suggest that!" - she could not calm down in any way. And I fully support her. It may sound trite, but each age is beautiful in its own way. I don't want to be always the same frozen with botox. I want to change, but to do it right and beautifully. My clients share my philosophy and I am proud of them.
If you nevertheless decide on botox, then in no case repeat the procedure more than once every 18 months.



I literally prohibit my clients from agreeing to laser treatments. If they come to me and ask me to correct or correct the result of Botox, I say no, but after laser procedures - never! Laser beams kill the skin. Yes, very often they provide an instant wow effect, but they create new problems that are often impossible to solve.


I am sure that a competent facial massage is the best way to fight the signs of aging. I am glad that most of my clients understand this. I have developed a special 4-week massage course, after which my clients are asked where they had a facelift. Uma Thurman and Kate Winslet- real fans of facial massage. And just look at how they look!



Gucci press service

The Italian brand under the leadership of Alessandro Michele is experiencing a real boom. From the very first day of their birth, princetown leather slippers trimmed with sheep's fur have been in constant demand. Materials and finishes change from season to season, but at the core the model remains unchanged. Lucky for those Gucci customers who had the idea to reserve a pair for themselves in advance. For the rest, an additional order will be made, which will have to wait about 2 months. This also applies to the new it-bag - a reduced Sylvie bag in 4 variants, among which the python model became the undoubted hit of the season.

Gabriela Hearst

press service Gabriela Hearst

Until recently, few people have heard of this brand. New York designer Gabriela Hirst, whose example can be used to study the phenomenon of consumer demand, ordered a small batch of 20 bags invented by her to distribute to fashionable friends, including Miroslava Duma. Within a few weeks, the Nina bag, named after Nina Simone, has become the most coveted accessory of every second it-girl. Having essentially refused to sell both in boutiques and online, Hirst accepts orders for calfskin or crocodile models exclusively by email. At the moment, there are more than 100 names of those who are ready to suffer for several months on the waiting list.


press service HERMES

Created in 1984 by Hermes and named after French singer and actress Jane Birkin, the Birkin leather bag remains the most sought after in the luxury goods market, becoming a more profitable investment than gold and setting a new price record at auction almost every year. ... However, even at a price that is quite acceptable for this segment of accessories (a calfskin model 30-40 cm in size with palladium fittings costs an average of $ 12,000), Birkin bags are not available for sale. Unless you are a longtime Hermes customer, celebrity, and connections, then you are unlikely to shine. Those who are ready with perseverance and patience to prove (often for years) their loyalty to the Parisian house, appearing in the boutique at least once a week, making purchases, establishing relationships with sellers, may be rewarded by the fact that his name will appear on the cherished waiting list. The length of the final stage largely depends on the taste of the client: the desired bag can be obtained in a period from several months to several (4-6) years, depending on the type of skin.

the beauty

Injections by Dr. Jean-Louis Seb

To get an appointment with the king of Botox, Jean Louis Seb, you do not have to leave Moscow: the world injection guru receives once a year, usually in March, at the Yu beauty clinic on Gogolevsky Boulevard. But you should not postpone the appointment until spring, better now notify the administrator of the seriousness of your intentions: when Seb plans a visit, they will call you back. True, there is a possibility that you will be invited to the reception only in March 2018 - as a rule, it takes a year and a half to wait for an audience. his own clinic has everything scheduled for the year ahead.

Facial by Hollywood esthetician Joanna Chek

To get a face massage to Joanna Check (she is the one who develops all the rituals for the La Mer brand), you will have to take tickets to Dallas, where she has her own clinic, and sit in line for three months. But it's worth it: perhaps you will get a place somewhere between Cate Blanchett and Uma Thurman.

Eyebrow shaping from the creator of the HD Brows brand Neilam Holmes

Signing up for an "eyebrow" with the creator of the HD Brows brand (she will soon appear in Russia) Neilam Holmes is not easy - you first need to get a recommendation from a client whom she has been leading for at least 5-7 years, and then wait about 3 months. By the way, in 3 months the British woman and her celebrity clients call when it comes to preparing for the red carpet: she makes a full-dress look (from grooming to makeup) on a turnkey basis. And she has an impressive list of celebrities: from Eva Longoria and Victoria Beckham to Colin Farrell.

The hairstyle of the creator of the Oribe brand Orbe Canales

Orbe Canales, the creator of the Oribe brand, is extremely rare in his showroom in Miami on Lincoln Road: only on some Fridays. So you need to make an appointment with the legendary stylist at least 2 months in advance: all you need to do is call the salon directly.

Stained by celebrity colorist Tracy Cunningham

Tracy Cunningham, co-owner of Meche salon in Los Angeles and star top colorist, one of the first in the world to test Olaplex, is fully booked and receives up to 30 clients daily. New people can get to her only on personal recommendation. In this case, the waiting time is 3-4 months.

Manicure by Smith & Cult Ambassador Sarah Bland

Sarah Bland, the Smith & Cult brand ambassador, is mainly involved in celebrity nails: she is responsible for the hands of Zooey Deschanel, Kim Kardashian, Keshi and other celebrities. But ordinary mortals also have a chance to get a manicure for her: they just have to wait 1.5-2 months.

Roger Dava's signature fragrance Roja and pair perfumes from Clive Christian No.1 Pure Perfume for Men and No.1 Pure Perfume for Women

RUB 270,000 per bottle and three months in line: those who want to smell exactly like a professor of perfumery are not stopped by either the high price or the long wait. The fragrance, which the famous nose made exclusively for himself, hit the shelves much later than its creation (due to numerous requests from the public) and is produced in a very limited edition.

You will have to spend the same amount of time in sweet languor before getting your hands on one of the Clive Christian fragrances: No.1 Pure Perfume for Men and No.1 Pure Perfume for Women (they cost even more - 279,450 rubles each). The perfume is enclosed in a hand-made bottle of Baccarat with a cap in the form of the Imperial Crown, but the most precious thing is hidden inside: the ingredients themselves, according to representatives of the brand, are not inferior in value to diamonds.

You can make a request in one of the Molecule boutiques or on the official website using the service of an online consultant.


Officerine panerai

Radiomir 1940 Minute Repeater Carillon Tourbillon GMT Oro Rosso

Press Office Officine Panerai

The Officine Panerai manufactory has released the most complex watch in its history - the Radiomir 1940 Minute Repeater Carillon Tourbillon GMT Oro Rosso - 49 mm with a tourbillon and a minute repeater that announces the time in two time zones. The model will only be made to order. The client can choose the material of the case, the shape of the hands, the color and material of the strap, as well as other details. The approximate waiting period is 18 months, and the price is about 400 thousand Swiss francs.

L "Astronomo - Luminor 1950 Tourbillon Equation of Time Titanio

Press Office Officine Panerai

For a long time, the most difficult Panerai watch was the L "ASTRONOMO - Luminor 1950 Tourbillon Equation of Time Titanio - 50mm, an equation of time tourbillon dedicated to Galileo Galilei. luminescent coating Super-Luminova, engraving, etc. and make an advance payment of 30%. At the time of purchase, the astronomical functions of the watch will be individually adjusted depending on the client's place of residence. Approximate waiting period: 1-1.5 years, issue price - RUB 6,135,300


Rolex Cosmograph Daytona

© Rolex Press Service

Rolex Deepsea

© Rolex Press Service

Rolex GMT-Master II

© Rolex Press Service

Rolexes traditionally lead the list of the most desirable and demanded watch models by collectors. This year's novelty is no exception - a steel Daytona with a ceramic rim. Despite the impressive cost of $ 12,400 (845 thousand rubles in Russian retail), the Oyster Perpetual Cosmograph Daytona watch is recognized as the most scarce item on the watch market. The demand is many times greater than the supply. The company distributes a small amount to national dealers, who in turn distributes them to customers. Regular customers have priority. As a result, a new "deuteron" can be expected in five years.

Two more Rolex models are in great demand, the waiting period for which can be from several months to two years: the Deepsea D-Blue watch, created in honor of the immersion of James Cameron to the bottom of the Mariana Trench, price of 845,000 rubles, and the Rolex GMT-Master II with a ceramic black and blue rim (they are often called Batman), the price is 607,750 rubles.

Patek philippe

Patek Philippe Press Office

Historical models of the independent Swiss manufacture Patek Philippe are not the only adornment of any watch auction - modern innovations, produced in small batches, also make collectors nervous. These include the premiere of Basel in 2016 - a new slim chronograph with world time function (Ref. 5930 G). Moscow clients will have to wait more than 3 years to get this complex watch worth about 5 million rubles.


Piaget press service

The longest waiting list is built on the highly artistic Piaget Metier d'Art models, in particular, with the image of a rose. Craftsmen perform it using the marquetry technique made of wood, mother-of-pearl, ornamental stones. The complexity and laboriousness of making the dial of Altiplano Art & Excellence determines the limited production of these watches: per year the manufacture can produce only 1-2 models in the amount of 8 or 18 pieces, for which collectors from all over the world are then fighting. Waiting for a Piaget watch worth more than 5 million rubles may take 2-3 years.


En Celler De Can Roca (Spain)

A restaurant En celler de can roca

The Roca Brothers' restaurant in Girona has three Michelin stars out of three, so it comes as no surprise that a table has to be booked there 11 months in advance. Online reservations open at midnight on the 1st of every month and the reserver needs to provide their payment card details.

Talula's Table (USA)

Talula’s Table, located in the tiny town of Kenneth Square in Pennsylvania, operates as a gourmet farmhouse and bakery during the day. In the evening, gastronomic evenings are hosted here, serving an eight-course Farmtable Dinner. The menu is seasonal and changes every 6-8 weeks. The cost of a set per person is $ 108. Booking a place at Talula’s Table is no easier than at Noma. The fact is that there is only one table for a group of 8 to 12 people, and you need to reserve it strictly a year before the visit, at exactly seven in the morning by means of a phone call.

The most affordable Tesla car, Model 3, has not yet gone on sale, but it has already found popular love: a month after the official announcement, 400,000 pre-orders were made for the electric car. True, these figures may not turn into real sales, because in order to reserve a new Tesla for yourself, you do not need to give the entire amount at once (about $ 35,000) - just a thousand dollars is enough. The car is expected at the end of 2017.

Virgin galactic

Virgin Galactic by Richard Branson promises to earn almost every year, but the launch of the most ambitious space travel company has been delayed all the time. Pre-orders for space flight, however, are still open.

The cost of a ticket from this planet is $ 250 thousand. There are already more than half a thousand who want to get into outer space and experience weightlessness. Among them are many stars: Tom Hanks, Ashton Kutcher, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie (now, apparently, they will fly separately from each other), singer Katy Perry, as well as Stephen Hawking, an outstanding cosmologist who, perhaps, should be sent to space for free.

American beautician Joanna Vargas enjoys great prestige among Hollywood stars and has won the fame of the "master of perfect skin." The facial treatment technique developed by her is very simple, effective and, best of all, inexpensive. But the result is amazing. Already received rave reviews from Ashley Greene, Alessandra Ambrosio and other famous Hollywood beauties.

The system includes caring procedures for the skin of the face, and non-standard massage methods, and a special diet. Joanna Vargas' method is divided into 7 main points. The cosmetologist claims that literally a week of implementing all the recommendations already brings a tangible effect.

1. Facial massage- obligatory daily evening procedure. It should be started by moving your palms from the carotid arteries to the chin, then walk in smooth circular movements along the contour - from the chin to the temples. After that, you should massage your forehead with your fingertips - from the central point located between the eyebrows to the temples. The movements should also be circular. It is best to finish the massage with the "Zorro mask" technique, walking in horizontal movements in the form of an infinity sign around the eyes - several times in different directions. In order to correctly and effectively perform any manipulations on the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, you can sign up for massage courses in Moscow, which are held at the Moscow Institute of Restorative Medicine. Here you can learn the anti-cellulite type of massage, cosmetic, medical, reflex-segmental and many, many others. The basis of training at the Institute are advanced methods and technologies that allow not only to improve qualifications, but also to get an additional profession.

2. Monthly visit to the beautician- required condition. The skin is subject to frequent changes associated with changes in weather, stress, diet and other factors. For example, some procedure may not be suitable, which, instead of benefit, will bring harm. Only a professional will be able to determine the real condition of the skin and the need for certain manipulations. And to be honest to the end, says Joanna, monthly professional peels, massage and nourishing masks are a must-have for any woman.

3. Peeling is indispensable... Including home. No nourishing cream, the most expensive and active, will be effective when applied to unclean skin. Johanna believes that an inexpensive cream applied to a well-cleansed face will be more beneficial. The beautician personally prefers acid-based products that do not injure the skin. But there are a great variety of types of peeling, everyone can choose to their taste, and to be a real expert in this field, take a look at the portal, where you will have the opportunity to get a specialty in the following areas: aesthetic and therapeutic cosmetology, anti-age medicine, body shaping, etc. With any specialty obtained at the Institute, you can find a worthy place in life, and even more so apply professional skills in care behind your own skin.

4. Coffee- just before lunch. Joanna rightly believes that some "fans" of coffee will not be able to completely abandon its invigorating and tonic properties, but it will be quite possible to exclude the consumption of the drink after 13-14 hours. You can replace it with herbal tea, juice, still mineral water, fermented milk drinks. The fact is that coffee has a negative effect on the skin, but in the morning, metabolic processes occur quickly enough and caffeine will be processed by the body without harm to health. But after lunch, it is advisable not only not to consume caffeinated drinks (including tea), but even help the body by drinking some freshly squeezed "green" juice. For example, apple cider with spinach and celery, which stimulates lymph drainage.

5. Nuts and seeds- everyday. The most beneficial combination is walnut and flaxseed. It should be remembered that seeds and, especially, nuts are very high in calories, so a small handful of nuts (maximum 5-6 pieces) and a teaspoon of flax seeds will be enough. These products supply omega-3 acids to the body, which perfectly protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation and other harmful natural factors. In addition, omega-3s have moisture retention properties, which will bring additional benefits to the skin.

6. Neroli oil- a wonderful remedy. The Hollywood cosmetologist is even surprised why her colleagues are not very active in promoting this unusually useful ingredient. Neroli oil can improve the condition of the skin of any type and at any age. It will moisturize dry skin, while oily skin will help get rid of excess sebum. Neroli actively fights against skin aging due to its stimulating and regenerating properties. The use of neroli oil is very simple: add a couple of drops of it to a tablespoon of olive or linseed oil, apply on your face either as a mask or as an evening tonic before applying a night cream.

7. In priority - natural cosmetics... The cosmetologist, of course, does not call for a complete rejection of modern developments of cosmetic companies, but she was convinced from personal experience that the natural components present in cosmetics make it much more effective. She admitted that she would generally recommend a total switch to home remedies based on essential and vegetable oils. Joanna also notes that she does not trust "revolutionary innovations" at the cost of one US dollar.

Joanne Check is a 30-year beautician with clients such as Kate Winslet, Charlize Theron and Uma Thurman. Joanne is distinguished from other beauticians by being honest and open when talking with clients about skin care issues, writes.

In an interview with Glamor magazine, Joanne shared a few tips she gives to her celebrity clients, as well as what mistakes they sometimes make.

Regular facial care - a condition for a radiant look

Foto: Mavrix / Scanpix

Facial skincare requires regularity, just like any other exercise or good habits. You should not wait for the result if you do not eat 2 hours before bedtime and drink 1.5 liters of water only once a month. The same applies to facial care: the result is directly proportional to the effort expended. My clients already know that I am very strict about this: if they come to me once a month between filming and flights and ask me to solve all their problems in an hour, I explain that this is impossible. Of course, you don't need to go to a beautician every day, but you need to monitor and care for your face constantly and seven days a week.

Botox no more than every 1.5 years

Before starting this procedure, it is important to consider that botox is made from botulinum toxin - a powerful poison that paralyzes nerve endings, and then is excreted through the liver and thereby harms it. If you are not at all worried about this fact, then at least do not repeat this procedure more than once every 18 months. In addition, natural aging is now in vogue.

Recently, Joanne was approached by Kate Winslet, who indignantly told her about how on the set she was offered to cover up the fine wrinkles around her eyes. Winslet refused, as she considers her wrinkles natural and cute. Joanne fully agreed with the actress: "I understand Kate and absolutely support her decision, because, no matter how trite it may sound, every age has its own beauty." Joanne herself also does not want to "embalm" her face with Botox injections, so that later she does not look like an immobile sphinx.

Foto: Reuters / Scanpix

Don't overdo it with SPF

According to Joanne, an SPF of sunscreens above 30 is much more harmful to the skin than no SPF. "I never stop talking about this to my clients, including Penelope Cruz, Uma Thurman and Christy Turlington. I repeat it like a mantra. Regular use of high SPF sunscreen can cause dark age spots on the skin - you must admit that there is little pleasant here and decide it's not an easy problem, "says beautician Joanne Chek.

Give up laser treatments

Cosmetologist Joanne Chek said that she prohibits laser procedures for her clients. Why? “Because the laser literally kills the skin. Problems.

Foto: Vida Press

Facial massage and fitness - yes!

According to the beautician, skillful and regular facial massage is the most effective and harmless remedy in the fight against aging of the facial skin. “I am glad that my clients have understood this too. I have developed a 4-week course of facial massage, the effect of which is as amazing as that of a facelift,” says Joanne. After this course, the actresses Uma Thurman and Kate Winslet were asked by many which plastic surgeon they had performed such a successful operation.