What time the baby begins to sit independently. How to teach a child to sit: tips and tricks for the harmonious development of a baby

The kid who started to sit looks funny and somehow grown-up. He genuinely enjoys his success, and happiness makes his smile especially spontaneous. The question "When does the child start to sit?" Causes a lot of controversy. This article uses advice from experienced neurologists, surgeons and pediatricians.

How many months can a child be forced to be imprisoned: spine

Love the spine of your baby, and he will be healthy! How many months can you plant a child while helping him? - Only the toddler who is strong enough to become independent can sit - not to fall either to the right or to the left and to keep his back straight. The round back and side falls warn parents that the spinal muscles are not yet ready. But it is they, the muscles of the back, that are responsible for the correct position of the spine when sitting.

At what age can you plant a child to help him quickly learn a new skill? - the answer is unambiguous: not necessary at all. Often mothers and grandmothers want to help a child - a tumbler and put pillows and blankets for him. But what about? - after all, he sits, only "falls a little". As a result, most adults get a problematic spine - they came to "help" him too early. So it turns out that a sore back often comes from infancy, although it is not accepted to admit this - many years pass before it gets sore!

Remember: what time the child begins to sit on his own, and there is his personal, optimal age. Everything else is fraught with scoliosis and other troubles.

So when do children start sitting?

The people have invented a lot of prejudices regarding babies. For example: what time do the boys sit, and can girls be seated.

Let us repeat that each toddler has its own time. This can happen from 4.5 to 8 months (the time corridor for neurological research).

Sometimes it happens that the baby breaks the order - first of all he crawls, then sits down. Some pediatricians consider this scenario to be ideal - first, the muscles of the back are strengthened, and only then the weak spine is loaded.

Mothers, exhausted by sleepless nights and their own inexperience, go to extremes and tend to the fact that the child is lagging behind in development.

Rarely does a neurologist or pediatrician answer the question "When do children start to sit up?" sincerely and will calm anxious parents. Because the toddler has every right to NOT sit until 8 or even 9 months.

What time the child begins to sit: stages of the development of a skill

After four months of age, the baby prepares to sit - he raises his head while lying on his back. Combined with virtuoso back-to-stomach flips, these exercises are forerunners.

  • At 6-6.5 months, the child makes the first attempts to sit down - he leans on his hand and falls through the barrel onto the bottom.
  • At 7 months, he is already sitting with a straight back.
  • At 8 months - the baby is completely independent.

So from how many months can a child be planted? - from eight, when he sits down himself. However, the norms of psychomotor development in infants also allow such a scenario of motor development: standing not on all fours, standing against a wall and sitting.

If you ask a reasonable competent doctor, "What time do children start sitting?" - he will answer: "A strong healthy baby can sit down in a year." Each person has its own genetic stock and prerequisites for development. You have repeatedly passed a physical examination by a pediatrician, neurologist and surgeon - these specialists did not find any abnormalities? Then why is the non-medical mom worried?

But something is possible?

Although it is not forbidden to play along a little to the crumb. It is better to help a little than to constantly calculate from what month the child can be planted. Arrange the baby on your lap, facing the big world - an inclined position of the back and there is a respect for the spine. It is permissible to sit by the pillow in the stroller - but not straight, in an inclination with an emphasis on the pillow. In this case, both the back and the cervical region are straight.

Of course, there is no talk about a blanket under the sides. But you can play pull-ups: put your thumbs into the baby's fists and give him the opportunity to sit down, pulling up. Repeat several times a day. The exercise is good because, in addition to the muscles of the back, shoulders and the press, the fingers are strengthened - and this is the development of fine motor skills of the hands, which is closely related to speech and thinking.

The main harm to the spine is a round back. But when the baby begins to sit on his own for several minutes, you can prop up his sides - with pillows or a blanket, as it is convenient for anyone.

Massage, gymnastics, fitball, swimming in a large bath - these are professional support for the development of the child. Both mothers and fathers can learn to do all this at home - a masseur or exercise therapy specialist will explain to you the intricacies of classes with babies.

When can a child be placed: boys and girls, is there a difference?

Every opinion has its own reason. It is believed that girls have more vulnerable internal genital organs. And if you plant babies earlier than boys, she can get a bend of the uterus. When can a girl sit down? - the answer: the girl should sit down herself.

In infancy, the main task of parents is to protect the soft bones and cartilage of the child's spine from deformation. It's not for nothing that they say that all diseases come from the back! Clamping the vertebrae of a nerve belonging to certain organs will bring much more trouble in the future than worrying about a ghostly cerebral artery disease now.

Now it is clear from how many months boys can be imprisoned - just like girls - never.

How many months does the child begin to sit: prerequisites for dysfunctional development

Even if the baby was born healthy, his health remains fragile and vulnerable. That is why the baby should be protected from unfavorable situations, diagnosed and treated on time:

  • defects of internal organs (including heart);
  • operations (especially repeated ones), inpatient treatment, other serious illnesses (including infectious ones);
  • severe allergies;
  • being in a baby's home and raising in a dysfunctional family dramatically affects what time a child sits down.

“From how many months can a child be planted? "- the question, according to experts, is not correct. It is more correct to ask: "What time does the child sit down by himself?" After 9 months, if there are no attempts to sit down, it is worth visiting a neurologist. If the baby is still trying to get up, you need to wait a little longer, because when the child starts to crawl and sit at the same time, you get a double surprise!

Sitting is one of the key skills that a child under one year old masters. All parents are looking forward to this moment - kids get the opportunity to show independence, observe and explore the world from a new angle, reach for previously inaccessible objects, and dads and mothers are proud of the achievements of the heir. It is important to take care of additional safety measures for the crumbs, monitor the timeliness of acquiring a new skill and, if necessary, help the baby.

The content of the article:

How many months does the baby start to sit?

In modern pediatrics, there are no strict deadlines and norms in the physical development of babies. All kids are individual, so young mothers should not be alarmed and constantly compare their baby with other toddlers.

Experienced doctors, when asked when a child begins to sit, answer that this period will be different for each baby and it depends on the readiness of the bone and muscular systems.

Average indicators for children of the first year of life:

  • 6 months - sitting with support;
  • 7 months sitting without support;
  • 7.5-9 months - free independent sitting and the ability to lie down from a sitting position.

In active and physically stronger children, these periods can move 1-1.5 months earlier; in weak, premature, very thin or overweight babies - 1-1.5 months later. There is nothing to worry about: both of these options are within the normal range of indicators of child development.

How to determine a child's willingness to sit

The spine of newborns is not adapted for vertical positions and only allows children to take horizontal positions. The natural curves that are responsible for normal posture when sitting, standing or walking - lordosis and kyphosis - develop gradually.

In infants up to six months, the spine has not yet been prepared, the muscles are weak, therefore, early sitting down threatens with displacement of the vertebrae and curvature of posture. If parents rush to seat the baby, fastening it with belts in a stroller or car seat, throwing pillows on all sides, then not only the fragile spine, which has taken the weight of the child, but also squeezed internal organs can suffer from the load.

Before deciding to sit down a baby, you should take a closer look at its overall development. If the baby is well-nourished, calm, phlegmatic, does not like to roll over, does not move much, then there is no need to sit down such a leisurely baby earlier than 6 months - he needs to thoroughly prepare for such an important event. But a nimble, energetic and active toddler can begin to sit down after 5 months - gently, just for a few minutes and if the child likes this process.

Signs of a child's readiness to sit down:

  • The baby easily raises its head and holds it confidently.
  • The child is dexterous in both directions.
  • The kid itself rises on the arms in the prone position.
  • The crumb tries to rise on its own and can sit down, grabbing the fingers of an adult.

The ability to make such movements confirms that the child is strong enough and after being examined by a pediatrician, you can gradually begin to sit down the baby.

How and when to sit and plant a child correctly

If the baby is ready to start sitting, pull him by the handles to a sitting position, keep half-sitting on your lap, or briefly put a pillow under the baby's back in the stroller so that he is in an inclined position. Be sure to make sure that the baby's neck and back are straightened, the legs are set apart in the shape of a V with support on the lateral surface, he should not hunch over.

Do not rush to load the spine of the crumbs, it is better to stimulate it to crawl, strengthening the back muscles. If the child sat down on his own earlier than six months, do not interfere with this, do not slow down the natural development of the crumbs, but do not allow him to be in a sitting or half-sitting position for more than an hour a day - distract the baby with a toy, hold it in your arms. Be sure to take care of safety measures and protect the place where the child is sitting.

It is possible to plant a child for a long time only after he learns well - in the position on all fours there is no premature excessive load and the spine is formed correctly. 7-9 months is the average spine-safe period for seating children, which is called orthopedic surgeons, and the main criterion for readiness for independent sitting is that the baby sits without falling on its side or back.

The child will be able to make independent attempts to sit down after he has learned to roll over and pull himself up with the help of his hands. This is followed by "side sitting": the baby turns on the side, rests on one hand and falls on the butt. At first, he will fall back or on the side, later he will learn to sit more evenly with support on the handles, and then sit down from a prone position, straining his abdominal muscles.

If the child does not have pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, he develops correctly, but still poorly holds the trunk upright, then a decrease in muscle tone is possible. Such a baby will sit down a little later, massage and exercises will help to strengthen the muscles.

Sex differences

According to the observations of pediatricians, girls usually try to sit a little earlier than boys, but sit a little later. Regardless of gender, you should not sit down children earlier than 5-6 months, use carriers - "kangaroos" in which babies sit, throw pillows around the crumbling crumbs or roll half-year-old babies for hours while sitting in a stroller - this will lead to spinal deformities.

Parents of girls are often worried about the dangers of early sitting for young ladies. By six months, the muscles of the back and abs in babies are sufficiently strengthened and they can begin to sit down. At an earlier age, it harms the spine. In addition, in girls who begin to sit down early, the pelvic bones can become deformed, which can lead to a long and painful labor in the future.

But the bending of the uterus from early sitting of girls is nothing more than an outdated myth: the uterus and appendages are reliably protected by nature in the small pelvis, and this feature is usually congenital. In general, the rule for girls is the same as for boys: you cannot sit down forcibly, but if the baby sat down by herself, then there is nothing wrong with that, the main thing is not to let her sit for a long time and more than an hour a day.

How to prepare your child for sitting?

It is impossible to seat the child prematurely, everything should happen naturally, but it is quite possible and even necessary to prepare him for sitting. To speed up the process, strengthen the muscle corset, pediatricians, neurologists and orthopedists recommend from 3 months to give the baby a light massage of the limbs, back and gluteal region, perform simple exercises daily with flexion-extension of the arms and legs and, if possible, write him down to the pool for swimming.

At the age of 3.5-4 months, it is advisable to include additional exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back, neck and abdominal muscles necessary for sitting:


The kid is lying on his back. Mom holds out his index fingers, the child grabs them with outstretched arms and tries to sit down. The back of the crumbs rises by 450, the abdominal muscles tense, the child, with the help of the mother, is held in this position for 10-20 seconds and returns to its original position. Repeat 3-5 times. The angle of ascent when pulling up should be increased over time.


The baby is lying on the tummy. The mother lifts the baby, supporting with one hand under the breast and with the other under the legs. The crumbs' legs rest on the mother's chest, the muscles of the back and buttocks are tense, the head is raised. The position is fixed for 3-5 seconds and the baby returns to the table, and then the exercise is repeated.

From 7 months you can add the following exercises:

  • Pull-ups not two, but one handle to a sitting position.
  • Swaying on all fours back and forth.
  • Rotations for training oblique abrasive muscles. The baby sits, the mother fixes his legs with one hand, and with the other grasps the child's hand, putting his thumb in his palm, and by the handle shakes the baby to the sides and in a circle.

You need to exercise on a hard surface, for example, a changing chest of drawers or a table, not on an empty stomach, but not earlier than an hour after feeding, the baby should be vigorous and in a good mood. Classes should be started with a tonic massage, and completed with a relaxing one.

You can also help stimulate your baby and prepare him for sitting:

  • Swinging on the fitball with flexion and extension of the legs.
  • Lay on your tummy daily to strengthen your abs. In front of the baby, at a distance a little further than an outstretched hand, you can put a bright toy so that the child reaches for it - this stimulates both to crawl and to sit.
  • Rings suspended above the crib, to which the child will reach, and grabbing, will try to sit down.

Terms and norms: when should you see a doctor?

Early sitting

If the baby is happy to pull himself up on the arms, likes to be in a reclining position on his arms, this does not mean his readiness to sit, but only demonstrates the good physical development of the child. If a child at 5 months was able to sit down really independently - this is also a variant of the norm, but you do not need to push him to this, it is better to distract him to other activities and types of physical activity as much as possible, because even with strong muscles, the spine is not yet sufficiently prepared for vertical load.

Inability to sit at 7-8 months

Until 8-8.5 months, the child does not sit on completely "legal" grounds. On average, the ability to sit without support is formed by about 8-9 months. Do not force the baby to take an uncomfortable and unhealthy posture, it is better to do swimming, massage and muscle-strengthening exercises with him. If you don't even try to sit down, consult a neurologist to rule out delayed motor development.

Inability to sit down at 9-10 months

If a 9-10-month-old toddler does not sit and does not try to sit on his own, an obligatory consultation with an orthopedist and a neurologist is needed, who will find out the cause of the problem and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

If the baby is active enough, knows how to roll over, tries to crawl, but has not yet learned how to sit, then perhaps he is simply not ready for sitting yet and the recommendations may be limited to a course of massage and exercise therapy from a specialist.

All children are unique and each goes through a unique path of development. It is possible to prepare a child for sitting with the help of massage and gymnastics from the age of 3 months. There are no clear gender differences in teaching sitting skills, the physical development and psychological readiness of the baby are important.

If the baby began to sit earlier than 5-6 months, this indicates his active physical development, but early sitting should not be encouraged. The inability and unwillingness of a 10-month-old baby to sit is a signal for consultation with a specialist, however, absolutely healthy children can sit down even in a year. Take your time, exercise and swim, and the child will soon delight you with the ability to sit and other achievements.

In every family, the time at which a child begins to sit can vary significantly. Some of the most active crumbs try to sit down as early as 4-5 months, while other babies cannot do this even at 8 months. There is nothing wrong with this fact, just each organism develops according to its own scheme, and in no case should you rush a child.

According to experienced pediatricians, parents should not seat babies too early: the child's fragile bones, muscles and ligaments may not withstand the load

The child's body is developing very rapidly, so how much time must pass for the baby to start sitting on its own, no one can say for sure. Usually, the strengthening of the vertebrae is completed by six months, but you can teach the baby to the half-sitting position a little earlier. It is worth noting that there are significant differences between boys and girls in this moment, which must be taken into account.

Boys can be seated from 4 months old, first sitting them on a slightly inclined surface and gradually increasing the angle of inclination. In the initial month of planting, it is not recommended to keep the children in this position for more than 5-10 minutes a day. The child's muscular corset is already practically formed, but the ligaments are still too weak, so problems may arise with stretching and even the formation of irregular bends of the costal part and vertebrae of the back.

As for the girls, they begin to sit a little later. It used to be thought that earlier sitting in girls was fraught with subsequent problems with the genitals, but modern medicine refutes this point of view. However, it is still not recommended to teach babies to sit permanently before 5-5.5 months. Girls, unlike boys, have less strong bones, therefore, it takes more time for bone formation to sit safely.

No matter how many months the baby is and no matter what skills he has by this time, you can start sitting down only after seeing a specialist. On average, babies begin to sit confidently from six months, by which time the child already with all his appearance shows a desire for independence: he can rise on his hands, often rolls over, shows the ability to lift the body from a prone position without assistance, etc.

Leaving the baby to sit in a chair or stroller without insurance is possible only when the baby no longer falls on its side and calmly turns from side to side. When there is no such confidence in the child's movements, it is worthwhile to train him a little more. You can sit the baby on a large bed by placing an elastic pillow under his back and covering the body on the sides with soft bolsters.

Massage and simple physical exercises are great for preparing the baby for independent attempts to sit.

Young parents often strive to put the baby in a highchair or in a stroller as early as possible, but there is no need to rush in this matter, because when a child begins to sit on his own at an early age, this is fraught with spinal disorders, because the bone tissue of the crumbs is not yet completely formed.

Special exercises have been developed to strengthen the spine and form the correct posture in a child, which can be practiced from birth. How many times to conduct classes is up to you, but remember that regular physical activity and gymnastics will allow the baby to prepare for independent active movements in the form of turning, lifting, and subsequently, walking, so you should not neglect them.

  • Pull-ups - when the baby is 1.5-2 months old, you can knead your fingers and elbow joints. To do this, invite the baby to grab onto your fingers, and easily pull it towards you, gradually increasing the angle of elevation. Over time, the child will begin to rise on its own. By the age of 3 months, the baby can already sit at an angle of 90 degrees, while it must be fixed and not left in this position for a long time.
  • Coups - so that, from the very birth, it should be spread on the tummy for a short time. The crumb will begin to raise its head, and after a while it will try to turn over. Such manipulations help the formation of motor skills, develop elbow and knee joints, and also strengthen the muscles of the neck, which together will help the child when he wants to try to sit on his own.
  • Massage - regular massage on the neck, elbow joints and back area helps to relax the tense muscles of the child. Remember that due to the lack of active body movements, the muscle mass of the baby is in a relaxed state, so making independent movements for the baby is very problematic. Rubbing and strengthening the muscles helps to tone the body, so the child begins to easily rise and sit down.

It is not necessary to seat the baby ahead of time, however, from an early age it will not hurt to teach him to sit, gradually increasing the degree of load and the time of physical activity.

Almost all babies can sit up on their own at 8 months of age.

One child, starting at 4 months, actively seeks to crawl and then sit, and the other, calmer, begins to sit by the age of 8 months.

It is important for parents not to interfere with the process and not to unload the child prematurely. . Disservice in the future could turn into scoliosis , deformed pelvic bones and diseases of the spine - the load on the fragile bones during sitting is very large .

You should not sit down, but lay the toddler on his stomach or lower it to the floor so that he can learn to crawl freely. Then the back muscles will develop more dynamically, which will contribute to good posture and correct sitting.

Stages of seating development

Pediatricians distinguish several stages of sitting skill development:

  • - the baby, reclining on his hip, can play, holding his back for a short time;
  • - is able to sit uncertainly, leaning on the handles, and easily losing balance, fall on its side. You can plant it for a short period of time for training;
  • 7 months - he sits better, without support or pillows, turns in the right direction without losing his balance. From a lying position, leaning on the handles, he can sit down on his own;
  • 8 months - babies sit perfectly from any position - lying on their back, stomach or side.

If the baby begins to sit confidently at six months, this is normal, if he begins to sit at 8 months, this is also the norm..

Chubby strong men sit down later than thin children, since their body weight has a stronger effect on the fragile spine.

Is there a difference between a boy and a girl

Older people are sure that boys can be put in early, and girls at 7-8 months. But regardless of gender, children under the age of six months are prohibited from seating... Girls try to sit earlier than boys, but can confidently sit a little later. If the baby is planted ahead of time, in the future it can cause diseases of the female reproductive system and lead to abnormal development of the pelvic bones. If a girl sat down on her own before six months, this is considered the same norm as for a boy.

  • Important:

Why doesn't the child start to sit

It is not recommended to force the baby to sit. When his bones and muscles are strong, he will be able to sit up on his own. If the baby does not sit well at 8 months, then mommy should not worry and desperately try to seat him. The spine will get stronger, he will sit down. Better to teach him to crawl.

But what if the child did not acquire this skill at 9-10 months and does not even try to do it? In such cases, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician and a neurologist. After the examination, they will prescribe treatment or advice on how to help you sit up. , tries to crawl, but does not sit, the doctor will recommend a special massage and a number of exercises at home that strengthen the muscles and teach sitting.

Despite the individual development of children, there are certain norms when a child must overcome the next stage of his mental and physical development. If a 6-month-old baby does not hold its head () and does not rise on the arms while lying on its tummy, it must be shown to the doctors. Timely measures taken - gymnastics and massage - will help restore motor skills, develop correctly and catch up with lost time.

How to help your child start sitting

The main teaching methods are aimed at the physical development of the baby. This is massage, swimming, gymnastics. Smart parents resort to little tricks - they hang rings over the bed, for which a tenacious baby will grab onto, trying to rise. When laying the child on his stomach, you can put a bright toy in front of him, to which he will want to crawl.

How much exercise do you need to do to help your baby develop fully and in a timely manner? Every day, the baby is given a massage - light stroking along the arms, legs and back. At the same time, he should feel comfortable and be in high spirits. To strengthen the muscles of the back, you can sign up for a shared pool with young children, which is assigned to the clinic. If this is not the case, you can practice in the bathroom.

Strengthen your back muscles

At 4 months, pediatricians advise doing exercises so that the baby sits down on time.

They are carried out in a convenient place on a hard surface:

  1. Press. The child, lying on his back, grabs his mother's thumbs. You can't sit him down abruptly, but give him the opportunity to work and hold on to the bent handles. If he does not want to hold on, you can gently pull the handles to a semi-sitting state. Hold-release.
  2. Airplane. The baby, who is lying on his stomach, is lifted, supporting his hands under the chest and under the legs, which rest against the mother. His butt and back are tense, his head rises. In this position, it is advisable to hold out for a few seconds.
  3. From 7 months they try to pull up not by both handles, but by one, substituting the other as a support. Then the baby will understand how to sit down on its own.

Exercises for a baby from 3 months

If the child does not sit down by himself, then it is strictly forbidden:

  • to seat him, covering him with pillows, blankets, soft toys;
  • carry in a sitting stroller with a back at a right angle;
  • carry it to a "kangaroo" with a soft back in a sitting position. If this is a quality model, it has a special rigid padding that does not support the crotch. Children are allowed to wear such accessories for no more than 3 hours;
  • sit on your knees (only reclining);
  • to teach the skill of sitting in a pot. Many people think that having fallen into it, the child will be able to sit for a long time.

When the baby is sitting, you need to look at the position in which the head, neck, legs, lower back are.

If parents noticed:

  • head tilted back;
  • unbent neck and upper spine;
  • bent lower back and hip joints tilted forward;
  • legs spread apart and outward;
  • the main emphasis falling on the side.

then the baby is sitting correctly. If not, his body is not ready to learn a new skill and taking the wrong posture will quickly tire him out.

When the child begins to sit independently: norms, stages

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Each new success of the crumbs brings unearthly joy to parents. After all, all moms and dads are looking forward to when their beloved children begin to take small steps on the way to adulthood. After the baby has learned to hold his head, turn over on his tummy and crawl, the parents wait for him to start sitting. Indeed, in this position, it will be more interesting for the baby to observe the world around him and contemplate his beloved mother. We will talk about when the child begins to sit down.

Approximate norms

It should be said right away that all children are individual. Someone begins to sit earlier, someone later, but this does not mean that in the latter case, the crumbs have any developmental disabilities.

So, first, the baby learns to hold the head, then roll over on the back, tummy, crawl. And only after that the time comes when the child begins to sit on his own.

At the age of 4-5 months, babies become very curious and often look up to see what is happening around. If you stretch out your hands to the crumbs, then he immediately grabs them and sits down. He will undoubtedly like this process, because the world around him is so clearly visible.

How many months does the baby start to sit? By the first half of the year, the child's spinal muscles are already well developed. However, he still cannot be in a sitting position on his own. Every day his muscles get stronger and stronger. By the age of 7 months, the baby can already sit down, but the back gets tired quickly, and he falls. By the age of 8-9 months, the baby sits evenly and confidently.

Important: there is no need to focus on these norms, because these indicators are relative. Not a single pediatrician will be able to say exactly when a child starts to sit.

Can the baby sit down?

If the child does not seek to rise, then it is not worth planting him, even if a neighbor's kid of the same age does it on his own. You should also avoid putting pillows around it. Too early stress on the back and spine threatens in the future with complications in the form of poor posture. Therefore, there is no need to load the still fragile child's body.

Never carry your baby in a stroller in a sitting position. Raising the back at 4-8 months of age is only allowed by 45 ͦ. In addition, the baby should not sit in the arms of parents with a flat back.

Important: doctors say that trying to plant the baby when the process of turning on the tummy has not yet been mastered is not worth it.

How to help a baby?

It is worth noting that if the child is not sitting at 6 months of age, then this is not scary. The alarm should be sounded when the baby is not even trying to master this skill at 9 months of age. To help the baby sit down, it is recommended to do gymnastics with him and do several exercises that will help strengthen the back muscles.

  1. The child lies on the back. Take his handles. Let the baby try to lift itself up by grasping the fingers. When he sits down, hold him in this position for a few seconds and put him back on the back. Repeat the exercise several times.
  2. Sit down and support your baby's back with your hands. Put some bright toys a little further away. Let the baby try to reach them and return to their original position. Repeat 3 times.
  3. Plant the baby. Take its handles and shake it in different directions 10 times. At the same time hum a funny song. Repeat 2 times.
  4. Place the baby on the tummy. Place one hand under the ribcage, the other under the legs and lift it. In this case, the head should not be lowered down.

Do gymnastics daily. Increase the time and number of repetitions each time.

It will be great to hang toys over the child's bed so that he tries to reach them.

Water procedures are also useful in this case. In water, as you know, muscles are well strengthened, and the load on the spine is minimal. In this case, the water temperature should be 32-35 degrees. This will allow the baby to move more actively.

Girls or boys?

A lot of controversy raises the question of who sits down faster, boys or girls. The advantage, as a rule, is on the side of the former. However, this is not always the case.

Parents should be aware that early planting of girls can lead to diseases of the female reproductive system and the development of pelvic anomalies. Therefore, it is not recommended to try to develop sitting skills before 7 months of age.

Doctors have no definite answer to the question of at what age the child begins to sit. Many babies can learn this skill at 5 months of age, and sometimes at 9 months. There is no need to worry in both cases. If, nevertheless, the parents are worried about the child's unwillingness to sit down on their own, then it is better to consult a doctor.