Happy fire protection day to your beloved in prose. Congratulations on the day of the fireman in prose

Happy Fire Day! I wish you safe and peaceful shifts. Reliable comrades, excellent ammunition and special equipment. Be attentive, healthy, ready for exploits and always in a good mood!

Congratulations on the professional holiday of the workers of the hose and fire extinguisher. Let the dangerous fire be subdued, the forests not ignite, the children not to play with matches, the risk will be minimal, and fire accidents as rare as possible. Prosperity, well-being, health and happiness, Happy Fire Day!

Happy Fire Day everyone! We wish you a peaceful and calm service, may harmony of peace and happiness reign in every family. Let all troubles go away and enjoy life more often. Prosperity and abundance in life, a successful career in such a difficult task.

I congratulate real men on their professional holiday! Men who are not afraid of danger, who boldly go into the fire to save human lives. Men who, at the first call, rush to help. You are true heroes and I am proud of you!

Congratulations on the Day of the Fire Department and from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you never miss your chance, do your job perfectly, be proud of your hard work, always be ready to save the world, strive for bright well-being every day and never lose your faith.

I congratulate you on Fire Protection Day and from the bottom of my heart I want to wish you never to let fire take over you, to constantly remain on guard of order and safety, always confidently carry out your service and have time to enjoy every day of your life.

Congratulations on the Day of the Fire Department and I want to wish tireless strength and courage, confidence and vigilance, courage and dexterity. Let only the soul sparkle with happiness, let neither the flames nor the evil tongues of people be able to spoil your impeccable reputation. Health and good luck, because it is never superfluous.

Congratulations on Fire Day. your profession is very important and certainly necessary! I wish you always the highest level of protection against fires and fires, I wish you absolute self-confidence and the safety of other people, I wish that only the fires of your hope and love burn brightly. All the best, order at work and good luck in life.

On this day, let me congratulate and thank the most courageous people on this planet! Real heroes show courage and endurance every day. I wish that self-control never leaves you, and luck is always on your side!

Today I would like to congratulate those who fearlessly enter the fire every day to save people's lives! I would like to wish real courageous and strong people who do this dangerous work vigilance and safety at work, good health and peace in their own home!

Official congratulations to firefighters at the gala evening

Dear firefighters!

On your professional holiday, accept the most sincere and heartfelt congratulations on behalf of all those whom you have already helped and whom you will come to the aid of, risking your life in order to save others. May your brave hearts always burn brighter than fire, and warm and bright smiles of your loved ones warm your soul every day.

The profession of a firefighter is the most dangerous, which is chosen only by real men and professionals. Therefore, we wish you good luck, quick reaction, courage, endurance and strength in the difficult daily service. You are the real heroes of our days and we are proud of you. After all, every year it is you who save almost hundreds of thousands of people during fires.

So please accept our sincere gratitude for the safety of thousands of lives and material values. I wish you good health, well-being in life and further success in your selfless work!

Happiness and goodness to you and your family!

Dear firefighters!

We sincerely congratulate you on the day of the fire department! Thank you for your loyalty to your duty, for your combat readiness at any time to fight against an uninvited big disaster. We are convinced that you will continue to enrich the best traditions of your profession, faithfully and conscientiously serve your chosen cause.

May you always be accompanied by the desire to help those who most need your help in our difficult time. We wish you happiness, health, kindness, and as few fires and alarms as possible.

Congratulations to all employees on the day of the fire department! I wish you less work, more money, dry sleeves, good nights. Good health to you, the most durable helmets in the world, and that the cylinders never run out of oxygen.

And today, instead of water, vodka, beer and compote are poured from the hoses.

Happy holiday, our beloved, respected and dear firefighters!

Fire brings warmth into our lives, but when the fire element gets out of control, irreparable trouble can occur. The fire service stands guard over our safety and helps to instantly cope with the raging flame. Firefighters are one of the most dangerous professions. Their activities are associated with numerous risks to life, because they save people and their property from the fires of conflagrations. This is a noble mission that these workers perform almost every day. A professional holiday is dedicated to them, which is celebrated annually. in Belarus on July 25 (Fire Service Day), and in Russia - April 30 (Fire Guard Day).
Today, a service that protects us all from the fiery element celebrates its professional holiday. We bring to your attention congratulations on the Day of the fire service in verse and prose with postcards. We hope that here you will find exactly those words that best suit your wishes and admiration for their work.

Fireman without pathos and dispute
Appropriated by popular rumor
Words: "Fire fighter", "Fire fighter" ‒
Weighty, reliable words!

Congratulations on the Day of the fire service,
I wish you successful business
The most real strong friendship,
So that no one dares to upset you!
So that work brings joy,
So that the Angel always keeps you,
So that there is always enough strength for everything,
So that everything has a good meaning!
I wish you true love
Wisdom of life for years!
Let positivity surround you
Helping you in life always!

We know for sure that fire
You are always ready to tame.
Forgetting business and sound sleep,
You hurry to help us.
Today is your day, fireman!
Today is the day when "Thank you!"
We will shout out to you together
And we wish you to live happily:
Without grief, troubles and without problems,
No hot fiery menace;
And so that the fire always burns
In your brave, formidable look!

You - strength of spirit, victory in everything,
Happy days, happy days!
Success and good luck - let the two of you be together!

Not afraid of heights and not afraid of fire,
You are ready to fight for your life!
If today is your day, then accept from us
Congratulations on the Fire Service Day!
We wish you guys dry sleeves,
Less fire alarm sounds!
So that each of you, like clockwork, be healthy!
Peace in the house, happy journey!

Such a hard job:
Be alert, wait for the team to fight.
The fire barrel is related to the machine gun,
Attack to keep the elements.
Firemen-heroes live among us,
Simple guys with a pure soul...
We wish you happiness, vivacity, health!
Victory to end every battle!

Firemen know a lot about their business -
How many people and houses have been saved!
Often you have to be on the edge.
It is not a sin to praise them on this Day!
I want to sincerely ask you
And wish you less worries.
And we want to bow for the work.
Let the shadows of adversity not touch you!

Fire service employees - representatives
one of the most dangerous professions.

Human activity is associated with numerous dangers. One of the biggest is fires. These phenomena bring huge losses to the state and citizens. There is an appropriate service to fight fire, reduce losses associated with it, and carry out preventive measures. A professional holiday is dedicated to its employees.
Firefighters are peacetime fighters. These are those who will never bow their heads before the element of fire when it comes to human life. Thanks to the courage, courage and professionalism of the fire service workers, today we are all confident in our safety.
Dear employees and veterans of the fire service! Congratulations on your professional holiday - Fire Service Day!
Let the fire burn only in your eyes and souls on this festive day, and let the smoke never cover the peaceful sky above your head! Thank you for the huge contribution that you have made, for many years of conscientious work, for your experience, kindness and wisdom! Health to you for many years!

You are a firefighter from God,
You saved many lives!
Let the big road
Become bright now!

Wall of fire and you and I - a wall:
A wall for those who are somewhere near us,
So that fire never reigns
So that the flames do not rage anywhere!

Phone "01" we know from an early age.
We see salvation in him from grief and troubles.
We hasten to congratulate you, firefighters!
We will cherish and praise you!
You are not afraid of heat, suffocation, fire -
So be always you, friends!
On this Day, the people have one slogan:
“Thank you for having the phone "01"!”

You are like a cult hero
They entered the fire like water!
You are always eager for a hot fight,
Regardless of the weather!
Your enemy is the elements, smoke, fire...
But in an instant the sadness will disappear,
When he praises you with recognition
Belarus today!
We wish you peace
It is needed at work!
So that work is valued according to deeds
On your Fire Service Day!

Are you able to pacify the elements,
Fire fierce quickly extinguish
And in difficult times to come to the aid of people.
May luck be your companion!
Sometimes you work miracles.
Better not burn houses, forests!
Let the hard work of the heart not cool,
And let no one forget your exploits!
We wish you all Happy Holidays!
May it be good every day and hour!
We are grateful for your risky work!
Health, happiness and good luck to all firefighters!

Ordinary heroes - they don't care about fire!
Ordinary firefighters - we drink to them today!

Today is the day of the brave and brave, the day of the strong and courageous, the day of the noble and reliable! Today is Firemen's Day! There is no place in the fire department for the cowardly, the weak and the spineless. Only real men work here! On their professional holiday, we simply have to congratulate these guys and wish them health, good luck, courage and endurance! May your big red cars never let you down, and let the fire become tame when you appear! Less complex, dangerous tasks for you and more good rest! Happy holiday!


On a red car
To fight with the elements
In a protective suit
Heroes dashing
They come to help
Don't look at fear.
I boast proudly
What is this - my uncle!


Dangerous job -
For a strong man.
It is impossible in the soul with anxiety
Fight the elements.
Sounds "fireman" proudly!
Sounds like a fireman!
And I'm doubly pleased:
The hero of fire is my dad!

The profession of a firefighter is one of the most difficult professions in the world.

When the fire is blind, insidious
Burns everything in its path
You hurry to help, fireman,
To save everyone from the elements!
On your holiday, I wish you
So that your work is always appreciated!
To return from the fire,
You went home unharmed!

Being a fireman is pride
And dignity, and honor!
Your courageous qualities
We can't count on our fingers!
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
Happy Professional Day!
We sincerely wish you all
Win against fire!
Don't let your families know
Sorrows, hardships, troubles!
In the great complex service
We wish you only victories!

Happy Fire Service Day
And I wish you earthly joys!
May everything that you so dream of
It will become a reality in your weekdays!
May you always be lucky with your friends
And, in general, always lucky with people!
If you knew how proud we are of you:
There is no nobler deed, understand!
May good luck accompany you
In your difficult profession!
In life, be happy, not otherwise, -
Happiness only makes you stronger!

Glory and low bow to the entire guard of firefighters!

Dear firefighters! Please accept my sincere congratulations on your professional holiday! Your service is entrusted with responsible tasks to ensure the fire safety of the population. Solving them, you show courage every day, readiness to help in difficult situations. We thank you for your hard work and wish you good health, prosperity and further success!

You fly to help us
And hurry to put out the fire.
May luck find you
And always lucky in everything!

If somewhere on fire,
The fireman will rush over there.
I wish without fiery news
Live up to two hundred years of commercials!

In fire and smoke he walks in the heat,
Saving people and houses from fire!

Firefighters fearless
All fires are dangerous
Detachments skillful
They can pay off!
We sincerely congratulate you!
We wish you to be healthy
And with new exploits
Happy long life!

He is a hero, because he is a fireman,
Everyone respects him!
And for a friend, he is a partner:
Will not leave one.
Don't be sad for no reason!
Let's say sincerely, with soul:
You are the real man
And we are proud of you!

A day is like a day: so far it is quiet and ordinary.
But a challenge has been announced - and in an alarming roar ...
Rushing, shifting time, accustomed to a feat
Fighting, skillful, glorious guard.
You are always on guard, you are always there ...
Give at least today the will to give the words:
Happy Fireman's Day, guys! Happy holiday guys!
May your work be a joy to you!

Slush, winds and cold - they knew everything in full.
Our difficult service is a fire war.

Dear fire service workers! We heartily congratulate you on your professional holiday! Your fearlessness, professionalism, and clear interaction of all departments serve as guarantors of constant readiness to eliminate fires, emergencies and man-made accidents. There is no doubt that a conscientious attitude to business, purposeful work to prevent emergency situations, recruit and educate personnel, and increase the combat readiness of units will further increase the effectiveness of your activities. Good health, prosperity and success in your work!

Today the whole country is proud of Russian firefighters and celebrates their professional holiday! We join in the congratulations and wish you continued victory over the element of fire! Each of you, who truly serves in the name of saving lives, is a hero in our eyes, nothing else! You risk your life every minute, you adequately bear the burden of responsibility on your shoulders in emergency situations, and fearlessly rush to help without thinking about yourself! A noble profession is worthy of the highest praise, respect and gratitude of the people! Low bow to you for your efforts, firefighters! May the fire spare your health, strengthen your fortitude and character! I would like to wish the fire to become your friend rather than an enemy! May fate give you luck in the service and in your personal life, where your relatives and friends are always waiting for you from service safe and sound!

Every firefighter is a hero! Living your life like in a war, every moment risks your own health! And this fair assessment of this profession will be true always and at all times! From the moment a person struck a spark from a stone, fire will remain for him not only a helper and friend, but also a most dangerous enemy forever! Therefore, the prevention and extinguishing of fires is a hard, heroic work that requires special attention! For more than three and a half centuries, Russian firefighters have been selflessly fighting the elements of fire, and have rightfully earned nationwide gratitude and respect! But the most important thing is the many lives you saved! This is what is truly valuable! Immense gratitude to you for choosing a difficult service! We appreciate, we are proud, we respect, we value you, firefighters! Let the professional holiday give you a calm day!

Firefighters are celebrating their professional day today! Congratulations! The fire department has come a long way in its development and has become a highly professional structure that can quickly respond to danger signals and fight fires! Heroic deeds for us are ordinary everyday life for brave firefighters! Honor, praise and glory to the Russian firemen! We wish you to be even more resilient, even stronger, even faster! We wish you not to get confused in an emergency and to be able to make the right decisions in the minutes! We admire that you had the courage to take on such a dangerous job! Thanks to your efforts, responsibility and conscientious performance of official duties, many human lives have been saved! Your skill and service skills are the key to the peace of our country!

There is no nobler profession than a fireman! Saving human lives from tongues of ruthless flame! Heroes! We congratulate you on the holiday and wish that your lives are protected by guardian angels and the love of loved ones! You will not get into such a profession by chance, only people by vocation, with good intentions and a brave heart, intentionally go to serve in the fire department! There are no weaklings here, they have no place in hell! And we sincerely express to such brave souls like you our deep respect for choosing a profession! We wish you, never, and under no circumstances, to retreat in the face of trouble, not to take a step back in a dangerous situation, because living people are counting on you! We wish you never to despair and not to know fatigue! We wish you masculinity, unity, composure and fearlessness! Thank you for your conscientious work for the good of the country!

On your professional holiday, accept congratulations on behalf of the whole country, firefighters! On your shoulders lies a huge responsible task - to save people's lives from fire! And I must say, you are doing an excellent job with this task, because only real and worthy men serve in the fire service! The best! Resolute! Brave! Fearless! You see the goal and do not notice the obstacles! You have amazing professionalism, skills to fulfill your mission! You will never step back, your eyes are always directed only forward! Please accept our gratitude for trying to make our lives, and the lives of our children, safe and peaceful! Thanks to you, we can look to the future with confidence! As a reward for your hard work, we wish you to be surrounded by the care and understanding of relatives and friends, the support of colleagues, and the love of your family! Happy Fireman's Day!

Happy Fireman's Day! We wish you confident steps in your service, deft avoidance of risk and danger, bold and correct decision-making! Let any business in your hard work argue and go well with a spark of luck! Let the flame of good luck burn with a bright flame in your eyes and do not go out! May your every day be filled with the brilliance of delightful emotions and the radiance of joy! We wish safe service, health of the Siberian heroes, a successful outcome of rescue operations, respect from colleagues, rewards according to merit and a peaceful sky above your head! Let the recognized gift lead you along the career path and give you the pleasure of working for the good of the country! And as strange as it sounds, we wish you less work! Let household chores bring you joy, and let weekdays be easy, without risk and dangerous situations! We appreciate your heroism, we are proud of you, valiant conquerors of fire!

Today, the Russian fire service is one of the best services in the country. With your hard work, you rightfully deserve nationwide respect and gratitude! We congratulate you on the Day of the Fireman and wish that the fire of love in your hearts blazes much brighter than the fire that brings danger! Thank you for devoting your life to a noble cause in the name of the people! Your difficult, dangerous work is difficult to overestimate! Your profession will always be needed and in demand! We wish you the improvement of your working skills, confident victories over the fire element, serviceability of equipment, quick response, team cohesion! Less fires, accidents and natural disasters! More weekends, vacations and bonuses! Increasing professionalism, career growth. Increases in wages, awards, medals and incentives!

Every day, valiant firefighters come at the first call to help people in trouble. Honor, praise, respect, gratitude and glory to all fire service employees on their professional holiday! Good luck fighting fire, and victory in your difficult task! We wish you to show heroism, not letting doubts into your consciousness, we wish you to be confident in your strengths and skills! And may the national recognition be the reward for your noble work! Let your steel will grow stronger! Always be the first where the element of fire raged in earnest! After all, only you are subject to the technique of taming fire! We wish you only positive thoughts, an optimistic attitude, confidence in your comrade, team cohesion, bold decisions, without the right to make a mistake! Take care of yourself for your loved ones who love you and are waiting for you from service safe and sound! Happy Fireman's Day!

Dear employees of the fire service of Russia! Today the whole country celebrates your professional holiday and wishes you a happy spark in your eyes! May the fiery element spare your destinies and save you from mortal danger! We wish you an optimistic attitude, confidence in victory over fire, steel nerves, stone endurance and excellent physical shape! Your most difficult and dangerous profession requires not only professional skills, but also a strong-willed spirit, the ability to rush to help at any moment, forgetting about yourself! That's just for it, you all, you can already give out awards! You are always on time where people need your help! After all, it’s not for nothing that your service is at number “one”! We wish you to always be the first and the best! And let there be thousands of saved lives and human destinies on your account! Thank you for the confidence and peace of mind tomorrow!

Dear workers of all Russian fire and rescue services! On your professional holiday, let me give you sincere wishes and heartfelt congratulations from all the Russian people! May your brave hearts always burn with the eternal fire of courage! May your noble souls be enveloped in warmth, love, and care of your loved ones every day! The dangerous profession of a firefighter is worthy only of real men and high professionals! We wish you universal luck, great luck in your service, quick response, resourcefulness, dexterity, skill, endurance, a clear reaction, masculinity and heroism in a difficult service! We wish you to be at the scene of the fire in a timely manner, serviceability of equipment, team cohesion and self-confidence! And let the flames not rage to heaven, let the smoke not cover the clear sky! Easy service to you, firefighters! Let the flame be afraid of you, peaceful warriors of the fiery element!

Today is the holiday of those who, without hesitation and doubt, can throw themselves into the fire in order to save human life! This is a holiday of the strongest and most persistent peacetime fighters over the fire element! A holiday of people who have dedicated themselves to serving for the benefit of the Fatherland and protecting the population! Firefighter! Happy holiday to you! We wish you to prevent the disaster of fire in time and, of course, win! We wish you professional improvement, growth and development! May your dangerous and difficult profession bring you national respect and recognition as the best specialists in your field! Let every inhabitant of our vast and great country be able to appreciate your conscientious work! We wish you to give a low bow for your invaluable help in trouble! Let the hard work of firefighters be at least a little easier! Firefighters, Happy Holidays!

Saving human lives is a dangerous, difficult and very risky profession. Firefighter! Work that requires high qualifications, innate heroism, initiative, physical fitness, specialized skills. An honorable profession that deserves worldwide respect and the universal gratitude of the people! Congratulations, firebenders! The significance of your difficult service is immeasurably high! Your courage, dedication and dedication cannot be overestimated! In the event of an emergency, risking your health, you come to the aid of people, saving their lives! With your work, you have earned high praise, deep respect from society and its recognition! We wish you patience, endurance, endurance, fearlessness, luck, good luck, a happy event and a successful outcome from the most difficult situation!

I sincerely wish you today
Goodness, health, peace and love.
May life be filled with love
Your days shine brighter than the sun!

You are the pride of wives and fighting girlfriends.
They consider it an honor to be near,
Always waiting with anxiety and love,
Always a joyful welcome from the service.

Thank you for our peaceful sleep,
For daily feat, loyalty to the cause,
That do not leave us in the most difficult hour,
For heroism, dedication and courage!

I wish you a bright fire, but only in the heart,
So that your work is appreciated,
So that every hour happiness knocks on the door,
Was drunk with love every day!

Happy Fireman's Day, hero!
Let your family be proud of you
Respected by colleagues, friends,
And let the authorities appreciate you.

Let everyday life be filled with success
Well, the holidays are joyful laughter,
There is comfort in the soul
Great days are ahead!

Happy Fire Department Day! I wish you inexhaustible strength and iron health, easy everyday life and fewer emergencies. May your hard work always be appreciated by right and cause and bring sincere appreciation and gratitude to society.

Firefighters are special people
Able to tame the fire element.
Their service will come to the rescue quickly.
And they are all calm...

Calmness is probably their strong point,
Which gives them a lot of credit.
Fire is always on the run
When the team works together.

Congratulations to those who can save lives.
We wish you good health and prosperity.
In life - only a smooth path:
May it pass joyfully and sweetly.

Happy Fire Day
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
We wish you health
Peace, happiness and love!

Thank you for your courage
For hard work and courage,
For courage, for heroism,
Thank you for all friends!

On the day of the glorious fire department
Let's face it, you're a super hero.
Let the income fill your pockets
There will be no trouble!

Let the family love you very much
Everyone appreciates - colleagues, friends,
Fate will never forget
Take care, our firefighter, you!

Today is a glorious day, your holiday,
I want to thank everyone.
Those whose vocation is a fireman,
Who is ready to save day and night.

I wish you to burn only with health,
Live happily, do not despair.
Fire - in the fireplace, in a sweet house,
What will warm loved ones.

Your work cannot be appreciated.
It is complex, always dangerous.
In a heated fight with a flaming beast,
You enter day by day.

For fire safety!
This is now the main toast.
Today is a very important day
Your holiday is not so simple.

Fire Prevention -
Your righteous goal.
So let's give the guys heat -
Hops are allowed today!

Happy Fire Protection Day
You - fearless guys!
You - good oceans
And happy days!

The most terrible element
You give the answer.
You are the heroes of Russia,
You live brightly, without troubles!

Cold mind and firm hand
Skills mass, courage and luck
Let them help take the flame by the horns,
Solve difficult problems easily.

After all, you are a firefighter, you know better than us,
Playing with fire is not the best thing to do.
Let it save you in difficult times
The wife's prayer, a crucifix on her chest.

Today, on Firemen's Day, we
We wish you happiness and success,
Alive to come out of the smoky darkness
In fireproof armor made of love.

You are heroes, well done,
You are fighters with the elements,
We wish you optimism in life,
Courage, strength and heroism,
So that the fire is afraid of you.
Everyone saved someone
We are forever grateful to you
May the service be impeccable.