Deep cleaning shampoo. How to make a homemade deep cleansing shampoo

Modern beauties have learned about such a procedure for hair as deep cleansing quite recently. A couple of years ago, it was believed that in order to well cleanse the hair of dirt, residues of cosmetics and grease, it was enough to thoroughly wash your hair with a good quality shampoo. But it turned out that in the hair, as well as on the skin, microparticles of dust and fat still remain, forming a thin layer that makes the curls heavier and does not allow nutrients to penetrate them. It is to remove such a layer that deep cleansing products have been created.

When and why deep cleansing is needed

If it seems to you that your hair quickly becomes oily, becomes dull and heavy, stops responding to masks, then most likely it needs a deep cleansing. This procedure is quite simple and practically does not differ from the usual shampooing and applying a mask. The only difference is the means used. These include shampoos, masks and conditioners, which manufacturers make sure to mark that they are for deep cleaning. The difference between such funds from conventional ones is that they contain special components that can open the hair scales, remove all dirt and dead cells, both from the hair and from the scalp.

If you decide on a similar procedure, then you will need all three funds.

1. The first stage is shampooing. As with regular washing, a small amount of the cleansing shampoo must be diluted with water and thoroughly lather the scalp and hair. Then wash off with plenty of water. If you still did not know what it means to wash your hair "to a squeak", then after this shampoo you will feel how your hair squeaks in the literal sense of the word.
2. The next step is the application of masks. The first of these is deeply cleansing. It is applied only if the hair is heavily soiled and one shampoo is not enough to cleanse it. For example, you just returned from the sea, and your hair has been badly damaged by sea salt. Or, if you haven't done a cleansing procedure for a long time. The second mask is nutritious, it should be maximally enriched with useful substances: vitamins, microelements. After all, after the shampoo and the first mask, the hair will never be ready to absorb the maximum of these substances.
3. The last stage is the application of a special conditioner, which will close the scales, make the hair structure smooth and silky.

Nuances of the procedure

Despite all the benefits of this procedure, you must be as careful as possible during its implementation. After all, if you use the funds incorrectly, you can harm your hair.

You should be aware that these shampoos are very dry hair, so it is often not recommended to carry out the procedure. Women who have oily hair, girls who actively use styling and leave-in care products, as well as those who like to use masks and wraps based on vegetable oils in their care should wash their hair with a cleansing shampoo no more than once a week. Once every 2-3 weeks, you can carry out the procedure for girls with normal hair type, who use ordinary industrial masks and balms in their care and do not use varnishes, foams and leave-in products. But for owners of very dry, damaged curls or hair after dyeing or perming, it is better not to use this shampoo more than once a month.

You will not be able to completely get rid of the split strands. Only a haircut will help. So it is important to take care of the beauty of your hair in advance... To do this, you need to use only wooden combs, protect your head from heat, direct sunlight, moisture, frost and wear hats, hats, scarves.

Remember not to brush your hair when wet. Wait for them to dry completely. And start brushing at the ends, gradually moving up to the roots.

Be sure to brush your hairs several times a day.... Make a nutrition mask every week, use a serum, skip chemistry (or use it only in special cases).

Adjust your diet. Eat more healthy vegetables and fruits.

Eat more nuts, greens, fish. Eliminate sweet and flour products from the menu.

Smoking and alcohol negatively affects on the condition of the skin, weaken the strands.

Give up bad habits or reduce the number of them in your menu as much as possible.

Add to your menu first cold pressed oils, vitamin complexes.

The latter should be consumed for 1-2 months and repeated twice a year.


Grinding (polishing) hair- a procedure that easily and easily relieves you of strands. One procedure is enough to solve the problem of hair cutting.

Removal of split ends by polishing can be done at home or seek professional help.

If you have a special apparatus for removing split ends of hair, then just put on the desired attachment, collect hair in several identical (but small) strands and start cleaning hair from split ends.

The cut strands appear after dyeing, the use of different styling products, drying and after the heat effect of different tools (hairdryer, curling iron, etc.). As a result, the hair splits along its entire length, breaks easily, grows poorly and very slowly.

Head to the salon... Have your hair cut with hot scissors. And give up tight braids or tails. Get a haircut every 30 to 45 days.

Contact a trichologist... Split hairs don't appear for no reason. Perhaps you need preventive or corrective (therapeutic) measures to improve your hairstyle.

How to remove split hair along its entire length at home? Arm yourself with sharp scissors, mirror... Separate a small strand, twist it. Let her curl up in a ball. Then draw out the curled strand, run it with your fingertips (against the growth of the hair). If the hairs come out, they must be removed or trimmed. So you need to process the strands along the entire length.

This video presents the process of cutting dry ends with your own hands:

If you restore the beauty of your hairstyle in the salon, then it will suit you lamination and shielding... Shielding is very similar to lamination. But these procedures are different.

Lamination gives only a cosmetic result, while shielding heals the strands. One product is used for the lamination procedure. Shielding is carried out in three stages: application of the conditioner, the use of the main product, the use of the fixer.

Also lamination can be done at home... This requires gelatin. Dissolve 1 tbsp. gelatin in 3 tbsp. some water. Then add 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar and then stir everything well. Then heat the product in a water bath and add 2-3 drops of lavender oil. After that, you need to distribute the composition along the entire length of the hair. Keep it on for half an hour and then wash off.

Helpful video about home lamination with gelatin:

Split ends serum: how to make and apply?

It is better to take natural serum. You can make it yourself or buy it at the grocery store.(in the dairy department). How to get rid of full length split ends with whey?

If you decide to make whey at home, you will need homemade milk. Place 1 liter in a warm place (near a heater, for example, or on a window).

After 12 hours, pour the milk into a saucepan and heat over low heat. The curd will separate from the whey.

Now you can pour the liquid into a separate container (preferably a spray bottle) and apply to washed hair. Full length. No need to wash off.

Use serum for treatment daily for 1 month... For prophylaxis, use the serum once a week for 3-4 months.

Also, the problem of split strands can be easily solved home mask... It can be done in a couple of minutes. Take a few drops of vegetable oil and apply it all the way down.

Roll your hair in a towel and leave it on for half an hour. Then you can wash off with homemade shampoo (yolk, mustard powder), do not use hot water to wash your hair.

Split hair can appear at any time. To protect yourself from this problem, give your strands regular grooming and visit your hairdresser every 4-6 weeks. In this case, the beauty of the hairstyle will delight with its perfection at any time of the year.

The beauty industry is cunning for inventions. What just does not come up with for our beauty with you. Now there is a great variety of products for the beauty of our hair, both familiar to ordinary users and exotic serums, fluids, pre-shampoos. Many lines have been created for hair care at home, undoubtedly promising to bring the most secret dreams of hair lovers into reality.
But you can also often come across technical rulers created for use in salon conditions only by professionals. These are special serums for coloring, acidified shampoos and balms, as well as deep cleansing shampoos (hereinafter also referred to as "SHGO").
Today I would like to talk about the SHGO. Most users unjustly forget about the importance of the SHGO. Or not? Let's figure it out together.

The main task of deep cleaning shampoos is to thoroughly and mercilessly wash away the accumulated care, as well as dust, dirt, styling products that we feed our hair with. Why, one wonders, if girls find it difficult to accumulate working hair care? Then to wash it all away?
From my own experience, I have identified several reasons for using the SHGO, and I want to tell about them.

Disclaimer !!! The entire post is a story about the author's personal experience, the post is not a recommendation for action, and even more so it is not an indication for use.

Reason 1.

We all know that hair has a porous structure. For some, it is more pronounced, for others it is less. But the fact remains. Our usual care (shampoos, balms, masks, serums) are rich in useful components. Keratin, protein and other additives are found in abundance in mass-market products, not to mention professional cosmetics. But in addition to useful additives, silicones are also added to the products to cover the hair with a protective film and seal the hair cuticle. All these components sink into the pores of the hair, close the gaps in the damaged structure, creating a well-groomed look and the effect of restoration from the inside.

Add here styling products, thermal protection, heavy indelible products. Their formulations are almost entirely composed of silicones, which, in turn, are poorly or not washed off with water.
As a result, with frequent use, we get over-saturated hair. Due to the use of silicones, that same protective film grows, but it is already more difficult for useful components from masks to get through it, respectively, and we no longer see the effect from it.
This effect got its name as the "addictive effect", i.e. the treatment no longer works on the hair as it used to. The user no longer sees the effect of the proven means, complains about the change in the composition of the product ("After all, it worked so well before!") Or about bad products of a particular brand. But I hasten to tell you that after using WGO, in most cases you will see a difference, if, of course, the means suit you.

Reason 2.

In times of such a rapidly changing fashion, the fashion for hair dyeing does not pass. Recently, staining in various colors of the rainbow has been very popular. However, those girls who have already encountered such stains also faced the problem of quickly washing out the color. Agree, it is very unpleasant, having spent nerves, money and time in the salon, after 1.5-2 weeks, or even after a couple of head washes, realize that the color has faded, or even washed off altogether. Now it is not so much about dyeing in bright colors, even more familiar, calmly natural ones also tend to be washed out of the hair.

Reason 3.

No one in our world can boast that they really live in ecologically clean conditions. Millions of factories and industries working every day emit toxic substances into the atmosphere, and waste is dumped into rivers, lakes and seas. Oil tankers often crash in the seas, and everything ends up in the water, and, accordingly, in the ground. Unfortunately, this is already a familiar phenomenon of our time.
It is worth thinking about a qualitatively new cleansing of hair and skin, and of everything that surrounds us. But we're talking about hair. ;)
The water in my city is very hard. Of course, if we compare the million-plus cities and my city, then our water is very soft in comparison. But nevertheless, I can clearly see the effect of water on hair and skin. Has anyone ever noticed limescale on the kettle? It is a suspension of heavy metals and impurities dissolved in water. It is clear that drinking water from the tap is extremely unwise, but with the usual washing of the head, the water will not boil. Thus, all that suspension of metal salts, lime, settles on the scalp and in the hair. And, unfortunately, it is not so easy to get rid of heavy metal salts, and when accumulated on the hair, it causes increased brittleness, cross-section of the ends.

Reason 4.

A radical change in care or a change in components of care is one of the reasons to use WGS. To feel the effect of masks or the whole care system, you need to use this care / mask on deeply cleansed hair, then the new products will fully open up, and you can decide for yourself whether these products are right for you or should you look for others.

So, we have four reasons - the accumulation of care, coloring, ecology and new care.
But, Attention, this does not mean that SHGO is a panacea for all ills, you need to douse yourself with it at every opportunity, or, God forbid, every day, or every hair wash. NO! To see the result, a qualitative change in hair for the better, you need a reasonable approach, and of course, balanced care after.

How do you understand that you need a SHGO?

Hair cosmetics manufacturers advise using SHGO once a month. I suggest using it as needed.
If you are dyeing your hair, it is worth using the SHGO a day or two before dyeing. The scheme is as follows: wash your hair with SHGO, apply WORKING a proven mask, thereby nourishing the hair with the useful components of the mask. And the next day, dye your hair, or dye it in the manner in which you are used to doing - dirty, or clean, dry / wet / wet. Thus, you allow the molecules of the new pigment to lie more evenly on the hair, because the coloring pigment will lie on the cleaned hair, without adhering care or dirt. As a result, an even staining is obtained without spots, and the color itself acquires durability, because nothing prevented the paint from doing its work in good faith from start to finish.
I did this from my own experience, when I was still dyeing my hair red. Red - one of the most capricious shades, does not last long. But when I dyed my hair according to this scheme, the shade lasted a record long time, a month without losing the shade and washing off.

How do you know if your hair is tired of leaving?

I watch the reaction of my hair to the usual care. If the hair begins to bunch up in icicles, without shine, the ends bristle in different directions and, in general, their general appearance begins to piss me off - I wait another week or two and use SHGO. This usually happens in the interval of 2-4 months, but I do not use strong masks and my care is simple.
The best indicator of the need for WGO for me is the indelible care in the form of creamy textures. If they are well distributed over the hair, glide, then the SHG is not needed. If, when applying, I feel the roughness of freshly washed hair, the hair cream sticks to individual strands, it's time to thoroughly cleanse the hair.

How to use SHGO correctly?

GO shampoo is a technical tool to keep your hair looking good, designed to be used by professionals. Accordingly, misuse can do more harm than good.
The pH of these shampoos is biased towards the alkaline side. We know that an acidic environment closes the hair scales, and an alkaline environment opens it. This is done to open the hair scales and "sweep" all the dirt from under them. It is also worth remembering that the pH of the scalp is approximately 4.5-5.5. And I would not recommend using SHGO on the scalp if you do not want to get dry skin. After all, after using the SHGO on the length of the hair, we will close the hair cuticle with a mask that has a pH value close to the pH of the hair, and after all, not everyone takes due care of the scalp.

This implies rule number 1
SHGO is not for the scalp. It's a shampoo for length!

Rule # 2 - it takes time!

Thoroughly wet the length of the hair, and apply WGO, gently massaging the hair strip. Personally, when working with SHGO, I feel how the accumulated care is washed off, some strands are still slippery from leaving, and some are already rough. This is exactly the effect we are trying to achieve - cleaned, "naked" hair. Massaged the shampoo, leave it for 3-4 minutes, so that the shampoo lifts the hair scales and cleanses the dirt. If you feel that your hair has not been washed to the end, repeat the procedure.

Rule number 3 - accuracy and respect.

After washing the hair with SHG and before applying the treatment, the hair is not only wet, but also very, very, very susceptible to damage. Do not rub or brush your hair at this stage - gently roll your hair in a towel, squeezing out excess moisture, and apply the mask generously, carefully distributing it over the curls. After rinsing off the mask, apply your usual skincare routine.

From theory to practice

As I wrote above, I use SHG every two to four months, as needed. I also adhere to the manufacturer's recommendations, as well as follow the rules described above, which I have identified for myself.
I have the most common one, Kapous Deep Cleaning Shampoo, with a volume of 1 liter. Enough for the eyes for a lifetime!

SHGO has a transparent color and mild fragrance. But he does his job very well!

Let's take a look at the effect before and after the WGO.
Before - the hair has not seen SHGO since the middle of summer, for a minute - already winter has come, that is, at least 4 months have passed. The ends are not pleasing, they bristle in all directions where they want, and the hair itself has lost its splendor, and it lies flat. I stopped seeing the effect of masks, with masks the hair looks even worse than without them. On the face - over-soaking care. I used Dancoly Angel Argan Oil shampoo and balm, Angel Professional bioenegostyler, on the ends - Salerm argan oil. Hair dried with a hairdryer. Photo on a cloudy day without flash.

After using SHGO. I applied an ampoule L "ador - filler, Angel Professional bioenegostyler, on the ends - argan oil from Salerm. Hair dried with a hairdryer. Photo on a cloudy day without flash.

A week after deep cleansing, but with the usual care - Dancoly Angel Argan Oil shampoo and balm, Angel Professional bioenegostyler, on the ends - Salerm argan oil. Hair dried with a hairdryer. Photo on a cloudy day without flash.

Hair is lush, crumbly, very soft. I am completely satisfied with the procedure.


The SHGO is not so terrible as they say about it, you just need to know when and how to use it correctly. I hope you found this information useful, you learned something new! Thanks for spending time with me!

Pictures and photos are taken from the resources,,,,,,

Today, on store shelves, you can more and more often find shampoo for deep cleaning of hair, or peeling shampoo.

What is it for?

How to use it correctly?

Which manufacturer is better to give preference to? Read about this in this article.

What is peeling shampoo for? How is it different from ordinary shampoos?

Peeling shampoo is intended for deep cleaning of hair and scalp.

If an ordinary shampoo washes away only dust and sebum, then the spectrum of action of a deep cleaning shampoo is much wider.

It helps to thoroughly clean the curls, washes away not only dust and secretion products of the sebaceous glands, but also the substances left on the hair after using various styling products, such as foams, mousses, varnishes, conditioners.

Another beneficial property of deep cleansing shampoo is its ability to cleanse and regenerate the scalp. The scalp, just like the hair, is exposed to strong influence of aggressive external factors, suffers from dust and chemicals contained in styling products and paints.

In addition, over time, a layer of keratinized cells forms on it, which can cause discomfort. Peeling shampoo deeply cleanses the scalp from harmful substances, exfoliates dead skin cells.

After using this shampoo, the curls become healthier, softer and shinier.

When can you use a cleansing hair shampoo?

Peeling shampoo has practically no contraindications and is suitable for all hair types.

It can be used in the following cases:

  • intensive production of sebum by the scalp;
  • frequent use of styling products;
  • the use of shampoos and hair care products containing silicone;
  • long stay in an unfavorable ecological environment;
  • using hard water to wash your hair;
  • preparation of hair for applying a mask or restorative.

Every third girl faces the problem of intensive production of sebum by the scalp. It will not be possible to completely get rid of this problem with the help of a peeling shampoo; you need to visit a dermatologist or trichologist. But peeling shampoo will help get rid of the consequences of this problem. One use per week is enough to keep your hair fresh and tidy.

Another indication for the use of deep cleaning shampoo is the frequent use of styling products. Many girls have naughty strands that require a lot of nail polish and foam to style. As a result, their curls suffer from exposure to harsh chemicals and lose their health and freshness. Using a peeling shampoo will cleanse the hair of harmful substances, and will also help restore the structure of the strands that have been weighted with varnishes and mousses.

Many styling and care products and common shampoos contain a substance such as silicone. Silicone has a positive effect on hair: it facilitates the process of straightening, prevents moisture loss from curls, makes combing easier, and makes hair shine. But if you use funds with silicone in large quantities, for a long time, then this substance begins to have a harmful effect. It covers the curls with a film, prevents them from breathing and dries them. In addition, an overdose of this agent may cause allergies. Deep cleansing shampoo completely removes silicone and silicone film from hair.

It's not just styling products and sebum production that negatively affect hair health. An important factor is the ecological state of the environment. The health of residents of large cities is in serious danger, since the streets of megalopolises contain a lot of exhaust gases, dust, industrial waste. These factors have a negative effect on the condition of the hair. Particles of dust and chemicals settle on the curls, which is why they quickly lose not only external beauty, brightness and expressiveness, but also health. Peeling shampoos are great help to cleanse the hair of harmful and toxic substances.

People who are forced to use hard water with impurities to wash their hair often complain that it does not wash harmful substances off the hair well enough.

As a result, they quickly become dirty and look untidy, and ordinary shampoos and other care products do not help in this case.

To solve this problem, it is advisable to use deep cleaning shampoos, which, in combination, even with hard water, perfectly rinse the hair and soften it.

Many girls make various moisturizing and regenerating masks for hair and scalp. This has a positive effect on the condition of the curls. To make the use of masks more effective, it is recommended to deeply cleanse the hair with a peeling shampoo. The mask is better absorbed into the hair and scalp and will have the maximum positive effect.

Professional application

Deep cleaning shampoos were first used by professional hairdressers, and only recently became available for mass sale.

This is due to the fact that the use of peeling shampoos has its own nuances, and if you do not take them into account, you can harm your hair and scalp.

For example, the time of application of the product and the subsequent frequency of its use play an important role.

These parameters vary depending on the type of hair and the problems to be solved with this shampoo.

For example, for strands of medium density and stiffness, the shampoo is applied to the hair for 2-3 minutes, but this time changes if the hair has a thinner or denser structure.

If the buyer knows exactly his hair type and the problems that he wants to solve with the help of shampoo (excess sebum, use of hard water, etc.), then he can immediately use the peeling shampoo at home.

Otherwise, for the first use of this tool, it is recommended to contact the salon, where they will not only help determine the application time and frequency of use, but also give other useful recommendations.

Technology of use

Deep cleansing shampoo will only give good results when used correctly. It is recommended to adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Moisten hair thoroughly with water at a comfortable temperature.
  2. Lather a small portion of the shampoo in your hands.
  3. Distribute the product on wet strands.
  4. For 2-3 minutes, gently massage the hair at the very roots and scalp.
  5. Wash off the product.
  6. Apply a small amount of an essential oil solution (peach, coconut, almond) or a special mask to the head at the hair roots.
  7. Wash off the oil or mask 10-15 minutes after application.
  8. Dry hair with a towel and let it dry naturally.

It should be noted that the strands should dry naturally. It is not recommended to use a hairdryer. This can only be done in extreme cases.

The frequency of using the peeling shampoo can vary greatly. For hair that is constantly exposed to adverse external influences, it is recommended to use the peeling shampoo once a week or two weeks. The same recommendation applies to increased secretion of the sebaceous glands of the scalp. For hair of medium hardness and density, it is recommended to use this product once every three to four weeks. And for thin curls - once a month and a half.

Review of popular brands

On the market of shampoos for deep cleansing of hair, such brands as Bielita, Wella, Concept, Estel are leading. It is worth considering in more detail the peculiarity of the products of each of the brands.

  • Belita Firm produces a series of peeling shampoos Belita-Vitex Professional line. These products receive good reviews on a regular basis. Belita shampoo contains active chemical compounds that perfectly cleanse the hair and do not harm it. The price for the products of this company is the lowest in comparison with the products of other companies that produce peeling shampoos. A package with a volume of 500 ml costs 118-131 rubles, a package of 3 liters costs 631 rubles.
  • Wella. A popular firm like Wella produces a series of deep cleansing shampoos called Wella SP Clear Scalp Shampeeling. It not only removes harmful particles and residues from the hair, but also treats dandruff. A course of treatment lasting 4 weeks should significantly reduce the intensity of dandruff or eliminate it altogether. The price of such a tool is 1389 rubles. for 150 ml.
  • Tool of the Russian firm Concept from the Concept Marine Peeling Shampoo series is in great demand among the population. It has an optimal pH level of 5.5-5.0 (the natural pH-balance of hair is in the range of 4.5-5.5), which means that it is not capable of harming curls and scalp. Gently cleanses, stimulates hair growth and cell renewal. Price per package of 250 ml. - 599 p.
  • Estel shampoo from the Estel OTIUM Unique series only gently and carefully cleanses the curls and scalp, but also fights dandruff and the cause of its occurrence. Allantoin contained in this product has a soothing effect in case of skin irritation and regulates the work of the sebaceous glands. Price for one package of 250 ml. is 450 p.

To cleanse and renew their skin, women use all kinds of peels and scrubs. But our hair needs to be thoroughly cleaned no less so that the hairstyle always looks well-groomed. Purchased funds do not always cope with the task at hand, and then folk recipes come to the rescue. This article will tell you how to choose and prepare a deep cleaning shampoo at home.

Pros of homemade deep cleaning shampoos

The basis of any shampoo is based on components that help wash out dust, dirt and grease accumulated in the hair. In addition, shampoos should thoroughly cleanse the scalp from keratinized particles. As a rule, most commercial deep cleansing shampoos have high Ph levels and sulfates in their formulation for more thorough care and are not suitable for daily use. In addition, commercial hair deep cleansing products may contain harmful substances such as silicones, sodium sulfate and other aggressive components. For women with colored hair, such products are also not suitable, because due to the deep penetration of the shampoo into the hair structure, the paint is washed out very quickly.

Women who very often use various styling products especially need deep cleansing of the scalp and hair, since any varnishes, mousses or gels make the hair very heavy. At the same time, purchased shampoos do not always wash away the remains of styling products well and, on the contrary, can further entangle the hair, disrupt its structure and lead to unexpected consequences.

Experts are completely confident that the use of professional deep cleaning products is unjustified, since the likelihood of damaging the hair structure is much greater than from using conventional shampoos. For this and other reasons, making a deep cleanse shampoo at home will be a safer and more budget-friendly option for cleansing your hair and scalp. Natural remedies are more gentle, but no less effective, while not only cleansing the hair, but also their health.

Deep cleaning shampoo for hair: can be made at home from soda, salt, natural coffee, henna, eggs, mustard, essential oils and cosmetic clay

Preparation of deep cleaning shampoos

Baking soda for deep cleaning hair

To transform your regular shampoo into a deep cleanser, just add 1 scoop of baking soda to 1 serving of scalp shampoo. This method of cleansing is very effective, soda is suitable for any type of hair (the only exceptions are very dry strands) and financially, you cannot find a more affordable means. Crushed aspirin tablets can be used instead of baking soda, they will have a similar effect on the scalp and hair roots.

Deep cleaning salt

Salt is a very effective and inexpensive option for deep scalp cleaning. It is best to take a not very coarse one, the amount of salt depends on the thickness and length of your hair. For short haircuts, 2 tablespoons will be enough, for long curls, up to 5 tablespoons will be needed. The required amount of salt must be diluted in an equal amount of warm water or kefir. The prepared saline solution is applied to the hair and scalp and purifies with massage movements. You can repeat the procedure 1 - 2 times a month.

Deep cleaning coffee

Before washing your hair with shampoo, you can try a home exfoliation of your scalp. To do this, mix 1 spoonful of ground coffee with 1 serving of shampoo and apply the mixture to your hair and scalp, massage for 5 minutes and then rinse with water. After the procedure, you can wash your hair again with regular shampoo. This ritual will be an excellent alternative to deep cleansing shampoo.

Henna for deep cleaning of hair

Colorless henna can not only cleanse the hair effectively, but also improve its condition in general, due to its natural origin. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to dilute henna not in ordinary water, but in a decoction of nettle (for dark hair) or chamomile (for light hair). At the rate of 100 ml of broth for 3 sachets of henna, prepare a mixture. As soon as the henna solution cools down, apply it to the hair and scalp, leave it for 1 - 2 hours and then rinse it off.

Deep cleaning eggs

Chicken eggs have always been famous for their positive effect on hair, in addition to the fact that they add shine, strengthen and nourish curls, it turns out, with their help, you can effectively cleanse the scalp and hair from dust and grease. To do this, add a few drops of any essential oil to 2 chicken eggs and wash your hair with this mixture like a regular shampoo.

Cosmetic clay for deep cleaning of hair

If you have time and desire, you can prepare the following very effective and natural deep cleansing shampoo based on cosmetic clay. You will need:

  1. Cosmetic clay - 5 tablespoons;
  2. Mustard powder - 5 tablespoons;
  3. Baking soda - 1 tablespoon
  4. Salt - 1 tablespoon;
  5. Peppermint oil - 5 drops;
  6. Tea tree oil - 5 drops.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and deep cleansing shampoo is ready. Such a remedy will very effectively cope with the pollution of the hair and scalp, but it should not be used more often than once a month.

Thus, it is not difficult to effectively clean your hair with homemade shampoo. Choose any of the recipes and try to apply them in turn, so it will be easier to identify which method of deep hair cleaning is right for you.