Do you know exactly why the eyes need hyaluronic acid? Hyaluronic acid injections under the eyes for swelling and bags

After 25 years, age-related changes occur in the body of each person, the skin loses moisture and former elasticity. The eyes are the window to the soul and can speak volumes. Which of the women at least once did not think about how to get rid of annoying bags under the eyes. And some know firsthand about the properties of hyaluronic acid.

Bags under the eyes- this is swollen skin, caused by swelling, in some cases this is the growth of adipose tissue. How to get rid of them is a question that worries many people, especially women. First, let's figure out why they appear.

There are many reasons for this cosmetic defect.

Bags under the eyes can talk about diseases of internal organs and systems:

  1. musculoskeletal system;
  2. Liver disease;
  3. kidney disease;
  4. Disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  5. Inflammatory processes around the eye areas;
  6. Eye diseases;
  7. Hypovitaminosis;
  8. Diseases of the central nervous system;
  9. Digestive problems.

If the swelling is of a long-term nature, you should definitely consult a doctor for a comprehensive examination. After the results, the doctor prescribes treatment.

Fighting methods

There are several ways to get rid of bags - cosmetic, medicinal, with the help of traditional medicine and plastic surgery.

Cosmetics include masks, creams, which include herbal ingredients, Dead Sea minerals. Not bad if the composition contains collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. They contribute to smoothing the skin, making it more elastic and elastic, and also have a tightening effect.

Hyaluronic amino acid is a polysaccharide that is produced by connective tissue cells. It is produced in our unique body. But over the years, it is produced less and less, which leads to wilting and dryness of the skin.

Hyaluronic acid is widely used in cosmetic products. Nowadays, pharmaceutical companies that create unique products: creams, masks, cocktails, for oral capsules, use a high molecular weight or low molecular weight amino acid.

Low molecular weight is able to pass into the deeper layers of the skin, thereby helping to produce its own collagen. High-molecular forms a protective hydrophilic film in the stratum corneum, one amino acid molecule attracts and holds up to 500 water molecules around itself. This prevents dehydration, perfectly moisturizes all layers of the epidermis, thereby facilitating the absorption of beneficial elements.

Preparations with hyaluron, if used constantly, regenerate cell tissues, perfectly relieve circles and bags under the eyes. One important property of hyaluronic acid is crystallization at low temperature. The cream in which it is present should be used at positive temperatures and preferably at night.

Getting rid of bags with medicinal methods

Medicines can eliminate the cause of the appearance of bags under the eyes. Here it is necessary to pass a series of tests, and then the doctor will prescribe the necessary drugs. It can be diuretics, and antiallergic drugs. It is also possible to prescribe antibiotics with drugs for inflammatory processes.

Self-administration of diuretics is not recommended, since useful substances will also come out with the liquid. Only a doctor and according to the results of all examinations can prescribe medications.

A special patch is also in demand, which includes herbal ingredients that moisturize the skin. You can use this patch no more than 3 times a week.

Folk methods

It is worth trying a few folk remedies to eliminate bags under the eyes. It is necessary to stock up on ice cubes on a decoction of herbs (chamomile, sage, parsley, horsetail) or simply from clean water. Immediately after waking up, wipe the area around the eyes, and then you can count on a visible result. Ice tones, has a positive effect on lymph flow.

It is worth trying to put a cut fresh cucumber on the eyelids, moisturizes, gives tone. In the same way, you can carry out the procedure with raw potatoes, cut it or grate it, wrap it in cheesecloth and attach it to your eyelids for 15 minutes. Another easy way is tea bags, after brewing, they need to be applied to the problem area. These are some of the easiest ways.

Today, at the peak of popularity in cosmetology, hyaluronic acid injections are a miraculous way to get rid of bags, crow's feet and fine wrinkles. Hyaluronic injections are made with synthetic materials produced using modern technologies. By the way, earlier it was obtained from bovine cartilage and chicken scallops.

Amino acid injections will make the skin supple, give elasticity, which will visually improve the appearance, the skin will glow with youth. This method is called "hyaluronic therapy". Introduction under the skin in small doses of drugs. This is a popular injection method for getting rid of skin defects around the eyes.

Preparations having a gel structure are injected shallowly under the skin. When the amino acid is introduced, it immediately begins to collect water molecules near itself, forming a gel that fills all the voids formed between the collagen fibers. The result is immediately visible. After such a delightful procedure, the face will be transformed and will look much younger.

Sometimes requires local anesthesia in order to avoid minor soreness. Injections that are injected into the area around the eyes are considered a unique method to get rid of defects on the face.

The advantage is in a short rehabilitation period, high efficiency and almost no pain. And the disadvantage is that the body quickly gets used to the introduced amino acid and is too lazy to produce it. It is not cheap, but the result will be appreciated by others. The effect of the action is enough for 9-12 months. After a while, the bags will return again, and it will need to be repeated.

Indications for this procedure:

  • small wrinkles
  • dark circles under the eyes
  • low skin tone
  • swelling of the lower eyelids
  • general rejuvenation

Consultation of a professional cosmetologist will help to make a decision.

You can not do the procedure if:

  • a woman is expecting a baby during lactation;
  • infectious diseases with high fever and malaise;
  • skin diseases;
  • allergic reactions;
  • wounds, small cuts, scratches on the face;
  • poor blood clotting and medication to thin it;
  • taking a course of hardware procedures to get rid of bags.

Complications that may happen

Side effects are rarely significant, and yet, after injections, there may be: a hematoma will appear in the injection area, a bruise, swelling or redness, (it disappears after 2-3 days, subject to the necessary recommendations of a specialist) If contraindications were not taken into account at the beginning of the procedure, the injections were not made professionally.

There can be serious long-term complications.

  1. Allergy to the components of the drug injected around the eyes;
  2. Bruises and seals that do not go away for a long time;
  3. Inflammatory processes, infections;
  4. Excessive puffiness.

Good arguments for this procedure to be carried out only after consultation with a doctor in specially designated clinics and under the close supervision of experienced staff. It is strictly forbidden to do injections at home, this will lead to irreversible sad consequences.

Facial care after acupuncture

After this manipulation, special care is not needed, but there are several rules that will help get rid of unnecessary effects.

  • You need to wash your face only with warm water for 4 days, refuse to visit the sauna and bath for two weeks.
  • You can not sunbathe and go to the solarium. For the entire period of rehabilitation, use glasses and sun cream.
  • Do not touch the injection sites, do not scratch.
  • Refrain from cosmetics for at least a week.
  • Do not drink alcohol before and after the course of injections.

Surgical intervention

This method can be used by people who have pronounced signs of skin aging. Such people have sagging skin under the eyes, which is called fatty hernia. And in young people it occurs as a physiological feature of the structure of the eyes.

An operation called blepharoplasty is an effective means of getting rid of the hated bags under the eyes. Enjoys good popularity in plastic surgery. The operation is quite fast and safe.

The radical method is used not only by women, but also by men. Before proceeding with the operation, it is necessary to pass a general blood test, an analysis for syphilis, HIV and hepatitis. Chest x-ray, cardiogram of the heart, get a consultation with an anesthesiologist. But if a person has various eye diseases: inflammation, conjunctivitis, or chronic diseases, then the operation will be refused.

Not everyone can go under the plastic surgeon's knife. Is it possible to do without it? Today, there are many salon procedures described above that tighten and make the skin supple. Only they do not act on adipose tissue. A course of events will help to achieve a good result, which after a while must be repeated. The most popular method of "renunciation" of bags today is injections.

Choosing any method from all of the above, rely on your own experience, look for reviews, answers, and everything will work out.

Greetings, dear readers! Did you know that our skin ages due to moisture loss? This inevitably occurs due to the decrease in the level of Hyaluronic Acid in the upper layers of the dermis. Already after 30 years, the amount of this substance in the body begins to noticeably decrease. Let's see how hyaluronic acid is useful for the face and how it can be restored.

Hyaluronic Acid is the most popular ingredient today. This is a substance that is contained in the human body as part of the epithelial, connective, nervous tissues. Along with elastin, it is the most important component of the intracellular matrix of the skin.

The most important property of Hyaluronic Acid is its ability to bind water. 1 HA molecule binds 1000 water molecules

There is a simple principle at work: the more hyaluronic acid (HA), the fresher and more elastic our skin is. So, the younger we look! This is why hyaluronic acid is so effective in moisturizers. And deep hydration is the main thing that is necessary for anti-aging cosmetics.

Due to the ability to accumulate moisture, Hyaluronic Acid performs the following functions:

  • transports water;
  • stabilizes the water balance in the skin;
  • increases the synthesis of collagen and elastin;
  • gives elasticity to tissues;
  • neutralizes free radicals.

HA used in cosmetics is of two types - high molecular weight and low molecular weight. Which is better? Both. They are used for different purposes.

High molecular weight HA(with a large molecule size) is very little absorbed by the skin. But it creates a kind of protective layer on the surface of the epidermis. It does not allow moisture to evaporate from the surface of the skin. At the same time, this thinnest film prevents aggressive influences from the outside. Most importantly, this barrier is gas permeable. So the skin normally "breathes" under it.

Low molecular weight HA is less than 5 nm in diameter. Penetrates deep into the skin, moisturizing it from the inside. It also helps to absorb other beneficial ingredients of cosmetics.

Watch a video review of a cosmetologist with a detailed analysis of “what is hyaluron”:

Indications for use

Until the age of 25-30, the body independently produces hyaluronic acid in sufficient quantities. However, with age, its synthesis decreases, as a result, the skin becomes dry, thin, loses elasticity and turgor.

Direct indications for the use of GC:

  • age-related changes, wrinkles;
  • thin sensitive skin;
  • dry, flaky skin;
  • loss of tone and elasticity;
  • scars, scars, post-acne.

Now hyaluronate is also used for appearance correction - reduction of nasolabial folds, lip augmentation, etc. The procedures are well tolerated and very rarely cause an allergic reaction. The effect lasts approximately 1-1.5 years. A noticeable result is noted at the age of 30-40 years, when the production of one's own hyaluronic acid begins to fall.

Hyaluronic acid or Botox - which is better? In some cases, hyaluronic acid injections may no longer be effective. This is possible with very deep wrinkles, strong age-related changes. But we must understand that Botox is a toxic substance. In fact, it smoothes wrinkles by blocking nerve impulses. It, like decorative cosmetics, gives a visible effect for a while. What are the pros and cons of this drug, I described in the article "

Cosmetic procedures with HA

A timely trip to the beautician can significantly postpone the need for such serious interventions as facial contouring and facelift. In cosmetology, HA is used for many different hardware and injection procedures. See for yourself, before and after photos testify to their effectiveness.

From wrinkles

Among the effective facial procedures using hyaluronic acid are: mesotherapy, bioreinforcement and biorevitalization, as well as injections. The cosmetologist can offer different methods of exposure. Each of them has its pros and cons.

All these procedures are based on the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the deep layers of the skin. Such techniques allow you to get rid of wrinkles, tighten the oval of the face, outline the cheekbones.

So, with fractional mesotherapy, a lot of micro-punctures are made on the skin. Through the resulting microchannels, the product penetrates deep into the skin. During bio-reinforcement, hyaluron-based fillers are injected along certain lines that form the contours of the face. During revitalization, the agent can be injected using a laser.

For the eyelids and the area around the eyes and nose, the most gentle methods are used. So, during mesotherapy, needles with a length of no more than 0.25 mm are selected. What procedure do you get rid of dark circles under the eyes, .

Lip injections

Hyaluronic acid is also used to correct the shape and increase the volume of the lips. It is much safer than using any other fillers. Unlike silicone, hyaluron is a substance that our body already contains.

In the first days after the correction, swelling, swelling, redness of the skin around the lips is possible. These symptoms soon pass. In the first week, you can not visit the pool, sauna, bath or solarium.

The effect of hyaluronic injections on the lips does not last too long. The maximum duration is up to six months. For a truly long-term effect, silicone-based synthetic fillers are used.

Nasolabial folds

To influence the nasolabial folds are most often used filler injections based on hyaluronic acid. It fills the crease and, as it were, pushes it out from the inside.

Immediately after injections, a slight bumpiness may form on the skin. This is normal and usually goes away within two to three days. Pure hyaluronic acid gives the greatest tuberosity, but the rejuvenating effect of it is the most noticeable. Preparations with vitamin cocktails can minimize the negative effect of the first days. A suitable drug in each case should be selected by a cosmetologist.

The very next day after the procedure, you can start using the usual skin care cosmetics for your skin type. The effect of this procedure usually lasts from 6 months to 2 years. Agree, this is quite a long time.

Effective remedies at home

The most common and familiar home face care products are creams, masks and serums. The recommendations of cosmetologists and consumer reviews testify to the effectiveness of such products.

For dry, dehydrated skin, these products are suitable at any time of the year. For oily and combination, it is better to use in autumn and winter

cream- the addition of hyaluronic acid to its composition allows other assets to better penetrate the skin. Hyaluronic acid also creates a protective barrier on the dermis. HA products are ideal for sensitive thin skin around the eyes. It needs deep hydration and at the same time it should not be weighed down.

Serums- Unlike cream, they do not contain fat. Due to this, the concentration of water-soluble assets is increased in them. Water-based serums are applied to the skin after and before applying the cream. Another option is to add a drop directly to the cream. The purpose of such serums is to improve the absorption of the cream and enhance its effect.

masks- the concentration of active ingredients in these products is increased even more. The mask is applied in a thick layer or on napkins. During the period of active action, it constantly remains moist. Masks target the problem - they provide deep hydration, rejuvenate and restore the skin. In the article "" I made a selection of good care products.

Available at the pharmacy dry sodium hyaluronate. In fact, the purpose of this tool is not cosmetic at all. It is necessary for diagnostic operations in ophthalmology. But many women use this powder for home beauty treatments. To do this, prepare a solution of 2 g of acid per 30 ml of warm boiled water. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and allowed to stand for about two hours. There should be no lumps in the finished solution. Apply to cleansed skin before applying a cream or mask. The course is 10-15 applications.

In capsules for oral administration

The most effective effect on the skin at the same time from the outside and from the inside. It is for this purpose that there are capsules with hyaluronic acid, which can be buy on iherb.

The scope of HA is to improve the condition of the skin, nails, and hair. Ideally, you should combine the intake of hyaluronic acid and type I and III collagen. In this case, the improvement in skin condition is literally obvious.

Taking hyaluronic acid inside will help to solve problems with joints and ligaments. It is also beneficial for bones and tendons. For these purposes, HA will be optimally combined with type II collagen, glucosamine and chondroitin.

When taking hyaluronic acid orally, it is imperative to increase fluid intake. You need to drink at least two liters of pure water a day. Otherwise, side effects of constipation, nausea, dry skin and so on are possible. The most common side effect is high swelling. If she appeared, it is necessary.

Rating funds

Many brands today produce entire lines of products with hyaluronic acid. The price varies in a very wide range - from the mass market to the elite series. I'll tell you about some of the tools that, according to reviews, have proven themselves well.

Libriderm- moisturizing series of day, night and cream around the eyes. Suitable for all skin types, especially for sensitive and dry skin. Nourishes and softens, contains all the necessary ingredients to restore the skin barrier. Free from fragrances and other irritants. Can be bought at a pharmacy.

In the Hyaluronic line from Liboriderm, there are also wonderful products for complex care: serum, tonic, water and others.

AquaBasefromNovosvit This is a deep wrinkle primer with a deep moisturizing and smoothing effect. Ideal for skin prone to oiliness and unevenness on the face. Light texture, medium thickness, absorbs quickly. According to reviews, it fits the skin well and does not roll. I am glad that Sodium Hyaluronate is the third in the list of ingredients.

Skin Active– activator gel with hyaluronic acid and urea. Even dermatologists prescribe it for dry skin in the winter, after allergies, and with other external irritants. The composition of the product pleases with the presence of panthenol, vitamins, and. The cream performs its functions well: perfectly moisturizes, nourishes, relieves irritation. But the main effect here is oils. Therefore, some who have tried it write that it clogs pores on combination skin.

Topping up- with this tool you will forget about peeling and dryness on the face. With it, the skin will be soft and velvety. In addition to HA, the composition also contains urea, which is in second place. The cream is perfect for dry and normal skin. For rashes and oily skin, girls recommend using it in the winter. The cream is friends with decorative cosmetics, does not roll down.

Evelyn– an excellent moisturizing composition pleases with the presence of hyaluronic acid and collagen. The texture is light and white. The cream is quickly absorbed, and the skin becomes hydrated and soft. With oily and combination skin, this remedy is best used in winter. And for dry, perfect for any period.

And in online stores like Iherb and the like, you can buy high-quality Korean cosmetics. For example, the well-known Tony Moli, Mizon, Holika Holika and others. These brands have quite good skin care products with hyaluronic acid.

Contraindications and restrictions

Preparations based on hyaluronic usually do not cause side effects and allergic reactions. The reason is usually not in the HA, but in various auxiliary ingredients - preservatives and so on.

Is it possible to inject hyaluron during pregnancy and lactation? During this period, it is desirable to minimize any interference. Pregnancy and the period of breastfeeding are contraindications for almost any cosmetic procedure. Including mesotherapy, bioreinforcement, microcurrents and more.

It's not that these procedures are so dangerous. It's just that no one has ever done research on the impact of, say, bio-reinforcement on the fetus. And for obvious reasons, such studies are unlikely to ever be carried out. Accordingly, we cannot reliably state the safety of such influences for the baby.

In addition, contraindications include:

  • skin diseases of various etiologies;
  • wounds and injuries at the site of exposure;
  • herpes in the active phase;
  • acute infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • individual intolerance to hyaluronate;
  • oncological diseases;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • blood clotting disorders.

For procedures associated with punctures and microdamages of the skin, contraindications are also taking medications that thin the blood.

There is a fairly widespread opinion that it is better not to do injections with hyaluronic acid in summer. In fact, this is just a popular myth, beauty injections can be done at any time of the year. For three days after the injections, you should avoid direct sunlight, do not sunbathe and do not visit the solarium. Best used with a high SPF.

Of course, this is not all that can be said about hyaluronic acid. In fact, each of the drugs and procedures mentioned in this article is a topic for a large separate material. In the same review, I touched only on the most general points. I hope the article was useful to you! If so, feel free to subscribe to the blog and be sure to recommend it to your friends!

Eye drops with hyaluronic acid are gaining more and more popularity in the treatment of ophthalmic problems. In preparations of this type, a low molecular weight biocomponent is used, which allows it to retain moisture, which is so needed by the membranes of the eyes.

Hyaluronic acid eye drops can be used to retain moisture

Eye drops with hyaluronic acid should be used in the following cases:

  • dry eye syndrome;
  • postoperative period;
  • long stay at the computer monitor.

With the syndrome of "dry eye" hyaluronic acid drops can eliminate dryness and discomfort against the background of this condition. The drug perfectly moisturizes the eyeball, and eliminates irritation.

Often, drops based on hyaluronic acid are prescribed to patients who have undergone eye surgery. They allow you to start the fastest process of tissue regeneration, which contributes to their accelerated recovery.

Main advantages

An important advantage - completely natural composition

  • The main advantage of such therapeutic drops is their almost completely natural composition.
  • Preparations of this type simultaneously moisturize and lubricate the cornea.
  • Hyaluronic drops have a very quick effect, relieving irritation and dryness of the eyeball.

Contraindications for use

Hyaluron-based drops have practically no prohibitions on use. However, drugs of this type are not recommended for use in women in position without prior consultation with a specialist.

Hyaluronic drops should not be used by people with hypersensitivity to the main active ingredient.

most popular drops

Drops quickly eliminate discomfort

In ophthalmology, the following drops are most famous:

  • "Oxial";
  • "Blink";


Oksial is fast acting

This ophthalmic preparation eliminates dryness and severe redness in the shortest possible time, thanks to the following components that make up:

  • low molecular weight hyaluron;
  • boric acid;
  • salts of magnesium, sodium, calcium.

Hyaluronic acid is the main active ingredient with moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties. Boric acid acts as an antiseptic, and the salts included in the composition are involved in the natural biochemical processes of the visual organ.

An additional component is the so-called polymer protector, which contributes to the formation of a protective film.

The use of "Oxial" is indicated for the occurrence of contact conjunctivitis, wearing lenses, dry eye syndrome and with a long stay at the computer monitor.

The drug must be dripped several times during the daily interval in a couple of drops. When wearing lenses, their removal is not mandatory.


Blink refers to protective equipment

This ophthalmic solution belongs to protective agents that help eliminate dry and tired eyes. Its main components are sodium hyaluronate, boric acid and polyethylene glycol.

Indications for admission are dry eyes and their redness. The drug is unacceptable to use in case of intolerance to at least one of the components that make up the composition. It is also contraindicated in angle-closure glaucoma.

Stillavite quickly removes such uncomfortable sensations

This solution is a drop based on sodium hyaluronate, provitamin B5 and sodium chondroitin sulfate. All these active ingredients contribute to the formation of a protective film that can retain the resulting natural moisture on the eye shell for a long time. Thus, the drug helps to restore and moisturize the tissues of the organs of vision.

"Stillavit" quickly removes such uncomfortable sensations as irritation, fatigue and a feeling of dryness.

Hilo-Komod protects the eyes from the aggressive effects of external factors

The ophthalmic remedy includes only harmless substances, the main of which is hyaluron. Additional components are sodium citrate, sorbitol, etc.

"Hilo-Komod" protects the eyes from the aggressive effects of external factors, and also eliminates discomfort when wearing lenses for a long time. It is indicated for a feeling of dry eyes accompanied by burning, redness and dryness. It is also recommended to use it in post-operative and post-traumatic periods.

Read also:

Features of hyaluronic acid from wrinkles for the skin: what it is, at what age to use, what it is made of

It is permissible to use drops for a long period. If there is no improvement on the 10th day after the start of therapy, you should contact an ophthalmologist.

Vizmed can be used more than 3 times a day

This solution also contains predominantly hyaluronic acid. Additional elements are potassium chloride, sodium, magnesium, etc.

The drug belongs to the category of hypoallergenic and safe, as it does not contain proteins and preservatives.

"Vizmed" can be used more than three times a day for a long period with such ophthalmic problems as redness, itching, burning, sensation of a foreign body in the organ of vision.

Proactive can be used while wearing lenses

These drops are specifically designed for people who wear lenses regularly. They allow you to prevent the appearance of discomfort in the eyeball, conjunctiva and cornea, due to the formation of a protective and moisturizing layer.

In addition to hyaluronate, the solution includes succinic acid and cellulose oil. It is thanks to these components that a protective film is formed, which contributes not only to protection and hydration, but also freely passes oxygen to the tissues of the eye.

Hyal Drop Multi is safe

A German ophthalmic preparation based on hyaluronate protects the eye membrane and retains moisture in it 24 hours a day. It allows you to quickly eliminate the feeling of discomfort, and restore the irritated surface of the mucosa.

With regular use, the syndrome of dryness and eye fatigue disappears, and redness and burning sensation are also removed.

It is enough to drip one drop into each conjunctival sac to restore the health of damaged membranes.

"Hyal Drop Multi" refers to safe drugs that can be used without the risk of adverse reactions.

With long-term use of the drug, the absence of a positive result requires an appeal to an ophthalmologist.

High Fresh Plus Rewetting Drops can be used frequently

This moisturizing ophthalmic solution is intended for people who frequently interact with a computer monitor, read a lot, or wear contact lenses. The moisturizing effect is provided by hyaluron, which is the main therapeutic component of the ophthalmic agent.

Age-related changes in the skin, bags or bruises under the eyes ... how to get rid of them? This problem worries many women. You can solve it using preparations with hyaluronic acid.

Recently, preparations with hyaluronic acid have become a very popular remedy in order to remove bruises or bags under the eyes.

With age, the skin of each person undergoes age-related changes. After reaching the age of twenty-five, the independent synthesis of substances that maintain the elasticity of the skin and its turgor decreases: collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid are produced in smaller quantities. It is for these reasons that the skin begins to lose its elasticity, beauty and freshness, dryness appears, and with it wrinkles, sagging, bags, puffiness and a change in shade.

First of all, these changes are noticeable precisely in the area around the eyes, ranging from "crow's feet" to dark circles around the eyes. This is because the skin in these areas of the face is sensitive and delicate, the layer of fat under it is very thin. With age, the skin thins even more, and, in addition to a network of wrinkles, bags and dark spots appear around the eyes - from bluish to dark brown.

Of course, the appearance of such signs can signal the manifestation of a disease of the internal organs (for example, kidney disease), so it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination by a doctor in order to avoid complications.

If, after the examination, there are no reasons for worries about health, then hyaluronic acid for the area around the eyes will help eliminate dark spots, bags and reduce wrinkles. Currently, there are many preparations containing hyaluronic acid that help us fight the problems of skin aging.

Hyaluronic Acid for Skin Beauty: Properties and Benefits

Hyaluronic acid is one of the polysaccharides that are produced by the human body. It is contained in the structure of the skin, in saliva, in joint fluids, in the eye body. Therefore, preparations with it have a very good effect on the skin, without causing any allergic reactions after application.

In the human body, this polysaccharide is produced naturally before the period of full maturation and cessation of growth. Around the age of twenty-five, body formation and growth cease; along with this, the process of producing hyaluronic acid begins to slow down, the reserves of which decrease with age.

In search of an effective remedy for replenishing hyaluronic acid reserves at the beginning of the last century, hyaluronic polysaccharide was isolated from the vitreous body of the bull's eye.

For the industrial production of cosmetic products, hyaluronic acid is currently isolated from chicken scallops and the vitreous body of bull's eyes.

Hyaluronic acid, due to its properties, is one of the most important and indispensable substances for our skin:

  1. Has a light gel-like structure;
  2. Moisturizes the skin, penetrating into its deep layers;
  3. Attracts moisture from the air;
  4. Forms a protective film on the surface of the skin that prevents the upper layers of the skin from drying out;
  5. Protects the skin from chapping and exposure to low temperatures;
  6. Promotes independent synthesis of collagen and elastin, which prevent skin aging;
  7. Promotes effective wound healing.

The advantage of preparations with hyaluron over others is also that they can be used in different climatic conditions, while preparations with glycerin, for example, in dry air (humidity less than 45%) dry the skin. Preparations with hyaluronic acid serve as a reliable protection for the skin in hot climates, and in conditions of frost and strong winds.

Methods of using hyaluronic acid in the fight against cosmetic defects of the face

Since hyaluronic molecules are located in the intercellular connective tissue and are responsible for the attraction and conservation of moisture in it, their deficiency significantly affects the loss of moisture and the deterioration of the general condition of the skin.

There are several ways to solve this problem today:

    They can be used in any problem area of ​​the face, but injections under the skin in the eye area have received the greatest popularity. The skin on the eyelids is very thin and delicate, and the lack of hyaluronic acid polysaccharide in the body is noticeable here in the first place. With the appearance of dryness and mimic wrinkles, which increase and deepen with age, there are also bags and bruises under the eyes, sagging of the upper eyelid. Hyaluronic acid injections help restore water balance in the deep layers of the skin, resume collagen production, which in turn helps to get rid of the above symptoms of aging.

  1. Cream or gel
  2. After application to the surface of the skin, creams or gels enrich the upper layers of the dermis with moisture, contribute to the formation of the thinnest film. It, without interfering with the breathing of the skin, protects it from the negative effects of aggressive external factors, and also attracts the moisture necessary for the skin from the environment. High-molecular compounds of hyaluronic acid, which contain a cream or gel, penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis and stimulate the formation of substances necessary to keep the skin in good shape.

  3. Stimulation of the skin to synthesize hyaluronic acid

In order to "force" the body to produce its own hyaluronic acid, the skin of the face is treated with a solution using ultrasound. There is a kind of peeling. After that, as a protective reaction to an external chemical irritant, the skin reacts with the production of hyaluronic acid. In terms of its effect on the skin and on the body as a whole, this method is the most effective, as it forces the body to independently produce collagen and elastin necessary for youth and skin elasticity.

Hyaluronic acid injections against bruises and bags under the eyes

Under-eye injections are the most effective treatment for bruising, sagging eyelids, and wrinkles around the eyes. The penetration of hyaluronic acid molecules into the subcutaneous layer contributes to the most active production of collagen and elastin, strengthening the intercellular lattices responsible for skin elasticity. Metabolic processes improve at the cellular level, which, in turn, cannot but affect the condition of the upper layers of the skin - cyanotic circles and bags under the eyes disappear, the skin is smoothed and “comes to life”.

The procedure for introducing injections of hyaluronic acid is also called biorevitalization.

Like all cosmetic procedures, it has its advantages and disadvantages. We have already mentioned the advantages - normalization of metabolic processes; removes puffiness and bruises under the eyes; The effect of injections is almost instantaneous.

The procedure is painless; in some cases, to reduce the patient's fear of injections, the skin is treated with a special anesthetic composition, as well as after the procedure.

Puffiness after injections disappears on the third or fourth day.

Injection fillers are equipped with super-thin needles that leave barely noticeable dots at the injection site, which disappear after a few days.

In addition, it is not required, as with plastic surgery, hospitalization of the patient. Injections can be done in specialized beauty parlors, but be sure to check that a cosmetologist has a license.

In addition to the positive effect, there are a number of negative aspects that should not be forgotten:

  1. High price;
  2. Short effect: in addition to the fact that the procedure is carried out as a course of several injections every two to three weeks, after nine to twelve months it will have to be repeated, since after the substance is completely absorbed, the wrinkles return again;
  3. There are contraindications, for example, for people prone to swelling, therefore, before the procedure, it is necessary to consult the attending physician.

Hyaluronic acid in creams and gels

The effect of creams and gels containing hyaluronic acid is not as high and fast as with biorevitalization procedures, but their use has become widespread among the majority of the female population.

The disadvantages of this method of dealing with bruises, wrinkles and bags under the eyes include:

  1. Low efficiency: in order to achieve a positive result, it is necessary to regularly apply a cream or gel for a long time;
  2. Cheap creams are made using large hyaluronic molecules that cannot penetrate deep skin layers. Most often, they use unmodified extracts of hyaluronic acid from a material of animal origin, or synthesized from plant materials. In the best case, such a cream will be an excellent emollient and moisturizer.

Therefore, choosing for yourself this way of dealing with bruises and wrinkles under the eyes, you should not buy inexpensive creams, but rather spend money on effective products that contain the smallest molecules of a modified polysaccharide extracted from high-quality animal raw materials. Such hyaluronic molecules are able to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and start self-healing processes.

Creams based on low molecular weight hyaluronic acid will not only moisturize the skin and protect it from external negative factors - they really help prevent the formation of wrinkles, help smooth the surface of the skin, improve its tone, remove bruises under the eyes and unpleasant bags.

Everyone makes their own choice in their struggle for the beauty and youth of the skin: in emergency cases, you can resort to the biorevitalization procedure, in other cases it is still better to use more gentle methods so as not to cause the opposite effect for your body.

Hyaluronic acid is the main component of the extracellular fluid, which is part of the epithelial, connective, nervous and other tissues of the body. It was found that hyaluronic acid has a positive effect on many organs and systems of the body, including the eyes. In this regard, with hyaluronic acid began to be widely used in ophthalmic practice.

Hyaluronic acid (HA) was first used in the 1950s during an ophthalmic operation to remove and replace the lens. Injection of the substance provided the necessary depth of the anterior eye chamber, protection of other structures of the eye from damage.

Currently, eye drops with hyaluronic acid are used in the complex therapy of various ophthalmic diseases, namely:

  1. glaucoma;
  2. dry eye syndrome;
  3. eye injuries and burns;
  4. after corneal transplantation, cataract removal, other operations.

Means with HA have a pronounced moisturizing, anti-inflammatory, regenerating effect, are prescribed to reduce:

  1. eye fatigue caused by increased visual stress;
  2. discomfort that occurs when using contact lenses;
  3. eye irritation provoked by negative external factors (dust, smoke, strong wind, high temperatures).

Drops with hyaluronic acid Oksial

The pharmaceutical market has a wide range of moisturizers, including those with hyaluronic acid. But Oksial eye drops are in the greatest demand.

Moisturizing eye drops Oksial based on hyaluronic acid.

Oksial - eye drops based on hyaluronic acid, designed to moisturize the mucous membrane of the eyes. The drug quickly eliminates the unpleasant symptoms of dryness and irritation of the eyes (itching, burning, redness), promotes the restoration of corneal cells, prevents damage to its surface.

Indications for use

Oxial drops eliminate dryness, disinfect and moisturize the eyes. Appointed:

  1. to eliminate the discomfort caused by wearing contact lenses;
  2. after laser vision correction to speed up recovery;
  3. in the complex therapy of dry eye syndrome;
  4. to eliminate discomfort that occurs after prolonged visual strain;
  5. with contact conjunctivitis caused by exposure to dust, wind, dry air, chlorinated water, cosmetics;
  6. after the use of drugs, the side effect of which is dehydration of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  7. people working in hazardous industries;
  8. patients over 40 years of age who have reduced tear production.

Composition and pharmacological action

Oxial eye drops contain:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • boric acid;
  • electrolytes (salts of sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium);
  • protector-polymer;
  • oxides acting as preservatives.

The therapeutic effect of the drug is due to the pharmacological action of the components that make up the drops.

  1. Hyaluronic acid. Takes part in regenerative processes, moisturizes the mucous membrane of the eyes. Contained in the extracellular fluid, does not cause allergies.
  2. Boric acid. Shows antiseptic properties, disinfects, prevents the development of infectious inflammation.
  3. Electrolytes (salts of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium). They take part in the water-salt metabolism, maintain the osmotic pressure and the production of mucin (an integral part of the lacrimal fluid) at the proper level.
  4. polymer protector. Forms a protective breathable film on the surface of the mucous membrane of the eye, protecting the eyes from negative external influences.
  5. Oxide 0.06%. A preservative that ensures long-term storage of the drug. Getting on the mucous membrane, the substance breaks down into safe components.

Mode of application

Eye drops with hyaluronic acid Oksial are recommended to be used as needed (if unpleasant symptoms occur - burning, pain in the eyes, visual fatigue, dry eyes). Mode of application - 2 drops up to 4 times a day. If unpleasant symptoms do not go away within a few days, you should consult a doctor. The specialist will find out the cause of their appearance, recommend effective drugs, depending on the diagnosis.

Contraindications and side effects

The drug is highly safe. The only contraindications to the use of a moisturizing ophthalmic solution are individual hypersensitivity to the components that make up the drug, age up to 18 years (clinical studies on the use of Oksial in children have not been conducted).

Oksial is a non-toxic drug that rarely causes eye irritation. With increased individual sensitivity to one of the components of the drug, itching, redness of the conjunctiva, and increased sensitivity to light may occur.


Of all eye moisturizers, Oxial drops are among the most expensive. The price of the drug in pharmacies varies between 460-650 rubles.


Another well-known remedy is Hilo-Komod eye drops. The main component of the product is hyaluronic acid, and the excipients are anhydrous citric acid, sodium citrate dihydrate, sorbitol. The competitive advantage of Hilo-Komod is the absence of preservatives in the composition.

Benefits of hyaluronic acid preparations

Moisturizing eye drops based on hyaluronic acid have a number of advantages. Among them:

  1. physiological composition, close in viscosity and concentration to a natural tear, not causing allergies;
  2. quick hydration of the eyes;
  3. the ability to stay on the surface of the mucosa for a long time, protecting it from drying out;
  4. the possibility of use in people wearing contact lenses;
  5. high safety, minimal risk of adverse reactions;
  6. the minimum number of contraindications.

Hyaluronic acid eye drops are effective moisturizers that relieve dryness and discomfort. But it is important to understand that dry eyes can occur not only as a result of negative external influences, but also be a symptom of a serious ophthalmic disease. HA drops will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms, but they may not be enough to completely get rid of dry eyes. In any case, an ophthalmologist should establish an accurate diagnosis and select the optimal drugs.