The most unusual holidays: description, history and interesting facts. The strangest holidays in the world

Each country, each nation has its own unusual, colorful and interesting celebrations of this or that event, often rooted in the distant past. The world is full of amazing celebrations, unusual rituals. Some of them are so strange that they seem to be from a different reality. We have chosen in our opinion the most unusual and crazy holidays in the world (or at least some of the most unusual). So...

Coopershield Cheese Race - an interesting and unusual celebration in Gloucester, England, UK

This massive sports event takes place on the last Monday in May near the city of Gloucester, in Gloucestershire, England. The essence of the entertainment is simple: a head of cheese weighing about four kilograms is allowed to roll down a very steep hill, and the participants must run after it. The first one to cross the finish line and grab the cheese is the winner who gets the prize, the very cheese to be chased after.

Race Winner

Holi is a bright holiday of colors and spring, India, Nepal

Holi is an old Hindu holiday also known as the Festival of Colors or Spring Festival. Traditionally, it is held after the full moon in early March in several Hindu countries such as India, Nepal. For several years this colorful original festival has been “exported” to other countries. Holi is now an unusual way to welcome spring in many cities.
Preparation for the holiday begins at full moon night. Bonfires are burning on the streets, which cleanse the air of evil spirits and bad vibrations. This symbolizes the destruction of Holiki, the evil deity after whom the festival is named. And in the morning the streets are filled with people and the fun begins. Everyone throws colored powders, doused themselves with water, sing and dance. Prohibitions are lifted and, most importantly, caste differences are erased.

La Tomatina - a modern unforgettable holiday in Buñol, Spain

La Tomatina is a holiday of unknown origin that is celebrated annually on the last Wednesday of August in the city of Buñol, Spain, and lasts for a week. The main feature of the festival is tomatoes as a “weapon”.
The celebration begins in the morning, when someone climbs a post covered with soap and takes the prize, a dry-cured pork leg hanging from the top. And then the funny madness begins. Approximately 150,000 tomatoes are distributed among 20,000 participants, who throw them at friends, enemies and just strangers who also participate in the battle. After a terrible battle, which lasts exactly one hour, happy "bloody" people disperse along the red streets.

Oktoberfest is a fun beer festival in Munich, Germany

Who hasn't heard of the famous Oktoberfest? Thousands of liters of German beer, the best Bavarian cuisine, traditional costumes, folk music, many attractions, beautiful women and drunken men. Not a holiday, but a dream for beer lovers.

Oktoberfest is held every year between mid-September and early October and is celebrated for about 16 days in Theresa's meadow in central Munich. For the first time, the festival was held in honor of the wedding of Crown Prince Ludwig (in the future King Ludwig I) and Princess Teresa of Saxony-Hildburghaus on October 12, 1810. Since then, over 6 million visitors from all over the world have taken part in this traditional German festival every year.
The festival begins with the opening of the first barrel of Oktoberfest beer by the Mayor, Mayor of the city, shouting “O’zapft is!” Which translates as “Open!”. And immediately, from that moment on, hundreds of waitresses dressed in traditional costumes are serving beer mugs among the visitors. The challenge is to eat and drink until you drop while saving face.

Burning Man is an unusual holiday in Nevada, USA
Burning Man, which literally translates to "burning man", is difficult to describe in words. This annual event takes place in Black Rock City, Nevada, USA. In reality, such a city does not exist, but it is specially rebuilt every year for this summer holiday. When Burning Man ends, the city disappears completely.
Bird's eye view of the city.

The holiday starts on the last Monday in August and lasts seven days. During the celebration, it is not allowed to buy or sell anything for money, so the participants are fully self-sufficient with water, food, lodging and so on in order to survive during these seven days filled with art, music and fire. Installations, sculptures and works of art of all kinds of art, often of fantastic sizes, stand in the desert for almost a whole week. Participants wear a variety of costumes of animals, objects, characters of art. DJs constantly play music, and artists give unforgettable performances.

This event has a specific purpose: to condemn the modern way of life, which is limited by social norms, rules of behavior, the implementation of which requires society. Therefore, it is not difficult to find people at the holiday who dress as they please, including those who do not wear clothes at all.

The desert even has entertainment for all tastes.
Yoga? Please!


Bowling in the desert? Why not.

San Fermin is the most dangerous and crazy holiday in Pamplona, ​​Spain

The San Fermin Festival is one of the most famous in Europe and the world, and certainly one of the craziest. It takes place annually from 6 to 14 July in the city of Pamplona and is dedicated to the Holy Martyr Saint Fermin. In the holiday, traditions and customs are closely intertwined with music and alcohol.

The holiday has its roots in the Middle Ages, but the writer Ernest Hemingway popularized San Fermin, immortalizing it in the novel The Sun Also Rises (Fiesta). That is why in July there are a huge number of travelers from all over the world in Pamplona.
"What is the madness?" - you ask. During the festival, there is a Spanish national custom, when from July 7 to July 16, daily at 8 o'clock in the morning, an encierro with wild bulls begins.
The essence of the ensierro: 12 angry bulls are released from the corral, from which the participants must run along the narrow streets to the square. The distance of the race is 875 meters. It is strictly forbidden to participate in a state of alcoholic intoxication. And without this, there is a possibility of being hurt by the bull's horns or falling to the ground in front of him. By the way, in the second option, the chances of survival are much greater. Moreover, if you clasp your head with your hands, group up and not move. When running bulls see an obstacle in front of them, they try to jump over it. Lying on the ground can only hope that they will succeed, because they weigh about 600 kilograms each!

Monkey Feast, India.

Yes, every year residents of one of the provinces pile up a huge amount of all sorts of goodies on the table. This is done in honor of the god Rama and his monkey army - after all, it was they who helped the god to cope with many enemies. The table, in itself rather big, is covered with fruits, vegetables and other tasty things. Then 600 monkeys are "invited" to this feast. Can you imagine how many animals flock here?

World Cup on Faces.

The festival was invented by the British, and it is held in the city of Egremont. Some data suggest that the competition originated back in 1297, at the crab fair held here. The holiday has survived to this day, becoming international and annual, taking place in September. The legendary champion is a certain Peter Jackson, who for the sake of possessing the title of "the worst face" .... pulled out all his teeth - this gave him the opportunity to build new terrifying grimaces.

Feast of the Nudes.

In Japan, it is customary to celebrate this day since 767. For this, about 3,000 men dressed only in loincloths gather at the Saidaji temple. The purpose of this holiday is to attract good luck to oneself, since the beliefs say that all misfortunes can be given by touching a naked person. That is why naked people, after cleansing in the temple, march through the streets of the city, where anyone can touch them. Usually there are a lot of such people looking for luck. Only now the day is held in February, so it takes a lot of courage to go out naked into the street, it is not surprising that the participants drink a lot of sake.

Olympics among gentlemen.

It is, of course, held in England.

Every year, representatives of the Chap and Hendrick's communities hold an annual open-air gentlemen's Olympiad in one of London's clubs. The purpose of the festival is to preserve the traditions of English gentlemen.

People come to this competition from all over the UK. It is very interesting to look at the participants of the Olympiad. These are those who consider themselves to be true gentlemen. Dodgy, outdated, unsportsmanlike ... It seems that these people have left the pages of Arthur Conan Doyle or Bernard Shaw. Thousands of spectators come to watch these unusual competitions. And no wonder. Those competitions that are held here could only be thought of by true gentlemen.

Summer Redneck Games Festival.

Held annually in Georgia, USA. The apotheosis of the holidays is the slumping competition in liquid clay. Fans greet each next loud immersion of the participant in the liquid with loud cheers, without being afraid of dirty rain

March of the Zombie

A merry "celebration" takes place in downtown Boston, Canada. On the streets of the city, you can see many zombies dressed in various costumes, with terrifying masks.

Aphelio Festival in Scotland

In the city of Lerwick, a 9-meter model of a Viking ship with a traditional dragon on the bow is being built for the celebration. The townspeople dress up as Vikings, make a torchlight procession through the city, blowing the horns, while carrying the ship to the sea. In the squad, there are usually 40 Vikings, but they are accompanied by about 900 participants, respectively, and picturesquely dressed. This is followed by the ceremony of throwing 900 torches into the ship in a designated place, which set fire to a wooden boat, following the ancient rite of burial of fallen soldiers

The Viking Fire Festival was held in Lerwick. About a thousand people in Viking costumes paid tribute to their warlike ancestors. According to tradition, those gathered burned the boat - thus they made a sacrifice to the sun.

WuzzUp invites you to familiarize yourself with this selection of 10 of the most unusual holidays and festivals in the world.

1. Monkey banquet

Monkey Buffet in Lopburi province. Each year, about 600 monkeys are invited to dine with a variety of fruits and vegetables. The monkey feast is held in honor of the god Rama, who, according to legend, together with an army of monkeys, defeated many of his opponents.

2. Festival of Colors in New Delhi

The Festival of Colors in New Delhi is an Indian folk festival in honor of the arrival of spring, a celebration of the expulsion of evil and the rebirth of life. It is celebrated for 2 days on a full moon. According to legend, the evil demon Holika died on this day. On this day, each city has its own celebrations, fires are lit everywhere, symbolizing the end of winter and the death of evil spirits. Holika is burned on the fire, the fruits of the seasonal harvest are thrown - grains, coconuts, etc. The next morning people go out into the street, and the fun begins - everyone pours red, green, yellow, blue and black tinted water on each other and throws colored powders.

3. Tomatina

Tomatina (Tomatina) in the village of Buñol - the famous "tomato massacre". This is one of the most popular and attended holidays in Spain. About 36 thousand people visit it annually. Special trucks bring "weapons" to the battle site - about 100 tons of ripe tomatoes. The rules here are quite simple - you can throw tomatoes at anyone, the main thing is to knead the tomatoes well to avoid injury. Also, you can not tear clothes on rivals and throw something other than tomatoes, despite all the excitement that undoubtedly covers rivals. After the end of the battle, the area is washed with hoses, the participants wash in specially set showers or simply go to swim in the river.

4. Feast of the nudes

Festival of the Naked (Naked Mens' Festival) in Japan - Hadaka Matsuri or "festival of the nude", which has been celebrated since 767. The Saidaji Temple gathers 3,000 men, aged 23 to 43, who are dressed only in loincloths. The purpose of this holiday is to attract good luck, since it is believed that a naked person takes away all misfortunes if you touch him. After visiting the Temple, where the cleansing takes place, the participants of the holiday arrange a procession through the streets of the city, where hundreds of people in search of good luck try to touch them. On this day, since it is cool February outside, and you have to have the courage to go out half-naked, the Japanese drink a lot of sake.

5. The Chap & Hendrick's Olympics in England

The Chap & Hendrick's Olympics in England. Representatives of the Chap and Hendrick’s communities host an annual open air gentlemen's Olympiad in London's Bedford Square, which aims to uphold and preserve the tradition of English gentlemen.

6. The Summer Redneck Games in Georgia

The annual festival of The Summer Redneck Games in Georgia, USA, the apotheosis of which is the Mud Pit Belly Flop competition to the cheering screams of fans. The spectators are especially delighted with the clay rain pouring down on everyone after a particularly loud immersion of the competitors in the red sticky mass.

7. March of the Zombies

Zombie March in Boston. On this day, the center of the city is flooded with creatures, allegedly going in search of their victims. Some zombies wear bloody wedding suits and rubber masks, others depict the living dead, moving like Michael Jackson in the 1983 video for Thriller.

8. Tapati

An ancient ancestor worship festival called Tapati Festival is celebrated by the people of Easter Island in Chile. The islanders dress each other up in special clothes and dance. Both men and women compete in running with bunches of bananas. A specially elected queen is in charge of the festivities: she must be not only beautiful, but also hardworking. A strict jury of elders counts how many fish were caught and weaved by each applicant.

9. Aphelio

Scottish holiday of Up-Helly-Aa. The residents of the city (Lerwick), where the celebration is taking place, make a 30-foot model of a Viking ship (with a dragon on the nose), dress up as Vikings, light torches, walk the streets, blowing traditional war horns, and carry the ship across the city to the sea. More than 900 picturesquely dressed participants follow a squad of 40 Vikings and their giant ship to the place where the fire will be lit. In the evening, a torchlight procession burns a wooden Viking boat according to the ancient rite of burying dead warriors. On the coast, the ship is burned - 900 burning torches are thrown onto the "ancient" ship.

10. Ivan Kupala

Ivan Kupala is a folk holiday celebrated in the Slavic countries (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus) on the day of the summer solstice. The holiday is celebrated on the shortest night of the year - with bonfires, jumping over them - for luck, songs, traditional games, walking with a birch, fortune telling. This holiday is the cult of light, sun, all living things, at this time "the dew is healing, the herb is healing, the water is cleansing." According to legends, on the night of Kupala one cannot sleep, since this night was considered a time of revelry of the dark forces of nature, from which various amulets were made.

For those who are not accustomed to the culture of other nations, other people's holidays will seem at least surprising, and at most strange. The traditions of other countries are exotic only for us, but for the local population they are familiar and deeply their own.

What is this article about?

Today we will talk about the unusual traditions of different countries. There are such interesting holidays in the world that not everyone can understand their meaning. But we will still try to do it.

In the article we have collected interesting holidays in different countries of the world and below we will try to briefly talk about each of them. Of course, this information does not claim to be complete. The list below is far from exhaustive. And it is impossible to cite such within the framework of one article. But we will try to list at least the most famous ones.

Most of them exist in the form of folk festivals, some - as any kind of competition. At the same time, great importance is not attached to victories, the main thing is fun and originality. The most important thing for the participants is to have a great time.

In the United States, one of them arose and quickly spread throughout the world (glory to the Internet!), Called the International Pirate Day. Once a year, namely on September 19, on the streets of any cities on Earth, you can meet characters in bandanas and with black armbands, hear gibberish about "piastres" and "a thousand devils".

The prim British, destroying the stereotype, invented the world mug championship. This disgrace is being settled in a city called Egremont (according to unverified data, since 1297). Its time is also September. Amateurs from all over the world come to make scary faces. The title of absolute champion - a certain Peter Jackson, for the sake of victory disfigured himself - pulled out his teeth completely.

What other holidays will we consider? Here's a short list:

  • Monkey banquet.
  • Festival of colors.
  • Feast of the Nudes.
  • Tapati.
  • Aphelio.
  • Championship of gentlemen.
  • Battle of the tomatoes.
  • Summer Redneck Games and others.

And what about the East?

In Thailand (Lopburi province), a banquet called the monkey is held annually. Six hundred "invitees" are feasting on vegetables and fruits in honor of the god Rama. According to legend, it was the monkey who helped him to achieve victory over the enemy.

And in India (New Delhi) it is held in honor of the arrival of spring, called the festival of colors. It symbolizes the expulsion of evil and the rebirth of life. At the end of winter, on the new moon (according to legend, this is the day of death of the evil demon Holiki), bonfires are burned in every city - a symbol of the end of winter and the departure of evil spirits. The effigy of Holiki is burned in the fire, and fruits and grains are thrown there.

In the morning (they celebrate for two whole days), it is customary to have fun, pouring colored water on each other and throwing paints in powders.

And in Japan?

Japan is not far behind. The day, called the holiday of the naked, has been celebrated since 767. Men (23-43 years old and about 3,000 in number) come to the temple, wearing only loincloths. According to legend, you can get rid of misfortunes and troubles by touching a naked person.

Having accepted the cleansing within the walls of the temple, the naked parade through the city and allow anyone to touch them. There are always many of them. But in February it is quite cold in Japan, so the participants have to warm up their sake. The original name of the holiday is Hadaka Matsuri.

In Japan, it is believed that cold is a means of hardening the body and purifying the soul. Therefore, the culmination of the action is fights and dousing with ice water.

... and on Easter Island

They also know how to have fun on the Chilean Easter Island. Tapati is the name of the ancestor worship festival. The inhabitants of the island dance in special costumes and compete in running with banana bunches - both men and women.

An obligatory procedure is the solemn choice of the queen. The indispensable qualities for an applicant for the title are beauty and hard work. It is required to prove to a strict jury that there are a lot of fish caught and a lot of weaving.

Back to Europe

England boasts a Gentlemen's Olympics. It is held annually in the open air by representatives of London clubs. The purpose of the event is to remind people of gentleness.

Interesting facts about the holidays of the world can be gleaned by studying history. In Scotland (the city of Lerwick), a holiday called Aphelio is celebrated. In another way, it is called the Great Fire Festival and is considered one of the most unique.

To carry it out, a model of a Viking ship with a height of 9 meters is being erected. On his nose is a traditional dragon. The task of the "Vikings" squad is to carry the ship to the sea. The procession is accompanied by torches and horns and has almost a thousand participants. In a certain place, a wooden boat is set on fire - this is part of an ancient rite of farewell to the fallen soldiers.

The holiday is dedicated to the Vikings who landed near the Scottish coast in the 9th century and left their mark on history. It is celebrated in January, on the last Tuesday.

You will be showered with tomatoes

Tomatina (battle of tomatoes) is the name of the Spanish festival in honor of the end of summer (at the end of August), which takes place in the small town of Buñol in the east of the country. The festivities include dancing, fireworks, loud music and free treats. Everything ends with a tomato battle.

Trucks with a huge number of tomatoes arrive at the city square, which are customary to throw at each other. It is prohibited to throw other objects. Tomato rivers flow along the streets, doors and windows of houses are closed with plastic, townspeople bathe in a pool filled with tomato juice.

What about America?

The annual Summer Redneck Games festival boasts the highlight of the program - the competition to fall into liquid clay. The fans are not embarrassed by the dirty rain irrigation, the next sonorous immersion of the participant in a puddle is greeted with deafening screams.

In the center of Boston, Canada, "zombies" appear once a year - one day is dedicated to their march every year. "Dead" in rubber masks and "bloody" costumes wander in search of "victims". It seems that the spectacle is not for the faint of heart ...

In our opinion, the Havana (Cuba) cigar festival, which has international status, looks much more positive. Producers and exporters from 47 countries come here. The program consists of concerts, exhibitions, presentations, visits to tobacco plantations. All events are about Cuban cigars.

In - the world jazz capital - in May-April, the world-famous Jazz Fest is traditionally held - one of the most grandiose jazz festivals. Performers perform in indoor and outdoor venues and just on the streets. At the same time, dishes of the famous New Orleans cuisine are sold everywhere - oysters, lobsters, fried eggplants.

What other interesting holidays are there in the world? The list is endless. We decided to go through separate topics.

Thematic holidays

Iceland boasts (March 1st). The duty of the participants on this day is to drink as much as they can. On this day in 1989, the "dry law", which had been in effect for 75 years, was canceled. Beer Day is celebrated in bars and restaurants across the country, with most of the active participants being students. Zucchini and pubs are open until the morning, and the number of participants does not diminish, despite the impressive prices.

If you want to sample some quality English whiskey, head to the eponymous festival in Scotland. This drink is the national pride of the Scots, and a whole series of themed festivals is held in the country every spring.

Once a year, the most prestigious producers of this drink open the doors of their factories to ordinary visitors, for whom the entrance is closed at other times. Crowds of people flock to the whiskey tasting.

The festival program includes meetings with collectors, exchange of experience, excursions and sports competitions. Participants can practice hammer throwing, log throwing, and fashion shows in kilts - Scottish skirts.

Flowers - where can we go without them?

Aside from the alcohol theme, other equally interesting holidays in the world are dedicated to flowers. So, in Holland in September you can watch a spectacular spectacle - a solemn procession along the city streets of flower platforms. What is there just not! Flower compositions imitate animals and fairy-tale characters, the procession stretches for a couple of kilometers. This event is known all over the world as one of the most beautiful and unforgettable flower shows.

Flowers are loved not only in Europe. In the north of Thailand, a beautiful and very impressive flower festival is held annually in February. The holiday lasts for three whole days.

The city is filled with millions of exotic flowers. Beauties sew national costumes to participate in the competition for the title of flower queen. From morning to evening, events are in full swing - fairs, exhibitions, festive processions.

It is impossible not to mention the Tulip Festival held annually in early May in Ottawa. The Canadian capital is drowning in a sea of ​​colorful tulips, traditionally sent from Holland as a token of gratitude for their help in the fight against the fascist regime. Tulips, therefore, serve as an international symbol of friendship and a sign of spring.

Japan is not far behind. A spring event is dedicated to admiring cherry blossoms - an unofficial holiday that is not on the calendar. But, despite this, a huge number of people gather in parks, squares and temples of Japan to catch a short period of its flowering. It is customary to admire sakura in the evenings and during the day. The trees are beautifully illuminated, and walks along the alleys are perceived romantically, despite the crowds.

Lights and lanterns

Since we touched on the topic of lighting, let's remember the most interesting holidays in the world dedicated to light. The Berlin Festival of Light leaves a lot of impressions. Every year in October, the city shines with light installations for a couple of weeks. You seem to find yourself in a fairy tale - the facades of houses and monuments are decorated with a myriad of bulbs and flashlights, everywhere there are fireworks, flashlights and laser shows.

In Spain there is also the most beautiful fireworks display, which takes place in March. This is where the pyrotechnics unfold with might and main! You probably won't see such special effects anywhere else.

In Florence (Italy) it is celebrated - every year in September, since the 17th century. It is customary to associate it with the birthday of the Virgin Mary, highly revered by Italians.

Historically, it is customary to arrange fairs and processions on this day from paper lanterns with candles inserted in them.

...and other

But, for example, in the mythology of China, one of the central places is assigned to dragons. And in honor of these creatures in the city of Weifang, an event called the International Kite Festival is organized every April. At the same time, a lively trade is organized in the city and many food fairs are organized.

In general, there is always a reason for fun - there would be a desire. If you dig around, you will find interesting holidays in the world in December, January and any other month of the year.

Eat and drink

Are you hungry yet by reading the article? Probably, everyone wants to know about interesting holidays in the world dedicated to food. Well, one of them is the Swiss Gourmet Festival (the city of St. Moritz). It takes five whole days at a famous ski resort. The restaurants of the town are known no less than its ski slopes.

Gourmet cuisine is demonstrated to guests at the famous "Top of the World" 1800 meters above sea level. World-class chefs come to their professional holiday, and miracles begin to happen in the kitchen - you can't say otherwise.

The best hotels in the city offer uninterrupted culinary revues, tastings and gala dinners. Guests are encouraged to be present while preparing the delicacies and taste the results here. The peak of the program is lunch for 300 people.

Fast forward to Germany

Who has not heard of the famous Oktoberfest - the largest in the world Its location is the Bavarian capital - Munich. The festival opens in September for a full 16 days.

Traditionally, at the opening ceremony, the mayor of the city uncorks a barrel of beer. This is the beginning of the "beer marathon". All 16 days people are destroying beer and enjoying the show program. What is there just not! From costume parades to shooters' processions, from concerts to horse races. Next to the pubs, dancers in traditional Bavarian leather pants tap dance.

During these days, about 7,000,000 liters of beer are drunk and about 84 bulls and a million and a half sausages and fried chicken are eaten. There are 363 additional souvenir shops in operation. The number of tourists coming from all over the world exceeds seven million. The holiday is broadcast live, and it is one of those included in the Guinness Book of Records for its scope.

Then - to France

And what are the interesting holidays of the world in November? After waiting for this month, you can go to France for the festival of young wine. It starts at the initiative of winemakers from the town of Bozho. With torches from grapevine, they march to the town square, where young wine in barrels is already waiting.

Midnight is the time when the plugs go out and Beaujolais Nouveau can be enjoyed. In millions of bottles, young wine travels to shops, cafes and restaurants in all cities and countries. Manufacturers are competing who will deliver the goods faster.

Not by bread alone ...

What about spiritual food? Here are some interesting world holidays dedicated to spectacles.

In the world of cinema, of course, the championship for the Cannes Film Festival (France). This is the most prestigious and highly publicized event. For 10 days, Cannes gathers both stars and professionals of the world of cinema, as well as fans of the big screen from all countries.

Interesting in June is replenished with such a cultural event as the holding of the Munich Opera Festival (Germany). This is a unique cultural phenomenon on a global scale. It lasts for about a month, starting in June. The main action site is the National Theater of Bavaria.

Over 80,000 tickets are on sale for the event. In front of the theater on the square, an additional large screen is mounted for free showing to spectators, of whom another 14,000 are recruited.

The repertoire of the festival includes the best performances - both new and previous seasons, festival premieres of any opera genre. World-class performers are performing.

Other activities

We should also mention the Venice (i.e., held in Italy) International Film Festival - one of the oldest events of this level. And also about the "Berlinale" - a similar event in Berlin, held in February and attracting the attention of all of Europe. It is a stronghold of the author's and highly intellectual cinema, the jury includes many writers, directors, actors and famous cultural figures. It is attended by at least 200,000 people.

And, of course, the presentation of the Oscar himself - in the USA. Perhaps the most significant award in the world of cinema, and the celebration hosted by the American Film Academy at the Kodak Theater in Los Angeles is a global event.

Summing up

As we can see, the most interesting holidays in the world are for every taste - from folk festivals with rude customs to world-class cultural events. What other events did we not mention in our review?

Probably, giving information about the most interesting holidays in the world and their brief description, it is simply criminal to ignore the famous carnivals in Rio de Janeiro and Venice. What can I say here? Any carnival is a frenzied cocktail of costumes, flowers, music and dances. The Rio Carnival is actually a parade of samba schools organized by the city's Ministry of Tourism.

Each of the schools designs its own mobile platform, thinks over costumes and performances. The winner is awarded a solid cash prize, and the prestige of the school immediately skyrockets.

And what about Russia?

Speaking about interesting holidays in the countries of the world, we have never mentioned our country.

Perhaps every graduate of the school has heard about the White Nights holiday (its other name is Scarlet Sails). The action takes place in St. Petersburg at the end of June.

At night in summer in St. Petersburg it is as bright as day. The White Nights Festival is a romantic time for graduation. As a culmination, a ship with scarlet sails appears in the water area of ​​the Neva, and fantastic fireworks bloom in the sky.

As you can see, there are interesting holidays in the world for every day. Whatever date you take - somewhere in the world, people are sure to have fun and celebrate something. And life only benefits from this!

People all over the world know Easter, Christmas, New Year. But, there are other holidays that are, to put it mildly, a little unusual.

Each nation has its own colorful, interesting and unusual holidays. They were invented in different countries of the world in order to diversify people's lives, fill it with bright colors. Such holidays allow not forgetting about national traditions.

Below is a brief overview of the most unusual holidays that are also widely celebrated, although not all over the world.

Unusual Holidays

1. Night of the Radish (Mexico)
The holiday is held annually on December 23 in the city of Oaxaca. The city is famous for its woodcarving craftsmen. In 1889, farmers decided to try carving radish figurines to attract buyers. And it worked. The festival lasts for several hours, but attracts a large number of spectators and participants. Craftsmen carve all kinds of figures of people, animals, buildings from radishes.

The main theme of the festival is Christmas stories. Some sculptures weigh up to 3 kilograms and reach a length of 50 cm. The program of the holiday includes several contests, during which the thickest, thinnest, longest and roundest radishes are chosen. The holiday is accompanied by cheerful music, dancing and the sale of delicious sweets.

2. Day of Hangul (proclamation of the Korean alphabet)

October 9 is the day of the proclamation of the Korean alphabet in South Korea. It is worth clarifying that this day marks the creation and proclamation by King Sejong the Great of the original alphabet of the Korean language (Hangul). In 1446, the ninth lunar month, the king unveiled a document introducing the new alphabet.

Until the 20th century, this language was used to a limited extent. But in the second half of the last century, Hangul became the main writing system in Korea. In 1991, the holiday lost its status as a public holiday, but remained national.

3. Day of the lame duck (USA)

On February 6, Americans celebrate Lame Duck Day. "Lame duck" is an informal nickname for presidents and politicians who lost the next elections but are forced to remain in office until the end of their term. In American political jargon, the phrase appeared in the middle of the 19th century.

Also, lame ducks are sometimes called teachers in educational institutions or executives and managers of companies who are about to quit their jobs, but are still working their last days at their jobs.

4. Cheng Chau Bung Festival (Gogkkong)

The Bun Festival is held on the 8th day of the 4th lunar month of the Chinese calendar. This is one of the brightest traditional holidays in China. The holiday began to be celebrated about a century ago, when a plague epidemic hit the island. To appease the spirits, the local population set up an altar with offerings in front of the god Pak Tai and the plague retreated. Since then and to this day, the inhabitants of the island have been organizing parades and festivities.

The celebration begins when three 18-meter towers are built in front of the temple, which are completely covered with buns and pastries. People should collect as many buns as possible, the more baked goods a person collects from the towers, the more successful the next year will be.

5. Day of Lammas

Lammas Day, celebrated in the English-speaking countries of the northern hemisphere on August 1, has many names, but the most common is Lugnasad, which translates as "Lug's gathering" or "Lug's wedding". Meadow is one of the gods of the Celtic pantheon, the patron saint of agriculture and crafts.

The most important dish on Lammas is bread in all its variations, which the residents bring to the local church. Fruits and nuts are also placed on the festive table. On this day, several rituals are performed, and after that, residents prefer to continue the celebration in nature, if the weather permits.

6. Beer Day (Iceland)

If you are a beer lover, then you must attend the March 1st Beer Festival in Iceland. On that day, the adoption of the law on strong beer, which has been in force since 1989, is celebrated. This act abolished the dry law, which had been in force for 75 years.

The most important thing on this day is to drink as much beer as you like. On this day, most offices, institutions and banks work less, but this does not apply to drinking establishments.

7.Setsabun, Bean Throwing Day (Japan)

Setsebun or Bean Spreading Day is celebrated on the first day of spring, according to the Japanese calendar it falls on February 3-4. On this day, people scatter beans (the rite of mama-maki) in houses, on the streets and in temples to drive away evil spirits and invite happiness into the house.

According to an ancient legend, once an epidemic claimed many lives and evil spirits were to blame for this. It was possible to drive them away only with the help of toasted beans. Hence, the rite of mama-maki was born to drive out evil spirits and preserve well-being.

Holidays of the peoples of the world

8. Nenan Ice Lottery (Alaska)

The lottery takes place in the village of Nenana. This tradition dates back to 1917. Winter was particularly long that year, and a group of railway engineers began betting on when the ice on the Tanana River would begin to crack. The next year they were supported by several more people and it became a tradition.

The lottery participants must guess the day and the exact time of breaking the ice on the river. A large tripod is set up on the ice, tied to a special clock on the shore. When the ice begins to melt and crack, the tripod falls into the water, thereby stopping the clockwork. The winner is announced. The biggest win was $ 303,895.

9. Day of Nyepi (day of silence)

Nyepi or the Day of Silence in Bali is an analogue of the new year, but is celebrated every spring on the night of the new moon. Thus, the date of the celebration changes every year. Nyepi is one of the most important festivals in the culture of the island, preceded by several ritual ceremonies, during which almost all the islanders participate. After the ceremonies. the next day at 6 am the whole island is plunged into peace and quiet. The point is to make the demons believe the island is empty.

Nothing works on the island except an ambulance. On this day, the police patrol the city to make sure that all citizens greet the new year without lights, television, radio and noisy feasts, while thinking about what awaits them next year and what goals they set for themselves. Guests of the island must obey the rules of Nyepi. The next day, a fun carnival begins.

10. Tomatina

In the last week of August, the city of Buñol in eastern Spain hosts an annual tomato festival celebrating the outgoing summer. This Spanish celebration features fireworks, music, dancing and free treats. A distinctive feature of the holiday that attracts crowds of tourists is the Tomatina tomato battle (La Tomatina).

The history of the holiday dates back to 1945, when a group of friends staged a tomato duel on the square. Despite the authorities' attempts to ban the holiday, the festival is becoming more and more popular. And although the battle itself lasts about 1.5 hours, the consumption of tomatoes reaches 100 tons.

11. Festival of Colors (Holi)

One of the most famous holidays in India is the Holi Festival of Colors. It marks the arrival of spring in Hinduism, and falls in late February - early March. The festival is dedicated to Holika, the legendary sister of the mythical king Hiranyakashipu, who, on the orders of her brother, refused to kill the little prince Prahlada, who believed in Vishnu, and died in the fire, saving the child.

On the first day of the festival, in the late afternoon, bonfires are made in honor of Holiki, symbolizing her burning. The second day (Dhalundi) of the festival is dedicated to paints: the participants of the festival shower each other and everyone they meet with coloring powders and water. This tradition originates from the legends about the love of Krishna and Radha, whose face the young god painted with powder as a child. Holi is celebrated on a special scale in the Indian villages around Mathura, the homeland of Krishna.

12. Coopershield cheese race

Held on the last Monday of May in Gloucester, England. Competitors climb the hill and, after the signal, rush in pursuit of the rolling head of cheese. Whoever crosses the finish line first and grabs the cheese gets it as a prize. Despite the very high level of injuries, the holiday attracts a huge number of people who want to take part and tourists.

The origin of the holiday is unknown, but the tradition of holding it is about 200 years old and every year it becomes more and more popular.

13. Monkey banquet

The Monkey Banquet is one of the most unusual festivals in Thailand. Once a year since 1989, Thais have hosted a feast for the 600 invited primates, although there are many more. On a huge 7-meter table, covered with a red tablecloth, you can find everything that a monkey's heart desires: all kinds of tropical fruits, vegetables and rice, only 2 tons. You can even find soda and sweets there. Thus, the inhabitants of the city of Lopburi thank the macaques for victories in past wars. According to legend, the god Rama gave these lands to his best friend - the monkey king Hanuman. It was the monkeys who helped the king rescue Rama's wife Sita and defeat the enemies.

The holiday begins on the last Sunday in November at the ruins of an ancient temple. The governor delivers a celebratory speech to the primates. There are a great many of them. Real invitations tied to cashew nuts are then handed out. A few brave males appear first, then all the other members of the pack. Crowds of tourists and locals are trying to film this feast on camera. Well-fed and cheerful monkeys even allow themselves to be stroked.

Hundreds of holidays are celebrated in the world every year, preserving ancient traditions and distinguished by their originality. The times with bloody sacrifices have sunk into oblivion. They were replaced by harmless offerings to gods and idols in the form of fruits, dances and songs. Many of them will seem strange, but they are all worth visiting and forming your own opinion.

We are always looking forward to some holidays, because it can be fun to celebrate, you can not go to work or study (not all of them, of course), etc. We have long been accustomed to the usual holidays - March 8, February 23, Victory Day, etc. But there are so many different holidays in the world that an ordinary person in our country will seem strange, funny and unusual. So, the most unusual holidays in the world.

1. Hadaka Matsuri. On every third Saturday of February, it is customary to hold this holiday, or rather even the Festival. Thousands of naked men go out into the cold. They are dressed only in loincloths and sandals. According to custom, this is the ritual of ritual cleansing. It is believed that on this day, if a man throws off his clothes, then he automatically throws off all the failures and attracts good luck.

2. March of the zombies.
This holiday is celebrated annually in Canada (Boston). It looks like something, but here thousands of people dress up as zombies and walk down the street depicting dead walking brain-eaters. It is noteworthy that many of them try to copy the gait of the goiter from Michael Jackson's clip - Thriller (1983).

3. World Championship for Faces. The festival takes place annually in the city of Egremont, in. Its essence lies in the one who makes a more terrible and ridiculous face. One person made huge sacrifices to win this championship for several years in a row. He simply pulled out all his teeth. This gave him a huge advantage in making faces.

4. Burning man. The holiday was invented in and annually celebrated in the Nevada desert. The holiday takes place a week before the first Monday in September and lasts a whole week. The meaning of the holiday is not clear, but the essence is that thousands of people build a whole city in the desert for a week, and then simply destroy it with their own hands. Then the straw scarecrow is squeezed. It is not clear why, but everyone has their own traditions.

5. Monkey banquet. This strange and unusual holiday is celebrated annually in Thailand. Its essence lies in the fact that a huge table with various vegetables and fruits is laid, after which about 600 monkeys are allowed to this table, which "sweep away" all these dishes. The feast is held in honor of the god Rama, who, according to the legend, won numerous victories along with an army of monkeys.

6. Tomato massacre.

6. Tomato massacre. This holiday is held at. Trucks full of tomatoes come to town. About 100 tons of tomatoes are consumed on this holiday. Well, the rules are that anyone can take these tomatoes and just throw them at other people. It's funny and fun. But it is forbidden to use anything other than tomatoes, and it is also forbidden to use hands and tear other people's clothes. After the holiday, the streets are cleaned with the help of numerous hoses, and people go to wash themselves or to the river. or in showers specially equipped for the holiday.

7. Festival of Colors (Holi). This holiday is celebrated every new moon in India (New Delhi) and is dedicated to the coming of spring and the expulsion of evil. During the celebration, people shower each other with various paints, colored powders, or simply tinted water.

8. The Orange Massacre. This festival is similar to the Spanish tomato massacre, but it is held in and instead of tomatoes, oranges are used as weapons. People are divided into 9 teams and throw these citrus fruits at each other. If someone does not want to play, but just wants to watch, then he must put on a red cap, then no one will touch him. The holiday is funny, but you need to take into account that getting in the face with an orange is much more painful than a tomato.

9. This celebration takes place on the last Monday of May in the small English town of Coopers Hill. A huge head is launched from the mountain, which rolls down. Then a lot of people rush after him. Whoever catches up first and catches the cheese wins. This holiday does not do without injuries, so an ambulance is always on duty downstairs.

10. Feast of the bird-people. This holiday is held annually in the UK. Many people want to feel like birds, so they participate in this holiday. The bottom line is that people put on homemade wings, stand on a special platform above the sea, and then jump off it and flap their wings like mad. Whoever flies the longest distance until he reaches the sea, he won.