Scenario of a sports event for children cold heart. Children's birthday in the style of "Frozen": photo, design, script

A child's date of birth is a holiday for the whole family. Parents come up with various ideas, scenarios and decorations for this incredible event. It takes a lot of effort to spend a children's birthday in the "Frozen" style.

For little girls, the holiday is associated with princesses and princes. The cartoon "Frozen" is perfect for recreating the scenery in the style of a castle. To do this, you should think over all the nuances in advance.

On a birthday in the style of "Frozen", the design should fully correspond to the cartoon film. Parents need to look at it or find pictures on the Internet in order to understand what decorations to make, how to set the table, what to dress their child with.


Balloons can be inflated on their own or purchased ready-made. The more there are, the better. Small balls scattered on the floor will look like lumps of snow, children can play with them.

Christmas trees are cut out of foam board, a stand is attached from below. Decorate the edges with tinsel or white cloth.

Even children can make snowflakes and various decorations from colored paper. To make such a birthday decoration in the "Frozen" style look harmonious, you need to choose three shades: white, blue, pink.

Festive table

Having decorated the hall, you can proceed to further decoration. Table setting is one of the most important elements to make your Frozen birthday a success. It is better to choose an emerald-colored tablecloth and drape the front with a white organza. Then the table will look like a piece of ice.

For serving, you can buy a ready-made set with cartoon symbols, which consists of:

  • cups;
  • little plates;
  • tubules.

It is interesting to make seating cards for guests. If you are planning a children's buffet, you can make personalized dishes and cups.

You can buy canapé sticks with attachments in the shape of ice or snowflakes. It is better to choose white plates for appetizers. They, like snowflakes, will decorate the festive table. Plates are on sale in the form of stars.

Children's menu and cake

Dishes should not only be tasty, but also beautifully presented. At a children's party, everything should be cartoonish and funny. The menu can be like this:

  • canapes from vegetables, fruits;
  • gingerbread cookies in the form of snowflakes;
  • fruit plate;
  • small polished carrots (this is delicious, and it served as a nose for Olaf in the cartoon);
  • pasta cake in blue shades;
  • marshmallows (it looks like small snowballs);
  • cupcakes (can be decorated with figures of Elsa and Olaf, as well as made in the form of snowmen).

You can also customize your water and juice bottles with themed labels.

How to make canapes? This requires:

  1. Take a cucumber, carrots, cheese, olives and any fruit you like.
  2. Using a knife or a special device, make shapes: hearts, stars, rounds.
  3. String everything alternately on skewers, ending with an olive, or, for example, a slice of pineapple.

You can also make cupcakes yourself:

  1. First, prepare any recipe for muffins using blue paper cutters.
  2. Make a cream that everyone loves, and use a pastry syringe or bag to build a curl on top of the treats.
  3. Sprinkle multicolored star and bead confetti on the cupcakes.

Children will love these cupcakes. They can be decorated not only with confetti, but also with fresh strawberries.

Children are very fond of fruits, so you need to take care of buying fresh and tasty fruits in advance. Before serving, they should be washed, chopped and pitted, if any.

Do not forget that children first eat with their eyes, so each dish should arouse their interest and desire to try.

Birthday cake

Birthday in the style of "Frozen" requires special preparation from parents. An important element will be a festive cake. There are some great ideas for him:

  • Elsa. You can use a plastic doll around which a fancy dress is formed with the help of cream.
  • Olaf is a wonderful and unique snowman.
  • A cake in the form of an ice floe and cartoon characters standing on it.
  • A simple option is an edible photo. It is printed on special paper and placed on the cake.

Confectioners will be able to bring any idea to life.


The mood of the children depends on how the parents spent their birthday in the style of "Frozen". A well-chosen script will help keep the guys busy. You can spend the holiday yourself. The content is easy to come up with using fragments from the film, images of the main characters.

In winter, little guests can go outside and make a snowman - Olaf. By dividing into teams, you can create multiple shapes. If there is no snow, it doesn't matter. Kids can make snowmen using marshmallows, straws, and large raisins. You can sculpt them at speed, and then each child eats his product.

A birthday in the style of Elsa "Frozen" for children is a special holiday. "Snowballs" will be a fun competition. Guests make lumps of white paper, then divide into two teams. Plastic buckets are installed at a distance from children. The team that throws more "snowballs" into their container wins.

The kids will love the milkshake making task. Plus it's delicious. To prepare it, guests should distribute cups, milk, ice cream, berries and fruits to choose from. Each child will get his own, unique cocktail that he can drink.

The game "Mittens" will appeal to all children. You will need to put them on pens and unfold a small candy, draw a portrait of a birthday girl or peel a tangerine. Whoever does the best gets a souvenir.

There is a fun game "Chamomile", it is easy to use a snowflake instead. On each ray you need to write a task. The child tears off the ray and performs it. Tasks should be funny: make a face, tell a rhyme, jump rope, sing a song, draw a picture or show an animal. Children will definitely appreciate this kind of entertainment.

A quiz can be just as interesting. For questions, use the cartoon and its characters.


It is better to prepare questions in advance so that the birthday in the style of "Frozen" turns out to be more organized and interesting. The options are:

  • What was the weather like in the plot of the cartoon?
  • Names of sisters.
  • What did Olaf give Elsa?
  • The name of the snowman.
  • Why didn't Anna freeze?
  • The name of the prince.
  • What did Christoph get as a gift at the end of the cartoon?
  • What are the main characters remembered for?

There may be more questions, it all depends on the age of the children and their passion for the game. Before the show, you can arrange a movie show so that the children remember the cartoon. You can invite the children to come up with questions themselves, answer them, and then draw drawings with pencils.


Guests are not always able to please the child; the best solution is to write a list of desired gifts in advance. This will make the choice easier, and the child will definitely be happy. If you spend your birthday in the "Frozen" style, the list of gifts might look something like this:

  • dolls and toys in the form of cartoon characters;
  • backpack with symbols;
  • coloring pages;
  • Lego constructor with a castle and cartoon characters;
  • the book "Frozen";
  • T-shirt, pajamas and even shoes in this style.

Parents do not have to pick up gifts themselves. They can ask the child's wishes and write a special list for guests. This system is very popular now. The list of gifts (this is very practical) helps to improve mutual understanding between people.


If parents are not ready to spend the holiday on their own, they can use the services of specialists. Animators are very popular now. They will not only be able to be in the form of cartoon characters, but will also be great fun for children.

In addition to the celebration, animators provide decoration services, face painting, give children gifts and balls.


It is interesting to remember a few years later how the birthday party in the "Frozen" style went. The photo taken on this day is the best memory for children and their parents.

You can hire a professional photographer or capture the holiday yourself. Even a beginner will be able to take bright and beautiful baby pictures.

Photos can be printed and hung on the wall. Or make a book that will preserve the quality of your images for a long time. With its help, photos will be decorated beautifully and aesthetically.

What could be better and more joyful than a children's birthday? Especially if the holiday involves not only delicious food and sweet treats, but also games and entertainment. To make this day memorable for both parents and children, it is best to arrange a themed holiday. For example, it could be a Frozen birthday. We will talk about how to arrange it in this article.

Start with a script

If your child loves the cartoon "Frozen", and you decide to arrange a birthday for him in accordance with the theme of this picture, start by writing a script. Think over all the details, including contests, design and menu design.

By the way, it will be useful to prepare thematic invitations and distribute them to prospective guests. To this end, you can print ready-made templates or make them yourself, connecting your baby to such a creative process. In the postcard, be sure to indicate the reason for the invitation - a birthday in the style of "Frozen", as well as write the time and place of the event.

For more effect, invitation cards can be neatly stacked in themed envelopes. However, they do not have to be large, it is better to choose medium or small sizes (in accordance with the parameters of the invitation itself).

Room and table decoration

If you decide to celebrate your birthday in the "Frozen" style, the decoration should correspond to the chosen theme. For example, you can create a special fabulous atmosphere using corrugated, white and colored paper. It is advisable that your decor is dominated by blue, light blue, white, silver and gold tones. So get creative.

Alternatively, you can cut a lot of snowflakes, make long thread-like garlands using threads and pom-poms. You can also hang a number of bulky items from the ceiling, which will give the whole design a special twist.

It makes sense to use photos of the main characters from the cartoon as images on decorative elements, for example, on posters, ceiling and wall pendants. And do not spare glitter, white and colored paper. Everything should be perfect and matched to the theme.

Dishes and their decoration

In order for the children's birthday in the "Frozen" style to be remembered by all the invited kids, attention should be paid to the details. So, in addition, it is necessary to carefully decorate the table and pick up the dishes, for example, in blue and white colors. The following elements can be striking additions:

  1. Beautiful napkins with snowflakes.
  2. Decorative vases covered with silver sequins (you can make them out of ordinary plastic or glass bottles).
  3. Effectively decorated napkin holders, complemented by silver sparkles or images of Elsa, Anna and other characters (ideas for a birthday in accordance with the theme of the cartoon can be found in our article).
  4. Small plastic figures of cartoon characters, neatly placed around the entire perimeter of the roof (in order to avoid injury, they should not be too small).
  5. Shining magic wands with glitter, etc.

What should be the holiday menu?

If you are planning to organize a Frozen birthday party for your child, think carefully about the menu. In particular, great attention should be paid to sweet and flour dishes. For example, the following goodies can be served on the table:

  • chocolate (use a combination of white and black, milk and white);
  • marshmallow;
  • marshmallows;
  • ice cream;
  • colored puddings;
  • blue jelly;
  • cookies and biscuits in the form of snowflakes and snowmen.

Fondue using white chocolate will also look original. Here little guests can dip pieces of cookies, waffles, fruits. This dish and the other sweets mentioned above can be used as a great idea for your child's birthday.

And, of course, the most anticipated delicacy will be a beautiful multi-storey cake made in white and blue tones, on which sugar figurines of the characters from Frozen will be placed.

Birthday in the style of "Frozen": script

To implement this scenario, you will need the costumes of Elsa, Anna, Olof, and a deer. You can make them yourself or sew them to order. The event itself is designed for about an hour and a half.

First, Elsa comes out: “Hello, children! And who is our birthday boy here? " She comes closer.

"Do you like holidays, sweets and gifts?" As well as I do not like children who have fun. Now I will freeze you. " She begins to move her hands and conjures. At this moment the snowman Olof and a deer run out to the audience.

“Come on, stop. I won't let you turn our birthday boy (tsu) into an icicle, "- with these words the snowman pulls out a large bucket of snowballs (they can be made of paper, thread, foam, white balls from Christmas tree decorations are also suitable). “Help me guys. Let's throw snowballs at evil Elsa. "

“Oh, stop. I can't take it anymore. You have won, ”Elsa screams and runs away. Olof gives the command to stop playing snowballs and comes closer to the children. “Thank you kids. We managed to drive Elsa away. But don't be relaxed. She can still return. "

“In the meantime, we will play and congratulate our birthday boy (tsu),” says the deer, which also comes closer.

Elsa appears again. “I’ll leave, but I won’t let you rejoice either,” she says, pulls out the carrot-nose of the snowman and runs away.

The snowman is confused: “Guys, what to do? How am I now without a nose? "

Deer: “I made it up. Let the guys choose your nose now. "

Game "Put your nose on a snowman"

When deciding to make a holiday for your baby, remember that a birthday in the style of "Frozen" will not match the theme without the right props. Therefore, when writing a script, take care of costumes and additional decorations. For example, for the next game, you will need carrots (about 5-10 pieces), a cloth bandage and an image or model of a snowman. To do this, you can draw his figure on a large Whatman paper and make a hole in the place where his nose should be.

The principle of the game is simple: after choosing the participants, each of them (in turn) is blindfolded, given a carrot, and he, in turn, must get into the hole and insert the snowman's nose.

For the safety of children, it is best to accompany them to the location where the poster is located. By the way, one of the characters can hold it in his hands, for example, sitting on a chair. You can complicate the task by turning on the music. The winner in this task is the one who has time to find the hole for the nose and insert the carrots into it before the melody stops playing. You can use our birthday ideas or come up with your own.

Game "Collect Olof"

Elsa appears again. “Yeah. You did it and put the nose back on the snowman. I'll ask you now, ”she makes sweeping gestures with her hands and throws a bag over the snowman. Then she takes him away, and after a while three white balls roll out to the children (they can be made of fabric and filled with padding polyester).

“I took apart your snowman. Now you won't see him again. Ha-ha, ”- sounds from afar.

Deer: “Well, poor Olof. She took you apart again. Guys, help to collect our friend! ".

For this, all children gather at the table. In front of each of them there should be a piece of paper or a large plate, straws, marshmallows, chocolate, round sweets. It is from these details that the children will have to assemble the snowman. The winner is the one with the best figure.

Make a snowman game

The second competition, which will help to collect a snowman, will be a toilet paper game. To do this, the children need to be divided into two teams and choose one snowman, which should be placed near the chair (at the end of the path), where additional details will lie: a false paper nose, a hat, a scarf and mittens. Each of the team members must run out (in time) and have time to wrap their snowman with paper. The team whose man is more beautiful wins.

Final Scene

Elsa and Olof come out: “Well. You have outplayed me again. Well, I won't bother you anymore. It remains only to wish the birthday man (tsu) happy birthday! "

Anna appears, and the children all shout in unison: "Happy birthday!" Confetti and balloons appear. Olof and the deer are taking out the birthday cake.

Hello, friends! What is your favorite holiday? I am sure that more than half of the readers will answer that it is a birthday. After all, it is only for you, and also gifts, entertainment and cake! This article will kick off a series of highlights. Today we'll figure out how to celebrate a birthday in Frozen style.

Have you watched such a cartoon? I've looked specifically. The cartoon is just wonderful! This is probably why he makes children, and especially girls, want to be in this magical world of snow and ice for at least one day with their favorite heroes.

Let's try to imagine how everything should look to make it look similar. And we will deal with the main constituent parts of the holiday, in other words, we will deal with the stylization of the children's holiday.

Let's start over, let's start with the invitations.

Lesson plan:

Birthday invitations

In order for the guests to understand what awaits them, it is necessary to send them invitations in advance, at least a couple of weeks in advance. Two options for these invitations come to mind.

One is simpler. You need to write the invitation text on a snowflake.

And pre-cut the snowflake with your own hands from a beautiful silvery cardboard, or print, or buy. The text can be like this.

Dear Sasha!

I invite you to the realm of shining snow and shining ice. On my birthday!

In the "cold" program: catching deer, a lesson in the workshop for the production of snow, an ice photo session, and many other "frosty" entertainment.

Have a good mood, good appetite and warm mittens with you!

The password for entering the holiday is “The cold has always been to my liking”!

And the invitation can be like this. It will turn out a little more expensive. You will need to print it on photo paper on both sides. On the front, you can place some kind of picture from the cartoon about Elsa and the invitation text, and on the back, you can place a coloring from the same cartoon. Then these invitations can be used for a competition, for example, who painted the picture better.

So, invitations to the guests have been sent out. They are getting ready, and it's time for the hosts to get down to holiday business. First, let's decorate the room.

Festive interior

It would be nice to hang posters on the walls with images of the heroes of your favorite cartoon or frames from it. More white. After all, there is snow all around. White tablecloth, white chair covers. Well, ideally, you can try to do as in this picture. Kidding)

And one more detail of the interior, which will be a great addition to the holiday. Try making large balls out of white corrugated paper. We talked about how exactly they can be made. From these balls you can make garlands and stretch them around the apartment. Or you can hang them from the ceiling. I think it will be magical!

Well, icicles will not hurt. They can be rolled out of the transparent wrapping paper used to wrap flowers. We'll stick the icicles on chandeliers, cornices, paintings and other suitable places. Frosty patterns can be drawn on the windows. This will look especially original in the summer. The sun and heat are all around, and you have a winter corner at home.

Yes, and do not forget to provide a special photo zone.

Photozone decoration

Drape one corner in your apartment with a shiny white cloth. If you have time and any abilities, you can sew a shiny mantle like Snow Elsa and make a beautiful "ice" crown.

You can build a huge fake ice cream. In general, you need props with which you could work during the photo session. Suitable for a photo corner and fountains made of white and silver gel balls.

Musical accompaniment

The space needs to be filled not only with decorative elements, but also with the sounds of suitable music. These can be soundtracks from a cartoon. And there are a lot of beautiful songs in the cartoon.

Or other winter-themed songs. For example, "Winter is cold", "Winter lived in a hut near the forest at the edge", songs about snowflakes, blizzards, etc. are suitable.

Dress code

The dress code also helps to create the right mood for both the hero of the occasion and her guests. It is advisable to dress the birthday girl in a dress similar to the outfit of the main character of the cartoon Elsa.

And ask the guests (you can write about this in the invitations) to have with them a certain element of the costume, for example, mittens. Still, they go into the winter. And it will be very unusual, especially if the summer is red outside.

By the way, these mittens can be used later for a couple of entertainments. We'll talk about entertainment a little later. In the meantime, let's try to figure out what to put on the festive table.

Snow menu

Usually kids don't sit at the table for a long time. Our feast takes place according to the following scheme. The main meal, something more substantial. You can't run away much here. After all, we will not serve meat straight from the freezer to the table.

But you can already play with desserts. It could be snowflake-shaped cookies. White marshmallows. Cold milkshake. Some delicious curds. And of course ice cream!

You can stylize the dishes. It's great if the plates are transparent, well, as if ice, and the cups can be decorated with sugar along the edge. They will appear frozen.

Don't forget the cake. Nowadays, ordering a cake based on a cartoon is not a problem at all. There are such masters and such modern technologies that the treat will be just AH!

We form the main blocks of the script

In order for the holiday to be a success, someone needs to take on the role of leading and watching everything. Dear parents, by all appearances, this honorable mission will go to you. And the leader must clearly understand what is going after what and in which direction he is moving.

Let's try to figure out the backbone of the script.

  1. So, it all starts with meeting guests.
  2. The first meal with the main meal.
  3. The first competition block (quiet competitions).
  4. Analysis and examination of gifts, photo for memory.
  5. The second competition block (mobile competitions).
  6. Second feast with cake.
  7. The third competitive block.
  8. Disco.
  9. Ice cream.
  10. We see off the guests.

Meeting with guests

So, the guest came, said the password, brought mittens with him, as we asked for in the invitation. The gift is with him too. The guest undressed, put himself in order. What to do with it next? After all, guests rarely come all together. It is necessary to somehow entertain the first comers and not leave them to their fate. How to occupy them and how to relax them?

Catch options:

  1. You can arrange a small exhibition of the birthday girl's achievements. For example, it is beautiful to lay out some creative work if the girl is a needlewoman. Or to show medals and cups, if sport plays an important role in life. Do you think the guests will be interested?
  2. It will be great to prepare some kind of album for wishes. This is an excellent memory of this significant day. You can take a simple sketchbook, decorate it, and thus turn it into an Ice Book. Let each guest leave his wish and drawing in this "Ice Book" as a keepsake.

Well, when all the guests are already assembled, you can sit down at the festive table, congratulate the birthday girl and feed the little participants in the celebration.

And now about the fun part! About contests!

Snowy competition program

It is not for nothing that I called this program snowy. After all, all contests in one way or another will be associated with snow, ice and other winter entertainment. Let's divide the contests into calm and active ones. Let's start with the calm ones.

Calm contests

"Snow Factory"

A very nice name for a very simple competition. We will cut out the snowflakes. Scissors (do not forget to prepare them in advance) and sheets of white paper or napkins act as props. We cut out the snowflakes all together, for a while and with incendiary music.

The winner is either the one who cuts the snowflake the fastest. Or the one whose snowflake is the most beautiful. All the snowflakes cut out during the competition can be pasted into your "Ice Album", there they belong!

"Warm heart"

For this competition, ice is needed. So freeze them in the freezer beforehand. There should be as many pieces of ice as there are guests. Each participant receives a piece of ice. And at the signal, you need to melt these pieces of ice. You can hold them in your hands, blow on them. You can't lick ice and put it in your mouth. The one whose piece of ice melts first is declared the owner of the warmest heart and receives a prize.

"Snow quiz"

I think there is no need to explain what a quiz is. Questions may be as follows:

  1. Are there two absolutely identical snowflakes in the world? (No)
  2. How many types of snowflakes are there? (7)
  3. What is the largest known snowflake in diameter? (12 cm)
  4. Name the winter months of the Earth's southern hemisphere. (June July August)
  5. The maximum speed of an avalanche rushing down the mountain. (360 km / h)

You can come up with even more questions by reading about snowflakes.


This game is known to many, and as the name suggests, it would be perfect for our party. And its meaning is as follows.

The first participant says, "I put a sled in my magic bag."

The second participant says, "I put sledges and skis in my magic bag."

Third participant: "I put sledges, skis and skates in my magic bag."

Fourth: "I put sledges, skis, skates and ice skates in my magic bag." Etc.

The snowball is getting bigger. You can set a restriction to use only words related to winter.

"My friend Olof"

Do you know who Olof is? Of course, this is a snowman from the cartoon "Frozen". Let's sculpt Olof! Of what? Made of artificial snow. We showed how to cook it. Don't forget to print out a photo of this adorable snowman for the participants to remember and try to reproduce. Whoever gets it closer to the original is a fine fellow.

If you don't want to bother with artificial snow, then you can draw portraits of Olof, but then you should blindfold the participants. It will be much more interesting and fun this way)

Mobile contests

"Catchers of Ice Dreams"

You can tell the following background: “When Snow Elsa thought, her most beautiful thoughts and dreams turned into flickering ice balls. They fell to the ground and broke ... ”Soap bubbles will play the role of these ice balls-dreams. The task of the participants is not to let their dreams perish.

Children put on the mittens they brought and try to catch soap bubbles and prevent them from bursting as long as possible. In mittens, it's quite real! You can even hold them on your hand. You will learn how to prepare a high-quality mixture for bubbles.


This competition again requires mittens and a pair of men's shirts. We put on shirts and mittens for the participants. The task is to fasten all the buttons as quickly as possible. The one who is the first is the good fellow.

"Whose herd is bigger?"

Each self-respecting snow wizard should have a deer, or better a whole herd. And the deer must be caught. You will need props for this competition.

There is such a game when you need to throw rings on sticks from a certain distance. Here the sticks will be deer, you can cut out deer faces from colored cardboard and paper and glue them to the sticks. Participants take turns throwing rings (catching deer). Each has the same number of throws. Whoever has more hits has a larger herd of reindeer, he is a fine fellow, he won.

"Snow fight"

This team competition will require at least some free space. We divide the participants into two teams, and with the help of a string we divide the room into two equal parts. We give the participants snowballs. They need to be prepared in advance, made from crumpled paper and pasted over with cotton wool.

On command, the participants begin to throw snowballs to the side of the opposing team. When the command "Stop" sounds, the snow fight stops. And the leader counts how many snowballs are on the side of each team.

"Snow bucket"

Well, since we already have snowballs, we can still play with them. In addition to snowballs, you will need small buckets (the same ones for the sandbox), well, or trash baskets. This is a game of marksmanship. From a certain distance, participants try to hit the bucket with snowballs. The prize goes to the most accurate.

By the way, about the prizes. Don't forget about them. Get something not very big, not very expensive, but very pleasant and interesting. Every child must leave the birthday with a prize).

These are the ideas that were born in my head, friends. I think that they should be brought to life and at the end you will have a great “snowy” children's birthday!

Catch a song for inspiration!

Do you have any additions or suggestions? We'll be happy to hear them in the comments!

Happy Holidays!

Your Evgeniya Klimkovich!

"Frozen" (or Frozen) was shot based on the fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen "The Snow Queen". The Disney studio has been thinking about the question of adapting the story of a heartless witch since the middle of World War II, but every time there were reasons why the projects were frozen, no matter how ridiculous it may sound.

A long search for the secret of presenting the “outdated” hero resulted in the “birth” of Elsa and the rest of the characters, and in the fact that the 53rd full-length cartoon by Walt Disney Studios, released at the end of 2013, became the highest-grossing animated film in the entire history of animation. ...

All this explains the demand for such a festive idea as a birthday in the style of a cartoon.

Winter's tale

It is possible to arrange an event of this format for both children and adult audiences - the cartoon is loved by people of different ages.

Most of the story takes place in a city covered with snow and chained in ice. Therefore, the success of the party depends on the right choice of venue.

  1. For adults and schoolchildren, an invitation to an indoor skating rink or a ski base with artificial snow will be a pleasant surprise, because many episodes of the Disney fairy tale are associated with skiing from the mountains and on an icy lake.
  2. If there is no opportunity to plunge into real winter at any time of the year, then ice skating can be replaced by a trip to a rollerdrome or to a platform with smooth asphalt. The most daring alternative is to prolong the plot of the fairy tale after the ice has melted and place all the characters in the summer water surroundings of the water park.

The entourage needs to be thought out in advance:

  • cover furniture with white;
  • festive supplement with lacy, snowflake-like napkins;
  • make garlands of threads with beads and clear crystals to be placed on the ceiling and windows;
  • decorate windows and mirrors with "frosty patterns" using a glass marker.

The color scheme of the party can be described as "50 shades of white", but it is worth reviving it with blues, blues and lilac tones, gold and silver. The main thing is to avoid yellow, because, in the words of Olaf the snowman: "Yellow snow is somehow wrong."

To make the children's holiday pleasant and understandable for both the smallest participants and their parents, it would be nice to arrange a family watching of the cartoon in advance, and arrange the venue together with the child, adding images of cartoon characters to the winter decoration.

Tasty and cold

An important condition for creating an atmosphere is the menu, which includes winter delicacies and sweets, which appear in the animation picture:

  • ice cream or frozen yoghurts (for the little ones);
  • fruit jelly;
  • lollipops;
  • chocolate fondue.

Children's festive table can be supplemented with any and white cakes. And within the framework of an adult banquet, there is a place for such cold snacks as aspic and jellied meat.

Drinks should be transparent and color doesn't matter.

Actors, roles and cosplay

Both a children's and an adult's holiday need an animator or presenter who will portray one of the heroes and "create magic". He will direct the energy of the participants in the celebration in the right direction and not let them get bored.

There are two magical characters in the fairy tale: Elsa (queen of Arendelle) and Pabby (king of trolls).

The presenter, in addition to the costume corresponding to the image, should prepare several tricks and tricks for the entertainment of the public, and the animator at the children's party will not hurt to master the basics of face painting and learn how to draw beautiful snowflakes and patterns.

The task of the presenter is so that not a single inhabitant or guest of the fabulous Arendelle feels outside the general plot:

  1. Everyone needs to meet, get to know each other, ask about the news of his kingdom.
  2. Arrange an identity competition and identify the character most similar to the original.
  3. Present the main prize to the winner and incentive gifts to the rest of the participants.

It is better to leave the choice of heroes for the children's holiday (it does not matter whether the birthday person is creating an image or his guest) is better left for the offspring - suddenly the son does not want to be the heir to the throne, since he likes Sven or Marshmello more, and the daughter's sympathies belong to Bulda.

You can build a fancy dress yourself or rent it from a cosplay studio - these are the organizations that make outfits for characters in animated films.

Based on the plot

At the ball, Anna invites Hans to do something crazy. What's crazy, for example, can you arrange at a birthday party in the middle of summer as part of a winter storyline? Play snowballs, of course!

Snowball game

They can be thrown at each other or into the basket, demonstrating accuracy. You can arrange a snowball throwing competition. But where to get them if flowers are blooming around?

In children's stores, you can often find packaging of white foam balls - they will be snowballs. This unpretentious game is fun to play in a company of any age - the balls are very light, you still need to get used to them.

Royal puzzle

You can entertain guests and the birthday person by putting together a puzzle, but not simple, but ice.

To create it you will need:

  • molds in the form of connecting elements or square containers;
  • a plot picture, which must be cut so that the parts fit freely into the forms;
  • water and freezer.

Templates of a picture depicting one of the characters or a freeze frame from a cartoon can be downloaded on the Internet and printed on a color printer. The picture divided into segments needs to be frozen in ice.


In the story, Kristoff and Sven must deliver their enchanted sister Anna to the city to provide assistance. On the way, a lot of obstacles await them. This topic can be played up with the help of the "Ambulance" contest.

This is a “reindeer sledding” ride in the form of a children's sled between improvised ice floes of furniture covered with white fabric. The role of the patient can be played by a soft toy, which must be carried through the maze and not dropped.

For the success of the competition, two participants are needed, or better - two teams, passing the test in relay mode. This competition is equally fun at both children's and adult parties.

The three times platinum track "Let it Go", which in Russian translation is called "Let go and Forget", is the main musical theme of the fairy tale, requiring a karaoke competition to perform songs from the cartoon. They should be the soundtrack of the whole holiday party.

It is not necessary to completely play out the plot of the animated picture - it can be quite boring, but it is necessary to create the general mood and aesthetics of Disney's kind and naive fairy tale, in which good and love again triumph over evil, albeit unintentional.

Cartoon "Frozen" won the hearts of little fans and female fans. Girls dream of being like the main character of the cartoon - Elsa. Why not make this dream come true for one day? And you can do this by organizing a Birthday in the Frozen style.

How to do this, what is needed for this, we will consider in our article. We will discuss all the details, from inviting guests to a birthday cake.

If we talk about the colors of the holiday, then blue and white colors - the colors of winter and ice - will prevail here. You can also supplement the overall picture with details of purple, pink would be appropriate, because a holiday in such a theme, as a rule, is a girl's holiday.

Everything that is somehow connected with winter, frost, snow can be used in the decor. Some New Year's decorations will come in handy.

Well, now let's dwell on each of the points in detail.

The standard version is a rectangular postcard with a picture of Elsa. Such a postcard is easy enough to print, fill out and send to the addressee.

If you want something more creative, you can make invitations in the form of a dress or a snowflake. We decorate the dress with tulle and sequins, snowflakes - sequins, small rhinestones.

We meet guests

The holiday has come and it's time to meet the little guests. We organize the meeting in such a way that the theme of the birthday is felt from the doorway. To do this, decorate the path to the house with paper snowflakes, and turn the front door into a cheerful snowman Olaf - attach the nose, mouth and other details to it. A friendly smile of a snowman will cheer up guests at the very beginning of the holiday.

Room decor

To decorate a hall or room, you will need snowflakes, small snowmen, garlands of white and blue.

Traditional balloons will also be appropriate. It can be a composition of only balls or a combination of ordinary balls with foil. You can also arrange the balls with paper pom-poms.

Decorative garlands can be either the most ordinary of circles to match the rest of the decor, or garlands of cotton balls that resemble falling snow. Volumetric snowflakes of white or blue color also look spectacular.


The traditional decor for a birthday is a number that speaks of the age of the birthday person or the birthday girl. Such a figure can be both flat and voluminous, it decorates the festive hall and can be used as an attribute of a photo shoot. Also, the figure can be made in the form of a cake topper. Here are some ideas for a Frozen-style number:

Birthday girl outfit

This is one of the most important points in terms of preparing for the holiday. Her mood, and hence the success of the whole holiday, directly depends on the appearance of the hero of the occasion. Prepares an outfit, preferably with the participation of the birthday girl herself. The traditional version is a fluffy tulle skirt in blue tones and a T-shirt with cartoon characters. The name of the hero of the occasion can also flaunt on the T-shirt. And a pigtail, like Elsa's, is easy to weave from threads, fastening it to a crocheted crown.


You can also take care of the appearance of the little guests, so that it also matches the theme of the birthday. A universal option for boys and girls - caps in the style of cartoon characters. If only girls are invited, then you can make a hoop with a crown of blue felt for each of them - let each of them feel like a little snow queen.

Festive table

Here, too, white and blue colors predominate, but a pink tablecloth will also be appropriate if it is emphasized with some other pink details. In our example, these are openwork pink candlesticks. We choose napkins with the image of cartoon characters or ordinary plain ones. Paper snowflakes laid out on the table, as well as branches decorated with artificial snow, will help to complement the picture.

In the style of a cartoon, there can be not only serving, but also the dishes themselves. So a regular carrot can be served under the guise of the nose of Olaf the snowman. I think that children will eat such a carrot with pleasure. Olives are served under the guise of a snowman's buttons, and straws are his hands. All this can be supplemented with sauce.


The most common water, which children will drink a lot, is called melted snow - for this you need printed stickers on the bottles. Or pour water into a separate large container, add ice cubes and carrots there. It will not be difficult to guess that this is a melted snowman.

Candy bar

We also make a sweet table in the style of the whole holiday. A blue background, a white or blue tablecloth, a table skirt made of blue tulle will help us with this. We complement all this with snowflakes, paper decor to match.

It is also advisable to serve sweets and drinks in white and blue colors so that the candy bar looks as organic as possible.

We decorate the tubes for drinks with paper snowflakes, and on the glasses we draw the face of Olaf the snowman. From openwork round napkins, cute Christmas trees are obtained with which you can decorate a candy bar, and twigs with frost are easily made using glue and dry sparkles.


The protagonist of both the candy bar and the holiday in general. If you decide to decorate it yourself, use any white cream, you can take coconut flakes, which resembles frost. If you opted for mastic, here are some ideas for you:

Photo zone and photo attributes

Beautiful photos - pleasant memories of the holiday. A simple option to take a photo for a children's birthday in the style of Frozen is to make a photo paraphernalia. We print thematic templates and attach them to wooden skewers. A more interesting, but also more difficult option in terms of implementation is a photo booth with a snowman. Both options can be combined for group photos.

How to entertain guests?

Almost any game or competition can be stylized to the theme of the cartoon "Frozen", we will consider several options. Among them there are both active entertainment and calm, creative ones.


You will need coloring pages with the main characters of the cartoon and pencils or felt-tip pens. Children can take such creations with them as a souvenir in memory of the holiday.

Gingerbread painting

Bake the snowflake gingerbread and the icing the night before. Glaze in white and blue colors will do. If you do not want to use dyes, you can limit yourself to only white glaze.

DIY sweets

And here's another idea of ​​how to keep the kids busy on their birthday:

Cotton ball snowball games

These are outdoor games. The first option - we collect snowballs with wooden sticks, the second option - we knock down a pyramid from cups with snowballs.

Elsa's Snowflake and Snowflake Figures

These activities are not only fun, but also rewarding. Drawing a snowflake point by point, children repeat numbers, train fine motor skills. The second entertainment also helps to learn or repeat numbers in a playful way.

Collecting Olaf

You can either completely assemble a snowman from separate parts, or attach a nose to him. If the task of children is simply to attach the nose, then this should be done with a blindfold. And other guests can help with tips.

Face painting

An exciting activity for little girls. So all the guests will feel like little cartoon heroines. Face painting can be applied at the very beginning of the holiday.

Make a snowman

Well-known toilet paper fun, slightly modified to suit the holiday theme. It is better to take white paper, and we supplement the finished snowmen with scarves and noses.