The secret of the youth of Japanese women: harmony and naturalness are the best path to beauty. Secrets of the Ageless Japanese Woman - Myths and Reality

Everyone knows that Japanese women have beautiful skin. The secrets of caring for her are revealed by Chizu Saeki, the author of the acclaimed book “Revolutionary Japanese Skin Care - How to Make Your Skin Beautiful at Any Age”.

1. Less funds

“I am convinced that the use of a huge amount of different cosmetics spoils the skin. Ingredients can react with each other or have opposite effects. The secret of Japanese women is consistency and a strict algorithm. In the morning: wash with a special product, apply lotion (not toner), then serum and moisturizer. In the evening, everything is the same. Minimalism, strict adherence to the ritual and no deviations. You will notice the difference in a couple of weeks. "

2. Only edible

“If you’re not ready to eat it, don’t put it on your skin” is the second rule of Chizu Saeki. “Of course, I'm exaggerating a little, it's unlikely that someone will eat a cream or lotion, but I urge you to remember that in the end everything smeared on the skin enters the bloodstream. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the ingredients, and the more natural extracts they contain, the better. "

3. Cloth masks

" And only so! This secret was known even by geisha, not suspecting that the process is called occlusion. They moistened silk with rose water and applied it to the face, making the first fabric masks in history. When using such masks, the penetration depth of the funds increases many times, and their effectiveness becomes higher. You don't have to buy ready-made masks, you can take a napkin from a suitable material, apply your favorite mask to your face and put the napkin on top. "


4. Japanese massage

Chizu Saeki has developed her own anti-aging massage to help keep skin firm and firm.

5. Proper cleansing

“The most expensive product in your bathroom is your face wash. You can save on cream, serum or refuse lotion, but the cleanser should be perfect for your skin, take the time to find the right one, or better - do it together with a dermatologist. Properly cleansed skin ages three times slower, does not require any special care, and looks fresh and radiant. At least you should wash your face 2 times a day, but I always emphasize: if you can wash your face more often, do it! The skin cannot be too clean ”.

6. Oils for all occasions

“While the whole world is looking out for products labeled oil-free, I insist: only oils will save our skin from premature aging. The oil dissolves the oil, so the oils can be great for washing. Oils soften and tone, oils are nourishing and healthy. Find the oil that's right for you and try to use it whenever possible. Are you preparing dinner? Apply to face. Watch a movie - smear your hands and feet. Don't worry about pores or oily skin: oils are good because the skin will take in what it needs, but it will never absorb the excess. "

Not only that japanese women live the longest, but they also retain an enviable slender figure and freshness of skin, shiny, thick hair for a significant part of their life. How do Japanese women manage to maintain their youth, what is the secret of their longevity and harmony? If you assume that they are constantly on the notorious "Japanese" diet, then you are deeply mistaken! Although, of course, it is of great importance for the health of the nation, especially women. The diet, and, even more so, the one that for some reason was called Japanese, has absolutely nothing to do with it.

The Japanese themselves have identified the following "golden rules" for their traditional style of eating:

▪ Small portions of a variety of foods for each meal. Even the most ordinary Japanese meal (lunch or dinner) can include from 5 to 30 dishes, moreover, in the most bizarre combinations. akin to painting a picture or composing () - everything has a meaning, a deep meaning. Meals are served on small, beautiful plates, each one separately. The portions are small, they are absorbed slowly, and the process is controlled by the mind. The Japanese do not adhere to separate meals.

▪ Low heat treatment guarantees high preservation of vitamins in food. Products can only be lightly cooked, lightly fried, slightly stewed. Many dishes are cooked in steamers, microwave ovens. For example, soy soup is cooked in just two minutes, otherwise the vitamin complex of the soy paste in the soup can be destroyed. Many products in Japanese cuisine consumed raw. The fish is grilled, eaten raw (famous).

▪ Rice instead of bread. The consumption of bread in Japan is much lower than in the west - here it is replaced by hulled bread. It is he who is the basis of the Japanese menu.

▪ Main products: fish, rice, soybeans, vegetables, green tea, fruits, citrus fruits. Emphasis on fish and seafood. Eggs - no more than 1 pc. a day, milk - about half a glass. No bacons, sausages, hamburgers, but a lot of fresh vegetables: radishes, lettuce, edible seaweed, soy tofu cheese. In a survey of Japanese women, it turned out that their weekly diet includes more than a hundred different dishes.

▪ Green tea, rich in antioxidants and vitamins C and E, giving youth and vigor. In the 9th century, the Japanese borrowed from the Chinese the habit of drinking green tea - and since then (tyanoyu) has become so firmly woven into the culture of Japan and the life of every Japanese that even the hectic pace of modern life cannot interfere with this sacred rite. The Japanese see the meaning of the tea ceremony in the saying: "Tyanoyu is the worship of beauty in the gray light of everyday life."

▪ Miniature desserts (usually from fruits), baked goods made from rice flour. Japanese women love puddings, but eat them in small portions. Japanese women almost never add butter and dairy products to their desserts, and they consume three times less sugar than women in Western countries. Another favorite Japanese delicacy is a variety of jellies made from different varieties of agar-agar gelatin. Japanese yekan marmalade, various festive desserts with the addition of fresh fruits and even drinks are made from gelatin.

▪ Ritual, harmony and beauty of serving. , the appearance of dishes, serving and the meal itself is full of grace. considers nature sacred. This explains the Japanese respect for the composition and appearance of food. - this is a kind of familiarization with nature.

▪ Using chopsticks. Sticks () came to Japan from China in the 12th century and were made from bamboo. It is believed that sticks train small muscles that develop mental abilities, therefore in Japan they teach how to handle hashi from an early age. We don't know how useful sticks are for developing the mind, but they certainly won't be able to swallow lunch in two minutes.

Of course, one should not explain the beautiful appearance of Japanese women only by the traditions of healthy eating - a lot also depends on skin, hair, and body care. Japanese women have their own secrets here too.

Hair shine. Japanese women have known for centuries about the effects of camellia oil. Camellia contains proteins and oleic acid. Both substances penetrate well into the hair structure, add volume and smooth the hair, so that the incoming light is better reflected. Preparation: Lightly heat 1 teaspoon of camellia oil, rub along the length and into the ends of damp hair. Cover with a towel, after 20 minutes, apply shampoo to hair, lather with your fingers and rinse well.

Mask for the face. Add powdered oats, rice bran, finely chopped seaweed, chamomile flowers to the white clay. Add 1 tsp to this. oil of jojoba, rosehip, chamomile and a little water (until the paste thickens the mass), gently rub the mask into the skin of the face and leave for ten to fifteen minutes. Rinse off with cool mineral water (without gas).

Apple vinegar. Japanese women add it to shampoos to prevent dandruff, degrease hair roots, stimulate their growth, add it to the bathtub to keep skin young and healthy, add it to makeup removers, add a few drops to camellia, chamomile, lavender, rosemary oils, mix with the extract marshmallow root, nettle - and wipe the face with these lotions.

Sea salt. Sea salt is mixed with aloe juice, mud, seaweed and rubbed with these compounds on the body during water procedures. Great for cellulite.

Massage. Massage is considered the most effective procedure for restoring beauty and health. Unlike European methods, Japanese massage techniques are aimed not at relaxing the soul and body, but at uniting all the hidden reserves of the body in the fight against this or that ailment, including over time. Shiatsu - that's what Japanese women call their daily facial massage which they use to preserve their porcelain skin. It is performed with light touches of the fingertips very slowly and, most importantly, regularly: every day for five minutes, in the morning or in the evening.

Cosmetics japanese women love too, and this cosmetics has its own characteristics. and the means for its maintenance is fundamentally different from the European one. Here, self-care is a ritual akin to a tea ceremony. For a Japanese woman, cosmetics is an opportunity to decorate not so much herself as her life, to revive everyday life, to enjoy every moment of it. Hence the seriousness of all the details of the "cosmetic ceremony". Every detail, little thing should be in harmony with the whole: packaging design, aroma and color of the product itself, the pleasure of applying it, additional accessories (dishes for making masks, sponges, brushes, brushes ...). Japanese cosmetics mostly natural - a minimum of preservatives and only herbal ingredients. It often contains pearls, more precisely the pearl protein conchiolin - an antioxidant, anti-allergen, moisturizer and protector from ultraviolet rays. Another important ingredient is fibrion silk protein, which retains seven times more moisture than other moisturizing ingredients.

In 2004, Chizu Saeki's book "Revolutionary Japanese Skin Care" appeared on the shelves of bookstores in Japan. In a matter of days, the brochure, several dozen pages long, became a bestseller. In it, the Japanese cosmetologist Chizu Saeki revealed the secrets of beauty to women at any age. She gave ten simple rules, adhering to which, you can preserve the youthfulness of the skin to a ripe old age.

Not so long ago, the book was translated into Russian, and our compatriots were able to see with their own eyes the effectiveness of the program invented by Chizu Saeki. Her methods are simple and accessible to each of us. They do not require a lot of time and money. So, here are her rules.

Rule one. Love yourself

The first rule is the shortest, but the most important. According to the famous Japanese woman, one should strive for beauty, and strive actively. The cosmetologist believes that first of all you need to want to be beautiful. It is necessary with shining eyes, smooth and ruddy skin, a thin and even oval of the face. Only then can you start implementing the Chizu Saeki's Revolutionary Japanese Skin Care program. A professional in the beauty industry, she, like no one else, knows that external attractiveness cannot accompany a woman all her life if she does not strive for her. So, recalling an old Soviet film, let's say that the secrets of youth and beauty from Chizu Saeki begin with the words of self-hypnosis: "I am the most charming and attractive."

The second rule. Learn to look in the mirror

It is important to look in the mirror correctly and regularly monitor the condition of your facial skin. With a lowered chin, wrinkles appear brighter, more noticeable. To rejuvenate a face for twenty years, it is enough to slightly raise the chin. Cosmetologist Chizu Saeki claims that the right and left halves of the face age differently. To determine which side requires increased attention, you can use the same mirror. You need to smile without opening your lips and lifting the corners. As a result, more wrinkles appear on one side. Chizu Saeki advises this side to pay increased attention - to chew on this side, sleep on it, if, when you wake up, you see that this makes it smoother.

Good posture is very youthful. Stretching exercises, as well as strengthening your back and abdominal muscles, will allow you to look and hold graceful even at a very old age. Over the years, women devote less and less time to their appearance - they created a family, raised children, made a career. This is sad, because, while maintaining good appearance and health, any person gets much more joy from life than the one who gave up on himself.

Rule three. Monitor your skin condition

Every morning, the state of hydration, elasticity and tone of the skin should be determined.

The moisture level is checked as follows. Place the palms of both hands on the cheeks. Put your thumbs behind Slightly press your palms to your cheeks and release. In normal humidity, the palms will stick a little to the skin. If this does not happen, then the skin is dry and requires appropriate procedures.

To understand how elastic the skin is, you need to gently pinch it with two fingers and immediately release it. Normally, the skin immediately returns to its original position.

The tone of the skin around the eyes is also determined by placing the palms on the cheeks and gently pulling the skin towards the ears. If, as a result of this action, vertical wrinkles appear near the eyes, it means that the skin requires additional care - moisturizing and massage.

The lines and directions along which the skin around the eyes is massaged are shown in the diagram. In this place, the skin is absolutely devoid of fatty layer, therefore it is prone to drying out and the formation of wrinkles. For crow's feet, patting them with the pads of the index, middle and ring fingers helps. Beforehand, the skin should be cleaned of decorative cosmetics and a special oil or eye cream should be applied.

Rule four. Take care of your hands

Chizu Saeki pays special attention to his hands. And not only because they age very quickly and show their age most truthfully, but because they are our main assistant in facial care. Lotions, creams, serums, emulsions and oils should be applied with warm hands. Keep your fingers and palms soft and your nails short. Only in this case, you can expect a good result from the massage, and massage (Chizu Saeki emphasizes this) is one of the most effective procedures for prolonging skin youth.

To keep your hands soft, it is useful to do this procedure once a month. It is more convenient to carry out this procedure in the salon. All other recommendations of Chizu Saeki are quite easy to implement at home. As for the hands, once or twice a week, depending on their condition, hands should be steamed in hot water, smeared with anti-aging or oily nourishing cream, put on plastic gloves, cotton gloves on them, and keep so for 1-2 hours. As a result, the hands will be like a baby's. Any household work involving detergents or cleaning agents should always be carried out with protective gloves.

The fifth rule. Cleanse your face thoroughly

The Japanese cosmetologist pays special attention to cleansing the skin of the face. It needs to be done every night, regardless of whether there was decorative cosmetics on the face or not. The famous Japanese woman does not welcome exfoliating scrubs and chemical peels: “Use special creams and lotions,” says Chizu Saeki. The book, written by a practicing cosmetologist, devotes a lot of attention to gentle cleansing of the skin. Saeki combines the removal of dirt and cosmetics with massage, hydration and nutrition.

It starts with removing makeup. The beautician teaches you how to do it correctly. You need to pick up a little cream or oil in your palm and warm it up. With the other hand, apply warm cream on five points - on the cheeks, forehead, nose and chin. Then spread the cream all over the face with light movements. When the cream dissolves the dirt, it must be removed. Repeat two more times. All finger movements should follow directions that promote muscle relaxation. The Japanese cosmetologist Chizu Saeki especially insists on this requirement. The book contains massage line diagrams and arrows showing the movement of the fingers. Correctly done massage works wonders, says Saeki, and the wrong one will add wrinkles and, accordingly, will age for several years.

After removing the makeup, the skin must be prepared for the use of anti-aging, moisturizing, nourishing, tightening or whitening products. For this purpose, a towel is taken, dipped in hot water, wrung out and applied to the face. When it has cooled slightly, the towel should be removed and immediately rinsed in cold water. Squeeze again and put on your face. Repeat several times. This procedure perfectly trains the blood vessels and is the prevention of rosacea. Finish it with a hot towel, which will open the pores - this is necessary for the next stage. Such contrasting compresses perfectly tone even the most sluggish skin.

The last stage of evening care should be deep cleansing - peeling is applied to damp skin, the face is covered with a napkin with eye slits and left for 10-15 minutes.

In the morning, before make-up, you just need to wash your face and massage your skin. Chizu Saeki recommends facial massage with a stream of clean water. To do this, you need to take a plastic bottle with a straw, pour water into it and, squeezing the bottle with your hand, drive a stream of water along the massage lines. To make it clearer what is meant, Chizu Saeki presented a photograph of this device in her book. This bottle can be easily replaced with a rubber syringe with a fine tip or a shower hose, provided that the water pressure is strong enough.

Rule six. Use lotion masks

Moisturizing with a lotion mask. This procedure is best done twice a day - in the morning and in the evening. It should be part of the daily hygiene ritual, along with brushing your teeth and more.

Chizu Saeki Lotion is an emulsion made of water, oils and emulsifiers. The beautician recommends applying it for ten minutes. First, the face is cleansed and steamed. Then the cotton pads are moistened with water and covered with a layer of lotion. These discs are placed on the forehead, chin, nasolabial folds, nose, and cheeks. And they are left for 20 minutes. Chizu Saeki Mask Lotion works more effectively when the discs are covered with plastic wrap with openings for the eyes, nose and mouth.

Sometimes, instead of discs, a ready-made mask made of cotton fabric is used, but this is not so convenient - it is easy to put the discs and press them over the upper lip, near the nose at the bridge of the nose and along the contour of the face. Especially along the bottom to reinforce the oval.

The seventh rule. Serums and creams - only after 30

Chizu Saeki is convinced that women who have celebrated their 30th birthday should be especially attentive to Appearance problems that occur in young people begin in adolescence and end at 30. It is only some 15 years. The rest of the time, the skin is considered mature, and the care for it is about the same. All that is required is regularity, that is, a daily analysis of the condition of the skin, and according to its results - cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing. All this must be done in combination with the right massage, Chizu Saeki is convinced. The book of a cosmetologist, it should be noted, is more devoted to the problems of mature rather than young skin.

Saeki recommends that women lubricate their face with serum before applying any cream. It is more active than the cream and more easily penetrates the cells of the epidermis. Since the serum does not protect the skin from environmental influences and is not suitable as a makeup base, it must be covered with a suitable cream.

Rule Eight. Watch out for ultraviolet light

The Japanese cosmetologist considers ultraviolet rays to be the most destructive factor for skin condition. Japanese women, unlike European women, have always tried to protect their skin from sunburn. Previously, they used diluted water for protection, now - special agents that suppress the production of melanin by skin cells.

At present, the ozone layer over our planet is so thin, and in some places it is completely absent, that exposed skin areas are exposed to lethal radiation all year round. This is the cause of most cancers. For this reason, when choosing a day cream, one should give preference to one that has the appropriate properties, emphasizes in his book Chizu Saeki. Protection from the damaging effects of sunlight should start as early as possible and never end, at least until the ozone layer is restored.

Rule nine. The skin needs to rest

Intensively caring for the skin, do not forget that the cells of the epidermis are in constant work. Eating too much is just as dangerous as ignoring cosmetics altogether. The skin should take a break from cosmetics for at least one day a week. On this day, you can examine your face several times in different lighting conditions and decide which problems should be addressed for the next week. Having devoted one day to such a rest, you will be able to notice the appearance of age spots, comedones or vascular network in time, which means, stop their development at the initial stage.

There is no need to be afraid that without the usual makeup you will look bad. Treatments carried out in the days leading up to the weekend could not help but leave the skin healthy, smooth and radiant, says Chizu Saeki. Reviews of women who have used the recommendations from her book say that on such days they receive much more compliments than on weekdays, when a full set of foundation, eye shadow, mascara, blush, lipstick, concealer, shimmer, etc. is on the face. etc. and the like. They are told that they are noticeably younger and prettier. Agree, if you are over thirty and you get praise for your appearance without makeup, does it mean anything ?!

Rule ten. Eat right

High-quality products and the correct ratio of trace elements are the key to the beauty of the face and body, says Chizu Saeki. She gives them the tenth place in her rating of conditions for the beauty of women of any age.

Water in a volume of at least one and a half liters is a prerequisite for a good metabolism. Special attention must be paid to the quality of the water. For drinking, as well as for preparing cosmetics, only living, clean water rich in trace elements and mineral salts is suitable. It is great if it is glacial, thawed or from a good artesian well.

Seafood and fish should take the place of pork and beef. In general, after 30, the amount of meat in the diet should be reduced. Animal protein should be obtained from fermented milk products - cottage cheese, yoghurts, cheese. By the way, this is the prevention of osteoporosis, which is easier to prevent than to cure.

Vegetables and fruits should appear on the table more often than bread. If it is impossible to refuse it, you should give preference to baked goods with bran, whole grain or rye flour. The Japanese make bread and cakes from rice flour. However, it is not all useful. The flour should be from brown rice. Then this cereal will not be harmful to health. Peeled, polished, rice is a direct path to obesity and diabetes.

Eating seaweed is great for your hair and nails. Japanese women turn gray much later than residents of European countries. This is due to the fact that their food contains more products containing collagen, and it is known to be best absorbed by the hair follicles, giving the hair a rich color and shine.

Meals should be fractional, and portions should be small. Drink a glass of water before eating. This allows you to experience satiety from very small portions and promotes better absorption of food.

Why Chizu Saeki can and should be trusted

Appearance is a reflection of a person's inner world. Ms. Saeki herself practically does not use makeup. She cannot be called beautiful according to modern canons, but the face of this lovely woman is so benevolent and calm that she wants to believe. She speaks a lot on television, gives interviews, communicates with people.

The TV screen shows Chizu Saeki in close-up - this woman has never had plastic surgery. She is already 73 years old (she was born in 1943), but she looks great, much younger than her years. And this despite the fact that Chizu leads a very active life, and her daily schedule is filled to the limit - for more than 40 years this little woman has been working in the field of beauty. Currently, she runs a network of beauty salons, produces lotions of her own production, hosts a TV show, writes books and actively communicates with her admirers.

Her advice is simple and doable. You just need to want to become beautiful. And then (Chizu Saeki does not tire of repeating this), with very little effort, you will be able to achieve amazing results.

Chizu Saeki says it's never too late to start looking after yourself. Even very dry and flabby skin after a week of procedures with moisturizing, massage, masks and nutrition will acquire a healthy color and good tone.

The book of Chizu Saeti was written for that category of women who are not too spoiled by society with respect to their age, that is, for our mothers and grandmothers, but they are not old at all, as, incidentally, is the author of the book “Revolutionary Japanese Skin Care ".

In one of her interviews, Chizu Saeki noted that European women tend to take leading positions in society and family with age, while Japanese women, on the contrary, tend to go into the shadows over the years. Unlike her compatriots, Saeki became famous after celebrating her 50th birthday. The book is based on the beautician's own experience of beauty care. And this applies to women of that age category who, in truth, are not very interesting to European beauty masters. After all, we have a cult of youth, and it is even indecent to admit that you are deeply over 50. The recommendations of European cosmetologists are almost always addressed to young people or those who look younger than 30 (in parentheses, we note that this is almost always a consequence of plastic surgery).

The beauty secrets of Japanese women excite many of our compatriots. And it is not surprising: the fair sex of the Land of the Rising Sun know how to look graceful, natural and younger than their age. Their figures are sophisticated, their skin is like porcelain and shining, and their appearance, in general, is comparable to a flower. Is it possible for us to come closer to such an ideal? Of course! It is only necessary to follow some completely uncomplicated recommendations.

Lifestyle of women from Japan

Everyone knows that when planning to significantly change your appearance for the better, you need to change dramatically. Up to the attitude to the way of life. Of course, this is not always easy to do, but you can get used to it. In addition, overall well-being will be significantly improved. So where to start with:

1) Proper nutrition. The Japanese have a peculiar attitude towards food - they prefer food with the least amount of calories. Plus, portion size is controlled. To accomplish the latter, use a few secrets: first, put food in small plates, and secondly, slowly enjoy each piece. As a result, you yourself will be surprised at how little you need to feel full. You should not go further than this limit, not forgetting that the feeling of hunger passes 20 minutes after the last piece of food. Be sure to include rice, dairy products, meat, fish, beans, and other foods that contain amino acids in your diet. It is important to drink as much water as possible, and not forget about green tea.

2) Avoiding sunburn. Asian women have a different idea of ​​beautiful skin than we do. If our compatriots are ready to lie on the beach for hours and disappear in a solarium, then Japanese women, on the contrary, strive for snow-white. To do this, they strive to be in the open sun as little as possible, and to use cosmetics that block the production of melanin. Moreover, it is recommended to use such means not only in summer, but also in winter.

3) An active lifestyle. To maintain your youth and beauty, you just need to strengthen the body. The inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun understand this better than anyone else. They spend a lot of time outdoors, taking long walks in nature, prefer bicycles from transport, and love dancing.

Self-care products for Japanese women

The beauty secrets of Japanese women include a special attitude to makeup. It is not enough just to create beauty - it must be maintained with the utmost care. Therefore, in order not to spoil the skin, Japanese women do not put on a huge amount of cosmetics.

1) Preference is given to pearl whitewash, which are made from pearl powder, egg white, water and acacia honey. This mixture stays on the face for no more than 20 minutes. After that, it is washed off with warm water. The result is not long in coming - the skin becomes velvety to the touch and uniform in color.

2) To fight back wrinkles and dryness, they do not use chemical cosmetics, but camellia oil. In addition, it perfectly strengthens nails and hair. Such a remedy perfectly nourishes, softens, moisturizes and soothes, and also relieves irritation and excessive sensitivity of the skin.

3) "Cosmetic water", as the Japanese women call it, is significantly different from the drugs we are used to. It does not contain emulsifiers, silicones, oils, alcohol. The emphasis is on naturalness and health benefits. An indispensable skin care product, this water is applied every day with wipes or cotton pads. The latter are moistened with plain water, wrung out, impregnated with the indicated agent and applied for 15 minutes. The sequence of application is important here - first on the area of ​​the nose and lips, then on the forehead, cheeks and chin. Thus, in case of a tendency to allergies, it is detected immediately.

4) Various Japanese serums are used after 30 years. Until this age, girls only moisturize and cleanse the skin with the help of non-aggravating products. The balance during this period is at the proper level - only protection from sunlight and drying out is needed.

6) Such a widespread product in Japan as rice is used not only as food, but also for cosmetic purposes. A decoction from it helps to achieve that porcelain whiteness, which is so popular with Japanese women. All that is needed is to apply the rice water in the shower with a washcloth on the body when taking water treatments.

7) Cosmetics are used exclusively natural and in small quantities. As for the lips, lipstick is applied to them, made from rose petals and vegetable fats, melted caramel was used as a gloss. The arrow has always been an integral element of eye makeup, performed carefully to emphasize the look.

As you can see, it is not difficult to adopt the methods of preserving the beauty of Japanese women. And, if you are ready to seriously tackle your transformation, regularly performing the above simple techniques, then be sure that you will be able to radiate health and attractiveness.

Thin aristocratic skin without any signs of wrinkles, oily sheen, pimples and comedones, thick shiny hair, a girlish silhouette at any age - all this strikingly distinguishes Japanese women from representatives of European nationalities. Sometimes it seems that Japanese women do not have age, they look so good after 50 or even 60 years. What is the secret of this amazing beauty?

Eat right!

Let's remember the saying: we are what we are. It is with various foods and drinks that the most important nutrients, minerals, vitamins, micro- and macroelements enter our body. If you look closely at the Japanese diet, you will understand the first component of the natural beauty of women of this wonderful nation, longevity and harmony.

The Japanese menu consists of healthy foods. It is traditionally based on rice, fish, seafood, vegetables and fruits. Europeans who are constantly on diets understand what opportunities are fraught with such a correct, balanced diet, rich in "correct" long and vegetable carbohydrates, high-quality easily digestible protein, essential saturated fatty acids.

What in Russia, for example, is considered a food restriction, is applied during the period of a weight loss diet, for Japan it is a completely natural, habitual daily diet.

Japanese women do not eat butter, animal fats, refined, overly sweet foods. All this unhealthy food variety will be replaced by soy sauce, natural sugary foods. Seafood is eaten raw in Japan, which increases its nutritional value.

The first simple secret of a beautiful figure, perfectly clear skin, fresh breath is proper nutrition. Nothing complicated!

Nutrition principles

Speaking about proper nutrition, it is imperative to touch upon its basic principles, which Japanese women adhere to from birth.

Drinking regime. For Japanese women, the taboo on carbonated drinks is not a restriction, but the norm. It is customary here to drink clean drinking water without gas. It has a beneficial effect on all systems of the body, helps to correctly, fully remove the decay products of food substances, toxins, that is, it prevents slagging of the digestive tract.

Instead of coffee, Japanese women drink green, white tea. It is a real elixir of health, beauty and youth, consisting of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals.

Serving size is important. The Japanese traditionally eat from small plates, but each meal includes several dishes. The result is a varied table rich in healthy dishes that meets the Japanese philosophy of delighting in the beautiful. Having eaten a little of each dish, Japanese women do not overeat, but they get pleasure and benefit.

These are all pluses for the Japanese food style. The second secret of harmony and youth of Japanese beauties is proper nutrition.

Self love

Most of all Europeans are surprised by the ability of Japanese women to look very young at any age. Until thirty, they look like teenage girls. Women in their forties cannot be more than 25; 60-year-olds look forty. The secret is that Japanese women love themselves, devoting at least an hour daily to daily care.

A special procedure is oil washing. On dry skin, you need to apply oil (you can take a high-quality olive or pharmacy peach oil), gently massage your face for three minutes. Gradually go down from the forehead to the neck, collecting dirt, dead cells, decorative cosmetics. Then, without rinsing off the oil, apply an airy foam for washing, massage your face for another minute, and then rinse and rub the skin with a tonic.

This daily ritual says a lot about self-love, revealing the secret of the long-term youth and beauty of Japanese women. But we are talking only about washing - one of the daily care procedures! This is what Europeans need to think about, who are constantly complaining about the lack of time.

Causes and consequences

For Japanese women, the truth is obvious: natural beauty should be protected from a young age, and not trying to fix the irreparable after thirty, forty, fifty. Wrinkles, double chin, swollen oval, acne, deep nasolabial folds and other sad signs of age do not appear overnight. You need to deal with yourself before a cosmetic problem appears, and not when only a radical method can cope with it.

The simplest example is the white, porcelain skin of Japanese women. The secret is also very simple: they carefully protect it from ultraviolet radiation, which is harmful to the skin and ages it quickly. But it is very simple to prevent aging: do not expose the skin to UV radiation, use protective creams. No age spots, no early wrinkles, no dangerous skin diseases - and all this is due to elementary prevention! And hats, sun umbrellas are very beautiful, they look feminine.

It's about self-love again. It is not about masking skin problems, but about preventing them.

Spiritual beauty

Taking care of spiritual beauty for Japanese women is as natural as taking care of beauty, youthfulness of body and face. Japanese women go through life without haste, fuss, tension, desire to prove something to the whole world, sometimes in spite of everything and everyone. They never upset the balance of harmony between the external and the internal, they try to avoid everything negative that carries negative energy.

Such a spiritual ecology is instantly reflected in the appearance. Japanese women necessarily practice meditation, adhere to the principles of high morality and restraint. The fifth secret of women in Japan is carefully maintained spiritual beauty, purity of thoughts, clarity of feelings.

The energy of life

Japanese women are characterized by a respectful attitude towards their bodies. In many ways, it manifests itself in the desire to constantly maintain excellent physical shape. They move actively and with sincere pleasure, develop flexibility and endurance.

A prerequisite is gymnastics not only for the body, but also for the face. Effective complexes, invented for the facial muscles, prolong youth. Japanese women are not lazy to do the exercises every day, so in Japan there are practically no women with sagging cheeks, a swollen oval, mournful wrinkles between the eyebrows and ugly nasolabial folds.

Famous massage

Almost everyone has heard about Japanese facial massage today. But how many people do it regularly, every day, even realizing the full effectiveness of this technique? But she actually works wonders, contributes to the maintenance and return of youth and beauty. Massage is a favorite method of body and face care among Japanese women. It has a number of important advantages:

  • restores health;
  • prolongs youth;
  • relaxes, strengthens the nervous system;
  • increases muscle tone, elasticity;
  • brings the state of mind into harmony.

Shiatsu massage technique perfectly restores the face, taking only five minutes a day. It is very easy to master it, the sensations during the procedure are pleasant. Moreover, massage not only tightens the skin, but also heals the body by stimulating active points.

Natural cosmetic

Of the cosmetics, Japanese women prefer care products, they do not like to overload the skin with decorative masking agents. And there is no particular need for them, since the skin does not deteriorate with proper care, nutrition, and regimen. For women, the main thing is to preserve the whiteness, tenderness of the skin, so they spend a lot of money on whitening and sunscreens.

Japanese women attach great importance to the naturalness of cosmetics, care or decorative. For this reason, natural Japanese cosmetics are valued all over the world: they are hypoallergenic, odorless, and contain no chemical dyes or preservatives. The cost is impressive, but the natural cosmetics are worth it.

Special tricks

Japanese women know many beauty secrets. One of them is mandatory face steaming. More slags and toxins are released through the open pores. Clean skin shines with health, acne disappears, comedones disappear. Nourishing cosmetic procedures become more effective, as through the open pores nourishing, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory substances penetrate into the deep layers of the dermis.

Steaming is carried out in a special way. First, the face is treated with hot steam, then rubbed with a natural cotton cloth dipped in hot rice water. The final stage is the application of two to three drops of cosmetic oil mixed with a drop of essential oil.

The peculiarity of Japanese skin care is the use of certain products and substances in order to preserve beauty.

White rice is used to prepare a cosmetic decoction for skin whitening, prevention of hyperpigmentation, giving the skin a matte, velvety effect.

Heated camellia oil perfectly copes with the problem of dry skin and the formation of wrinkles. It strengthens hair follicles, nails, restores volume, natural vibrant shine to curls. The product should be rubbed into the scalp, wrapped in a towel, and after twenty minutes wash your hair with the usual shampoo.

Natural pearl powder mixed with yolk, honey and water makes a great face mask. The result of its application is an even tone, removal of inflammation, irritation, oily sheen.

Sea salt is used to get rid of cellulite, deep cleansing. It must be mixed with seaweed, aloe juice.

White clay with the addition of rice bran, natural oats crushed into powder, seaweed, jojoba oil, chamomile decoction whitens the skin, gives it a special tenderness, youthful glow.

Apple cider vinegar for Japanese women is an essential ingredient in shampoos and hair rinses. The product strengthens the roots, eliminates dandruff and increased oiliness, makes hair grow faster.

For Japanese women, beauty is more than just a pretty face. This is a special philosophy that requires an integrated approach. This is the main secret that allows them to keep their soul and body youthful throughout their lives.