Scenario of a dhow environmental education holiday. Educational-methodical material on the topic: Ecological holidays and leisure

A holiday in a kindergarten is an important part of a child's life, it is the joy of communication, the joy of creativity and the joy of self-expression, the joy of liberation and mutual enrichment, which contributes to solving many problems of environmental education.



"Ecological Holidays and Leisure"

A holiday in a kindergarten is an important part of a child's life, it is the joy of communication, the joy of creativity and the joy of self-expression, the joy of liberation and mutual enrichment, which contributes to solving many problems of environmental education.

The pedagogical significance of holidays and leisure

The pedagogical meaning of the holidays and leisure is to evoke in children a positive emotional response to their natural content. Emotions give rise to an attitude, affect the personality of the child as a whole, therefore, holidays and leisure activities should be carried out regularly, completing the season or any meaningful block with them. The scenarios for these events use the material thatchildren are familiar.

Organization of holidays, entertainment, children's creative affairs helps to increase the effectiveness of the educational process, creates comfortable conditions for the formation of a good attitude towards nature.

The word "holiday" alone makes every child's heart beat faster. The greatest hopes and expectations of children are associated with the holiday.

Therefore, a well-planned holiday prepared according to a special scenario will bring joy not only to children, but also to adults. After all, there is nothing more desirable than to see a happy smile on the face of a child, to know that it was you who helped him feel like a master of a merry celebration, a leader among friends, and gave him additional moments of happiness.

Children's holiday is one of the most effective forms of pedagogical influence on the younger generation. Mass character, emotional uplifting, colorfulness, combination of folklore with modern eventfulness, inherent in a festive situation, contribute to a more complete understanding of the moral attitude of children towards nature.

The pedagogical goal of the children's holiday is determined in accordance with the general goal of shaping the personality of the child and is achieved under the condition of a clear focus on the psychology and life attitudes of preschool children.Attitude towards nature, towards a favorable environment, towards health is also formed during holidays and leisure activities of an ecological nature.

One of the most significant is the holiday dedicated to Earth Day: it creates the scale of a common vision of the planet, its significance for people, engenders love for their Motherland and nature as an important part of it. The scenario of the holiday may be different, but in any case there should be poems and songs glorifying nature, national and folklore dances. An important moment of the holiday will be the joint (children, teachers and parents) performance of solemn songs - it symbolizes universal love for the Earth.

The week of preparation for it is important in this holiday: every day the children expand their understanding of the House in which they live. The very first concept of a house is a room where the life of children passes (a group room and an apartment), it should be clean, comfortable, beautiful and warm, with good illumination and fresh air. It is convenient to do your favorite things in it. Children, together with the teacher, inspect the group's premises, put things in order, discuss what can be changed to make it even better - in a good house, children and adults feel good, do not get sick. The next day, the children inspect the site, clean up the garbage, plan the planting of flowers: the courtyard near the entrance of the house and the site of the kindergarten is also their home, they walk, play in it in their free time, it should also be pleasant. In the following days, the teacher talks with the children about the fact that every person's home is a street, native village or city, forest, park, in which he often walks. You need to love your home, to be a kind, caring owner in it.

For Earth Day, educators with preschoolers can grow flower seedlings to plant not only on the territory of the institution, but also near the entrances of the houses in which the children live, in the courtyards. The general motto is “Let's decorate the Earth with flowers, so that it is smart and beautiful, so that it will delight all people”. It is not enough to clean the lawns - you need them to be full of flowers.

Thus, all events related to Earth Day educate children on an ecological basis a sense of patriotism, expand the concept of love for nature, for the planet. This is the culmination of the entire methodological system of environmental education of preschoolers.

The word as a means of information carries additional information on the holiday. Sounding in poems, proverbs, riddles, sayings, carols, etc., it inspires the participants. It is important to convey to children the beauty, the capacity of the artistic word, to consolidate in their minds that it has always had a lively circulation among the people, it was used by them for certain purposes.

There are interesting holidays dedicated to writers and poets, the works of which children know well. Artistic reading of excerpts from various works, which provide descriptions of nature. The script can include "Winter Evening", "Autumn" and other works. Writing and poetry holidays can be seasonal in nature: for example, the script "Winter-Winter" includes poems by different poets (A.S. Pushkin, N.A. Nekrasov, S.A. Yesenin) - children learn that winter is evokes strong feelings for many

In the older group, the plot and content of the holiday can be based on the works of S.Ya. Marshak, A.L. Barto, K.I. Chukovsky, written with love for animals.

More often than holidays, you can spend leisure time with children - they are organized by a teacher on a variety of topics.

Leisure, one of the types of cultural activities, has a compensatory character, reimbursing the costs of everyday life and monotony of the environment. Leisure should always be a colorful moment in the life of children, enriching impressions and developing creative activity.

Such events are usually held in the afternoon. In this case, the educator must take into account the season. Once a week, it is advisable to conduct environmental leisure activities: small surprises, jokes, nursery rhymes, riddles and improvised skits based on literary works.

It is the activity in free time that brings up the child, promotes the development of memory, forms the spiritual world, morality. Children learn the right attitude towards each other and the nature around them. They develop an aesthetic sense for beauty, the ability to value natural resources, as well as the ability to use them.

Themes and content of holidays and leisure activities for preschool children.

The topic is understood as life material, selected, generalized and meaningful from an ideological point of view. A characteristic of life, taken for the image.

At the heart of every holiday and entertainment is a certain idea that must be conveyed to every child.

When determining the theme and content of holidays and leisure, one should also take into account the climatic conditions and national traditions of the local population. The definition of its subject matter and the selection of content must be approached creatively.

Due to the multiplicity of individual themes, it is important to determine the main theme of the holiday, which determined its content.

When drawing up a scenario for an ecological holiday, regardless of where and in what conditions it is held, one should strive to ensure that it

Maintaining interest, creating a good, festive mood contributes to the inclusion of a "surprise moment" in the content of the holiday, the unexpected appearance of fabulous (and not only) heroes. Their communication with children and guests of the holiday, participation in games, dances, revives the holiday, draws attention to what is happening, gives children a lot of fun and joy, and remains in the memory for a long time. In conclusion, the results of the holiday are summed up.

Ecological holidays are significant for the all-round development and upbringing of children. During the holiday, they take an active part in a variety of activities: outdoor games, dances, etc. Participation in the holidays and preparation for them bring great emotional and aesthetic satisfaction, unite children and adults with common joyful experiences, and remain in the memory for a long time, as bright event. Joint activities with friends, the colorful decoration of the venue, the sound of music, affect the development of taste and imagination. All this stimulates their creativity. As a result of such a versatile activity, many problems of ecological education are solved, they influence the formation of a child's personality.

Methodology for organizing and conducting entertainment events in a preschool educational institution.

Holidays should be bright, interesting, filled with a variety of activities, focused both on entertainment and the development of children.

Well-organized holidays have a beneficial effect on the development of mental processes: memory, attention; create an excellent atmosphere for the development of the child's speech, to consolidate the knowledge gained in various classes; contribute to his moral education.

Preparing and holding a holiday in a kindergarten is a difficult and very responsible job.

Stages of work on organizing holidays:

Stage 1 - preliminary planning.

Stage 2 - work on the script.

Stage 3 - preliminary acquaintance of children with the holiday.

Stage 4 - rehearsals.

Stage 5 - holding a holiday.

Stage 6 - summing up.

Stage 7 - the aftereffect of the holiday.

One of the most important requirements for organizing holidays is holding them in different seasons of the year. With this in mind, they can take place in a variety of natural conditions of the area. For example, an ecological holiday can be organized not only in a preschool institution, but also on a site, in a park, in the natural conditions of a natural environment - in a forest, in a meadow, on the shore of a lake, sea, river. The theme, structure, specifics, preparatory work and decoration largely depend on the specific venue of the holiday. When drawing up the holiday program, determining the theme, selecting the content and its design, it is advisable to take into account the specifics of climatic, geographical, economic, social conditions, the peculiarities of the national traditions of the population of the republic, territory, region, district.

An effective celebration is facilitated by:

Combining all its constituent parts around the main goal

Selection of artistic material

The choice of emotionally expressive means

Selection of performers

Collective summing up and evaluation of the work done.

When organizing a children's holiday, firstly, you need to consider it as an important independent form of cultural and leisure activities. Secondly, do not forget that it can be characterized as an integral structure, all the components of which are in close relationship and interaction. Thirdly, it must be remembered that this form has its own characteristic features (certain time frames, localized characteristic sites, a festive atmosphere and emotional mood, a children's audience).

In holding an ecological holiday, you need to choose the right scenario.

A script for a children's holiday is a detailed literary-textual and organizational development of the content and course of the theatrical action. It consistently, interconnected sets out everything that will happen.

The theme is revealed in the script, the author's transitions from one part of the action to another are shown, used works of art or excerpts from them are introduced. Techniques for activating the participants of the holiday, describing the decoration and special equipment are also included in the script. Thus, the scenario of the event is a consistently developed pedagogical program for organizing festive activities.

Work on the script includes 2 stages:

1st stage - determination of the ideological and thematic concept of the holiday - a clear formulation of topics and ideas that are closely related, but different from each other. Theme - a circle of life events, phenomena that will be reflected in the script. An idea is the main idea, an assessment of the events depicted, or something for which the author wants to tell the children about something. The idea of ​​our holidays is to arouse interest in a given topic through songs, dances, games. The theme of the holiday is set in the script, as a rule, from the very beginning. The idea, as the general main conclusion, is brought up in the process of theatrical action.

In the scenario of a children's holiday, there must be a plot, that is, the development of events, the identification of characters in action, the main conflict. The search for bright, interesting material for organizing the plot is an integral part of working on the script. To build it, a special scenario is needed - a kind of arrangement of the material that permeates the entire content and is, as it were, a cementing principle.

2nd stage - composition construction - the implementation of the plot and conflict in the developing concrete stage action. Composition - the organization of the action, the appropriate arrangement of the material - includes:

Exposition (a short story about the events that preceded the occurrence of the conflict, which caused this conflict; the presenter's introduction, information about a specific event);

The set (the exposition develops into it; the set should be extremely clear and concise, concentrate the attention of children, prepare them for the perception of the action, tune in a certain way);

The development of an action, or the main action, that is, the image of events in which the conflict is resolved;

Culmination (the highest point of development of the action; at the moment of culmination, the idea of ​​a holiday is most concentratedly expressed);

The denouement or finale is the most convenient moment for the maximum manifestation of activity by all participants in the children's party (it is advisable to include massive musical numbers, general round dances and dances in the final scenes).

Scenario requirements:

Strict consistency in the construction and development of the theme;

Completeness of each episode;

Organic connection of episodes;

The escalation of action in its movement towards the culmination.

A huge role belongs to the leader. It is he who must be able to improvise, look for elements of surprise and effectiveness of festive communication..

Since a children's holiday is one of the most effective forms of pedagogical influence on children, when organizing it, you need to carefully work on the means of emotional impact.

"We are friends of nature." Scenario of an outdoor ecology holiday for children of middle and senior preschool age.

Target: create a joyful, festive atmosphere; to educate children to respect nature.

Program tasks:
1. To consolidate with children the knowledge gained about nature: animals, insects, birds, flowers, trees, useful plants.
2. To consolidate the rules of behavior in nature, in the forest. Arouse a feeling of compassion and responsibility for animals, birds, insects; respect for plants.
3. Exercise children in the ability to imitate the habits of animals, birds, insects in dance compositions; to consolidate musical material on an environmental theme.

Material and equipment:
Flags and artificial flowers, sun for decorating sites;
colored crayons by the number of children;
dandelion, bear, fox, beetle hats - for children,
Sparrow, hare - for adults;
artificial birch twigs (2 pieces for a soloist in a round dance), multi-colored handkerchiefs according to the number of children;
sultanas (2 pieces) for a child - "rain";
toy phone.
Dried plantain leaves, bandage, ointment.

The plots are decorated with flags, balloons, flowers. Toy animals are sitting under the trees: a bear, a fox, a hare, a hedgehog.

Hare Koska, Sparrow, leading - adults,
Dandelion, Bear, Fox, Beetle, Hedgehog - children.

The course of the holiday.
Children of the middle and senior groups gather on the playground in front of the kindergarten building.
Ved.- Hello guys! Look how wonderful the weather is today: the sun is shining, it's warm. Want to go for a walk in the woods?
Children: Yes!
Ved.- Then take your places in the trailers, let's go to the forest by train.

Dance-rhythmic composition for the song "Locomotive-bug"
(at the end, the children "come" to the forest clearing - to the first site).

Ved.- Here we are. (the soundtrack of birds singing sounds) Exit the trailers. Look how beautiful our northern forest is: the first green grass is breaking through, the birds are singing merrily, the bright sun is shining, the birch trees have hung their earrings.

- I love Russian birch,
That light, then sad,
In a white sarafan,
With handkerchiefs in their pockets
With pretty clasps
With green earrings!

Ved.(goes up to the girl-soloist, gives her the arts in her hands.birch branches, the girl-birch stands in the center)
- We will stand in a round dance around the birch tree,
Everyone will sing joyfully and loudly.
(Children stand in a circle, the presenter distributes handkerchiefs to them, in the center is a soloist girl with twigs in her hands)
Round dance "At the birch", lyrics. and moo Z. S.Nasaulenko

Ved.- Thank you, birch, you amused us, amused. Guys, what can you tell us about the healing properties of birch?
(children's answers)

Ved.- That's right, the birch tree has healing buds and leaves. They insist, and then many diseases are treated. Very healing birch sap. And with birch brooms, lovers go to the bathhouse to take a steam bath and whip themselves with a broom.

The Hare Koska comes running to the clearing to the music, jumping up and down.
Hare Koska- Hey! I am Koska Hare, I run through the forest all day, I want to find out everything: "Who?" yes "What?" , what for?" Who are you?

Children - We are the guys from the kindergarten!

Hare - Do you want to walk in the woods with me?

Children - Yes!

Hare Koska- Then let's go look somewhere, something!

(The hare jumps in front of him, the Children follow him. They pass through the grass between the sections, return to their section. Sparrow is standing there, doing a warm-up)

Hare Koska- Hey! Who are you?

Sparrow her- I am a cheerful Sparrow, a gray little rogue,
I am reckless and talkative and shy, chiv-chiv-chiv!

Hare Koska- What are you doing here?

Sparrow her- Soon other Sparrows will fly here, and the Sparrow Disco will begin.

Ved.- And we also love to dance, dance with us, please!

Sparrow her- With pleasure, but first I want to know if you know birds?
Let's play a game: I'll name the birds, but if I'm wrong and you hear something else, then you can stomp or clap. So, let's begin!

Game "Birds have arrived":
Sparrow her - Birds have arrived: pigeons, tits, flies and swifts ... (children stomp and clap) What's wrong?
Children - flies!
Sparrow her- And who are the flies? (children's answers) That's right, insects!

Well, let's continue:
Birds have arrived: pigeons, tits, storks, crows, jackdaws, pasta! (children stomp-clap) What word is superfluous?
Children - pasta!

Sparrow her- Let's start again:
Birds have arrived: pigeons, foxes (children stomp - clap)
What's wrong? (foxes!) Foxes - who is this? (children's answers)

Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, storks, swifts, jackdaws and siskins, mosquitoes. Cuckoos ... (children stomp) (wrong - mosquitoes);

Birds have arrived: pigeons, tits, jackdaws and swifts, swans, starlings ... (children are not stomping) - you are all great!

Ved.- You see, Sparrow, our children not only know birds, but take care of them. Made interesting bird feeders. On the walk we feed them with bread and grains. And on our site, crows have built a nest and hatch chicks. Children guard the nest and do not offend the birds.

Sparrow- What good fellows you are! Then for you

« Sparrow yinaya disco! "(children perform a dance with the Sparrow and the Hare - Yu. Antonov from the fairy tale "About Kuzyu the Grasshopper")

Hare- We danced great! But it's time for us to run further - to find out: "Who?", "What?" what for?"
Goodbye, Sparrow!
(at this time, another teacher puts on the child. Performing the role of Dandelion. A hat and puts him on a chair on the site)

Ved.- Oh, guys, look - an anthill. Tell me, can it be destroyed, broken?

Children - You can't, this is an ant house. Ants are very hardworking, they can carry loads even more in weight than they themselves. Ants are beneficial insects.
Koska, and our guys know a funny song about the ant, do you want to listen?

Hare - With pleasure!

Song "Ant", muses . L. Abelyan, lyrics V. Stepanov

Hare- A wonderful song! And now we will carefully go around the ant house and move on.
(children follow the Bunny to another area. A sad "Dandelion" sits on a tree stump

Hare - Hey! And who are you?

Dandelion - Guess the riddle:
“A golden flashlight burned in the dewy grass,
Then it faded. It went out and turned into fluff;
Fluffy, white, not a bunny,
I'm just white ... (dandelion)

Ved.- What are you doing here? And why are you so sad?

Dandelion- People came to the forest, cut off all the flowers around. I was left alone, I am so sad!

Ved.- Do not be upset, dear Dandelion, our children are not like that: they do not pick flowers, they take care of nature. And so that you are not sad alone, we will now give you a whole flower meadow.

(the presenter invites the children to draw a flower meadow on the asphalt near the site with colored crayons. During the drawing, a song performed by Y. Antonov sounds "Don't pick flowers")

After finishing work The flower says:
- Thank you, dear friends! Now I am not alone again, but with my brothers and sisters!

Hare- Goodbye, Dandelion! And we will go further! They are running for the Hare, (the soundtrack of the rain sounds. The "rain" runs out (the presenter gives the child sultans) and "wets everyone with rain")

Hare- Oh, it's raining!

Ved.- Let's rejoice in the spring rain, welcome it.

Children say the call:
- Oh, rain like rain! We have been waiting for you for a long time!
With pure water, with silk grass,
With azure color, with warm summer!

Game "Ay, gu-gu!"
Dance "Colorful game"

Ved.- So the rain is over, the bright sun is shining again, and the dew is shimmering on the grass. And in the distance, look, the beautiful rainbow-arc shines with all the colors!
Let's go, hare Koska, we will take a walk in the forest with the guys. (go to the next platform, there are benches on it.

Ved. puts on hats for children playing the role of animals, and takes them to the trees, invites the rest of the children to sit down, relax in a forest clearing)

Animals appear on the site: The bear is walking, limping greatly; The fox is holding his nose, the Beetle is holding the wing, the Hedgehog is barely walking. They all groan piteously, then piteously greet the children.

Hare - What happened? Why are you moaning? Tell me, please!

Bear - I went to the water to get drunk and stepped on a shard of glass. It stuck in my paw, how much blood I lost! Thank you, the heron. She pulled out a sharp shard from the bottle with her beak and washed my paw. Until now, I can barely walk, it hurts so much ... ah-ah!

Bug - And someone stepped on me, hurt my wing, now I can't fly - I can hardly crawl ...

Hedgehog - I feel very bad. I curled up into a ball, rolled down the hill and hit the hot coals that some bum had left in the fireplace. I barely got out, but the needles and legs were badly burned!

Fox - How unlucky I was! My nose hasn't healed for a week. I walk through the forest, I see - empty cans are lying around, and from them it smells so delicious of fish! I wanted to feast on, stuck my nose into the jar - there was almost nothing to eat, but I hurt my nose badly, it was bleeding, it still hurts ... ah-ah! And there is no one to help.

Ved.- Doctor Aibolit can help you.

Bear - Aibolit lives in a fairy tale, and we live in an ordinary forest.

Hare - What to do?
Ved.- now I will try to call Aibolit on a fabulous phone.
(takes out a phone, dials a number, says:
“Hello, Doctor Aibolit! Animals came to us, a beetle crawled ... - they all need help
Can't you? Well. we will try. Goodbye (hangs up)

Doctor Aibolit said that he had many sick animals and birds. He is very busy and asked us to help the sick ourselves.

Let's heal the animals:
Look, I have a first aid kit with me. How can we heal Mishka's paw?
That's right, we need a plantain and a bandage.
Go ..., bandage the bear's paw.
But with this ointment we will grease the nose of the chanterelle.
This ointment will help the hedgehog, from burns.
And we will raise the wing of the beetle and tie it.
(Selected children "treat" the animals. The song "Wounded Bird" or "Do not offend the Ant" sounds in the background, L. Abelyan, V. Stepanov. Children sing along)

Fox - Thank you, dear children, you have cured us.

Bear - We immediately felt better, and my paw almost stopped hurting.

Hare - Do you guys know how to behave in the forest so as not to harm wild animals? Well, tell me, what had to be done to prevent the bear from injuring its paw?

Children - You cannot break bottles and glasses in the forest. And if something breaks, you need to collect all the fragments and throw them into the bin.

Hare - That's right, well done! And what had to be done so that Chanterelle did not get into trouble?

Children - It was necessary to put the leftover food from the can on a stump, and take the empty cans with you and throw them into the garbage chute in the city.

Hare - And if you want to shoot birds with a slingshot?

Ved.- There are no such guys among us, And fires in the forest in summer cannot be kindled, all the more so leave them without extinguishing to the end. And matches are not a toy, children cannot take them.

- Wise Nature teaches us at any time of the year:
The birds teach singing, the spider teaches patience,
Bees in the field and in the garden teach us how to work.
You need to learn from nature all year round,
After all, the big forest people teach strong friendship!

Children sing a song "My friends" muses . A. Bazya, words. Y. Nemnonova

Dance "Don't Tease Dogs"(performed by children and all adults participating in the holiday.

Ved.- It's time to say goodbye to the forest dwellers. Thank you, Koska Hare, that you walked with us along the forest paths. We saw and learned a lot of new things and now we will love and protect nature even more.

Take these gifts from us, and it's time for us to return to kindergarten, goodbye! (children and animals say goodbye)

Ved.- Did you guys like the forest walk? Take your seats in the trailers. Let's go to kindergarten.
To the song "Locomotive from Romashkovo" children "return" to kindergarten.

Round dance "At the birch", mu Z. and sl. S. Nasaulenko
Verse 1.
A birch tree stood in a green meadow, - the children walk round the birch tree in a round dance
And the birch nodded with its branches to the children. step, handkerchief in right hand, second
hand on the belt, "birch" stands in the center
circle and shakes branches above your head
right left.
Loss: A - children go to the center, gradually raising their hands up, the "birch" makes a "spring" with a turn to the right, left;
B - run back, lowering their arms.

Verse 2.
We stand below, substituting our palms, - the children stand in a circle facing the birch tree,
Throw away quickly, birch, earrings for all children! stretching out his hands to the birch, palms
"Ladle". "Birch" runs through
inside a circle near children and twigs
as if throws earrings in his hands
children, at the end of the verse returns
to the middle of the hall.

Verse 3.
We wave a white handkerchief to a birch tree, - They wave, standing in a circle, to a birch handkerchief-
lump (hand movements up and down)
We will dance at the white birch today! One by one, put their foot forward on
heel. "Birch" on the first line
performs a "spring", on the second - then
the same as children.
Losing: movements are repeated.

Game "Ay, gu-gu!"
(round dance)
Children stand in a circle holding hands. In the center of the circle is a child - "rain", holding sultans in his hands.
1 couplet.
Children walk in a circle in a round dance to the right, "rain" moves inside the circle in a counter-flow (to the left), waving sultanchiks over their heads.
Children sing:
Ay, gu-gu, ay, gu-gu, don't you ride in the meadow,
There is a puddle in the meadow, my head will spin,
There is a puddle in the meadow, my head will spin.

2 couplet.
Children stand in a circle, turning to the center of the circle, clapping and singing. "Rain" moves bouncingly inside the circle, waving sultans over his head.
At the end of the second verse, the children scatter, the rain "wets" them with sultans.

Oh, water; oh, water, trouble for children in a puddle!
The spring rain is angry - run away wherever you go!

Song "Ant" muses. L. Abelian, lyrics V. Stepanov
Verse 1.
Once an ant carried two door boards,
Suddenly a ginger cat stepped out of the gate threateningly.
Do not offend the ant, it is easy to offend it,
He is very small, he is very small, he is small in stature.

Verse 2.
I shouted to the cat: “Shoot! Woof-gavgav, watch out! "
And the robber mustache immediately hid in the bushes.
Chorus (same)

Verse 3.
The door to the ant house is now always open to me,
It's just a pity that the ant's door is too small for me.
Chorus (same)

Song "My friends"
Music A. Bazya, lyrics Nemnonova
1. I wanted to pick a flower
A moth sat on a flower.
And I said: “Moth,
Let a flower be yours! "

2. I'm hooked on bitches
A spider hangs on a branch.
I told him: "Spider,
Don't be afraid of me, friend! "

3. Suddenly trouble came
A chick fell out of the nest.
I took it in my palms,
Put it back in the nest.

4. Mom is a bird at the same moment
She sang to me: "Chick-tweet!"
I smiled back
And he said: "Live a hundred years!"

5. There are friends around me
I know it for sure.
Even a little cricket
My comrade and friend!

Title: Scenario of a holiday in ecology for children of middle and senior preschool age "We are friends of nature"

Position: Music Director
Place of work: MBDOU of Murmansk No. 62
Location: Murmansk city, Russia

"Holiday of young nature lovers"

Ecology entertainment scenario in the preparatory group


1) To consolidate the knowledge of children about nature, about a careful and caring attitude towards nature.

2) To develop the creative abilities of children, the ingenuity and ingenuity of children, their erudition.

3) To educate children in love and respect for nature, the ability to see and respond to beauty in a natural environment.


A flower with tasks, a map-scheme of "Reminiscent signs", a cassette with a record, circles of yellow, green, white, red colors, medals, cards "What was what."

Entertainment progress:

There is a knock at the door.

Educator: Who's knocking at us? Asks to come to our house? Let's see?

Takes an envelope. There is an audio cassette in it.

Educator: Guys, here's a letter for us! Let's see. Interesting. Not a simple letter, but a sound one. Let's listen?

The teacher turns on the tape recorder. A tape recording sounds:

Voice: Hello, dear children of kindergarten №14. I am the Fairy of Nature. I heard that you are very good, smart children and I really want to get to know you better and invite you to my place. There is a nature lovers club in my natural state. Do you want to go there? But for this you must pass tests. Aren't you afraid? Then get up next to your chairs. I will say the magic words, and you follow all the movements and immediately find yourself in my forest ...

We got up. Prepared ...

It's easy to get into the Kingdom of Nature,

You don't have to go far.

Close your eyes and take a step

Now let's clap our hands like this:

One cotton, another cotton

And now you can see the haystack,

And now the field is heading

Wheat is making noise,

The skies are blue over her

Open your eyes quickly.

Educator: So we got to the state of the Fairies of Nature. Where is she herself? Let's look for her. Oh, look at the magic flower - Seven-Flower Flower. He fulfills any desire. Guys, there is something on the petals. Yes, these are tasks. Let's read it.

1.Red petal. "Name the artist."

Children, take the cards on the chairs. Now I'm going to read lines of poetry, and you have to pick up the card. If the poem is about winter, you must raise a white square, about spring - green, about summer - red, about autumn - yellow.

Four artists,

the same number of paintings.

Painted with white paint

Everything in a row is one.

The forest and the field are white,

White meadows

Snowy aspens

Branches are like horns ... (Winter)

The second one has blue

Sky and streams.

They splash in blue puddles

A flock of sparrows.

Transparent in the snow,

The pieces of ice are lace.

The first thawed patches

The first grass ... (Spring)

In the picture of the third

Colors and countless:

There is yellow, green, blue.

Forest and field in greenery,

Blue river

White fluffy

There are clouds in the sky ... (Summer)

And the fourth - in gold

Painted the gardens

The fields are fruitful,

Ripe fruits ...

Beads everywhere - berries

Ripen through the forests

Who is that artist?

Guess yourself! (Autumn)

Well done! You know the seasons well. What's on the orange petal?

2. Orange petal. The game "Who (what) I was, who (what) I became."

Children are given cards. The reverse side of cards of a specific color. Children are grouped according to the color of the cards. On the back there is a picture.

You must confer and lay out the chain. What he was and what he became.

Egg - fry - fish.

Egg - Chicken - Chicken.

Egg - tadpole - frog.

Seed - sprout - plant (dandelion).

Acorn - sprout - oak.

Well done, they did the job. Let's see what's on the yellow petal.

3. Yellow petal ... Now we will check how you know the rules of conduct in the forest. To do this, let's play with you the game "If I come to the woods." I will tell you my actions, and you will answer, if I do well, we say “yes”, if it’s bad, then we all shout “no” together!

If I come to the woods

And pick a chamomile? (No)

If I eat a pie

And throw away the piece of paper? (No)

If the bread is a piece

Will I leave it on the hemp? (Yes)

If I tie a branch,

Will I substitute the peg? (Yes)

If I light a fire

And I will not extinguish? (No)

If I mess up a lot

And I will forget to remove. (No)

If I clean up the trash,

Will I drip a jar? (Yes)

I love my nature

I'm helping her! (Yes)

Well done!

4. Green petal. And here, guys, are questions about how you will act in this or that situation.

Lyosha found a nest with chiffchaff eggs in the grass. He liked the little testicles very much. He wanted to take them home. And the warbler circled above them and screamed. What is the right thing to do for Alyosha?


A nest on a branch is a bird house.

A chick was born in it yesterday.

Don't ruin this house

And don't let anyone!

The children came with a teacher to a forest glade. And in amazement they stopped: “How many flowers! Kupava, daisies, bells. Let's pick big bouquets of flowers, ”the children suggested. And the teacher said ...

What did the teacher say?


Flower in the meadow

I ripped off on the run.

I ripped it off, but why -

I can't explain.

He stood in a glass for a day and wilted.

How long would he stand in the meadow?

On Sunday I decided to go to the lake. There were two boys walking in front of me along the path. Suddenly they saw a small frog in the grass. Let's take her to us so that she doesn't get lost, ”said one boy. “Don't touch it, the frog will find its way by itself,” said another. Which of the boys was right?


By a marsh soft hummock,

Under a green leaf

A hopper lurked

Goggle-eyed frog.

She will not be able to live at home,

Better let him help the forest.

Andryusha found a hedgehog in the forest and decided to present it to his girlfriend Nastya. But Nastya said: "Let him go, please!" "Never! I know that some people catch hedgehogs and bring them home, give them milk, feed them with sweets, "answered Andryusha. “Only cruel people do that. Hedgehogs cannot live in captivity and often perish! " Why did Nastya say so?


Don't take the hedgehog with you

Let him go home.

The hedgehog is even the stupidest

He wants to live with a hedgehog mom.

Children explain how to do the right thing in this situation and put up a "Reminiscent Sign", then recite the appropriate poem.

What do these signs mean? Other "Reminiscent Marks" are displayed. Children answer what they mean.

Well done! One must be a friend to all living things and behave correctly in the forest.

Tree, flower and bird

They do not always know how to defend themselves.

If they are destroyed

We will be alone on the planet.

Let's see what is the task on the blue petal.

5. Blue petal. "Plant a forest"

The teacher shows pictures with a coded proverb and invites you to consider it and remember.

The teacher reads the proverb:

A lot of forest - don't cut it down

Little forest - take care

No forest - plant it!

Children are invited to sketch each phrase - to enchant. Children, together with the teacher, participate in the process of turning a poem into a drawing, offering their images-associations.

What's on the blue petal?

6. Blue petal. Blitz questions.

Fairy of Nature: We answer quickly.

Who wears a house on? (Snail)

Not a bird, but with wings. (Butterfly)

What animal has a bush on its head? (Elk)

Where do insects disappear with the onset of winter?

List the conifers. (Pine, spruce, cedar, larch, fir)

What animals hibernate? (Badger, bear, hedgehog, gopher, hamster)

What animals change color for the winter. (Hare, squirrel)

What bird does not build nests and hatch chicks? (Cuckoo)

What bird is called the "forest doctor"? (Woodpecker)

What animal is called the "ship of the desert"? (Camel)

Without which a plant cannot grow? (Light, water, warmth).

You know everything, well done! And now the purple petal.

7. Purple petal. "Clear the way"

The attraction "Whose team will clear the road faster" is being held.

There was a hurricane here recently. He has knocked down a lot of trees and you need to clear the debris on the roads. Whose team is quicker to cope with this task, and she will find a message from the Fairy of Nature.

Fairy of Nature: Guys, you are real friends and connoisseurs of nature. I gladly accept you into the "Nature Lovers Club" and award you with well-deserved medals.

Educator: And now it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Let's join hands, friends, and along the forest path we will go to our home.

Any holiday spent in kindergarten is forever remembered by children, ... At any moment, a well-thought-out scenario of holidays for children ... Ecological in kindergarten: necessity and specificity ... Ecological action! ... A holiday in a kindergarten is a joy, fun, a celebration that is shared by adults and children. ... there is no learned repertoire, teamwork, the orchestra should not be included in the script, because participation in this ... 15 oct 2012 ... Lesson in kindergarten on the ecological trail "Let's help a bunny". ... Sports holiday for preschoolers · holidays ... Holidays in kindergarten. ... Scenarios for the New and Winter Holidays .... Ecological musical fairy tale "WHERE DOES URMAN - BABAI LIVE?" Scenarios for children. Summary of the script of the holiday in the middle group "The Wizard Santa Claus". Summary of the entertainment scenario "Autumn ... In the scenario of a children's holiday, there must be a plot, that is ... poets; about the customs and traditions of their country, people; ecological; ... May 1 ... Ecological games, holidays are held with children, ... along the "Ecological trail" created at the preschool educational institution, joint holidays, entertainment, tea drinking. ... logos on ecology; Scenarios and holidays (in ecology) ... It was at this time that the child's ecological culture is formed, which includes ..... a scenario of an ecological holiday for older preschoolers / I. parents. Knowledge of the basics of ecology is the foundation ...

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Scenario of a holiday on an ecological theme - the earth is our dear home

Pedagogical tasks.

  • Consolidate knowledge of the rules of behavior in nature.
  • To teach a careful and kind attitude towards nature and towards each other.
  • To bring joy to children from participating in a common holiday.

The hall is decorated with posters and drawings about the protection of nature, created by children and their parents.


The forest is not just for our fun,

He is the wealth of Russia.

All the trees in it, berries, herbs

Take care of every bush, guys!

Where you will see a simple sprout

An oak tree can grow in three spans,

The birch forest or the raspberry tree is dense.

And how many nuts and berries!

My heart loves to know that for a year

Young people have grown in the pine forest.

There is a temple of science, and there is also a temple of nature -

With scaffolding, stretching hands

Towards the sun and winds

He is light at any time of the day

Open to us in heat and cold

Come in here

Be a little bit heart

Do not desecrate her shrines.

Children go out onto the carpet, stand freely and perform the dance composition "Solar Mosaic".


In the morning the sun rises

Calls everyone to the street.

Comes out baby


I leave the house, -

Hello, my street!

I sing, and above

The birds are singing to me.

Herbs whisper to me on the way:

You quickly, my friend, grow.

I answer the herbs

I answer the winds

Hello, my Motherland.

The song "Thanks to the Motherland" by muses is being performed. T. Popatenko, lyrics N. Naydenova.


Children, everything is not so good on Earth, look around and offer your help. It is necessary not only to love nature, but also to protect, cherish, increase.

Save it, let it grow - and you will become richer not only in forests, meadows, but also in soul.

A bird shuddered on the bloody grass.

Birds, fish, beasts

People look into the souls.

You feel sorry for them, people!

Don't kill in vain!

After all, a sky without birds is not a sky!

Ascended to heaven

Under the ringing and hubbub of birds

Guards - who?

Children: Forester!

Dwarf: And his name is Luca.

Leading: Now, let's open the envelope and read the letter: “Dear guys! I know from the forest dwellers that you are the friends of the forest. The forest will be glad to see you as a guest! "

Dwarf: Here I will please Snow White! Now I will call her and tell her that the guys have come to visit us! Snow White! Snow White!

(Sad Snow White enters.)

Leading: What's up dear Snow White!

Snow White: Oh, what a misfortune happened to the tree:

The tree swayed with the wind -

The tree was broken by the wind.

A wound on his trunk

And the crown on the ground

Who will help the tree?

Leading: Don't be upset, dear Snow White, we are friends of the forest, we will help the tree, and Borya will tell us how.

Child: Raise the barrel a little

And we will tie it with a bandage.

The trunk has recovered almost

The tree will grow.

Snow White: Thanks guys, now I know what to do.

Leading: Oh, kids, it seems like it's raining.

Children read poetry about rain.


Fun attraction "Running under an umbrella in galoshes"

Children are divided into two teams. Each participant in turn puts on galoshes, opens an umbrella and runs to the tree, runs around it, closes the umbrella and returns to the team. The team that comes running faster wins.

Leading: Children, look, after the rain the forest stream became more noticeable. But the water in it is kind of dirty, apparently it was not without evil magic. What to do? After all, dirty water can not be drunk by humans or animals, because you can get sick. I seem to know how to disenchant him. Let's play and the game "STREAMS", but first let's say the magic words.

The spring was overflowing,

Rain white

On clear fields

Across blue seas

Through forests, through swamps,

Green decks.

Relay "Pass through the brook"

Children are divided into two teams. Children shift the boards, alternately for the right and left legs, moving from beginning to end, jumping from bump to bump.

Leading: The silence is like in the autumn forest, you don't hear the cheerful chirping of birds, because in the fall they gather in flocks and fly away to warm lands. Now we will wish them a safe journey and sing a song for them. "CRANE".

Dwarf: Guys, look, look, grandfather Luka is coming to us.

Child: In the forest from morning to evening

Grandfather Luka is on duty ...

The dense forest trustingly

The forester meets.

And the grandfather, with well-aimed eyes

Looks at the sensitive forest.

He has lived in the forest for a long time.

Keeps a close watch on the forest:

So that the forest does not get sick,

So that the branches are strong

So that the roots are full

So that the beetle does not eat bark.

Forest corridors

On the trails, on the grass.

Comes with kind eyes

For a holiday to the kids.

Luke: Hello guys! Thank you for coming to visit. The forest is a great friend not only to animals and birds, but also to humans. For animals, he is a home and breadwinner. And the forester's main job is to preserve and preserve this house. It is very good that I have such wonderful assistants as you.

The forest is not just for your amusement,

He is the wealth of our country.

All the trees in it, berries, herbs -

Good for us, friends are raised.

In memory of the forest, children, I give wonderful gifts from my magic basket. But play with me first.

1. The game "Who will collect the cones in a hoop faster"

Children are divided into two teams, the forester scatters two types of cones and invites them to collect them each in their own hoop. Each child only takes one bump. The team that collects the fastest wins.

2. "Forest Relay"

Children stand in two teams, sharing pairs and holding hands, trees on the other side of the hall. Children perform tasks:

Run around a tree;

Run around the tree twice;

Go around two trees, describing the figure eight;

Do not run around the tree, but touch it with your hand;

Leading: Thank you, Forester Luka, for the gifts and entertainment. We really enjoyed visiting you, but it's time to return home to kindergarten. We will never forget the rules that help preserve forests.

1 child: Let's love and protect the forest.

We will help adults in this,

Protect forests, fields and rivers,

So that everything will be preserved forever!

2 child: In harmony, friendship

We will live with nature.

Let's be

Love nature!

List of used literature:

1. Folklore and ecological classes with children of senior preschool age / author-comp. G. A. Lapshina. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2006.

2. Physical culture - for preschoolers. Glazyrina L.D.- M: VLADOS, 1999.

3. Sails on the Earth. L.A. Penkova. - M .: Linka-Press, 2006.

4. Play ecological activities with children. L.P. Molodova. - Minsk: "Asar" -1886.

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Scenario of entertainment according to traffic rules in the older group together with parents

Entertainment on traffic rules in the senior group together with parents "Baba Yaga and traffic light"

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To consolidate the ability to name familiar road signs, traffic signals, as well as traffic controller signals; develop observation, speed; foster attention, compassion, a desire to help those who do not know the rules of the road, as well as develop the skills of conscious behavior on the street and the use of traffic rules in everyday life.

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Scenario of the event: KVN on fire safety for children and parents "I am a firefighter!"

Explanatory note.

The topic of fire safety is extremely relevant at the present time. Sometimes pranks with fire, inept handling of flammable objects cause fires and terrible troubles. Why is this happening? The answer is simple - insufficient vigilance of adults, inability to teach a child the rules of safe behavior in time. If we do not teach this to children, starting from preschool age, then by doing so we will plan present and future fires.

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1. Continue to acquaint children with folk crafts of Russia.

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3. To form generalized knowledge and skills, to distinguish the styles of decorative painting.

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Holiday script for senior preschoolers. Our fun circus

Holiday script for kindergarten

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1 comment Scenario of a holiday according to traffic rules for older preschool children

Scenario of the holiday "Our friend is a traffic light!" (for older groups)

Scenario of an event on the rules of the road for older preschool children

Software content:

1. In a playful way, consolidate knowledge about the rules of the road, road signs;

2. To promote the development of caution, prudence on the roads, to educate attention, concentration, the ability to apply the knowledge gained in everyday life.

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Senior group. Birthday boy's day.

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Open Health Day in the senior preschool group

In accordance with the Law "On Education", children are among the priority areas of state policy. The health of children in the preschool group MKOU OOSH v. Kochkino, Verkhnekamsk district of the Kirov region is the subject of close attention of the entire team and parents. Health Day is designed for older preschool children.

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Entertainment script for younger children and parents

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1 commentKindergarten Health Day Fun Script

"If you want to be healthy" entertainment scenario for kindergarten, held at Health Day

If you want to be healthy - temper!

Objective: To instill healthy lifestyle habits; tell and show what dangers are fraught with neglect of them; consolidation of knowledge about hardening.

Veda: Hello children, today we are going to talk about a healthy lifestyle, and what is it?

Celebration in the senior group "How children saved the earth"

Integration of educational areas: "Music", "Cognition", "Safety", "Socialization", "Health".

Target: to draw the attention of preschoolers to the problems associated with environmental pollution.

Tasks: to awaken in every child the desire to help protect the environment; foster an understanding that we ourselves are the main driving force behind changing approaches to environmental issues.

Planned results: owns basic movements in accordance with age; emotionally subtly feels the experiences of close adults, children, characters from fairy tales and stories, cartoons and feature films, puppet shows; shows a steady interest in various types of children's activities (design, visual activity, play), sensitivity to the artistic word, aesthetic feelings, emotions, aesthetic taste, aesthetic perception, interest in art; feels the rhythm and melody of the poetic text; game interaction is accompanied by speech corresponding both in content and intonation to the role; speech becomes the main means of communication; can, alone or with a little help from an adult, evaluate his own actions and the actions of his peers.

Content of organized activities

Children run into the hall to the music, stop in a circle facing the audience.


The sun is shining in the skies

The laughter of children rings around.

Every day starts with a song

Forest, and field, and river, and meadow.

The song "The Morning Begins" (music by I. Kosmachev, lyrics by M. Yasnov). The SOS signal sounds.


What's up, what's up?

Somewhere something happened!

Hear folks, this is an SOS distress call. He is only sent as a last resort. Apparently someone needs help. Hear what a faint sound? Probably, this signal made its way to us from the future. What happened there? We urgently need to go to the future, and the Time Machine will help us get there.

Song "Time Machine".

If somewhere, someone, something,

If suddenly trouble came,

We are ready to come to the call,

We are always in a hurry to help.

Even time is not an obstacle -

We'll fly through the years

By car on a magic

We will hasten to your aid.


We have a time machine

The car is just class.

Through the years we are carried

Fly forward quickly.

Children sit down, a change of scenery takes place. Aunt Tina is sitting on a snag.

Auntie Tina(hums a song).

Sucked in brown mud

The smooth surface of an old pond

But the birds used to sing

And the poplars were rustling.

Was happy and naive

All people have a carefree look

Everything around seemed wonderful

300 years ago.

Leading... So we are in the future, but what is happening here?

Auntie Tina... Who are they, why did they come to my swamp?

Leading... We came from the past, but did not want to get to your swamp.

Aunt Tina. And now the whole Earth is a continuous swamp, and I am the most important here - Aunt Tina, I ask you to love and favor.

Leading. And what, besides you, is no one here?

Auntie Tina... As not - there are spiders and cockroaches, and there are also fly agarics with toadstools.

Amanita and Toadstool come out to music (the roles are played by children).

Amanita and Toadstool(singing).

They say all around that we -

Useless mushrooms

They don't cook us in sour cream,

You can get poisoned by us.


Look at me,

Fly agaric wherever I go!


But toadstools are still better

And our outfit is cooler.


What did she say? Repeat!

Who is more beautiful, me or you?


I, of course, no doubt,

There is no more beautiful Toadstool!

Fly agaric... Amanita is still better!

Toadstool. Now you will get it from me!


Oh, you mischievous Toadstool,

I'll ask you now!


I can't listen anymore

I'll take it and bite it!


So you decided to bite?

I'll fight you!

Auntie Tina... And like this every day. They can argue for hours which of them is more beautiful.

Toadstool... I am the most beautiful!

Fly agaric... No, I'm prettier!

Leading... And in my opinion, the most beautiful flowers on Earth are!

Amanita and Toadstool. Flowers? And what is it?

Auntie Tina... Flowers are such plants with a specific smell; they were destroyed in the last century.

Leading. And who destroyed them?

Auntie Tina... Like who? You, of course! You trampled flowers, plucked indiscriminately, forgot to water them.

Leading... Guys, it's true: very often we pick flowers, trample the grass. And some people like to set fire to poplar fluff, not thinking that nothing may grow in this place. We need to correct our mistakes. Let's plant flowers here!

Amanita. Horrible!

Toadstool. We need to call someone for help, otherwise they will turn our swamp into a flower garden. (Run away)

Leading... And we will not waste time

We must remove all the trash!

The game "Let's clear the clearing of debris."


We put the clearing in order,

Now you can plant flowers.

Game "Who will plant more flowers."


Well guys, well done!

We were able to plant flowers.

Nature wakes up.

Where there was a swamp yesterday

Flowers swirl in a waltz

Unprecedented beauty.

Dance "Waltz of the Flowers" (music by PI Tchaikovsky).

There is a sneezing, an Old Flywheel appears. The old man-fluffy. Oh, what's wrong with me? Swamp kikimora, where are you? Apchhi!

Kikimora(looks out from behind a bump).

Well, what is it, there is no rest.

Who is sneezing here, who is stopping me from sleeping?

Is that you, Mokhovichok? Have a cold, old man?

The old man-fluffy.

I didn't catch a cold at all -

I have an allergy.

I remember this happened to me before,

Many years ago there was a sneeze on flowers.

Kikimora. What are flowers?

The old man-flywheel... Well, they are so different, they are yellow and red (points to flowers), something like that. Apchhi!

Kikimora. Oh, what beautiful!

The old man-fluffy.

Where did they come from here?

Rip them all off quickly.


Rip out such beauty

Honestly, I can't!

The old man-fluffy.

Kikimora, don't you know

What is the danger of flowers?

Kikimora... I know it's your allergy!

The old man-flywheel... Yes, compared to bees, this is just nonsense! You hear, they are buzzing, flying to the flowers.

Dance of the bees "Zhu-zhu".

Mokhovichok comes out with his face tied with a scarf.

Kikimora... Oh, Mokhovichok, what's the matter with you?

The old man-flywheel... If you don't see, the bees have bitten. (Notices the children) You planted flowers here! And why did they come?

Leading... We are here because we received an SOS signal.

The old man-flywheel... Who dared to send this signal? You, Kikimora?

Kikimora. Why is Kikimora at once to blame for a little something? Himself, go, you sent this signal, and now you blame me.

The old man-flywheel... Who? I've posted? Well, now you'll get it from me!

Auntie Tina... Stop fighting, I sent the distress signal.

The old man-flywheel... What for?

Auntie Tina... I wasn't always Tina Bolotnaya. 300 years ago I was a fast, frisky brook, but at that time people did not take care of nature: their factories littered rivers, smoke poisoned the air. People have forgotten that the Earth is our home, water is our mother, and air is our father. So I wanted you to see what human carelessness can lead to. So you children wondered what every broken branch, crushed insect or ruined nest can lead to? Breaking a branch, how many thinks that a whole tree can die? (Answers of the children) And when you uproot flowers, do you think that they can disappear from the face of the earth altogether? (Answers of children)


Let's walk slowly through the meadow

And let's say hello to each flower.

You must bend over the flowers

Not to tear or cut -

And to see their kind faces

And show them a kind face.

Children scatter all over the place.

1st child.

We want the birds to sing

So that they make noise around the forest,

To make the skies blue.

2nd child.

To make the river silver

For the butterfly to frolic

And there was dew on the berries!

3rd child.

We want the sun to warm

And the birch tree turned green

And under the tree lived a thorny hedgehog.

Common song "Green World" (music by M. Partskhaladze, lyrics by Y. Polukhin, from the film "Bear, Kid and Others").

The old man-flywheel(sneezes). Ugliness! What have they turned the swamp into! Now return everything as it was! Kikimora!

Kikimora... And what about Kikimora? For example, I like it. I even want to dance, sorry I can't.

Leading. And the guys and I will come to the rescue,

Let's go dance with you.

General dance (at the discretion of the music director).

The children remain in the circle, the old man-moss dances.

Leading. Even Mokhovichk's mood improved from our dance!

The old man-flywheel... What is the mood? The whole swamp has been ruined, and now they are talking about the mood. The branches themselves broke, the flowers tore; well, nothing, so you leave, and again there will be a swamp here.

Leading. Guys, do you want our Earth to turn into a swamp? (Children answer)

Are you ready to take an oath to take care of your Earth and nature not to pollute?

Children. Yes!

1st child. We swear not to destroy the bird's nests!

Children... We swear!

2nd child. We swear not to break the branches of the trees!

Children. We swear!

3rd child... Love nature, respect!

Children... We swear! We swear! We swear!

Leading... I want you to carry this oath through the years And preserve our Earth, preserve it!

The old man-flywheel... And Kikimora and I want to present you with medals.

Kikimora... To declare young ecologists.

Presentation of medals "Young Ecologist" to children.

Auntie Tina... Thank you, kids, for coming to the rescue, saving the Earth from death.

Leading. Well, it's time for us to return.

Heroes... Goodbye friends!

Song "Time Machine".

The scenery changes.

Leading... Here we are with you and returned from the future. Of course, it was just a fairy tale, but I ask you guys not to forget that only in a fairy tale you can correct your mistakes. In real life, this is much more difficult to do. Love and take care of nature.

Children leave the hall to the music.