Thematic week in kindergarten for the senior group: My city. Thematic week "My home"

Irina Gavryuchkova, teacher, NDOU
"Kindergarten No. 57


Topic: My home, my city (second junior group)

Theme of the week: My home.

Purpose: to form a sense of belonging to the home.

Expand children's ideas about the house, household items. Clarify the name and purpose of the dishes. To form the skills of safe behavior in the room (carefully go down and up the stairs holding the railing; open and close the doors holding the door handle). Expand and activate children's vocabulary on the topic. Develop children's creative and constructive abilities. To form an attentive and caring attitude towards others; caring for your home.

Poem of the week: What a beautiful house

we live in this house.

1, 2, 3, 4 - we live in a new apartment (by the end of the week, children can recite it by heart)


Group, subgroup


Examination of reproductions, illustrations, pictures depicting houses in a city (village). Comparison.

Situational conversations "My home"

Morning exercises "Handkerchiefs"

Examining postcards with views of the city, village (types of houses)

Board-printed games "Whose house?".

freehand drawing

Cognition. Formation of a holistic picture of the world. "The house in which we live" Purpose: to expand children's understanding of the world around them. Know the house where you live, your neighbors, adults and children. To consolidate the concept of "house, yard, street, neighbors." Cultivate love for your home, street, city.

House - residential premises, house and kindergarten building, structural parts, appearance, purpose, some materials used (stone, wood, glass), building houses by people;


Observation: "Dwelling houses", goal: to form an idea of ​​the diversity of houses.

Mobile game. "Quickly to the house." Purpose: to develop the motor activity of children

Didactic game: "If I were lost ..." Purpose: To develop coherent speech, imagination.

labor in nature. Remove dry leaves in the flower garden.

Free activity Ball games. We build a house out of sand.


D. i. "My house" Purpose: to introduce the parts of the house.

Reading poems about the house

Individual work on the development of speech. Exercise Sasha in the ability to coherently answer the teacher's questions about his house, street. Purpose: to develop coherent speech.

Exercise after nap

Joint activity of an adult and children

Independent activity of children

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments

Conversation about the native city on the topic "Children are also residents of this city." Purpose: To tell about the right of every child to housing, his own home.

Didactic game "House" for laying out of geometric shapes.

Finger gymnastics: “I want to build a house” Says the text and shows the corresponding movements:

R.I. "Choose pictures and tell us what you have at home."

D. i. "Cat house"

Purpose: to activate the vocabulary on the topic, to develop an understanding of the prepositions in, on, from, under.

morning exercises

Construction from the details of a wooden constructor. Game "Building a house"

Purpose: to develop the constructive abilities of children.

Desktop printed games.

Modeling a house from plasticine flagella.


Observation: "For the state of the weather."

Mobile game. Quickly to the house ”(sun and rain).

Purpose: to develop motor activity of children.

Talk about the world around: what the child saw on the way; natural weather changes. Purpose: to develop coherent speech of children, observation.

Work. d-t. Putting things in order on the veranda.

Arrange the toys, Pick up the trash

Free activity.

With remote material blades, buckets, molds.


Didactic game: "Items that are at home."

Reading the fairy tale "Zayushkina hut"

Individual drawing work: Paint over the autumn house without going beyond the outline.

D. i. "Who Lives Here"

D. i. "Cut pictures" on the topic.

Exercise after nap

Joint activity of an adult and children

Independent activity of children

Group, subgroup


Educational activities in regime moments

Collective storytelling. n. fairy tales "Teremok"

Didactic game: "1,2,3, look for" Purpose: To promote the development of methods for comparing and evaluating the size of an object.

Conversation about the world around: what the child saw on the way; natural weather changes. Purpose: to develop coherent speech of children, observation.

Game exercise "Wash the dishes", "Feed the doll"

morning exercises

Album "Dishes"

Free drawing. Tableware Coloring Pages

Speech development “Description of dishes” - to develop the ability to compose a short story together with an adult; - to develop the ability to correctly name individual dishes, to form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200btheir function;

To consolidate the correct pronunciation "Speech development classes for children 3-5 years old." Page 76 lesson 26

Exercises for the development of ZKR - sound (o).

Didactic games: "Let's drink tea to the doll."


snail watching

Individual work: drawing grass with colored crayons on asphalt

labor in nature. Watering the grass. Purpose: to cultivate a desire to work.

free activity

Sand construction.


Examination of illustrations depicting snails. D / and "Find the animals that carry their house with them"

Solving the riddles about dishes.

ZKR: to develop the ability to agree on a noun and an adjective in gender and number; work out the correct pronunciation of sounds [a], [y], a clear articulation of sounds; to activate the use of prepositions for, under, before in speech.

Exercise after nap

"Where is the mouse hiding?"

Desktop printed games.

Domino, loto

P / and with the ball "Whose house"

D / and "Who lives where"

Gyenes blocks

Ts .: to teach children to choose objects according to signs, to develop the ability to answer questions with a full answer.

D / and "Magic Paths" Mikhailov p. 28 (Fig. 25)

C / r game "Building houses on our street"

Ts.: to improve the skills of working according to a given scheme, the ability to select the necessary building material.

Examination of the painting "We are building a house"

Conversation "What objects inhabit our apartment." Purpose: to teach to see the variety of objects that surround children.

Game situation "Doll Masha in our group." Target : introduce children to new ways of examining objects.

Game situation "Let's show Dunno our watch." Purpose: to fix the appointment of hours.

Consideration of plot pictures: “In our kindergarten”, “My family”. Purpose: to teach children to purposefully consider objects, highlighting the features of their structure.

The game "Describe, I will guess." Purpose: To form a conscious perception of objects.

Game exercises “Find what I’ll tell you about”, “What did the artist mix up?”, “Guess what it’s made of?” Purpose: to teach to distinguish between external signs and name objects of the man-made world. Didactic games:

"What comes first, what comes next." Goal: Learn to navigate the present and past hours.

"Did I say right?" Purpose: To teach when describing an object, to highlight the name, details, functions and material. See book. "Man-made world". O.V. Dybina, p. 41.

"Look around" Purpose: to consolidate knowledge about the properties and qualities of materials, to learn to establish cause-and-effect relationships between human needs and the capabilities of the material. See book. "Man-made world". O.V. Dybina, p. 52.

"Collect the item." Purpose: to consolidate the ability to name parts of an object, highlight its function and material. See book. "Man-made world". O.V. Dybina, p. 41.

"Guess what's made of what." Purpose: to teach to group objects by material, examining objects with the help of the senses. See book. "Man-made world". O.V. Dybina, p. fifty.

Educational situation "In the world of plastics". Purpose: to introduce the properties and qualities of plastic objects; help identify its properties. See book. "What are things made of?" O.V. Dybina, p35.

Situation of communication "Comparison of glass and plastic". Purpose: to introduce the properties of glass and plastic by comparison. See book. "What are objects made of?" O.V. Dybina, p36.

Game situation "Merry tram". Purpose: To concretize knowledge about the properties and qualities of plastics. See book. "What are things made of?" O.V. Dybina, p38.

Good or bad game. Purpose: to teach to establish causal relationships between the qualities of the object from which it is made and its purpose. See book. "What are things made of?" O.V. Dybina, p46.

The game "Find out by sound." Purpose: To exercise children in the ability to distinguish types of materials by sound. See book. "What are things made of?" O.V. Dybina, p.47.

Svetlana Pogneribko
Calendar-thematic planning on the topic "My Home" (October)

Formation of a holistic picture of the world

Topic: "Take care"

Target: Clarify and expand children's ideas about the house - the dwelling of a person, teach to see the signs of the times; expand ideas about what behavior is dangerous; develop the ability to avoid danger, teach how to use emergency telephones.

A source: "Hello World" from 291

Const / Manual labor

Topic: "House"


Teach children to make a design according to a planar scheme. Learn to change the building in accordance with the given conditions.

A source: Kutsakova L. V. p. 69.

Phys. Activity #19 Purpose: Continue to work out the skill of walking with a change in the pace of movement at the signal of the teacher; loose run; develop coordination of movements and an eye when throwing a ball at a target; exercise in crawling under the arc while maintaining a stable balance.

Morning exercises L. I. Penzulaeva "Health gymnastics" complex No. 4 P. g. "House" Breath. gym "Alarm" A. g. "Ladder" Di "Say kindly"-to teach children to form nouns with a diminutive suffix (PC) Conversations - five minutes "The house I live in!" Work in the corner nature: observing the growth of onions - offer to consider the bulbs they planted earlier, talk about the changes that have occurred. (TSK)

Productive Species Center activities: Place a wide variety of artistic and natural materials; conditions for drawing coloring pages, stencils, on a given topic.


Observing the length of the day

Goals: clarify knowledge about the decreasing longitude of the day; develop observation; expand horizons.

Didactic game "What did I say?".

Target: to teach children to distinguish several meanings in a word, compare these meanings, find common and different in them.

mobile game "The Frogs and the Heron".

An experience "Street Shadows".

Goals: show children how a shadow is formed, its dependence on a light source and an object, their relative position.

mobile game "Where is the sound?".

Target A: develop children's attention.

Walking on a ridged path.

Health-improving jogging around the territory of the kindergarten - to learn to walk a distance for 2.5 minutes, improve running technique, develop the functionality of the body, form a healthy lifestyle (ZF)

Conversation on poetics and culture of behavior "How to Handle a Book"- to update and systematize children's knowledge about the rules for handling books (PS)

Labor activity: one subgroup - sweeping the path on the site, 2 subgroup - loosening sand in the sandbox

KGN, lunch, work before bed

Reading "Short Wire"

"An invigorating anthem." "Kind and Polite Words"

Learn to follow the rules of etiquette, use various cutlery correctly.

Free activity in the centers of motor activity

Canteen duty (napkins, utensils).

Evening: Board game "When does it happen?"- to update children's knowledge about the parts of the day, to learn to correlate images in pictures with a certain time of day, to give an answer, to argue their opinion. (COP)

Fairy tale dramatization game "How the sun went to visit the moon"- learn to select means of expression in accordance with the characters, convey images in motion, facial expressions, gestures, intonations (MSK.)

I / R in fine arts - to teach children to draw a landscape. Choose colors according to your mood. Mix paints. Develop fantasy. To educate, aesthetic taste. (HTSC)

Construction games material: design by design - teach plan work, implement the plan, select the necessary details; to form the ability to make various changes to the buildings being created, to learn to beat them. (HTP)


mobile game "Find yourself a mate". Drawing on wet sand. free design (external material).

FEMP: preg

Topic: "Length measurement"

Target: To consolidate the ability to practically measure the length of segments with a ruler. To reveal the analogy between the division into parts of segments and groups of objects, to introduce terms into speech practice "condition" And "question" tasks.

A source: Peterson L. G. p150

Modeling / Application:

Topic: "Cats on the Window"

Target: To teach children to create a plot composition, independently applying the mastered cutting techniques scissors: a cat - from paper folded in half, along a drawn contour; and curtains - in a straight line, along an oblique or rounding the corners; decorate the curtains with a pattern according to your plan, select beautiful color combinations. Learn the art of silhouette. To form compositional skills - to place cut out elements, in accordance with the plot.

A source: Lykova I. A. page 38

"Health gymnastics" complex number 4 with. 65 P. g. "Lots of furniture in the apartment" Breath. gym "Alarm" A. g. "Harmonic" Conversation: "From the cave to the skyscraper - the dwelling of man from antiquity to the present day"(Skorolupova p. 24) The game is a competition "The strongest and most dexterous"- educate boys courage, dexterity, activity (FS)

for the development of speech - to exercise children in compiling stories from subject pictures, to teach them to follow the structure of the story, to convey their attitude to what is happening (KP)

Conversation "Dangerous Items at Home"

Class duty - to consolidate the ability of children to lay out materials for the lesson, to organize the independent activities of each child; teach attendants to distribute work in accordance with the interests of everyone, share experiences (SKB)


Watching the wind

Goals: clarify and expand knowledge about the air, about the wind; expand horizons; to cultivate curiosity, the desire to learn the processes occurring in nature.

An experience "Air Movement".

Target: show that you can feel the movement of air.

Didactic games "Think of another word", "What did I say?".

Fun game "Count with your feet".

Target: to develop children's eye.

mobile game "Streams and Lakes".

Target: to develop children's coordination of movements, speed, dexterity, the ability to act in a team.

To consolidate the skill of rolling a hoop along the path; the exercise "Funny rings".

Conversation "Electrical Appliances" (s169 OBZH)

Cleaning work assignments territory: collection of leaves on the site. to teach children to select inventory, distribute the scope of work, agree on interaction

Independent motor activity (hoops, bags)

KGN, lunch, work before bed

Reading V. Golyavkin "How I Helped My Mom Clean the Floors"

Gymnastics of awakening T. E. Kharchenko "Baud. hymn.""Kind and Polite Words"

Canteen duty (napkins, utensils).

Independent activity in the center of physical activity

S. R game "Pharmacy"- expand the scope of independent actions of children in the implementation of the game plan, in the choice of roles, in the use of attributes (SK)

Games with a constructor "Train Station"-to teach children to make more complex floors, to build a rather complex structure. Decorate buildings (SK)

I \ r To consolidate ideas about the order of increase and decrease in size (FEMP)

Independent activity of children - to teach children to unite in microgroups of interest, to play together; develop communicative and regulatory functions of speech (SKP)


mobile game "Hourly" Target: improve walking technique. Riddles about natural phenomena.

Speech development: Topic: Compiling a story using a tongue twister. Target: To teach children to tell coherently and vividly, without deviating from the topic. Exercise children in the formation of the names of cubs in the nominative and genitive plural. Learn to isolate words with sounds sh and zhiz sentences, clearly pronounce phrases. A source: Ushakova O. S. "The development of speech of children 5-6 years old" page 54

15.50 Listening to music.

Morning gymnastics. L. I. Penzulaeva "Health gymnastics" complex No. 4 P. g. "House" Breath. gym "Alarm" A. g. "Needle"

Game activities "Home Helpers"; “Journey into the past of the iron, washing. machines, vacuum cleaners s61-70 Dybina "What happened before..." Work in the corner of sensory education - to consolidate the ability of children to perceive the various properties of objects using different senses, to compare them (KP)

Working in a corner of nature: - to form the ability to maintain order in the corner, to perform appropriate labor actions. Cultivate responsibility and independence. (TC)

Work in a corner of nature: observation "Onion Leaf Growth"- offer to tell how the experiment began, what the bulb looked like at the beginning of the observation, what changes have occurred (KP) Independent activity in game centers (n / a game at the request of children).


Fall observation

Goals: broaden your horizons with knowledge of the processes occurring in nature; develop the ability to generalize according to essential features; expand understanding of the parts of plants; develop an interest in plants.

Didactic game "Find what I'll describe".

Target: learn to find a plant by description.

Fun game "Unusual bugs".

Target: develop observation.

mobile game "The Frogs".

Target: teach children to match movements with words.

Develop the ability to throw the ball up and catch with 2 hands; the exercise "Catch, make no mistake".

Conversation "How to take good care of your teeth" (Z) C: cause a desire to monitor the condition of the teeth.

Labor assignments for cleaning the territory d / from: sweeping paths, garbage collection.

Independent games with remote material - learn to play together, after the game, remove the remote material in place (SK)

KGN, lunch, work before bed.

Reading V. Golyavkin "How we climbed into the pipe" from. 355 Reading book Gymnastics of awakening T. E. Kharchenko "Baud. hymn." "Kind and Polite Words"

Canteen duty (napkins, utensils).

Independent games of children in the center of physical activity

Production of attributes for s / r and "Furniture Workshop" "My house". Teaching storytelling based on one's own observations L. E. Kylasova "Speech Development" from. 66.

D.I "My day" C: to develop in children the ability to see and understand themselves, their external and internal world. (COP)

I / r on the development of speech - to exercise children in the selection of words-actions (chicken cackles, cackles, pecks, walks, looks). Enrich children's vocabulary. (COP).

Independent work in the corner of physical education - to learn how to find something to do and organize your own motor activity; develop independence, creativity, encourage initiative (FS)


Examination and comparison of maple and birch leaves

Didactic game "Guess what plant". Target: to teach to describe the subject and recognize it from the description.

mobile game "Sly Fox". Target: to develop the ability of children to respond quickly after the signal of the teacher.

Thematic week in the senior group "My city"

Description: This material is intended for kindergarten teachers.
Target: education in children of moral and patriotic feelings, love for the small Motherland.
Tasks: clarify and expand children's knowledge of their hometown; develop creative skills; cultivate love for the native city and the region.
Forward planning:
1 half day
Conversation" My favorite northern city" - to consolidate children's knowledge about their hometown, to form patriotic feelings, to be able to recognize from illustrations and be able to talk about the sights of the city, to cultivate a sense of pride in their city.
Reading poems: Elena Shibaeva "Beloved city of the north", Lydia Smorodina Better not, Labytnangi you.
mobile game "Pick berries" (children pick berries in a basket, pronouncing their names)
And blueberries grow in the forest,
blueberries and lingonberries,
to pick a berry
you have to go deeper.
I walked in the forest
I carry a basket with berries.
Work based on lepbook materials "My city is Labytnangi"

2 half a day
Didactic game "What grows in the native land" - to consolidate the knowledge of children about the plants of our region.
Observation while walking for blooming Ivan - tea - introduce Ivan - tea to a flowering herbaceous plant Ivan - tea, disassemble its structure, talk about the benefits of a flower.
Artistic word: Viktor Bokov "Ivan - tea"
I don’t know anything more tender than Ivan-tea!
I don't share my admiration with anyone.
He stands, slowly shaking his head,
Giving bows to the bee and the bumblebee.
I recognize his pink-pink cone,
I distinguish crimson light fire.
I'll come, gently touch my hand
And I will hear a plea: "Do not destroy and do not touch!
1 half day
Conversation "My city is being built" - to clarify and expand children's knowledge about the construction of the city, to cultivate love for their hometown.
Observation while walking "Building a house" - to activate the names of construction equipment in children's speech, to teach grammatically accurate sentences, formulating questions and answers on this topic.
art word (mystery)
What is this giant
Carrying a heavy load
Helps us build
And homes and schools? (crane!)
2 half a day
art activities "City building" - to form knowledge about the native city; to form the technique of drawing with gouache, thick and thin brushes; develop creative imagination, a sense of composition.

1 half day
Reading a poem Irina Tokmakova "Ten birds - a flock" - to clarify and expand children's ideas about birds, the features of their appearance, forming the habitat, to cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.
target walk in the city square (invite children to feed the pigeons, watch the birds peck food) - to generalize and systematize children's knowledge about the life of birds, to cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.
2 half a day
art activities with the use of non-traditional techniques - collage (teamwork) - the development of children's creativity.

1 half day
Conversation "What is a hike. Rules of conduct on a hike. We're going on a hike." - explain to children what a hike is; discuss the rules of conduct in the campaign; develop a route; nurture interest in tourism activities.
Didactic game "Our hiking backpack" - to form vital knowledge, skills, abilities in children, to teach children how to properly pack a backpack.
Hiking in the forest area - generalize children's ideas about the life of plants and animals in our region; to develop ecological ideas; cultivate love and respect for nature; invite children to collect plants for compiling a herbarium; natural material for making crafts.
2 half a day
Reading a Nenets fairy tale "Oleshek and the Mouse" - to develop the best qualities in children: high spirituality, kindness, responsiveness, mercy, compassion, respect for animals, instill a love for Nenets fairy tales.
mobile game peoples of the north "Heiro" (the sun) - to fix the rules of the game, to promote the development of physical activity, to cultivate respect for the original culture of the indigenous peoples of Yamal.
1 half day
Conversation "Our River Ob" - to consolidate the knowledge of children about the importance of the river for our city, to cultivate a careful attitude towards nature.
A game "Journey along the Ob River" - to form playing skills, cultivate friendly relationships, a sense of collectivism.

Didactic exercise "Assemble the puzzle" (YNAO fish) - develop speed of reaction, quick wits.
2 half a day
Reading a Dolgan fairy tale "The old fisherman and the raven" - to expand children's knowledge about the uniqueness of the life of the peoples of the north, to cultivate a love for fairy tales, a sense of respect for the life and traditions of other peoples.

Svetlana Butenko
Calendar-thematic planning senior group “My home. My city"

Topic: My house. My city.

Final event: Photo exhibition "Sights of our cities»

Monday 09/11/2017

Cognitive research (Ecology).

Our home is nature

To teach children to distinguish natural objects from artificial ones created by man; living and inanimate nature; give an idea of ​​the inextricable connection between man and nature (man is a part of nature). Develop observation, attention, the ability to compare, contrast. Raise the desire to provide all possible assistance to nature.

(T. M. Bondarenko No. 1 p. 30)

Introduce the numbers 1 and 2. Exercise in the skills of quantitative counting in forward and reverse order within 10. Strengthen the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, determine the sides and corners of the sheet. Improve the idea of ​​triangles and quadrilaterals.

(I. A. Pomoraeva No. 3 p. 21)

Physical development.

Repeat walking and running between objects; practice walking on toes; develop coordination in high jumps (reach for object) and dexterity in throwing the ball up.

.(L. I. Penzulaeva No. 4 p. 17)

morning exercises (September complex №1)

The task "Find familiar places". Looking at pictures, photos cities, landscapes. Invite the children to choose the ones that depict our city explain how they figured it out.

The exercise "Say good words about your city»

game situation "What to do if you're lost..." Repeat with the children the home address, your first and last name and parents.

Individual work on communication with Katya. A task: improve the ability to compose a story from pictures (n / a game "Funny stories").

"Speech carousel". logarithmic exercise "My native side". Tasks: coordinate speech with movement; develop creative imagination.

Walk 1

Birdwatching. Tasks: to form the ability to choose the conditions for the observation; describe the results; formulate conclusions.

P/game "Martin". Tasks: invite children to independently organize the game; to formulate the ability to run easily, rhythmically; observe the coordination of movements of the arms and legs.

D/game "Broken Staircase". Tasks: to form the ability to identify a violation in magnitude; promote the development of visual perception, logical thinking, coherent speech.

physical exercise "Double Fighters". Tasks: exercise children in running and jumping rope; develop dexterity, endurance, increase the amplitude of motor emotions.

Role-playing game. Tasks: using the indirect method of guidance, bring the children to the independent creation of a game plan; develop the ability to use substitute objects.

Individual work on FIZO with Ilya, Alena. A task: exercise in walking with an added step to the right and left.

Conversation "We are going for a walk". A task: continue to develop children's ideas about the importance of a place to walk for health and safety.


Gradual rise, awakening gymnastics.

Our house. (V. Stepanov)

You won't find it on the world map

The house you live in

And even the native streets

We won't find that one on the map.

But we will always find on it

Your country is our common home.

Informative conversation "From the past of our Motherland". Tasks: continue to acquaint children with the history of our country; stimulate interest in the life of ancestors.

Didactic game "Remember Different Words"-Continue to learn to listen to the sound of words; to exercise children in independent naming of words and a clear pronunciation of sounds in them

C/r "Cars on our street"Goals: develop imagination, game dialogue, creativity; to cultivate the ability to play together, to negotiate, to fairly distribute roles, to listen to a friend to the end when writing a plot, not to interrupt; independently resolve conflict situations

Experimentation: an experience "Volcano". Tasks: show the chemical reaction of soda and citric acid; systematize children's knowledge about volcanoes, show volcanoes on the map. Individual work on the development of memory with Maxim and Vlad A. A task: promote the development of visual memory (did. game "Developing Memory")


Observation of flowerbeds and grass, examining the structure of a flower and grass. Learn to compare plants and find differences and similarities.

Outdoor games "Find where it's hidden".Target: learn to navigate in space.

"Jump Higher". Target: learn to act on a signal.

"Wolf in the Den". "Earth, water, fire, air"

mobile game "Find the color in the clothes"- to exercise children in the ability to quickly find color on clothes, to develop the ability to orient themselves in space.

Pictures, photos cities, landscapes.

N/A game "Funny stories".

cognitive development (FEMP)

Practice counting and counting objects within 5 using various analyzers (by touch, by ear).Reinforce the ability to compare two objects in two parameters of magnitude (length and width, indicate the result of the comparison with the appropriate expressions. Improve the ability to move in a given direction and determine its words- mi: forward, backward, right, left.

.(I. A. Pomoraeva No. 2 p. 15)


Where does the Motherland begin?

To create a condition for reflecting in the drawing the idea of ​​the place of one's residence as one of the corners of one's Motherland. Continue to learn how to draw simple scenes and landscapes. Develop creative imagination, ability to composition. Cultivate patriotic feelings, interest in the knowledge of their homeland.

(I. A. Lykova No. 4 p. 40)

Music (on plan music director)

morning exercises (September complex №1)

"Speech carousel". Finger gymnastics “Here they sit on horseback, look, Russian heroes”. A task: to achieve assimilation for each word, bend and unbend the fingers.

Situational conversation "Dangerous Invisibles". A task: offer to discuss what can happen to those who wash their hands poorly and irregularly.

Invite to review the album "Symbols of the country". Bring to the understanding that state symbols are designed to unite the inhabitants of one country.

Board games "Symbols of Russia", "Country Russia". To cultivate a desire to play board games, to instill interest in their native country.

Individual work on productive activities with Milana and Sofia A. Tasks: to form the ability to draw a human figure; accompany the sequence of drawing with speech.

D/game "Find differences". Show and tell what's different ancient city from modern.

Walk 1

Observation: properties of air. Tasks: help children in the course of observations to confirm the knowledge that the air has no taste, color, smell, it can be of different temperatures; Every living thing on earth needs air.

mobile game "Zhmurki". Tasks: improve the ability to accurately perform game actions; develop creativity in motor activity; contribute to the hardening of the child's body.

Didactic game "What to whom?". Tasks: to cultivate interest in the work of adults, the desire to help, take on the roles of people of different professions in creative games.

Role-playing game. Tasks: continue to form the ability to unite in the game, distribute roles; develop gaming activities, introduce elementary generally accepted norms and rules of interaction with peers and adults.

Individual work on FIZO with Vika, Kirill. A task: exercise in walking in pairs with the performance of various tasks of the educator.

game exercise "Call by name". Tasks: to form the ability of children to perform game actions, monitor compliance with the rules, choose a driver; develop attention, auditory perception.

A task: offer to examine through a magnifying glass a branch from which a leaf has just fallen (we saw barely noticeable buds; the trees did not die, they only shed dead, unnecessary leaves).


Gradual rise to the music, awakening gymnastics.

poetry reading: about Syzran local poets

Di "Mysteries in the streets cities» , "Get Home", "Show me the way", "What's mixed up?", "Assemble the Mosaic", "Guess the description", "Tricky Questions", "Find the mistake".

finger game: "New house"

"This is my street, this is my house" (based on photographs, drawings and maps cities) . C:To consolidate orientation skills, knowledge of administrative and cultural buildings, residential areas. To consolidate the children's knowledge of the streets of the nearest environment, after whom they are named.

Construction: "Street of my cities» Encourage children to work creatively, harmoniously.

Individual work on communication with Vanya. A task: improve the ability to tell by offering a short story.


Target walk around nearby streets: in the city has many streets, each street has its own name, many houses, houses have their own numbers. Target:

Form an idea of ​​the native city, your area; to bring up pride that you are a resident of your native cities desire to help adults in the improvement cities.

mobile game "Owl". Tasks: improve the ability to accurately perform game actions; develop coordination of movements, the ability to maintain balance.

Didactic game "Do the right thing". Tasks: to form ideas about the positive and negative actions of a person in everyday life.

Ind-no Security Games "Rules of conduct on the streets cities» , "Good bad".

Thematic selection of books "Our country is Russia"- viewing illustrations, communication.

Nast. games "Symbols of Russia", "Country Russia".

Give the task on the way home to note the name of the streets, which enterprises are located, which stores

Wednesday 09/13/17

The development of speech. Diploma

The development of ideas about the word. Developing the ability to compare words by sound (words sound different and similar); measure their length (long and short words)

N. S. Varentsova p. 53 No. 2

Artistic and aesthetic development (Applique)

Houses on our street

Teach children to transfer an image in applications city ​​street. Clarify ideas about the size of objects. Exercise in the techniques of cutting in a straight line and the floor oblique. To consolidate the ability to carefully use scissors, brush, glue. Cultivate teamwork skills. Cause pleasure and joy from the picture created together.

(T. S. Komarova No. 28 p. 53)

Physical development.

Exercise children in walking and running in a circle with a change in direction of movement and running in all directions; repeat exercises in balance and jumps. (L. I. Penzulaeva str 78 no. 5str gr)

morning exercises (September complex №1)

"Speech carousel". Psycho-gymnastics "I'm walking along city» . A task: exercise in highlighting the stressed syllable in words, for each stressed syllable, connect the thumb with other fingers.

View photo information "Sights of my cities» . Invite children to make "excursion" on city.

Construction cities for dolls and playing with the building. Goals: clarify ideas about building details, develop creativity, independence, initiative.

The teacher's story "Why do we need a coat of arms"

Target: to introduce children to the history of the appearance of the coat of arms, to give knowledge about what each country has, cities have their own coat of arms

Ind-no D/I "Collect the Flag"

Target: Development of fine motor skills, imagination, speech, attention, formation of sensory standards of color, size and shape, spatial orientation

Walk 1.

Observation: fog in autumn. Tasks: to achieve the assimilation of children's knowledge about what fog is, how and from what it is formed; offer to describe your feelings while walking in the fog.

mobile game "Paints". Tasks: invite children to tell the rules, supplement each other's statements; contribute to the improvement of the performance of game actions.

Didactic game "Affectionate Names". Tasks: to consolidate the ability to form diminutive derivatives of names, to compose speech constructions with the received words; form friendly relationships.

The exercise "Mirror". Tasks: exercise children in walking in combination with other types of movements; enrich the motor experience of children, develop coordination of movements.

Individual work on FIZO with Sasha S and Amira. A task: exercise in circling in pairs, holding hands.


Gradual rise, awakening gymnastics

Offer to organize an exhibition of books about the country, history cities(album "Poems about the holiday, Motherland"; V. Stepanov "What do we call Motherland", "Our house", N. Zabila "Ways-roads"). Continue to maintain interest in fiction.

Listening to the National Anthem of the Russian Federation (Words by S. Mikhalkov Music by A. Alexandrov)

Conversation "The peoples of our planets» (Respect the culture, customs of different peoples.)

Application "Russian flag"

Target: continue to acquaint children with Russian symbols, consolidate the ability to use scissors.

Individual work on cognitive activity with Cyril, Eve. A task: to promote the development of perception, the ability to highlight the different properties of objects (did. game "Find the same").

Walk 2

Observation: behind the cloud. On a cloudy day they are heavy, they swim low above the ground, on a sunny day they swim high, there are few of them).

Target: to form initial ideas about the movement of clouds, to observe them through the autumn foliage

P/I: "Traps"


Select toys and portable material on behalf of the educator, take it to the site

Ind-no Didactic game "Yesterday Today Tomorrow". Tasks: to improve the ability to apply their knowledge to correlate ongoing events with time, to correctly compose speech structures that reflect the events of the past, present, future.

Submit photo information “Sights of my cities» .

Illustrations of the emblem and flag of Russia

Independent motor activity: games and exercises on the obstacle course, outdoor games.

Books for the exhibition

Audio recording of the anthem of Russia

Attributes for the game

Colored paper, glue, scissors, paper, napkins.

Remote material: rakes, buckets, scoops, sand molds, ball. Offer to bring photos for the photo exhibition “Sights of our cities

Day of the week

Educational activities in regime moments

Creation / organization of a subject-spatial developing environment for independent activities of children and support for children's initiative

Involving families in educational activities

cognitive development (The world).

Topic: "Moscow is the capital of our Fatherland"

To give an idea that Moscow is the largest city ​​in our country; lead to an understanding of what is the main city, capital; arouse interest in the most beautiful city ​​of our country, a feeling of admiration and pride in the beauty of the capital of Russia - Moscow; to acquaint with the historical past of Moscow.

(V. N. Volchkova No. 5 p. 118)

Artistic and aesthetic development (Drawing)

Topic "My favorite place in city»

Target: Continue to acquaint children with their small homeland.


Expand children's ideas about their native the city of Syzran;

To evoke in children a sense of admiration for the beauty of their native cities;

Learn to convey an image in a drawing cities at any time of the year;

Develop creative imagination, sense of composition, color.

Music (on plan music director) Morning.

morning exercises (September complex №1)

Conversation “Our country is Russia. The nature of our country.

Target: to systematize and supplement the knowledge of children about the nature of our country, its diversity. Encourage children to desire

learn more about her.

Di "Name city ​​by letter "What is the item for?"

Suggest coloring pages on the theme of the week.

FEMP individual work with Muhammad and Vachik. A task: exercise in the ability to place objects in the indicated direction on the sheet, reflect their spatial arrangement in speech (did. game "Put the item down").

Walk 1

Watch for seasonal changes. Tasks: continue to develop the ability to establish causal relationships about changes in nature in late autumn; to form the ability to distinguish characteristic signs, to recognize them in a poem "Already the sky breathed autumn".

omen "If there was frost at night - to the wind". A task: to instill interest in folk art.

mobile game "Zhmurki" (Russian folk game). Tasks: to improve the ability of children to accurately perform game actions; develop creativity in motor activity; to form the ability to act in a team.

Individual work on FIZO with Katya and Sasha Z. A task: to promote the development of accuracy, attention when throwing the ball at the target.

Didactic game "Remember Different Words". Tasks: continue to form the ability to listen to the sound of words; to exercise children in independent naming of words and a clear pronunciation of sounds in them.

Role-playing game. Tasks: to consolidate the ability to accept a game task, to unite in interest groups; independently assign roles; cultivate friendly relationships.

The exercise "Mirror". Tasks: exercise children in walking in combination with other types of movements (squat on cue, right leg lift and clap underneath); enrich the motor experience of children, develop coordination of movements.

Riddles about autumn phenomena. A task: to promote the development of thinking, auditory attention, memory.


round dance game "Steep Mountain" (Russian folk song). Tasks: to improve the performance of game actions by children, to develop vocal and performing abilities, musical and aesthetic consciousness, the need for music.

Reading “Small folklore forms. Compilation of stories according to proverbs and sayings. A task: repeat with children the works of small forms of folklore known to them; help write a short story about a saying or proverb. Memorizing a poem by M. Isakovsky "Go beyond the seas, oceans.". Target: educate patriotic feelings in children; the ability to reflect in reading the mood of the author, his sense of pride in Russia.

Individual work on cognition --- research. activities with Yana and Eva. A task: to consolidate the ability to determine what material objects are made of (did. game "What of what").

C/R I "Streets cities»

Target: Cultivate friendly feelings; fix the rules of conduct on the street near the carriageway. Invite the children to choose the appropriate transport for themselves for a visit, activate the words in the children's speech "driver", "chauffeur", "the trip", "passengers"

Walk 2

Observation of the distribution of maple and ash seeds. Tasks: expand children's ideas about the fruits of trees; propose a comparative analysis of maple and ash seeds; find out why these seeds are called winged.

Outdoor game of the peoples of the North "Drag". A task: contribute to the development of strength, speed of movement.

Role-playing game "chauffeurs". Tasks: to develop the playing activity of children, to introduce them to elementary generally accepted norms and rules for relationships with peers. Labor on site "Collecting beautiful leaves for artistic work"

Didactic board games.

Albums with illustrations for viewing

Coloring pages and pencils

Attributes for sports and story games, substitute items.

Attributes to story games.

Attributes to sports and story games

Remote material: shovels, molds for sand, scoops, cars.

sports material: rope, balls, skittles.

Day of the week

Direct educational activities

Educational activities in regime moments

Friday 15.09.

The development of speech.

Topic: Telling a Russian folk tale "Bouncer Hare" and sayings "Our fairy tales begin..."

Recall with children the name of Russian folk tales and introduce them to new ones. works: fairy tale "Hare-bouncer" and saying "Our fairy tales begin...".

(V. V. Gerbova No. 2 p 32 st gr)

Artistic and aesthetic development (Design)

Topic How did we build city ​​road»

Generate interest in design urban roads based on the idea of ​​its structure (carriageway, curb, sidewalk, flow divider, pedestrian crossing, protective shield, etc.). To expand the idea of ​​the road as a structure created by man for the convenience of moving in space. Clarify the concept of a variety of roads (street, highway, avenue, boulevard, lane). Initiate the search for adequate details and methods for constructing linear structures. Remind the rules of behavior on the road. Develop associative perception, visual-figurative thinking, creative imagination. To cultivate curiosity, activity, independence, communicative qualities.

(I. A. Lykova page 30)

Physical development.

Materials and equipment: gymnastic bench, sandbags, cords.

Repeat walking and running between objects, scattered, with a stop at the signal of the teacher, jumping exercises. Develop agility in running; learn playing exercises with the ball. (L. I. Penzulaeva p. 19 No. 6

morning exercises (September complex №1)

"Speech carousel". Finger gymnastics "Khokhloma painting, as if witchcraft". A task: improve the ability to connect the thumb with the rest in turn for each word of the text.

The exercise "Moydodyr". Tasks: improve the ability to wash properly, do it as needed.

Individual work on the formation of a holistic picture of the world with Sophia M, Kirill. A task: consolidate knowledge about the months of each season and the main features of different seasons (did. game "What season").

"Better there is no native land" P. Voronko (learning a poem)Target: to teach children to expressively read a poem, using natural intonation, to understand the meaning of figurative words and expressions. Anwser the questions.

Di "Stencil and Color"

Target: the formation of graphomotor skills, fixing the names of colors.

Walk 1

Observe the color of the leaves. Goals: to expand the idea of ​​​​autumn as a time of year, when seeds ripen, leaves fall, it gets colder outside. Develop the ability to compare objects on the basis of differences and similarities. Raise interest in self-observation.

Signs "Birds are groping - to the rain". A task: to achieve the assimilation of the meaning of signs.

Research activity. Tasks: offer to compare a dove and a woodpecker; promote the development of memory, visual perception; improve the ability to express thoughts clearly.

Individual work on FIZO with Maxim and Timofey. A task: continue to work out the technique of the long jump from a place, using visual landmarks.

mobile game "Dawn". Tasks: introduce the folk game; exercise children in running; develop speed of reaction, attention; increase physical activity.

Role-playing game. Tasks: improve the ability of children to convey familiar situations, take on roles, activate in speech and clarify the corresponding concepts; develop abilities related to the communicative functions of speech.

Didactic game "Birds, animals, fishes". A task: to consolidate the ability to classify and name animals, birds, fish.


Gradual rise. Awakening gymnastics.

Presentation "My small homeland". A task: to cultivate respect, interest, pride in the native land "Design of didactic games according to local history:"Here is my street, here is my home"

Collective production of a wall newspaper "Attractions the city of Syzran» . Tasks: to promote the development of creativity, imagination, initiative, the ability to work collectively.

speech game "Decorate with a word...". Children are encouraged to choose as many definitions for this word as possible.

Individual work on communication with Artem, Marcel. A task: to form the ability to compose a narrative story using two pictures in direct and reverse sequence (did. game "Backwards").

Walk 2

Cloud observation.

Target: invite children to admire the clouds, talk about the types of clouds (cumulus, cirrus, offer to find them in the sky and describe (color, shape, size).

P / and at the choice of children.

Target: independently choose and name games, negotiate with comrades, unite in interest groups, act in accordance with the rules.

Conversation on the topic "What grows is alive".

Target: invite children to talk about why you need to take good care of plants, how to take care of them.

Ind-no Jumping rope, ball games. (Vika and Lera)

Colored pencils, drawing and coloring books

Benefit "What season"