Recipes for 9 months. Secrets of cooking delicious dishes. Baby menu - examples

The baby is already 9 months old. His lifestyle has become more active. Now he makes his first attempts to crawl, sits confidently and explores the world around him with curiosity. Energy costs have increased, respectively, and the food consumed is also increasing, the menu is slowly expanding. In the article, you can read how many times to feed a child at 9 months, what can be introduced into complementary foods, and what will be the approximate menu of a toddler.

The baby is preparing for adult food

So the moment has come when the child needs to be gradually accustomed to adult food. These words mean the consistency of food. Until that time, the little one ate all the dishes exclusively in the form of mashed potatoes, and even homogeneous. And now it's time to move on to solid food.

This must be done gradually. Do not give cut fruit immediately. The baby still does not know how to chew properly, and you run the risk that the baby will simply choke.

How did I do- for a start, I began to cook a thicker, but still the same homogeneous puree. Then I decided to use a regular fork instead of a blender, and just crushed the vegetables for the baby. In fact, it could be counted as a puree, but not so homogeneous. After some short time, I decided to cook meatballs for my son. And slightly kneaded them with a fork, while forming, so to speak, lumps. Thus, I taught my son to switch to solid food and at the same time his chewing skills developed.

You can also offer your baby a crust of bread, diet cookies. Let the little one first smack them, and then the slightly melting one will easily bite off and fall into his mouth. But at first, it is imperative to be close to the child, and control this process. Because, it is possible that the baby will not cope for the first time and will choke. But you need to go this way and learn how to chew is simply extremely necessary.

What is the baby's diet

The baby eats all the same, 5 times a day. There should be no more nighttime meals. The intervals between feedings are ideally four hours. It is better to do without snacks during these intervals, so as not to spoil the baby's appetite before the main feedings.

It is worth remembering that complementary foods have not yet completely replaced the usual way of eating a little one. At this stage, it is three out of five. The very first and last meal of the day is breast milk or formula.

Try to feed your baby around the same time every day. Then the food intake will be fixed at the level of conditioned reflexes, and the baby will automatically produce gastric juice at the usual time. This will improve the digestion process and the rate of absorption of food.

It is recommended to feed the baby at such hours: 6 am, 10 am, 2 pm, 6 pm and 10 am. As I said, these are approximate figures. Each mother has the right to independently plan a baby food schedule. In addition, it should be understood that cereals take longer to digest than mother's milk or an adapted mixture. So be prepared for the fact that after the first breakfast, the baby will get hungry faster than after a hearty lunch.

Stop eating at night

At the age of nine months, the baby is already old enough to get by with only daily feedings. Now children, as a rule, sleep until the morning, never wake up during the night.

So at the age of nine months, you can already feed the crumbs with the following products:

  1. Cereals (mostly gluten-free).
  2. Fruits and berries (with the exception of red fruits, exotic representatives and citrus fruits).
  3. Vegetables.
  4. Egg yolk.
  5. Lean meats.
  6. Dairy products.
  7. Fish (representatives of low-fat species).
  8. Goat milk.
  9. Any oil.
  10. Wheat bread and biscuits.
  11. Compotes, juices, kissels.

What could be the crumbs menu

You can choose the diet of your baby individually. The same applies to the products that will be present in the daily menu of the crumbs. It is worth knowing that some products do not need to be given more than twice a week, others - every other day, and others should be used daily. For example, if we consider cereals, then it is better to change them every day and offer the little one either buckwheat, or rice, or corn, or even oatmeal.

Here is the indicative menu:

  1. At 6 am, the baby receives exclusively breast milk or instead of it - an adapted milk formula. The volume of this food is approximately 200 ml.
  2. At 10 am, you can offer the little one a more satisfying meal. For example, I gave porridge to my son at this time. The serving size is 180 grams. It is allowed to add a little butter to the main meal (approximately 5 grams).
  3. Lunch comes at 2 pm. This feeding should be the most satisfying compared to other meals. You can give zucchini puree to your baby, about 180 grams. Meatballs will perfectly complement this dish, the portion of which should be no more than 50 grams. A slice of wheat bread (5 grams) is also allowed. Wash it all down with compote (50 ml).
  4. At 6 pm feeding should be relatively light as night approaches. The food of a peanut may consist of cottage cheese or fruit puree (50 grams), biscuit cookies (2 pieces). After that, you can drink the baby with mother's milk (or a mixture) - approximately 120 ml.
  5. The last time the day the little one eats at 10 o'clock at night. And, like the first one, it is represented by mother's milk, or a milk mixture, the volume of which will be 200 ml.

Recipe Examples

I offer several recipes for your baby.

Vegetable puree

For cooking, take high-quality vegetables, without defects.

For this dish you will need potatoes and carrots (50 grams each), 100 grams of zucchini and broccoli, as well as a third of a teaspoon of oil (vegetable).

  1. First you need to thoroughly wash all the vegetables, peel them.
  2. Crush everything into cubes.
  3. Put a pot of water on the fire, after boiling, you need to lower the chopped carrots into it.
  4. When this vegetable is half cooked, add broccoli and potatoes to the pan.
  5. Zucchini is added last, as it cooks the fastest.
  6. After boiling water, it should take about 20 minutes until the dish is completely ready. However, it is better to check it yourself by piercing the vegetables with a fork. If they are cooked, add oil (vegetable) and boil for a couple more minutes.
  7. Depending on how your baby already eats, chop with a blender or grind the finished dish.
  8. Cool and give to the baby.

Buckwheat with milk

You need to take 50 grams of buckwheat flour or cereals, 400 ml of milk, a third of a teaspoon of butter (butter).

  1. Boil milk.
  2. Add buckwheat (when using flour, you must first combine it with a small amount of milk).
  3. Bring everything to a boil, then cook over low heat for 20 minutes (under a covered lid).
  4. Add oil to the finished dish.
  5. Cool and give to the baby.

Pumpkin puree with apples

You will need 1 apple, 100 grams of pumpkin, 5 grams of granulated sugar.

  1. Wash, peel and core (seeds) apple and pumpkin.
  2. Chop everything into large cubes.
  3. Place the ingredients in the steamer. Sprinkle them with sugar.
  4. This dish takes about 20 minutes to prepare.
  5. After cooking, grind in an accessible way for the convenience of the baby.
  6. Cool and give to the crumbs.

I advise you to fantasize with different dishes, to make the meal more exciting. The kid should enjoy eating.

Do not forget to make your little one's menu more diverse. Accustom him to more dense and solid food. Let his diet necessarily include vegetables, cereals, fruits, fish, meat and mother's milk (mixture). Each group of these products is very important in the development of the crumbs. Avoid night feedings, your baby is already old enough.

Your baby is growing very fast - he will soon be one year old. The child already knows a lot: he himself rises to sit down, crawls, stands, holding onto a support, walks holding the hands of an adult.

Some children try to walk without support. Now in every possible way individual features of his character are manifested. At this age, his personal uniqueness is actively formed. The kid already consciously pronounces some syllables, such as “ma”, “pa”, “on”, copies the sounds of animals, for example, a dog: “Aw!” In general, both physical and mental development proceed at a rapid pace. Along with this, the daily routine changes: the child sleeps only twice during the day, and the period of wakefulness increases to 4 hours. Accordingly, the diet of a child of 9 months should change slightly. If earlier the baby ate every 3 hours, now it should be quite easy to withstand 4 hours. It will be very convenient to switch to 5 meals a day. The optimal interval between feedings, a diet of 9 months, an approximate menu and a variety of recipes - all useful tips on proper nutrition are collected in this article.

Feeding changes

For most children, the diet at 9 months does not include night feedings. They sleep all night, and in the morning, when they open their eyes, they demand a mother or a bottle. If the child eats very late at night or even in the middle of the night, he has a good appetite during the day, and he is gaining weight well, night feedings should be abandoned. Often, the mother herself is to blame for the baby’s habit of eating at night - before the child has time to wake up, the mother offers him a bottle or breast so that he does not cry. So no more need to be done. It will be easy for someone to refuse night feedings - waking up at night, the baby will spin a little and fall asleep. Another child may cry for milk. In this case, you can pump him up a little, offer him some water, after a while the cub will fall asleep. The first time he may cry even for 20 or 30 minutes, but after a few days he will sleep peacefully until the morning.

Baby food at 9 months

During this period, it is necessary to gradually reduce the amount of breast milk or milk mixtures. The nutrition of a child at 9 months involves a varied menu, including cereals, vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, and dairy products. We'll talk more about diet later. Already three times a day, the child should receive solid food and twice - in the morning and evening feeding - breast milk or a mixture.

When to feed

Solid food takes longer to digest and provides energy for a longer period than liquid milk formula (or breast milk). Therefore, the time between meals should increase. Often, children themselves refuse the next feeding and eat it with appetite within an hour. Therefore, if the first milk feeding was at 6 o’clock in the morning, the next one will be at 9 o’clock, then lunch should be moved from 12 to 13, plan an afternoon snack approximately at 17 o’clock, and leave the last evening feeding at 9 o’clock in the evening.

We expand the diet

Baby food for 9 months includes a lot of dishes from a variety of products. Kids at this age are already familiar with fruit juices, vegetable and fruit purees, cottage cheese, boiled egg yolk, kefir, cereals, meat puree, bread and cookies. For a 9-month-old baby, nutrition, called complementary foods, ensures the supply of all the necessary nutritional components, which are no longer enough either in breast milk or in milk formulas, namely proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, fats, and minerals. The diet of a child of 9 months, if possible, should be expanded. But you must remember that it is important to introduce new foods carefully, starting with small portions, and observe the child for several days. If everything is in order, the child is calm, there are no allergic reactions to new food at 9 months, the menu may include new products, but not earlier than in a week you can try something new. A nine-month-old baby should have long been accustomed to boiled meat, well chopped. This meat is rabbit, veal, beef, turkey. The diet of a child of 9 months may include chicken, as well as liver, preferably beef or rabbit, heart and tongue. These offal are rich in iron and vitamins, which is especially necessary for children with low hemoglobin. It is highly undesirable to use store minced meat - everything must be cooked by hand. You can use baby food. They can only be meat or mixed with vegetables and cereals. You can also use canned fruits and vegetables.

But it’s better to leave industrial baby food in case of some trips or in the off-season of individual products. This mainly applies to vegetables, fruits and berries. When feeding a child, it is necessary to adhere to the principle - everything is freshly prepared from those products, the quality of which is beyond doubt. Among other things, the nutrition of a child at 9 months involves the inclusion of low-fat white fish in the diet. These are pike perch, cod, flounder, hake. You can replace meat with fish once a week. First, boiled fish with vegetables and a side dish should be given, later, when the child gets used to the taste of fish, it will be possible to cook fish puddings and steam cutlets. Separately, I would like to highlight vegetable and butter - if they are still not in the dishes, it is worth including them. Vegetable oil must be added to vegetable purees, and butter - to cereals, both - in the amount of 5 grams per serving.

Wipe or rub

The nutrition of a child at 9 months is based on accustoming the baby to thick food. If solid food is not introduced into complementary foods in time, problems may arise after a year - the child will simply refuse such food. Hematogenous meals are gradually replaced with mashed ones when the child is 9 months old. The development and nutrition of the baby are moving to a new stage. His chewing apparatus is actively developing, and to stimulate the development of the digestive system, it is necessary to change the consistency of complementary foods. This must be done carefully and gradually. Basically, babies at 9 months willingly eat food mashed with a fork. In addition, with great pleasure, the child can pull some pieces into his mouth and chew them. It’s good to give your baby a piece of an apple, a pear, a biscuit cookie or a crust of white bread. By the end of the 9th month, pieces of boiled fruits or vegetables can be offered to the child. The meat still needs to be wiped or chopped with a blender to a hematogenous mass.

sample menu

As you can see, the baby has a very varied diet at 9 months. The children's menu is very similar to the adult's menu.

  1. First breakfast: milk (breast or mixture), if the child does not protest, demanding the usual milk in the morning, you can give kefir - 180-200 grams.
  2. Lunch: porridge (buckwheat, rice, barley) with or without milk - 150 grams, fruit puree - 40 grams, juice, milk or tea - 30 grams.
  3. Dinner: vegetable puree - 150 grams, meat or fish puree - 50 grams, a slice of bread, juice or compote - 50 grams.
  4. afternoon tea: cottage cheese - 50 grams, fruit and vegetable puree - 50 grams, kefir - 100-120 grams.
  5. Dinner: milk (breast or mixture) - 200-210 grams.


Only freshly prepared food should be given to a child (9 months old). The recipes below describe the preparation of basic children's meals. Ingredients from recipes can be replaced or added depending on how varied the baby's diet is. Not bad if there is a double boiler in the house. This greatly facilitates the work of the mother, and the products retain nutrients better. But you can do without a double boiler - they cook for a child in a saucepan with a small amount of water under a closed lid.

vegetable puree


  • potatoes - 50 grams;
  • carrots - 50 grams;
  • broccoli - 100 grams;
  • zucchini - 100 grams;
  • vegetable oil - a third of a teaspoon.

Vegetables must be washed, peeled and cut into medium pieces. We send the carrots into boiling water first. Boil until half cooked and send potatoes and broccoli to the pan. The zucchini is placed last. When the vegetables are ready, you need to add vegetable oil to the pan and, after boiling for 2 minutes, turn it off. If the baby eats mashed food - knead, still wiped - wipe the bulk. Leave a little to loosen. You can also give a piece of carrot or cabbage to your child's hand - he will chew it with pleasure.

Milk buckwheat porridge


  • buckwheat (or flour) - 50 grams;
  • milk - 400 milliliters;
  • salt, sugar - you can use a pinch, you can not use at all.

Milk goes to the stove. When it boils, buckwheat or flour is added to it. If flour is used, it must first be mixed with a small amount of milk. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat to a minimum, cover and cook until cooked for about 20 minutes. At the end of cooking, add oil, if necessary, you can salt and sugar the porridge.

Veal puree soup with vegetables


  • veal - 60 grams;
  • potatoes - 50 grams;
  • carrots - 40 grams;
  • onion - 10 grams;
  • cauliflower - 60 grams;
  • vegetable oil - a third of a teaspoon;
  • greens - to taste.

Veal must be cut into pieces, pour cold water and boil until half cooked. Then vegetables are added in turn, first carrots, then onions, potatoes, cauliflower. When everything is ready, add oil and turn off. When serving, you need to add greens.

No matter how long the meat is cooked, it remains harsh for the child. Therefore, it is better to chop the soup with a blender or crank only the meat and grind the vegetables.

Rice porridge with apples


  • rice - 12 grams;
  • milk - 100 grams;
  • water - 30 milliliters;
  • apples - 1-2 pieces;
  • butter - a third of a teaspoon.

Rice must be sorted and washed several times. Boil milk and add water to it. While stirring, you need to send the rice into the liquid. On low heat, you need to bring the consistency to a homogeneous mass. Apples need to be peeled and core, cut into small pieces, add to the pan to the porridge. If necessary, you can also add salt and sugar if the apples are sour. Cook for another five minutes, stirring constantly. Add butter to the finished porridge.

Semolina porridge with pumpkin


  • semolina - 10 grams;
  • pumpkin - 100 grams;
  • milk - 100 milliliters;
  • butter - a third of a teaspoon;
  • salt - 0.5 grams;
  • sugar - 5 grams.

Pumpkin needs to be cleaned from seeds and peel, cut into small pieces. Boil a third of the milk and simmer the pumpkin in it until soft. Then wipe the mass into a homogeneous consistency. Mix semolina with sugar, salt and pumpkin mass, add the remaining milk and cook over low heat until tender. At the end of cooking, add butter.

Homemade cottage cheese


  • Children's kefir - 250 milliliters.

Kefir must be poured into an enamel bowl and put in a water bath. After a few minutes, serum will begin to separate. Then you need to throw the cottage cheese on a sieve or gauze. The whey will drain, leaving a delicious tender curd.

You can prepare fruit or fruit and vegetable puree for it.

Pumpkin and apple puree


  • apple - 1 piece;
  • pumpkin - 100 grams;
  • sugar - 5 grams.

The pumpkin needs to be cleaned of seeds and peel and cut into small cubes. We also clean the apple from seeds and peel and cut into larger cubes. We put it in a double boiler, sprinkle a little sugar on top. Cook for a couple of minutes 25. At the end of cooking, you can knead with a fork or rub through a sieve.

At 9 months, the nutrition of the crumbs is already more similar to the diet of an adult. It is better if most of the diet of a 9-month-old baby is based on breastfeeding, which maintains a psycho-emotional connection between mother and baby. However, cases of artificial feeding at this age are not uncommon. During this period, the baby has a need to develop mental and physical abilities.

Weight limits for a 9 month old baby

According to the WHO (World Health Organization), a child's weight range is from 6.5 to 11 kg. The practice of domestic pediatricians shows that these frames are somewhat narrower: from 7.5 to 10.5 kg. In this case, it is also worth considering the gender of the child, since the norms for them vary somewhat.

How much should boys and girls weigh (table from domestic pediatricians)

How is feeding and what should a child be able to do at this age

You need to drink the baby from a cup, let him keep it on his own, you only have to support it. Let him try to hold a spoon and eat. Of course, those children who were constantly breastfed will not show much desire to try to eat or drink on their own, mother's milk is more expensive and tastier for them. Some women will think that 9 months is too early for independence, but you already need to try.

Baby's diet: when and how many times you need to eat and drink

  • The nutrition of a child at 9 months should occur 5 times a day, while morning and night feeding should be breastfeeding or an adapted milk formula.
  • There are no special differences in the menu of a child on breast and artificial feeding, except for the first and last meals. In the first case, you give the baby breast milk in the morning and at night, in the second - a mixture.
  • If the baby eats during the day with an enviable appetite and his weight is within the normal range, try to wean him from the demand for food at night already at this age.
  • There are some standards of diet by the hour. Here they are.
    Time Eating
    6.00 first breakfast
    10.00 lunch
    14.00 dinner
    18.00 dinner
    22.00 late dinner
  • Remember that you can compose a feeding regimen for a child at 9 months on your own, based on the characteristics of your little one, because if the baby wakes up at 7 in the morning, it is hardly worth waking him up at 6 o'clock and stuffing milk or mixture into him.
  • How much should a 9 month old baby eat? If we take average indicators, then the daily mass of consumption is equal to ⅛-1/9 of the weight of the child. See the sections below for more details in grams.
  • The baby can drink exactly as much as he needs, provided that it is purified and prepared for baby food water. The mass of other drinks is regulated.

The more opportunities for self-feeding you give your child, the sooner he will master complementary foods.

The diet of a child at 9 months: what foods should be on the menu

Since the diet of a child at 9 months is more advanced, it is very important to strictly monitor the state of health. The menu for the week includes the following products and dishes:

  • vegetable puree using almost all vegetables,
  • grated cereals (corn, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal),
  • egg yolk,
  • chopped meat,
  • rabbit or chicken meat
  • veal liver,
  • lean fish soup
  • dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir),
  • crackers, cookies,
  • fruit juices and puree in jars.

There is no guarantee that the baby will be happy to eat the liver or drink kefir, but he may really like the cottage cheese and he will be ready to eat it every day. That is why the menu is recommended to be compiled individually, taking into account the advice of the pediatrician.

You should not forcefully introduce complementary foods, it is better to wait for a hungry pause, then the appetite will appear quickly.

How to feed your baby correctly: what to combine with during the day

Menu for 9-month-olds indicating the mass of products in grams

All dishes from the child's menu at 9 months are better and more correct to cook on their own. Then you will be sure of compliance with the cooking technology and the freshness of all products. As a sample menu for the day, you can use the following.

Table-scheme of daily feeding

If you need more detailed data, you can use another hint table. The diet in it is indicated 6 times a day, but this does not prevent the baby from eating a complex of the second and third meals at a time.

An example of a diet for a week (table)

If your baby is not yet familiar with some products, a table of introducing new products into the child's diet will help.

Scheme for the introduction of complementary foods up to 1 year of a baby's life

Video: the opinion of the Union of Pediatricians of Russia on the nutrition of a child of 9-12 months

What dishes to cook crumbs at 9 months: recipes

Since the most healthy food for a baby is cooked by a young mother on her own, recipes for simple and healthy healthy meals for a 9-month-old baby will be useful.


  • chicken fillet - 50 g;
  • small potato - 1 pc.;
  • carrot - 30 g;
  • half of a small onion.

At a later age of the baby, the ingredients of the soup can not be ground so carefully


  1. Put the fillet in a saucepan with water, bring to a boil and cook for about an hour. It is better not to add salt. Finely chop the finished fillet.
  2. While the fillet is cooking, put the grated carrot and chopped onion into another pot of boiling water. Water should be 1 cm above the level of chopped vegetables. Cook for 20 minutes, then throw in finely chopped potatoes and cook for another 20 minutes.
  3. Add the chopped fillet to the vegetables, boil the resulting mixture for another 5 minutes.
  4. Pour the resulting soup into a blender. Grind the composition until completely homogeneous.
  5. Bring the resulting puree to a boil and put on a plate, adding a little vegetable or butter (see the norms in the tables above).

Rice porridge with apple


  • rice - 3 tbsp. l.,
  • water - a glass (250 ml),
  • butter - ½ tsp,
  • small green apple.


  1. Pour water over rice.
  2. Add peeled and chopped apple.
  3. Cook the porridge for 15 minutes, then grind in a blender until smooth and add oil (optional).

If necessary, add a little breast milk or formula.

Fish steam cutlets


  • fish fillet (only white fish without bones: pollock, hake, cod, etc.) - 200 g,
  • carrot - 50 g,
  • half onion,
  • 1 st. l. oatmeal (ground oatmeal).

Based on this recipe, you can cook a baby and rabbit cutlets


  1. Grind the fish fillet and onion in a blender until minced.
  2. Throw finely grated carrots and oatmeal into minced meat. If it came out too dense, you should bring the composition to the correct consistency by adding water.
  3. Make small patties, place in the steamer bowl and cook for 20 minutes.
  4. It is better to knead the resulting cutlets with a fork before taking, but do not chop with a blender! So the baby will quickly learn to take solid food, especially if up to 6 months of feeding was exclusively breastfeeding.

Well, the last moment: accustoming the crumbs to self-feeding, be patient. You will have to clean up after him many times, but this is better, because accustoming to the table at a later age will be longer. Good luck with feeding, let your baby grow up healthy!

Article updated in February 2017

By 9 months, the child's nutrition becomes quite varied if the crumbs do not have allergic reactions: indigestion, skin rashes and other symptoms.

By this age, nutrition already consists not only of mother's breast milk or a special adapted milk formula (if the child is bottle-fed). The diet contains many dishes: cereals, vegetables, fruits, sour-milk, dairy, flour products, fish, meat, eggs (usually egg yolk), fruit and vegetable juices.

Mom should determine which product in the children's menu the baby likes the most. If it is a stew of zucchini or a mixture of vegetables, it should be combined with meat, broth, fish. Gradually, the percentage of your favorite food and various supplements levels off. Thus, it is possible to achieve a consistent introduction of new products into the diet and healthy and tasty dishes prepared from them.

When breastfeeding or artificial feeding, every mother should know when and what time the baby should be fed. Meal time is selected individually.

If before the baby ate sitting on the lap of the parent, it's time to transfer him to a high chair.

It is also time to offer drinking in a cup, and it is better to refuse a bottle with a nipple.

Basic feeding rules

The baby eats up to 6 times a day every 3-4 hours. The first and last meal of the day is always breast milk or an adapted formula. During the rest of the meals, the child is offered a menu made up of dishes from the "adult" table.

Food is served in special children's dishes - bright and unbreakable. Cheerful pictures, images of familiar fairy tale characters will bring elements of the holiday into the food.

In the process of feeding, tell the baby funny stories, play "airplane", sing funny songs.

The kid grows by leaps and bounds?

Sample menu for the day and week


  • Breakfast - grated barley porridge in meat broth (160 g), berry puree (45 g);
  • Lunch - chicken rice soup (80 ml), pumpkin puree (65 g), half an egg yolk, strawberry jelly (30 ml);
  • Additional meal - children's berry yogurt (45 g), bread croutons (1 pc.);
  • Dinner - berry drink with milk (150 ml), bread (10 g).


  • Breakfast - grated rice porridge with butter (160 g); half an egg yolk;
  • Lunch - potato soup with meatball (80 ml), squash puree with fish (60 g), bread (10 g), fruit compote (60 ml);
  • Additional meal - berry dessert with milk (45 ml);
  • Dinner - fruit yogurt (45 g), bread toast (2 pcs.).


  • Breakfast - milk rice soup (160 g), herbal tea (50 ml);
  • Lunch - fish soup (80 ml), steamed fish meatballs (45 g), bread (10 g), fruit compote (60 ml);
  • Additional meal - apple or pear puree (60 g), apple jelly (45 ml);
  • Dinner - baked apple (50 g), cracker (2 pcs.), Apricot drink (50 ml).


  • Breakfast - meat broth with buckwheat porridge (160 g), apple drink (60 g);
  • Lunch - vegetable stew (75 g), steamed fish cutlet (30 g), bread (10 g), berry compote (50 ml);
  • Additional meal - fruit dessert (60 g);
  • Dinner - fruit drink (120 ml).


  • Breakfast - oatmeal with butter (160 g), fruit dessert (50 g);
  • Lunch - squash soup with fish (80 ml), vegetable stew (60 g), meat cutlet (40 g), bread (10 g); berry or fruit jelly (50 ml);
  • Additional meal - berry yogurt (100 g), bread toast (1 pc.);
  • Dinner - berry jelly (60 ml).


  • Breakfast - ground barley porridge (160 g), raspberry tea (80 ml);
  • Lunch - potato chicken soup (80 ml), zucchini puree (90 g), steamed chicken cutlet (45 g), bread (10 g), plum compote (50 ml);
  • Additional meal - apple or peach puree (80 g), bread toast (1 pc.), peach juice (50 ml);
  • Dinner - baby milk (160 ml).


  • Breakfast - milk rice soup (160 g), berry compote (50 ml);
  • Lunch - potato soup with meatballs (80 ml), vegetable stew (100 g), steamed meat cutlet (30 g), bread (10 g), carrot juice (50 ml);
  • Additional meal - fruit dessert (75 g), bread toast (1 pc.);
  • Dinner - strawberries with milk (80 g), bread (10 g).

An extensive range of dishes of the "adult" table will have a beneficial effect on the development of all vital systems of the baby, enrich it with useful substances, trace elements, vitamins, which are necessary for full and harmonious growth.

Recipes for children's meals

For every day or immediately for a week, you can create a menu yourself, based on the available products, desires and free time. Cooking homemade meals can be combined with ready-made canned baby food.

All vegetables and fruits are washed well, cleaned of skins, cores, seeds.

The fish is cleaned, gutted, the head, fins, and skin are removed.

Meat and fish are washed under the tap, then dried with a towel. But these products cannot be kept in water for a long time, otherwise a significant part of the nutrients will be lost. When cooking, meat or fish is dipped in boiling water to keep them juicy and soft.

Mashed potatoes

  1. Boil chopped peeled potatoes in water or meat broth (beef, chicken).
  2. Well knead.

fruit dessert

  1. Mix banana, boiled carrots and apple in a blender until smooth.
  2. Sweeten with sugar or honey.
  3. If the mixture is thick, dilute it with boiled water or apple juice.

Vegetable ragout

  1. Boil potatoes, zucchini, carrots in water (meat broth) or steam.
  2. Fill with vegetable oil.
  3. Add boiled egg yolk, crush everything into porridge, salt if desired.


  1. Boil fish (trout, pike perch).
  2. Remove bones, mix with crushed boiled potatoes, carrots, onions (optional).
  3. Dilute with broth.

Meat soup with vegetables

  1. Meat (beef, chicken) is boiled until cooked, carrots, onions are added to the broth for taste.
  2. The meat is removed from the pan and ground into a homogeneous mass.
  3. Meanwhile, vegetables are boiled in the broth, for example: cabbage and zucchini. A liquid puree is prepared from these products.
  4. The meat and vegetable components are mixed.

Fish and potatoes

  1. Bake fish (perch, cod, salmon) in the oven in foil for half an hour.
  2. Remove bones.
  3. Separately, make mashed potatoes or vegetables.
  4. Mix fish with puree.

fruit mousse

  1. Mix apple, pear, banana, peach in a blender.
  2. Sweeten if desired.
  3. If the mousse is too thick, dilute with boiled water.

Vegetable puree with turkey

  1. Boil the turkey fillet.
  2. Boil vegetables in lightly salted water.
  3. Grind everything, mix.
  4. Add a little boiled milk or water so that the puree is not too dry.

Knowing the taste preferences of the child, his habits and character traits, the mother can turn the nutrition of her child (on breast or artificial feeding) into a pleasant and useful pastime and at the same time master new recipes for children's dishes.

How to feed a baby at 9 months? The menu for the crumbs can already include many products from which it is really possible to cook real delicious dishes. It is important at the same time that the timing of the introduction of complementary foods for the baby was observed: new products were offered to the artificial at the age of 5 months, and to the baby - upon reaching 6 months.

Also, the mother knows which products cause a negative reaction of the baby in the form of a rash, indigestion, and does not use them. But if the child simply did not like something, you can gently but persistently offer it once a week. It is likely that the baby will try a new product, and the child’s menu at nine months old will be replenished with another recipe every day.

Meat and fish dishes

Be sure to include them in the child's menu at nine months for a week. Meat should be present in it every day, except for those days when you feed the fish. Previously, both products were offered exclusively in the form of puree or mousse. Now meatballs can be included.

Recipe for meatballs

  1. Pass a piece of lean meat (chicken breast, turkey, rabbit or veal tenderloin) twice through a meat grinder. If you beat it well with a blender, then the mass will turn out to be even more homogeneous.
  2. Add to the mass a piece of white bread, which is pre-soaked in water and squeezed. Mix.
  3. Beat the minced meat again, add a little cold water.
  4. Roll up meatballs from the mass - a couple of meat balls, put them in boiling water and boil.

In a similar way, you can cook meatballs from fish, for which varieties with white meat (pollock, hake, cod) are suitable.

How to cook fish

If ocean fish is difficult to find in your area, you can buy low-fat river fish - pike perch or carp. You can prepare meals from it yourself or purchase ready-made canned food for baby food. Especially useful will be fish and vegetable mixtures, in which 20% of fish meat is combined with vegetable mousse from beans, potatoes, carrots, greens. Sometimes cereals are added to them - rice or semolina.

  1. For self-cooking fish, take the carcass, rinse in cold water immediately before use, dry with a paper towel. It cannot be soaked or thawed in water in order to preserve the maximum of useful substances.
  2. Remove the head and tail, and carefully remove the meat from the bones.
  3. To get the juiciest fish meat, dip the carcass without a head and tail in boiling water. In this case, a crust of coagulated protein forms on its surface, which will keep the juices of the meat inside.
  4. Then remove the bones and double-roll the meat through a meat grinder.
  5. Add a little fish broth to get the puree of the desired consistency.

Fish and meat will make the nutrition of a 9-month-old baby both varied and healthy; a crumb menu for a week may include 2 meatball feedings. For example, cook them once with chicken meat, and the second time with fish. On other days, feed your baby 60 g of mashed meat. Next week, prepare mashed fish.

vegetable dishes

Vegetables are always present in the menu of a child at 9 months breastfed for a week. From the first days of feeding, the baby received zucchini, cauliflower and cauliflower peas in the form of mashed potatoes. Now you can add beets, carrots, pumpkin, white cabbage, swede to these vegetables.

Vegetables are still offered to the baby in the form of mashed potatoes, but if the crumbs already have teeth, the mass should not be homogeneous. Let small lumps “jump” in it, which can be achieved by mashing the boiled vegetables with a fork and mixing with the broth. In puree, you can try adding chopped green onions and lettuce, parsley and dill leaves. They will change the taste of the dish, but not necessarily the child will not like it. Greens should be added little by little so that their taste is not pronounced.

We must not forget about vegetable oil, especially in the menu of a child at 9 months of age on artificial feeding. It is also extremely important for children with allergic reactions (diathesis). Vegetable oil contains important fatty acids, a lot of vitamins needed to improve the condition of the skin, increase immunity. Add a teaspoon of vegetable oil to vegetable puree daily. If the baby suffers from diathesis, it is better to mix oil with porridge.


Toddlers often show a wary and even negative attitude towards many types of vegetables. But they never refuse cereals, which by this age become their favorite type of food. Preferences are also formed, for example, for buckwheat and oatmeal. By the way, they are the most useful, while semolina and rice contain a lot of “empty” calories and are not recommended for overweight children. Barley cereals, barley groats are preferred. With millet, you still need to wait, as this cereal is too coarse.

To make delicious porridge:

  1. boil the cereal in water - the cooking time is different for everyone. Oatmeal will be ready in 10 minutes (Hercules flakes), semolina in 20, and corn should be cooked for 3 hours;
  2. pour in the warmed milk, bring to a boil again;
  3. removing from heat, add a teaspoon of butter, stir it with a spoon from the bottom up;
  4. grind the mass in a blender or grind through a sieve 1 time.

You can also include adapted kefir in the crumbs menu. But even if you really liked it, don't give too much. Its daily volume should not exceed 400 grams.