The script for the opening ceremony of the exhibition of arts and crafts “Carousel of Masters. Closing script for the children's art exhibition

Target: creating conditions for the emergence and development of children's interest in creative activity.


  • formation and development of the creative potential of children;
  • development of communication skills;
  • creating conditions for children to realize that they belong to a creative team, community;
  • creating a festive mood.

Targeting: for children 7-9 years old, studying in the studios of arts and crafts and fine arts for the first year.

Technical equipment: sound equipment, a seven-color flower (on an easel), a palette, a brush, paints, costumes of the Artist, Brushes, Violet Paint, a crossword puzzle (can be depicted on a sheet of Whatman paper in A0 format or projected onto a screen - in this case, a projection screen, a projector, a computer ).


  • Artist
  • Brush
  • Purple Paint

Conditions and features of implementation:

Of great importance is the decoration of the holiday (invitations, hall decoration, poster), musical accompaniment, original props for creative competitions, the mastery of the presenters, their speech, the ability to communicate with the audience.
The holiday is held in a large, festively decorated hall. The chairs are in a semicircle. All the action takes place in the center of the hall. The hall is decorated with colorful balloons. At the stands there are creative works of children.
During the holiday, the guys receive creative tasks from the Artist and successfully complete them.


(The presenter of the holiday comes out - the Artist)

Artist: Hello guys! Hello dear guests! Let me introduce myself - an artist, Modest Apollonovich Tretyakov, a full member of the Academy of Fine Arts.
Guys, this year you started to study in the studios of the department of arts and crafts of the House of Children's Art. Today I invited you to a holiday called "Hello, creativity!" What is creativity?

(Guys answer)

Creativity is the process of creating something new and beautiful. I hope that today you will be able to complete creative tasks and show that you can create!
But where is my assistant, Kistochka? She's probably drawing and that's why she's late.

(Brush appears)

Brush: Hello guys! Hello, Modest Apollonovich!

Artist: Brush, but why are you delayed?

Brush: Dear Artist, I could not find the palette and your magic brush. They disappeared somewhere. Guys, do you know where?

(Guys answer)

Artist: A mysterious phenomenon. The magic brush is absolutely necessary for me today. Without a magic brush, I will not be able to help the guys create beautiful things. What to do?

Brush: Continue our holiday. I really love the holidays, and I also really love to draw!

Artist: Brush, what do you like to draw?

Brush: Sun, nature, flowers, animals, people ...

Artist: Brush, we must remember with the guys what the images of nature, objects, people are called.
Guys, now I will read you a wonderful poem by the poet Alexander Kushner "What I learned." But the last word of each part of the poem is to be said to you:

If you see in the picture
The river is drawn
Or spruce and white frost,
Or a garden and clouds
Or a snowy plain
Or a field and a hut,
That is a similar picture
Called ... ( landscape)

If you see in the picture
A cup of coffee on the table
Or fruit drink in a large decanter,
Or a rose in crystal
Or a bronze vase
Or a pear, or a cake,
Or all items at once,
Know that this is ... ( still life)

If you see that from the picture
Someone is looking at us:
Or a prince in an old cloak,
Or a steeplejack in a robe,
Pilot or ballerina
Or Kolka, your neighbor, -
The picture must be called ... ( portrait)

Artist: Guys, you named everything correctly! Brush, what's your favorite paint?

Brush: Orange. To get it, you need to mix red and yellow paints.

(Purple Paint appears with a palette and a brush in hand)

Purple Paint: Artist, Brush! I also wanted to mix paints so much to get purple! For this I took a palette and a brush. But nothing worked for me.


Brush: Purple Paint, don't be discouraged. Look how many guys are in the hall! They will help you.

Purple Paint: Can you guys help me?

(Guys answer)

Artist: Knowing which paints to mix to produce different colors requires learning and having friends who will always come to your aid. Purple Paint, do you have a friend?

Purple Paint: Yes! Brush!

Artist: Brush, let's ask the guys what colors you need to mix to get purple paint?

(Guys answer)

Yes, right. You need to mix red and blue paints. Do you understand, Purple Paint?

Purple Paint: Let's mix red and blue paints on the palette and see what happens.

(Mixes paints)

Hooray, it worked! My favorite color is purple!

Artist: Wonderful! Purple Paint, stay with us on the holiday - you will learn a lot of interesting things! Let's invite two participants from each creative team. Let them also try to mix paints and get blue, pink, dark blue, gray, beige, light green colors.

(The guys mix colors and show what they have done)

- Well done boys! You have completed your mission!

Purple Paint: Guys, did you know that purple is not mentioned in any of the songs?

Brush: Not one?

Purple Paint: Not one! There is "Orange Song", a song about a green grasshopper and about green light, about a blue carriage, a song about a pink elephant, about a white apple of the moon and a red apple of sunset, about white snow, but not about purple.

Artist: I know how to help you. Let's announce a song contest among students, teachers and parents of the Children's Art House. Anyone can participate! An indispensable condition - the color purple should be mentioned in the song. Perhaps a creative team will write this song. The competition starts!

Purple Paint: Do you guys agree? It's great!

Artist: Brush, write a competition announcement today. And our holiday continues! Dear friends, you need to guess the words in the crossword puzzle. These are the words:

  1. Outstanding ability, a high degree of giftedness in any area (6 letters) (Talent)
  2. Without which you can't catch a fish from a pond (4 letters) (Work)
  3. The main tool of the artist (8 letters) (Pencil)
  4. Colored pencils without frames, as well as drawings made by them. They are distinguished by soft muted tones, velvety surface (7 letters) (Pastel)
  5. The main tool of the artist (5 letters) (Brush)

The guys guess the crossword puzzle:

The most difficult thing is to guess the word in the center of the crossword puzzle. You know the four letters of this word. Brush, help the guys.

(The guys guess the key word of the crossword puzzle - creativity)

Well done! You guessed the crossword correctly!

Artist: And now the next creative task. Remember, please, the wonderful fairy tale by Valentin Kataev "Seven-flower flower". Do you remember? Here is a magic flower from this tale.

(Purple Paint pulls out the seven-flowered easel)

The color of each petal is one of the colors of the rainbow. Now you have to write on each petal those qualities that will help you create. I call three participants from each creative team.

(The guys go to the center of the hall to the prepared easels)

Well, friends, get to work! We wish you good luck! Brush, help the guys!

(The guys are doing the task)

Creative people need the following qualities: talent, patience, imagination, artistic taste, love of nature, knowledge of folk traditions, skill.
Yes, these are the qualities you need to become a real creator, a master of your craft. And you have coped with this task! Well done!

Brush: Students of the studio will present creative works of the Fashionista clothing modeling studio at our celebration. The collection is called "Exotic". The exoticism and mystery of the bright colors of the tropical nature are reflected in these amazing things, sewn by the hands of young craftswomen.

(Demonstration of clothing models)

Artist: I would like to introduce creative teams: "Bee" soft toy workshop. The motto of this group: "With a toy - in life!"
The motto of the "Inspiration" art studio: "And skill, and inspiration, talent, patience and love!"
The Put 'ceramics studio chose the motto “It is not gods who burn pots”.
The favorite time of the children who study at the April art studio is, of course, spring.
Studio of Fine Arts "Art Studio". The motto is "To draw is my vocation."
Floordesign studio "Fantasy". The studio's motto is: "From skill to skill, from the Fantasy flower to the flight of fantasy."
Clothes modeling studio "Fashionista".
Creative workshop "Rost". The motto "We are growing, and our skill grows with us."
Design Studio.
Creative workshop "Academy of Wizards".
Technique laboratory "Junior".
Let's welcome them, friends!

Artist: And now I want to introduce the teachers of the department of arts and crafts of the House of Children's Art.

(Teacher introduction)

Brush: Now we are offering you a collection of "Fashionista" studio "Shawl Fantasy". The shawl is a very ancient type of clothing. A little fantasy - and it will turn into an evening dress or a beach suit. Greetings! Studio "Fashionista"!
In the hands of our young fashion models are flowers made in the "Fantasy" studio. This composition was named "Ever Blooming Garden".

(Demonstration of models of clothes and flower arrangements)

Artist: Students of the Department of Decorative and Applied Arts participate in international, all-Russian, city and regional exhibitions, where they have repeatedly become winners, laureates and diploma winners. Over the past year, students of the department have participated in 27 exhibitions and competitions at exhibition venues in LENEXPO, Manege, in the Exhibition Center of the Union of Artists, in the Ethnographic Museum, in the Theater of the Young Spectator, in the Sports and Concert Complex. Here are the names of some of the exhibitions: "Christmas in St. Petersburg", "Room of My Dreams", "Mosaic of Talents", "School +".
I know that your House of Creativity has existed for 23 years. And in the studios there are guys who have been doing creative work for 6, 7 and even 8 years.
And today at our holiday we want to present certificates of completion of the full course of study to the graduates of the Fantazi floor design studio, the Inspiration art studio and the Put 'ceramics studio. Let's all congratulate the graduates together!

(Presentation of certificates, certificates and gifts)

Brush: The next collection of the "Fashionista" studio is called "The Seasons". One season is followed by another. Golden autumn - snowy winter, gentle spring - green summer.

(Fashion show)

Artist: You have passed the tests and are worthy to create in the department of arts and crafts of the House of Children's Art. Guys, go to the center of the hall.

(The guys go to the center of the hall)

Repeat after me the words that will guide you in your creativity.

(The guys repeat the solemn promise after the Artist)

We, students of the arts and crafts studios, promise:

In the classroom - do not be lazy!
Try to work hard!
Strive to the heights of creativity!
Achieve high results!
To take part in exhibitions!
To take prizes!
To give joy to people!
Never let down your teachers!

And now I will wave my magic brush and say the word "Dedicate!" And you will start to create and create wonderful creative work!

(The artist says "I dedicate!" And waves a brush)

A gift from the creative team of ballroom dancing! Wonderful waltz!


After our holiday, I invite all guests to the exhibition of summer creative works of students of the department's studios in the exhibition hall of the House of Children's Art.
Dear friends, I wish you to dare, create and conquer all the peaks! Good luck in your work! Until next time!

Brush and Purple Paint: Goodbye, guys!


Festival of arts and crafts

"In the world of beauty"

Before the start of the festival, there is an exhibition of arts and crafts "Creation of hands - a spiritual gift".

In front of the assembly hall, children and adults are given multi-colored leaflets so that later they can be divided into groups.

Festival opening.

Fanfare. Leading out.

Veda 1 ... Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to welcome everyone who loves everything unusual, beautiful, ...

Vedas 2. ... and most importantly - made with love and with your own hands!

Vedas 1. In the Children's and Youth Center, in this fabulous country, all residents are enthusiastically engaged in one common business -

Together: ... arts and crafts.

Vedas 2. And always next to the children, a beloved teacher who will help with a kind word, support with an affectionate smile!

Vedas 1. Welcome to the Festival of arts and crafts

Together: "In the world of beauty."


Vedas 1: To greet the participants of the Festival, the floor is given to the specialist of the administration of our village Durnikova Evgenia Andreevna.

Together: So, the festival of arts and crafts "In the world of beauty" is considered open.

Vedas 1: And for you a musical gift from Ksenia Kravchenko.

Vedas 2: Arts and Crafts by its origin - folk art, people create things, preserve the beauty found in them and pass on all their achievements from generation to generation. In these works we see the folk character, its feelings and ideas. You could be convinced of this by visiting the exhibition “The creation of hands is a spiritual gift. " The exhibition was prepared by the students and teachers of additional education of our center.

Vedas 1: The products presented at the exhibition are handmade - this is the result of a lot of work of both teachers and students.(Presentation) Today, needlework is becoming relevant, since a hand-made thing turns out to be unique, individual, special, teachers and children put their feelings, fantasy, love into it, and therefore, it is unique.

Vedas 2: We teach by examplechildren to respect for the ancient traditions of craftsmen, respect for the work of people, through their own work. Classesdecorative creativity may also affect the choice of profession in the future.

Marya the artisan:
Hello good people,
Guests are invited and welcome!
I, Marya the artisan, the patroness of all artisan people, I greet you at the opening of the festival "in the world of beauty"
We, guests, welcome you all

With a white, lush loaf.

He's on a painted platter
With a snow-white towel.
And we also bring salt,
Bowing down, we ask you to taste.
Our dear guest and friend,

Take the bread out of your hands.

(gives to the teacher)

Marya the artisan:

But there is a question for you.
Let's listen carefully
We will answer all diligently.

Our people have a lot of different sayings and proverbs about labor and now we will see how you know them.

Do not rush with your tongue - hurry with deeds.

Human labor feeds, but laziness spoils.

The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

The bird is red with its singing, but the man is with skill.

In a hurry, you will make people laugh

Without labor - you cannot catch a fish from a pond.

The craft does not ask for bread - it feeds itself.

Business is time - fun is an hour.

Patience and a little effort.

Finished business - walk boldly.

The sun paints the earth, and labor - labor.

You will work for glory - and honor and glory to you.

Vedas 1: Today, dear viewers, you are given the opportunity to take part in master classes and make an amazing, unique craft with your own hands.

Vedas 2: Who will have red tokens with a wonderful teacher N.K. Vinogradova?

Vedas 1: Who will have blue tokens with the excellent teacher N.N.Kulakova?

Vedas 2: Who has the green tokens? You were honored to study together with I.N. Sennikova.

Vedas 1: Who has yellow tokens you will go with the youngest teacher Vrublevskaya S.I.

Vedas 2: Who has the lilac tokens? O. V. Razumovskaya

Together: Good luck.

Classes. Master classes.

Closing of the festival.

K u z i. Here you go. The house was demolished. What will we do? Where to go? But everything began so well ... Where now to look for all our own? Afonka, Adonka, Vukolochka, Lutonyushka, Kuvyku ... Oh, my life is miserable!(Looks around) Nafanya! Nafanya!
Nafanya appears on the other side.
N a f a n y. Why shout something? Here am I
K u z i. How will we live now, Nafanyushka ?!
On the fan. As we lived, so we will.
K u z i. But the house was demolished! But the mansions were what they were!
N a f a n y. Yes, mansions anywhere! It falls from the ceiling, the walls fall out, the ceiling falls through

K u z i. But now there’s nothing at all!
N a f a n y. Yes, Kuzma, you stayed too long in one place. Here, go and look for something new. You look, mansions will be found for you too.
K u z i. Where have you seen that the brownie looking for a mansion ?!
N a f a n y. and where is it, Kuzka, have you seen the mansion of you, such a lovely brownie, themselves looking for ?!
K u z i. do you really think i'm lovely?
N a f a n y. In short, stop whining. Go look for a house for yourself!
K u z i. And if I don’t find it?
N a f a n y. And if you don’t find it, what kind of brownie are you without a home?
K u z i. And where are you going?

N a f a n y. I'll also go for a walk, You look - and mansions will turn up ...
K u z i. Come on together!
N a f a n y. Not! There is no such thing that two brownies live in the same house. In the neighborhood - please, but under the same roof - no, no! by the way, have you lost your chest?
K u z i. No, my chest is with me. (Pulls out, shows)
N a f a n y. Don't lose it. And who needs you without a chest ?!
K u z i. How can you, Nafanyushka ?!

N a f a n y. Okay, Kuzya. I'm hanging out with you.
K u z i. Well, Nafanya!
N a f a n y. Listen, Kuzma, you are already eighth century old, and you keep whining. Not tired yet?
K u z i. It's easy for you to talk. Himself already the thirteenth ...
N a f a n y. If you don't stop whining, I won't come again. Got it?
K u z i. (Sighs) Why can't you understand?
N a f a n y. Happy to stay. (Leaves)

K u z i. Which way to go? Oh woe, misfortune, oh woe, misfortune ...

Marya the artisan comes out.

Marya the artisan: Hello, Kuzma. Why are you not cheerful, my friend? Why are you hanging your head?

Kuzya: Hello, Maryushka is a girl!(Bows). Why should I have fun? What kind of brownie I am now, if I’m not at home.

Marya the artisan: Do you want, Kuzya, to live here in this wonderful center, together with children and wonderful, kindest, most skillful teachers?

Kuzya: Will they not offend me here?

Mary the artisan: Yes you, what? Of course not. Everyone is welcome here.

Kuzya: I'll stay. Nafanya, Nafanya!

Nafanya comes out,

Nafanya: Why are you shouting? Here am I. What was that calling?

Kuzya: I found myself a home. I will live here.

Nafanya: Well done. If that I'm near in the kindergarten "Herringbone". Till.

Marya the artisan: And what kind of Kuzya's little chest is that?

Kuzya: This, Maryushka, is not a simple chest, but a magic one. Is that what you want him to be in now?

Marya the artisan: I would really like to see how the guys worked, creating real miracles with their own hands.

Kuzya: Nothing could be easier.

Fabulous music Presentation.

Kuzya: And now, what do you want what would be in my chest?

Marya the artisan: I'd like very much, Kuzya, that there were gifts for the children.

Kuzya: Please.


And we are very happy now

What the festival helped the guys:
Believe in strength and find yourself.

(Kira "Little Country")

The introduction of the song "Mammoth" sounds. Dunno runs out onto the stage. Sings.

How merrily the birds are singing today

They won't let me sit still,

Friends, gather in a flock

Play, have fun with Dunno.

I love to fantasize and dream

Walk along the banks of the river in the spring,

And let them call them a bum -

I dream of meeting a wizard.

He will hand me a magic wand

And the cherished word will mutter into a mustache,

At the moment I will suddenly become omnipotent,

Then my friends will envy me.

I can have all the toys at once

And it's easy to eat a hundred ice creams,

I'll throw my textbooks on the shelf

If only I could meet the wizard.

Dunno notices a vessel on the ground, picks it up, is surprised.

Dunno. Oh, what is this? What a strange bottle, Ah ... it must be an old treasure or some ancient message. Now let's see ... That’s bad luck, it still doesn’t open.

There is a roar, clouds of smoke rise, from which oriental beauties appear and perform a dance, at the end of the dance they bring out a large scarf, then raise it - and old man Hottabych appears on the stage behind the scarf.

Hottabych. Apchhi! Apchhi! (Sees Dunno, falls down in front of him). Greetings, O beautiful and wise youth!

Dunno(stuttering). Where are you from? Are you an amateur?

Hottabych. Oh no, my young lord. And not from a country unknown to me Itself ... Itself ... Sa-modea-tel-nos-ti. I am from this thrice-cursed vessel.

Dunno. Something doesn't look like it. The vessel is so small, and you are so ... comparatively large.

Hottabych. Do you not believe, despicable?!. (Angry, then, catching himself, hits his forehead on the floor.) Forgive me, my glorious savior. But I'm not used to being questioned about my words.

Know, most blessed of the youths, that I am none other than the mighty and glorified genie in all four parts of the world - Ghassan Abdurahman ibn Hottab, that is, the son of Hottab. It's just Hottabych for you.

Dunno... Gin? Is this an American liquor?

Hottabych... Oh woe to me! I am not a drink, about an inquiring youth, but a powerful and fearless spirit. And there is no such miracle in the world that would be beyond my power. Know, O star of my heart, that from now on I will do everything that you command me, for you saved me from a terrible confinement. Apchhi! Command, my young master.

Dunno. Yes! Great! A real wizard, this is a must! Well, first of all, please get up off your knees, otherwise it's somehow uncomfortable.

Hottabych(jumps up). I am waiting for your further orders, oh light of my eyes.

Dunno. You know, Hottabych, I still can't believe that you are a real magician. All my friends say that there are no miracles in the world.

Hottabych... Oh, you don’t believe me again? But do you want me in an instant to turn any girl in this hall into a real star, no worse than at the "Star Factory"? Want?

Dunno... Well, try. Let's see what you get.

Hottabych(he chooses a girl studying in a vocal studio in the hall, takes her on stage, pulls a hair out of his beard, conjures.)

The song is being played.

Dunno. This is, of course, great. Could you take us to some magical city or country? I love to travel so much ... You know, I even flew in a hot air balloon.

Hottabych... O wisest of strangers, I do not know what a balloon is, but I also love to travel. (Claps her hands. Girls in oriental costumes carry out the carpet. Hottabych and Dunno sit down.) O Dunno, the diamond of my soul, I invite you to go on this flying carpet to the most beautiful place under the sun - to the magical city of Masters. At the gate we will be met by its owner - Fairy-Zateya, who will lead us through the streets of this wonderful city. (Conjures.)

Dunno... That's great! This is a real miracle. Hurry up, friends.

Dunno and Hottabych perform a song about the city of Masters.

Will open the doors now

Our city of Masters.

For those who believe in miracles,

He is ready to become a friend.

He will reveal everything,

Not hiding secrets.

It is not worth delaying -

Let's fly quickly, friends.

Who loves needlework,

Knows how to tinker

Perseverance and patience

To show in learning,

Someone who does not get bored

Doesn't waste unnecessary words

Warmly invites

Our city of Masters.

At the end of the song, the Zateya Fairy appears on the scene with a large key to the city of Masters.

Fairy. Hello dear guys. I am the mistress and patroness of the glorious city of Masters. You dreamed of visiting a fabulous city, right? Then I invite you to visit me. In our city, everything is done by the hands of children like you. We will go with you from one workshop to another, and everywhere you will be met by my assistants, who will tell and show you what our artisan people are rich and famous for. Follow me, friends!

Magic music sounds.

The fairy leads the guests into the hall, where stands and showcases with the works of the circle members of the Center for Children's Creativity and the district schools are located. At each stand, children are greeted by a representative of the circle in a fairy-tale costume, who talks about his team and the works exhibited at the exhibition. For example, a student in overalls and a helmet welcomes guests at the stand of the aircraft modeling team.

You can, of course, just dream

Become an astronaut and fly in the sky.

But we make planes ourselves,

We build rockets with our own hands.

I will grow up, I will learn - I will become a pilot -

This is a cool man's job.

The embroidery team can present "Needle" in an original costume and a hat in the form of a needle case.

In our magical workshop

I am the hostess, friends.

Simple steel needle

They call me for a reason.

Gliding on white silk,

I will spin in a dance

I can't sit still,

Otherwise I will become dull.

A round dance is behind me,

Patterns and flowers.

Where the needle goes

Dreams will come to life in a moment.

Gold pens idle

I don't let you get bored

My desires are simple -

Create and decorate.

The "Origami" team can be imagined by a student in a suit made of paper.

I am glad to welcome you, friends,

In my kingdom of paper.

Origami the Japanese named me

What it is - everyone knows.

My skin is white as papyrus.

Silk eyelashes ...

Here, admire what she was able to do

I'm from the album page:

White boat and fragile flower

I can quickly make

Just bending a piece of notebook paper

Even without the help of scissors.

So, moving from one stand to another, the guests inspect the exhibition. At the exit from the hall, Feya-Zateya presents guests with small souvenirs made by the hands of children who are engaged in the teams of the Central Children's Theater.

Scenario of the opening of the exhibition "Teachers of creativity to their pupils"

Background music


The artist writes. Domineering hand
The universe is shrouded in smoke.
An unimaginable cycle
Curl up, bright river of colors!


Good afternoon, dear friends, exhibitors and our guests! We are glad to welcome all of you to the exhibition dedicated to beauty, love, peace.

But today is a special day. Today, we are pleased to present to your attention paintings of no less talented people - our teachers, our artists.

Children who study with us, parents, and our colleagues know us as teachers, as those who are able to awaken talent in a child's soul, who are able to awaken the thirst for creativity. But only people who are improving themselves, developing both as artists and as teachers, are capable of kindling hearts. It is impossible to teach to create without being the creator himself.

Beauty heals souls. And this is especially important in our, let's say, not very good time. preserving the ability to create, does not lose the spark of creation, given to all of us from above from birth.

Musical numbers for us were prepared by our music teacher Tekebaev Mirbek Abdykadyrovich - this is a calm, smiling man famous. He is, author, composer, performer of many of his songs. Mirbek Abdykadyrovich is trying to instill a love of music in our children.

Musical pause

Leading: In the world of painting, there are no women artists comparable to the level, for example, Raphael Santi, or Leonardo da Vinci. In a creative environment, they constantly say this simply because women cannot draw and are unable to learn. I would very much like to dispel this myth. See how many works, all unique. The paintings of the artist of this exhibition have their own unique style. How else?.

Gorbunova Olga Anatolyevna, teacher. Graduated from the Tynystanov University in the direction of "Teacher of Fine Arts, Labor and Drawing."

constant participant of exhibitions of decorative art,

Participated in the exhibition dedicated to the Children's Day, women artists from Karakol. She became a member of Roza Otunbaveva's project "Gardens on the Jailoo". She gave master classes on scratching to teachers of the region, quilling for teachers of the city, making flowers from foamiran in Bishkek, painting from plasticine for teachers of the region.

Her pupils take prizes at aesthetic olympiads and competitions not only at the city, but also at the republican level, without positioning themselves as an artist, Olga Anatolyevna possesses its own unique artistic style.

Olga Anatolyevna not only performs decorative work, but also perfectly knits, sews, draws.

He considers his favorite art to be the best rest, and even when leaving the city, he always takes a yarn and a crochet hook.

Question: - Olga Anatolyevna, tell us, what is your first creative memory? What is the reason?


I'll take a palette, canvas, easel,

I will mix the paints.

A bravura dance is danced by a brush:

I draw a fairy tale.

I sit with nature tete-a-tete,

White, soot.

Landscape, sketch, self-portrait -

It doesn't matter to me!

And let among many pictures

Mine is not visible.

I painted her alone

And I'm not ashamed!

It's almost over already

With a bold hand

I am a motley canvas with no mercy

I will cover it with white;

And feeling the joy of life

After all, everything is not enough for me,

I will finish a thousand paintings -

I'll start over!

Musical pause


Let me introduce a second talented participant-

Yrysbekov Kurmanbek Kaparovich, artist, teacher.

graduated from the Institute named after Tynystanov, specializing in "teacher of fine arts, labor, drawing".

For several years he worked in a personal creative workshop. Participant of many exhibitions both in our country and abroad, but nevertheless he chose the creative development of children as his work of life.

The exhibition presents the cycle "Beauty in Details".

Each talented work is a dialogue between two magicians, an artist and a spectator, in which the internally enriching content of the work comes to life. A feature of fine art is the ability not to teach people, children, but to create a wonderful world for them. Why teach if you can give your child a joyful and natural world of fairy tales, adventures, travels, secrets and discoveries? In this world, moralizing is not required, since its heroes never stop fighting the darkness and strive for the Light. It is these, glorifying eternal values, that carry the works of Kurmanbek Kaparovich

A talented person is talented in everything? There is a version that yes. This is due to the fact that a talented person is accompanied by the feeling: I know it, I can, and what I don’t know, I quickly learn.

Kurmanbek Kaparovich is not only a painter, graphic artist, but also a wonderful sculptor, poet, plays the piano and guitar.

The "teacher-student" chain works, and there is a confirmation of this.

And the confirmation is this: Kurmanbek Kaparovich was a teacher at our Olga Anatolyevna's university.

And we hope that this chain will not be interrupted and will continue from year to year, bringing new talents to our ranks.

Question:- Kurmanbek Kaparovich, there are so many directions in the visual world, we know you as a portrait painter. Please tell us why?


Time and space disappear
When I hold a brush in my hand.
All the threads of the universe, twisting in a dance,
Came together on a primed canvas.
Doors have opened to all worlds.
I fly through them at the point of view.
Outlandish skies, plants, beasts
In all layers and points of being
I see through infinity
Alien spaces in which, like us,
They walk through life and go to eternity
Under the light of others' suns
The creation of an unthinkable Earth.

Musical pause


Artists have always been and remain among the most educated people, because they know exactly what wave of time a developed society is on, have the right opinion on almost all issues that concern the best representatives of our time, and sometimes see a little deeper, feel a little more subtly. On the one hand, it is a curse to be different, and on the other, a great gift.

The gift of being a creator in the broadest sense of the word is completely independent of education. Here we have participants who are creators not by profession, but by vocation.

Her education is far from creative: Olesya Grigorievna Shakirova graduated from the Tynystanov University with a degree in physical culture teacher and trainer, she is an international master of sports in judo. But childhood hobby - handicrafts - did not let go, and the hobby gradually fills free time. Jewelry for hair was and remains a favorite direction of activity. The craftswoman believes that kanzashi can be used not only as a part of a costume, but also serve as an independent means of decorative art. The exhibition presents the work "Flower Fields".

Well, the traditional question, what is your work connected with?

musical number


Usubaliev Bakytbek Dogdurbekovich, the teacher graduated from the Tynystanov University with a degree in art and drawing teacher.

He was fond of drawing since childhood, your eyes are presented with the pictures of our teacher. They are simple and laconic, understandable to any viewer.

And my question to Bakytbek Dogdurbekovich why do you like to portray animals more?

Musical number

Leading: Very often, when meeting talented works of artists and photographers, we experience something more than just aesthetic pleasure. The joy we experience at such moments is not only a mental state, but also a spiritual one. It does not disappear anywhere, but remains with a person forever. Art is created by the creator, and through art and feelings, a person is connected with our creator. Orozakunov Elaman Muktarbekovich is not just a teacher of physical education, he has another education as a primary school teacher. He is a very kind, sympathetic person, he is an excellent photographer. And we still have to reveal his talent.

We present to your attention a video about our creative decade, on which Orozakunov Elaman Muktarbekovich worked


Mixing colors, fusion of thoughts and feelings,

Desires and images, lines, colors and shades.

At this moment I will touch the canvas with my hand,

I will understand something, and I will dare to this Creation

It has already sprouted in my soul before me,

It prevents me from returning to past sins,

It hurts, burns, worries, worries and waits,

When, at last, will I receive forgiveness from heaven!

The Creator smiled and caressed me with his gaze,

Leaving a little fire from the past burning

And on the canvas I painted with my brush

I have forgotten a plot from the coming Renaissance.

These lines were written by Elena Galkina, a woman far from the world of painting. They never drew, nor did they strive. I just sat next to me one day and watched the artist draw. And you know, dear artists, if, looking at our paintings, people write such lines, then we are doing everything right: we teach, and we live, and we create.

And I really want that, leaving this hall, you take with you not only the joy of communicating with the beautiful, but also the feeling of involvement with the higher, divine principle.


I give the floor to our wonderful directorSoykoeva Gulzat Kudaibergenovna Handing letters of thanks to our teachers -


And now, dear guests, I ask you to speak. Share your impressions of the exhibition.

The floor to the guests.

Host Thank you all

Scenario of the opening of an art exhibition of children's works by the "Kolorchik" art studio. Developed by: teacher organizer Kucherenko T.A.

Scenario discoveries artistic Exhibitions children's works art studio "Colorchik"

Target: the formation of children's interest in visual activities

Tasks: cultivate responsiveness, a desire to help a fabulous character;

foster a positive attitude towards the creative work of other children.

The song by E. Uspensky and V. Shainsky “Children love to draw” is played.

Leading. And at ten, and at seven, and at five
All children love to draw.
And everyone will boldly draw
Everything that interests him.
Everything is of interest:
Far space, near forest,
Flowers, cars, fairy tales, dances ...
Let's draw everything!
There would have been paints
Yes a sheet of paper on the table
Yes, peace in the family and on Earth.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guys! Hello dear adults, our senior friends and good mentors!

Art is always one and indivisible ... Art unites people, gives beauty and joy.

And today the joy of creativity is given to us by talented, wonderful, enthusiastic, young artists of the "Colorchik" art studio of the Children's Art Center.

We are with you, dear spectators, are invited to the opening day! Yes, yes, don't be surprised. Translated from French, vernissage is the opening of an exhibition called "Territory of Creativity". So let this meeting give us all a good mood.

Guests came to our exhibition opening:

Congratulations to us


Leading. Painting evokes very special emotions. She takes us into the world of feelings like a good sorceress, carries us upward on her wings. Enjoying this beauty, you perceive the visible world in a new way. This is the magic of the great art, and the guys are the little wizards who help us see this wonderful world. Please accept congratulations from the kind wizard, jeweler of childish hearts, director of the Center for Children's Creativity L.A. Vandysheva.


Leading. Childhood is the birthplace of the human soul.

While the little man is small, he enjoys life and pleases those around him with his birth, because next to him are the most faithful companions in life, loving parents. It is the parents who will show the way, teach and help how to get used to the new world, where to show your talent? And I would like to say to you, dear parents, thank you very much for your understanding, help and support. With the words of congratulations, he addresses


Leading. How to awaken in a child the desire to perceive, to ponder over the image? How to teach to see the beauty in the environment? How to captivate children with art?

All this has been taught by an amazing teacher for ... years already: Mikhail Valerievich Smolin, who combines the qualities of a teacher, psychologist, educator. It is to him that the students turn with their joys and troubles, they trust him with children's secrets.

The floor is yours, Mikhail Valerievich.


Leading. Mikhail Valerievich, please accept my words of gratitude on behalf of all the children and those present in the hall. We all know that your good deeds and thoughts are known not only at the Center for Children's Creativity, but also far beyond its borders. Every year, fellow countrymen are delighted with ice figures in the Snow Town, a fabulous wooden town in a park of culture and recreation. And on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, your work will again be noticeable to all tarchans and guests of our city.

Room Artyom Smolin

Leading. The activity and dedication of the guys can be traced by the number of awards received, and there are a lot of them, guys

    laureates and diploma winners of the International Competition "Keepers"

    International Festival "Stars of the New Century";

    laureates and diploma winners of the All-Russian competitions "Where Dreams Live",

“My beloved pet”, “The fairyland of childhood”, “Theatrical stained-glass windows”, “Fairy tale-fairy tales”;

    Diploma winners of the All-Russian contests “Summer! Oh! Summer! "," Africa ",

My Motherland - 2014 "," Spider and a worm "," Autumn again "," Where the red cars are in a hurry "," About distant worlds "" Korney Chukovsky "," Adventure of aliens in Russia ", laureates of the regional competition" Pearl of Siberia ". And these are only victories at a high level, and how many victories were accomplished by the guys over themselves cannot be enumerated at all. In a word, you are great fellows. Accept congratulations from creative children to creative people.


Leading. An exhibition of paintings is always a holiday. This is an opportunity to get in touch with the beautiful, all the more valuable because the authors of these works are among us. The most important thing for an artist is the recognition of the audience! Tell me, did you like the guys' drawings? Believe me, there is no greater reward and better grade for us!

Leading. Children draw on glass
Children draw on the pavement
They build a city on the sand -
This is not yet on the map.

In the hands of crayons, pencils ...
Kids are little magicians.
But so much soul invested
Into their beautiful world on paper!

The sun is here, the sky is blue
Here we are among the fairytale heroes.
We are the ones who must protect
Their peace is from grief and war.

Children draw on glass
And on the asphalt ... Let them paint!
And the joy of childhood on Earth
May it triumph forever!

In his drawings, each young artist showed his imagination and skills and painted what he likes best. Thank you guys for your work!

We invite everyone to walk through the halls and look carefully, without haste, all the amazing works, and you can leave your impressions and wishes in the Album of the “Colorchik” art studio. And the guys and I will definitely read them.

The one who created this world was happy. A smile shone on His face when He created mountains, seas, forests, clouds ... It turned out well! Man was the last to be created. And, probably, the Creator breathed into him a little of his joy from the creation of the world. How else to explain that a person is irresistibly drawn to create the world with his own hands? And if it turns out well - where does such a feeling of happiness come from? And why is this all called INSPIRATION?

Inspiration does not visit everyone. Such people are easy to recognize. They look at the clouds - and see curly-haired elephants. They knead clay, mix paints. Sewn, cut, glue. In short, they create.

And if it turns out well, then part of the creator's joy is necessarily transferred to his creation. And then those who will look at this creation will feel it.

It turns out that creativity is when the joy of that main Creator, which is written with a capital letter, is transmitted to people along a chain. It is the joy that the world is beautiful.

So today we will meet with a creator who shares his joy and inspiration with us.