Happy birthday cool guy. Cool and funny sms birthday greetings to a man, a guy. Funny birthday greetings to a man

You burst into my life
And disturbed my peace.
I love you alone
Happy birthday, dear!

I will send an SMS
On a familiar number.
And I'll write poems
To send congratulations.

Happy birthday to you,
And I wish you all the joys
Let the ringing laughter surround you
And in the heart, love and kindness warms.
You are forever my sweet friend
My fragrant scarlet flower.

Happy birthday, congratulations
I wish you health and success.
A strong family hearth,
Luggage rich in friends.

Let adversity fly by
Joy will flow to you like a river.
Boring so that life is not
Let her be filled with emotions.

Dream, be ready to dare
And break all stereotypes.
Learn a lesson every day
And the standard of living will be high.

Birthday, fun
You have an anniversary today
Have fun without knowing grief,
Get drunk and drink your friends
I wish you a serene life
I wish you many bright days
I wish only success
Less pain and more laughter
We will share joy on this day with you,
All together we'll get drunk and sleep.

Happy birthday to you!
Let your bird fly in happiness
Fly away with her for success far,
And may your desire be fulfilled
Get everything you love easily
Let your skill know no boundaries
Find a gift of the heart for joy and happiness,
And may luck smile at all problems despite!

Smile on your birthday
And all congratulations.
I wish you happiness in your personal life,
Sufficiency to be decent,
Strong health as a stone
Love is hot like a flame
Victories, successes and awards
12 months in a row.

Here he is, our handsome man, his birthday.
And rather we congratulate, we will hasten now to him.
Be smart and calm, be a man in everything
If your son is a little naughty, do not scold him with a belt.
On this day, after all, you were born, brought joy to mom.
Do not get lost, be happy if you need to bend it.

Today is not an easy day
The day is very special.
Birthday is yours today
We will celebrate the branded one!

Let your friends come
Will bring joy to everyone
The whole family will be near
Both cognac and sweets.

Wish you in addition
Pure, male health,
So that in life they surround
As many girls as possible!

Today is fun, jokes and laughter.
They flow like a river from everyone.
Health, love and prosperity
They wish you everything in order.

Conquer all dreams and goals
Without looking back.
Set new goals, ideas
And skillfully carry them out.

On the day of growing up
Have a wonderful birthday.
Do not be discouraged, do not be sad, do not be bored
Just celebrate it with joy!

Here's a poem for you
I give for my birthday.
I wish you happiness
Anything you want, I wish
After all, I don't know more precisely
What have you been dreaming about for a long time.
Maybe you have a job
So as not to work on it?
Or a house with seven doors
So that he was not far off?
In general, happy holiday to you,
I say it again.

Now I will teach you
What do I want from you:
First, the brightest smile
Is always. Despite the mistakes.

In addition, to always
Trouble has bypassed you
And muse, prosperity, luck -
Totally yours, not otherwise.

Hope that on your birthday
Everything will fit into a chain of links
And you will be happy buddy.
Well, have you learned your lesson?

I wish you many, many happiness,
A smooth road through life,
Success in all matters,
But not in dreams, but in reality,
I give you a star of happiness.

Let the sun shine in your soul
Nothing grieves and never,
Accept congratulations rhyme,
And happiness, love as a gift.

I wish to live not to be discouraged,
Remember loved ones more often.
And smile more, wider,
How cool it is to live in a huge world!

Let the universe give
All that you desire.
And the closest will congratulate you
Asks what gift to bring?

And a trillion sweet words,
Let the postman leave the package of happiness,
Let only the sun shine through the windows
Glass breaks with laughter

You've grown up today
He became smarter and more beautiful.
Well, a little older.
Forget about that!
This year has left a lot
Vivid memories
Both good and bad
However, it was hot
I want to wish you
Good luck in life, at work.
Always, everywhere to win everyone,
In love and friendship so that you are lucky!
Find love and hurry up
You are kind of a peasant!
Be faster and be brave, -
And then everything will be ok!

Happy birthday, congratulations!
Boy, you are already big.
I don’t know what to wish you ...
Always be yourself!

Everyone wishes you happiness
Long years and not to be ill,
We went around so bad weather.
You are handsome - keep it up!

I wish you a yacht, a summer residence,
A suitcase for some money in the bargain.
Suffer a little more
Buy an island soon.

I wish you to live beautifully:
Fishing, rest, sea of ​​beer!
On weekends to go to the bathhouse,
Live to the fullest!
And so that the wife is obedient,
Indifferent to mink coats,
To feed you deliciously
In bed to be skillful!
In general, a little more blessings,
What is in your male dreams!

Happy birthday, man! I wish you to always remain strong, lively, cheerful, confident, courageous and cool, like a lion among animals, like an eagle in the sky, like a cornflower in an open field, like a basil in a garden bed. Let every day be lucky, let happiness and luck bring down not retail, but wholesale!

Let it be in your hut
There is money and girly
And the faithful horse is waiting outside the window:
Iron, fashionable - wow, fire.

And let at your porch
Three loyal fighters are on duty:
Love, reliability and peace,
And happiness follows you.

In luck - eternal unlimited,
In bed - personal Aibolit,
In a career - growth to heaven,
Let there be progress in everything.

Well, a little more will,
A little sugar without salt
A little bit of serious personal affairs,
So that chaos does not happen.

Happy Birthday
And I wish you all the best:
A lot of joy and money
In reality, not in dreams!

In every business, undertaking,
Only success - to heaven,
Inspiration, prosperity,
And any other miracles!

Happy Birthday! Don't get drunk
And moderately "accept"!
In the bullpen, prison, hospital
Never hit.

To be clear and sober to the mind,
The heart is on fire.
Prostatitis, enuresis
You will never know.

So that the nerves are steel
So that he could achieve everything.
To dollars and euros
Didn't fit into the wallet.

In the Maldives and Hawaii
Drink sweet juice in a sun lounger.
I sincerely wish you:
Let everything come true in due time!

You were born and it doesn't matter
How many years ago.
On this day I wish
So that there is always a harmony in the family!

So that the wife meets at home
Elbow-length mini dress
And the kids are laughing
Made everyday life more fun.

So that friends with a keg of beer
We came in sometimes
And today, on my birthday,
And with a bottle of cognac!

You have a birthday today!
Let's drink while standing. Where is the mug?
For your love, luck,
House, wife, apartment, dacha,
So that the car does not break down
Mother-in-law often admired
Father-in-law loved and respected
Even a cat to adore.
Live to be 100 healthy
Cheerful, cheerful,
So that in one hundred years anniversary
I was able to dance without crutches.

Birthday man
Somehow it is customary to wish
Build a house, make a son
And plant trees.

This is all, of course, important:
And the heirs and the forest,
And the cottage is multi-storey ...
Better with a sauna ... Or without.

The main thing is that in this house,
Just step over the threshold
The heart was filled with light
There were no quarrels or squabbles.

To make children happy.
And it doesn't matter: daughter or son.
Be, dear, in the world
Everyone is happier than men!

To such a prominent man
I want to wish you victories
So that you are in all your glory and strength
He lived for decades.

I want to wish you success
I want to wish love
So that there are reasons for laughter
Finance so as not to let you down.

So that in this swamp of life
There was a reliable island.
And so that, as they say in the navy,
Catching a favorable breeze!

Happy Birthday!
Let them ride at full gallop
Happiness, miracle, inspiration
And luck at the click.

Let everything work out, grow together
The magic will happen
The sun shines daily
And only joy will bring!

Has your boyfriend finally revealed to you the secret of his birthday? Is the guy going to celebrate his first anniversary soon? Please him with cool congratulations - cheer up the hero of the occasion! Forget about sleepless nights spent thinking about what gift your man might like. You can simply congratulate your loved one on the holiday - buy him a comic surprise in a joke store and hand him a funny postcard with humorous poems. Choose the birthday boy here the most cheerful, good wishes and funny birthday greetings to the guy.

You are funny and crazy
Nimble, cool, groovy.
You are the only one so funny
Faithful and always with me.
I appreciate you, I cherish
And I believe in your victory
Happy birthday, congratulations
I wish only the best!
Miracles to light up
And relatives praised
Spent the weekend
Like King Emmanuel!
So that everything always works out,
The mood did not end
Strength was so in bulk -
It was never enough
Money, cars and fun
So that you meet with the model!
So that friends do not betray
Never offended.
Laugh, be happy and sing
Your birthday is yours!

Never look back -
Happiness lies ahead!
Don't speak out of place
Meditate and believe that you are on the way
Only the best awaits you -
Go ahead boldly!
Don't drink much on your birthday
Never skimp on guests
Accept your gifts
And listen to the words slowly!
I wish you only happiness
Male strength and wealth,
Bad weather bypasses
When your brotherhood is next to you.
You are still young boy
Full of strength and ardent energy.
I wish you to be yourself
And to be true to preferences.
Have patience, have the courage
Do not strain and do not be shy!

Merry and crazy all your days,
And next to you, relatives, keep the hearths of love!
I believe that on your birthday
Make your dream come true
Eat your fill of jam
And you will meet the girl
That your heart will conquer
And light up the days with happiness!
Many wonderful adventures for you,
Many interesting investigations.
So that there is only a lot of positive
And the retrospective was reflected!

We wish life more fun
So that Harley growls under you,
So that the girls want you
And the guys looked with envy!

We wish to be the first everywhere
Have pumped up nerves
So that muscles like Schwartz have,
So that all the problems in life swam away!

What are your beloved whims
Could execute by inserting "Visa",
So that the American Express check
I snuggled into your wallet!

Good luck, both large and small!
Be the best intellectual
Amaze everyone with your mind
Call yourself a sage in life!

We wish you many years
So that your lunch goes for two hours,
To grow up to the minister,
And there - close to the president!

On your birthday, we wish
Everything in which you yourself don’t taste:
To catch a blue bird
And don't forget about your friends!

Happiness, joy, friends!
And health and love,
Tear the list of your troubles.

Every day to be brighter
To make the world kinder:
Every moment, from time to time,
Shined brighter than a diamond.

Happy birthday
Positives and victories
You got older - congratulations!
You took a ticket to the new world.

And even if he is not in Hawaii -
Let everything follow:
Villas, money suitcases,
Your life will be like paradise.

I also wish you
Do not forget about love:
So that they can with you, my zaya,
And create and get up!

Supercar, so that the turbines hum,
Women always want
Wonderful inheritance so that from abroad,
The army so that it can only dream

Chief position, super salary,
Nerves to be - steel ropes,
Rest wherever you want: at sea, on land -
Choose yourself where it will be best for you.

What else would I wish the handsome man -
Get everything and be able not to be arrogant,
So that every day I live with pleasure.
Well, best guy, hurray, happy birthday!

I thought for a long time, suffered,
I chose a gift for you
A toy, maybe a keychain,
But a gentle greeting is better,
Happy birthday, congratulations
Kisses, hugs tight
I will say that I am proud of you
Great guy - and all mine!
Handsome, smart, strong,
Athletic and active,
Well, just a feast for the eyes,
I love - and happy birthday!

To a young man
I wish forever:
Happiness, joy, attention,
From the girls of understanding!

May success accompany
And eyes shine like fire
From big and sweet love,
Everything will be all right in life!

At work to be appreciated
They paid more money
And under the bitter cognac,
Accept congratulations!

We're not married yet
So honey beware!
Insert more cotton into your ears
And run - don't stumble!

If I grip you
Don't ask for mercy!
You will take as a wife, I know!
Wear me like a collar!

Until then, take it easy
The holiday has arrived at the doorstep.
Happy Birthday! Do not be afraid,
This is just congratulations!

Beloved, protector, friend, son and fool.
For everyone, you are completely different
But, invariably, you are the best
And, of course, you are dear to everyone.

I wish you never give up
Be strong and believe that everything is ahead.
And be not alone, no matter how it seems,
But love saves everyone, even men.

Loyal friends around, and just acquaintances,
That they will always help, that they will give a hand.
And what you love and happy moments.
And your hometown, where you are always expected.

So that pleasure is eternal,
So that the smile does not leave your face,
So that a simple phrase "Happy birthday"
Has brought happiness to your soul.

You've already bought everything - a gift for your boyfriend, your own outfit and new shoes. But you have not yet come up with gorgeous words to congratulate the guy on his holiday - happy birthday? Then you are on the right track, feel free to open and see this collection and a selection of congratulations, collected from SMS, prose and poems. Do it slowly, each congratulation is perfect for the given occasion. But choose exactly what you like! Your boyfriend has a birthday. We invite you to visit us, on congratulatory.ru, so that on the birthday of your beloved guy you do not rack your brains, but calmly choose what you like best. We have a large number of funny congratulations for interesting and cool wishes of health, success in business and happiness in love. Since most of all guys like to arrange jokes, pranks, various jokes, then most likely your birthday person will be very happy to receive congratulations in a humorous, comic or cool style. Guys are funny guys who will always appreciate a good joke and will not be offended by humor. Young guys celebrate their birthday especially brightly and cheerfully, with a noisy company and a cheerful feast, which are accompanied by jokes and witticisms. Your birthday wish for him will be remembered for a long time.

funny birthday greetings to the guy

I am glad that I met you in my life!
I am glad that today is your holiday!
Let's start all over again
And we will take only the best with us.
I want to wish you my dear
So that you have enough strength for everything
And every new day gave health
Also - so that he brings good luck.

I wish you to be a healthy bull,
A smart dolphin, a cool wolf,
I wish to be the king of beasts
And manage for the good of the days!
Beaver-sneak to be in business,
A beautiful love rabbit
Be an attaché or ambassador,
But never be a donkey!

The year has flown by again
Happy birthday, buddy.
Every year plus one
Take a little step to adulthood!
Be lucky, love
Never give up,
And, while young,
Enjoy life!

What am I to tell you today
My dear, my dear man -
Courageous, brave, noble,
Personalized success?
You are with me, and it inspires
And reality is sweeter than any dreams ...
Let everyone congratulate you today
And you will understand me without words!

Happy birthday friend!
Happy holiday, dear!
Look around
Today is your holiday!
Save your kindness
Always be healthy!
May the golden days
Will add up in years!

On your birthday I would like to find
I am the best word there is
To tell you my wishes
But is it really possible to convey in words
The whole depth of my love? - It is forbidden!
You just know that I love you
And what do I wish you on your holiday
To make earthly life seem like a paradise!

How strong you are, how real you are!
With you it is safe and warm to me,
And on a dark night and in a drizzling rain.
Let them envy: I'm lucky!
Congratulations to the clink of glasses
I wish you always stay that way
I also wish to be healthy
And also: to love me endlessly.

Happy Birthday
I am sending you congratulations.
Wishes of vivacity, strength, success,
A handful of cool ideas and happy laughter.

Take, collect
And put it at interest
And in time, wait
That you will take dividends.

And more birthday greetings