Clear signs of a frozen pregnancy. Reasons for stopping the development of the embryo. What factors cause a frozen pregnancy

In obstetric practice, the problem of miscarriage (freezing) of pregnancy is relevant for the reason that the number of cases of this pathology is increasing every year. Depending on the etiology and pathogenesis of complications, various procedures are performed.

A stop in the development of the embryo occurs at different periods of gestation:

  • 70% of fading is recorded at the time of early embryogenesis (up to 12 weeks);
  • the remaining 30% of cases are diagnosed late (12-26 weeks).

Common infectious diseases of the mother (rubella, malaria, toxoplasmosis, influenza) are a provoking risk factor for freezing at any time. The percentage of intrauterine fetal mortality is 95%.

Dangerous timing

Embryogenesis, or the period of embryonic development of the fetus in the uterine cavity, at different stages is associated with the peculiarities of the development of a particular system of the child.

By concentrating forces on the gestation process, the body weakens the protective functions of the uterus. At such times, there is the greatest risk of fading.

Dangerous periods for fetal development by week:

  • 7-12;
  • 16-19;
  • 24-26.

At this time, especially important functions and systems of the growing body of the baby are laid and developed. If negative factors interfere in the process, then development becomes impossible, the fetus freezes.

You should not be afraid of these periods, but be more attentive to your health.

Early signs

Diagnosis of undeveloped gestation in the early stages is difficult. This is due to the following factors:

  • the woman does not know about her position;
  • no obvious clinic;
  • no complaints.

Early terms - the period of development of the embryo up to 10 weeks according to obstetric calculations. In the presence of an irregular menstrual cycle, early fertilization cannot be determined.

Risk of a frozen pregnancy by week

Functional diagnostics of pathology in case of suspicion of an abnormal development of the process begins at the time of planning.

It is important to establish, exclude or confirm all existing risks of the development of pathologies, chromosomal abnormalities and genetic breakdowns. If these factors are not identified in time, there is a risk of fetal freezing.

Diagnosis of pathologies of pregnancy was not carried out until the 19th century. Women who suffered complications at the time of gestation, in 85% of cases, died at the time of pregnancy or during childbirth. Today, diagnostics allows you to identify violations even in the early stages.

Symptoms by week

Symptoms of abnormal fetal development differ in intensity, nature, and timing. In later weeks, the following manifestations are pronounced:

  • opening of the cervix;
  • bleeding in any amount;
  • soreness;
  • cramping pain;
  • outpouring of water.

In the early stages, the symptoms are less pronounced, manifest as a decrease in symptoms:

  • lack of vomiting, nausea, heartburn;
  • reduction of breast tenderness and swelling.

Until what week can freeze

Freezing is the cessation of fetal development at different stages of its formation. However, for such a manifestation, a framework of up to 26 weeks is considered characteristic.

Cases of fetal freezing after this time are associated with the formation of a thrombus in the umbilical cord or exposure to infections.

With a frozen pregnancy, for a period of more than 18 weeks, obstetricians recommend stimulating labor to avoid complications.

Weekly statistics

Statistical data differ depending on the specific region, material security of the population. Thus, the cases of late frozen pregnancy in third world countries are 12-18% higher than in developing and developed countries. According to the statistics of the World Health Organization in Russia and the countries of central and western Europe:

  • 70% of pathologies occur in the first trimester;
  • 25% in the second;
  • 5% in the third.

Freezing in the first trimester

Determination of frozen pathological development of the fetus in the first two to three months is difficult due to its size.

Diagnostics and specialized analyzes help to establish a complication on time only if a study is carried out and a comprehensive study of clinical indications in the anamnesis is carried out.

3-5 weeks

The third to fifth obstetric week is a delay of 5-10 days. It is possible to detect pregnancy at this time only if the woman was planning to conceive. Otherwise, developmental fading occurs, as a rule, accompanied by vaginal discharge, the woman thinks about a belated menstrual cycle.

6-7 weeks

With a month's delay, a woman can already determine independently the pathological development and the course of a previously established pregnancy:

  • there is a selection of brown or red;
  • chest pain is not observed;
  • nausea and heartburn are not recorded.
  • As a rule, pain, spasmodic manifestations are absent.

8-9 weeks

To reduce nausea and soreness, which were recorded earlier, pulling pains in the lower back, lower back, abdomen join.

Basal temperature is also normal, as before fertilization. However, this indicator can be said only if the woman kept a monitoring diary.

10-12 weeks

The third month is the result of the chromosomal consistency of the fetus. Normally, complications do not occur. In the presence of abnormalities or an incomplete chromosome set, the formation stops, which is accompanied by painful bleeding, edema of the lower extremities, fatigue against a background of hormonal imbalance.

The first trimester is a dangerous period if there is a bad heredity of miscarriage in the family. With repeated abnormal development of the embryo, the woman is placed in a high-risk group.

Frozen pregnancy in the second trimester

A woman's body usually recognizes fetal chromosomal abnormalities before the start of the second trimester.

In this case, natural voluntary abortion is triggered. When the fetus freezes in the second trimester, doctors consider:

  • risk factors that led to late anomaly;
  • the reasons why the body did not recognize the abnormality in the first trimester.

Anomalies of the uterus, which could provoke freezing, are difficult to diagnose during the period of bearing a baby. 4-11% of cases remain without identified pathogenesis.

Frozen pregnancy at 13-14 weeks

At the beginning of the second trimester, when gestation freezes, the following symptoms are observed:

  • bloody issues;
  • uterine spasms;
  • back pain;
  • fatigue;
  • decreased appetite.

At 15-16 weeks

The formation of the circulatory system of the fetus leads to the fact that the blood supply to the uterus also increases.

When the fetus freezes at this stage, bloody discharge is noted, which are accompanied by painful sensations, with a change in the hormonal background in the mother. Palpation of the abdomen also causes pain, the temperature rises.

Week 17-19

The lack of progesterone in the mother provokes insufficient nutrition of the fetus inside the uterus. During this period, the pregnant woman feels the movements of the fetus, with abnormal development, the tremors stop.

If the placenta is attached to the front of the uterus, the woman may not feel the tremors even with repeated pregnancies until the 21st week. It is not worth worrying prematurely, you need to go to the hospital, and if you suspect a frozen pregnancy, it is better to be hospitalized and conduct cardiological monitoring.

Frozen pregnancy at 20-23 weeks

At the end of the second or beginning of the third trimester, an alarming symptom is the absence of fetal movement for more than two days. Pain and discharge are usually absent. There is a rejection of the fetus against the background of intoxication of the mother's body. This condition is deadly.

Pregnancy period after a frozen pregnancy

A frozen pregnancy is stressful for a woman. But even after such a tragedy, the desire to become a mother for many does not disappear, and therefore the question arises about the possibility of such an event in the future.

Obstetricians recommend starting planning a new pregnancy no earlier than a year later, but if artificial childbirth was performed, the period can be reduced to six months. In this case, an important condition is to undergo a complete examination of the body and find out the causes of fading.

A pregnancy that has begun successfully does not always end with a positive outcome. In medical practice, the most dangerous period of time when carrying a child is considered the first trimester, during which various complications may occur, leading to the death of the fetus.

Frozen pregnancy is a pathology in which the fetus stops growing and developing, it dies in the womb. Sometimes this complication ends in spontaneous miscarriage. However, quite often the dead embryo remains in the uterine cavity, which can cause its inflammation, and when the process aggravates, sepsis is a serious infectious disease in which microorganisms circulate in the blood.

10 signs of a frozen pregnancy

Lack of toxicosis

The cessation of morning sickness and vomiting is a sign of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester. However, women do not always pay attention to this phenomenon, because they believe that the unpleasant symptoms have simply passed, and the body has adapted to the appearance of the child. As a rule, toxicosis with a frozen pregnancy ends very abruptly. Usually, this symptom does not appear immediately after the death of the fetus, but after a few days or even weeks.

Returning the breast to its preconception state

The absence of swelling of the mammary glands and hyperpigmentation of the nipples is another sign of a frozen pregnancy. These changes in the breast are also abrupt. In addition, the signs of a frozen pregnancy include a one-time cessation of colostrum secretion, if it was secreted earlier.

Decrease in basal temperature

If a pregnant woman monitors her own, then with her decrease, one can suspect a frozen pregnancy. When the fetus dies, the thermometer displays a temperature of less than 37 degrees Celsius (usually 36.4-36.9). However, on this sign of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester, it is impossible to accurately diagnose, since an incorrect measurement or an error in the thermometer is possible.

The appearance of pain

The appearance of pains similar to menstrual pain in the lower abdomen may indicate a frozen pregnancy. However, this symptom appears after a long period of time, sometimes up to several weeks after the death of the embryo. On the contrary, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, accompanied by bloody discharge, are more often talked about.

Abnormal vaginal discharge

The appearance of smearing vaginal discharge streaked with blood or red can be a symptom of a frozen pregnancy. But much more often this symptom speaks of the onset of a spontaneous miscarriage.

Increased body temperature

In the presence of an infectious process in the uterus, due to the decay of a dead fetus, a woman has an increase in body temperature to subfebrile values ​​(up to 38 degrees). However, if this process begins to be systemic, hyperthermia up to very high values ​​(40-41 degrees) and a general serious condition of the woman's body are possible.

A frozen pregnancy is not a rare complication and can appear in a completely healthy woman, therefore, when making this diagnosis, one should not despair too much, since the probability of the next successful bearing of the child and subsequent birth is 80-90%.

Lack of sleepiness, fatigue

With a decrease in progesterone due to the death of the fetus, its effect on the woman's body decreases. The feeling of tiredness and sleepiness disappears from her. This sign of a frozen pregnancy is extremely unreliable, however, if there are other symptoms, a woman should be examined.

No increase in hCG

With a frozen pregnancy, chorionic gonadotropin ceases to increase after the death of the fetus, and then it begins to decrease altogether. Therefore, if you suspect this pathology, you should follow the dynamics of hCG by passing a second analysis after 2-3 days.

Gynecological examination

During the examination, the obstetrician-gynecologist measures the volume of the uterus. During a frozen pregnancy, its size lag is observed, which can serve as a diagnostic criterion for pathology. However, this sign cannot be used in the first weeks of the gestational period, since at this time the volume of the uterus practically does not differ from its dimensions before conception.


During an ultrasound examination, the doctor can detect a frozen pregnancy. This method is considered the "gold" standard in the diagnosis of this pathology. Lack of heartbeats and fetal size lag are the main symptoms of a frozen pregnancy with ultrasound.

Behavior with a frozen pregnancy

If subjective symptoms of a frozen pregnancy appear, you should immediately consult a doctor for a thorough diagnosis. If, with the help of a blood test for hCG and ultrasound, this diagnosis is confirmed, measures are taken to remove the embryo from the uterine cavity.

Sometimes doctors take a wait and see tactic, the purpose of which is the spontaneous onset of a miscarriage. When this does not happen, or the fetus died a long time ago and there is a likelihood of infection of the uterus, an abortion is performed. With a period of less than 8 weeks of pregnancy, it is possible to use an artificial miscarriage with the help.

At short gestational periods, it is possible to use vacuum aspiration, the safest method of surgical abortion. In the later weeks of pregnancy, cleaning of the uterine cavity is used. This procedure is performed under general anesthesia, and the resulting materials are sent for histological examination.

Risk group

A frozen pregnancy can occur in anyone, even a completely healthy woman. Usually it is associated with congenital anomalies of the embryo, incompatible with life, or due to increased emotional and physical stress. The risk group for this pathology includes those who have an untreated genital infection, as well as those who have a history of abortions or habitual miscarriage. In addition, the chances of developing a missed pregnancy are increased in persons with somatic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, thyroid dysfunction and thyrotoxicosis.

Sometimes pregnancy ends due to fetal freezing. The death of a long-awaited child can occur at different stages of pregnancy. What to do in this case?

One of the most difficult tragedies in a woman's life is a missed pregnancy. Unfortunately, this sometimes happens, despite the woman's observance of all the recommendations of the gynecologist. The realization that the life of a long-awaited child was cut short even before the appearance of a baby in this world can cause serious depression in both parents.

Most often, missed pregnancy occurs in the first trimester.

It is the risk of freezing of the ovum that makes the first 12 weeks of pregnancy the most critical. This pathology occurs in about 13% of women. As a rule, a woman does not immediately discover that her baby's heart has stopped beating. The first signs of freezing of the ovum can appear only 2-3 weeks after the tragedy. It is after this period of time that the non-developing ovum begins to be rejected from the uterine mucosa. The fertilized egg can independently leave the woman's body, but in some cases, part of the membranes remains in the uterus.

A frozen pregnancy can occur in women of any age. Such a tragedy is due to the impact on the body of a pregnant woman of multiple circumstances. To reduce the risk of death of the ovum in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is necessary to be fully examined by a gynecologist before conception occurs.

Signs of fetal freezing at a later date differ significantly from the symptoms of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester.

One of the varieties of a frozen pregnancy is anembryonia - a condition when conception occurs, but due to the effects on the body of environmental and internal factors, the embryo does not develop, that is, a woman is diagnosed with the presence of an empty ovum in the uterus.

Causes of a frozen pregnancy

Gynecologists still cannot accurately name the cause of fetal freezing. In the early stages of development, in the first weeks of pregnancy, the cause of the arrest of development and the death of the embryo is severe malformations that are incompatible with life. Genetic disorders occur in 70% of all missed pregnancies.

The dying of the fetus at a later date (after 14 weeks) is often provoked by viral and infectious diseases transferred by a woman at the beginning of pregnancy. Sometimes the cause of fetal death is the mother's abdominal injury from a fall or impact.

In gynecology, there are cases when a normally developing pregnancy freezes for no apparent reason. Some women may have several such cases in a row. In any case, you should not lose heart and put up with the problems of miscarriage. To understand the cause of the tragedy, a woman should be examined by a gynecologist.

Fading of pregnancy in the early stages can happen due to exposure to the body of such factors:

  • Father's smoking while planning pregnancy;
  • The use of alcohol and drugs by a woman in the first weeks of pregnancy;
  • The presence in a woman's body of infections such as cytomegalovirus, rubella, ureaplasmosis, herpes, papilloma virus, mycoplasmosis and others;
  • Infection of a woman with sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis);
  • Serious hormonal disruptions;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system (maternal diabetes mellitus);
  • The presence of Rh-conflict (with a negative Rh factor in the mother and positive in the fetus) - the woman's body perceives pregnancy as something alien and tries with all its might to get rid of the fetus;
  • Lifting weights in early pregnancy;
  • Constant stress of a pregnant woman.

At risk are women after 35 years, patients who have had many abortions in the past, women with congenital malformations of the uterus.

How to recognize a missed pregnancy at an early stage?

The most accurate and reliable way to diagnose fetal freezing in the early stages is to conduct an ultrasound examination of the uterus. With the help of ultrasound, it is possible to accurately determine the presence or absence of heart contractions in a growing embryo. A normally developing pregnancy can also be diagnosed by the results of a blood test for the level of the hCG hormone, every day the indicators of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood increase.

It is possible to determine fetal fading using ultrasound

The expectant mother herself may suspect in herself the threat of miscarriage and the possible freezing of the fetus due to the appearance of spotting bleeding from the external genital organs. This symptom is characteristic for the termination of the fetal heartbeat in early pregnancy. In the later stages, in the second and third trimester, a woman may suspect that something is wrong with her baby due to the absence of movements for several hours.

When the fetus freezes in early pregnancy, a woman, in addition to bloody discharge, may experience severe cramping pains in the lower abdomen. If before that the woman suffered from toxicosis, then when the pregnancy fades, all the symptoms of ailments disappear abruptly.

If a woman ignores the above signs and does not turn to a gynecologist, then symptoms of severe intoxication of the body soon develop - nausea, vomiting, an increase in body temperature to 39 degrees, increasing weakness and pallor of the skin. Blood pressure drops and the pulse becomes threadlike. In the absence of emergency medical care, a woman develops sepsis and death.

As a rule, when the ovum freezes in the first weeks of pregnancy, the body independently gets rid of the embryo. The uterus begins to contract intensively, removing the ovum and its membranes from the body. Contractions of the uterus provoke pain in the lower abdomen and lower back in a woman, as well as intense spotting and clots from the genital tract.

In any case, a woman should see a gynecologist. It so happens that the ovum is not completely removed from the uterus, then the woman is prescribed a surgical "cleaning", during which the remains of the embryo and its membranes are scraped out.

Signs of a late pregnancy

Alas, it sometimes happens that a woman goes through the tragedy of losing a child in late pregnancy. The cause of fetal death is the mother's infectious diseases, abdominal trauma or strangulation of the child with her own umbilical cord.

At a later date, the fetus may freeze from infection or injury.

It is possible to recognize the symptoms of the termination of a baby's life in late pregnancy by the absence of movements for more than 5 hours.

A woman can feel the first movements of the fetus starting from the 17th week of pregnancy. As the child grows, the intensity of the baby's movements only increases. A mother-to-be can pinpoint when her baby is asleep and when she is awake. Of course, it all depends on the activity of the kids, some kids push often and intensely, and some develop more calmly. However, if there are no movements of the baby for more than 4 hours, and during various conversations with the baby and stroking the abdomen, there is no movement on his part, the woman should urgently go to the department of the maternity hospital. There is no need to wait for time, believing that the baby is just sleeping. The absence of movement may indicate a strong oxygen starvation of the baby, for example, as a result of tight entanglement with the umbilical cord around the neck or torso. If the expectant mother immediately see a doctor, then the baby's life can possibly be saved.

One of the clinical symptoms of a late pregnancy in a late period is a change in the mammary glands. If the death of the fetus occurs before the 25th week of pregnancy, then the breast in most cases sharply returns to its previous size, but if the pregnancy froze after 25 weeks, then colostrum may begin to be secreted from the mammary glands.

Of course, there are women who absolutely do not listen to the movements of their baby and cannot say for sure when the fetus moved for the last time. Fortunately, there are very few such persons. However, it should be said that another symptom of a frozen pregnancy in a late period is the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, nausea and vomiting. And also a significant reduction in the volume of the abdomen. The last symptom is due to the fact that during the death of the fetus, the amount of amniotic fluid decreases. These symptoms can be observed in a woman a few days after the death of the fetus in the womb.

Of course, the death of the fetus is a terrible tragedy, especially for those women who already felt the movements of their baby well, talked to him, stroked their tummy. All this can lead to severe lingering depression and apathy in a woman. If such a tragedy nevertheless occurred and the doctors confirmed the death of the baby in the womb, then the question arises of delivery. One way or another, a dead fetus cannot remain in a woman's uterus, as this can lead to the development of sepsis and death. Depending on the duration of pregnancy, when the tragedy happened, a woman may undergo surgical cleaning or cause labor. Sometimes doctors can remove a dead baby from the uterus by a small cesarean section.

Life after the tragedy

A woman should understand that, despite the depression that happened to her after the loss of the desired baby, before planning a new pregnancy, you need to find out the reason for the fetal fading. If the parents do not know what caused the death of the baby, then both of them are shown a comprehensive gynecological and urological examination. This examination includes a consultation with a geneticist, an endocrinologist and tests for latent genital infections. After establishing the cause that provoked fetal freezing, and undergoing treatment, the spouses should plan a new pregnancy only 6-12 months after therapy.

It is advisable to find out exactly the cause of fetal freezing.

Planning a new pregnancy

What kind of period a married couple needs to wait, before planning conception after a frozen pregnancy, is determined by a gynecologist, depending on the cause of fetal death. This period is at least six months. Until the doctor's permission to plan a new pregnancy, spouses must use a method that is suitable for them. Do not worry about the fact that a woman will follow the same fate when a new pregnancy occurs. Such fears are sometimes completely unfounded. In most cases, a missed pregnancy is an isolated case for every patient who survived this grief, and does not at all indicate that the next time it will be the same.

However, you need to understand that in order not to face this misfortune again, a married couple must carefully prepare for a new conception. For this, the spouses must be examined and, if necessary, undergo a course of treatment.

A healthy lifestyle of the spouses before the planned conception significantly increases the chances of a successful completion of the pregnancy. It is very important that not only the woman but also her husband is preparing for a new pregnancy. To do this, the couple must give up bad habits, revise their diet, engage in light physical exercise and be more outdoors. It is advisable if a woman starts taking prenatal vitamins even before the onset of pregnancy. Thus, with the onset of the desired conception in the fetus, the risk of congenital malformations of the neural tube is significantly reduced.

Separately, it must be said about the moral support of the husband. A woman who has experienced a frozen pregnancy becomes overly suspicious and anxious. She listens carefully to any changes in the work of her body during pregnancy, and looks for signs of freezing of the ovum. The spouse's task is to surround his pregnant wife with care and attention, this will help the pregnant woman to distract herself from negative thoughts. You need to surround the woman with positive emotions and support in every possible way. The successful outcome of pregnancy largely depends on the moral attitude of the woman.

Of course, it is very difficult to survive such a tragedy as the fading of pregnancy in a late period, and the depth of the parents' grief is simply beyond words. In this case, a woman must find the strength in herself and turn all her attention to her health. If necessary, you need to undergo a course of treatment, drink vitamin preparations, go to rest and gain strength before a new pregnancy.

These studies should not be neglected. Thus, the woman will save herself and the unborn baby from a possible repetition of the tragedy. By following all the above tips, a woman will be able to experience the joy of motherhood very soon!

Remember, a frozen pregnancy is not a sentence, a healthy, cured woman cannot have any consequences for the next pregnancy, and she has every chance of giving birth to a healthy baby.

A frozen pregnancy is manifested by the cessation of fetal development as a result of violations that have arisen during the period of expectation of the child. This condition is typical for early terms. The outcome of a frozen pregnancy is fetal death and premature termination of pregnancy.

Causes of a frozen pregnancy

The fetus is most vulnerable until the twelfth week, when the laying of important organs and systems of the unborn baby takes place. During this period, the greatest likelihood of miscarriage or pregnancy fading remains.

A frozen pregnancy can be triggered by many reasons. Among them are:

  • genetic malfunction, which is accompanied by chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus. These developmental disorders appear very early and carry the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • disorders in the hormonal system of a pregnant woman, arising against the background of a lack of progesterone or, conversely, too high a level of androgens. This complication can be detected before pregnancy if hormonal status tests are taken and treated in advance;
  • suppression of the immunity of a pregnant woman. When pregnancy occurs, a woman's immunity weakens sharply: all reserves of strength go to protect the child. Weakened immunity causes problems with the microflora of the vagina, which provoke infection of the fetus;
  • rubella. The disease becomes the cause of multiple developmental defects;
  • flu. In the expectant mother, it is very difficult and with multiple complications. Influenza contributes to the appearance of intoxication in a pregnant woman, disrupts blood flow and oxygen supply to the fetus;
  • diabetes;
  • drinking and smoking;
  • treatment with certain medications;
  • irrational and unbalanced nutrition;
  • constant stress, overstrain;
  • lack of oxygen in the room;
  • work in hazardous production;
  • lifting weights;
  • living in an ecologically unfavorable area.

The risk group includes the following categories of women:

  1. Over 35 years of age.
  2. Those who have had an abortion in the past.
  3. With abnormal development of the uterus;
  4. Who have had an ectopic pregnancy.

Why is there a frozen pregnancy

A frozen pregnancy is caused by blood clotting disorders, which are based on antiphospholipid syndrome. It manifests itself in a decrease in the formation of blood vessels in the placenta, as a result of which its main functions are reduced. Another sign of antiphospholipid syndrome is blockage and damage to the uteroplacental vessels, contributing to the disruption of placental development (most often occurs in the sixth week).

Frozen pregnancy sometimes also occurs due to the wrong lifestyle of a woman. The first signs can immediately make themselves felt. The direct factors of fetal disruption include:

  • poor nutrition;
  • small stay in the fresh air;
  • wearing clothes that strongly squeeze and tight the stomach;
  • prolonged stay at the computer monitor.

Signs of a frozen pregnancy

The peculiarity of miscarriage is that the fetus has already died, and the symptoms of pregnancy are still continuing. If a woman feels a sharp cessation of pregnancy symptoms, she should be immediately sent to the hospital.

The main symptom of fetal freezing is the discrepancy between the size of the uterus: it becomes either sharply enlarged or significantly decreases in size. The woman does not feel these changes. This symptom can only be determined by a gynecologist at the next examination.

A frozen pregnancy is manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Lack of movement of the child for several days. During the ultrasound, the baby's heartbeat is not heard.
  2. Profuse bloody discharge.
  3. Feeling of weakness, chills and inner trembling.
  4. Fever.
  5. Drawing and aching pain in the lower abdomen, cessation of its growth. Also, there is no increase in the uterus.
  6. Disappearance of signs of toxicosis.
  7. A decrease in basal temperature and a sharp increase in body temperature, especially if the fetus has died a long time ago, and the woman does not know anything.
  8. Cessation of breast growth.
  9. Lack of baby's heartbeat.

To avoid a frozen pregnancy, you must regularly visit your doctor and take the necessary tests. The doctor may be the first to see the discrepancy between the size of the uterus and the current gestational age. An ultrasound examination will help to accurately listen to the presence or absence of the embryo's heartbeat.

Freezing early pregnancy

The life of a fetus in the earliest stages of its development is very fragile. Even minor deviations can lead to a frozen pregnancy: psycho-emotional overstrain, stress, severe fatigue and overwork, a long stay in direct sunlight and long-distance flights. For the normal development of the baby in the womb, it is necessary to completely exclude all physical and psychological stress.

Freezing early pregnancy usually occurs up to 13 weeks for the following main reasons:

  • certain chromosomal abnormalities, hereditary diseases. If a child is not viable, then nature does not give him the opportunity to be born;
  • malfunction of the hypothalamus;
  • Rh-conflict between the expectant mother and her baby, especially if the mother has a negative Rh factor and she has had abortions before.
  • alcohol or drug use, smoking.

Freezing late pregnancy

The main reasons for miscarriage in late terms include: the transferred infectious diseases of the mother of the child, trauma to the abdomen, the situation if the child himself suffocated with his umbilical cord.

An almost one hundred percent symptom of a frozen pregnancy is the absence of fetal movement for more than five hours. Among other signs, it is worth noting: the disappearance of nausea, vomiting, cessation of abdominal growth and a decrease in the tone of the uterus. Over time, bloody discharge may occur.

If a frozen pregnancy occurred at a later date, it is necessary to pay special attention to the issue of a woman's rehabilitation, both therapeutic and psychological.

Within three months, a woman must take hormonal contraceptives to normalize hormonal levels and restore the organs of the reproductive system. Also shown is the intake of multivitamins (to increase immunity) and sedatives (to tidy up the nervous system). A week after the pregnancy fades, it is worth conducting a control ultrasound examination.

For a woman who has experienced fetal freezing, the support of family and friends is very important. In some, especially severe cases, it is better to seek qualified help from a good psychologist.

It is necessary to plan the next pregnancy at least six months after the incident. This time should be used with maximum benefit: for the treatment of chronic diseases, for examining the endocrine system.

Full physical and psychological rehabilitation after the sudden termination of pregnancy is the key to successful bearing and the birth of a healthy baby in the future.

Diagnosis of a frozen pregnancy

A frozen pregnancy is diagnosed only by a doctor and with the help of a comprehensive examination, which includes:

  1. Gynecological examination: will help to establish the correspondence of the size of the uterus to the gestational age.
  2. Ultrasound, with the help of which it is possible to diagnose the absence of a heartbeat in the fetus, the arrest of its growth.
  3. Blood test: will show a stop in the production of chorionic gonadotropin.

Examination after miscarriage

After a frozen pregnancy, it is necessary to undergo a long examination to find out the reasons for the death of the fetus. Not only the woman should be examined, but also her partner.

Also, a histological and cytogenetic study of the tissues of the embryo is carried out, which will help to establish the presence or absence of genetic failures.

If a frozen pregnancy occurred due to an infectious disease, it is established which infection caused the death of the fetus.

Treatment after a frozen pregnancy

After a frozen pregnancy, a woman needs to carefully take care of her health. Possible intoxication with the decay products of the tissues of the fetus and placenta, inflammatory processes in the uterus, so doctors take measures to completely remove the fetus from the uterine cavity.

Treatment of a frozen pregnancy is carried out in two main ways:

  • Medication method. It consists in the fact that a woman uses medications that cause spontaneous miscarriage.
  • The vacuum aspiration method is an operation under general anesthesia. With the help of vacuum suction, the uterine cavity is cleaned.

The procedure for cleaning the uterus with a frozen pregnancy:

Often, after a frozen pregnancy, hormonal contraceptives are used for treatment. They help to normalize the menstrual cycle and prevent inflammation of the female organs.

The question of further planning of pregnancy is decided by the doctor individually. It all depends on the period at which the missed pregnancy occurred, the woman's age, and the presence of concomitant diseases. During treatment, you should carefully protect against possible pregnancy.

The preventive measures taken will help to avoid miscarriage in the future. Before planning the next pregnancy, a woman should be vaccinated against rubella and chickenpox, especially if she works in a children's educational institution, treat sexually transmitted diseases, drink a course of multivitamins and strengthen the immune system. The treatment regimen is agreed with the attending physician individually. In most cases, the prognosis after treatment is favorable.

A missed pregnancy diagnosis is perceived by a woman as a sentence without the right to appeal. A sticky lump of doubt is stirring in the soul of the unfortunate woman: have I done everything to keep my baby? Meanwhile, the situation is not developing through the fault of the expectant mother (as she herself is inclined to believe), but becomes the cause of the confluence of numerous factors that a woman may not even be aware of.

If we turn to impartial statistics for information about pathology, then the numbers do not look frightening at all: on average, for 180 cases of normal bearing of a fetus, there is only 1 case, ending in fading. Nevertheless, the frequency of termination of pregnancy for this very reason remains stable: about 15 - 20% out of 100.

Misfortune is not selective: a terrible diagnosis can be heard both by a couple expecting a baby for the first time, and by a family in which there is already one, or even two children. But to have a child with a subconscious fear of losing him is by no means possible! You can save yourself and your "belly" if you take care of your own health even before conception and unswervingly follow the recommendations of the attending physician after the miracle has already happened. In addition, the expectant mother should be aware of a frozen pregnancy in general and know what her symptoms look like in particular, so that, in the event of a probable danger, respond to the problem with lightning speed. We will discuss all these issues in this article.

Signs of a frozen pregnancy: what is a frozen pregnancy

Fading pregnancy is an abnormality that leads to the death of the embryo or fetus. It can also be referred to as a miscarriage because tissue death is not accompanied by the symptoms of a miscarriage. The diagnosis can be made both at the beginning and at the final stage of gestation. Today, there is a tendency for more frequent cases of fetal freezing in pregnant women who have crossed the 40-year mark: quite often this happens in the first weeks of an "interesting" situation (up to 13 weeks inclusive).

At first, nothing portends trouble. Fertilization is successful, the formed embryo, getting into the uterus, is introduced into its loose surface. But for a number of reasons, the ideal program for the birth of a new life fails and the embryo (or fetus) suddenly stops growing. Despite the fading, an immediate miscarriage does not occur, so the picture of a normal pregnancy remains for some time: the size of the uterus is still increasing, a stable level of chorionic gonadotropin is observed in the blood (this substance appears in the body only with the onset of pregnancy), and the woman continues to feel that she is "in position." These false signs and sensations persist until placental abruption. When this happens, all visible signs of normal bearing of the fetus gradually fade away.

Sometimes the embryo as a result of conception does not form at all, only the so-called fetal membranes appear. This phenomenon, which is called an empty fertilized egg, is also considered to be a special case of freezing.

Causes of a frozen pregnancy

Due to the fact that the reasons for stopping the development of the embryo (fetus) are numerous and almost always complex, it is very difficult to determine any one factor that caused this pathology. Even genetic and morphological analysis does not always clarify the situation, since specialists invariably encounter maceration of the material that complicates research - wet aseptic withering away of tissues after the death of the fetus.

Frozen pregnancy: why the embryo dies

The embryo retains the status of the embryo from the moment of the formation of the zygote until the 8th week of pregnancy. What determines its viability by doctors is not fully understood, therefore, a number of factors are distinguished that in one way or another affect the state of the embryo:

  1. Hormonal pathologies. An unstable concentration of "pregnant" hormones, for example, a sudden acute shortage of progesterone and its inadequacy to the level of estrogen, does not allow the embryo to receive substances valuable for life in full. And since this happens, as a rule, in the early stages of pregnancy, the embryo is still very fragile to put up with this state of affairs - it simply stops developing. There are also problems that ideally need to be detected before the intended conception: dysfunction and polycystic ovaries, thyroid abnormalities, diseases of the endocrine system.
  2. Natural hostility of the immune system. The mother's body perceives the fertilized egg as a foreign object, because half of it consists of the father's genetic material. The reaction to such an invasion is the formation of special antibodies in the body, which can behave very aggressively towards the embryo. In other words, the immune system destroys the fetus.
  3. The cause of a frozen pregnancy at an early stage can be the so-called antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), which arises on the basis of a genetic predisposition. On average, this diagnosis is confirmed in 4 - 6% of cases of embryo freezing. APS - disorders of autoimmune origin, as a result of which a large number of antibodies are formed that are hostile to blood plasma phospholipids. Against the background of this phenomenon, blood clots form in the veins of the lower extremities, kidneys and liver in the female body, which makes the prognosis of the development of the embryo unfavorable. When the APS is detected after pregnancy, the woman needs to be under constant supervision in the hospital. Pathology can complicate not only the course of childbirth, but also postpartum rehabilitation.
  4. Infectious diseases. Infections such as cytomegalovirus, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, and ureaplasmosis pose a huge danger to the life of the embryo. Before conception, the body copes with these diseases quite successfully, but when immunity is tested by pregnancy, the destructive effect of infections on the health of the mother and her unborn child increases several times. For example, cytomegalovirus in the first trimester of pregnancy is able to destroy the embryo, in later stages the infection leaves an imprint on the fetus in the form of various congenital defects (problems with the liver, spleen, jaundice). Influenza, gonorrhea, pyelonephritis, syphilis - the list of diseases that are peculiar antonyms of a healthy pregnancy, unfortunately, is very long.
  5. Chromosomal "wars". This factor is perhaps the only one that is considered the absolute cause of a frozen pregnancy. Anomalies in the development of the zygote, embryo, fetus, pathology in the structural development of the placenta are a direct result of genetic damage inherited from mom or dad. An abnormal combination of genes from both parents can also be potentially fatal for the fetus. If it is diagnosed that the misfortune happened precisely for this reason, the couple must undergo a genetic test, planning to become parents a second time. Unfortunately, a dangerous combination of genes cannot be prevented, but it is quite possible to assume a vulnerability in the chromosome chain. In this case, this area can be replaced with donor material instead of the data given by mom or dad.
  6. Rubella. A dangerous disease that can cause not only severe pathologies in the development of an unborn child, but also its death. When a mother is infected with rubella in early pregnancy, a wide area of ​​harmful action opens up for the disease. Due to the fact that the first trimester is fundamental in the formation of an embryo, in 10 - 45% of cases of infection of a woman, a spontaneous miscarriage occurs, and if the baby still managed to survive, in 10 - 25% of cases he dies in the first year of life due to developing in the womb of vices.
  7. The impact of environmental factors on the state of the embryo is also of great importance. So, a long stay on an airplane, a change in climate, lifting a heavy object, excessive insolation (sunbathing) or going to a solarium can affect the course of pregnancy in the most deplorable way.
  8. Constant stress and uncontrolled by the doctor taking sedatives and antidepressants.
  9. Alcohol, smoking, drugs.
  10. Unexplained reasons. As already noted, the phenomenon of the sudden disappearance of all signs of the life of the embryo is not fully understood, so sometimes doctors can only shrug their shoulders. It is just right to recall the superstition that claims that the baby was simply not destined to be born.

Frozen pregnancy: why the fetus dies

Only 10% of deaths of a baby in the womb are directly related to diseases of a woman, for example, diseases of an infectious origin. However, chronic infectious conditions of a pregnant woman become the reasons for the development of phenopathies - intrauterine fetal death under the influence of other factors. All kinds of heart defects are a prime example of this process. The fetus's susceptibility to various potentially fatal situations is, of course, lower than that of the embryo. However, during the period of gestation, there are critical time points when life inside the mother is extremely vulnerable:

  • 7 - 12 days after conception - embryo implantation;
  • 3 - 8 weeks of pregnancy - embryogenesis;
  • 8 - 12 weeks - the formation of the placenta;
  • 20 - 24 weeks - the laying of the most important systems in the baby's body.

And here is a list of specific reasons for fetal freezing:

  1. Hypertension.
  2. Severe anemia.
  3. Endocrine diseases.
  4. Late toxicosis with complications.
  5. Abnormal development of the placenta (detachment ahead of schedule, fetal presentation).
  6. Umbilical cord pathologies (knot, entanglement).
  7. Polyhydramnios or low water.
  8. Conflict between mother and child over the Rh factor.
  9. Severe poisoning of a woman (for example, carbon monoxide or mercury).
  10. Improper medication intake.
  11. Acute or chronic oxygen starvation of the fetus.
  12. Vitamin deficiency or hypovitaminosis.
  13. Mechanical injury.
  14. Poor socio-economic living conditions of a pregnant woman.
  15. Deformities and pathologies in the development of the fetus, incompatible with life.

Fading pregnancy: how to detect fetal fading in time

The development of a child without deviations in each trimester of pregnancy is determined by many obvious and hidden factors, among which an important role is assigned to a healthy genetic base, the regular intake of nutrients into the body, infectious diseases that the mother has, the correct daily regimen and diet.

It is unlikely that a woman will be able to understand for sure that something is wrong with the baby, and it is impossible to draw premature conclusions about his condition. Meanwhile, for a gynecologist, it is not particularly difficult to identify the absence of fetal growth, since the symptomatic picture of this case is quite accurate. In addition, the specialist receives reliable data thanks to the results of analyzes and ultrasound, assesses the general course of pregnancy from the moment of conception.

From this it follows that expectant mothers need to come for routine examinations and listen to all the doctor's recommendations, then the risk of looking at the signs of a frozen pregnancy becomes minimal.

Symptoms of a frozen pregnancy

Signs of fetal fading should be known to every woman - so she will immediately pay attention to suspicious signals from her body and promptly inform a competent specialist about them.

Signs of a frozen pregnancy in the first trimester

Carefully and sensitively monitor your feelings for a pregnant woman at the very beginning of an "interesting" situation - it is during this period that symptoms of an early frozen pregnancy may appear.

After the expectant mother was tormented by toxicosis, she may feel that the discomfort associated with it suddenly disappeared: nausea and heightened sensitivity to smells are replaced by a healthy appetite, breast engorgement stops, the basal body temperature decreases, whims disappear (strawberries in the middle of a February night I don't want to anymore, etc.)

Attention! In no case should you make yourself terrible diagnoses and panic! A reliable and final verdict can only be voiced by a doctor. The complex of "suspicious" symptoms described above can also be observed during normal bearing of the fetus. This is due to the very vague symptoms of an early frozen pregnancy. One way or another, with a radical change in well-being for the better or worse, the pregnant woman should immediately visit her attending physician.

External manifestations of a frozen pregnancy in the second and third trimesters

The signs of a frozen pregnancy in the second trimester are more eloquent: the general condition of the expectant mother is sharply deteriorating, the body temperature is set at around 37.5 - 38 0 C, the woman is shivering. In addition, a pulling pain begins to torment her, which covers the lower back and lower abdomen, and bloody stains appear on her underwear. The chest loses its full shape and becomes less elastic. The abdomen visually decreases in volume and becomes "stone", and the child stops moving. Unfortunately, the first signs of a frozen pregnancy may appear only 5-7 days after the actual death of the fetus.

Sometimes the symptomatic picture of a frozen pregnancy does not appear at all, and nothing bothers the woman until the tissues begin to deteriorate. In some cases, the belly continues to grow while blood tests will confirm pregnancy. This phenomenon can be explained by the fact that it is not a child that grows, but an empty intrauterine membrane. True, the expectant mother should nevertheless pay attention to the fact that the baby, usually knocking with his feet, suddenly calmed down and became quiet.

Methods for diagnosing a frozen pregnancy

Freezing of the fetus is accompanied by the stabilization of the volume of the uterus and its inconsistency with the gestational age (the size of the uterus shows a period of 10-14 days less than the present). In the blood, the level of chorionic gonadotropin decreases sharply. A frozen pregnancy at any time is determined using the following procedures:

  1. Determination of the size of the uterus during examination - normally the volumes should be suitable for the actual period.
  2. An ultrasound scan allows you to determine whether there is an embryo in the membranes, whether the fetus has a heart beating.
  3. A blood test for hormones shows whether the female body produces specific "pregnant" hormones in the quantities that are needed for the normal development of the baby.

Frozen pregnancy: what happens to the fetus after death

Fading of pregnancy differs from miscarriage in that the dead fetus remains in the uterus for an indefinite number of days, months, or even years (isolated cases). This means that without medical intervention, the mother's body may not be able to cope with the rejection of dead tissue. In intrauterine storage conditions, a frozen child can undergo the following processes:

  1. Maceration. It happens 90% of the time. This moist aseptic transformation of dead tissue in the first days after the fetal freeze is aseptic, but after a while, an infection inevitably develops. The fruit becomes soft, shrivels, in some parts of its body tissues exfoliate in the form of bubbles, and the epidermis exfoliates. When the infection begins to develop, the fruit turns greenish.
  2. Mummification, as a result of which the fruit dries up. Often this process occurs when one of the children dies in a multiple pregnancy, when the umbilical cord wraps around his neck and blocks oxygen. The fruit is so dehydrated that it looks "papery".
  3. Petrification. In the tissues of the dead macerated fruit, calcium salts begin to be deposited. A dead clot of matter turns to stone. In medical terminology, there is a name for it - lithopedion. This formation can remain asymptomatic in the body for several years. Most often, petrification develops as a result of a frozen intrauterine pregnancy, which the woman does not know about.

The diagnosis of missed pregnancy was confirmed. What to do?

If there are signs of a frozen fetus, the victim is immediately hospitalized. A frozen pregnancy is diagnosed thanks to the PCG procedures, the child's ECG and ultrasound. The victim is examined using an amnioscope, which, on the first day after the extinction of a new life, shows meconium-stained amniotic fluid of a green hue. X-rays are rarely used. Obvious x-ray signs of a child's fading are the difference in its size from the norms of the current month of pregnancy, a fuzzy head contour, a drooping lower jaw, and curved back bones.

Treatment begins immediately: for medical reasons, the pregnancy is terminated. If you do not have an abortion on time or go to the hospital for help too late, the fetus will begin to decompose, which will lead to inflammation and severe intoxication of the woman's body. In the early stages, a missed pregnancy can end in an arbitrary miscarriage. Based on the gestational age, doctors may choose several options:

  1. Wait until the body rejects the fetus on its own. This is important with the natural development of pathology and a decrease in the amount of placental hormones in the blood.
  2. To provoke a miscarriage with special medications for a period not exceeding 8 weeks (for example, prescribe the patient to take progesterone antagonist drugs).
  3. To carry out an operation for surgical curettage of the uterine cavity, followed by a course of antibiotic therapy. 10-14 days after the abortion, an ultrasound scan is performed to assess the postoperative rehabilitation of the victim.

Treatment after a frozen pregnancy

Oddly enough, fetal freezing does not so much harm a woman's body as it negatively affects her consciousness and desire to have children in the future. However, you should not be afraid and put an end to yourself: the prognosis after getting rid of an uncomplicated frozen pregnancy is favorable.

Initially, parents must undergo a multifaceted examination to prevent the scenario already passed from repeating the next time they try to have a child. For this, the couple donates blood for the analysis of genital hormones and the study of thyroid hormones. During the examination, various chronic latent infections can be detected. Here is a list of the main procedures that spouses must undergo after an intrauterine pathology has occurred:

  1. Cytogenetic analysis.
  2. Histological examination of the tissues of the uterine cavity.
  3. Study of the bacterial flora.
  4. Collection of blood to detect possible latent infections, including mycoplasmosis, herpes, chlamydia and others.
  5. Collection of blood to study the level of hormones.
  6. Study of the features of the karyotype.
  7. Spermogram (for a man).
  8. Immunogram.

For each specific couple, the complex of studies can be reduced or supplemented by other procedures, which depends on the specifics of the pathology that caused the pregnancy to fade in the past.

The prescribed treatment is focused primarily on strengthening the general immunity of the woman and her partner. Particular attention is paid to the normalization of metabolic processes and the menstrual cycle in women. They also take into account that a collision with the phenomenon of a frozen pregnancy is a serious test for the psyche of a failed mother. Perhaps the most sure thing for a woman to do is to seek professional support from a psychologist who will correct her positive attitude and confidence in subsequent attempts to get pregnant.

To prevent the development of complications after a frozen pregnancy, responsible contraception, taking vitamins and a regular diet rich in nutrients are important. In fact, the body will come to its senses after what happened for quite a long time, the logical completion of this process will occur after the birth of a full-fledged strong toddler.

Scheduling offspring field of a frozen pregnancy. Video