Remedies for atopic dermatitis. Effective remedies are herbal decoctions. Allergy educational film video

Most specialists in the field of dermatology, allergology and pediatrics advise their patients to organize trips with dermatitis at sea as often as possible. The climatotherapeutic properties of fresh air and sea water have an extraordinary effect on the body, which is prone to autoimmune diseases, including dermatitis.

The choice of the required resort becomes an additional aspect of complex therapy aimed at eliminating the disease, increasing the period of remission.

Atopic dermatitis, regardless of the cause of its appearance (contact with a potential allergen, decreased immunity, the presence of systemic diseases, genetic predisposition), is expressed by unpleasant symptoms. The appearance on the skin of redness, swelling, elements of a rash against the background of irritating itching gives a person physical and mental discomfort, and reduces his social activity. The search for an alternative method of treating this pathology is a subject of discussion by various medical specialists.

Long-term observations confirm the effectiveness of the physiotherapeutic effect of the sea climate on the skin. What is its peculiarity?

The main positive aspects include the following:

  • biochemical compounds present in sea water, relieve puffiness, hyperemia, promote skin regeneration, eliminate rashes;
  • sea ​​water eliminates itching, this allows less frequent use of antihistamines and sedatives;
  • a noticeable reduction in the intensity of the inflammatory process, an increase in the period of remission.

The treatment tactics at the resort are somewhat different from the usual. In the first days of rest, do not use topical corticosteroids in the form of an ointment. Enough antihistamines and probiotic drugs. Enzymes and sorbents may be needed when changing the diet. A hypoallergenic diet does not lose its effectiveness. The use of new products that are potential allergens should be reduced to a minimum: berries, juices, culinary masterpieces of local cuisine.

If a child suffers from atopic dermatitis

A trip to another climatic zone is always stressful for the body, especially for a child. The acclimatization process usually takes place within the first 10 days. This explains the rationality of a trip for a period of at least 1 month.

A hot, humid climate requires a gentle day regimen. The beach visit should be rescheduled for the morning and afternoon hours. Any exit from the premises presupposes the presence of a protective layer of clothing made from natural materials (cotton, flax). Clothing not only protects the child's body from ultraviolet radiation, but also absorbs the secretions of the sweat glands.

For prevention purposes, you can use hypoallergenic sunscreen cosmetics that protect baby skin from UV radiation. Any decision must be agreed with the attending physician.

Young children (up to 3 years old) are especially sensitive to climate change and any changes in their usual routine. When deciding on a planned vacation, you need to take this factor into account. Ideally, the trip should be abandoned altogether: a long journey, high ambient temperatures, the likelihood of meeting new viruses pose a real danger to the baby's fragile immune system. If the temptation is great, then you should limit yourself to a trip to a similar climatic recreation area. You can stop your choice on the southwestern and southern coasts of Crimea, the Sea of ​​Azov, Anapa, Gelendzhik. As an option, the coast of Greece and Bulgaria is often recommended. A trip to eastern countries (Turkey, Egypt and others) is not even worth remembering.

A gentle diet and stay in the open space complements the complex therapy prescribed by the doctor.

What is Gentle Mode:

  • Compliance with a hypoallergenic diet, excluding the use of foods with potential allergens. Even the usual food products in the process of adaptation can affect the child's body specifically.
  • Preventive measures are aimed at maintaining the moisture of the skin. After bathing in the sea (no longer than 10 minutes), the body should be washed under the shower with fresh water to avoid peeling of the skin. It is better to wipe the body with a soft towel with dabbing movements.
  • Adequate rest during the day and night has a positive effect on the result of therapy.
  • The absence of stress during the treatment period helps to strengthen the body's defenses.
  • General therapy includes antihistamines, anti-inflammatory, prebiotic, and probiotic medications prescribed by a pediatrician.
  • Locally, the foci of inflammation are treated with hypoallergenic agents with regenerative characteristics, and decoctions of medicinal herbs used at home.

Any decision taken by the parents must be agreed with the attending physician without fail.

Which resort is preferable

Each resort area has its own advantages. Sometimes it's hard to make a choice. For advice, you can contact an allergist or health centers that provide services to patients with allergic diseases.

Among the resort areas, you can choose the following:

  • Black Sea coast of Crimea. The Black Sea water contains large quantities of hydrogen sulfide compounds, calcium, magnesium (chloride and sulfate). In terms of trace element composition, it is closest to the composition of human blood. Such water has a positive effect on the nervous and endocrine systems, which explains its choice for allergy sufferers.

  • The Azov sea. It is the shallowest in the world (the maximum depth is only 15 meters). The coast of the Azov Sea is most suitable for vacationers with children. The sea water is three times less salty compared to other seas. Contains a small amount of chlorine and sodium ions, has an increased content of calcium, iodine, carbonates and sulfates. The water is warmer compared to other bodies of water.
  • The Dead Sea. Allergists often recommend the Dead Sea and atopic dermatitis. A drainless salt lake located between Israel and Jordan contains a unique composition of salts and curative sulphite mud. The water contains a high content of bromine, iodine, hormone-like substances. The Dead Sea is a real miracle of nature with healing properties.
  • Adriatic Sea. The choice can be stopped on the coast of Slovenia (Koper, Isola, Portoroz, Piran), Croatia (Dubrovnik, Makarska Riviera), Montenegro (Budva Riviera), Italy (Rimini, Cattolica, Pescara, Palm Riviera).
  • For those who cannot stand the heat, it is better to plan a trip in the spring or autumn. As an alternative, they consider rest in Switzerland or Austria.

Regardless of the choice of the resort area, you should follow the usual preventive measures, pleasantly combining relaxation with treatment.

There are many recipes for baths and rinses that can help with various forms of this disease. Let's highlight some of them and consider what to bathe a child in with atopic dermatitis and with allergic dermatological rashes.

It will be about babies, since this age category is most sensitive to the effects of various drugs and herbal elements.

Allergy sufferers can swim, moisture is not harmful to diseased skin. The problem often arises from the chlorine in tap water. Residents of cities are forced to put up with this, since they simply have no other options.

But is it possible to bathe a child with dermatitis caused by allergic reactions?

In order not to aggravate the irritation of the baby's skin, parents will have to work hard. Water sedimentation or cleaning filters can help reduce the alkaline environment.

Parents are often interested in whether it is possible to bathe a child with allergic dermatitis with special products and herbal decoctions, and with which ones?

  1. Note that in case of allergies, you need to be very careful to use any new remedy, especially synthetic or plant origin.
  2. Having applied any remedy for the first time, you need to wait two days and look at the reaction of the child's body.

Traditional methods

Traditional medicine advises bathing a child with allergic dermatitis using the following means:

  • Fresh brewed black tea.
  • Broth.
  • Decoction of oak bark.
  • Infusion of wheat bran or oats (for dry skin).
  • Broth of a string, chamomile, mint (with wet or oily skin).

The last of the named recipes can itself cause allergies, so you need to be extremely careful when using it for bathing babies with allergies.

It is better to brew the ingredients one at a time, rather than making a decoction of all of them at once. You may experience an allergic reaction to only one of them.

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is considered a childhood disease. It occurs from an early age and is very difficult to treat. Less common is an allergic manifestation after 12 years.
The main cause of the disease is considered to be a genetic predisposition. The presence of bronchial asthma and manifestations of atopic dermatitis in blood relatives significantly increase the chances that it will be inherited by a child.
Also, external factors can be provocateurs, such as:
  • Contact with pets (wool allergy);
  • Pollen;
  • Food;
  • Infectious diseases in pregnant women;
  • Toxicosis during pregnancy;
  • Abuse of bad habits during pregnancy.
Sometimes there are cases that it is not possible to establish the specific cause of the appearance of dermatitis. This greatly influences the treatment process.

Symptoms of the manifestations of atopic dermatitis

There are three phases of the course of the disease, according to these phases, symptoms appear:
  1. infant (up to 3 years old): manifests itself in the form of redness and small rashes on the skin, this phenomenon is observed mainly on the skin of the face, buttocks and limbs;
  2. children (from 3 to 7 years): observed in places where the joints are bent, in these areas the skin is dull, very dry, dry skin scales and cracks may appear. It manifests itself in the form of redness and papule formations;
  3. adult: the skin is very dry, symptoms appear in the neck, face, back, chest. Sometimes cracks may appear on the elbows and feet.

Almost all manifestations of atopic dermatitis are accompanied by itching and burning of the skin.

In such cases, medical attention is required. Since in the acute form of the course of the disease there were manifestations of bronchial asthma, which can cause asphyxia.

How to take a shower with atopic dermatitis?

Some experts believe that water prevents wounds from healing and accompanies the spread of dermatitis throughout the body. Far from it, if taken correctly shower or bath with atopic dermatitis, they can even be beneficial and medicinal.
The following rules must be observed:
  • Water must be purified from chlorine, for this it must be boiled by filtration;
  • When bathing, do not use washcloths, brushes or other objects that can damage the skin;
  • When bathing, do not use soap or other alkaline products that irritate the skin, it is better to buy hypoallergenic bathing preparations from the pharmacy;
  • Water procedures should not last more than 20 minutes, the water should not be cold or hot;
  • When wiping the baby's body, no need to rub, do everything gently, blotting the baby's skin.
As for taking baths, it is better to do this once a week, while using medicinal herbs, pre-steam them and defend them. Do not forget about the water temperature and the duration of the process. After bathing, be sure to moisturize your baby's skin with a hypoallergenic cream.
All your actions must be coordinated with the attending doctor so as not to harm the already inflamed skin of the baby.
Video: "Atopic dermatitis"

Bathing is a must-have ritual for any child. But, in our tap water there is a lot of chlorine and other chemicals that affect the skin ambiguously. How to proceed? Should I bathe the child? How to bathe? What to add to the water? I will answer these and other questions in the article.

Many dermatologists and allergists disagree about whether to bathe an atopic child every day. Some believe that bathing is vital for atopic people because:
moisturizes the skin;
cleanses the skin;
good for your health.
Others think that bathing should be done as little as possible because the water is bad, because it worsens the skin and spreads infections. Although, to be honest, I have little idea how something can survive in this chlorinated slurry (I greatly exaggerate, I may be wrong!). From my arguments - infections living on the wounds of atopics are weak and cause harm to atopics only because the barrier functions of the skin are even weaker than these infections. But this is my personal opinion, many do not agree with him and have every right. A compromise option is to bathe every day when the skin is in adequate condition, do not bathe if there is severe inflammation or wetness. To say unequivocally how correctly I cannot for one simple reason - different children are suitable. Someone better to bathe, someone better not to bathe. I don’t like the option not to bathe, but I also cannot ignore the stories of girls whose children had almost all (or even all) spots on their skin in a week without bathing. You need to try and see what suits your child specifically.
Bathing water should be cool, it is clearly below 37 degrees, by the way, bathing a child in cool water, you will bring invaluable benefits to his health, tempering the body. To help the child get used to it, the temperature can be reduced by one degree every week. The duration of bathing should not exceed 10 minutes. By the way, given that it is not desirable for a child to be in the bathroom for more than 10 minutes, you can lower the temperature lower than it would be acceptable for children who bathe for a long time. Why? And because in 10 minutes the child simply does not have time to be supercooled. But still, do not lower the temperature below 28 degrees, it will be too much. The younger the child, the easier it is to accustom him to cold bathing, the older ones may already have their own preferences, which are difficult to change.
Why cool water? Because hot, according to the well-known laws of physics, accelerates all processes in the skin, increases itching, and in general, atopics should not be overheated.
By the way, about the water temperature. The recommendation about cool water is understandable and seems to suit everyone, but here, too, everything is individual. Many adults with neurodermatitis (one of the names of AD, is used for adults) argue that cold water only worsens the condition of the skin, but in hot water, on the contrary, it is good. It has been proven that some children feel better when hot. Well, besides, the child is also a person, perhaps he likes warmth more. So, again, my recommendation is to try, but it's better to start with cool water, and if you have problems with this, then try warmer.
What can be added to the bathroom?
For bathing, you can add:

Emulsion for bathing "Emolium";

Emulsion for bathing "Oylatum" (available in Ukraine, not in Russia);

Oil "Avene" - on the bathroom about 5 clicks on a small bathroom.

Sea salt. If there are wounds, it will pinch, of course, salt water needs to be washed off with fresh water, it is imperative to moisturize the skin, salt water dries up. You need to add a lot, for a small bath at least 500 grams, otherwise it makes no sense;
Potassium permanganate. An excellent remedy for wetting and the presence of secondary infections, if you are afraid that the water will "spread everything through the body." The solution should be strong, crimson in color, this will dry out wet areas and destroy germs. Afterwards, it is advisable to rinse the child with clean water and moisten. When I got wet, I bathed in potassium permanganate and rinsed with spring water with the addition of a bathing emulsion.

The most important update !!! It is categorically impossible to use potassium permanganate when swimming. It is written in detail about this. In short: it is almost impossible to dilute ideally potassium permanganate at home, or rather possible, but no one knows how to do this. Undissolved crystals can cause severe burns. All that can be done with potassium permanganate is to throw it away if you still have it in your house. The thing is not useless, but also unsafe.

About emulsions - they can pour on them, so if such a suspicion crept into you - remove them in fig, because if it seems, then most likely it seems for a reason. At first we did not pour, and then I noticed that after a bath with an emulsion it was worse. However, hell is so unpredictable that the reaction can be absolutely everything, therefore - be careful. It is not necessary to wash off emulsions and oil from the skin (I advise you to read the information on this on the package).

On the Internet, on the lips of a mother-in-law and a caring neighbor, you will, by any means, come across advice that bathing in herbs helps with allergies. I highly recommend ignoring this advice and wishing the advisor the best of luck in the most cultured way possible. Why? There are several reasons for this:

  1. All herbs dry out the skin. Hopefully there is no need to explain? Atopic people do not need extra drying of the skin;
  2. Herbs are allergens. Through damaged skin, they can penetrate a little inside (well, this is me, of course, figuratively, not medically, but the point is this) and slowly form an allergy to grass and increase the likelihood of your child developing hay fever. Do you need it?
  3. There are modern products (the same emulsions and oils for bathing) that are designed specifically for these children. Previously, everyone was treated with herbs not for a good life, but because there was no other.

Many more practice bathing in oats. Oats are great for softening the skin, but in the long run, all about herbs is true for oats as well. Therefore, it is also not needed.

To make the water softer, it is advisable to boil it. If this is impossible for some reason, you can insist. You can insist at least part of the water. For example - dial the floor of the baby bath in advance and let it settle, and boil some of the water and mix it later, or add just hot from the tap. The point is to try to reduce the chlorine content and any byaki. It is advisable to install a filter on the tap, but it is expensive, hemorrhoids and I have only seen reviews of filters in plumbing stores, so I can’t vouch for that.

And yet, in water, the skin almost always looks worse, the spots become more noticeable, redder, etc. So - this does not mean that bathing has a bad effect on the child, so it is for everyone. I do not really understand why this is so (by the way, if you understand why this is so, write in the comments, I will add it to the article). To conclude that bathing somehow worsens the condition of the skin is possible only when you have several cases when the baby became better without bathing. At the same time, periods of illness are not counted, since during the fight against viruses, hell often recedes, since the immune system is busy with showdowns with a sore, and not with ordinary things (allergens).
I hope it was useful, if there are additions / comments - write, listen, add)
Resistant to all remission

Not so long ago, many dermatologists recommended refraining from frequent bathing if you were diagnosed with dermatitis. Today, the views of doctors on this problem are different: if you choose the right composition of water and learn how to prepare decoctions and infusions for bathing, the number of water procedures can not be reduced. And yet, most people suffering from this disease are interested in the question: is it possible to swim with dermatitis in adults and children, and if so, what rules should be followed so as not to worsen the skin condition?

Can dermatitis get wet?

Water contact with the affected skin usually causes an increase in the symptoms of the disease, and also provokes the spread of the lesion to other parts of the body. To figure out whether it is possible to swim with dermatitis in an adult and a child, you first need to determine which type of disease has been diagnosed:

  • With atopic dermatitis, swimming is not just possible, but necessary. The main requirement that must be observed in this case is the use of not too hot and not too cold water.
  • With seborrheic dermatitis, exacerbation can occur due to the use of hard chlorinated water. If you replace it with a mild spring or thermal bath, the unpleasant symptoms may diminish.
  • With contact dermatitis, you need to pay attention to the condition of the skin after contact with hygiene products - shower gel, soap. Perhaps they are the culprit behind the onset of symptoms of the disease.
  • Can I swim with allergic dermatitis? First you need to establish what exactly the allergic reaction is from. If you use herbal decoctions for bathing, be sure to inform the doctor about it: some plants are just provocateurs of allergic dermatitis.

How should and can you wash yourself with dermatitis?

The main requirement in relation to water procedures for dermatitis is the use of special personal hygiene products that are as gentle and soft as possible. Residents of rural areas find it easier to comply with this prescription, since in most cases they have access to well or spring water.

But what about the inhabitants of cities? The townspeople can be advised the following: to defend the water before bathing, to boil it, or to purchase a special filter attachment that is put on the shower head and retains chlorine particles.

As for the temperature of the water and the duration of hygiene procedures for dermatitis, the best solution would be to take a bath or shower at a temperature of 37-38 degrees for 10-20 minutes. It is better not to stay in the water longer than the specified time. If you choose between a shower and a bath, then it is better to give preference to the soul.

It is forbidden to use hard washcloths, anti-cellulite gloves and skin scrubs. Remember: the areas affected by dermatitis cannot be rubbed, therefore, during and after bathing, you will have to refuse such funds. The same applies to rubbing the skin after taking a bath or shower. Avoid intensive movements while wiping: just blot wet skin with a soft towel, allowing moisture to be absorbed into the fabric itself.

Avoid swimming in pools, as the water is usually very hard and contains a lot of chlorine.

Dermatitis and seawater

The closer the vacation period, the more adults and children with skin problems are interested in the answer to the question: is it possible to swim in the sea with dermatitis - atopic, allergic and others?

Many people find that the symptoms of dermatitis are reduced during their vacation at sea. The skin becomes less dry, itching and redness disappear. The reason for this change lies in the healing composition of sea water, which has a beneficial effect on the affected areas of the epidermis.

In addition to directly swimming in the sea, you need to take into account the positive effect of the sea climate. The air saturated with microdroplets gently affects the damaged skin without harming it.

It is recommended to choose the velvet season as your vacation time. During this period, the difference between the temperature of water and air is not as great as in July-August. As for the choice of a vacation spot, it is worth giving preference to the European coasts: a sharp change in climate, which is observed when flying from Russia to Asian countries, Turkey and Egypt, can negatively affect the condition of the skin.

Mineral water for dermatitis

Due to the composition, rich in minerals, micro- and macroelements, this water has a tonic and healing effect. That is why it is recommended to use it for taking baths and douches for dermatitis. It is better to give preference to water without gas, but if you bought carbonated water, do not be discouraged: just let it stand in an open container so that all the gas comes out.

Thermal water for atopic dermatitis

There are many thermal springs in Europe: they are located in Iceland, France, Switzerland, Hungary. For those who are not yet ready to visit them personally, there is an alternative - bottled thermal water, which can be bought in pharmacies and cosmetic stores. Light structure, optimal softness, balanced composition - all this makes thermal water a suitable remedy for the treatment of dermatitis.

"La-Cree" products for washing and bathing

Since you will have to abandon the use of shower gel and soap during the treatment, it is recommended to replace them with gentle products that do not include fragrances, dyes and parabens. In particular, you can use La-Cree Cleansing Gel. It contains derivatives of avocado and olive oils, extracts of licorice and walnut, hypoallergenic detergents - these components gently cleanse the skin without drying it out.

Atopic dermatitis

Irina Markovna Korsunskaya, Candidate of Medical Sciences; Associate Professor of the Department of Dermatology of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of Doctors, Candidate of Medical Sciences, doctor of KVD No. 5 Evgeniya Viktorovna Dvoryankova

Being a mother is one of the main destinations of a woman.

Motherhood is not only a great joy, but also a great responsibility. We want our children to be the happiest, smartest, most beautiful and, of course, the healthiest.

But your child suddenly has red spots or even pimples on the cheeks and buttocks, which itch, and therefore the baby began to sleep poorly, his appetite has deteriorated. Perhaps this coincided with the introduction of a new complementary food or was the child receiving some kind of medication? You, of course, went to the doctor and found out that your baby has atopic dermatitis. Many questions immediately arise: why did your child have this disease, what happens to him, how to feed the child, how to bathe and, finally, how to treat it? We will try to answer these questions.


Atopic dermatitis (aka diathesis, childhood eczema, neurodermatitis) is the most common allergic skin disease in children.

The reason for the development of atopic dermatitis is the increased sensitivity of the human body to various environmental influences. This property is inherited by the child from the parents. But it is absolutely not necessary that one of the parents should also suffer from this disease. And it is not necessary for parents with atopic dermatitis to have a child with the same disease.


Atopic dermatitis is a chronic disease that can occur with periodic exacerbations for more than one year. However, modern methods of treating this disease and the correct behavior of parents can greatly alleviate the course of atopic dermatitis and the life of the child himself.

In order to help your child as much as possible, you need to know well the causes of atopic dermatitis and follow some rules of behavior for parents.


Atopic dermatitis occurs with periodic exacerbations and improvements. Most often, it begins in children from the first year of life. However, the symptoms of this disease may first appear not only in childhood, but even at a later, mature age.

Starting in infancy, atopic dermatitis can last until puberty, and sometimes up to 40-50 years. Sometimes there are short-term forms of atopic dermatitis - up to several months.


The obligatory signs of atopic dermatitis are itching, dry skin and the appearance of rashes in places typical of this disease. The clinical manifestations of atopic dermatitis are very diverse and depend on the age at which the disease manifests itself.

In children aged 2 months to 2-3 years, atopic dermatitis is manifested by redness and swelling of the skin, the appearance of small bubbles, weeping, followed by peeling and crusting. In this case, the skin of the cheeks, forehead, extensor surfaces of the arms and legs, and buttocks is affected. By the age of 2-3 years, the disease can pass, but often it passes into the next phase.

At the age of 3 to 12 years, with atopic dermatitis, rashes are drier than in babies, and they appear in the elbow and popliteal folds, on the flexor surfaces of the forearms, on the back of the hands.

With the external therapy of atopic dermatitis, agents are widely used to eliminate dry skin. These include Topikrem, developed by the French pharmaceutical laboratory of Nizhi.

Topikrem is a hypoallergenic moisturizing emulsion for face and body. Designed for dry and dehydrated skin care. Thanks to the combination of active ingredients (urea 2% and glycerin 9.5%) Topikrem restores water-fat balance on the skin surface, has a long-lasting moisturizing effect, softens the skin, eliminating discomfort and feeling of tightness. Topikrem has been dermatologically tested for hypoallergenicity, so it can be successfully used as a skin care product for children, starting from birth.


In most children in the first year of life, atopic dermatitis is a reaction to the introduction of new foods. At the same time, almost any food product can become the cause of an allergic reaction. In addition, an allergic reaction and exacerbation of atopic dermatitis can be caused by animal hair, household dust, plant pollen, various drugs, chemicals, preservatives, fragrances, etc.

In older children, exacerbation of atopic dermatitis is also caused by: psychoemotional stress, fear, overexcitation, seasonal changes in the weather (the most frequent exacerbations in early spring and late autumn), unfavorable environmental conditions.


Of course, food allergy in children, especially young children, is one of the main causes of exacerbation of atopic dermatitis, but, unfortunately, not the only one. Atopic dermatitis cannot be cured with diet alone, as it is not only caused by food allergies.

Naturally, foods that exacerbate the disease should be excluded from the diet for some time, but not necessarily for the rest of your life. The child grows, his digestive and immune systems change. And over time, he can get rid of the intolerance to some product.


In children of the first year of life, the most common causes of the development of atopic dermatitis are cow's milk, eggs, fish, seafood, cereals, soy. In addition, children often have intolerance to foods such as caviar, chocolate, mushrooms, honey, bananas, citrus fruits, food containing preservatives and dyes. Strong broths, smoked meats, spicy foods, and baked goods can also exacerbate atopic dermatitis. Naturally, all these foods can be included in the child's diet, but with caution or excluded altogether.


Bathing a child with atopic dermatitis is necessary. But the water for bathing such a baby should be soft enough. It is very good to add special bath oils to your bathing water that are suitable for your baby's skin. At the same time, you should not get carried away with decoctions and infusions of medicinal plants, such as chamomile, celandine, string. There is a somewhat misconception that the use of these plants is good for children with problem skin.

Often, in babies with atopic dermatitis, an exacerbation of the disease develops due to an allergy to these medicinal herbs.


The skin of children with atopic dermatitis is extremely dry and therefore easily damaged. Such skin does not perform well its protective functions. Therefore, the skin of a baby with atopic dermatitis must be well moisturized and softened.

Now there are various creams, oils, bathing foams, created specifically for the care of the skin of children suffering from atopic dermatitis. But still, you need to ask your doctor about which remedy is right for your child.


Medical treatment for atopic dermatitis should be prescribed by a doctor and may include medications for both oral and external use.

Currently, there are a number of drugs presented by leading pharmaceutical companies, for example, Fenistil4, Desitin5, and many others.

These drugs quickly and effectively eliminate itching and inflammation on the skin and are approved for use in infants.

Preparations for oral administration, which are prescribed to patients with atopic dermatitis, eliminate itching and rashes on the skin, and regulate digestion processes.

Fenistil drops is an anti-allergic and antipruritic agent prescribed by pediatricians to infants from 1 month. Thanks to its fast and effective action, Fenistil relieves various allergic reactions: symptoms of food allergies, skin itching (skin rashes, atopic dermatitis, urticaria, etc.), perennial allergic rhinitis (runny nose), etc.

For external use, various creams, ointments, pastes, liquids that relieve itching and inflammation of the skin, antiseptics are used. In severe cases, the doctor may prescribe drugs containing hormones.


In the house where a child with atopic dermatitis lives, there should be as few allergens as possible. Pillows and blankets are made of synthetic materials, not wool and down. Bed linen and underwear are cotton and should be changed more often. The apartment should not have a lot of carpets and upholstered furniture. Regular cleaning of the apartment and removal of dust from hard-to-reach places are required. Dampness and mold should also be dealt with. It is better not to have pets.

It is very important to provide a child with atopic dermatitis with psychological comfort. Stress and psychological overload are very often the cause of an exacerbation of the disease. In addition, constant itching leads to sleep disturbances in children and becomes the cause of moods and bad moods. Therefore, whenever possible, you need to protect your baby from stress.

Of course, atopic dermatitis is a fairly serious chronic disease that creates additional difficulties in the life of babies and their parents. But following the simple rules of caring for a child and fulfilling the doctor's prescriptions can eliminate all problems and make your life happy and joyful.

bathing with atopic dermatitis

Girls in what can you bathe your daughter with atopic dermatitis? I read about birch buds and oak bark to relieve itching and inflammation (rashes and dry skin). just do not write those people who just assume who have not met with AD, you need real advice who used what. Maybe try boiling water and adding bark infusion?

dy expensive Figs with them ... from this list there are hormonal, tk. I especially would not like to use them. and write pzh for how long you can use them.

I don’t know until I leave it, I haven’t read the instructions on the Internet)

and how long is Hell? from birth, almost at 3 weeks, they were completely covered with it after that constantly pours out

Yes, I also read about starch, how to add it?

And we have a terrible reaction to starch, dermatitis spots started to bubble up straight, it's good that I first tried it on a small piece of skin! So I advise you to try it first on a small area of ​​the body, otherwise you never know!

baths from a series can be done

did not help with the sequence, I tried it in the first months

and bathing and ointments should not help much ... you need to identify the allergen or treat the intestinal microflora constantly

allergen not identified

well, you can identify it either by filling out a food diary, trying to find out what the child actually reacts to most of all, or by passing tests for allergens, but it is recommended to take it closer to three years, otherwise it is considered not informative

I bathe in Emolium or Mustela. I tried to bathe in oak bark, birch buds, viburnum, sea salt, bay leaf. Of all this, I liked the oak bark the most, it relieves inflammation a little, but any herbs dry the skin, which is already dry, so they were not carried away. I mainly use Emolium. And after bathing I smear with Mustela Stelatopia emulsion. Nothing better than her yet!

Bathing children with atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis can turn the life of a baby and his loved ones into torment. Often, parents believe that this condition does not require medical supervision, but in severe cases itching, dryness and cracks in the skin lead to bleeding wounds on the arms, legs and behind the ears, which are often infected with streptococcus and turn into a focus of streptoderma. With proper care, many problems can be avoided.

The main principles of atopic skin care are gentle cleansing and intense hydration. This is always worth remembering for parents of children with atopic dermatitis. Conventional products for bathing children are not suitable for crumbs with atopic skin, and "adult" shower gels are categorically contraindicated for them.

How to bathe a baby with atopic skin

Any bathing degreases the skin, so bathing a baby with atopic dermatitis should be less frequent. This does not exclude daily hygiene: washing, washing and washing the feet. But taking a full "bath" is harmful for such a child. This is especially true for too hot and prolonged water procedures: steamed skin dries quickly, begins to peel off and itch.

The ideal option is a quick shower 1-2 times a week without the use of a washcloth and soapy cleansers, with the obligatory intensive moisturizing with special products for atopic skin after water procedures.

What to bathe a child with atopic skin

Diaper dermatitis in children (photo)

The ass turns red and inflamed from the contents of the diaper. what to do?

Atopic skin requires special care products. They are often expensive, but the effect of their use is very different from the budget options.

Means for washing the skin of children and adults with atopic dermatitis can be roughly divided into 2 groups:

Emulsions obtained by mixing special bath oil with water and gels for washing atopic skin. Just do not confuse special oils for bathing atopics and "oil for babies", which does not mix with water. The prepared emulsion foams slightly, but cleanses the skin and does not dehydrate it.

Popular emulsion oils include:

  • Shower oil Lipikar, LA ROCHE-POSAY
  • Lipobase Baby, baby bathing oil
  • Emollient cleansing oil Exomega, A-Derma
  • Triactive bath emulsion, Emolium
  • Bath oil "STELATOPIA", Mustela
  • Cleansing lipid-replenishing oil "Xeracalm A.D.", Avene
  • In order to get the maximum benefit from the emulsion oil, pour a portion of the oil into the palm of your hand, add a little water and grind the mixture between your palms into a white foam. Apply the foam to damp skin directly with your hands, without a washcloth. After that, the body should only be slightly rinsed from the foam, without trying to wash it "until it squeaks."

    Specialized bathing gels with an extra gentle formula are produced by the same companies, for example:

  • Bath gel from head to toe, Atotic
  • Bath cream "STELATOPIA", Mustela
  • Softening foaming gel Exomega, A-Derma
  • Shower gel Lipikar, LA ROCHE-POSAY
  • 2 in 1 Cleansing Gel for Children, Topicrem
  • Unscented baby hair and body wash, Eucerin
  • How not to bathe children with atopic dermatitis

    When bathing such guys, you must refuse to use soap. This applies to solid soaps (including baby soaps), liquid soaps, shower gels. All these cosmetics, even the most "mild" ones (for example, Bubchen) and intended for children in the first days of life, wash away the protective fatty film from the skin. Of course, there are situations when you cannot do without soap, but in such cases you should give preference to soap without fragrances, dyes, herbal extracts.

    Babies suffering from atopic dermatitis should not be bathed in water with the addition of medicinal herbs or potassium permanganate. It seems to many that a bath with chamomile or calendula will be useful for the irritated skin of the crumbs, but most often this leads to the opposite effect. The fact is that herbs and potassium permanganate dry the skin, which is extremely destructive for atopics.

    For the same reason, you should not add sea salt to the water. For some skin diseases, sea water really has a beneficial effect, heals, restores the skin, restores its healthy appearance and elasticity. With atopic dermatitis, salt in water, even in small amounts, can cause a burning sensation on the affected skin and dehydration.

    Washcloths and sponges damage the delicate atopic skin, therefore, if possible, when bathing, you just need to gently massage the body with the palm of your hand.

    To bathe or not to bathe ?!

    In the old days, the benefits of bathing for atopic dermatitis were questioned. It was believed that water prevents the rapid healing of minor injuries and promotes the formation of a secondary infection. Today this opinion is recognized as erroneous, however, some rules for the adoption of water procedures still exist.

    Basic rules for bathing

    Before proceeding with the procedures, it is necessary to consult a specialist. It is important that bathing with atopic dermatitis is beneficial and in no way harmful.

    • The water must be free of chlorine impurities.
    • Important! Bathing with atopic dermatitis should preferably be carried out with special products that are selected individually. They have anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, antimicrobial, soothing and moisturizing effects.

      Bathing products for atopic dermatitis

      When there is a history of atopic dermatitis, bathing products must be used without fail. Moreover, they can be prepared both independently and chosen ready-made. Let's consider the most effective ones.

    • Bathing emulsions (anti-inflammatory and moisturizing ingredients are always present in the composition).
    • Bathing oils.
    • Foams and gels with a hypoallergenic composition.
    • Baths with herbal infusion.
    • Moisturizing the skin after bathing - the need for the final stage

      To prevent traumatic effects on the skin, which can lead to atopic dermatitis, bathing should be finished with moisturizing. For this purpose, you can use such means as "Bepanten", "Panthenol", or baby cream, but it is best to use special means - "Derma", "Trixera", "Topikrem" and other medicinal ointments.

      Bathing a child with dermatitis

      There are many recipes for baths and rinses that can help with various forms of this disease. Let's highlight some of them and consider what to bathe a child in with atopic dermatitis and with allergic dermatological rashes.

      It will be about babies, since this age category is most sensitive to the effects of various drugs and herbal elements.

      Allergic dermatitis

      Allergy sufferers can swim, moisture is not harmful to diseased skin. The problem often arises from the chlorine in tap water. Residents of cities are forced to put up with this, since they simply have no other options.

      But is it possible to bathe a child with dermatitis caused by allergic reactions?

      In order not to aggravate the irritation of the baby's skin, parents will have to work hard. Water sedimentation or cleaning filters can help reduce the alkaline environment.

      Parents are often interested in whether it is possible to bathe a child with allergic dermatitis with special products and herbal decoctions, and with which ones?

    • Note that in case of allergies, you need to be very careful to use any new remedy, especially synthetic or plant origin.
    • Having applied any remedy for the first time, you need to wait two days and look at the reaction of the child's body.
    • Traditional medicine advises bathing a child with allergic dermatitis using the following means:

    • Fresh brewed black tea.
    • Decoction of bay leaves.
    • Decoction of oak bark.
    • Infusion of wheat bran or oats (for dry skin).
    • Broth of a string, chamomile, mint (with wet or oily skin).
    • The last of the named recipes can itself cause allergies, so you need to be extremely careful when using it for bathing babies with allergies.

      It is better to brew the ingredients one at a time, rather than making a decoction of all of them at once. You may experience an allergic reaction to only one of them.

      Atopic dermatitis

      With diaper dermatitis, it is imperative to swim, and the more, the better.

      But when the disease becomes atopic, many parents begin to wonder whether their baby needs water procedures and what to do with the bath.

      Here is what traditional medicine offers to bathe a child with atopic dermatitis:

    • Birch buds and leaves. Take 200 grams of birch leaves and buds, pour 1 liter of boiling water. Insist for 3 hours. After straining, the broth is added to the bath.
    • Sea salt. You can buy it at the pharmacy. Add to the bath, stir until completely dissolved in water.
    • Starch. Dissolve starch powder (3 tablespoons) in 1 liter of boiled water. Stir well and add to the bath.
    • Milk and olive oil. This recipe for how to bathe a baby with atopic dermatitis can also be used by adults, and not only with diseased skin, but also with healthy skin. It's called Cleopatra's Secret. Mix 1 liter of milk and 100 grams of unrefined olive oil, you can slightly heat the product to 40 degrees. Add the resulting substance to the bath. Take 15-20 minutes.
    • Is it possible to bathe a child with atopic dermatitis with herbal ingredients?

      Yes, it is possible, even necessary, but each of the herbal remedies, as in the case of allergic dermatitis, should be checked for individual intolerance.

      Folk healers advise bathing babies with atopic dermatitis with the addition of herbal decoctions:

      And what do doctors offer to bathe children with atopic dermatitis? Today, special products are produced for taking baths for babies.

      If you cannot swim at the time of severe exacerbations or purulent inflammations, use compresses with Aven, La Roche-Posay thermal water.

      The skin can be cleansed with Sensibio H2O bioderm. A series of medicines have been developed, which are called so: bath gels, bath oils, and so on.

      Some of the most well-known products that can be used to bathe children with atopic dermatitis are:

    • Trickzer bath.
    • A-derma bath additive.
    • Bath oil by Mustela Stelatoria.
    • Use only special soap for washing. A well-proven detergent for children with cold cream, which includes:

    • beeswax,
    • almond oil extract,
    • paraffin base,
    • rose water.
    • Thus, you can bathe a child with dermatitis, without good reason, you should not deprive the baby of such pleasure.

      A prerequisite for bathing babies with allergies or atopic dermatitis is compliance with the temperature regime.

      The water should be warm, even cool: 36 - 37.5 degrees. The hardening technique has proven to be effective.

      During water procedures using cold water (room temperature), the skin of babies was quickly cleansed, but you need to gradually accustom your baby to such water.

      Let's talk about how to bathe a child with atopic dermatitis or allergies:

    1. The baby needs to be immersed in water for 10-15 minutes.
    2. This must be done gradually so as not to scare the baby with a new sensation.
    3. Do not use typical infant cleansers, only the special ones mentioned above.
    4. Do not stretch or rub the skin.
    5. You only need to use soft touches. After the bath, blot the baby with a towel and leave undressed for 7-10 minutes to receive air treatments. Then apply special skin care products to your skin.

      Can I take a bath with dermatitis?

      Affecting the skin of a person, dermatitis is accompanied by itching, burning and other unpleasant sensations. Wanting to alleviate the condition with an exacerbation of this disease, many may ask the question: is it possible to wash with dermatitis?

      Water treatments for allergic dermatitis

      The main problem of those who suffer from allergic dermatitis (dermatitis of the skin of the hands, dermatitis of the feet) is increased itching in the area of ​​rashes, as well as their spread to the rest of the body after water procedures. However, despite such an unpleasant side effect, the answer of doctors to the question of whether it is possible to wash with allergic dermatitis is positive. But for this you need to follow some important rules:

      With allergic dermatitis, you can take water treatments.

    • the temperature of the bathing water should not exceed 37-38 ° C, and the residence time in it should not exceed 20 minutes;
    • in no case should you rub the affected skin. Therefore, it is better to abandon the washcloths and body scrubs that irritate her;
    • when choosing between a bath and a shower, it is better to opt for the latter;
    • after water procedures, the skin is gently dried with a soft towel and lubricated with a nourishing or moisturizing cream.
    • If desired, it is possible to use a decoction of medicinal herbs for bathing that has a beneficial effect on the skin condition (chamomile, calendula, etc.). However, this procedure should be carried out only with the appointment of the attending physician and in the absence of allergy to one of the components of the broth.

      Bathing for contact dermatitis

      Contact dermatitis differs from allergic dermatitis only in that it occurs as a result of direct contact with an allergen. Can I wash with contact dermatitis? If a person does not have a negative reaction to water, then the scheme for taking water procedures in this case will be the same as for allergic dermatitis. Otherwise, it is necessary to contact a dermatologist to take allergological tests in order to detect a reaction to the substances contained in the local water (since it is they that cause skin rashes). Persons whose disease is aggravated by contact with tap water are advised to switch to washing with boiled or mineral water.

      Is it possible to wash with seborrheic dermatitis? Throughout the entire period of treatment of this disease, regular water procedures with the use of special means are shown, since this type of dermatitis can cause complications - pyoderma. These include preparations containing zinc, clobetasol propionate, selenium sulfide, ciclopirox, or ketoconazole (in order to avoid the development of side effects, the prescription of drugs should be carried out by the attending physician).

      Advice! With an exacerbation of seborrhea, washing the head with a frequency of once every 1-2 days and washing the face and body 2 times a day using medicines prescribed by the attending physician is indicated.

      Influence of sea water

      You can also often hear the question: is it possible to swim in the sea with dermatitis? It is not asked by chance, since bathing in seawater, in the absence of allergic reactions to it, really produces a beneficial effect. Trips to the sea are especially recommended during the velvet season, when the water temperature is normal for people suffering from dermatitis.

      However, in cases of extensive exacerbation of this disease, prior consultation with a specialist is recommended.

      As you can see, the aforementioned disease is not a contraindication to hygiene procedures. Water procedures carried out under the recommended conditions will alleviate the patient's condition, while the lack of hygiene will only exacerbate the existing problems.