Eyelids - structure and function, symptoms and diseases. Lower eyelid makeup: instructions

Cosmetics can work wonders! The looks created by makeup artists are often true works of art. But if you know how to properly paint your eyes with a pencil, then you can easily make yourself a good make-up at home. Let's find out about the main rules.

How to learn to paint your eyes beautifully with a pencil

When using a pencil, try to keep them wide open and do not strain your eyelids. To do this, lower the mirror on the table and look down into it. If you find it difficult to draw a line of the same thickness, start drawing it from the middle of the eyelid, moving towards the bridge of the nose. And at the second stage - extend it to the outer edge of the eye. Feel free to rest your cheek on the palm of your hand and use the little finger of the same hand to pull the skin over your eyelids.

Black pencil - step-by-step photo instruction

Not every girl can beautifully draw the eye contour with a black pencil. But there is no need to despair if you are one of them. The following photo instruction will help you quickly learn this simple art:

  • First you need to apply a base on the eyelid. Depending on the style of makeup, neutral or, conversely, bright shadows are suitable.
  • Before drawing the eye contour with a pencil, you should slightly pull back the skin of the upper eyelid. This will smooth out any unevenness and small wrinkles that might interfere with your drawing.

  • To make the arrow straight, make-up artists advise you to first put several points at equal intervals.

  • With smooth movements, combine all the points into one line. You need to start drawing it from the inner corner of the eye.

  • Having reached the outer corner of the eye, bring the arrow a little further. Visually, it should resemble a small tail, tapered towards the end. Try to draw thinly - you can make the arrow wider at any time, but narrowing it down is very problematic.

  • When applying the pencil to the lower lash line, you also need to slightly pull the eyelid with your fingers.

  • Paint over the lower eyelid, make a thin line and bring it up slightly. Feather the arrow on the lower eyelid for a softer look.

  • Apply the pencil a short distance from the inner corner of the eye, where the lacrimal glands are located. A few drops of liquid and the pencil will flow or smudge.

  • For an expressive make-up, professionals advise applying a line of small thickness to the inner eyelid from above and below.

  • Touch up your finished makeup. Small flaws can be corrected with a cotton swab.

With a white pencil at the bottom

A white pencil will help to visually enlarge the eye. On the inside of the lower eyelid, you need to carefully draw one thick line with it, and then shade it a little. Choosing a white pencil - look at the texture: it should be soft. To make your eye makeup last longer, choose waterproof pencils that can be washed off only with some cosmetic products.

Pencil kayal

Kajal is used specifically for eyeliner along the inner eyelid line. It holds well and does not flow. And the presence of antiseptic substances helps not to injure the sensitive mucous membrane during the eyeliner process. Kajal has a creamy texture and is very different from regular pencils.

  • Beige kajal allows you to visually make the eyes larger and the look fresher.
  • Black kayal is perfect for creating a smoky-eyes effect. It makes the look expressive, however, the eye from the side will look narrower.
  • Kayals in bright colors accentuate the make-up, but they need to be carefully selected for a specific tone. For example, turquoise kayal looks great against brown shadows.

How to paint your eyes to make them appear larger

It is known that women with big eyes are more attractive to men. But what if nature has not rewarded you with an enviable shape? Let's find out how to make your eyes bigger and "open up" them visually using a pencil:

  • The main secret is in the eyeliner. It should be done along the edge of the upper eyelid along the lash line. The closer to the outer edge, the thicker.
  • The eyeliner inside the eyelid with a blue, white or other light shade will visually make the eye section larger. Dark eyeliner, on the contrary, will narrow it down.

Making graceful arrows

Video: How to enlarge eyes with a pencil

To draw arrows beautifully, you don't need to have any special skills. Practice and after a few days your make-up will look much better and your eyes will attract more attention. Finally, we suggest watching a video that clearly demonstrates the way to visually enlarge the eye using a white pencil.

The eyelids are located outside the eyeball and cover it. The upper eyelid, which has a larger size, and the lower eyelid are distinguished. On the edge of the eyelids are located, which also help to perform a protective function. In the presence of any pathology, a violation of the mechanisms for the implementation of the protective function of the eyelids occurs, as a result of which other ophthalmopathologies are often joined.

The structure of the eyelids

The eyelid has an anterior and posterior facet, which is localized along the occluding areas of the eyelids. At the very front are the eyelashes. When the eyelids are closed, the palpebral fissure is formed. This structural formation has distinctive features depending on the nation, it is by the shape of the eyes that racial affiliation can be established. Usually among Europeans, the palpebral fissure is presented in the form of an almond.

Through the palpebral fissure, you can see the front of the eyeball itself. In the nasal corner of it there is a lake, in the center of which is the lacrimal meat. Adipose tissue and sebaceous glands take part in its structure. The latter produce a secret that creates a protective film on the surface of the eye.

According to the histological structure, the following components are distinguished in the composition of the eyelids:

  • Cartilage tissue that is the framework for the eyelids (tarsus). It contains the meibomian glands that produce sebaceous secretions. The cartilages of the eyelids are connected to each other through the lateral and medial ligaments.
  • The outer skin.
  • Mucous membrane adjacent directly to the eyeball.

In order for the eyelids to work and perform a protective function, there is a muscular apparatus. The muscle that lifts the upper eyelid is responsible for lifting the specified eyelid. Gravity is sufficient to lower the lower eyelid. To close the eyelids, the fibers must be contracted.

Physiological role of the eyelids

The physiological role of the eyelids is reduced to a protective function. For its implementation, it is necessary to implement several mechanisms:

  1. With the help of eyelashes, there is a delay of mechanical particles that come from the outside. You can compare their action to a lattice or mesh that protects the eye.
  2. Moisturizing the mucosal surface helps to remove infiltrated dust particles.
  3. By blinking, you can more fully clean the surface of the eye from foreign particles.
  4. Closed eyelids during sleep help prevent the eyeball from drying out and also keep foreign particles from getting on its surface.

With any disease of the eyelid region, their protective function is impaired. As a result, conditions are created in which the development of other eye diseases is faster.

Video about the structure of the eyelids

Symptoms and diagnosis of eyelid diseases

Among the characteristic symptoms of eyelid pathology are:

  • Puffiness;
  • Sticking eyelashes;
  • Increased lacrimation;
  • Purulent from the eyes.

To diagnose eyelid disease, you must:

  • Conduct a visual inspection of this area;
  • Perform bacteriological examination of a sample from the eye;
  • Make using a slit lamp.

As a result, we can say once again that the eyelids are very important for protecting the eyeball from external influences. In order to carry out the protective function, many mechanisms are used, which explains the complex structure of the eye. With various pathological processes involving the eyelids, the risk of developing an eye disease increases, as its structures become more vulnerable.

Diseases of the eyelids

The eyelids can be involved in various pathological processes. Among them, the most common are:

  • Inflammatory changes ();
  • An abscess in which there is limited purulent inflammation;
  • Phlegmon develops when pus spreads to neighboring areas;
  • Impetigo directly depends on infection with Staphylococcus aureus;
  • Allergic blepharitis;
  • Meibomitis is accompanied by damage to the corresponding glands.

Not all cosmetics are suitable for the eyeliner of the inner eyelid. Powdery or liquid eyeshadows, water-based automatic liners, gel and cream liners can irritate the mucous membranes and are used only for the moving eyelid or for highlighting the contour of the lower lashes. The cosmetic powder pencil does not cause discomfort, but it wears off very quickly. Waterproof pencils are ideal. They can be sharpened or automatic. The palette of these tools is quite wide, and textures are varied - matte, metallic, mother-of-pearl.

A very interesting product - natural. It is sold in the form of a paste or hard pencil, which can be used to eyeliner without fear of harming them. Antimony is used as a shadow, and also emphasize the inner eyelid with it. The product not only does not harm the eyes - it heals irritations and cleanses the proteins. The only negative is that antimony spreads quickly. Having done your makeup with it, constantly monitor it in the mirror and be ready for a quick correction.

A natural remedy can be not only in the form of a paste, but also in powder. It is done on the basis of the same. The product can have different shades - from velvety black to golden. Powder is applied with a thin plastic stick. The eyeliner lasts long enough, does not spread and does not irritate the eyes.

Rules for lining the inner eyelid

The mucous liner is the final element of the make-up. First you need to apply the foundation and eyeshadow, then the upper and lower eyeliners should be lined. After this comes the turn of the mucous membrane. For evening make-up, use dark or shiny colors, while pearl white eyeliner will be more appropriate during the day. It visually enlarges the eyes, whites become cleaner, and the iris becomes brighter.

Start your eyeliner from the middle of your inner eyelid, guiding the pencil shaft or wand towards the outer corner of your eye. Open your eyes wider, hold the lower eyelid with your left hand. Move the lead with a slight tilt - this way it will paint over the entire surface of the inner eyelid in one motion. After drawing a line, continue it to the inner corner of the eye. If necessary, the arrow can be drawn again.

Make sure the pencil is well sharpened. However, the lead should not scratch the skin - try it on your hand before the eyeliner. Try not to get the pencil in your eye - sudden tears will ruin your makeup.


  • 4 tips on how to paint your lower eyelid correctly

How can you bring the bottom eyelid? A lower eyeliner requires skill, imagination and accuracy - otherwise you risk ruining your entire makeup. So, let's get started with a few rules for lower eyeliner!


If you are using regular eyeliner, then you need to draw eyelid exclusively along the lash line, otherwise the line will look rough and unnatural. Try to choose soft pencils in dark natural shades - brown, ebony, dark gray - and carefully blend the borders. This should be done exclusively with soft brushes and sponges. You can buy a whole set specifically for this purpose - and your makeup will be flawless!

The above method is great smokey eye style. In this case, however, you can bring the lower eyelid and shadows! Shadows should be soft, not very noble and dark shades. It is also worth applying them with brushes and sponges, leaving a blurred line along the eyelashes. Smokey Eyes make-up adds mystery and mystery to the image, and is perfect as an evening option! With this, it is very good to choose metallic shades, for example, the colors of wet asphalt, dark mercury and noble bronze.

Sometimes you can fail eyelid flowers in custom shades are a great summer option and also a way to stand out at a party! In the latter case, you can give free rein to imagination - and the most unexpected tones, for example, bright blue, green or orange, even white! In fresh summer makeup, you can opt for emerald green, blue or - this way you can emphasize brown or dark eyes, as well as give them a slight greenish tint (if you chose green).

To hide fatigue, to make the look radiant, and the look - fresh, you can use delicate pearlescent shades (preferably pastel tones) or golden soft shadows. They should not crumble, and should resemble cream in texture. It is better to start the eyeliner from the inner corner of the eye, and then along the line of the lower eyelashes. This method is also great for enlarging your eyes if they do not seem to be wide enough and wide enough for you.


  • how to apply eyeliner
  • lower eyelid

Women usually take eye makeup very seriously, because the slightest error in it can negatively affect the appearance as a whole. Can or can not paint the bottom eyelid? This question is often asked by young girls who have just started using cosmetics.

You will need

  • - shadows;
  • - pencils;
  • - cosmetic brushes;
  • - ink.


The makeup that anyone can do just doesn't exist. Each representative of the beautiful half of humanity is looking for the ideal option for herself through long trial and error. To do this, you need to try different cosmetics, experiment with colors, textures and application techniques. Makeup artists, in turn, give general recommendations on the technique of applying makeup, and you can and should listen to them. And makeup experts believe that lower eyelid makeup isn't always complete.

If you have wide-set eyes, makeup artists recommend them as follows. Apply neutral

The closed eyelids, upper and lower, represent the anterior protective septum for the eyeball.

The outside of the eyelid is covered with thin skin, under which is a layer of muscle tissue.

Due to the work of the muscles, the eyelids close and blink, in which the eyeball is evenly moistened and foreign bodies that have fallen on the surface of the eye are removed.

In the depths of the eyelid, there is a dense sheet of collagen tissue called the cartilage of the eyelid. Cartilage maintains the shape and strength of the eyelid structure.

In the thickness of the cartilage, the meibomian glands are located, which produce a fatty secretion, which improves the contact of the eye with the back surface of the eyelids and closes them together. From the inside, the conjunctiva is tightly connected to the cartilage - a mucous membrane that produces mucin and tear fluid, which is necessary to moisturize the eye and improve the sliding of the eyelids over the eyeball.

The eyelids have a very rich blood supply. The work of the eyelid muscles is controlled by the facial and oculomotor nerves.

The structure of the eyelids

The edges of the upper and lower eyelids form the palpebral fissure, at the corners of which the upper and lower eyelids are connected by ligaments. The ligaments also firmly anchor the edges and cartilage of the eyelids to the walls of the orbit.

The free edges of the eyelids fit snugly when closed. At the edge of the eyelid, two ribs are distinguished: anterior and posterior, as well as the area between the ribs, the so-called intermarginal space. The front rib is rounded, about 100 eyelashes are located on it, into the bulbs of which the ducts of the sebaceous glands open, and between the eyelashes - sweat glands.

The intermarginal space contains the excretory ducts of the meibomian glands, which produce a fatty secretion that lubricates the edges of the eyelids, thereby ensuring their tight closure and sliding along the surface of the eye, as well as the correct outflow of tears.

At the inner corner of each eyelid, in the intermarginal space, there is a lacrimal papilla, at the top of which there is a lacrimal opening, through which a tear normally flows out. The posterior edge of the eyelid is sharp, ensuring tight contact of the eyelid with the surface of the eye.

The eyelid consists of two plates: external musculocutaneous and internal, consisting of cartilage and conjunctiva.

  • The eyelid skin is very thin, delicate and weakly connected to the underlying tissues. These features explain the ease of edema, hemorrhage and subcutaneous emphysema of the eyelids in some diseases and injuries.

  • The eyelids have a large number of muscles that provide mobility. The muscles of the eyelids are divided into two large groups: the first ensures the closure of the palpebral fissure, and the second muscle group opens it.

The first group includes the circular muscle of the eyelids, consisting of the palpebral, orbital and lacrimal parts. The palpebral part provides blinking and easy closure of the eyelids, and acting together with the orbital part causes a tight shutting of the eyelids. The lacrimal part of the circular muscle surrounds the lacrimal sac with its fibers, facilitating the outflow of tears. Separately, between the roots of the eyelashes and the excretory ducts of the meibomian glands, the ciliary muscle is located, with the contraction of which their secret is released.

The second group includes the muscle that lifts the upper eyelid, which has fibers controlled by the autonomic nervous system. Attachment of the muscle in three bundles to the fornix of the conjunctiva, cartilage and skin of the eyelid ensures the simultaneous lifting of the entire eyelid during its contraction. There is no such muscle in the lower eyelid. The cartilage of the eyelid, in fact, is not such, but is a dense plate of collagen tissue, but this name is still strengthened.

  • The cartilage of the eyelid repeats its lunar shape; it is larger on the upper eyelid than on the lower. In the thickness of the cartilage, the meibomian glands are located, oriented perpendicular to the edge of the eyelid in the form of a "stockade". The cartilage of the eyelids is weakly connected with the fatty tissue lying in front, and very tightly with the mucous membrane adjacent to the back - the conjunctiva.

The conjunctiva is a thin mucous tissue that covers the back of the eyelids, forms the vaults and then covers the eyeball, reaching the limbus. The conjunctiva contains a large number of glands that produce mucous secretions and lacrimal fluid, ensuring the stability of the protective tear film, and therefore constant hydration of the eyeball.

The eyelids have a very rich blood supply, due to the branches of both the external and internal carotid arteries. Venous outflow is also provided in two directions: into the orbit and veins of the face. The oculomotor, facial and trigeminal nerves are involved in the nervous regulation of the eyelids.

Symptoms of defeat

The most common symptoms: redness and swelling with allergic manifestations, itching and inflammatory changes in the skin of the eyelids with infectious blepharitis, local induration, swelling and / or soreness of the eyelid margin with inflammation of the sebaceous gland (barley) or with inflammation and obstruction of the excretory ducts of the meyboy glands, more often than the upper century (chalazion).

When changing the position of the eyelids, non-closure is possible due to nervous disorders after suffering cerebrovascular accidents, after burns and other facial injuries.

The eyelid, usually the lower one, can be in an inverted position, exposing the mucous membrane and the eyeball (eversion). In this case, proper closure of the palpebral fissure does not occur, which leads to the drying out of the conjunctiva of the eyeball and even the cornea. In this case, constant lacrimation may be observed.

With the volvulus of the lower eyelid, there is also no complete closure of the palpebral fissure. In this condition, eyelashes directed inward constantly irritate the conjunctiva of the eyeball and the cornea, also leading to lacrimation.

Changes in the shape and / or position of the eyelids, their asymmetry may be a symptom of a deeper process in the orbit of the eye.

Diagnostics and treatment

Examination of the eyelids with the naked eye, and then under a biomicroscope, makes it possible to determine their shape and position, the degree of closure, the state of the cornea of ​​the eye, the conjunctiva of the eyelid and the eyeball, the degree of its dryness.

Treatment of blepharitis consists in the appointment of appropriate antibacterial, anti-inflammatory or anti-allergic therapy.

Chalazion with frequent exacerbations is shown to be surgically excised. But it must be remembered that there are many meyboy glands on the eyelids, and any of them, under certain predisposing conditions, can become inflamed.

With eversion and volvulus of the eyelids, surgical correction of their position is shown, especially when the palpebral fissure does not close, dystrophic changes in the conjunctiva and cornea, constant lacrimation.

The accent on the lower eyelid is a fashionable technique that allows you to create a remarkable make-up in the literal sense of a single wave of the hand. It seems that nothing could be easier to come up with, but this make-up has its own nuances.

Burani © imaxtree

Prepare the "work surface" in advance

If we are talking about the eyeliner of the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid, then it must be prepared for the application of a pencil. By the way, for such a delicate area, you should use a special pencil with a greasy and soft texture that does not scratch the skin and is harmless to the eyes. Before drawing a line, walk over the mucous membrane with a clean cotton swab to make it slightly drier. On such a surface, the liner will be better distributed: the color will be brighter, and the line will be clearer.

Use waterproof products

In order not to "blink" the eyeliner, when working with the lower eyelid, you should use a product with a waterproof formula. A regular pencil is likely to be almost completely erased in the late afternoon. Will not fail with products such as Maybelline New York Expression Kajal and L'Oréal Paris Le Khôl - you can trust these kayals with your makeup.

Follow the "double protection" scheme

The durability of the lower eyeliner can be ensured in another way. After applying the soft kayal, take a thin beveled brush. With its help, over the already drawn line, distribute some shadows of the same shade. This technique will allow your makeup to last much longer.

Keep pencils of different shades close at hand

The black outline of the eyes around the contour can actually make the eyes look smaller. To prevent this from happening, for the lower eyelid, choose a liner a couple of tones lighter than the upper eyeliner. For example, if you draw the arrows on top in black, then for the lower eyelid it is better to use not charcoal kayal, but dark gray or, for example, blue.

Get a light pencil

If you want to draw the lower eyelid with the same pencil as the upper one, you can resort to the following trick. Buy a nude or champagne kayal pencil. After lining the lower eyelid with the main color, go over the mucous membrane with a light liner. This will allow, firstly, to make the eye color brighter, and the gaze - open. Secondly, to get rid of traces of fatigue, to make the face visually more vigorous and fresh. In addition, after applying the light liner, the dark one will not visually narrow the eyes.

Don't forget about feathering

Visually, the eyes will become smaller if you draw the lower eyelid with a very clear, graphic line. The key to the most harmonious makeup is a soft line. After applying the pencil, lightly blend it with your fingertips or an eyeshadow brush. Due to its soft texture, kayal lends itself well to shading.

Elie Saab © imaxtree

How to focus on the lower eyelid: 2 ways

Eye makeup with a dot on the lower eyelid

Burani © imaxtree

This little accent will instantly transform your makeup. All you need is a gel liner and a cotton swab.

Start with your upper eyelid makeup. Using Liquid Liner (L'Oréal Paris Super Liner Superstar will do) draw an arrow. With a black eyeliner pencil, paint over the upper mucous membrane and the space between the eyelashes. Accentuate the lashes with mascara (we used L "Oréal Paris Volume Million Lashes Fatale).

Place a dot in the center of the lower eyelid. Use either a black pencil or a gel liner (you can apply it with a cotton swab) such as the Maybelline New York Lasting Drama Gel Liner.

Makeup is ready!

Watch the video tutorial of beauty blogger Olya Red Autumn to make eye makeup with dots yourself even easier.

Smoky lower eyelid makeup

One simple trick will help you to emphasize eye color and create expressive makeup - a bright kayal on the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid. To beautifully set off the natural color of the eyes, choose shades,. For green, a purple or burgundy pencil is suitable, for blue - gold, bronze or brown, for brown and gray - any bright one (choose those shades that are in harmony with the rest of the makeup).

With a black pencil, for example, Slide On Pencil, NYX Professional Makeup, paint over the mucous membrane and the space between the eyelids of the upper eyelid.

Highlight the inner corner of the eye and the movable eyelid with light shining shadows. And the outer corner of the eye and the orbital line are matte brown (all the necessary colors are in the NYX Professional Makeup Ultimate palette in the Warm Rust shade). Blend with a fluffy natural brush.

Use a persistent, bright purple eyeliner such as the Urban Decay Glide-On 24/7 Eye Pencil in Psychedelic Sister on the lower mucous membrane, between the eyelashes and under the lashes.