Wet wipes do more harm than good. It's all about wet wipes! For children and newborns

The main purpose of wet baby wipes is the hygiene of the little priests. Therefore, they are hypoallergenic, fragrance-free, very soft and inexpensive. All in all, a great thing to use in a wide variety of situations.

1. Instead of a rag

Children are not the only ones to leave felt-tip marks on furniture. Wet baby wipes are great for wiping markers and pencils. This life hack is especially useful in the office.

2. Instead of a handkerchief

Everyone with a cold is familiar with the unpleasant sensation when, from frequent blowing of the nose, the skin around the nose becomes inflamed and sensitive. Baby wipes will not only moisturize it, but also thoroughly remove all unwanted traces of a cold from your face.

Don't like the wet wipes? Let them dry. They will remain soft and skin-friendly.

3. Remedy for traces of deodorant

There is nothing worse than white deodorant stains on dark clothing. You cannot erase them with your hands, but with wet wipes - quite.

4. Instead of a hair straightener

When curly hair needs to be pulled together into a sleek hairstyle, baby wipes are ideal. Just run the napkin a couple of times over your head - and you will get an effect almost like a nail polish for fixing.

5. For cleaning wood floors

Many cleaning products are not suitable for wooden floors due to their excessive hardness. But baby wipes are designed for baby's delicate skin, so they will definitely not damage and effectively clean your parquet floor.

6. To wash the bathroom

Of course, for a thorough cleaning it is better to use special means, but there are situations when you need to put things in order quickly - and then napkins will become the best assistant. They can clean all surfaces of the bathroom, including the toilet and faucet.

7. To combat coffee stains

It is difficult for a person who has barely woken up to be one hundred percent neat, so the likelihood of spilling coffee on a work blouse is always high. Instead of rushing to change and wash your clothes, just blot the coffee with a baby napkin.

A little soap in it will remove the stain and you won't need to soak your blouse.

8. For carpet cleaning

For carpet, there is nothing worse than dark-colored liquids. Spilled cola, coffee, red wine? Place a damp baby wipe on the stain with a towel on top and press firmly to absorb the liquid. Repeat as necessary.

9. To recover photos

Old prints often have pen marks - they can also be easily removed with a damp cloth. The image itself will not be affected.

10. For cleaning CDs and DVDs

It is easy to leave fingerprints on CDs, but difficult to use afterwards. But now you know what to do.

11. During painting

With napkins, you can not only wipe, but also create images. Apply watercolors to them and paint them on canvas: you get a real work of art.

Many people use wet wipes. After all, this is an indispensable tool for personal hygiene. Especially in places where there is no way to wash. For example, in transport or at a picnic. But almost no one thinks about their harm, which they bring to people. Every year there are more and more napkin victims.... And today dermatologists from all over the world are screaming about their harm.

Many people think that napkins are a means of healing. After all, they do not contain alcohol, protect against bacteria and act as an antibacterial and soothing agent. But all this is far from the case. And therefore, it is not necessary to believe everything that is written.

Scientists have proven that wet wipes are the strongest enemy of health... Especially for babies. After all, they contribute to a strong allergic reaction. Such conclusions were made by dermatologists. In addition, the incidence of such allergies is only increasing every day around the world.

According to statistics, 11% of all the most serious skin diseases occurred in patients precisely because of wet wipes. Therefore, first of all, nursing mothers need to give up napkins, and also, they should not be used for babies.

Scientists have found out why these miraculous healthy wipes are so unhealthy. It's all about the antibacterial liquid called methylisothiazolinone, which the wipes are impregnated with. It is this substance that causes dermatitis primarily in babies. After all, they have too sensitive and thin skin. Therefore, young mothers take care of their children and do not use napkins for them.

In addition, gynecologists also warn about the dangers that napkins are fraught with. In their opinion, first of all, it is necessary to abandon wipes with different deodorant additives. After all, it is they who carry a variety of allergic reactions.

But if you still cannot refuse wet wipes, then it is best to get them in pharmacies. As a last resort in specialized stores. And if you have to buy them for children, then pay special attention to the packaging. Choose only those packages on which it is written that they are for babies. At the same time, carefully read their composition. They should contain only natural ingredients.

Life is a daily and rather difficult job, which mainly falls on fragile women's shoulders. Fortunately, today a lot of "helpers" are produced, which greatly facilitate household chores. And wet wipes can be attributed to them.

What are wet wipes made of?

In the second half of the last century, when wet wipes first appeared, paper was used for their production. True, it was difficult to call the material durable, and it dried out very quickly. As a result, manufacturers began to use synthetic fibers, which, in addition to strength, have excellent absorbent properties. Modern wet wipes are made from materials such as spunlace or spunbond. The first option, where natural fibers are used in addition to artificial fibers, is suitable for the manufacture of sanitary napkins.

Spunbond is a material for wet cleaning or antibacterial household wipes.

The composition of wet wipes also includes special substances:

  • Surfactants (surfactants) that improve cleaning properties;
  • fragrances for a pleasant smell;
  • preservatives that protect wipes from the development of fungi and bacteria.

In addition, antibacterial wet wipes may contain an antiseptic (such as ethyl alcohol). To prevent the impregnation from drying out, the napkins are stored either in a plastic container-tube or in a soft polypropylene bag.

How to use wet wipes on the household?

You may feel that the range of possibilities with wet wipes is limited. But in fact, it is a universal remedy that will help to put things in order in your home.

Primarily, wet wipes are suitable for cleaning the house. They can replace untidy rags or towels that are used to wipe dust. Special impregnation not only removes the dust layer, but also prevents it from settling on the surface of furniture or household appliances. An important napkin is convenient for wiping chandeliers and lamps, as well as glass or crystal dishes before a feast.

With the help of such napkins, it is not difficult to care for such problematic furniture as leather. True, here it is worth considering that you need to purchase a product designed specifically for leather or leatherette. Dust and fingerprints will disappear without a trace after wiping. Do not forget to wait until the moisture is completely dry.

Wet wipes for the kitchen can be considered a real salvation, especially if there are many moments in your life in time trouble. With their help, it is easy to put things in order in the kitchen in record time. Wet wipes can easily make the stove look proper or quickly wipe down the countertop. It is easy to clean the refrigerator with napkins, while they fill the device with a pleasant smell. The same can be said for cleanliness.

Wet wipes allow you to quickly tidy up the bathrooms. They wipe the mirror, sink and plumbing fixtures, while unpleasant stains do not remain on the surfaces. By the way, wiping with wet wipes will easily return the bright shine to the chrome-plated mixer.

Thus, wet wipes will not replace a full-fledged general cleaning, but they will quite cope with putting things in order between cleaning periods. In addition, they are so convenient to use in cases where you urgently need to clean up the spilled liquid.

If we talk about whether it is possible to wipe the monitor with wet wipes, then we do not recommend doing this with ordinary household wipes. For electronics and optics (lenses for photo and video cameras), it is necessary to use special ones with a very soft structure that does not scratch fragile surfaces.

It's all about wet wipes! 07.04.2015 03:52

It is difficult to imagine the daily life of a modern person without wet wipes. What they just do not do - cleanse, refresh, disinfect, remove makeup, take care of the delicate skin of babies. This is not a complete list of what they can be used for.

When did they appear?

The first wet wipes, which appeared in the 70s of the 20th century, were designed to care for the buttocks of babies. In the next decade, when a bactericidal solution was used in the production of napkins, another one was added to their functions - an antibacterial one.

Manufacturers of wet wipes have not ignored women either - the first makeup remover wipes appeared 10 years ago. Now on sale there are also wipes for intimate hygiene, for the care of computer equipment, for motorists and even wipes for pets.

What are wet wipes made of?

Materials such as spunbond, cellulose and spunlace are used to make wet wipes. Spunlace is of higher quality, pleasant to the touch, and, accordingly, more expensive. It contains both natural and artificial fibers. It is mainly used for the production of baby wipes and makeup remover wipes.

Spunbond is a material that is thinner to the touch and costs less. It is made from thin, thermally bonded fibers. This material is most often found in the manufacture of wet hand wipes.

It is important to know that quality wipes do not stretch or tear!


To impregnate wet wipes, water is taken with the addition of lotions, herbal extracts, oils and various flavors. Sometimes alcohol is included. Its presence or absence must be marked on the package.

About alcohols.

If the packaging of wet wipes has the inscription "do not contain alcohol", and they contain various alcohols, do not worry. This refers to the absence of ethyl alcohol, which dries the skin. Benzene alcohol is a solvent that is the basis of many aromatic additives and does not harm the skin.

An important element!

Wet wipes packed in a soft plastic bag have a flap with reusable glue at the top of the package. The sticky part of such a valve should be free of bubbles and have wide edges.

The benefits and harms of wet wipes.

There is no need to say much about the benefits of wet wipes, as they help to maintain cleanliness in conditions where there is no water, are indispensable in cases with children, they are convenient and practical to carry in a purse.

It is important to remember that in addition to being useful, wipes can be harmful. Firstly, if there is alcohol in the composition, then the skin can dry out. Secondly, in the presence of a large amount of chemicals and fragrances, allergic reactions on the skin in the form of redness or rashes may appear. First of all, this applies to people with very sensitive skin and small children. To prevent this from happening, you need to choose special napkins for children. They always have less chemistry, they do not contain alcohol, and the ph (acidity level) is 5.5.

Expired wet wipes should not be used. Like other household chemicals, this product has a shelf life. It is often between eighteen and twenty-four months old. It is dangerous to use stitched products so as not to harm the skin.

After the package has been opened, it must be tightly closed, since wet wipes will become dry, and then there will be practically no benefit from them.

Intimate hygiene.

Gynecologists do not recommend using wet wipes for intimate hygiene, since they destroy microflora, the skin of intimate areas can dry out. Subsequently, inflammation and diseases of the external genital organs may occur.

Yes, the use of wet wipes will not lead to death, however, using the products of unscrupulous manufacturers, the consumer runs the risk of getting a skin disease or an allergic reaction. In such a situation, it is necessary to urgently consult a dermatologist.

Everything that is created on earth from artificial objects was created by a person who thought a lot about his creation. But it often happens that this person has not thought out or has not thought everything through. Having missed some important details, as a result, from his creation, a disaster can turn out, as, for example, is the case with plastic bottles. A similar situation develops with wet wipes ...

Wet wipes have become so popular that many people panic if they are not available at a nearby kiosk. But are they so environmentally friendly? In fact, these disposable wipes spread bacteria, clog city sewers and the stomachs of hungry animals. Avoid them at all costs!

"Disposable wet wipes are the biggest evil of 2015," says The Guardian. These wipes are essentially an instant soapy washcloth that does not require rinsing, is disinfected, and is simply thrown away after use. They have become extremely popular - too popular, in fact.

Parents carry baby wipes in their strollers and use them whenever they need to. Nursing staff and class teachers often wipe surfaces with antibacterial wipes. Travelers stock up on wipes to wash their hands on the road.

They're all over the place, with the UK alone hitting the £ 500 million mark a year.

And these super-handy little wipes that are widely used are huge problems.

4 reasons why you should avoid using wet wipes.

1. Environmental chaos

Just because wet wipes are technically “disposable” doesn't mean they magically disintegrate; instead, they simply disappear somewhere else, out of our sight, where they continue to wreak havoc on the environment.

Wet wipes contain plastic fibers that are not biodegradable. For example, when napkins are released into the ocean, they are eaten by sea creatures such as turtles, who mistake them for jellyfish and eventually die. (The same thing happens with plastic bags.)

“Wild animals often gorge on plastic stuffed into their stomachs and eventually starve to death,” says Charlotte Coombs of the Marine Conservation Society (MCS).

Napkins are washed off beaches around the world. MCS estimates that in 2014 there were approximately 35 napkins per kilometer of beach in the UK - 50% more than in 2013.

2. Clogged toilets and sewers

Many users mistakenly throw wet wipes down the toilet, thus clogging and clogging the drain. According to the Guardians, residents of the small town of Kent buried 2,000 tons of wet wipes in the sewers.

When sewerage is clogged with wet wipes, fat accumulates. In 2013, a bus-sized piece of frozen fat was found in a sewer in London.

3. Toxic chemicals

According to Reuters, the wipes can cause rashes in uncomfortable places. The Mayo Clinic report cited the example of one person, a postman, who “had a rash around his anus so painful that he could not walk for months ... As it turned out, he often used wet wipes, some of which contain methylchloroisothiazolinone.

Baby wipes contain preservatives and fragrances that should not come into contact with human skin, in particular with the skin of babies and young children. Approved in the environmental report on the hidden dangers of antibacterial wipes.

4. Spread of bacteria

When hospital staff use wet wipes to wipe down surfaces, it essentially only spreads the bacteria further. Researchers at Cardiff University have found that wet wipes give bacteria a second life. It looks like good old soap and water would be a much better alternative.


The researchers were able to find out that in the wipes themselves there is a serious threat to the body, which in no case should be left unattended. A similar statement applies to absolutely all wipes, and even those that are intended for babies, and should be completely safe.

This hygiene product has been very carefully studied by dermatologists. Based on the results obtained, experts insist that wet wipes can be harmful. The reason is cases of a serious allergic skin reaction, which have recently become more frequent. Moreover, medical statistics confirm that doctors from different countries report such phenomena.

The press turned out to be data that, in fact, shocking. Most likely, they should not have become the property of the broad masses. Nevertheless, the journalists provided this information to the public for familiarization.

In particular, it was reported that with the use of wet wipes, more than eleven percent of serious skin reactions were reported, which were recorded during the past year in three hundred and fifty patients. Previously, this topic has been studied several times, but it should be noted that at that time the indicators were lower. So, in 2012 the indicator is equal to eight and a half percent, and in 2011 there were even fewer reactions, only three and a half percent.

The doctors also expressed concern about the fact that the statistics also include those products that are intended for babies. After all, we are used to thinking that a priori they must undergo a more thorough check so as not to become a source of harm. This information, long unknown to anyone, was released by the Sydney Morning Herald.

Allergists and dermatologists in the United States have conducted research on the safety of wet wipes, which are used to care for the skin of children. To test the sanitary napkins, the composition of their impregnation was investigated. It turned out that chemicals - fragrances, preservatives and others, harm the delicate skin of the child.

American pediatricians strongly recommend that parents exclude or significantly limit the use of wet wipes for the care of not only the skin of infants, toddlers, preschoolers, but also for school-age children, as well as in adults prone to allergic reactions.

Chemicals for sensitive skin are powerful irritants and very often irritation, contact dermatitis, and allergic rashes are mistaken by doctors for psoriasis, impetigo, eczema, unaware of the real cause of skin reactions that are caused by wet wipes.

Scientists researchers from the University of Connecticut have established a connection between dermatitis on the face, buttocks, and arms of children with methylisothiazoline.

This preservative is part of the antibacterial impregnation of wet wipes. It was noticed that after the cessation of the use of such wipes, skin manifestations in babies disappeared on their own within a week.

Pediatricians recommend replacing the use of wet wipes with regular, simple, standard water treatments. And use modern wet wipes only in extreme cases, when there is no other way to carry out skin care (travel, trips, walks) by choosing high-quality, non-antibacterial wipes.

Even in these cases, an ordinary, dry, soft cloth made of cloth moistened with plain water will be more effective and safe than dubious antibacterial wet wipes soaked in harmful substances. If irritation, redness, rash occurs, the use of these wipes should be discontinued.

Bacteria, fragrances, preservatives - how else are baby wipes dangerous?

What to look for in the squad? What substances in wet wipes can be harmful? The expert of Product-test.ru Elza Akhtyamova will answer these questions:

“Not all components in baby wipes can be safe for your baby's health. For example, alcohols (such as ethyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol). In the composition, you can see it under the names: alcohol, denatured alcohol, ethyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol. If it is found in baby wipes that you are going to buy, then it is better to put this pack aside. Alcohol in high concentrations is known to dry out and irritate the skin and can damage the skin barrier. In addition, children often experience irritation and diaper rash, wipes with alcohol will burn the skin very much.

Phthalates, phthalic acid - used to make the napkin as soft and elastic as possible. In tests on mice, phthalates accumulated in the liver and other organs and tissues, and also led to a disruption in the production of hormones in the body. It has not yet been proven that they really harm a person, but nevertheless, it is recommended to avoid these substances in children's hygiene.

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), aka sodium lauryl sulfate, is recognized as one of the most irritating detergents found in cosmetics, and is often included in sanitary napkins. It can cause dryness, irritation, itching, and increase the absorption of other substances. Many cosmetic companies are already abandoning its use, replacing it with softer betaines and other active ingredients.

Of course, it is advisable to avoid potentially allergenic fragrances such as limonen, linalol, menthol, mint, grapefruit oil, hexyl cinnamal, lemon, butylphenyl methylpropional, etc. It is better to give preference to odorless hygiene products, especially if the baby has a tendency to allergic reactions ".

Now, we hope you understand that perceived convenience and comfort can wreak havoc on your skin and the skin of your children. After all, we somehow lived without these chemical napkins, and we were healthier!